The Huron Expositor, 1974-11-28, Page 19... e .T7,.° ...:.t "J.". .,•L•. X51 : t,. (: •
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• t + _.�_ ,�;. Ccrrenpund�ilt' •� Miss Jane Rnttgilley,, ;�ur�a: ;M�Ilonal�l, MIs'. +.+R ?�ltehell°°� ��P�>�la1.t�F,` ��.�i<�� ��'�AA���t,.
Ci l ', Mxa. Alla Iv�cC'alt Cou Home Economist from rs. ; CO a�ld' :Mrs �t ��
'.,. n Clinton w o spoke isin tit „k;. +Iruehte urii1 te,>t)Y u,
' Cur n . The Citizenship and World lt. t h p ke "j'iica �' e.
RY KAREN LEHNRN ' . English from -Grades seven to 11 R Affairs ineetirig pf the Walton •girls , for all their splendid', wprk'
On Tuesday; Nov. 19' a meeting "' Women's, Institute; was, held in with this club, "The !Club Girl' 4
Continuing •with the twslved of tate Curl! .n Club was held and : ante a)ns �vitli ; their fine
the Cpmmunity'Hall ani Wednes• {��r-
introduction of the services and tui etas may apply directly for g exhibits and shits and the leaders: ` ^ • ' _ `' K ' "
this program and are res ons'tble , the following executive named. <`
facilities .at VUnaStra, .this week P g P. Pr President o n $row rid e` ��n day evening, November 20th; d m e s and"t e I stitute fon « . e * �' , i fi ` a•r. 'wIF"" • k;;d `'
we. look at.JYanastra Christian 'for the, fees or he may register ;" oth x. h n� # :
t Y Y g a J h n g, ry y;;� About 89 members and guests an
through the Canada, Manpower. . V?ce Ptesident - Percy Brown; ° ` � �: sat down ,at small tables with .red • sponsbring the. girls. , Miss
Church,.. Conestoga 'college ,and pg P Vice President Donna Reeved; Pen ilia added her thanks for;. * ,t...,• r t
for u r.*dtn and fees• for x and white ; gingham pattern • g y x,
the local Ministty �f the Environ• g g 8 P J. 't:
merit facilities. attendance -are supplied•,if -they $ecretarY •Wendy McNab.• clothes adorned with candy canes being invited to share theyening �� yr * i fir' r r
Vanastra Christian Church; qualify. Courses may begin Scheduling for, the curling acid gumdrop centre pieces. when with the "4-ji girls.. , «*
t'hroughoutthe'•year, you need not season:. Women s� curbing - theAnstitute' entertained the 4-H , Kiat Humphries spoke. on It .,
affiliated• with° the Christian Tueda s. P.M. -- 10 P:M.• behalf of t e 4•H i' N
Reform Church, is located in the have applied in September ta.' jpin Y a members: mothers and leaders to h grid and
pro ram. Present! 17 Men's curl ng —Thursday 8 . ' RDNA%A'UIII.ER a smor asbord "su "supper. thanked the #nstitute. Mrs. ��' �' tj • ,t
`former Catholic Chapel at tie g Y l'.M. — 10 P.M. g App enins re lied on befialf '�/
Presently, Rev. stGdents are tri the academic Of Burling�Qn, 'son of Mr.Ernst Mrs. Bill 1•iumphAes asked all the MurrayY P • .. '
Y upirading •programme, Mixed .Curling' — Fridays,.8 ' Uhler bf , Wa1Jon and son-in-law, 4.H girls to stand `and repeat the of the mothers present.
Beukema from Clinton holds P.M. — 10 P.M. The cov.eners on Citizenslii.p 'dls�iays urd� 9PI) '
services Sunda evenings at 7:30 of Mr. and Mrs. Willifm Turnbull , 4-H pledge then spoke ' a',few r
Y g (2) Commercial retraining is Anyone interested, contact Mr. of Brussels' recently received his words,on tl�e•work of the 4-H girls • and World' Affairs., Mrs. Graeme
P.M. friday evenings is Bible offered and the same registration grownridge at 462-7118. Bachelor of Arts. Degree in and 'co'mplimented Mrs% B.ea Craig and Mrs. Alvin McDonald
Club from 7:30 to 8:30 for and ice apply to this program as
-Until . renovations are Geography at the• -Fall ".Stevenson ,and '' Mrs. Diane were ip charge of, the evening. r
children " 4 years,s to, 14. years. above in academic upgrading. completed 'at 'the Community -Convocation of Wilfrid. Laurier McNichol • in ' receiving'their y y is
Approximately GO' = 70 childrenThe conducted a "Penn
Ilii Y " The 'commercial• retraining Centre he Wo 's Volle ;ball'' h9 Auction" before file girls and t
attend each week. i'ncl'udes - Cortimercial Clerical; i Y University, Waterloo. Re. Advanced Honours, the Comple• ss�y
will meet at the CNton. Public . continues to teach. at ' General" tion •of eighteen •clubs and hoped mothers left, with many partici
In. the new year; 'the Vanastra Commercial St�lographice and School Wednesdays 7 •P.M: to Brock High School in Burlington. there Would be leaders available
paling and winning prizes'.
Christian Church, will have a• full Commercial refresher. You Mrs. Alvin McDonald introduced
8:30 P.M. Helen MacLeod would I for the spring project, ' What
time pastor,- Carl Boeusma. 'Mr.
advances you, progress and may
like -to-,welcome more •ladies,
Boersma with his wife and infant"
begin at a higher level depending`
Anyone interested contact Held
will live at Vanastra when he `
'ori „your qualifications. In ,
at 482-9007,br meet at the school.,
t` begins his duties hereat
'Our '
Commercial. - retraining, 23
An. organizational meeting 'fors
distribution : and
students ard- enrolled.
sngwmobilers will' be field soon,
E ewage trfacilities . are
, (3)' Fourteen students are now,
watch for in ore details.
under , the Ministry of the
in the post-secondapy' $.ecretarial
• Wednesday, "November' 20, a
Environment, Ontario Govern-
program at Couestoga College.
general melting of, members of
Plant • Superintendent is
(4.) Continuing Education is the
the Community Association, • ras'
A M L f Cl" P
Shall -
I Weat" and, the :summ er tht, guest speaker, Mrs. Dori
project, : Garden Club - "Use of Dunbar ElTiel. who is a t'nember '
Vegetables''., of Gr Township Council who .
Mrs.- Humphries'" introduced outline council duties and spoke '
athe 4-H' clubs who entertained: on re reation and workshop t -
Walton I had alt 'exhibit, "Sand- regio i rneetines sfie had ^
wiches fol" an 'Afternoon Tea"' attend d° A discussion followed
with Kiin'Humphries as commen- and. 5 e was presented with a, gift
tator. The leaders we're Mrs• on a aif of the Institute•. '
on c can o futon. !ant final program, off d by the, .held at the Vanastra Curtin Bust'ess was, conducted by operator Class A,is John Cullen. g': Mr. & Mrs. James Cameron, Kathy Achilles and lvlrs. Marjory' ," k " e. .
P College. Mr. Bjorkguist explained ARena. Nominations for the r Humphries. , Walton 11 Club Presiders • . Mrs. Allan• McCall;
Since•our system was not in use the communit. involvement in were ' on Monday fiom P • Mr's. Ke . McDonald' read the . •
Y Executive Board of_birecto.i's Sarnia,' visiting their. daughter exhibit was, A Table get for Childrens thin
for some and the reservoir is these courses ,not only is. at the will be acce ted until Wednesda . g g mirtutes 'and 32 members � �%
P Y Two'I', their. comentator was Fran 9 .
old our water is chlorinated. Each student level but if , possiple' November 2T. Elections are ''to, be and son-in-law and family, Mr, &• Blake. Lea¢grs were Mrs. $ea answer the roll' call, "Citizen-
da 1/4 pound of chlorine is tiles. Charles Ged es. Stevenson and Fran .Blake. P 8MA TINS
ek Y P instructors- from the community _held 8 P,M. Dec. '4 at . the d ship is ' t of little things, name
added to the reservoir oc tank• could be sou ht.. Current,' Visitors with Mr. & Mrs.. one. The treasurer' ort was
g Vanastra Curling Arena. The Walton 'Ill had .an exhibit, P
Our water comes from artesian programs underway' include community Association' 'can do Darwin Ban erman on' Sunday Table' centres' for Different given by Mrs. K., McDonald.'Dept,
wells,gat Clinton and is metered. at Introduction' to Aeco,untin were Mr. i Mrs. Jack Broadfoot' Those in charge of the program - y
$• -• much -for Vanastra: It's time to Occasions". Ga Fischer was 'the g P g C�In#On �Ftt�rrr.l,''o ,
the Vanastra plant. Canine Obedience, .Metric and girls from Thamesford, Ont. Y for Hiimn•viety on December 4
become involved•• and +support commentator for this club• - Mrs.
i asked' Mr. McLean why the System. -.and Inter`i'or Decorating your community Everyone .cr rte ;,' ' Several wpmen from the°village Dorothy �holdice and Mrs. Helen are: Mrs.. •Herb Tra viss; Mrs.
chlorine taste •is strop er some, Design. . Fifty-two (52) ventured to Toronto last week on Harvey Craig and- ' Mrs: Bill
g rid. g Y and vote December 4. .� Craig were the leaders. Y g
p students are. ' enrolled in the a shopping trip. They included:- Humphries with Mrs. on
- days. He explained it is related to h The .Local Initiatives Program • Mrs, Ra Walton IV did- a skit, "Ari _ P R �/ '�°i .
usage. if less water is used• the Continuing Education Programa (L1P) Grant has been,a roved for Y Hutchinson; Mrs. Leo McDonald to " u`reh'as the birth- W -E D D i N G I N • I .T A' 1 I O N S '
chlorine taste will be • trong<er, Leisure activities at the college Pp invitation Away" with all mem P
g ..$24;814- which will cover labour ' Tsatero; Mrs, Norman MacLean';_, da efts. It was decided to have . , •�
For interest, Mr. Mc can irlelude bowling; volleyball and costs in the erection of. the indoor ` , Mrs. Walter. Arrges and i�ianne; bees taking 'Part. Leaders were . Y g o
me mon•thl • average. fi ur es of ,floor hocke , In this°area student' Mrs. Howard lames and her
Mrs. Dianne McNchol'and Ivlrs. cup cakes decorated for the lunch. THE HURON -EXPO
Y g g Y Pool. -roof. Tickets' at,,,,, still- Brian Campbell. The card party l+riday,evening
consumption tot= forward to motivation as, . well -As staff available for. the Pool Lotter .You family: •
readers. For instance; October involvement help make activities Y Mrs.. Humphries, introduced hostesses will be:` Mrs:?,'A. PHONE 52-7-02 0 $EAFORTH
P could win a ,1975 Oldsmobile° y
daily aveage 124,000 gallons. in • possible. Cutlass for_ $25,,, and support• .. K
.'the ,sun;mer there is • some The break-down,of employees Huron County's first Indoor•Pool.. `' Srn�les ,,_re
gne allonse in er ,da aeer use on an avera'000 Administration: College
erson is
a The winner will be announced "I'm '
° .g P Y i; p and I at a Public Dance, Deo 7, 1974., terribly sorry to.hear, old '
On my asking about. sewage person soon to be appointed as " Tickets are $6.00 per couple, man, that your wife eloped with * .r
Mr. McLean. stated, ','the sewage '-head-of continuin education for your chauffeur." v Vanastra Parks tinct Recreation Comm
g g r dance •to be held of the Clinton -;,t c/
processing, plant . is, under the Huron area. Arena: 5o what, I can learn to drive."
renovation.'.' • Facultty,: 7 full time staff; 4 part, w
Conestoga- time staff. I C
Support Staff: Clerical: 2 full F O r a
ARtsand Technology is located in',- time and I 'part time.
Conestoga College of Applied .'
Ir �. the former. -Elementary School, Custodian:_11 full time; 1 part .n FINE SELECTION . yy
1' 0 T`T, E R Y
Bruce'•Blorkquist from Goderich is time. - • 14 L f1 , , /
t Chairman of the Clinton Centre 'Counsellor: 1 part time
P pP:`, r fferec> 5�s�Y �„ theNursetlt Dorf 'time., t a,ir 0.;
Cole 'tnci de." iP . „' For -:more '4formation "contact proceeds,to'
(l) Academie upgrading which Conestoga College at�Vanastra, G'lS Dry 'IC70OdS�
includes . mato science and "482-34SS. `
• rocer�es �
. Hafdw'are
Come To Walton
For _Somie. Old Fashioned
County Hospitality at oor,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van der Darren and David' visited on �. r•. t
Molars, Paul,Mark and Margie of Sunday with her parents, Mr. and y 1`�r'I%'
Oakville spent the weekend with Mrs. Ceril. Herman of • c
her mother, Mrs. W.L.Whyte, " Shakespeare when they Srn'ths General Store rte`
Tom, Bill and Mr. Harold Whyte. celebrated Mrs. Herman's k't I /
Mr. and Mr's: Paul Stevensonbirthday.,
/• 1,'j� t,1 F t';:. c'
attended -a wedding reception in
. Kitchener on Saturday. evening. WANT -APS ••
Mr, and Mrs. Fraser Lear;
Judy, Dana and Matthew .of'Pho'ne.527-0240 '` a
L'eemington -were weekend
visitors with Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed.
Szusz, ' Rodney,Randy, and
Robynne and, Terry Lear. Terry
SHOPc�oE to 0"' returned home on Thursday from
University Hospital. London The indoor .' pool would - adequ-ately
where• he was a patient for the ( serve the, entire population. of 'Huron County
past week following a car , at '
accident. • ' y - end give °all our children, adults, and young � •
Kim 'and Greg Riley 'of athletes an opportunity now enjoyed only U�,�n�`�3�i`G..,,b`dationComm�ttetgoof `lotin�
Winthrop -spent the weekend with in larger metropolitan centres, �-
their grandptarents, Mr. and Mrs. °
Frank Riley. They all- spent W
Saturday le ers
in London where they Sea e w' �•� rt
�tattended'the Santa Claus parade !
and also,isited with, Mr. Borden. 47 MAIN ST. South 527-0270 �»s�.n
97'5 O =b&
grown in Victoria Hospital. , uvnCo�nt`y=
' om share al th.'�pof 3t
Mr. and Mrs: Ken Hulley, Mrs. or mw,.f..,14* 4. tr h" 4 "tr.`s" or t;4 azion "sur'
Les Dolmage, Mr.Stewart w ' _ ..ron.d by rvDt+ aFtho5�at. propay.ak,se♦
-.Dolmage,•Mr.'and Mrs. Nelson �ORNEBROWN MOTORS
McClure, Mf. and-MTS.Sant amt.n. om '• '�• �ti•.»-..°�-`�' ,- ....,.:,•.�«:L.x,.•h
.. �.��� E4 M . \�V,u..!eb •„i.' u,' : s'r �•, tin.,•., • ` XI:.`w j
McClure, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
McClure, Mr. and Mrs. John
Thompson, Mr. Tom Whyte, Mr._ �di� ;';' ' p' r Na 0001
and Mrs.' Don Buchanan, and
Rev. Stan McDonald attended the v, - m !�,..� °' ” ° `°',�-�„j'r�r�
` � <. �,... � ^ •' 't' :�%"�'•"'�c"�;ry* ,may-•--?�-
Western Ontario Assembly, for 7 .
the Canadian Foresters held at. Nyti \ }
tliie Valhalla Inn 6
in Kitchener over �'
the weekend: ,t/aVa,Yii� ��" `� TICKETS ' VAILA FROM
Mrs. Ella Jewitt, Iden, Larry°- �` t� : ME�IiIBER5 000 �A ORTH OPTIMISTS' Kevin . and Steven` of Seaforth
visited on Sunday with Mit. and ♦ MadLEANS FLOWER'S,
Mrs.Jim Preszcator, Bill, Debbie '
and Michael. Ye ARGHIES SUNOCO
Mrs. Ed. Dorrance, Mrs. John. � THE HURON EXPOSITOR
tN' Thompson visited on Monday r
with -Mrs. Doug. Richardson and a�(��r�.�L s7
Andrew Charles of Teeswat�r. ^ .+1L./1 or CALL 482=792,2
Mrs•Clarence SteA
Steer, Carolyn .
and Jennifer of New Hamburg,. Sparkle - their Chdstm'as'."'Mrs. J. • Merner of Kitchener .Draw takes lace December 7th_ at The Car � .Lvisited on Sundayafternoon With� '. „ty Centre 9 1, p•rn: -- MUSIC by T'd� and
'Mr. and M',rs.Carl Merner, Lottery Draw and Dance, Clinton Commun- COUNTRY GENTLEMEN —• $6 pear Couple.
Sandy, Jplie Ann, Michael and .
Michelle. • With a• Special Gift. � - • 1
5 th
Mr. and Mrs: Ken Preszcator, Shdre
visited on •Sunday with , her YoW
mother, Mrs.-LawrenceHill and y U
efo e1r
from our Large'- electrou
with his father Mr. PresxcatOr of r
Mt. and Mrs. Paul Stevenson, '