The Huron Expositor, 1974-11-21, Page 10;: T:T
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Duff's -h► s Reme r�aroc sprogram,
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> .q ;r,� '? drd7 ;u wit;. x °k '.` .a m r ne ba wast ' t 9 s. Don McDonald readLillianB i ie Do na Smith and night
F, , ° ° x , i Reme b a e Y he he a busmen. Mn Do L a t n gh in the ,l3rurisel6 United Mr. Ng, Ryan has returned to
,: for the Walton Unit of the U.C.W,- the minutes. In the copper collec- Mary Lammerant. They all. Church. Cala after spending asst two
t Fi �';,•. ay •,' -.:.Xf k:Y ,y .y h:. Z4 '.� S tdk. r. A. ,,.4 t 5.'.."v �5l1 !::-'. t r '• Fa:
F.. x t x w .� z. " �, ,;, o Wednesday evening 'n 'they Mrs.
G. Smith's side were the received certifies an Pin: Ma Mr.
:• x • . } y s, *r, ,.•: ,. n e Y B t tion, M a to d Mary Wm. Blake is a patient in months a.t the dome. of liis. parents
Y •: • i;v,: �S ;.. +„ ft, g ,n r'1�y ,� e.:.'+f{ `' l ! �1.. w �i.
basement of Duff's United Church. winners. It was agreed to dispense Bremner completed her twelfth club Victoria Hospital, London having Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ran. He is
P Y 'T
s, a' s t Mrs. Art Heard opened the with the annual dinner and unit and received her provincial honours surgery last Friday. We hope he will m loyed with the Oil Drilling Co;
{ � meetin with dedications to'the War r with a certificate and in. have a speedy recovery. P
fi,r st K q g a meeting as everyone will .attend the p p y ry. �t MacKenzie Rlta.
a dead and read "In Flander's Christmas U,C.W. meeting. Presentation of 'Advanced
2, tf S d f 7c4 .
Field," Two minutes silence was It was decided in place of the din- Honours were awarded to: Mrs. Bev
observed in memory of those that ner to take a special donation and Stevenson, RR 2, Blyth and Mrs.'
lost their lives, in the past Iwo wars, send to the Children's' Aid, Diane McNichol, RR 4, Walton for
Y "SYgN'^TIA,� Y. t t?+gFt 6hY f:X _ • ,., ,� .» .,,,,,.,.. „ .
' "Judge, eternal, throned in splen. Goderich which realized $12. the completion of eighteen clubs
gni i dour" was sung accompanied at the Officers for 75.76 are: president, They were, presented with a cer-
:y' t " " tt$ Y' piano by Mrs. Edna Hackwell. The Mrs. Alvin , McDonald; vice- tificate and a silver pie server.
w,° scripture from Psalm 46 and president, Mrs. Rae Houston; Presentation of certificates and
Romans 12 was read by Mrs. Hack- secretary, Mrs. Don McDonald; spoons were given to everyone that
well, followed by Mrs. Heard treasurer, Mrs. Gerald Smith; Cop- completed the fall project, "The
i leading in prayer. "Stand up, Stand per Contest Leaders, Mrs. Jim Fritz Club Girl Entertains."
g r'
to up for JesuF" closed the devotional and . Mrs. Jim McDonald; cards, The spring project will be, "What
." %
' — lle centre period. Mrs. Doug Fraser; supper commit -
ADVANCED HONOURS Huron's Home Economist Jane PeniShall I Wear" while the summer
g y (centre) Mrs. Mac Sholdice gave a Topic tee, Mrs. Don Fraser and Mrs. Jan, project will be Garden Club - "Use
f presented Advance Honour certificates at the •Achievement Day in Ethel on _ on Missions Today. Mission work is VanVliet. I of Vegetables''
Saturday.. Mrs. Bev Stevenson, R. R.2, Blyth, left and Mrs. Dianne McNichol, of sharing, not in our own country The January meeting will be held
14 11 but overseas too. It should start at 'at the homne of Mrs. Alvin PERSONALS
:jry. R. R,4, Walton, right, were Advance Honours winners. (Photo by Pat Langlois)- home It is love in action with our- McDonald Mrs Rae Houston and Sunday guests at the home of Mr.
selves, it is helping other people Mrs. Don Fraser are on for and Mrs: Alvin McDonald were: _.
r.j who are ill and need our help. Love devotions and Mrs. Ken McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Russell Krauter of At-
Jk!s Jottings j, g God with all your heart and love 'will bring lunch. wood; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kreuter
ill your neighbor. Mrs. Van Vliet and the hostess of Listowel;. Mr, and Mrs. Murray e Guaranteed y Mrs. Ron Bennett 'presided for served lunch. Huether and Joan of Brussels; Mr.
Provincedrops,new �train 'the busminess in the absence of the The Brussels Area Achievement and Mrs. Jim McDonald, Mr. and■ ■president, Mrs: Bill Thaer."Mrs. Day was held at the. Grey .Central Mrs. Ken McDonald and Rick; Mr. +J Ineome CertiflcatesBennett thanked those that had School on.Saturday, with Miss Jane and Mrs. Don McDonald, Bruce, '
taken part in the meeting, and read Pengilley, Home Economist, Clinton Pat, Jeanne and Jim. OEM, Jack Riddell, M.P.P. Huron Housing, Mr. Robert Nixon, initiative should have been m= in a poem, "Friendship";The 20 mein charge. Due to the bad roads the euchre11 .._
The Minister of Transpor- said he was concerned over the exactly the opposite direction, bers answered the roll call. Mrs. There were 12 4-H Clubs atten- card party was cancelled last
tatioca and Communications, business acument displayed by Housing Minister, Donald Ir- Mac Sholdice gave the treasurer's, ded from Cranbrook, Ethel, Friday evening. We are sorry if the '
Mr. John Rhodes, informed the Ontario Housing Corporation. vine said that Ontario Housing report and $21.65 was realized from Brussels, Molesworth, Moncrief and word did not get around, and incon-
' Mr. Nixon was particularly Corporation is conducting ex- the bake sale. Walton; they all participated in the venienced anyone. We hope to have
House this week of changes in P g
the Krauss -Maffei Go -Urban referring to seven Government perimerits into the,feasibility of It was decided not to have a rhorning activities. it the last Friday night in Novem- °
demonstration programme 3t Purchases which provided using solar energy to heat nominating committee .as most of The afternoon program consisted ber.
d P g speculative profits to three the officers remain for another year. of skits, demonstrations and Mr. George Taylor arrived home
the CNE. P P homes. If the economics. are Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Reid offered exhibits put on by the 4-H Clubs. last weekfrom Mexico where he
companies in excess of one reasonable consideration
Mr. Rhodes said that to act on the Supper committee but Mrs. Agnes King, Home Economist, spent the past several months. „
Krauss -Maffei which has been million dollars. would be given to '•the in- two more are still needed for this Woodstock gave comments on the Mrs. Walter Broadfoot received 1 to 5 YEAR TERM
funded' in`"part for ,this project. Mr. Nixon said that Ontario stallation of a system in one ,or unit. demonstrations and skits. Com- word last week of the passing of , N
by "the West German Govern- Housing has assembled 2,300 two existing housing projects Mrs. Frank Kirkby offered her ments on exhibits were given by Mrs. Larry. Crichton of Westniin- INCOME TRUST
ment had concluded that they acres of land in the southeast owned by OHC on an ex- home, when a quilt would be put in Mrs, Elaine Struthers, home ster, B.C. She was the former '
could not financially continue Portion of the present town of perimental basis. The solar the first of this week. economist, Kitchener. Margaret McLeod, lived in Walton
ill with the programme, because of Milton formerly known as energy would only be used to The captains for the copper con_ Presentation of Cana ian Council and attended school here. ,, MEMBER; CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP.
ii P north Oakville. The assembled supplement conventional test reported on their. year's collec on 4-H Clubs Leader:Z Awards We are glad,to report that Mrs. J.
a recent decision by the West PP tion. Mrs. Dunk's side, now taken were given for Mrs.Wallace Bell, Payne was, able to return home
7 German Government to with- land will 'be used- indefinitely systems rather than replace
for agricultural 'purposes but them. over by Mrs. M. Sholdice were the Brussels for 5 years a a leader and :' ''from hospital last Saturday. She
draw from certain long-range winners over Mrs. Harold Bolger's Mrs. Robert Bremner, RR 2, has relatives ,from Windsor and
techr-ological programmes. Mr. will eventually be available for In view of recent newspaper side. The Christmas meeting will Bluevale for 10 years. Galt visiting her, Call. John Moore
Rhodes had been approached housing development. The reports, Mr. W.D. McDeough, be a supper on December 11. Those receiving County Honours, Mr. Jerry Dressel, of Etobicoke
to see if arrangements would be three companies purchased Minister of Energy, made a "Onward Chrigtiap Soldiers" was the completion of sin 4-H clubs spent last Saturday, at the home of John Moore Insurance Agency Ltd
mads to modify contract. each of the seven properties brief statement . in the sung and Mrs. Bennett closed the were: Joan Huether, Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hackwell, N,
' Under 'a new agreement On -
-than seven months before Legislature, on Ontario meeting with prayer. Lunch was ser- McCallum, Fran Blake} Jenny also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Doug
' rio is allowed to use over $30 selling to the Government and Hydro's ability to meet the ved by the hostesses, `Mrs. Edna Reinink, Annette Boneschansker, Ennis at Seaforth. AUTO, FIRE, LIABILITY & FARM PACKAGE POLICY
_�!; Hackwell, Mrs. A. Searle and Mrs. Debbie . Hood, Marion Brink, Several ladies from the area at OFFICE: DUBLIN 345-2x612' RES.: 348-9067
_ million worth of research and one property was owned by. one winter electrical, power y tended the Horticulture Pot Luck
of the companies, for only 32 " demands in the Province. He A. McCall, Marleen Glanville, Gaye Fischer,
development data of the . West Jane Schade, .Linda' Verstoep, Supper and meeting on , Monday
German Government and drys., The Government paid said. this abaity depended on 8TH AND 16TH UNIT MEET
' Krauss -Maffei, and - the $579,095 for that parcel on several factors. Because of the The, Unit met at the home of Mrs.
` Minister told the Legislature - March 12, 1974, about $200,000 loss of an additional one or Don McDonald, Wednesday .,
.l that the Ontario Transpor- or 54% 'more than this com- more of Ontario Hydro's evening with nine members and one
f. Cation Development Cor- pany had bought it for on largest generators; and a guest present.
poration will receive and February 8. • prolonged cold snap, the system. Mrs. Gerald Smith opened
1 uickly Mr. Nixon said that six of the could be taxed very severely... followed by singing "0 God our
assimilate the data as q '
'• seven - urchases were com- However Hydro is hopeful. help in ages past". An article on the vanastra Parks and Recreation Committee
. as possible andbegin using the pleted n March, 1974, when that at least one, and possibly origin of the Peace Rose, a rose that
Munich test track and vehicles h P Y was born just as World War II
i real estate rices around two of the fine 500,000 kilowatt
als quickly as .possible. P began, led into some thoughts of
The contract with Krauss-' Toronto, were at their peak, generators,now shut down may November 11, Remembrance • Day.
` 'Maffei has been terminated and .less than one nionth'befoFe Ile,,��it e�s:)icr s��v�it��l3y :the The Scripture•-,:, As-;ntaken, frngt
wt and Ontario will be refunded the Treasurer's land middle of December. Hydro's Micah: -Chapter 4, verses 1-2.L,,O, , i - '; "''
all the money it has spent so speculation tax was introduced, overall capacity; including the An account was giyen-of what it is ,
far on , the demonstration in an attempt to deflate these five generators not presently in like to be a Missionary Wife by
project -at the CNE, ,and an i a- prices. According to Mr. Nixon, service, is 18.5 -million Shirley Phillip. She and her
husband Doug were the first
terim payment of $8.5 million the government purchases, m at kilowatts, anticipated peak. Missionaries sent, by the. United p�Oceeds tO
i 4 was made to cover most of the grossly inflated prices; ""' ''thy demand, is forecast as . 14.5
! Church to a Roman Catholic
1 costs. Ontario will have the use reinforced and acceleratedthe million kilowatts. The com- Mission in Malawi Africa in 1968.
1 of the Krauss -Maffei test track dangerous' • increase in land bined capacity of the five units The offering was received and
and test equipment in Munich costs in southern Ontario at a not in service . 6 2.5 million dedicated by Mrs. G. Smith.
free of charge. Since Krauss- time when all -government kilowattg. Mrs. George McCall presided for r^n. r%_
Maffei will no longer be con-
structing the CNE test track
i. and since the Ontario Govern -
's '. ment is able to use the Krauss -
Maffei facilities in Munich, Mr.
Rhodes said that further in-
vestment in a demonstration
track can now be postponed.
a Mr. Robert Nixon, Leader of
a the- Opposition, who has
vigorously, criticized this
system, called on the Govern-
ment to abandon the whole
} project and save the taxpayers
an astronomical amount of
The Premier, Mr. 'William
1 Davis, said that the Govern-
meiit was not' apologizing for
proceeding with research and
' development in the field of in-
termediate capacity transpor-
tation. He said it may be that
there are not many other
1 jurisdictions doing it but the
Province of Ontario initiated it
to a great extent and will con-
tinue. He said the Government
was very anxious to resolve ur•
ban transportation problems,
facing society, on a long term
1--ts, and it was only fair to
that these problems will
not be solved by just bus tran-
sportationp•or totally by street-
cai or rail transportation but
that it will take a combination
of many things.
The Ontario Housing Cor-
poration came under fire this
week when Mrs. Margaret
Campbell, Liberal Member of
St. George, called upon the
Provincial Government to
initiate a full, public inquiry
into the activities of OHC. She
said Ontario Housing Cor-
poration should be investigated
fully, and the activities of of.
ficials at every level, includini
the Board of Directors should
be scrutinized very carefully. A
full official inquiry is im-
perative, and all records, in-
cludigg the Corporation's
books and the minutes of the
Board of Directors' meetings
should be available for
scrutiny. She said that in the
past, when it was requested
i6t these documents be .made
itvailablel to Members of the ..
L'egislatur'e, it j ad book
o,or. 0'. ,
i p
— rte- sy
The- indoor pool would - adequately
serve the entire population of Huron County
and give. all. our children, adults, and young
athletes an opportunity now enjoyed only
in larger- metropolitan centres.
1975 ot&wWk
— suppllsd by
Clinton. Ont.
or, CALL 482-792'2 4
®raw takes place December 7th
,b-d- i the 'debat,69 of the
16►4iht �bid `4i lvi nit& ,:of
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