The Wingham Times, 1894-01-19, Page 2TIE IVIN GIIAAM TIMES, JA.N ARA. 19,1894. v. . , to do, which should stimulate us to ,S.mineal Odelitif s. 1boy's hill, woe hint five sal'Hinge, and !lig Alit t Imo ;greater activity in 'teeing thea the sent hint tellers` in a boa rowed by proper iihhtructionU are pliatfefl withiti 1v111 RLEPRANTU ihAVlt SHOAT XEcl:S !the reach of all our friends, so that . AND cos 11Av 16 WHISKERS, RS, the best possible wvorlt oan bo done in -- '1iIDA.Y JANUARY 19, 1804. every section of thio empire Province. 1 'the reason of the shortness of the The ttkL as ken ver ted. or• e P ants 'leek tart to the dairy ulen of tine country, int the nuuwal is Se ilea%y that were it aid we should, learn many important 1 placed at the neck lit a length proper. tessera, We met our neighbors in ; tamale to the dtmensiuua of that, or- friendly competition at the World's gen he other aniniluls, art alnloat Intal• Columbian Exposition, aid, while the eulebte tunount of niuscular force results were not so gratifying to us as Would be neoeseury to elevute avid to our brethreri in the cheese industry, sustain it. The almost total fst,seuce still they are full of encouragement of a neck obviates the difficulty and the and use. Our butter was judged by clunk served as a substitute. The three emiueit experts, two front the United States and one from Can- ada. The body of o Canadian hut - ter ,the n rated ver ter va on wit s l t Y but most of our exhijtita last several our TO -MORROW. Old Beeswax the cobbler, al, iuerry good soul,. Brimful of intention, and yarns that are droll, And duty after day as he Mends your shoe, Ile tells the old story that never comes , true. -- I'11 cave it done to -morrow. Aa proud as a king he sits on his throne, Begleefully pounds on ;his huge lapstone, With blow after blow, till he makes the air ring, g, .A -tad over and over this song does he sin — Just call again to -morrow. g .Like all of his trade a debater is he, Though poor as s mouse, yet from care is he free, Ana he talks of the things tat labor should do, Yet ready to say when you ?call for your Shoe—• Just call again to•morrow. r'. In spite of the efforts that ithe's tried to make, Though willing of spirit, tbq flesh is o'er weak, P' Yet the wrathy all get an.' answer quite soft, 'Tie ready, aye, ready, he sures it so oft— Just call again,.to-morrow. ' '1'h p yearh b y, p 1 ph tek is that the head Old Nick was in need of a None had he in hell, to rel To earth he did journey d And spying old Beeswax, bound— To have him hbbler bad, e it is sad, nd looked all ays he, I'll be b;fore to -morrow. However, old Nicholas wa ed boldly in, Bowing politely as if wit out in And said, Mister Beeswa 'tis true what I tell There is plenty of Ieathe and shop -room in hell— But don't wait till to-inorrow. Then. come straight alon , there is no time to lose, For down there is plan y of unmended shoes, So put on your coat, and..come.riglit away, We'll take a good start a}thd get there to- t day— That you ma31 work to -morrow. 0113 Beeswax was troubled, tho' nothing he said, And as lie sat thinking, kgpt scratching his head, I Then without more ado he waxed a fresh end, +, And made this remark a% he started to mend— „lust call again to -morrow. OA hearing this statement, Nick got very wroth, And swore in his auger a remendous oath, That•had a saint heard it he would have • turned dumb, Then grabbing old Waxe ., he yelled out come, come— ' I'll not wait ill to -morrow. Old Waxey got mad, and eizing Ins awl, Jabbed fiercely at Nick Which caused him to bawl, Gave him one behind as be ran o'er the floor, Then smiling, cried out, 4 he shot through the door— snail roti ,,r: . . -u. N, points On flavor, winelt We can retnedy by caretul attention;;and 1 know our •roarnery men will cheerfully do any- thing possible to bel leaders in the. art of making fancy creeknery butter. The circumstancea were 'not favoraote to Oanadiars, by resume of the distant points from wt hill t`ost of our butter had to be sent, tttkiug about tee days in transit, besides the restrictions of the Milted States ciistotns regulations. It wits impossible to;have our butter stored in a retrigera; or at Chicago,anct then brought to theljudges as required while our American•"`friends wore not slow to take advant4ge of baving their butter in the refria'ratter until the judges were ready; i o I think we did exeeedinely well too win 27 awards, not reach much beyond;t the bottom and have such a la'ge number of our of the first joiut of the forefinger. It exhibits come withi; a point of the is very restricted in its movements, minimum -1 fixed for,this class. Quite a and the animal can never twiddle its number of our exhibits failed to scorer thumbs nor turn them around till the P ion. M axlof this article oto Bail sailors. Mark's tether wee waiting to receive his son. Father, said the boy, it is a good thing to havil tt good father, and then the story of the steward's kindness was told. My lad, said Mr. Pearse, it is long since I passed theeetindness on to him in doing what 1 _lid. Now kis bas passed it on td,, you, As you grow up, Mind that you often peas it on to others, Years afterwards, when the boy had twee and advautages of tt long nock, become a man, he was going by rail pecnliarly txetnptifird In the giraffe, on a abort journey, when be alai a boy which contains only the saris oeinber crying bitterly, n theaus a ithe r On ski a e � his grief, articulations as ' the a H A IC J It tt In of vertebral 1 rt u i to a h' p thathe had not enc boyreplied ha . d h t supplied u 4 h reiut the clop cur, a h tby p�, the trunk or proboscis+,. by wbiclh be is money by four-pence'to pay his fare enabled to carry fond to his mouth and to the town in whiob the lived. to drink by suction. ; This e.urions Mr. Pearse at once! bought the boy e el his w nr_•tin routai,ls a vast number of mus- a ticket, and then r jttedown ex - cies variously interlaced, is extremely perience on the steamer years before. flexible, endowed with' .the most ex.. And now, be concluded, I want you quisite sensibility and the uttnoat diver- to be sure to pass the+ kindness on to city of motion, and compensates amply others if you are ever•nble to do so. for the absence of a long- neck. As the train left he station, the There is so much variety in the smiling boy waved Ibis handkerchief !hands o.°ttte monkeys that a eOuspar• and said,— ison of them with those of man cannot I wilt pass it on, si; I will pass it very easily be made, but this cowpar on. icon may be made with the higher lour - salt. apes, such as the gorilla and chiwpan- A Booming Business. zee, which approach nearest in' their REPORTS rEoat DIFFERENT` POINTS SHOWING strueture to ourselves: In the BIG SALNS AND GRAND RE'RUL'te TOR DOD0's gorilla the thumb is shgrt and does RINE PILLS—sAs1PLEs4I or THin 'weave DAILY RECEIVED BY THE JIiANUFACTURER$. TORONTO, Jan. 15.-J. At , MacDonald, a druggist at Whitewood, N. W. T., writes; Dodd's Kiduey Pills ale Meeting with uni- on ion this pa t of the Domin- Y Y en account of using poor, off -flavored tips describe a circle, The web between crea5iug, anent is well nigh impossible for salt. I am sure 'ye wi 1 all learn the fingers reaches to the beginning of me to keep them in stook, Frank Brown, something from illi wonderful expos• the second joint, the fingers taper to druggist, of Shelburne, QM., writes under ition, and so itn rt}ve our creamer the tis, and there is •a callosity, or a recent date t Please ship me another buildings and ha -e them properly ad, ou the. knuckles± on which the 1 five gross of Dodd'e Kidney Fills, Sold f- p p Y p eighteen boxes this afternoon. They are equipped with cre m -separators and animal rests when :walking on all giving grand satisfaction. These pule are modern machinery, iwitll an educated butter -maker, who las attended our dairy school at Guelph, thoroughly understanding everei detail, so that in future perfection 1w111 shine forth from every peekagejof butter made. In examining aadme of the fancy cVamery butter at:Chicago, and talk• ing with the matters, I found that they were only usingl the latest and most modern appti'atus, and were anxious to find out all they could about our methods. •S' En short, these young men were fully alive to the im- portance of their calling, I found an- other faucy package, from a central creamery, with several skimming stations, which was nearly perfection, and I think well of this system, es- pecially for winter creameries. After the regular cheese season is over one central factor can fitted out plc th d err feel itsposition more fours. lei man the thljltnb reaches to the top of the first jog it of the fore- finger. Man can twilldle his thumb, so that the tip will d4 scribe a circle, and he can touch the tips of all his fingers with it; the vv�leb between his fingers does net exteltd beyond the base of the first joint, and there are no on pads the knuckles.1 The bones in the hand of man and on that of the gorilla are the same int number and in general form. But t»e thumbs of the monkey have no sPJparate floor or bending muscle, as those of men have. This is why a monkey always bends his thumb rnund an ;Object which he grasps, but always j Beers it on the seme side as -his fingers. The whiskers of the cats and of the,. cat tribe are exceedtl;gT Sensitive, enabling they . g +lien elzin their prey CYn e e in e, tePo perly for making `butter, and the lacutelyf These hair's ire supplied neighboring factories! can hsve:faet%P- t( ough the roots with branches of the arator only, and Ii "see tate cream taken same nerves that give' sensibility to to this14 aI factory. This will the lips and that in 'insects supply avoid ong hauls and' each patron can their feelers. his skim milk hone and enjoy .t.' e prestige of having his butter made A wonderful new c mbina€ion is R. a large, influentidl creamery, where Stork's Headache, Nep algia Vaud Liver thine but the finest goods are turn• Powders, nice to take d perfel;tly harm - out. The past year should also -teach us "I'll pay you to -morrow," he bears it be- times, That often he says, to make sure of his dlmes-•-- Just call again tomorrow. Kincardine. —H. J. WH1rLEY. Ontario Creameries Association. 'the nnhhual meeting of the above association watt held In Belleville, last week. Wo make the following ex• tracts from the President's address : President Derbyshire, in his opening aft:t'ress said:- —It is my pleasant duty a8open the ninth annual convention r# the Ontario Creameries) Association tt this historic city, where we have tat with snob .ft warm reception. That hest. 'tuna., end „awe yogic utadivided at• ie have made rapid advaneeeeent telxtiee, tt ,wffett' tletlsil' Ira fetenection bee the formation of this association with the boaitit;as with wh+ell we ere to ong will deny. Tha changes t that identified, set that we eau swell our lien taken place in the Conditions and exports of butter apd nheese from thirteen to twenty sAlit% in 1894. This can only be done, by all building stlos, and heaving plenty of good, nutri- tious food, to keep up the flow of the less. Mrs, Mary Keat 88 Hain street, Hamilton says; "For years—iii fact all 'av. life—I have been troubled with severe treed all the other lesson—to make provision for headache. I have dies e dry, hot weather, which is sure to could hear of and have been treated byI me. In 1893 ontya limited num- many doctors, but with very little good resulta N. A'friend recommended your Head and eural iia and Liver,Powdera some Roll f ur cows decreased milk nearly 50 ' time ago, and I have found them to be the er of our farmers tie prepared, er cent. in July ands August. If you till allow them to go! down, thea you an rest assured that they will not ;air much that seasoi. What a loss o our Province! EE cell our dairymen fad been ready, with clean, airy tables, with screens ,to keep the (lies out, and plenty oP: silage or other green crop, and kept the cows in the stables ,in the day titre, turning them ort at night,' when the fires would not bother them, making sure they got all they could eel of the best food, plenty of pure water, salting them every morning, treating them kindly, we would have had two mil. lions of money more among our dairy men in this Province, which would have meant prosperity to every Indus- try,. While somuch depends} on the sttecess of our dair!yzuen, - and no business ie so sure and profitable every year, I would urge all to commence the r,ew year vrith a (till determination to :tif:1t' p Ore I>< profit.ble cows, iu the ltrroprndings of our dairymen during Ms tenet y.ara in Ontario are per gtester than have itits'i :algid any todostry, and 1 std, aUtei We Can IRT1R1 batter work in the future.. milk throughout the season, R *Q 8?-ri,o}.nlar t rt';trr,prles in this .•.W...• _; j tk°arld 12 witltet 4eci'tY'bvid8--a Rheumatism originsttes`tn the morbid apeiil 1;0 per cent. We find condition of the blood. I'taod's l;arape.r- clgaiting and stock raising ilia cures rheumatistn. Gilt only hood's. tlrarrMd on intelligently that, -fq 'Progressive anal well. EarSubscribe for that Thus. greatest blessing to me—i '+fact !eat truly say they are wonderful. 1 would not be without them for more thiin I can tell.i' Mr. Flook, station master, Grand Trunk Railway, Hamilton, says; '•Tbey cured my most severest headaches, which I had for at least three years.” ;Fries 25c. a box, For sale by all medicine dealers. Value of a Go`id Father. When the Rev. M k Guy Pearse was about fourteen ears old he went to London, having been in a school in Germany. He stayed in London long enough to spend all his money, except- ing enough to pay his fare to his home in Cornwall Ile went by train to l3ristol, and there took pass on a vessel. He thought that the passage money iu• eluded his board, and therefore order- ed his meals that day, At the end of the journey a dapper little steward presented a bill for meals to the lad. I have no money, said the surprised boy When, replied the steward, you bold not ]:tetra taken your meals at the table. What is your name? Mark Guy Pearse. The steward closed his book, took the boy by the hand, and said,— I never thought 1 should live to see you. My mother was in great distress years ago. My father had died sud- denly, and your fabler was very kind to Illy mother and rue. T promised myself then if I could ever do so, t would show like kindness to some one your father laved. The truly gratsful steward' paid the manufacturedby Dr. L. A. Smith 8d, Co., Toronto. and are sold by all dealers or will be mailed on receipt of price ; fifty cents per box, or six boxes for $2.50. An engineering feat • worthy of notice was aecomplisbed a few days ago in the t'ompleti•fn of the boring of the P,nsk-Ivanhoe Railway Tunnel under the Rocky Mountains at Hager- man 1 Ras, Col. The tunnel is close upon two miles long, and is bored through solid gray granite. It ac- complishment involved, three years and 20 days' work, each day being 20 laboring hours. The tlaimel is 18,800 feet ahoy.- sea level, ant) is on the line of the Colored' Midland Railway, & Neuralgia ONE APPLICATION TRY i'at lS OfTHE ea.........,,,,., 86 v' "MENTHOL, e&a a PLASTER, !TWILL DISPEL THE PAIN,LIKE MAGIC, WORMS E'0R the removal of worms of all Inds iotnchildren or adults. ass, Ac, R6.MITH'$ GERMAN WORM prompt, reliehl.. aartaand p1c a $, requiring so so after modicino. Never falling. heave zo bad aster e 'alta• PAPAL SJS (mantra per 10 JOB PRINTING v INOLUI)ING Rooks. Pamphlets, Posters, Bill heads, Circulate, ,ke.,&n., executed in the best style of the art. at moderate prices, and on short notice, Apply or address R. ELLIOTT, • Tunis Office, Wingham, LOOK .HERE ! This Will Interet Every- body1 WEBST.RR'S IN2 RRNATIbN6iJ Entire& Nero: DIC l IONAR ABreartglrthe Titins. ' ,.r Grand Educator. Tlecsteccessorogthe t'i7ngbridged." Ten;:years -were spentlrevising, 100 editors, employed, and oyer 300,000 ,'.o expended. Zndez ybod y sbouldt. own thi:t a Diction :try. It an- q ewers all question) concerning the Ills- tory, (pelting, pro- :; nunolation, and uieanillk of ti -orris. u A. Library iri Itself. It also f vos • thelacts often wanted nonce Mug cnlineu; e persona, ancient and modern;, noted Heti- • tions persons and places; the countries, • cities, towns, and natural ieafuros of the globe; translation of for eignl,quotations, worths, phrases, and proverbs; tto., etc., etc. • This 'Work is In vat J bio in the household, and to the teacher,ascholur, pro- fessional man, and self-educatbr. • 21i0 Globe, 2'orortto, says4— This new dictionary Is the Hest book of its Bind In the EnrlIsli language. Far every family. the me,nbee or which have mastered the 11x1 of wad. n Inn,14411Urchase Will prove aprolit tble investment. 0 The2`Ii,ies, .13afufltori, (cyst-- - � Itm:lywellbepronohncedtho14stworking 11i- �? flowery and the cheapest book lit the world, and should be in every school and family In Canada. i aveyour,BOOksellerSAWittoyon. C. C. litertium Co. Publishers, sr, t,urdertr, braes., rr s.�. 5 'flnnotb • ganplde, rep oatuona. CnNond for cllig li - lt,tlstratE n clleatlplmto- -1 v -1 R5 1,:,ts of ancient t} 1EItNATiONAi. co 'J t f tee nrospeat is T3tIC'CIO, ltl Y na+ neelntenl,agtls, tAvwwwwwwvinimiimOa, etc, vvout NERV� N1 ttTH 13Lrl1Nt'1 area new dnpa� govern that core the Worst cases d y TTS Norma mfg Mabhol o ,I;mttestoligoor the W EAJ.y S weR.knceif of bout!• or mind oansed by oxer -work. et the errors or es, aeeSeeof renlIi. Tbfe 1•tomedrab- itol+ttely core* tea tltoht elatlnsts Meta !rear Int other rufgists at f Per asalrejr, a tat, or &x oofrr $b er sent h bmdrag. f30 Torn f , bi� iorRJAMS i6trsatpkI t. i —I?Y INDIO*rr, 7ft:1'. QO1RG(1N. We are selling Best Coal Oil at 12 1-2 cents per Au/aerial gal- lon, al-lon, or a can containing the equivalent of five American ;gallons for 50c,, exclusive of pack- age. American Axes, 5oc. to 65c. each. Crosscut Saws, 45c. to $1.00 per foot. 1 We to -dad' reduce our quotations on Binder Twine one cent per lb. J. 'A. CLINE;!'& CO, , `'Hingham. IIAM ' n P WWORKS 0 WM, Si D0 • WI NP P , l P111ETOR. I wish to in . m the people of Wing - ham and ,+;err i • : irate country, that, as I -kiave ' pltrc, ase the Steam Pump Works IateIy . vita by Mr. H. Clark, I are prepared t, snppl all kinds of Wooden, lit , Fore And attend to in anyth As I have business I g if not satisfac & iron Pumps he went ng in the long exp rantee ry will re of the public ump tine. er all fun also deal in ALL KiND i UPWIND ILLS `Soft wa =r cisterns made notice. Orders by in 11 promptly attend d to. D. SHOWER Wing ani• 000 in the y work, and the money. 1jc xn am t o Ely —zS Itullflalsut— EYED F1tISlleee3l MORNING --A1 11111C -•- TIMES FFI .,,, OSEPH&NE STREET WINGIIAtti, ONTARIO. auhserig.tionprico,,r,1 ser yoar.tt;t advarioa _ _ ADVEROIMMO RATES _Spam: " i_7 3r_ J 8 no.. ,.-3ln0 1^1 nu) One Column 460 00- ,i•3b 00 ';}20 00 eu 00 Half " 80 00 ;0 00 12 00 600 Quarter " ' 20 00, ; 12 00 7 00 ; 4 W One inch 5 00, 8 00 2' 00 164 Legal and other casual advertisements, Sc, per line for first insertion, andOe. per Ane for each subsequent insertion. Local notices 10o. pee..ne for first insertion, and 5d, per line for each sulee:eiment insertion. No local nottae will be charged. less than 26 e. AdvortisemontsofL,est,Found, Strayed', Situations, and, Business Changes Wanted, not exceeding 8 liner nonpareil, 41 per month Houses and Forma far Sale, not exceeding $ v for rivet month, toe. per subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to ec al rates t I S t or advertisements, i ovalor fo p , henget periods„ Advertisements and Iocal notices without specific dircotions, will hoinsorted till forbid and charged aecordhfgly. Transitory advertisements must be paid in advance Changes for eentrect advertinsments must be n the office by Wednesday noon, 01 order to appear that week R. ELLIOTT PPOrnu,TOR AND PUBLISHER DR DIAGDONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, Wcsomm, W. B. TOWLEE, I.f,D.0.11., Member Collogc Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Huron— Office Up•stalrs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing, ham, Ont. Orulcaliouns,-9 to 12 a. en., 1 to 0 p. m„ or at Residence, Diagonal Street. ONTARIO, ' J.P. KENNEDY, M, D., 31. 0. P. S. 0. (Successor rt D Meldrum,) Gold Medalist of Western University: Late lineae Surgeon in London General hospital. Special atter. tion paid to diseases of women and children. Office—Formerly occupied by Dr. Aioldrum,Cot,`ner of Centro and Patrick streets. W INOI•It st ON•r R. VANSTONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No commission charged. Mortga••es, town and farm propert; bought and sold' OFFICE—Beaver Block WINODAM J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, Sc, Wingham Ont E. L. DICKINSON, Einrriistrvr Etc. son2car011 TO BANE OF HAMILTON. MONEY TO LOA. Office—Meyer Block, Wingham. DENTISTRY.— J 8. JEitOME, WilvonAs,, Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite plates of the bostmaterial as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion. All work Warranted. altered Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric. ity or Vegetable Vapor. TAxE NoT,es.—I will extradt teeth for 26 cents each, OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, o osite the Brunswick House, pp n short ZETLA D SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all finds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car load Orders a Specialty. WOOD• delivered to any part of Wingham. treOrbers by"mail promptly attehde to GEORGE TFHOMSON, BOx125, winghain P. A LIBERAL QFFER! We are now offeritlg THE LADIES' JOURNAL, of Toronto, a large 80 page monthly Illustrated Fashion Home Paper particularly interesting to ladies, with th The two publications) will die aiveu for $1.25 for one year, and will be gout to any address. This offer applies o those who renew for the Mite for snot er year be- fore January lst,1894, as eve 1 as to new subscribers. Tito regular subseription'price of the Ladies' Journal is One Dir per year, The ileums,' and the 'xosge f11 only cost you $1,25 if you sand now. Address, Times Orme, 'Velnabam, Ont,. Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. 5., DENTIST, OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's Hotel, Wingham. Will visit Gerrie lst and 3rd Mondays of each month, JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT tVINn1iAM, , ONTani, PDEANS, JE„ WINenA,a, LICENSED AUCTIONEER 'FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON. Salts attended in any part of the Co. Charges Moderate. fK JOHN CURRIE, WINGOAMM, One., LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOit THE COUNTY OF HURON All orders loft at the Tnts% ethos promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable, JAMES itEND RSON, LICENSSe AroTI031fga Fos COUNTIES Hume: AND BEM, All sales attorded to promptly end on the Shortest Notice. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed, All accessary arrangements can bo made at the Totss' office WnoiItAM Oxr IL 4. TloAShc, M..111. Toronto, lidembers College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, 13E4ehAVR , ONT141t6 Mene9' xo Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REA8ONA73LB :RAT:S Money advanced nn btortgages at ti psi rent with privilege of psylnE at the enit of any year, Notes and accounts collected, Rent. IMMO/ND00. Beaver Meek wirehair, Ont. Widt. IL t 110111.11CTltD •RY ,50SN'WINO ear •G'oel'and .IHaaateionu W,dll•eall the atteuttone ot• tfie,a 4eahe•faea, 'that Che •Weluan's snce-Unlo,•n,eets essay •rionda; :ala,rp,,tor cue:hour, at gee, liel0 rigkstreet. All Iodine ararnado' We hold a auonthly .et,epcl aOle Monday al •esory •alonth, oval) atdmertised,.to •whlch,atec$isg-•we generally. As the utlbtar has klr,dly;:give 4peoe,-for oar work; tve.ask, fruonc -aettd+itenls of interest on ulIn1,oral •day to any et our nuseibere. Several weeks will els the vote on prohibition ir, the,publicatiou cdi the •,o# e1- et' the t la . 1 t� a ,A. cord n o 0 ,velem{ of .eacUymunicipatit reit theJ1gsres mutate tl the Clerk ) ttheL e I slati' . and that •otT:ciat mut st, pn the Official •Gas'etto within But before this Iprecess,h ',plated the ;public twins 82ew.spapere, ,bayseobtaine •eu•rete •idea of how • the- v ee „: : 'The tt hicago Tsitebtae`. :saloon-kee,ptirs of "that et 'at iksast •apart, -of , their out `of work, +£tutu whorl taken imitilons of dollars. !pertinently:: "There•ar .saloonel.erper.•s here --wl World's ttfair.+boom begat 'ed -from mien ,now •evat likely Ito be out of favor the snout :fliee, ,about at' their '.wages. Two tl ;amount represrtnte role bus 'not te08t theingttiet'e. i0001for•the beer:andwx:hi served to thirsty •cuato matning 4;8,0001000 at their rind .thay•h the•money and had a.go -wbynhould not these ,71, shndortake to support .at their !patrons who -ar until they can get .a dole, ,The Adater tibisi • ,(dhliinOdts Sarsapanillais the ,bottnds•of reason •bean always.gppeals to tbe•sobe �i thiirkeiug,people because it is .e. ways fully subataui meets which, iu thettnau be :accepted without a an darn. 1ibomite PILLS cure liver; 1llilliuusue0l, jaundice, ale gelation. Loea11 Option Ile A PETITION JIS IN CAME TRE ON0 ,Rio GOVENA PRIVILEGE. The idea.ef giving greater latiteade in the tion is beiilgeirged in v and has been curried i Provinces ofa'he Demi resulte. . The matter as being Province of Ontario way. A formof ,petitsc pared, asking the :'uta for Local Option:iu Te Of this ea being sent 1 pality,accotnpuuted by eats forth reasons i" f tion. Following is a the circular :, "We believe there ing amongst the pi ought not have his to eattse he builds a leo barn, or plants an Glc other ways to add to prosperity of the court one hand those wh farms are rewarded premiums, on the ott punished by an Wore "Let us profit by other Britoil] subject "The colony of within tho last few deuced taxation on 1, other improvements; that the.olony is no baying escaded the ti Which overtook its in riles Of Australia. "The law of Ma11if bids the taxation of farms and gardens, farmers have found t and would not go b tem on any account, who object are the- 1 "The ordinance o Territories also fort buildings, improve properity, in any n decides, "In British Ool panties have the asking for. They relieving ilnprovetn ly from taxation; tit idea have availed t power. So sntisfeet