The Huron Expositor, 1974-11-28, Page 4GIFTS TO MAKE FOR CHRISTMAS — The holiday season is a good time to plan a
jam and jelly making session since homemade Christmas gifts from the kitchen are
a good way to economize and offer very personal holiday wishes.
(Photo Agriculture Canada)
Parsoips 'There ' re- many Way— to k o. W10th-i
Saute 1th bud" et ..besides wise sho ping,.
arq,. They van. be
1'/� pounds parsnips,eeled'Onlywayto keep shopping
a)ose eye�on Dry st ale .bread in the oven and F 1 0 money's Worth in the When, aken �emeatr orccheese 000ked stia �Combittedjmelted down and t1Sed
and cut In '/i -Inch slices the budget. According to Faod rail or grind it into crumbs, Use tossed Salad, a casserole, an as a gime fctlr hath or .luncheon
1/2 cup boiling water Advisory Services, Agriculture these for breading meats or omelet or a sandwich spread. meats.
1/a teaspoon salt Canada, avoiding waste is vegetables, or as a topping for -Keep leftover soup by freezing it .Use drippings In ;gravies and
1 beaten egg another excellent way to -get your casseroles. 'in on Ice cube tray. When frozen, sauces; chicken fat in biscuits and
1/4 cu milk x ' remove the cubes, store them in
1/2 teaspoon salt . plastic bags in the freezer. Thaw cookies; beef fat for browning
�/. cup dry bread crumbs rand heat the cubes as needed. onions for casseroles or spaghetti
3 tablespoons butter TOO'AY' CTI LD -Ilse sour milk or. cream in sauce; ham fat for .frying eggs,
Cook parsnips with 1/: teaspoon chocolate cakes, muffins or seasoning beans or cabbage.
BY EL N ncakes.
salt."Simmer until fender•(8 to 10 H.ALLEN
minutes). Drain. Combine egg, -Chili makes a great leftover dish.
Grind bits of leftover meat, Every week more and more
milk and remaining h teaspoon ;N .. ,r.., ,.<::F.N.2eft.F.-�: •kidneys People discover what mighty jobs '
salt. Di parsnips in a mixture ; > ' ` x �f <h'::>," ✓,'�$_ €>, t> .>� poultry, even liver and
P P P egg "E'1z":r•: `= x�` sz to ether -Chili is spicy enou h to are accomplished by low cost
then in bread• crumbs, Fry in g g
Expositor Want Ads. Dial
` mask the' flavor difference.
butter until Boden brown (2 or 3 Use u small, uantities of telly Seaforth S27.Q240.
minutes each side). 6 servings. r;;y `">l. ?y; p q� l
Handy Shopping Hints: For 6
servings buy: .: .. �., ,......,.
2 21/2 pounds rutabaga �• ai;;, j h =:��><.;,; •
, 2 pounds beets .; ' f: •,«�
. . . . . 11/2 pounds parsnips ,
Every week more and more
people discover what mighty jobs
are accomplished by low cost
Expositor Want Ads. Dial
Seaforth 527-0240.
v ., a oar ristmasg.3
There was a time, a7td not so /z cup raisins h Parsnips:- Parsnips are the ;f�
1 and trimming and freedom fr ..,g :• . r pF u
long ago.. when ;; jam `and jelly 1'/z teaspoon choppec crystal- disease, scars and cracks. l�or most neglected member of the f, , ` ! ` f "•.
. �.
making was strictly a lized ginger maximum quality, buy Canada root family. They are a winter
summertime operation. It called '/. cup brown sugar No. 1 rutabagas that are firm and vegetable and their flavor is not a .4,
to mind visions o baskets of fresh 1 teaspoon salt heavy for their size. The may be rf�'..'
p Y Y , Y fully developed until they have v �, �f •�
fruit coming into a steamy farm 1 teaspoon ginger " ' waxed to preserve ,their been exposed to temperatures frA �cw "y
kitchen and being turned into row 1/2 cup cider vinegar appearance, freshness and near freezing. At least two weeks
upcn row of glass jars lining a Combine�all ingredients. Bring vitamin content during the winter of exposure to the cold is a
pantry. to boil and cook until thick (about months. A valuable source of necessary to develop the sweet, " „y'ONE
That was back in the days wlien 10 minutes) stirring frequently. vitamin C, they are a thrifty buy. nutty flavor'. When purchasing
home preservation was one of the Pour into hot sterilized jars and A peak season, this vegetable parsnips, choose Canada No.
few ways that a homemaker could seal. Makes about 4 cups. may cost 6c or -less a serving. smooth, firm, well -shaped LOVES THE OUTDOORS
provide her family with a variety Note: To.make chutney, dessert Contrary to what many people creamy roots of small to medium You can tell from the expression that Dick is an imp. At•nine
of fruits during the winter pears or pears of Canada Choice believe, a rutabaga is not difficult size. Soft, flabby or, shrivelled he is lively and mischievous and most engaging.
months. Now that fresh, canned or Canada Standard grades may or dangerous to cut. First, firmly roots are generally pithy or Anglo-Saxon in background, Dick is a husky youngster with
and frozen fruits are available be used. grab it with on and and a good fibrous. Softness is sometimes an brown hair and hazel eyes. His health' is excellent. He is
year round, preserving is no - sharp knife withhe other. Cut a indication of decay. Woody cores, somewhat shy on 'meeting strangers but soon becomes his
longer the summertime necessity STRAWBERRY CHERRY JAM thin slice off both ends to make ire likely to be found in large uninhibited self. With people he knows, he is lovable and
it used to be. 1 14 -oz can sour cherries, drained two flat surfaces. Now set the coarse' roots. Mis-shapen affectiopate.
The holiday season is a good 1 15702 Package frozen straw rutabaga; up on one end and cut parsnips are objectionable chiefly Because he is hyperactive and excitable, school has been hard
time to plan a jam and jelly berries, thawed off two" or three slices about half because of waste in preparation. for Dick, as it is for any child who finds it difficult to stay put. He
making session, since homemade 1/b cup lemon juice an inch thick. --Then, tip it on the parsnips are an excellent sourpe is in Grade Four.
Ghristmas gifts from the kitchen 2 1/2 cups sugar now larger flat surface and slice of vitamin C. Dick loves the outdoors. His foster family camps regularly and
re a' good way to economize and 6 tablespoons liquid pectin the remainder, Peel the slices and To prepare parsnips for Dick has become an enthusiast. He likes any kind of energetic
offer an unique way of sending. Combine cherries and dice for cooking. cooking, simply trim stem and game, especially hockey but is fond. of music and has started to
very personal holiday wishes. strawberries. Add lemon juice Cooked rutabaga can be mild root ends, peel and cut in fingers Play the guitar.
Jams. jellies, relishes or flavored if you don't overcook it. or thin slices. Bake them in the Dick needs young,, energetic parents who will enjoy his
and sugar and mix well. Bring to It can be boiled for 15 to 20 liveliness and give him love, stimulation and control.
....pack can be boil and boil 1 minute, stirring oven 50 to 60 minutes; or boil 12 To inquire about adopting Dick, please write to Today's Child,
attractively. packaged in a .variety constant) Remove from heat minutes, "panned" -in butter for 'to 15 minutes; or "pan" 9n butter
y' 20 minutes (cooked over low heat Ministry of Community and Social Services, Box 888, Station K,
�bbons! velveabi ds1eandiwher and add pectin. Skim and stir 5' r•yp ), or pressure 15 minutes. Whole parsnips may Toronto M4 2H2, For general adoption information, consult
minutes. Pour, into hot sterilized in covered f an p be pressure cooked 4 minutes. ,
greens. Use glass jars such as the cooked in 1/z inch cubes for ' 1 Serve them seasoned. with basil, your local Children s Aid Society.
jars and seal. Makes about 4
ones that held baby food, instantcups. minute.,, It combines very well , nutmeg or terragon, dressed with
coffee or applesauce; -jelly with other vegetables and fruits., a lemon •parsley or,breain'satice br E ,
tumblers, and even 'min i -crocks CARROT PINEAPPLE Have you tried mashed rutabaga + garnished with- grat ed t:heeSe ,
That contained marmalades or MARMALADE with carrots or potatoes? And a and buttered dry crumbs.
condiments. You may also, of 2 medium oranges rutabaga and apple scallop make parsnips are great to pep up
course, use jars with vacuum 1 lemon ! a highly delectable dish. stews and make wonderful eating
seals especially intended for 2 cups cooked shredded carrot g_EETS. WITHRED.CABBAGE......1;lazed Pike sweet ' potatoes • or
home preserving. 1 14 -oz can ' crushed pineapple,y, cup water - simply sauteed in butter Try
it's important to scald the drained 1/4 cup vinegar ` "Fried parsnips" soon and keep
containers to eliminate any 1 cup syrup from pineapple 1/2 teaspoon salt enjoying them all winter.•
bacteria or molds present and I -teaspoon ginger 1/8 teaspoon caraway seed
thus help prevent spoilage of the 7 cups sugar 2 cups shredded red cabbage
jam .or jelly. if you have an 1 6 -oz bottle liquid pectin NI I pound beets cooked, peeled and t ,_ o
automatic dishwasher with a very Peel oranges and lemon and cut diced
hot rinse cycle, use it to wash jars peel in thin strips 1 -inch long. 2 tablespoons butter o
and covers. Otherwise, wash Cook. in small amount of boiling Dairy sour cream (optional)
them in soapy water, rinse, scald water until tender (15 minutes); ,for�
and drain. Drain. Combine with diced pulp Combine Water, vinegar, salt,
From Food Advisory Services, from ' fruit , and remaining caraway seed in frypan and bring DIAMONDS, WATCHES
come three suggeAians for ingredients except sugar and to boil. Add cabbage. Cover and JEWELLERY, FINE CHINA
Christmas gifts from the kitchen. pectin. Add sugar and mix well. simmer until just tender (about 5FOR
"Pear Chutney" is a delightfully Bring to boil and boil. 1 minute" minutes). Add beets�["nd butter. All Types of Repairs
spicy canned pear, raisin and stirring constantly. Remove from Stir and cook until' beets are Phone 527-0270
crystallized ginger concoction to heat and add pectin, skim and stir heated through. Serve with sour
accompany cold meats or chicken. 7 minutes. Pour into hot sterilized cream if desired. 6 servings.
"Strawberry Cherry Jam" is jars and seal. Makes about 8
made from frozen strawberries cups.
and canned cherries and is the E N I � ]) lr A CRUISE!'
ideal accompaniment for muffins DON'T NEGLECT ROOT '
or tea biscuits.And what can VEGETABLES! SPOIL Y (� 1 ! R S I;, I X THIS WINTER,
brighten up a cold winter morning Root vegetables such as
better than "Carrott Pineapple rutabagas, beets and parsnips are THE R E S t t ur 5 W I I.I. AMAZE YOU!
Marmalade", a tart golden blend not served as often on Canadian
of crushed pineapple, orange and tables as other vegetables and
lemon peel and grated carrot. this is unfortunate because their Oil rt11we Lines new 25,300 -toll
'Make them now for Christmas. flavor equals if not surpasses luxury star
They'll, express your warm some of them. �ood Advisory a
z,ww„,;N -`. 'ljy. ,,.
holiday wishes better than any Services urge you to try them sD Icj< ;:,;•>..:.„x:;;111
words ever could kW
cooked according to their tested '�” ! •�:»mss,' ..� t'!r,;t1y
�tt Y
QUICK PEAR CHUTNEY methods. They think you'll like
3 19 -oz cans pears, drained and them! w M,,, :;n.,s„4,;ri» «,s•., c; �/;.; ?, ,s `:.
chopped Rutabagas❑ -The variety of
1/2 cup syrup from pears rutabaga, or vellow table turnip i•:;:%i::<'..:
1/4 cup chopped onion ” now on the market is especially +�' .• .,:.•w•
I lemon, peeled and sliced thin noted for its mildness and Whit the DORIC's debut the orchestras to�ppmored dopa•
I teaspoon finely grat ed orange sweetness. Rutabagas are graded pan winter; a new standard of cats brldge'arld ship•and-shore
rind on firmness, smoothness. shape QuallfyCruises was introduced golf. Gracious all -Italian
Taxes to be paid at the Canadian Imperial
- Bank, of Commerce, Brussels.
to Florida. Enjoy 2 swimming
pools on spaciously -lengthened
service. All accommodations In
lower beds, all with piiv4b
outdoor -docks, Indoor pool with
bathrooms, phones, elllnate
sauna and massage rooms.
controls; many with raids and '
beautiful lounges including 3
television• over 80% outside
nlphtclubs. Lavish cuisine, zest-
cabins; S eloVato& Panama -
1'W activities that range from 3
plan Registry.
including a special Pro -Christmas Shopping Cralas
on Dec.10,1974.9 days,5 ports -5410 to $980.
1100. 21-14 Days -7 Ports—$750 to $1705
Feb. 13-14.00ya-e PeAa—$7ti0 t. $17N
Jam, 4— 8 0ays-5lbrh—$435 U $1090
Jet. 13-11 Dsy0=4 Ports—S55514 $1330
Mor, 2-12 Dsys-7 ftru t1 is b $1530
*Mar, 14-zlrli p -i Parte•-$5,15 to $1275
Jae. 23- 8 Diys-3 Porta -3480 to $1150
Ott. 24-11 Days -6 Parts -11555 to $1238
FOL • 3-12 Dsya-7 Porls=$1143 to $1335
Apr, 5- 1 llsys-5 poria -$48$ is $1098
Apr, 14-11 pays-$ Porti -$53810 $1338•
Rates based on double
occupancy, subject to availability
E M alt rrh .1 -I
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Ontario today has more houses and more Plan brings home ownership within the
new housing programs than ever before. reach of many moderate -income earners.
We are, ,unquestionably, among the best Houses are built on serviced lots which are
housed people in the world. then leased by Ontario Housing Corporation
But the cost of housing, for both owners to new homeowners who have the option of
and renters, has increased sharply in recent buying the. land after five years. This com-
years. bination makes, I ower-th an -normal down
With this in mind the Ontario Government payments possible.
has developed many programs to ease cost
pressures and 'help make more housing If you wSuld like more information or free
available. Four such programs are: literature on these four housing programs,
1. Ontario HomCRenewal Program ( HR ) write:
offers grants and loans for home improve- Information Services,
ra'tent through local municipalities to low o, Ontario.
101 Bloor Street West,
and moderate income homeowners. It, is Toro 1o,
particularly directed to the rehabilitation of
sub -standard dwellings, with emphasis on Ministry of Housing -
faultj structural and sanitary conditions, Donald Irvine, Minister ,
Gov(brnment of Ontario
William Davis, Prertyi&
-0. .
1 '