The Huron Expositor, 1975-05-01, Page 19SCRUTON'S BRINGS YOU THE BYGoodrich Lifesaver Radial Steel RIS Guaranteed 40,000 Miles Don't miss this Special Spring Offer... WITH THE PURCHASE OF A SET OF radial TIRES • \REGoodrich/ YOU'LL RECEIVE- Free Installation Free Balancing and we will check and -adjust your car on our alignment equipment Free. OFFER'S REG. VALUE $26.50 SCRUTON'S TIRE & AUTO SERVICE 482-7681 CLINTO,N- 238 AMR- ST. AD ICE TONVOMEN who DRIVE... aricIMEN.Thio... from DE DE BENSON••• a woman who does engine in neutral. This may be nothing more than looseness, which can be corrected in a jiffy, But if excessive looseness is al-lowed to persist, slippage results, and that means rapid wear. Finally, when the belt point, it may emit a click, click sound, especially no-ticeable at idle. It will speed up as you accelerate the engine and sound al-most like a noisy valve. This sound is caused by a large crack, or separa-tion, in the belt, which hits the pulley with each revolution. It is a symptom of advanced old age, the brink of failure. If old faithful drive belt does snap all the way, you're in for trouble. So keep an eye and an ear open for signs of failure, and ask your automobile service man to check into it right away. KNOW YOUR DIP STICK Do ydu know where the engine oil dip stick is lo- cated? Checking on oil levels is important to longer engine life. The dip stick will tell you when and how much oil needs to be added. Sometimes it will indicate oil should be -4 iii 37 MACKWALL 'SIZE EACH Mter discount far cash cruirminn TIRE 2+2+2 Multi-cord ...Best hias-helted tire made! HERE'S WHY: 4+2 Glass-Belted ...STRONGEST glass-belted construction re 2 Beefy Plies of stronger-than-ever Oa Poet fie Nylon ensure twice the 'Run-Soft, Safe Warning Time' possible/Only with Nylon (see Nevada Test results posted in your local Canachn Tire store). • 2 Beefy Pries of ere-Bat-spotting Polyester -smooth-riding comfort. • 2 Belts of Kevin (Rue 8) to hold tread firm from squirm and achieve almost double the mileage of many other tires. Ksyfar Fire B) is the revolutionary new cord developed by Du Pont for the longer-mileage tires, lice bias-belts and radials. Provides a "softer-than.steel' ride. Won't kink like steel or fail like glass under severe compression. And its fewer pounds mean less unsprung weight per wheel resulting in less front-end wear. All of which adds up to a super tire ... and, we believe, one of the best tire values in all North America. Prove it for yourself. Medd-Cord 2 + 2: Drop Polyester from our 2+ 2 4- 2 tire. use giant Nylon cords instead and this simplified toettbar 2+2 2-at considerably lower cost. 33,000- construction ors most performance features of its big fdite Treadwees.11atedl • 4 Body Plies of stronger-than-ever Du Pont 66 Nylon instead of the generally-used 2 body plies on most new cars. • 2 Glass Belts for extra strength, extra mileage. That 4+2 construction in our 'Belf-O-Glass' provides 6 undertread plies for extra strength and extra safety. (That doubles up the sidewall plies too!) Those 4 body plies of Du Pont 66 Nylon give twice the 'Run-Soft, Safe Warning Time' (see the Nevada Desert Test results posted in the tire department of our stores). Naturally this construction is costlier to make and is seldom offered for sale elsewhere, let alone at our famous value-packed prices. Your slight extra cost represents an i.,vestment that will pay off many times dyer in more tread miles, more gas miles ... and that big increase in safety! 4+2 Belt-O-Glass: 30,000-Mile Treadwear-Rated 4+ 2 'BELT-13-GLASS' Glis-Belted Nylon . , WHITEWALL WIDE:MACK SIZE -2 or more EACH after lacastof for cash A78/13 (600/13) 22.28f B78/14 1645/14) 23.181 C78/14 (695/14) 25.08f 078/14 (695/14) 25.55t E78/14 (735/14) ' 27.17 F78/14 (775/14) 29.21 878/14 (825/14) 30.30 1178/14 (855/10 31.78 C78/15 (685/15) 24.60f . F78/15 (775/15) 29.40 G78/15 (825/15) 30.30 1178/15 (855/15) 32.01 J78/15 (885/15) 34.91 L78/15 (915/15) 36.00 'COMPACT SIZE: 2 Nylon plias+ 2-Glass Was 2+2+2: 37,000-Mile Treadwear-Bated! 2+2: 33,000-Mile Nadi's/ear-naiad' YEAR ROAD-HAZARD INSURED THE WHIPPET Twin Ply Nylon TWO or more EACH after discount for cash 110/12 vittrrew4u; - A73/13 plow* 171/13 (550/13) C/1/13 (70113) C71/14 (095n4) 131/14 rrasno F7314 (775114) P71/14 cmilq G71/14 vosn4) 8711/14 (425n4) N71/14 (555/14) ',Marred. $1.43 more lkitt all1C911 for Pastefiges Tire Installation sten you buy our Dill or Schrader Valve at our regular catalogue price of S1.00. We must install our new tire and valve together. "A lire isn't new unless the valve is too!" Static•Etalance: tire and wheel, 51.00. Our Turnpike Wide Track in 2+2 Glass: Belted Polyester is constructed to replace '68 to 74 new-car tires. High modulus Glass Belfs strengthen. stabilize and -deliver long - mileage on. smooth-riding Polyester bias- plies. llyou were satisfied with your original- equipment tires, choose our Turnpike Wide- Track at lower prices than anywhere else. s-rr. Road-Hward inured.-15,000-Mite Trianon-Rated 2+ 2 Polyflex POLYESTER-BELTED NYLON Unique belted tire with the cushion-ride of a bias, plus many features of a Glass-Belt. More miles. on-track steering. improved braking! Has 2 Polyester belts + 2 plies of Du Pont 66 Nylon for extra safety. 5-Yr. Reastlistard hawed: 20.000-lifikTrestlywarRsted 500/13 1378/13 /850 131 C78/13 000 131 C78/14 (695/14) 178/14(735/14) F18/14 (775/141 Gi8/14 f825/141 078/14 (855;14) 560/15 F78/15 (775/15) G78/15 1825/151 078/19 (855/151 Whippet- II TWIN-PLY NYLON Shaped hike a Rade .. Bast- stated far high-speed highways! Whippet Il is made with twin-ply Du Pont 66 Nylon, body cord-50% stronger than that used in regular 4-ply tires, for a cooler-running high-speed tire. A quality-tire! 5-Yr. RawfAinun' hunted 5% Discount for Cash is in lieu of Bonus Coupons CREDIT TERMS available but Discount Prices do not apply. SIZE 72.66 22/1 2170 24.50 25.01 2022 27.31 2121 2141 *35 3113 21.9- 1 23.0/ 203 , 2155 211. 1100 11.43 20.31 2+2 GLASS-BELTED Polyester 15.01 16 39 17.34 17.48 1829 18.75 19.90 21.33 17.00 18.95 19.90 21.66 2111 27.50 2135 31.31 3111 21.21 2500 217- 3 WIDE-TRACK SIZE A78/13 (600/13) 878/13 (650/13) C78/13 (700/13) C78/14 (695/14) E78/14 (735/14) F18/14 (775/14) 878/14 (525/14) H78/14 (855/14) G78/15 (325/15) H78/15 (855/15) 178/15 (915/15) 24.18 25.60 , 26.50 Tamporanty out of production • 32.87 28.12 33.96 30.18 35.05 i 31.25 37.48 32.73 36.00 31.25 37.71 i 33.91 40.75 2 +2 +2 MULTI-CORD 2 +2 Multi-Cord Keviar (Fibre B) Betted Kevfar-Betted WHITEWALL 2 TIRES or more EACH after discount for cash • trinnotnni CF1111111.11Ril TIRE TIRE =r tag 4:0.004.-;IWAn F.W. TILLEY LTD. CAR TROUBLE? e. REPLACE THAT- OLD BUGGY MR A NEW MODEL THATWILI, GET YOUR' FAMILY THERE AND BACK SAFELY, Check our low cost loons. MONTHLY PAYMENTS - Amount borrowe I d 12 18 24 36- 4S, 1750 6660 45.70 35.27 1000 WM 60.15 47.04 I 1500 133.24 91.45 70.511 r 49. 3000 266.50 11220 14145 ILO 7906 4000 355.33 24319 111.25 131410 10520 18-183 5000 444.20 30437 235.32 -MOO 13143 11117 -Clinton Commupi Wit Union Limes betario, -Street UNION == 4' 24467 4 S. Tune-up could save up to $110 a year 1 zb. • Wise drivers will heed language of drive belt Dear DeDe: As I write this letter, I am hbartsick. I lust re-turned from visiting 4 neighbor's son in the hos-pital where he has been for two months. He's 19 years old, a talented ath-lete and now the doctors say it will be a miracle if he ever walks again. It seems Bob -was involved in an. accident. After seeing the car he was driving, it's no wonder. The wheels wobbled. One headlight was completely The front end sagged like an old horse. Can't some-thing be done about get-ting death traps like that off the highway? It may be too late to help Bob but what about other kids? MRS. LMB Silver Springs, Md. Belts help 'reduce car fatalities Hospitals in Australia are reporting a drop of 24% in bed occupancy since the introduction of mandatory seat belt wear- ing legislation. In Victoria the belt wearing laW has been in two years, and they have experienced a 20.8% re- duction in road deaths. In the rest of Australia the seat belt law is just one year old, and there has already been a 17.2% reduction in automobile deaths throughout the country, Serious injuries, they stated, have been reduced by about 50% How would you like to save yourself nearly $110? if your car is one of those described by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other sources as wasting as much as 25 per cent of its gaso-line supply, then such sav-ings are possible. Simple mathematics tell the story. Say your car travels 15,000 miles a year and is capable of getting 15 miles per gallon. If you are paying 601 cents a gallon for fuel, your annual expenditure would be $600. Should you be losing 25 per cent in gas wasted, then you are out $150. According to that same EPA report, keeping an! automobile tuned up can, improve fuel economy. And a recent sur- vey shpws the average cost of a tune-up today is around $42. So a tune-up every 10,-000 miles plus necessary minor adjustments along the way can save you a nice hunk of change. Even if your car saves the U.S. and Canadian average of 8.2 per cent after a needed tune-up, you'll still save more in fuel costs than the price of the work. Gas savings under the circumstances described above would be just below $50 per year. Mr. Walker said, "In every test we've ever con-ducted, we've found a tuned car has better foul-weather starting success than a car in need of a time-up. In fact, untuned cars have twice as many `won't starts' than tuned cars." A road service call for a start in a remote location where a tow is needed May cost about half the price of a tune-up, he, noted. Tune-up benefits that may not result in cash savings stillniake drivirig safer and more pleasure-able. In tests conducted by Champion, emission levels were sharply reduced after tune-up. Average carbon monoxide (CO). emissions were reduced 50 per cent (at idle) and hydrocarbon (HC) emissions were .47 per cent lower (also at idle) after tune-up. By JODY CARR Among the inner circle of the auto parts world, it is said that the unsung hero of all unsung heroes is the fan belt, or drive belt. It drives a Iot more than just the fan. Ask. any generator, wa-ter pump, power steering pump or fan. These com-ponents will vouch for the drive belt, without which they would be looking for another way to go. • -However, this is not why the drive belt has earned its reputatiOn as the good guy: It is esteemed, be-cause the last thing it wants to do is let its bud-dies down. This means it doesn't want to let you down, either. Still, the best of drive belts can't last forever. When one breaks, your car may overheat, your bat-tery may die, your power steering may give out or your air conditioning may quit. You may experience a couple of these traumatic situations simultaneously. So your drive belt tries to help you anticipate trou- ble by providing a unique combination of audible and visual warnings of impending problems. First, look for visual signs of old age. Twist the belt. Notice that it is V-.„ shaped, fitting into a V- shaped pulley. The sides of the V on the belt are - what-, do the driving. Are they cracked, frayed or - glazed? This may be enough to tell you that Old Faithful wants to retire. - Or the belt may signal you audibly, by screeching when you accelerate the Dear Mrs. LMB: Unfortunately for Bob, you live in a state that has no Periodic Motor Vehicle Inspection. Maryland - is one of 19 states that have no compulsory check on the safety of their cars. Therefore, except for spot checks by the state police, you have no' protection against "accidents waiting to happen" like your luck-less neighbor's car. If you feel strongly that a PMVI law is needed, then- write your state representative in Annapolis. Residents of other states should write their legislators, too, in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee, Washington, Wisconsin. Dear DeDe: My car hasn't been run- ning right lately and token I took my car in for serv- ice, the mechanic told me hot spark plugs would solve the problem. I know he doesn't mean stolen spark plugs but what is he talking about. Was Jte kidding, burnous IM DUBUQUE Dear Dubious: I -don't think so. Spark plugs are designed in var-ious heat ranges to accom-modate the kind of driving the owner does. In your case, you probably CIO a lot of short-dlstande, low-speed driving. Your engine may not get properly "warmed" and carbon may be accumulating on your plugs, hampering their efficiency. So a plug with a. "hotter" heat range to burn off carbon sounda like a proper prescription. I'll bet that's what Your mechanic really - meant, Ask him. Dear DeDe*: flow ettme you, a woman, know so much about care GT Iringston,Ont. Dear GT: My first car was seven years old when bought it. If something -can go wrong with a ear, it went wrong with that one. I guess Ihn just the type to make lemonade when handed a lemon.