The Huron Expositor, 1974-11-28, Page 971
,e �".
Jr �;
tr t award for a 'rq opqv
W, -PASS IhMitcliell. simile Simi,
Loo" colipt uc ion U
4 by
�aTc w jnf d agmg span which was too narrow M , 0
streets is three span, reinforced Contract for- 'the
bee, Croix This, project consists 'of a new- ge to Pp:; an to meet present day traffic .steeds, nj concrete brid rePI4 'alto
have awardqd L_ n
R,430,9.3Z�,O a phase f re,
0_1c 0,
yv 0" xx I
rced c
Lacroix Street s4bwAY itllth� City yeaT*. �Jeam hr IBM= 0 "to,
Qwpiptod late acxt Idgeand assoctutpdrro"
f, Chit 'C -.ordination for utipty plani And aches on the sputbOrly [P 14
appro 44" 411,
ai W 0
. E11>!:ir'
The pro)ect;� whiih has'beep io limits Three'win .,'Scholar'sh, S PAK—
railway relocation Is crucial to the Mticbell, aving A
qnrung Stages for' many' scheduling
Phone 517-1510 — Seaforth "010*604*
the P.� of th�. pr�pct. contract value of $258,403,50,'and h
Friday three Huron 'County Shrnia have been to make -
years,.:, Will, pr6JOd a grade A re expected to be
cent contract 'award has is iSxp -completed next
separation for LaCroix Street, an been made by Perth County to sudimer. secondary -,.schocll honour awards to outstanding studbnts in RE ESERN-TA01- A,
io. Who, Every week more and `--moroll
diploma in Ontar
graduates, level, 33 jurisdictions
The Township of Cumberland, "
arterial road aqd the Canadian Looby Builaers (Dbblin) Limited, received Carter' Scholarship obtain the three highest "people dlscqve�r..�yh�l mighty jobs.
National Aailway§
for a Second river crossing and in, the _0
ain line Ottawa ar ea, made a by low 'cost
awards for academic achieve n plit aggregate -marks on six credits, are accomplished
tracks.'- The ddtour, n9w under
Want, Ads.' Dial
in the 1973.74 school year.' including, at least one credit in Expositor'
construction, will provide a
each of English and Mathematics., Seaforth 527-0,240.
i , � F
The three students' whose
temporary route I
for. traffici, while
I list I Board of Education said that since
several further such tra pants The shortage of donor organ's 1914 funds from a beque"
st of the
have been 0ertormqd,'.- ut 'the also slows up the successful work late J.I.Carter of i
City of
sho'. w- n' at proceduie' had continued to bei4gdone with Aidney trans- HOLIDAY SPECIALS REMEMBER
encounter severe rejection plantsi of which more than 100
problems and, is rarely done are ' performed each year , in
today., Ontariq
9 Transplants of other ecictr of CENTENNIAL*
Mc I
gar en dub organs Dr.G�orge deVeber, dir 0 op From
notably th%eye and kidney. -- have Toronto Western `Hospital's
of flow ICHARMS
0 The preserving been performed for a logner kidney transplant program,
leaves and weeds was period of time withconsiderable describes the shortage as
demonstrated by Jean Durst at `success. They re still savingUC P1V'sifer'" Mu's'ic
the ttron I
. , , . Only about one-third y
of I... - I - _� 0 and
41 the , Seaf6rth , Horticultural,- sight and lives; of many people, o I n'6-",1-Kilu�re.,,pa t who
meeting at the 'To:wk Hall although, they 'attract much less are Vi Pon . dialysis meets
Wednesday night.., fanfare itrild publicity than the machines -- can get trAsplants. BROOC11-11i$
?4 Mrs. Durst expla;ed airdrying heart operations. Even though the success rale -for The MqKillop. Unit of th-&
by hanging flowers in a, dry, dark For texamplp, more' than 100 'the operafion- is high, the donor U.C.W. met at the
h& home of'Mrs. Fun Organs 495.00 . AMAZING
room and pressing between ' corneal transplants took place in organsjust aren't available. This, McCutcheon Wednesday evening IV.
sheet's of pbwspaper weighted Ontario in 1973; a similarumbersays .deVeb6r, is because most )�Yith 14 members present.
down. She explained the use bf will. have- been 'done ion" X4. , , people just don't think abouf Mrs. M. �SRAFGIRTH'DIMIGT
Hackwell was
ii, Home, Organs 749.00 AND UP HIGH
sili�a)4�1 in drying flowers and the Mrlg.Ann6 W61f, , executive 6equeathi their natural charge of devotions opening with
tanning of leaves - by putting secretary of the Eye Bank of resources: a reading "So Stand REady".
branch -6s in i solution of glycerine CanAda's Onfario,Divisign, says The solution; he says, is a "Stand Up Stand Up For Ypsus"
' cerine
and water. ihat the lopierits of these universal donor card -such'as the
�are was sung �lnd Mrs- K. Rock read WA 'Pianos' 995.00 �AND UP
Mr's. Durst"made. several table "new" 9�Fsk, people', with one m`ce y proposed for Ontario the .... scripture "The Whole
arrangements of dried material�- blurred vision caused by scarred �drivers; liticynces. The card would Armour - of God". Mrs.. CHARMS
a ion
A plan of landscaping was corneas, or victims of'industrial, aliom ' licreyice hol&fs Co b6 dohers M. Rackwell bRUMS Low'Priced, specials
gave the, meditation
shown for the Pioneer Memorial hotne or auto accidepis. under the Human Tissue Gift Act "'Therefore gTand". "Onw "d
-Mausoleum, - which included The donors; she says, came if they sign a part of the licence to Christian Sbldiers" was•sung,and PENDANTS.
shrubs, evergreens -and trees. from among more'ihan '100.900
be 4esigried for that. purpose. , 'N�e offering taken" by Mrs. K. Rock
Several embers offered , to Ontarians , *ho have signed. '. As transplants of other organs --'and -dedicat�'d by Mrs. M. TIE TAGS
donat� a.tree ip memory of a- special cards granting permission. 'such as'theheart, lungs,and liver 1-iackwoll, Mrs. L. Godkin gave.
relative.The public Js invited to for their eyes or -other become as su'ccessful'as those for 'GUITARS -c Fantastic Array
contact I the Society and donate a be used afteK �eath, They -realize* the eyes and kidneys there will 156 the topic "Yhe''Church and the AT
Soyiet, s To -day" also "Sunday
that it's •abour 'an " crea' ed. 'emadd for donors,
.trbe which will be• planted to says 'Mrs. Wo 4n . s d Evening in A Soviet, C�oem
urch". AC
a says � Dr. deVeb COUSTICS and E-LECTRICS Used DC
Mrs. M ad a 9n I.Hackweli re,ANSTE�T'JEWELLE1r%,j Ude'findscape plan. the moSt"dr-am, tic gift they could s er. You �anTo,mark the 400th biroday of' everoffer. perform a vital - servic in -QUITARS -and DEMONSTRATORS'froin'$5
e RWriembrance Day, Mfs�.K.Rock
the town in. 1975 the members bers 'are_. �Since 1-956, , when it was bequeathin� your kidijeys by close'd with prayer. Phone 52 .. 7-1720
. 1� ' Mrs. M. Dennis Several used pidpos oh the way. es Accept-
plinning to plant 'one or two, started, the Eye Bank's Ontario coptao-ting the Kidney Foundation
coppe . r beech trees, at as yet an Division . has received 7,749 'of Can-ada,210intario Branch, 1430 presided
or N,
business and read 'a poe
unnamed focal'point in the t6wn donated eyes. Transplants,Mr ed on 11 instruments. SEAFOItTH Cy I N*014
�aVe'o b' PWinter- Th
Yonge St., Thronto' oughts". WALkF',RTON
and perhaps a tree' or, two at'. ideally t . e done within'48 Donating organ� affi�r. death ♦'Hac*well gave
the treasu.rePs
Seaforth District High School, hours of t noes deailf. may be something you'd. -prefer re�ort
N�_ 14P
,Seaforth_Pu�lic and St. James' Nearly, .4000 -q-)wye. been #nc&;te think about. But if you can fe
Separate. performed in Ontario . io I %Vith a tigh sdv . e someone . else's lifq(�n Lunch- was;served by Ws.: C.
S' field on success' rate. improve Wey, Mrs. K. Rock, Mrs. 'M.
A. discussion was the dramatically prove jt, jAt Hackw'ell and hostess rs.
possibility. of the trillium awards The problem, says 4rs.. Wolf, sighing a card, it's well worth.McC U"tcheon.
being presented to. Seaforth and
area residents nominated for their
beautiful gardens: Mrs. John
McCowan is 'itivestigating the
-reqb . ircme , nts. of 'Institutt'ng this,
'award. 0
Pro '-h e
P la'ns' di.a.
The Goderich. and District- Pro
Life 'Group ,met atthe home of
Mrs. Connie Osborn.
It was decided to, change the
name of e . o�ganizatiop t'
""And District" because;; Mea
olf,the ,larger area represented,
The first Annual dinne
meeting will be . held in , th
Christian Ref6rmed' -Church ii ? Y ,
NClinton next Wednesday when
Bruce Heath director of the
Huron County • ChildrenX Aid
Society will speak.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . SERVE MILK
--and all. Through the Yearl
Trees For, -
. I 0�■Vit, f
M� , r.1. , . , A'Miracie Food . . . A Marvelloih D
C 1 ".7 " # 4 e JIM
a You get a,double bonus of tasteand health ihMany peo e belie%re Rich, cream-in-every-droi
11' everyglass of milk.;fn of trees Ithat the qUtt 9 .. C ROCKER' extra helpings of body-building vitamin%
for Christmas "robs" flavor;
nature, and destroys a ftik more
portion of our forests IL minerals and complete proteins. Dr
each year, but the. truth L FOOTWEAR milk! It's the tasty wa](to better health.
: - [ - \ 'FAMI 'Y
is. that nearly three-�
quarters of such trees,
are raised specifically
to be cut at. Christmas- 527-0102 SEAFORTH.
time. Mbst of- the re-
mainder and "thin
In forpsts to improve
Drop in and look over our
nings" i&` LE&
—young trees cut
the growth opportuni-
ties for other trees.
Forestry experts and
nurserymen point out CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEAS
that' young, growing
trees give off more dx- for Men, Women and. Children
ygen and absorb more S14EPPERS — SNO
carbon dioxide than WBOOTS DRESS andMUNK
mature ones, sothat the
oultivation of 04r:lst- CASUAL SHOE
46 1 -
mas trees actually helps SOOTS. S E 2T EST DAIRY PRODIXTS are Ydistributed in the
the ecology,
rn contrast,
they say, the mbnufaC Exeter, Seaforth and Centralia area by:
tune 9f artificial 'trees
uses up valuable energy For the undecided ive• havb
Arid natural resources,
which are not recover- 01 -FT CERTIFICATES
After Christmas, dls�- in any �o
carded trees can be denomination.
used in various waysTelephone: .235-72144
to benefit the environ-
ment. Even if yotr'llve
in a city, ecologists SIM -
gest you can help by
gettinr'iii touch with 0
a he you know it's nght
a local conservation, or- Fiuiessll, In
gAnIzaticift or comnler- your aft
clal nursery.
a, temporary. steel trestle, to b
e t es e
r I t e
. t be
names were announced" b the
Mi 'ihry Education lames
constructed. w a
of are:
diveisiop'for the. heat/ railway
e heav y ra"w a
Jeffrey Reaburn of South Huron
traffic. r
District High School, Exeter,
On completion of this phase,
this phase, P as
H t'A' LTH
$100, with an average percentage
construction' will a
ce on
on six papers of .90.3 per cent.,
-Y, 'reinforce
h concre arch
concre e arch
.9 provided to
(To0ay's Health is pF.ovi
Catherine, Joan Stewart of
bridge which will pro
will pro
weekly new,.�papers by, the
Seaforth District High School and
'rough fare f
permanent thorough -fare for
Ontario MinistryHealth)
Elizabeth 'Mae Jolly of South'
by David Woods
Huron Distrit High School, each
received W with an average
percentage of six papers of 88:5
1967 Dr. Christian Barnard
is to get enough donors. If you'd
per dent each.
revolLitionized • medicine
by performing the first successful
I I ik to help, write• to your nearest
brinch of the Canadian National
D.J.Cochrane, Director of
Education, for Huron County
heart trans In.* Al— hen en
t :4..t P_' +t, W. A �
I list I Board of Education said that since
several further such tra pants The shortage of donor organ's 1914 funds from a beque"
st of the
have been 0ertormqd,'.- ut 'the also slows up the successful work late J.I.Carter of i
City of
sho'. w- n' at proceduie' had continued to bei4gdone with Aidney trans- HOLIDAY SPECIALS REMEMBER
encounter severe rejection plantsi of which more than 100
problems and, is rarely done are ' performed each year , in
today., Ontariq
9 Transplants of other ecictr of CENTENNIAL*
Mc I
gar en dub organs Dr.G�orge deVeber, dir 0 op From
notably th%eye and kidney. -- have Toronto Western `Hospital's
of flow ICHARMS
0 The preserving been performed for a logner kidney transplant program,
leaves and weeds was period of time withconsiderable describes the shortage as
demonstrated by Jean Durst at `success. They re still savingUC P1V'sifer'" Mu's'ic
the ttron I
. , , . Only about one-third y
of I... - I - _� 0 and
41 the , Seaf6rth , Horticultural,- sight and lives; of many people, o I n'6-",1-Kilu�re.,,pa t who
meeting at the 'To:wk Hall although, they 'attract much less are Vi Pon . dialysis meets
Wednesday night.., fanfare itrild publicity than the machines -- can get trAsplants. BROOC11-11i$
?4 Mrs. Durst expla;ed airdrying heart operations. Even though the success rale -for The MqKillop. Unit of th-&
by hanging flowers in a, dry, dark For texamplp, more' than 100 'the operafion- is high, the donor U.C.W. met at the
h& home of'Mrs. Fun Organs 495.00 . AMAZING
room and pressing between ' corneal transplants took place in organsjust aren't available. This, McCutcheon Wednesday evening IV.
sheet's of pbwspaper weighted Ontario in 1973; a similarumbersays .deVeb6r, is because most )�Yith 14 members present.
down. She explained the use bf will. have- been 'done ion" X4. , , people just don't think abouf Mrs. M. �SRAFGIRTH'DIMIGT
Hackwell was
ii, Home, Organs 749.00 AND UP HIGH
sili�a)4�1 in drying flowers and the Mrlg.Ann6 W61f, , executive 6equeathi their natural charge of devotions opening with
tanning of leaves - by putting secretary of the Eye Bank of resources: a reading "So Stand REady".
branch -6s in i solution of glycerine CanAda's Onfario,Divisign, says The solution; he says, is a "Stand Up Stand Up For Ypsus"
' cerine
and water. ihat the lopierits of these universal donor card -such'as the
�are was sung �lnd Mrs- K. Rock read WA 'Pianos' 995.00 �AND UP
Mr's. Durst"made. several table "new" 9�Fsk, people', with one m`ce y proposed for Ontario the .... scripture "The Whole
arrangements of dried material�- blurred vision caused by scarred �drivers; liticynces. The card would Armour - of God". Mrs.. CHARMS
a ion
A plan of landscaping was corneas, or victims of'industrial, aliom ' licreyice hol&fs Co b6 dohers M. Rackwell bRUMS Low'Priced, specials
gave the, meditation
shown for the Pioneer Memorial hotne or auto accidepis. under the Human Tissue Gift Act "'Therefore gTand". "Onw "d
-Mausoleum, - which included The donors; she says, came if they sign a part of the licence to Christian Sbldiers" was•sung,and PENDANTS.
shrubs, evergreens -and trees. from among more'ihan '100.900
be 4esigried for that. purpose. , 'N�e offering taken" by Mrs. K. Rock
Several embers offered , to Ontarians , *ho have signed. '. As transplants of other organs --'and -dedicat�'d by Mrs. M. TIE TAGS
donat� a.tree ip memory of a- special cards granting permission. 'such as'theheart, lungs,and liver 1-iackwoll, Mrs. L. Godkin gave.
relative.The public Js invited to for their eyes or -other become as su'ccessful'as those for 'GUITARS -c Fantastic Array
contact I the Society and donate a be used afteK �eath, They -realize* the eyes and kidneys there will 156 the topic "Yhe''Church and the AT
Soyiet, s To -day" also "Sunday
that it's •abour 'an " crea' ed. 'emadd for donors,
.trbe which will be• planted to says 'Mrs. Wo 4n . s d Evening in A Soviet, C�oem
urch". AC
a says � Dr. deVeb COUSTICS and E-LECTRICS Used DC
Mrs. M ad a 9n I.Hackweli re,ANSTE�T'JEWELLE1r%,j Ude'findscape plan. the moSt"dr-am, tic gift they could s er. You �anTo,mark the 400th biroday of' everoffer. perform a vital - servic in -QUITARS -and DEMONSTRATORS'froin'$5
e RWriembrance Day, Mfs�.K.Rock
the town in. 1975 the members bers 'are_. �Since 1-956, , when it was bequeathin� your kidijeys by close'd with prayer. Phone 52 .. 7-1720
. 1� ' Mrs. M. Dennis Several used pidpos oh the way. es Accept-
plinning to plant 'one or two, started, the Eye Bank's Ontario coptao-ting the Kidney Foundation
coppe . r beech trees, at as yet an Division . has received 7,749 'of Can-ada,210intario Branch, 1430 presided
or N,
business and read 'a poe
unnamed focal'point in the t6wn donated eyes. Transplants,Mr ed on 11 instruments. SEAFOItTH Cy I N*014
�aVe'o b' PWinter- Th
Yonge St., Thronto' oughts". WALkF',RTON
and perhaps a tree' or, two at'. ideally t . e done within'48 Donating organ� affi�r. death ♦'Hac*well gave
the treasu.rePs
Seaforth District High School, hours of t noes deailf. may be something you'd. -prefer re�ort
N�_ 14P
,Seaforth_Pu�lic and St. James' Nearly, .4000 -q-)wye. been #nc&;te think about. But if you can fe
Separate. performed in Ontario . io I %Vith a tigh sdv . e someone . else's lifq(�n Lunch- was;served by Ws.: C.
S' field on success' rate. improve Wey, Mrs. K. Rock, Mrs. 'M.
A. discussion was the dramatically prove jt, jAt Hackw'ell and hostess rs.
possibility. of the trillium awards The problem, says 4rs.. Wolf, sighing a card, it's well worth.McC U"tcheon.
being presented to. Seaforth and
area residents nominated for their
beautiful gardens: Mrs. John
McCowan is 'itivestigating the
-reqb . ircme , nts. of 'Institutt'ng this,
'award. 0
Pro '-h e
P la'ns' di.a.
The Goderich. and District- Pro
Life 'Group ,met atthe home of
Mrs. Connie Osborn.
It was decided to, change the
name of e . o�ganizatiop t'
""And District" because;; Mea
olf,the ,larger area represented,
The first Annual dinne
meeting will be . held in , th
Christian Ref6rmed' -Church ii ? Y ,
NClinton next Wednesday when
Bruce Heath director of the
Huron County • ChildrenX Aid
Society will speak.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . SERVE MILK
--and all. Through the Yearl
Trees For, -
. I 0�■Vit, f
M� , r.1. , . , A'Miracie Food . . . A Marvelloih D
C 1 ".7 " # 4 e JIM
a You get a,double bonus of tasteand health ihMany peo e belie%re Rich, cream-in-every-droi
11' everyglass of milk.;fn of trees Ithat the qUtt 9 .. C ROCKER' extra helpings of body-building vitamin%
for Christmas "robs" flavor;
nature, and destroys a ftik more
portion of our forests IL minerals and complete proteins. Dr
each year, but the. truth L FOOTWEAR milk! It's the tasty wa](to better health.
: - [ - \ 'FAMI 'Y
is. that nearly three-�
quarters of such trees,
are raised specifically
to be cut at. Christmas- 527-0102 SEAFORTH.
time. Mbst of- the re-
mainder and "thin
In forpsts to improve
Drop in and look over our
nings" i&` LE&
—young trees cut
the growth opportuni-
ties for other trees.
Forestry experts and
nurserymen point out CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEAS
that' young, growing
trees give off more dx- for Men, Women and. Children
ygen and absorb more S14EPPERS — SNO
carbon dioxide than WBOOTS DRESS andMUNK
mature ones, sothat the
oultivation of 04r:lst- CASUAL SHOE
46 1 -
mas trees actually helps SOOTS. S E 2T EST DAIRY PRODIXTS are Ydistributed in the
the ecology,
rn contrast,
they say, the mbnufaC Exeter, Seaforth and Centralia area by:
tune 9f artificial 'trees
uses up valuable energy For the undecided ive• havb
Arid natural resources,
which are not recover- 01 -FT CERTIFICATES
After Christmas, dls�- in any �o
carded trees can be denomination.
used in various waysTelephone: .235-72144
to benefit the environ-
ment. Even if yotr'llve
in a city, ecologists SIM -
gest you can help by
gettinr'iii touch with 0
a he you know it's nght
a local conservation, or- Fiuiessll, In
gAnIzaticift or comnler- your aft
clal nursery.