The Wingham Times, 1894-01-19, Page 7ProRobertson on Winter Dalry- ing. Prof, Robertson, Dominion Dairy gotwutiseioner, gave an address en the "Winter Dairying Movement in On- tario," at the Outario Creameries' convection in ,Bellwville. This inuve- ment had lye viable public cumnleue . anent ata dairy conveutiou held iu Ingersoll in 1887, It flue limit art• vomited, t.ensietently t'y the Drury Cow,mieeioner atm the leaders in dairy associations ever since It recognizes that farmers must produce exactly the kind and quality of foods which are wanted, at high prices and at the time of the year when the demand is must act'.ve. The taste of the people in nearly all countries to which our foods are sent is changing towards those of fine and concentrated sorts, such as cheese, butter, beef, bacon, mutton, mills, etc. In looking et what daiiys ing has done it may be observed thitt the value of cheese exports last year was $13,407,476, and the total value of butter 451,296,814. The extenaiou of dairying should be in the dtrectiou of buttermaking, and that during the winter. By this departure it is pos- sible that the value of the butter to be exported from Caned., may within ten years be as great as the value of the cheese. From the market -end of the business conies the warning that Canada must not over -do the dairy busiuees by giving exclusive attention to the cheese branch. Buttern►aking Should also be extended in bummer, and creameries should be ruu for ten or twelve months instead of live. The demrad for creamery Rutter in Great Britain is usually strong aud steady in September, October and November, before the shipments of Australian butter arrive there.' In discussing this tnovetnent in a new district the first question that arises is. Is it practicable ? That has been proven by the experience at the Dominion Ex- perimental Dairy Stations, which were started in the winter of 1891-92 From thew there h arisen now 21 winter butternakiug stations iu On tariu. At these rue patrons are inure than satisfied witu the retut•us. During last winter, 1892-93, at three stations over $12,000 of butter were made. The price per pound of butter was over 2.2i cents, and the net returns to farmers was 90i- cents per 100 pounds of milk, besides the skimmed and butter, silk. If only one in ten of the cheese factories in Canada would make an equal quantity of butter to begin with, the value would be over $609,000. The advent ages of winter dairying are: It provides paying ernploymant on the farm ; it Secured a revenue every rnorith ; it brings an income from the $17(3,000,- 000 invested in dairy farina. in Ontario; it affords employment to cheese and butter makers, and keeps Satan from finding ernploymeut for .the idle hands of cheese and butter buyers. Milk and its products bring more money per pound during the winter; the same cows give more milk when milked for ten or eleven mouths than in five or , six months. There is an extra value in the skim milk and buttermilk for the rearing of calves and the feeding of pige. This is a branch that should be developed. The nerds of the business ere better Management of cows, by abundant supplies of succulent food. There is where the farmer's good judgment comes in. In the dairy farm some. times the cow judgment prevails ove- the wait judgment, and in consequenur no profits result. The cow btablee should be warm, dry, clean, light tins well ventilated. Pure water is necesd Bary. 1 THE WTNGHAM TIMES, JANUARY 19 1894, A P*Lrmer's,iPhilosophy,. lis' GIVES SOAIIC R4SON5 FOB, 'ran L^^XIST• piece OF II/.RD TIDIES. There is being do iunsh land in the country about .,Iii►rd dentis end the. scarcity of irtenly unci as (.V01'7180(17 has a causeetind snows a remedy, I. thnnghq 1 woul write to tell your readers what I think is the Cause. IV buy wore dun we produce. There is too much flour and bacon shipped here every year. The things we ought to make at home we are buying. We let our timber rot and buy our plow stocks, sineletret's, axe handles, hoe handles and fPuuing. We throe away our ashes an.l buy soap and axle grease. We give away our beef hides aud. buy hatne strings and shoe etriugs. We waste our manure aud buy guano, . We buy garden seed in the spring and cabbage in the winter. 1Ve let our lands grow up in weeds and bny our brooms. We buy school houses and hire teachers and send our children off to Perfectly Cured. Silts, --I have been greatly troubled with headache and bad blood for ten or twelve years. I started to take Burdook Blood .Bitters in July, 1892, and now (Januar}, 1893), I am perfectly cured. -HUGH DATN, Norwood, Ont, Farm Notes. Says the Prairie Farmer : Don't forget to keep batt where cows Can lick it at pleasure. A lack of this ►orals 1t sure tors of milk. Soda is a very low cotletitttent of milk. With- ent it intik would not be n fluid,for by the meets of it casein ix ditisolved, title eurdtes when Pour because the acid neutralizes the sada and the t•asin is;,then precipitated, The soda iu ❑cilli comes troy the salt (chloride of sodium) and hence salt should Ile accessible to cows every day. An old sheep Iua;'er remarked to us once thut it was tt double inisfortnne for a ewe to lose lier lamb. Not uuly wits there a direct loss of what the lam 0 would have been worth, but there is also at, injury to the future value of the ewe its it Breeder, 'the trouble that while grates is plentiful in Spring, ewes that fro not give milk are kite to become too fat for breeders. His remedy Nos when Ibe. lalntt died to !.reed again for an early fall lamb, to be fattened and sold about Christ - Was or New Year. Too many farmers have an idea that they eau breed just what they want by be educated, mixing breeds which have some of the We land a five -cent fish with a desirable points. 1 f they want the $4 fishing rod. Jerseys larger they will cross them We send a fifteen -cent boy nut with some largt-r meed. If their with a twenty dollar gun and four- Shorthorns give poor milk they cross dollar dog to kill birds. them with the Jerseys. It their sheep We raise dogs and buy wool. are raw-boned and have thin wool they And about the only thing in this country that there is overproduction ' of are politics and doe-tins.—Am- ericus Times. Tice New Year, Finds Hood's Sarsaparilla leading every- thinginthe way of nledicieesin three i tbpor- tent particulars, namely ; Hood's Sarsa- parilla has 1. The largest sale in the world. If: accomplishes 2. The greatest cures in the world. It l change is attempted without experi- has I ence, 3. The largest Laboratory in the world. • What more can be said ? Hood's Sarsa- parilla has merit; is peculiarly to itself, aud most of all, Hood's Sarsaparilla oures. If you are sick, it is the wediniue for you to take. try a Merino cross. and if their pigs and poultry are not whet they like they keep up their experimenting by mixing two extremes. Common farmers cannot afford to do this. Fix- ing new and desirable .types is a slow process, and it is much better to pay a good prior: for what has already been done hy an expert than to suffer the loss and disappointment which follow in too many cases if the Dogs of Mount St. Bernard. Near to the top of the great St. Bernard Mountains, in one of the most dangerous passages of the Alps, between Switzerland and Savoy, is situated a convent. The moues who live there are most hospitable, and always take in trave'Iers who, seek a shelter, tor in hi^h regions a shelter is often needed. .n;ven when the day looks bright and clear, a storm comes suddenly on, the snow fells thick and fast, and the traveller cannot see a How to Get a "Sunlight" Pictue. foot before hitn. By-and-by he gets Send '25 "Sunlight"Soap wrappers(writp. benumbed with the cold, and sinks to Perbealingthe words" 1VhyDoes aWomau the snow. He would soon die if no Look Old Sooner Than a;itian") to Lever $ros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., jTorouto, and you help reached him. will receive by post a pretty picture, tree But the monks of St. Bernard go from advertlsing, at'd well worth framing. out on such stormy days' and look for This is an easy way to decorate your house. Smith: Hello, Siinson! Got a new set of teeth, eh? flow long have you had then? Simon: Eve r sine: the last decade. Mother—Well, ray dear, have you been to enquire ho.v young Mrs. An- drews is? Nellie—Yes, mother. And Mr. Andrews was s0 rude 1 tle said it didn't platter to us how young his wife was. Don't talk to me, sorr, about snor- ing, exclaimed the O'Rull. Why, I know a man in Donegal that snored so loudly that bedad, sorr, he prevent- ed his own self from sleeping. Must Have Meant Bine. I wants IK,urnel Breckenridge, who Jibs next dere ter ole, put ander a {pillion dollar bond ter keep de peace, said Sam Johusing exidt.rity to au Austin, Texas, Jnative of the Pence. Lias he threatened your life ? asked the Justice. He hoe done dot berry thing. He tole me dat he wit? gwinter fill de next nigt.'ah he caught after datk in his lieu e house plum full of buckshot. BRLIr.F IN uey aud Biad hours by the " uey Cure." Tit surprise and deli count of Its exeee lieviug pain in the and every hart of t mile or female. 1 water and pain in mediately. If yo _ cure this is your hobo's drug stor,, 'Ix Hoo as.—Dtstressing Kid. r die uses relieved in six "real :oath Awericau Kid ne remedy is a great h to physicians on no- g promptness in re. adder, kidneys, back urinary passages in r= ieves reteuciun of pass g it almost im- want , uick relief and remedy. Sold at Chia. any strangers who maybe in need of 'f 11 07 i s thoenbet in thve marko et seanndd hetp. Besides,they have some noble the wrappers, if you leave the ends opeunit. dogs who Pre trained to seek for people Write your address carefully. in the snow, The monks fasten a small flask of spirits around the dog's unhand—They say Squire Smith - neck, in case the Lost traveller should fieldhas left his estate CO his youngest have. energy enough to open it, and son. Wife—Why; pray? Husband refresh himself ; they often fasten a —I suppose it. to because he is a crip- warm rue over the dog's hack, that pie nd won't be able to run through the man may wrap himeeif in it, the property. The keen scent of the dogs soon en - A New Use for it.—suis Bill, wot's ables them to find any lost people,! this here closure as 1 'eres 'em a -toric• even if they are buried deep in the ing snow. They scratch away the snow mu with their feet, and hark loudly to pent blokes to keep diem from jawr- bring the monks of the convent thottoo much. Lor! Aiiy Chance o' their assistance get One of these does found a child unhurt, whose mother' lead been des- good troyed by an avalanche ; •he managed Lit to drag the bay to the convent door,frot and there by .barking and whining witb1 Brtdgot--Ult,sor, only just the this perishing boy to the fire, and after, Su great exertion, saved his life. per H u U about in 'Yds iVarlc7 Sort o' zzle as they put 01111 thane Parlia- hotting a hold o' one for my misses 7 1 Jewel from {lit, Emerald Isle.-- Literary Party (aghast): Er—tun— heavens, Drldgetl what papers o toy desk are you lighting the fire brought the monks out, who carried ones that are scribbled all overt re 1 haven't touched the clave pa - at all, Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. There's a man, avid Smith to Jones HAGYARD'S Peotorial l3alsatn cures directing attention to a person passing coughs, colds,hoarsonese, bronchitis, down the street, there is It man that asthma, whooping cough, and all bronchial hat; dello •souu+ good it this world, lung troubles. Price 25c. per bottle, or 1 five for 51.00. Ahl indeed, said Joules, is he a Con- cord pbiiosopherl No, replied Smith: Coffee. he Itis invented a sure cute for chil• The annual coffee crop of the world blains. is estimated at over 11,000,000,000 The Countess of Lacklands—I hope ponnds ;worth at first bande$135,000,- von will grant lie your pardon, Sir 000, This enormous quantity is Gilbert, i lniow it is a delicate mat - grown in lands between the parallels of ter, but-ver—in fact it has got about 80 degrees north and 30 degrees south that you are going to harry my dough" latitude, mainly in British India and ter Estella, and what shall we del— the neighboring ialande, in Siberia what shall we say abnttt it? Sir Gil- aud other parts of Africa, in the West bort Ilrntadacres--Ob, lust say she re- Indira, Mexico, Central Africa, and fused me, that's all. ' 13razil. The domestic consumption of the United States amounts to '591,• The hope and pride of the family 18'2 100 pounds, which is valued at (,11f A Delightful Trip. ,[friend—Did yon enjoy your sojourn 1 in Europe I1l•lic Hunter—Eujoy 7—I should say so 1 1; cut some gold fringe from the Emperor's throne in Derlin, hook- ed a door knob from the Vatican, broke tin ear off tin old statue In Italy, and chipped off a piece of Shake- speare's tomb, 1 wouldn't take one thousnud dollars for 'em 1 Statistics show that 23,000,000 in .habitants of the United States are Maintained by agriculture, 15,620,000 by manufactures. A man, and not less a boy or girl, is known by the company: he keeps away from. Aluminum does not readily absorb haat, and for this reason it is spoken of as the coining roofing material. In parts of Ethiopia it is a stark of politeness to appear without. clothes. What pert of speech 1s kiss 1 asked a teacher at Vassar college. A conjunction, replied one of the smart girls. Wrong, said the teacher severely ; next girl A noun, put in a denture maiden. What kind of a noun? continued the preceptress. CtieIIver—it is both common and answered the shy girl and promoted to the head of the proper, she was class. Mies Phayue: Well, no one will ever marry me for my fortune. Miss Not of if your face is ycur fortune, dear. M. Craigrnever, a teamster for David Kennedy & Son, (Juelnb, had Monday by a load was driving upset - account of the icy both legs broken of wood which he ting in a ditch on roads. 'est returned from the grand tour): $'72,140,000, and of which 90 par Oh, really, you know, lite men one � When we assert that Dodd's Kidney Pills !A/ieitpltlRJO/G�c,/�a•p/�/Cy�gq/p/` Cure Backache, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all other forms of Kidney Troubles, we are backed by the testimony of all who have used them. THEY CURE TO STAY CURED. By all druggists or mail on receipt of price, secants. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co., Toronto. OLDS OUGHS QUICKLY YIELD TO ALttNVS„:ad in • What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta and Glc;ldron. It contains neither Opium, Morphine 7.10rothdr •sarcotic substance. It is :l, harmless rubstituto for Zregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is'lPleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by ltliillions of Mothers. Castoria, destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and. ilittezioncy. Castoritt assilhlilatcs the food, regulates the stomach, and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.. Cas. torza is theChil4lron's Panacea,—the Mother's Friend, Castoria. "Castoria is an ezccllent medicine for chil- dren. 3:ct'he:•s have repeatedly tt.ld me of its good oCect upon their children." Da. G. C. Oa000D,s Lowell, Ma. " Castor'.a is tbo best remedy for children of which I ant ::cq::hinted. I hope tho day is not far P.i3:ant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in- stead of the variousquack nostrumsvthiell aro destroying their loved ones, byforcicgopium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending'° them to premature graves. Dn. J. F. Knicnct OE, Conway, Ar' C, astorii.. "Castoria.iz so well adapted to c'.:i''ren Otto'I recommend it aseuperiurtoi,ay i,rescriptiv:'t known to mc." 11, A. Ar rRSt ,1f. 111 So. Oxford St., l.rtmalyn, N. "Our physicians iu the chlldro, ':= depart. resent have spoken LigLiy of 1;,: r e. ituri enco in their ousido Prat::: o u..:, t';.. teat, and although WO only have a, ou:; I.rr medical supplies what is known as rout. r products, yet co aro free to confess that t8e merits of Castoria has won us to loot -with favor upon it." UNITED IIDSPITLr. AND DISPENe6RY, Boston, Nass, Au.E.v C. Srxrn, Pres., Tho Cout.^..y Con:LT.7 a r, '' Nr ---ray Street, hien York: City. Canadian Pacific Railway., TIRO' TABLL. Trains arrive and depart as follows : LEAYIN0 ARRIVING 5:35 a. tat...... ....For Toronto ....:. --....6:86 a. m 1:05 p. m " 1:05 pen 2:60p.in........ .... For Teesweter........?::q " 10:40 p. m " 10:40 " C & LsYD TRUNK --TIME TABLE. ARRIVE AT W1 OtlAA LEAVR w1NGI4AM 0:35 a tit. Palmerston, Guelph, Toronto, &c.0:36 p.m 11:20 " " 11.40 " 10:55 p tn. " " 7:30p. m 6:50 a. in. " mixed for Kincardine 11.20a m 3:37 p. nt. for Airtardine 3.37 p. m 10.02 ' `1 " 10.07 p. m 11:00 a. tr.. London, Clinton, &c., 3.40 " s:16p. tn. BANK OF 1 EEL.T ON WINGI-IAM. Capital, $1.250,000. Rest, $650,000. President—JOHN SrirARr. Vice-President—A. G. it.i nsAY. DIRECTORS ions Par/molt, Gap. ltosclr. WM GIBSON, AL P, A. T. Woos, A. a. Lit i (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. Savings Bank-Aours,10 to 3 ; Saturdays, 10 1. Deposits of s1 and upwards received and mtoeast allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts ou Great Britain and the United States bought and sold5 B. 'WILLSON, AGENT. MEYER & DICKINSON, Solicitors. Scientific American Agency for 04-e. 104 CEltrir fl�dN�RFUL C"" Not only a relief but a cure for all kinds of HEAD PAINS, SICK STOMACH AND BILIOUSNESS llarmlces. Contain no hurtful drugs. A wonderful Compound. Mee to take. Suro death to pain. Iio sero you got S1'AI1K'S. P•Jseers"CD DV R. STARK, M, 0.0. P,, CHEMIST noel GLASGOW UNIVERSITY, SCOTLAND, ► .tlr HE R. STARK MEDICINE Cr . -Jr' r,i..o a box. Sold by 1111 'tr.Mtrri0ts A:tatiirei5• itety Cotlino .ttel which sleets in some of those places out West! cent, comes from countries -- geographically belong to this Contin- 1 said to Myself every night: Well, ent. thank heaven 1 haven't shot anybody! Pond and nervous mother—You mean It make envy sore tct'llee intellect thank Hoaven Nobody shot you, don't soar. i yon, dear? 1 c> CU LS WHERE LL LSE AIL Pest Cough Sytnp. Tast'f6 Good. U6 in unto. ;told by,trut�4wt. , ..._ . r3 H CAVEATi."s TRADE RAARIGS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etc. Dor information and free uondboolc write to MUNN & CO., 361 BIioADwAY, NEW Ybnt;. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America Sverrpatent taken out by us 13 brought before the public by a notice given free of charge itt the �c int C littfican Largest circulation of any soientiffo paper in the word. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should b0 without it. weekly 63.00 a rear: $1.60 Mk months. Addrers MUNN & CO.; Puntlsnnns, 361 liroadway. S'ew rtrk City. Sheridan's Condition Powder To Subscribers in Arrear and Others. A number of subscribers ere still in arrear for their subscriptions for the current year, and a certain number for two and even more years. We urgently request all subscribers in arrear to put them- selves right on olar books as soon, as possible. Those indebted for job printing and advertising will also confer a f Ivor by an early settlement. We Lave large payments to make and would like those indebted to us to nut us in a position to meet them. If you owe us anything, don't wait for an account to be sent you, but call and settle or remit the amouut at your earliest cone - I nience. All remittances should be made by express or moot`:' ( rtler, or sent by registered letter to U. ELLIOTT, TI,uts OFFICE, Wingham, Ont. KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS. Strong• and i:dealthy • Prevents all Discount. itisnbooluterlyfure. igh►vwneentrated. rn niters. lityM�lntatenth or aeentit,as.y. No.tbvrkkInd iieliikket1.4tit Sam1..b. '301321801110. , oat Set mILMp',�m1i. ret.Ie7~sa,Arra PROF. SCOTT, MUSICAL LEADER PCES3YTEHIAll CHURCH gives Private Lessons in Vocal Training, hotly in Staff and Tonic.Sol.Fn: Notation. Open for emregement.9 for Concerts or Church meetings. Terms moderate. Apply a 11115. 11.1i0R1tOw'S, Patrick St Winghatn LOGS, LOGS, LOGS. The highest Cash prices paid for tiny quanity of good HARD AND SOFT WOOD LOOS delivere'l in our )nil, Call and get ptices hefure disposing of your Timber. Custoffl Sa in ,Piainin and SRi�r`�t,,L E GUTTING done cheap lit: the cin`ttpest aud sada. faction guaratiltee•tl. All lands t:f :R,ough and Dressed Lumber, Lath, Shingles, 8re., kept constantly on hand. MuLEAN & SOX, - Wiugliam, Dec. 7th,