The Huron Expositor, 1974-11-28, Page 14W, 7 . ....... .. .... .... '7 11� q V, q expost 9 T NOVF .M#ER 28, 1974 rs ith'. $ut''Tuc''ke '00 d 1,1, s6s. chicken war. withd in. atureTo niO.6 arto Quebec 'debate on broilp esOnt and r pric at, the I may say, Mr. Speaker, thereuse SUCH big words in the board is fiee to establish pripes comment about what happened 0114en. Pkoducers' Marketing Ontario. Legislature is no compulsion in any respect on Premier's presence.. but 'scgiri- when the Farm Products Mar,. last week. I simply say they are,!9o4rds have been having discus- Mr. J. Riddeil (Huron.): Thank the Ontario Broiler , Chicken lous is exactly the right one. keting Board last week rescinded free astif yesterday. Thursday is INSTALLMENT OFFINAL"Sign's to Avoid 4 potential chicken- you, Mr. Speaker, A qdestion of Marketing Board. to set theirMr. Speaker- Order please. that r%gulation and iold them that the dormal day fortheni,to set y price the Minister of Agriculture and price. What6er they decide to Mr. MoldelE Mr. Speaker, I. tW- had to reduce their price to their price - at whatever level theywar And seV a satIsfactorfor broiler chickens. food. Is he aware that the Ouebec set it at yesterday pr today, or in will consider the allegation from meet the Quebec level? believe is appropriate...,That is0 10PERT ES The issue, Arose Several weeks chicken pr ducers' marketing conjunction withthe Quebec �he source from which it came but Mr. R-F,Nixon: Wi hear,it was their responsibility. 1974 PR Y'TAXago, when the Farm Products board in all probability will be price, is entirely up t6 them. It's my supplementary on thelmtrut�fio�s'of the minister Mr. Speaker, The member forKarket14 Board (FPMB anfiouq,ciqg a two cent decrease' their job to 'do that, and it is, in Mr.. Speaker: S.upplementary how about that fo Port Arthur. r 'an allega.ordered' tire Ontario Chicken in the price paid. t9 broiler their hands to do so. What they quest' Xion. Mr. R.F. Nixon; The ministerion. IS. DUE ON OR BEFORE, Proaucers' Marketing Board to producers in Quebec next week will do,l don't kn Mr. Riddell:. my supplemen- 'Mr. Deans: And- when I asked hasn't gotten over losing the decrease the price of their and that if the Ontario chicken - I old know that, e,�are, having tary question is: How can the the, minister that a few days agg, by-election in Hurop. It still broilers one cent, to put it on par producers' marketing board is meetings with Quebec what did h' say9smarts. Toughest Tory of ihem with the. Quebec. chicken pro- compelled to lower its price to Chicken fvfarketing Board and I e I hav� no all.chicken producers%. marketine Hon. Mr. Stewart: 30 minister say that the Ontarioduo�6rs' priqe. The' Queb6c correspond to the. Quebec level, can assure you that th-ere are NOVEMBERChicken Produciies' Marketing then the industry could \con- conversations, going-on between (OCPMB) countered hv nteringthethreshold theoffifialsof'my minis rylowerin ceivablybee t a' kTrio -arrested in Petrolia" bie' intheirprice by two cents. of a price war in chickens? How he officials of the Quebec ministry -Jallffes I. -Mc Ln t0S hSeaforth,policlFhave arrested a because they had information -that the chief said. and two of iheJack Riddell.'Huron MPP feels many of these food production in -the hope that we caLn do trio of young men on a charge of some Sea Cl-erk 'TyeaSurerthat the whole thing could have industries can we allow to go something_ to resolve the great forth youths had been young men are in custody in"Th ' do from time to Petrolia. RSMITH. TOWNSHIP been avertediftheFPM8hadn't bankrupt before we step in and difficulties at break, enter and theft result ' ing involved in the breakin. About TUCKEordered the Ontario rice take some action? time occur betweenl1he Province from a break in at the Petrolia s60-0- in stereo equipme .n.I was Chief Cairns 'said that -as a p Golf Club�on Satunda , Novemberdecrease.* The OCPMB had been , Hon. Mr. Stewart: Mr. of Queb6c's.and the.Province of �y stolen from the Golf Club. result of this investigation his16.given the power to establish Speaker, the hon. membir is as Ontario's chicken marketers. 'To department found , more stolen Chief of Police John Caiins said" The stolen property waschicken prices'and never before in usual �fiying his best to incite a me, the problems are simplN i property and the same trio havethe llm-nlin poliro , (,allea him recovered in two Seaforth hom Ph. 527-0240: Exposi C I n Ads five years, had their decisions problem. between Ontario and magnified by giving the type-of es' been. charged, with a break-in at t t 0begn 'questioned according ' to Q public exposure which unfor- Huron Acoustics in Vanastra.Riddell. M`r1-5eans: The. minister is tunitely seems to be the wont ofour friend from Huyon. They (the OCPBere told paranoid! I VanVIiet win's awardsby"the FPMB that they were Mr. Reid: He has to' be Mr. Speaker: The member for A eilsv.e � A 41-114.aqting irresponsibly, and simply kidding! 'Port Arthur. Jan Van--Vji'Ct returned home He also showed, the,had to lower their price", Riddell Mr. Deans: Everybody is - Mr. Foulds. Thank you, Mr. Saturday from , attending -'the charripion Lacombe barrow. JUis said. "Chicken producers were inciting problems. Speaker. A question of the Royal, Winter Fair, Toronto. He son, John attended and showedalready operating at:a deficit, and Mr. Reid: He i's getti'ng TreasUrer,-if I might was successful in winning the his swine' the MondaX and its pretty hard to, expect the par anoid. Mr. Speaker: - One final Premier 'Exhibitor Arid the Tuesday and also had a good producers to take a loss." Injections by hon. members.question by the member for Porf Premier Breeder in the Lacombe showin&Riddell questioned,- .`W.A. Mr. Speaker: Order, please. Arthur. class.Stewart inthe legislature. "is he Mr. Ruston: It's losing thesei Mr. Fb'U'ld's-' Thank you Mr. Z-7(Stew4rt) aware of the recent by-elections in the province. Speaker,7 Z�iiaction of-the FPBM in rescinding Hon. Mr. Stewart: Ican tell you Mr' Riddell: Supp2emcnwy. the regulation permitting the quite frankly, Mr. Speaker, we Mr. R. F. Nixon: 7here is a OCPMB to establish the price. have reports of all the phone calls supplementary question. from last Thursday to this Thurs-' �e is making to everybody-in the Mr. Speaker: No supplemenday for broilers? Would he.not province trying to- stir up tary questions. agree 1hat the board is acting problems. Mr. Riddell: , It is prpqyirresponsibly, eng-o the Mr. R. F.'Nixon: Stir up? Oh, serious, Mr.Speaker..Whims and fancies of the proces- boy. Mr. R. F. Nixon: On'a point ofStarburst oBonusessors at the experise of' the Mr. Foulds: Is the minister order, Mr. Speaker, tlLe Hon. producers who are, according to saying the government wiretaps Minister.of Agriculture ard Poodthe latest statiseics, making some- our phones? indicated in your pre sefice that in thing like. -4.8 return on their Mr. R.F. Nixon: What kind of his opinion the hon. membel wasinvestment? I an allegaflon is that? You should making phone calls around the Gasoline 60-94Stewart replied that he ',',wasn't concern yourself with that allega- province inciting discontent.aware of what arrangements have tion M.t.,Speaker.' Surely you are going to give hithbeen made." Hon. Mr. Winkler: Well, an opportunity to ask a supple- No er ure, everybody shou d mentary questioti, even if ft isn't er HATINGS vemb`i I in the legislat gallon'Riddell predicted, "the, industiry Mt.r.F. Nixon: I'll sAY. It is t% deal with. that scurrilousjMtering the threshold of a price Hon. Mr. Stewart- It isn't Mr.,Speaker: Well, the tim6 could quite conceivably be rotten. allegation. war in chickens." really. All I know Mr. Speaker is has just about 'expired.GERAWS' DATSUN LTD* PHARMACY Stewart rephied, "Mr. Speaker, I'mi getting - reports from the Interjection by an hon. memthe'6n. member (Riddell) is, as people who are receiving these ber. PHONE 527-1010 SVAFORTH usual trying hig best to incite a calls and they are quite dis- Mr. R. F. Nixon:, I shouldn'tproblem bi:tween Ontario and tressed.Quebec...I can tell you quitefrankly, Mr. Speaker, we havercports of allthe phone calk he isfor better selectiol7and valuempking to everyJbody in - theprovince, trying to Stir up pKo- bbims.w_v start your Christmas' shoppIngRiddell med that he was 1trying tstir up trouble. "That'sutter nonsense"he said: right here these -great Stewart , then reiurned * the- iigpower of setting prices to thethe pow ,.,' 0OCPMB' er %�hich had Fft SWIMS AsgY just been resc %R%Xinded by the FPMB.".6Whatever they decide to set it MPORTABLE SEWING CREST PHILIPS "LADY,BUG" SHAVER i at yesterday or today.. is entirelYA seamstress' delight made of 1�ghtvveighjt plastic,Angled head for easy handling on legsIleIYPto them. It's their job to doone tray is compartmented for thread, scissors, and underarms.that and it is in their hands to do needles, etc. The second tray'has removable .....Gift box6d ....so.'. tabs that can be compartmentedy solution is to for your needs, large bottom area for • storing wool, etc ................. $533Riddell said the onlraise prices in both Ontario andQuebec. "In order to give W,Quebec a fair return, the price-KODAK INSTAMAIIC CAMERA OUTFIT CLAIROL AIR BRUSH STYLING DRYERA ddluxe unisex m del complete with QQIncludes Instarnatic X-1 5 Camera, 12 exDosurehas to - go up." 4 attachments: drying brush, stylingZiHe suggested a- seven cent• Koclacolour 126 film plus Magi- comb, detanglbr and spot curler.Nrist strap and instructionincrease in Quebec and four centsin Ontajr�io. Quebec depends on manual ..................•ROYAL ALBERT CUP &SAUCER the Ontario market to purchaf--f'l1,�, - . V40,000 pounds of their broilers 9;' . MOIRS "KITTEN" BOXED CHOCOLATES English Bone China in aitractive each. week. Last year, Quebec assortment of floral patterns and chocolate sweets with cream o d hapes. Gift box included .....A delicious assortment of darkr har 8277produced slightly less than their iii*,;�Xpl�Z? r. N 9" , �.::% centres,4 lb ......................quota of 208,000,000 pounds,but - still exceeded the local5FBUTANE TABLE LIGHTER deminds. They rely on the OLD SPICE GO SETOntario chain stores to buy up e Set in Rock CrystAli approximatelyThis gift box includes�4% oz. Shavtheir , excess chicken, and Must 0111� Lotion, 4% oz. Cologne .......... 3 21/V' square ................. 3538therefore sell at a lower price. P0Quebec and Ontario producechickens on approximately a50/50 basis. rRiddell expects that 'a satisfa' and while you e still saving...C- tory settlement for both sides,from" the negotiations.comePANTY ROSE i "QUALITY." COLOUR FILM"There' s less apt to a price war R? One size . In beige or spice. 126-12 exposure roll, Instant loadingbecause the 're trying tonow, y fits 90 to 140 lbs pr. 44 ea.88type.settle this thing" he said.The following is the NovemberBLACK MAGIC CHOCOLATES 8211 pound box ..............W, x 1010.. ...........XSCOTCH TAPE 3FOR 'OneUt 0 r'Gift and Toy selection Will completeturn uMBORG BATHROOM SCALESOLARAX NOT LATNER DISPENSER,Features a textured washable vinyl mat, Enjoy a hot shaviD everyday with this even tfContinued from Page .1) he longest..Christmas list. large clear dial. 300 lb. capacity great gift ided. Usesavailable in gold or white .... a$880 standard brands of lat'h'er inHullett however. where there also13are�-,Jectictiis for reeve and council WE NOW HAVE A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF either 7 (?z. or 11 oz. cans.. 88only `*1 voters turned outCRA1Y CURL, STYLING WAND Saturday. McKillop where the FATHER FRENCH PURSE school board was the bnly contest BY CLAIROL LADIESCOUTTS HALLMARK k 013 electors vote&on' Saturday. In This Mist Style hair curler operates on Embossed flosal design, claspregular tap water and features therm;o- closure top, avefilable in a Tudkersmith 10 voted, in Grey 7 CHRISTMAS WRAPPING PAPER ' 01- $1001 en or Brown. and in Morris 2. Seafotth'electors staticdlly controlled curling with cool tip choice of Tan, Grefor safety and swivel-cord ..............CARDS and Pkgs.on Saturday totalled 10 according kolis MEN'S KAMENNA CALF 11111FOID . 17 h to Clerk E, Williams. Singles and Boxes MODE DANISH STEAK KNIFE SET These fine qtjality billfolds are This set of 6 steak knives feature!* simulated pp availab)e in two styles, flat de QQ V stag handles, scalloped stainless steel pass case, in either Brown or When You care enough to send the the A& very best! blades, in attractive gift box .... ....... Black, , ................. # me%ei file You'll find we-carry a wide range of other gifts ee F w 8 Track Christmas 'Music in Town. Boxed Chocolates Rowntrees & Moirs' 1/2 lbs to .51bs. REMEMBER.- You can't buy-service —'selection or experie'nce ]RUT at BOB and BETTYS We Provide All Three. jib! Y�16 I t I t Ive got 01m• pitted a- iifd, stave'to --tbianton by nge 4 including toiletries - perfumes - watches - pipes - lighters 9 clocks mirrors • cameras -tiavel cases - baby gifts and plenty more! K.EATINGIS PHARMACY LTD* 4 65 Main- St.,, Phone 527-1990'