The Huron Expositor, 1975-10-23, Page 13'SATURDAY 7:30 House of Frightenstein 8:30 Junior Talent Hour 9:30 Flintstone Comedy Hour 10:30 Goober and the Ghost Chasets • • The Jetsons Cartoon Corner...,..,— Woanders of the Wild Stampede Wrestling CFL (Ham at Toro.) Sportsweek Bugs Bunny Welcome Back Kotter Supper Show" Celebration ' Hnekey Night in Canada Ceilidh The. National News Best of Groucho Movie SUNDAY 7:30 'French: Bidule De Tara- macdam 8:00 French: La Vie Qui Bat 8:30 Circle Square 9:00 Nuts & Bolts 9:30 The Church Today 10:00 CrossrOads 10:30 Cathedral of Tomorrow 11:30 It is Written 12:00 Peoples Church 1:30 Focus 1:3) Family Finder 2:00 Reach for the Top 00 ft:30 12:30 1:00 2:00 4;30 5:00 5:30 6:00 7:30' 8:00 10:30 likoo 11:20 11:45 12:15, Ethel of Night 1City Tights Celebrity Cooks Take Thirty Coming Up Rosie' Partridge. Family I Love Lucy FYI Bob Newhart Show Phyllis Rhoda ' Front Page Challenge All In The Family Chico and The Man Newsmagazine Man Alive The National PM Beretta Alfred Hitchcock Presents TUESDAY Ontario Schools Friendly Giant Mon Ami Ontario Schools Canadian Schools Mr. Dressup Sesame Street Cartoons News At Noon Afternoon Movie Shirley Taylor Edge of Night City Lights Celebrity Cooks Take Thirty Electric Company Partridge Family I Love Lucy FYI Tony Orlando and Dawn Happy Days This Is The Law The Fifth Estate Doctor's Hospital The National PM S.W.A.T. Alfred Hitchcock Presents WEDNESDAY Ontario Schools Friendly Giant Mon Ami Ontario Schools Mrs. Dressup Sesame Street Cartoons News at Noon Afternoon Movie Edge of Night City Lights Celbrity Cooks 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:20 11:45 12:45 f3`:00 8:45 9:00 9:15 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 12:30 12:45 2:15 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 7:00 8:00 8:30 9:00 10:00 11:00 11:20 11:45 12:45 • 8:00 8:45 9:00 9:15 10:30 11:00 12:00 12:30 12:45 2:30 3:00 3:30 MOVIES SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 11:40 "The Alamo"- John Wayne, Richard Widmark SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 12:40 Monty Python's Flying Circus MONDAY, OCTOBER 27 12:45 "Prescription Murder" Gene Barry, Peter Falk 11:45 "The Copelli Oath" 12:45 Alfred Hitchcock Presents: "Arthur" TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28 12:45 "QUarantined" - Gary Collins, Susan Howard., 12:45 alfred Hitchcock presents "The Kind Waitress" WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29 12:45 "Wings of Fire" - Suzanne Pleshette,Lloyd Nolan. 12:45 Alfred Hitchcock presents "The Right Price" THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 12:45 "Wpmen In Chains" - Ida Lupin, Lois Nettleton. 12:45 Alfred Hitchcock presents "Appointment AT Eleven" FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 12:45 "Winchester '73" - Tom Tryon, Dan Dury ea. 11:45 "The Birds" - Rod Taylor, Suzanne Pleshette Local people in March of Dimes 12:00 12:30 12:45 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 8:30 Western OntarioWeekend 10:00 Starlight Theatre 11:00 11:20 MONDAY 11:45 8:00 Oittario Schools 8:45 Friendly Giant 9:00 Mon Ami 9:15 Ontario Schmid 0:30 Mr. Dressup ir1 :00 Sesame Street 12:00 Cartoon Corner 12:30 Noon Report 12:45 Matinee 2:30 Edge of Night 3:00 Take Thirty . 3:30 Celebrity Cooks 4:00 Forest Ranger 4:30 Commit Up Rosie 5:00 Phil Silver 5:30 Ritrtridge Family * 6:00 John Strong Report 6:30 Truth or Consequences 7:00 Lit)le House on the Prairie 8:00 Rhoda 8:30 Front Page Challenge 9:00 All -in the Family 9:30 Chico and the Man 10:00 News Magazine 10:30 10:30 Man Alive . 11:00 ‘11.:00 The National 11:20 Cartoonorner Noon Report Matinee Edge of Night Take- Thirty Celebrity Cooks Forest Rangers Comin up Rosie Phil Silvers Partridge Family John Strong Report Truth or Cosequences Hee Haw Nature of _Things Musicamera Upstairs/Downstairs The National Western Ontario Tonight Mery Griffin THURSDAY Ontario Schools Friendly Giant Mon Ami Ontario Schools Mr. Dressup Sesame Street Cartoon Corner Noon Report Matinee Edge of Night Take Thirty Celebrity Cooks Forest Rangers Vision On Phil Silvers Partridge- Family John Strong Report Truth or Consequences Lawrence Welk Carol, Burnett Thursday Night at the Movies Barney Miller The National Western Ontario Tonight 2:30 '3:30 4:00, 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 7:00 7:30 8:00 9:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:20 11:45 Under Attack Gardening with Gwen Country Canada Hymnsing Black Beauty Singtime • Disney Beachcombers Irish Rovers Waltons October Crisis Marketplace Ombudsman The National 8:00 8:45 9:00 9:15 10:30 11:00 12:00 12:30 12:45 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 9:00 Make time for teens new CAS theme Foster parents who had given from five to 15 years of service to the Huron County Children's Aid Society were honored Thursday evening at the annual banquet in Clinton. Those who received recognition for their assistance in service were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Krueger, R.R.2, Crediton, 15 years; Mr. and Mts. Hartley Watson, Kincardine, 10 years; Mrs. Mary Campbell, Bluevale, 10 years; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard O'Rourke, R.R.4, Seaforth, 10 years; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Westlake, R.R.3, Bayfield, 10 years; Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Kuepfer, R.R.2, Bluevale,. five yeats; Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Roth, R.R.3, Kippen, five years; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce T yndall, R.R.3, Clinton, five years; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Schell, Huron Park, five years; Mrs. Alice Koehler, Huron Park, five years; Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Bauer, Sunset Beach, five years; Mr. and Mrs.EarlBensette, R.R.1, Brucefield, five years; and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Foster, R.R.3, Clinton, five years. The Director of Children's' Aid Society in Huron, Bruce Heath, also drew attention to Mr. and Mrs. Garth Hamilton of Goderich who have been operating the county's: receiving home for the past three years. As well, Mrs. Hamilton co-ordinates, the Society's volunteer drivers and staffs the answering service at nights and on the yyeekends. In his brief ad8ress to the gathering, Mr. Heath expressed grave concern for a statistic which reveals that one in every four Canadian marriages is "on the rocks and on the way to the divorce courts". 'Mr. Heath indicated this results in new problems for CAS and said that problems are also arising from homes where the parents are attempting to "stick it out" because of the children. One in every five single parent families is now headed by the father. Of 158 children in the care of CAS from January, to September, 78 were teenagers. At the end of September, there were 86 children in, care with 49 - or just slightly under 60 per cent of this number - being teenagers. "We can only anticipate this trend will continue," Mr. Heath went on. He admitted the board and the CAS workers felt deep concern for this problem. "There aretfew pat solutions," Mr. Heath said. "The answer is not found in a simple index in a community or a book." It costs slightly under $10 a day for a child to be.. .in care in Huron County. The director described this as a "very cheap bargain" when one considers this is a total package involving administration, social workers, room and board, clothing and medical care. He offered the highest praise to the county's foster parents, and said that slightly over two-thirds of them are now giving five years or more of service to the CAS here. As an extra measure of concern, however, Mr. Heath said there was a "dwindling number of homes" available for the teenagers taken into care: He spoke of the county's group home operated by Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brown \ of Middlesex County where eight teenagers from 14 to 16 years of age are presently in care. He also spoke about an independence h ome project for teenage girls which is presently under consideration for Huron thich should help to alleviate some of the need for homes. But place markers at each plate told the story. They said, "Make time for the teens. We do." The telephone number to call is 524-7356. BUY NEW CANADA SAVINGS BONDS New Canada Savings Bonds — one of the best things you can do with your money. They offer you a great combination of security, income and flexibility. They're secure, because Canada Savings Bonds' are backed by all the resources of Canada, They pay good income, an average annual interest to maturity in 1984 of 9.38%. Each $100 bond begins with $8.75 interest the first year and then pays $9.50 interest for each of the remaining 8 years. They're flexible, because you can buy Canada Savings Bonds in amounts from $50 to $25,000 for cash or on instalments. And they're cashable anytime, at their full face value plus earned interest. Join the millions of Canadians who have taken advantage of the security, income and flexibility offered by Canada Savings .Bonds. • They're on sale now, wherever you bank or invest. Buy your new Canada Savings Bonds today. Lower Interest bates NOW AVAILABLE ON 1st and 2nd Mortgages anywhere in Ontario on RESIDENTIAL — INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL and FARM PROPERTIES Interim financing on new construction or land development REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA PHONE AREA CODE 519-744-6535 COLLECT SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS & CONSULTANTS LTD. Head Office: 56 Weber Street, East, Kitchener, Ontario WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH Maternity Wear AT THE SEPARATE SHOPPE CLINTON CLOSED WEDNESDAYS average annual interest to maturity Security •Inc me•Flexibility The Great mbination MATT-SIDE ORCHARDS . BRUSSELS Pick your own Spy or Delicious this weekend and all next week. Apples picked to choose from are- Macs, Delicious, Cortland, St. Lawrence, Wolf River, Slows and T . Sweets. 75' lb. bags, Shelburne #1 Potatoes. Honey, Grapes, Cider,. Fresh Apple Butter, and other items. Wanted. - Used 6 qt. baskets and clean glass jars. Open 7 days a week, Phone 887.6883 • CFPL 5;00 4:30 5:30 I Love Lucy Partridge Family ctrnin8 11P Aesie 6:00 FYI Little House on the Prairie 7:00 13:00 Nature pf Things Miisicamera 8:30 10:00 Upstairs, Downstairs 11:00 The National 11:20 PM 11;45 Cannon 12:45 Alfred Hitchcock Presents THURSDAY 8:00 Ontario Schools 8:45 Friendly Giant 9:00 Mon Ami 9:15 Ontario Schools 10:30 Mrs.. Dressup 11:00 Sesame Street 12:00 Cartoons 12:30 News At. Noon 12:45 Afternoon Movie 2:15 Shirley Taylor 2:30 Edge of Night 3:00 City Lights 3:30 Celebrity Cooks 4:00 Take 30 4:30 Vision On 5:00 Partridge Family 5:30 I Love Lucy 6:00 FYI 7:00 Barney Miller 7:30 On The Rocks 8:00 Carol Burnett Show 9:00 Police Story 10:00 Rockford Files 11:00 The National 11:20 PM 11:45 Police Woman 12:45 Alfred Hitchcock Presents FRIDAY 8:00 Ontario Schools 8:45 Friendly Giant 9:00 Mon Ami 9:15 Ontario Schools 10:00 Canadian Shools 10:30 Mr. Dressup 11:00 Sesame Street 12:00 Cartoons 12:30 News at Noon 12:45 Afternoon Movie 2:30 Edge of Night 3:00 City Lights 3:30 Celbrity Cooks 4:00 Take Thirty 4:30 Coming Up Rosie 5:00 Partridge Family 5:30 I Love Lucy 6:00 FYI 7:00 Medical Centre 8:00 Mary Tyler Moore Show 8:30 M.A.S.H. 0:00 Tommy Hunter Show 11:45 Mery Griffin FRIDAY 8:00 Ontario Schools 8:45 Friendly Giant 9:00 Mon Ami 9:15 Ontario Schools 10:00 Canadian Schools 10:30 Mr. Diesstip 11:00 Sesaine Street 12:00 Cartoon Corner 12:30 Noon Report 12:45 Matinee 2:15 Howie Meeker , 2:30 Edge of Night 3:00 Take Thirty 3:30 Celebrity Cooks 4:00 Forest Rangers 4:30 Comin up Rosie 5:00 Phil Silvers 5:30 Partridge Family 6:00 John Strong Report 6:30 Truth or Consequences 7:00 Space 1999 8:00 Mary= Tyler Moore 8:30 MASH , 9:00 Tommy Hunter 10:00 Police Story Vanastra 11:00 The National 11:20 Western Ontario Tonight elects 11:45 Mery Griffin 1:15 Starlight Theatre Elections for the 1975-76 CKNX WINGHAM executive , for the Vanastra Community Association were SATURDAY', OCTOBER 25 held Monday, October 6. 12:15 "Talent for Loving" - Results are: President - Ben Richard ' Wydmark, Bridges; Vice President - Art Caesar Romero. Forler; Secretary-Treasurer - Pat SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 Bridges; Directors: Barry Black, 11:45 "The Story of Ruth" - Vic Evans, Merle Thomas , Gil Stuart Whitman, Tom Laurin. Wilf Schneider, Bob Tryon - • Argyle, Ruth Gates; Youth MONDAY, OCTOBER 27 Directors Jason Livingston, Tom "Steve Garland. Karl Boersma and 12:45 "Born Wild" lardini, Patty Burt .Winfield acted as scrutineers. McCormick. 11:45 Mery Griffin TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28 12:45 "Harem Girl" - Joan DAvis, Peggy Castle. 11:45 Mery Griffin WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29 12:45 "Garry on Cowboy" - Sidney James, Kenneth Williams. 11:45 Mery Griffin THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 12:45 "Pick On 101" - Jack Albertson, Lesley Warren. 9:00 "The Bait" Donna Mills, Michael Contantine. 11:4$ Mery Griffin FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 12:45 "Convict Stage" - Harry Lauder, Donald Berry. 11:45 Mery Griffin SEAFORTH JEWELLERS for DIAMONDS WATCIIFS .IFWELLFRY, FINE:CHINA l'OR I VERY OCCASION AlI "T'N ws of Itepairs 521,-0210 i.o•it • ...44 itetio oqi: SATURDAY 8:00 Spiderman 8:30 Goober and the Ghost- chasers 9:00 Plintstones Comedy Hour 10:00 Archie 10:30 The Jetsons 11:00 Josie and The' Pussycats 411.30 The Brady Kids 12:00 Cartoons 12:15 Howie Meeker's Hockey School, 12:30 Reach For the Top 1:00 Celebrations 1:30 Greening U' 2:00 CFL Football 4:30 Canadian Sports Report 5:00 Pan-Am Games 6:00 FYI A 6:30 Space 1999 7:30 Man About the House 8:00 • Hockey Night In Canada 10:30 Ceilidh The National Movie For Tonight SUNDAY 8:00 Picotine 8:30 Monde en Liberte 9:00 Family Finder 9:30 Crossroads /0:00 Thackers World 10:30 Salty 11:00 Junior Talent Hour 12:00 Cartoons 12:30 Greening up 1:00. 'goy Jewell Farm Show 1:30 Country Canada 2:00 King of Kensington 2:30 Some Of My Best Friends 3:00 Inquiry 4:00 Hymn Sine 5:00 Black Beauty 5:30 Wonderful World of Dis- 4 ney 6:30 Doc 7:00 The Waltons 8:00 The Irish Rovers 8:30 The October Crisis 11:00 The National 11:15 Nation's Business 11:15 PM 11:40 Pan-Am Games ,}2:40 Monty Python's Flying Circus MONDAY' 8:00 Ontario Schools 8:45 Friendly Giant 9:00 Mon Ami 9:15 Ontario Schools 10:30 Mr. Dressup 11:00 Sesame Street 12:00 Cartoons 12:30 News at Noon 1 ,1.4C • ••••••••••••••ckNx1.,v 11:20 Western Ontario Tonight 11:45 Mery Griffin TUESDAY 8:00 Ontario Schools 8:45 Friendly Giant 9:00 Mon Ami 9:15 Ontario Schools 10:00 Canadian Schools 10:30 Mr. Dressup 11:00 Sesame Street 12:00 Cartoon Corner 12:30 Noon Report 12:45 Matinee 2:30 Edge of Night 3:00 Tale Thirty 3:30 Celebrity Cooks 4:00 Forest Rangers 4:30 Electric Company 5:00 Phil Silvers 5:30 Partridge Family 6:00 John Strong Report 6:30 Truth or Consequences 7:00 Phyllis 8:00 Happy Days 8:30 This is the Law '9:00 Prime Time 10:00 Doctors Hosiptal 11:00 The National 11:20 Western Ontario Tonight 11:45 Mery Griffin WEDNESDAY 8:00 Ontario Schools ) 8:45 Friendly Giant 9:00 Mon Anti- 9:15 Ontario Schools 10:30 Mr. Dressup 11:00 Sesame Street listings • • • • • it "To provide innovative and imaginative programmes which help the disabled to help them- selves in Wayi which no one else is prepared or equipped to do", is the primary purpose of the Ontario March of Dimes. Thomas H. Birchall, President told a recent meeting of campaign dele- gates in Kitchener. More than 140 delegates from seven counties attended the din- ne r meeting. The Ontario March of Dimes is in its 25th year of service to the Provie's handicapped adults. The marching Mothers begin their 1976 'March' on January 15th, their campaign target is $64,900. Among area representa- ' tives. attending were: Mrs. Alex Miller, R.R. 2, Staffa, from Hibbert Twp. Mrs. Fred Law- rence, R.R. 5, Mitchell, and Mrs. Earl Benneweis, R.R. 1, Born- holm, from Logan Twp. Mrs. John Manning, Box 161, Blyth, and Mrs. Brenda Brooks, Box -215, Blyth, from Blyth. Mrs. K. Clynick, Box 672, Clinton, and Sarah Hale Chapter, IODE from Clinton, and Mrs. Sharon Hoff- --man, from 1-lensall. Mrs. Edgar Elligsen, R.R. 4, Walton, and Mrs. Mervin Dietz, R.R.1, Dublin from McKillop Twp. Mrs. Jack Case, 58 Jarvis St., Seaforth. Mrs. Harvey Pfaff, .Exeter, from Usborne Twp. to‘fifiefootoo4oglitips 10000 Hawaii 11:00 The National 11:20 PM 11:45 Movie For Tonight FOSTER PARENTS AT CHILDRENS AID ANNUAL — Foster parents were honoured at the Huron Children's Aid annual meeting In Clinton Thursday. Those attending from the Seaforth area:, included Foster parents honoured Mrs.' Florence Nelson, left* and next to Clare McGowan, retie CAS director of Goderich, Doreen Dolinage and H rb and Hazel Harrison, all of McKillop. (Staff Photo)