The Wingham Times, 1894-04-20, Page 1• • INGHAM VOL. XXIII.---NO. 1159. WINGEAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL, ?0, 1894. WHAT YOU WANT NOW -Mr. A, Roe's irare, Miss Garfield, is e itered %the 2.19 eke at the Stratford: flaring meeting. -Miss Frances Gras!, who has been con- fined to the house fol many months ly illnesa, is now able to 'e about again. -Private moneys to loan on mortgages at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to tf jORX NICELANDS. -Rev. S. Sellery, -3, D., was in Guelph on Sunday last, p smelling Educational "Kr. A. Roo is sinking another well in connection with he Queen's Hotel. -The Cuirass .kgrioultural Society bas decided to erect s low buildings in Tees - water, at a cost rr-t to exceed §l300. • -Master Chas. urgess, who has be n seriously ill for so4ie,,thne, has so far re- covered as to be al le to be out again. -At the 1. 0-0. P. district meeti , held in Wroxete-- last week, Mr. Wrn. Robertson, of to vn, was selected as tl e next D, D. 0. M. 3r this district. -For first-clase tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, one door south of R. A. Grahaufe groearystore, -The Sarnia te vn council has passed a by-law which pro 'cies that no one shall be sermons in the DuL -The farmers are 4' the splendid weather in street Methodist taking advantage o? We are having, and some of them will bat through seeding in the course of a few c17-efs. -Gardening o?ereLions are in Lail swing in town. - -The timbers. a e being prepared cn which to mount the cannon. It will le placed in the town park in the course of a few,. ys. ,0* The 0rengeue-i of Blyth are organiz- mg a fife and d- um band. Wingham Orangemeu have tl irs organized and the boys will be in. too trim for the 12th of July. -Mr. H.P. Gor ton lost a very valuable St. Bernard bite this week. She was tied in her kennel, nd by some means she knocked a board o and jumped out, and, not being able to each the ground, she hung herself, in erro . m 11ayor Hanna's t brick residences allovvecl to peddle ea coffee or anyother /4We weiit• , • / Mr. D. Pringle 1 John , street are -eing rapidly pushedmerchandise withi the town without firaV ,e. ' • ' forward., .IThere will Ikely be a good num- procuring a license the fee for whichis ayo . to tr 11 McBride, ber of residences er oted in town this for those on foot at d $100 for vehicles. Bridehas urchased Carpets, Curtains, Oilcloth, dec., in' fact 44.4 -everything during,House Cleaning time.- ORR & EISCOCKS, Direct Importers. TEE Bean, April 18th, 1894. - • Marriage Licenses Issued by FRANK PATERSON. No 23, Vic- toria etreet, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses r &poured. • -- ••••••••••••••• ..40•0•000•00 BEST...fon, Srosrthanud, 46, Place i!it:Ispnnd to • •ett..„. Is at the • trai Business col- 4, a, lege, Toronto, 4)nt., and Stratford, Ont. Unquestionably conadn's Greatest Cont- db M CialSCh0015. Can:Coves _tree. Meni- tioenrthis paper. Shaw & hiliutt, Principals. • ‘go, ' LOCAL NEWS.. -Cash for good butter and eggs at R. IA.. Graham's market grocery. -Miss. OConno ized a music class. • la -Messrs. Beatti •&tting mare Wan •44 -The best bran .40ots. per quart, at -Rev. T. W. C -ducted the services very acceptably, or *kr. John Wi , • .04oie to get around having slightly spr , of Brussels, has organ - town. Bros. are having their a, trained at Windsor. Ls of oysters, at 30 to Jas. MoKelvie's. sens, of Walton, con - of the Methodist church Sunday last. on, V. S., has not been s well as usual lately, ined one of his legs. -Watches, c1ockt and jewelry promptly awaked and fully warranted by Itorsar PARK, Meyer Block, Wingham. -Rev. S. Selleryr13. D., was in Stratford few days this weei: attending the Confer- ence examinations. He is one of the examiners. • .. Dr. J. P. Kenney has purbbased from Mr. J. S. Jerome theRroperty lately own- ed and occupied by Meldrum, corner of Patrick and Centre s mete. .,. -House.oleaningtlj no one realizes it mor of the house." Vision dirty stove pipes, takit a thousand and one duties whioh he can pt this trying season.. would the dear wome Deis aga,.in here and than the "good man of dusty carpets, down stoves and ther pleasant -little 'form for his wife in ane Mani What do without you ? -Oranges, Pineapp es, Cocoanuts, Bet.;! anas, and a large assortment of canned goods, pure maple syrup,' at the cheapest prices, at Jas. MaKelvies. -A young i.na4ed Will MOLean, who was engaged s. Button & Peasant's chair factory, had tlJe thumb of his right hand taken off by a aw at which he was working, on Monde* forenoon last. His hand was otherwise -badly lacerated, and it will be some time be ore he will be able to gf 'work again. -Ur. G. W. Thoetpson, of Toronto, an organizer for the Cs, dian Order of Chosen rriende, is in town trying to Organize a 001111011 of that orderl Ho is meeting with fairly good suecess. 1iie Society is &purely Canadian institution and, is, based upOn sound financial prin iples. Last week be organized a Coune in Seaforth with a goo tarter list. -Word Was. rec ;the death, on Sunda Mexito, of Mr. Jos. last week in stating ad sold his pop works of Blyth. Mr. Me - half interest in the Pringle & McBride with eneagY. • business and Messrs sum mer. -Next week, co mencing on MOnday will push the business -Beaver Tobacco i absolutely clean. It eveningp special re igious services will le • is the highest grade stook in Canada and held in the Method t church. The pastor -Wanted. a boy oh ut 30 or 17 years of the only gentleman chewing. ' will be assisted by ev. H. Irvine, of God- age, to learn the printing tri de, Must' have a good English education. Apply at -Mr. Peter Rijnh rt, a missionary to erich. .The service on Sunday will hale the TIMM office. Thibet, who efient a S1f of the weelc. -A. gentleman from Paris woe in town during the past winte hat our public-spirited on Wednesday glop ng for a suitable country last week, ace eitenzie, has offered location for a fact y to manufacture others who intend to the Hoose of Refuge underwear, hosiery, tc. We do not know missionary work. . rested by the ()minty that be made any a rangements to locate rt time In Wingham left for that far-off mpanied by sever refer nen to the wet understand 'Citizen, Mr. Geo. "A. evote their lives to the Comity a site fo contemplated to be 7). agent of Bank of of Huron. The site last week as a 'wit: south of le eemeter R. vs. Carrier, the desirable location. B. Willson, ffered is situated just in town. Xamiltem,was Queb , and would be a most • Mr. J. W. Sande son, of Wroxeter, run ness in the case of C. commission merchant that city whn de- I -Lediee, have your garments made by frauded the Compan out of several I miss )1. Johnston, Gregory block, opposite thousands of dollar the Queen's Hotel. Latest styles, good s t year .. work, always first-class fit. -G. T. R. trains for Toronto and east leave Wingham •et 6.25 a. m. and 11.20 a. -And now Luelnow is having a similar m. and 3.45 p. m., via Clinton and Guelph. experience 'to Win !ham in regard to paying the freight on a co iple of cannons sent. to Good connections by all trains. . Milverton hot lkeeper went Out the other night, clothed 'n. his,robe (le nuii, to let a howling dog in, nd closed the door with a spring leek, behind him. The raoket he raised to in rise and let him in edifying. -The Directors- of jhe Guelph Junction Railway CompanY, wh oh, it is intimated, will have its terminus Iat Goderich, is ask- ing the Dominion P rliroment to further extend the time limit4d by certain Acts relating to the comp, , for the commence- ment and completion f said road. -Mr. D. Rush ha recently enlarged his parlors and is pr p red to serve ice cream, of the best qualij#, to those who may favor him with their atronage. He also carries a large stook of fruits and confectionery of all kinds. 'Call and see him. -The police ir' Brantford state that many of the hotels have a perfect electrical system in use for E--tturdav night and Sun- day selling. • Ther are watchers outside, and when one of Clem sees an officer ap- proaching he premiss a button, which rings( a bell in the bar aid turns out the light there. -The annivers•-ry meetings of the Sal- vation Army, on .unday and Monday last, were very success el. Good crowds attend- ed all the service. ,and considerable interest that place byHou J. C. Patterson, Min- ister of Militia. The freight charges amount t3 $52. '1e guns were not asked for by the Council hence they decline to .. • uce the inmates to -ay leight en -the -73ai.dtO have been -Wingham Lc ived on Monday o in Las Vegas, New err, brother of Messrs. Wm. and John Kerj, of this town. Mr. 1 Iterr went wet s veral yeara ago, on ! account of 1iis healt i, being troubled with lung dieeedilk. ▪ er.was with him at the, gni° of his d h, aid will arrir this week With the. romaine fo intermentin theWing. heti cemetery. Ti e deoetuted was a eteady young man, a-ulirtta well-known and high. respeoted tn te. was manif.ested. • The .Monday evening meeting was acid seed by Ensign and Mrs. Frazer, Rev. fm. Gribble and others Proceeds of Mon ay night service amount- ed to 617. -Fimit culture is more profitable to the farmer now than his other crop's. Brown Bros. 06., the most extensive nursery house in Canada, have a vacancy in 'this section. Write thein at Toronto, Ont., for their terms. • -There ars a la •ge number of fine plum and cherry trees Towing in the town, and their owners try a id keep them free from black knot, but th .re are others who make no effort in this lira ,at alt, and as the in- sect which causes he knot floats in the air, it is very little use for one man to go to the trouble to ptunelti out of all 'his trees when Ms neighb. r's trees are full of it. When it is cut 0 t it is very important that it should be b rnt in order to destroy the insect. Anyo e neglecting to keep their trees clean art liable to a fine of 20. -Daring the 3far 1802, there were 46 Males and 5 femal committed to Goder- jail, a total of Isi. During the year 1803, there were 45 na1es and 6 females, the seine total, Mit a difference of one in the sexes. The comm ttnente for drunkenness only numbered in 1803. Of the tote.li number commitd, 5 went to Centrai Prison, 25 remit -and in jail till their sen Mime expired. TEJ daily cost of rations pe , prieoner, at Gocle ich, was 10c. The salat I les of the jell Officials were ite follow Jailor, $000; Tur 'key, 6500; Matron, $20 Surgeon, $120; a ,obal of $1420. A. M., received a number of breithre water and other p ing last. A. very e Items expected th of Kincardine, w was unable to atte Ige, No. 286, A. F. and fraternal visit from a from Wroxeter. Tees- ces, on Tuesday even- joyable time was spent. t ,D. D. G. M. Collins, ld be present, but he d. -Messrs. H. 0' are & Co., Stook and Debenture Broken Toronto, have just pur- chased $263,000 de.,tentures of the City of Brantford, payab s at the end of forty years, and bearing niterest at the rate of four per cent. pe• annum, payable half - yearly. They hay also recently purchased the bonds of the twns of North Toronto, Prescott, and Bra ton.. -If you want good, healthy 131ants, of the best sorts, go to the Iron Bridge Green- house, Increased facilities and experience in plant raising enable me to furnish a superior article in plants. Remember the Lest are the cheapest in the end. The following are a few of the kinds grown : Tomatoes, several varieties; cabbage, six varieties; cauliflower, celery, pepper,pansy, chrysanthemum., geranium fuchia, coleus, verbena, jessamine, aster, etc. Come early and get a good. choice, • T. C. GEARA31, Lower Wingham. -The Kincarine Reviov funny man gets off the follow ig at the expense of our cpunoil : "The so Is of guns at Wingham who refused to shel out thein to discharge • the debt for freigh charges on the cannon sent them by the Kinfster of Militia will be mortarfied to fin theriiselves shot out of publio positions b the blillots of an enrag- ed people.. It w id wove them right if . the big guns woul just mount their wheels and go off altoget .er." • -It is well tha the public should be (Marti of the fast bt any person sending papers through lie Post Office on which there is any writing is liable to.a fine of $10. The govern- lent has placed detectives on number date, oars to hunt up. violations of the law in Oil 31irentioa. A Man inCol- lirigtvolp4.111,1tiy sent a paper on which was ritten th. words, "All is well". Ib wa1 traced to him, he was summoned be re a J. P. at d fined 010 and costs. A y ang girl sccib led a few words on a paper hush she was sending to a sister. The tper wanlipenc41, found to contain writing nd trued to th t writer. Although having a difficult strup4le to pull throegh the whiter she was, deo fined $10 and costs. When We totisier that no notices of the law in this resat are posted v'up in the Post Offices or dtter pnblie places, it does seem a little ar diary, on the part of the Post Master 0 lend to be so strict in en- forcing a reguln, on of which most people are in perfect i ranee. 1 'over to Wingham, on bicycle, in fifty-five to make the return t travel ten miles in roads as at present, ir Quite a number of the "silent steed" to town, and it is altog bicycle will come int before very long. • Wednesday, on his inutes. He expected p in 50 minutes. To tty minutes, on the making good time( • nr townspeople use` o their running about her likely that the pretty general use -Anew mutual fir insurance company has been organized ii Walkerton, and it starts off under most vorable conditions. It will insure on the la est and meet popular plans. its policies co er the risk against lire from steam times ere and to animals from lightning. Polio es ale written for three or four years, t the option of the insured. Risks are ta en on churches and schools and they also • sue a short term policy. -The regular me ing of the Huron Medical Association w s held in the Coun- cil Chamber, Clinton on Tuesday of last week, when the follo «ing members were present: Drs. Bethu e, Smith and Camp- bell, Seaforth; Thoml on, .Elensell; Amos, Exeter; Turnbull, Sias w, Moore and Gunn, Clinton. Tee meetieg was a very interest ing one, with several important cases pre- sented and valuable papers presented by the members. The inclemency of the weather prevented a larger attendance. -The Dieentoes o tha Turuberry Agri- cultural Society sho Id, now that the sleek time for farmers wi soon be at hand, not fail to make the n essary improvements to the fair grounds his year. This,matter must not be negl .ted, as on the interest and push put int the society this year, largely depends t e success of the show. With good grounds and buildings:and an improved prize list, there is no reason why the Wingham shoe should not be a grand success. -The following fads concerning the contributions from different churches are gathered from the r port of the Methodist church of Canada : The amount raised in. the Guelph Confere ice towards the Edo- •eittiohal Fund was $2,447, Toronto and Montreal Conferences alone exceeded this ainount, Goderiot, North street, gave 623.47; Goderich, `Vti3toria street, $11; Clinton 1Vattenber y street, $78.02;Clinton, Ontario street, $37. 5; Seaforth, $31; Bay- field, $4.28; Holme ille,$25; Varna, 417.29; Hensel', $28; Kippe , $19.20; Dungannon, *2479; Bennuller, .10; Wingfutm, $27.12; Wroxeter, $10,12; fl ussels, 410; Walton, $7.80; Londesboro, $20; Blyth, $40.29; Auburn, $30.01; Bel rave, $11.82; Bluevale, 47.53; Gorrie, $10. ; Fordwieh, $11.12; Exeter, Win street, $23.77; Exeter, Jame street, $25.47. - • The Evolution Of medicinal agents is gradually relegating the old•time herbs, pills, draughts and vegetable extracts to the rear and bringing into general use the pleasant and ern:dive liquid laxative, Syrup of rigs. To get the true remedy see that it is manufactured by the, California, Fig Syrup Co. only. For sale by all leading druggists. , $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE -.As there ik tanie' mitcapprebension among the followerei of Izaak lalton, in Ontario, regarding the close season tor bass, it has been Added by the Depart; ment of Marine and Fisheries to make t close season to covet the period between May 10 and' Jane ;0. It has been found that these fish. over either coming on the beds or were in the act of spawning and taking care of their _Woods of youug within the period mention -The Toronto Ladies' Journal has of late been greatly irao.woved. typogrophically and editorially and s rapidly winning its 1 way into the hearts ,nd homes ofCanadians. The Journal is the ,nly paper in Canada A Prominent lawyer, devoted definitely t the interests of Can- "I have eight cliNdren, every one in good adian women, be h in their home and health, not one of whom but has tak' public work, and it therefore deserves the ott' Scott's E.rn?le nie.,, newbieh ray wife b liberal patronage of all boundlessearnest-minded Canadians. The now out, contains on the work of the Dominion, and is with -half -toned phc ers. These cuts photo -engravers in and good. Cuts a millinery,fanoy.wc ments. All the crowded with th Blyth Stand er iv, Rev, L. G. Wood mai fondly, of Wing/. reogtry Friday. ''.111r. D. M. Cr week, attending of Hamilton and O'ondon. Clinton New ET.: Miss Edith Marlow, of Wingham, is V ;tilting her cousin, Mimi Amy Fitzsimene, of town. Mt. Forest Re Osentative; Mrs. Merri. field, of Winghan visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, :Sinai', the past week.--. Messrs. John Coreiy and John Boos were in Wingham Morley on Oddfellow 444 - nese. were guests at the was in Hamilton thio meeting of the Synod pril number; which is comprehensive article' V. C. T. Unions in the beautifully illustrated os of the leading work - re made by the best Tot onto. and are clear e also made for 'the k and fashion depart- opartments are now original and selected matter appropriat to their headings. The May number pro nises to be of peculiar interest and is te contain an article on "Prominent Ce.rulian Musicians." The Journal's subscription price is only $3. year, 10 cents a c belling Co. Ltd , Toronto. •py. The Wilson Pub - Adelaide Street West, -A carefully e nducted religious paper is a necessity in every well regulated home. Its silent influent) for good is incalculable; and the cost of su th a paper should never prevent it from being a weleome For the Presbyrian family circle no periodical an ta the place of The Can- ada Presbyterian. editorial manage The weekly bill of several departmei tive. Let us men features of this v wise and witty the reader an' i heathendom are Soldiers of the C subjects by "Oui among the most Church, form "Pastor and Pe and "Our You'n and interests fo are consulted, a Mining and bel the Christian E Sabbath Schoo special treatmen Churches" will week, the story o gational activity. the paper to our is now offered at for the remaind Canada Presbyte Toronto, for a sem In size, contents and nt, it is a model journal. are preseuted in the ts is timely and &them ion a few of the leading luable production. The issionary World" gives ea of how the barriers of being assailed by the oss; articles on important Contributors," who are boughtful writers in the suggestive feature; in le,"Phe Family Cir3le," Folks," the varied t tstes nd in it Christian home d a large amount of enter - el reading is provided; cleaver column and the department each receive ; while in "Ministers and lie found, from week to ministerial and congre- We cordially commend resbyterian readers. It he special rate of $1.00 r of the year: Address, ian, 5 Jordan Street, le "copy. - ! Williams Little Dandelion last Warning. Pills will cure. Headache, Biliousness, All who are owing Wm. Ridd by note or boar Stomach, eto. Try thein once and account, will pay the same to John Nee- you will not use any other. Price 26o. lands at once or they will be put in court box, at all drug stores. for collection. A. Good We take the fol the late Jos. H. Vi tan Iteparts. wing in reference to' stone,' from the Kin- cardine Reporter of this week: On Tuesday, April A,)th, Mr. Jueeph IL Vanstone, died Ellie home in Wingliam. in the sixty-third ear of his age. The remains were into the following Thu old friends of' dee were present to p the memory of th. stone was one dine. In the earl' red in that town on sday. Several of the sed from Kiucard i us heartfelt respeets to departed. Mr. Van- e of Kincar-: days 'he farmed for a time, and afterw rds engaged in the marble and grani4 trade, first as a part- ner of the late Roltert Scott, and after that gentleman's d th he continued the business for a numer of years until his health became so �ipaired that he was no longer able to ; ttend to the duties pertaining thereto. Deueased wae a man *tif many good quali les, and at times he held many importest, positioris of trust in the team of. I4ard1ue,. iecludingr that of represents ive ta the count: - council board, a town councillor, a member of the boarq of education, and assessor of 'the 1own.I In politics he was a pronounced Liberiti and at, all times and under every cm ennstance he had the moral courage ea intelligently and strenoualy advocate 'is convictions. He was a power in the Reform ranks and has clone yoetnan se -vice 10 Huron and Bruce counties in iritly a hard fought campaign. Those "'ho knew him beat esteemed him the m 1st. His illness ex- tended over a numb r of years, and it often seemed that it as hie indomitable will power that e abled hito 10 pull through tne ruany.ac te attacks mei ent to the pulmonary tro Ile which afflioted him. Three of his ons- Riehard, bar- rister, and William a d Walter, dealers in marble and gran te-having loeated in Wiughant.less tha a year ago decree - ed moved to that tow , where he resided until the summons lime. which. owing to his intense and pre sulieringe, he gladly accepted. In the death of • Mr. Vanstone the wri er has lost a warm personal friend. Hos 501 friends in Kin- cardine and neighb • hood deeply sym- pathize with Mrs. V nsione and family in their bereavement_ One bv one the pioneers of this couttry who have help- ed to build up a stun y nation on One- adian soil are beim gathered to their last street resting pl ice. May hlessful rest and eternal hat.:Jiness be their lot. . - Per Mr. H. McQuarne on Thursday. Mr. J. A. Halsted town on Thursday. Miss Florence Sill in Teeswater last w Mr. and Mrs. 3, with friends in Setif Mrs, Hampton, of 011.Wingbam friend Mr. A. H. Carr wa of days this Week, o Mr. Geo. Kerr, of • W3I. REM, V. S. Salmenti's Ilughsh White Oils is the best Family Liniment in the one's. , world. Instant cure for Sprains and of Blyth, was in town Bruises. Beware of hnitations. Ask or ' i in, Salmon's English White Oils. tot Mt. Forest,was Dr. King's 'Worm. Powders ' are safe and sure. 2,io. a box. was visiting friends , Heathlield's Dealing Balsam ek. ' will cure the worst cold. Hundreds of Sills spent Sunday testimonials testify to its merits. Money will positively be refunded if Head:Aide th. •Healing Ealsa.m does not do all that is istowel, was calling claimed for it. I , this week. Dr. N.Dtg's 31edieal Discos,- in Bransford a couple err is the great blood purifier. It will business. ma te the blood pure ard, keep it pera. reamer°, is in town !Cures dyspepsia and all forms of etomach Old friends, and liver troubles. It is the best; buy the this week, calling cmI best. `Price one dollar a bottle, six bottles Mr. John Watson...of Listowel, was cal- for five donors, ling on Wingham finds on Tuesday. s'llev. Win. Lloy...'of East Saginaw, Lions. WilliamsCat' la DandAlon Michigan, is on a vi*It to his 'Arent% this week. I Salmoni's English White Miss Maggie Dail a returned on Tueedl Ons• from & visit to 1 Ingersoll. Gerrie Vidette: Wingham spent in town. Laidlaw, ti Fire Inetirence Thtirstlity. ends in London au Owning's 'Woi,nt Powders.. lienithileldrs-ilettlitig fl, Ring's ire Dlotov- . dr. and Mrs. H. Day of tday lot with friende ector of the Lancashire pau3 , was 111 town an ; Are all reli tble nu dicines a d the pm- prioons guarantee satiefactIon in evert ; case or money refuna,..;.a.