The Wingham Times, 1894-05-04, Page 2• ' . . . . . • ..
THE BUDGET DEBATE. vein to me to be a very :lifEcult one to
A TE,m,ust(:
are so patriotie that we will eontinue
,yrove. to assume the 1) urdeue, in the intereets
Now, it appears that tinting the year of the manufacturers of the eaet(rn
atixaan. that lies rat:seta the hon. gentleman country. This is what the lion, mem-
. has pa. Ad to himself, and Ims come aer (Mr. Davin) said that George
to the House to givo lite, new expert: Brown bad said; but this is what the
MR. MACDONALD (Iiltren). .11.1 fbl• nee, that the e. tfeet of the Natioual papers say that he said :
10wingsthe eloquent gentleman from
Policy ie in a coutrary divection.
the North-west (Mr. Davin), I beg We sell two great staples, cattle and
i The hon. gentleman further proceed- wheat, in Liverpool. If wheat is low iti.
leave to draw tIrs attention of tais , price, then the only way Um farmer can be
•iiott§,9, some remarke that he has e(l• t° 88Y:
tillfiaither things it is difficult to helped is to enab:e idol to produce cheaply.
been pleased to make. Witen he when a farmer takes a bushel and P. • peek
raining ime Siugle article in the a surplus; and tW Ill ,DIt'DI 110 Ktrillt•04%61. j :1)1g.11 .Of on the conditions aro not vi;ry
eame here first he did not believe 'in 1,1;itiittert,t the
tlfi'atPl:Meft„.(!1 whem, to tow. and this boys oniv
tariff; he believed that every :week: :Iota a!irt.aur, and lets; t -s "I 't it, bow arc (
No one sintele tkentence was said to -day
) ) .•t"tbit
far ier of the North- by the representat 0 t 1( ...70).
Aild that if one was removed the °Des lilt the.
Must stand as a part of the whole. •
west produce a largq surplue of wheat? west country in reg rd to the burdens
whole fabric would fall. In 1890 be • 41' :reduced ebout in that respect at all. The hon.
Spoke- so strongli in regard to the ae nor •
•• wellsblang and prosperity of the
farmers up there, that he stated there
were no compla nts among them.
• He );aid they wer purchasing every- ,
thing at as low rates as on the other' ittrmer mu" be
side of the line. yhe hon. gentleman he 81111Prt' n PIM ; " ; 1 •I - - -
levy heavy duties tai them, and does 1 represents here, a
does not deny it, old no doubt he i went on :, •
not protect them n producing the
remembers it wel . He stated in his
whoztt. Is that th s .aritiol which a 1 ren the farmer h
speech that at a meeting where a
representative o ' the North-west yitieoantstoabrieinigilbtavekr a, „ a ofif. , t ie con -
large number•of Valuers were pres- , jetenuAte7
ehou.1.1 take .in dis ssine• a question I where coal wee eaed trin
some of the fat triers of Regina, tm havoig epecial re isrenee to the coun- i and W or f,.10 here, the ' con:litions areluoi
:exit fecnn Dakoae consulting with
try from which 11 comes? Put the gml
• ,comparing prieesa it wis dt•cland
hon. geutleman td us how he could 1 Here was a •strong Conservative, wile
that the aueners f this country re- •rave expres..1 ling to support* and to say every
-mixed. those ar ides' at a cheaper p.1 o. t a • , 1 , and
twelve million buel
yet the hon. gentle
stand up as a ree
North-west and
as last year; and gentleman was present at the meet -
nan 15 Willing to ing, he heard the expres.sion made
•eeentative of the 1150 of by Mr. Boewn before the Min -
of Finauce, t and •yet not one
leclare that thejister
protected, and vet I solitary protest canie from him to -day
. in favour of the vary people that he
• George Brown
to take a load of
think the hon. gentlelnan is not 111 statements the hon. geutleman refers description. Praia° my COO,
order when he made the .statement, to, if he alludes to me ? but I condemn the policy by 1 01 it
"knowing it to be false."
t Mr, McNeill. The hon. gentleman is governed.. I assert that the volley
Mr. Maeclonald (Huron). I made who- has just spoken is the hon.! we have had for the last sixteen
made no statement that you eau 00n- gentleman L refer to, and I say that I: years lute not been in the interests
same into iny saying that he lied. Call point out, in sPeeebes • made by of the blaming commenity ; 'but has •
: Mr. , Deputy Speaker. The bon. him, etatements in favour of comma- burdened the people by very heavy
, taxation, when it could not assist
We re told
gentleman has not got the rigbt to cial union.
' Mr. Mac 1 member for North Bruce (Mr. NeNe111)
, knows very well that I was speaking according to the hon. member '
maSat a false statement knowing it to Mr. Macdonald (Huron). Mellon. ' them,
say that any member of the House i
1 . donald (Huron). He made !hero in. my place, not of halividuals for West Asshabola (Mr. Davin,)• in
- was false, and I will tell you party; and I challenge the hon.
• at, all, but of the policy of the Liberal tiny me particular. a .
that, being representative of the
be false.
what it was. Ile made the state- farmers, we have no right to find '
, a statement that he ought to know '
gentleman to read any line or expres- . fault vrith or deplore their condition. .
, party was contmerei I union. If he party endorsed contmercial union. If IS-)
*ion or speech wherein the Liberal ::ipposing I Said to the Controller of
did not know th - to be false, be .Customs that Ins property etas de-
ment, that the policiif. of the Liberal ,
. what he haate say. willing t- 1 • ing as well in business as he used to
minting, and that he was not do -
did not
• to have know it, because it is . he can do that -I an
e oem today,or : air -tie-alai ri I , • - . tiot ' do, and suppose he were to corroboto
side of the Hcaisetar in any part ef . statement 1 reftnve to. ate all that I mid, would. you 1)01eYe .
false. I will cballen 1 -1 .
, Some hon. memb rs. Order. tOC him ? You certainly would, and. you
I will challenge any nember on that
the country, to point out a in- : Mr McNeill I • 11. o ( 01.
. would believe him before you would
dividual, or to quote a lbw or a pare- !mr. kt i . ' if I contradicted him. And
graph wherein the Liberal party ex: :down ; but I have A riot to mt my- litgien I stand in this House and tell
pea au says I ean not, I will sit
, self riglit. I am reflying to al certain you the condition in which the farm-
mercial union. We • nive expressed : 'i's are, and when thesfarmem sub -
pressed themselves in favour of corn- '
of freer trade , stantiate and corroborate and reites
statement, and that statement onli,
es. That is a . :* rate nie- words. ---when, from their
'. Mr. Macdonald (Huron.)
Sir, the hon. Controller of Customs
Now, own position, knowing' their Own
N"I t 011 tO "I• interests and their own surrounding's,
they say that their condition is not
ther, but . the
' the other day. said that we had de -
what it should be, should not that be
sufficient to establish the accuracy -of
nw statements ? We can giv figures
sion to sound
rate than did fite farmers. south of
the lialowing ren
the line. The Wowing year the ,
bon. gentleman eame back again! 111. nen,. '1,i" ithe iol e'
with. a ditfereut inpreetion, not from! t...,,e,„,t (1.„.` ',;.tii,..thil,,,
tentieion, but filom force of eircum-!1' zip i-,' but the NV:
stances. The admen; WeCe Oppress- i give him. those artitd
ed, they were li lvny treed. they . farm at the lower p
were paying act ially more for the ! Is not that what t , . i,
the farmers. I could go on
!country have boeu, that the
articles they we:. pueelatsing than
on agneul 1..iral implements I still further to show that the 'men
were the farm rs south of the line, ,! tarifa who eupport the Government
gentle -
and the fitrme e ealitql a meeting, : i m IA ma( (. 1 ( 1 :from the North-weit do not give us
should. be taken o ,
and demanded that their respected ; much lower than It ist,that theAuty
, 1 11 I 1 1 1 . eal • 1 1 t an honeet, uprightaintellatent view of
iherai principles in possible word m Tayour of the Govern-
trk: a 'merit, but he was so constrained by
; the circumstances bet which he was
y way you CUM pro,m,
by levying duties on surromided, by the \ conditions of the
of which he produces country, of which it watt a citizen,
r to etotoot aim is to that he was force. to give public
8 he has to -use on the I ex
• pression of his isapprobation of
at S
that system whic bore so theavily
• • - • tr - • a • ld ett erl end ct o s , it uric a mos
p , . a cone ita u 0 •
give an account of himself. In regtual oire-litatt that net datieS for other . .
to these very articles upan which they goods that go into.' this North-west, to country. I know
and from practice
got mach cheaper priete than did the . feed tle poor peop e who have gone
• ti • • t ) 1 il 1 I : fw th at ,h. information that I
farmers south tsf tile line, the hon. i le 4. 111 ( 1( 11 S t 1St L.:.
farmers of that
rom observation,
experieuce and
-et from persons
farm property of th province of On -
gentleman had to acknowledge, be- Is am ( 4e au ucu i tcquamted there, ! -
u ' ) 11 lc :that at the present time they deem 1 Mr. Mc.Neill. h. You said any ;
; tario, exclusive a buildines,
(7, 1"1S 1V118011 Sat other stocks .decretise,
decreasina in vtdue for the same
for e a large meeting ef his constitu- ' does not consider itpy artich as coin-. t member of the H Ise.
1*$:32,000,000 and that in 1892 the because the return from the capital
cuts, that there were many iirticles ' ing '01 11111 the te me; -neces.saries of . themselves heavily but by this' ?Mr. Macdonald (Huron). Any
i value was (NU 5,000,000, a reduction invested is becoming so small that no
for which Cie farmees of Mimiteba ii -e,..
t with die ex eptien of wheat system of protectiou which bas con- , membei of the House, 88 bp(tlicing f°1:1.of only 21 per cant, "Now, ' saYs person will purchase at the high
were paying higher. than dal the ' and other food pr lucte. How could timed for so many, years. The hon.
1 the hon. aentlemana "there are the prices they woukl give when the
fat niers south. One article specially ; tlw hon. gentlem n go out on. the member for assinaboia (Mr. Davin)! the party.
Mr. McNeill. Ali. I
evidently has not inuch faith in the I
ourselves in favour
with the United. Sae
different thieg altoo
Controller of' Custom
that the Liberal par wanted to pin' cried the country, and that the pros-
perity existing in • the country was
our whole trade qut. Moo the hands
t Washington . known and seen of all men. He
of the Governmenwent on to prove that the country
050 control of our
prosperous, from fighres which to prove that the farmer's are not
aud that we woold
Said Sir Oliver Mowat had place t
e fairly treated' under the National
OW11 affairs. I eh. lenge him again, ; WaS
or I challenge any other man to show ; he
- before lath ; and, holding a report of Policy: I regretted the other day,
Bureau of Industries 111 Ids hand, he when speaking, that had not the
one line or one sei ence or one, ex -
said Inn going po prove by figures figures which would apply to Canada
pression, made by any Liberal mem-
party. which are not mine, but which 1111TO at the time. I submitted figures to
ber of this House speaking for the
liven placed thera by Sir Oliver show the conaition of the United
Mr. McNeill. to you say, :
Mowat awl his ifovernment, that States muter their protective system.
hon. gentlemen opposite lowe been I showed how the large capitalists of
; favour of comma' 'al union ?
; decrying the ,country." Then he the country were centralizing Mr Macdonald 'Huron) In favour
went: on to quote figures, and I wish selves exelneively in those states and •
them -
'of commercial union.
Mr. McNeill show you.
to show the House ,just how much sections were manufacturing indus-:
i Mr. Macdonald Iuront. 'hie hon.
the hon. gentlemme knows of the tries were carried on to the detriment
figures he undertraat ) quote. He of other sections of the country. We
member from Mute (Mr. 'McNeill) •
:might show wber some individuals.
I stated that in 1 8821 value of the are asked sometimes Wily farm lands
might have expre sect themselves. - are decreasing in value. They are
with whom I am
fignresoAr Olivsir Mowat, and yet
mentioned was binding twine, tuid Prairie in the nadal. je of: winter tvith-
Govermicent. He 3 asked them last Mr. Macdonald (Huron). Well i
is.re_ 1 these men have bean telling you time profits was That is quite
natural. Just consider the following
the hon. gentleman had to promise ; out coat or clothet . feud. indeed, ; to reduce tle)tfdlity on agricul- I now, do you su wise the party
• and time igain tht4 1-410 reduction hi statement. According to the. census
spensible for the. expressious made -
that he would not do as he did.. are at; necessary Its the foodyear
1 the yttlue of film lairds io this country
the year before, tvote aptainst free ;, table; netei thelet under the term • on coal oil and setteral other thino-s, I use of by any one ' individual in ' the
tuna impleinents, it on binder twine, of 1891 :
a 'country ? Suppo ,
binding twine, 11118. last year the hon. ; "neeessarliss of lif ' the hon. gentle -
and now he tells IS boldly, that ne I c
man does not inclide clothing:, boots 1 emservative par
gentieutan cam 0 this House .
and shoes, and othcr articles that are
and made an , eloqueut speech, '
as neceasary for the existence of man '
and eubmitted. •, a motion that
binding twine be 4 oacea on the free and his family as ie artiales coneum-
list, tle also movad that agricultural ed tis food. But .e hon. gentleman
implements be i laced on the free :stated, two yeara ago, how cheaply
list; also that coal ail be placed. on the
they got articles outthere, and I want
free list The ho4 gentleman then : to read the expre,ssions of his opinion
Made an excellent tspeeeh in regard ; at that time. Speaking on the bind -
he has delivered _Ns afternoon he .).111Y all, 1$1)1, 114
to coal oil, but der me the longspeech ; ing twine quest;on M this House on
recorded at page
never insli• a sfrie reference to,' 18112 of the •Hansard; he said :
that question. wklich lie nutde the! We 11AVe the it 11 brothz,i•s of tinse to-dav congaitulat ..,
snake:. ef a eeesirat- seeech hiet year. ,:'jel.-8 1„Ii.!0 l.11' gn141,.7nitn, ; member for Bruce (gr. 'McNeill) 41*000,000 acres.
t ..e etatais ot et :eta. eaeoant 1 DI LIC. .
tuf: nient for nil:411g. tife standmd of raw .
The gentillnap may think that ; Nei:ill-west. ls it4Nbe tatprosiied i,.ir me? sugar from No. * to No. 10 Dutch :ItecePt P li - . . say that the 2,000,0
hat re ce)le S
pease e he has ntelse !:peken, lint 1 ,, intimeaA that 12. t It y .a1.-:?, given MOM. SS Kander& to 003 1C1 in ftee, which he .
; Mr tfecdom : d k IIttron a Certain- to Irrought unflek
s issaaaa the lem ; ax'aa"F" atl:.-1. itta't it he.ailli; he e mica help. it. not -Irina to tae velt
says will effect a large eaymg to tie, i -• vr
has been from 16 -Jo 20 and even 25
O I charge thee
t' - ld that ; be settled among themselves.'"rhat The capital invested amount -
: - . • When I tell him. that in 1882 flier
te • • • e Cost of labour 'j "TO
, 'Cm 901.000 farmers in Oetarkaand Number of hands ,
beina napensilee 1 - ; A.mount of profit a er deduct -
1 per cent, and I leasee the matter to
y with • being in
bee got more than he anticipated.
It shows that he had no confidence in :favour of annex ,
partr 1 statement appeared very nice to yai e e' o(f) product
I prove that the Coneervative
I those who aid not know the facts, Cost of raw material
the men who goyern this country, I were in favour of ? it. I hope that,
when he asked firm for, certam re- 1 when the Comer,
duetions, and now says that . the , itteerai party wit
limited reductions he has received for any policy, th
are far beyond his anticipations. I the Libe
al party has accept -
y will find out first
he suppose that the 40,000 additional Atnonut of profit, p L., hand em -
that in 1b92 there 'were 2:11,000, daes Mg raw nutter 1....,, -5210,47 ,,07,0006
farmers addad nue ling to the value ‘. Plata'''. • -
am sometimes -g;reatIy astonished, ! ed that policy or tot. Therefore, the
of the film. lanta; o the P-' 81C( ? „E yeerage wages paid each han.41.. '472
will I my et the imprudence of people ' e
; ontroller of Customs' should know,
m again that. N t amount of lit, deducting
material atul ',ages per each % .
-I think that is tl •
ions assessors of band ,
were, in 1882, 1 011 eapital-3,1 pelt cent.
, and, in 1892,1.ft-est eake•the oliher side and contrast
toes • he mean to I the farmer's investment for the. year
)0 acres addition- 18112, taken from. the report of the
:ettlement. added Bureau of Industry, with the menu-
'. of' the land hi facturerra given a eve :
C011105 to me riew
mean, litae th'
.:.11( TS It 11 V. -
0111Y w°1•41 that l before he. made tale charge, that it
accordina to the va
express wilnt I ! was false. •.; b
tile provinets, there
hon. gentleman i
• Mr. Davies (P F I ) Will the hon. 1 9 000 000 (temple
ire the Govere- : • • , - •
have tat? very IY•ett
unikv 1
them t•
of Dakota. for bind
t have hcar.: (Nun -
heard in wy constit-
al:0;111a a,z, to the
a large 11-1.11;or
tt) ......- - _
tt, • 0.0.,ates teato, '670Z110, 1. 11.1‘40-t'i . I Will the 11011 . •
peeet. 11::,•".%; consumers. rWO years ago, when 1 892 ? Need I tell inn, eitber, that Capital .... 5970,07:4000
ho, "oder te areve tile (111',-.Ies, were redueed on, the member fl.r u.( 11± there were 1,750,000 acres more Value of products, a1l. the crops
rita to it L'eii Libipart
enl y C' xpretql the opinion m . .
. . that the exi .e.ssions of any
TAN e p:toca told or kilfed for sale, 110':';69.430
011e elvered hold in 1a: a then 1 1aaa t I a ev''rv khul- •
•‘,„ , .• caul a fie.- ssmeber of a p uty should Commit When 'we consider that it costs about
..„ „ • ir„ then that the s'..antlaril should be
-1 • ,t
(e)ith,es (.0 t is aim or to •
raiscil fo V., as was the ease in the 4 - ' • tr.) a; ilne 01- PolleY I s""....0.) an acre ti. elegy anc , we have,'
1 1 •
17. Pire090,' 00 adshal to the -value on : Vi . 32,,15-1,000
iv. nitol Statt.,1* and!that hon. gentle- Mr. .0:e2Z(.111..) What aid , the 11011. j
1111111 WIIS the wry *man wilt, splia, . gentleman ask , I did not hear him. Iliat (tetanal.; tind, :114. the land stathal.1 , i tse.
, • Cott ot so.eil '5 ' 050 040
Mr lims halal A 'Wm). t The lion
nu•in ts, .ittl entee Ldward Island uptAl 1)etW0(.11 the . ears 1882 anal C„ut of ft.e,iii..1„li - ' 1 '
against k tind ve ed agnnIst it, am! ; - .. . „ I ..' , . , • • _, ,•
1 81.12 ie woeth at :est a10 an nere, I 'lads ss. .:' a'ad -
31182' 110 eq.(11:1.- bac. , wen ai: toublery
feat I have no woids to expreee. aed • ( Mr. 1)41 1. atti,td : Ale you witling we have an additimid value of :,;;;20,- 1 killi.d tia41 EWklas-,Oottaio eriaeo,000
to accept as t eur piney anything Cs iti(art) on tluit acchunt ; and with- ;
; Net proceeds • 1144%4000
etre eottuting the iintroyements made ; .
retell -ern 1111(1, 111 tit(22 12 of datinage, ! Now, there' are 241,00; i farmholtiers
i in the comitry. Ilt would eequire the
reclaiming wet law e and in ninny
toter way,,,, ea. have, he toee; s;:ee., I labour of 11110ther i111411 011 811 11Vertig0
WO! JI)0 more value than in ' laao, i on catch farm, whitat naikee 482,(:00
Thereenee without taking this hal immis•
„fetus number of hands, gives the Rum
Divide the net proceed:: by
crease into account, the value
which is the amount made
farm lands ini Ontario to -day of .'218,
iwr 111111(1111111(1on. the Aim, while the at/2,11(0,000 lets, alai). it ought
tto atif' thve 1 a•
ndshe1)0(1'1)0(1' anaiinn- ii a'viei•ailge ware f. or f)erm labourers
- -
nte , Le (! 1\
.. t
t f:., the
.v.Tal aAtheview, 441ci,gth€:tr?North
(12ethPn eco. thiyc: 111
ytar o• eealaste• 1"eii:
, '•'.t.4':'.st„-
rteeI:..1..;i:n:1yif 114111 3e so wydid the ery come • tilat i-ta. l • thConeervative partybelevid 1eoin nitthe >;4il-wst lel prty may eny oil ow alaie plattorm ouIe V- • 1 • ' "te'tr-4 setsyertrate1;LO: rdetegretelate; tire
w giving Wilat t
' . .ptP:es.ia•rm.oi“ed'v1.1e : •.':,:.a. .... 4't -.„..•,4'-
, et7.:..,,., .,.
yo-4•e••gi,c.i. .
• yeLigivAvii Nrq1Xe('''IVejUtIV51;VIt.:")411i11.1 111Vother ,“al4,> 1>1111 to A mimexatioe
been1! 21. 1wthan int tverinuentin !,osercldeal Withanti 1 11111 Vey .;1:11 ile14V'bill."Ie"f'')ir"Itll-
nameml .., i•• ie.:1t, ;la 11 11 Why de he flee t•ii'l'llain'in.r- in sen./wantto(12,0taraeaure,w:e aiane1 11112 xationist 3) am Thaaalaaknael „eteiytem t.1 Tin1;verna thnwith tit ttetroler MN1-i1's
reniffemanopekmelswing ht21' '2> preesCe:411ilsnal I hopehWi11giveiiis thhonrt;111,1Ianin this try;that
ing :e1a1 171 1>C1e (tdfornTienlrol impli.mintsad atteutitinlieetni,.e 10is huh of thef10141-(ev:tile Aseociation of North
hon1reree,ynd (O1»l1 IuoeteBrucpitNid Mlillthin V) the efi,e,
1 .61N'3as easngtile (ow lament re 14 1) Itnigto thtrunkthat no per:on who wits an nnex-
11 i PT.: ' iii.tra duty1 that ellkMght 1 able 1, MrMuloAsort of mouldring'1±2"uts'''ula tmember of thatailedtheain tyhdwtstaiaayearThownerofthe
11,4.,y h?ftivIi7in the Nort westWhy 22 11., it brnhasseciatit 11
. 1i,,t2. To those I. filets 1 challenge 1 lalitinadhilripii(Intliinf;t.1(5)111t4f
Ili 11111181 t llitl'Irtt't113 i'lett`
:1,1'!:,‘!"...''' l'?..'...;1:-`....', `.,, t:,';',V1;,41.--. itiis that during: the eleetion in...Winnipeg : 3.1r. \[1((1011 41(1 ilIt(ron a II:: ie . air. I );I.Vie. (I', E. I. ; Are you eentradietion. >11 )t gong( quell who 1
IL eta, a 's.t. ' -r:' . ' - !'."44 -'Y a hirge proport n of the Libt•nti-t.:on- one itf flit. limbs itf the Government. : willing to ;In't and - that lie employed
it for your own party ehould have know:1 the atets,
......“ ri.-.1.1,.
t)!0& .11 comes back Government he taofore, •supported a night that I wan line Of ar• myna you try to apply
lents :' tat_ is the
Yet the hum. , servatives, who always supported the 'He made statenitiints here the other ,the
"' '. T1 ' •
ly. I wish not
them, bat I wish
well. He etarte:
with a statement
4 assist bon, while,
ehould, above all , others, have re- 1 the manufacturer nakes 024 pa :fit
a i on every hand et. ployed by him.
presented them t '4 the House lit
In the face of s elt a statement :la
reasonable and . proper way, sought I
that, how can it b agreed. that this
two sets of. figures, the one in 18821
to mislead the Howie by quoting the:
laational Polieyo. inaugurated so
and one in 1892. But, Sir, the Con -j many yeare tagte 18 in this interests
of the farmer. Ittt I am going to
troller of Customs also went on to
tar the farmer); ?pens:elves into the
show that the farmer:4 were very;
prosperous. I am not here to decry ' witness -box, for it a is sometimes •said
the, farmers of my country. I am at iti,lat ahhtielalls Ini,arepresent matters.
1 here at a society n the west called
Canadian; all :the interests I have;
said, Canada toi me is that and last.
are in Canada ; pand,
128 I ha" ()feen1 11111410.g(ehiaal'Olgpe0117.8i101.V1I.110fhtlelenifbiti;tillei(e rits .N. ea"'
those, of every other country.
I put the intereats of Canada above 1 late years the farmers have fallen
tams of a sinilletr •character
Speak- , u.ito the Patrons mai other associa-
mot five million teople hi any other 1
ing of my eon try, I say there are j
ft?oNivt 11\vaesekliseldagitot
a!, tr,r( (tar,: Foci r 8 e' 0.anosiilliigi!
the party, theu the .same energy, npusitpy nue intern. of delegates fron the 'various Grange.
.eoentry in the ws 1 1 who -.'ss
hi •. ifferent itart) of the
wa. W.10 possess the
hemselves. '' .
ien can settle -the . ere ec as do. Cal Ohms. And there.'
May I inquire what grr t storehouse. of wealth Of every
II's' 0 country iv wit possesses :etch ' count**. Mal an axecutive committee
I - '
•coerrteitian ox Ilan PAM.%
this ,1+eltr ;Intl hodas up the 1111Nationola:elate oppa sl to the (,o', ti
Polley as a pnisacea for all the ills t,:t . to wed him he... as a protest ? Be-
ale people of this eountry, althongn cause the he; vy taxes levied Upon
last year he ranted thee he coniti not the gamds that they conatune, made
see that the National Polley ever did 1
Nem so eXpenr•
any good to the people. ef the North-. 'isk the hon
ve to them. I 'would
1,Mr. Davin i Mr. Davin. 41•1% .1/9111(, taj
west from ^eauch tie came. . to listen to Vila one of the Regina Mr. Maximal( Moron). I ton in ;member of' the
All hon. Mather. How did he. deputation eah last summer to the perfect order. I• know he knew it to favour of coin
Vote last year? Minister of Fit inee, when lot visited be false. •
to contradict bold- to
nly to emtradiet quesYt(11111111r- "P
to disprove there as Mr. McNeill. My hon. friend is
out in bassi:m(1i ,uot at all fair. The hon. gentleman
false. thich he knew te be : who has the our cballenged any
, member on thi side of the Honee to
tement Made by any
louse on his side in
wrcial 11111011, and I
t out such statements
_ i1, mid I could poi
i to
Mr. alacdonad (Huron). lie spoke . that city. It is the very gentleman Mr. Davin. mr. apeaker, is it n , tic ' may not ?have intended it, but
all right last year, hat voted all' whose name t14 hon. :member men- order to say that .an lam, member ' that is what 144 mid, If my hon.
vrrtmg. The hon. gentleman made ,theled, Mr. Ge i't' Brown, a man, knew a thingtot, false ? 'friend from Pr ice Edward Island
his t-peeelt from the Liberal stand- whom he said adstated inapatriotie air. Macdonald: Hin•on). Ile knew (Mr. Davies) •d( ires to repudiate the
poltit, but he wonia not for :moment Inanner the . allowing:- We know, it to be Wee, becapse he errata not statementsinadF by the twit. gentle -
vote against his party, and when the twe are a part af the great Dominion, help knOwing it td be false.. man sitting ne to him, and if he
'Alan -eanw up he voted with it. ' we know we ir .18± 1)0 Abject to tax- Some hon.-Menibers. Order. desires to say la' It they dollOt repre-
hon. gentlemau further went on . ation inorder t Aned the expenditure . Mr. Deputy Speaker. The hon. sent the views (
la .V: . meessary to tarry on the affairs ofgentleman knows very well that he two bon. gentl
et tact ata pateetoterk that on can -
.the country, :and, although we . cannot impute any motive.; to a mon- matter betwt•en
toot ONII rumor is &proposition that would . have to pay total on Hasa! •things, we • ber of the Home in that mintier. 1 Mr. Charlton..
14 -As.
'was oraered to submit this petition
141101 1 hokl, in My band to the Gov-
ernment. I will read the first parae
geaph itt evidelt they describe their
own condition;
That Mean years experience of a pro-
tective trade poliay had •shown no improve -
21100± in the condition of the farmer,
Prices on nearly all hinds of farm products
have shrunk. Farms have declined in
vaThe until many are unsaleable and an
emu -mous mortgage debt has been rolled uv
upon dim, in many oases ifeyond redemp•
'ta"To.s.e are the. words of the farmerk
themselves, who ought to know their
• own condition, whose delegates mach
a study of the subject and met a
Toronto tit talk this matter over, an(
-who ' gave instructions to a specie
committee to put the facts togethe
• and petition the Governmentamprest
ing upon it the coudition of the age
cultural community and asking fo
'Teller. Will anyone, after that, sa
'that I tun decrying the condition c
the farmers, adienwe hear their 'ow
voices calling for relief, informin
the world that their property ho
ahnost become, unsaleable, that the
are, burdened. with taxation an
cannot meet their obligations, fin
they have, to borrow money on thei
chattels in order 'to • try and mak
both ends meet. There is anotly
point. The bou. gentleman too
very strange _methods to prove V-
proaperity of the farming a:111111unit;
One was the statement that the ra
of interest was reduced. Did ta
ever, Sir, hear of low interest durir
good thries ? I pause for a repl
. Look -over for the past twenty -ft
or thirty years in the history of Ca
• ado, and point out the most prospc
pu11 times, when all classes we
prosperous. Was money low the'
It was high ? Why? Because t
avenues of trade -and commerce, nc
depressed., were opened up. Eve
man who had a few dollars to hitt
or loan could obtain a high inters
because the . borrowers could ma
reasonable profits. When the tin
bedorne hard, however, the.. 311011.(
invested were drawn in, and dope
ed in the . banks, and the rate
ioterest fell. To prove the soundn
of the principle I have enunciatee
will qnote the Finance Minister
said. that when the Government
deiced the rate of interest in
Government savings banks, a la
number of people took out al:
,money, a few years ago, been
they -could make more out of it f
the rate allowed by the Govermn
and more than they can make n
Those funds,which they thus inves
are nove being withdrawn and dep;
ecl again in the Government savi
banks at aa per cent interest,
cause sources of investment
closing in other avenues of tr
You know, She the history of pia
tion. It never was adopted v
the people werere eionably prosper:
but -always in a period of finai
depression. Look at the UT
States. 1111862, during the
war Which disturbed the condi
of the tountry, protection came
the back door to offer. its assist
to provide. money to meet the ex,
eies of war. But, everybody
willing to accept' .• protection,
To -day, it ma•y belasked : WI
they continue protection? 1±18 c
by far to introduce proteetion
to get rid of:it. When .the n
facturers la that country found
could make money out of the p
tive system, they grasped the I:
States by the throat and prey
the people. repealing these high, e
DO you suppose Lo -day that the]
are to have their way throug
Wilson Bill? Had the -peoph
.nuttals been listened to 'there •
have been great reductions.
years ago the people prow=
favour of such a policy. lave
we find. that the Wilson: Bill ii
• almost wholly a fizzle, becata
.1 manufacturers- have taken the
sentatives by the throat, -an
means of the powerftd influent
wield through the capital the
accumulate(1 under the pre
system, they have induced a TI
of the representatives and Sr
to prevent the passing of uei
as the people demanded. Pre
eonfere Upon the manufactlirm
privileges. It coneeetrates eat
the hands of a feta, and the:
will spend their capital like
Oridet te piac itt the leg
membere who lain carry •ou
behests. ,at was said yesterci
Speaker, that not one shigki
kat WM tblind With this ret