The Huron Expositor, 1975-09-11, Page 6tionicotrexPpsiToR, ,sEPTelviagn : 11, 1975. council clears • i lain peerrisits L LIBERAL COMMITTEE ROOMS in the interests of Jack Riddell Liberal candidate in Huron, Middlesex Located at the stoplights corner , -Main and Goderich St., Seaforth. If you would like to help or require information or transportation on election day Phone 527-0651 or, 527-0921 ifos for Widdellkown signs- TODAY'S CHILD BY HELEN ALLEN HE WANTS A FAMILY Bobby, 12, doesn't want to move anymore. Through no fault of his, he has had to move twice from foster homes where he felt secure. Now he very much wants to be adopted so he will have a family he can stay with — for sure. Indian and white in descent, Bobby is a handsome lad with brown hair, very dark eyes, medium complexion and a disposition to match his pleasant smile. He is in excellent health. A sport's-minded lad, Bobby plays hockey whenever and wherever he can. He enjoys camping, swimming and bike riding. Though not an aggressive boy, he likes rough games like wrestling. He is looking forward to joining army cadets in the fall. Bobby was in grade six last year but because he was behind in the basics he will be repeating that grade. H owever his teacher said he showed great improvements and she found him enthusiastic and eager to learn. Bobby hopes to maintain some contact with an older sister who is not being adopted. His winning personality will make him an asset to a family. To inquire about adopting Bobby, please write to Today's Child, Ministry of Community and Social Services, Box 888, Station K, Toronto M4P 2H2. In your letter please tell something of your present family and your way of life. For general information, consult your local Children's Aid Society. '11 Coming Next Week SAVINGS ON BEEF The 19th Annual IGA BEEF ROUND UP Will Be Back Again IT WILL PAY YOU TO WAIT Freezer beef is our specialty Seaforth IGA Carpi Carter A.R.C.T., A.Mus.. Piano and Theory R.R.2, Seaforth 527-1743 130th ANNUAL THURS. Fri. SEAFORTH FALL FAIR Hurons only Class 'B' Fall Fair SEPT. 1 $_1 9 THURSDAY:— '9 p.m. Official Opening by R. Gordon Bennett, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Ontario popular Variety Program with Bob Hayward and his Band. Queen of The Fair Competition Merchants and Industrial Displays FRIDAY: — J._ Parade - Bands - Floats - Exhibits - Judging - Pet Show - Junior Fair Championship Farm Machinery Display - Horse Show - Perth Huron Jersey Breeders Parish Show - Champion- ship Horse Show - Chariot Races - Penny Sale with more than 50 prizes. FULL MIDWAY - - HORSE RACES Selection and crowning the "Queen of the Fair" DANCE SAT., SEPT. 20 Cabaret Style Seaforth Arena Music by "Walter Osteneck" Tickets $6, Couple Phone Ken Moore 527-0508 Joseph Devereaux Mrs. Kathleen Cuthill President Sec.-Treas. ,527-0753 • ------ Interior Exterior Painting . TO THE ELECTORS OF HURON-BRUCE DEAR FRIENDS: As this will be my last opportunity to reach you by weekly press before Election Day, Thurs- day, September 18th, I would like to take this opportunity of thanking you for your kindness and courtesy during the campaign. I have met many of you but there are also many I have not been able to meet owing to limited time, but I do solicit your suppdrt and vote on September 18th. In the 13 years that I have served as your M.P.P. I have endeavoured to do my best in look- ing after the affairs of this Riding and also promot- ing at all times the interests of Huron-Bruce. If elected I will continue to do so. Sincerely, MURRAY GAUNT GAUNT HAS EXPER ENCE RE-ELECT THE BEST MAN FOR HURON-BRUCE Sponsored by the Huron - Bruce Liberal Association Requests for building permits approved by Mckillop council at a meeting Tuesday night included James Borman, R.R.1, Seaforth, storage shed; Aaron Jantzi, R.R.1, Dubli n, renovation to porch; Robert S. McKercher, R.R.1, Dubli n, silo; Martin Murray, R.R.1, Dublin, granary; Kenneth Beattie, R.R.4, Walton, replace siding on house and gianary; Gertrude Beuerman, R.R.1, Dublin, carport and 4,Veranda; John Carvalho, R.R.1, Walton, implement shed; Gilbert Murray, R.R.1, Dubli n, granary; Bruno Braecker, R.R.4, Walton, implement shed and lagoon; Neil Williamson, R.R.1, Walton, siding on implement shed; Helen Loughnane, R.R.1, Seaforth, garage. For a barn demolished the council refunded taxes amounfing to $140.71 on an assessment of $1,610. Court of Revision was held on the Nott Drainage Works (a $50,000 Tuckersmith Drain) and as no appeals were heard the necessary by-law was passed. Passed for payment were road accounts of $22,171.83 and general accounts of $37,175.35. Approved for payment were accounts for the McKillop Recreation Association amounting to $2,933.50. At a special meeting on Thursday the Barron Drain report was discussed and referred back to Engineer C.P.Corbett, Lucan, for re-consideration. Present at the meeting for the reading of the drain report were Murray Dennis, John and Lorne Siemon and Ken Beuerman. The Glanville Drain report was ,previsionally adopted by council and Court of Revision was set for September 29. This drain is estimated to cost $15,815. Lorne Glanville, John Ryan and Harold Hudie were present for the discussion on the drain report. (Continued fromPage 1) made in a television advertising bill which is mounting $7.5 million, adding that some are an "insult to a person's intelligence". He said government should "take a look" at salaries of civil servants who are being paid $30,000 a year and up. "If such salaries cannot be justified, they must be cut," Riddell said. Government projects like Douglas .Point inBruce County where laborers are paid a minimum of $6.90 an hour are making it impossibIP, for industries to compete. While campaigning, Riddell said, industrialists all over the Riding have been complaining that the U.S. market is dwindling. Ontario products are too high in price, partly because of the cost of materials and partly because wages in Ontario are "out of line" with the wages in most part of the U.S.A. "We've got to control some of the wages, and government is the place to start", Riddell told his audience. The Liberal incumbent said tpe proviineewas spending millions of dollars "fooling around with the mono rail and this magnetic levitation system." "They spent millions before they found out the magnetic levitation system wouldn't turn corners," Mr. Riddell said, "and the people of Goderich can't get to Stratford except by a bus that arrives too late to make connections with the train to An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. Toronto." :-le criticised Premier Davis for his "confrontation tactics" when dealing with the federal government. he said the Provincial Liberals were not fully• in agreement with all the federal government policies, but said the Davis way of dealing with the ily-Olent was wrong. He said meetings at which viewpoints could be exchanged and new policies hammered out were the only way to solVe the federal- provincial difficulties. Mr. Riddell outlined the Farm Income Stablization Plan which he said the Liberals endorsed. Under this plan, the federal government, the provincial goverilment and the farm would each contribute one-third of the cost of the premiums. For the farmer, it would be on a voluntary basis. He said food in Canada costs less than almost any other nation in the world, chiefly because„the farmers know their job and have orth plans honors f or bowlers Two young Seaforth lawn bowlers won bronze medals recently in the Canada Summer Games in London.' Brenda Finlayson and Tom Phillips each won their medals in singles lawn bowling competition. Brenda is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Art Finlayson 'of Harpurhey and Tom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Phillips of town. Mrs. Finlayson said Brenda was well on her way to winning a gold medal when play was cancelled because of extremely wet greens. She lost out on her aggregate score. Seaforth Town Council plans to honour the medal winners and present them with town pen sets. D (Electrical and Mainteniance ELECTRICAL WIRINO , APPLIANCE SERVIC E Stoves , Washers, Dryers , Etc. Domestic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Phone:— Day 527-0636 Night 527-1503 READ and USE EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED Ontario Liberal leader Robert Nixon campaigning in Huron Middlesex Monday on behalf of Liberal candidate Jack Riddell discusses the election with Mrs. Letty McDonald of Seaforh. In the background are Elaine Love and her mother, Mrs. James Love, R. R.1, ZuriCh. " • " (Staff Photo) Crowd hears Nixon been able to "make three blades of grass grow where only • one grew before". Mr. Riddell reiterated his stand that any future nuclear development in the province should take place in the northern part of the province, ,away from "the richest farmland in the province" such as that in Huron and Middlesex. He also said that industry was welcome in Huron-Middlesex provided it was compatible with the agricultural scene. agricultural scene. "Khruschev once said Russia would bring Canada and the United S fates to their knees, not through war but by economics," the Liberal candidate concluded, "We've got to put some sense and some countability back into government." 9