The Huron Expositor, 1974-10-10, Page 17
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Whole No. 5561
11$th Year, Wi OCTOBER 10,1974 141 R
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McKillop - Council Monday
Some Seaforth hoodlums have passing car spattered parked cars remains a mystery, is 4*qcs, `tho
d requests for twelve 'Main Street Thursday identity of thelegg ihrow..�
��;approve developed their own little way to
on t
r$, ]Bu
Mv, ons
-building permits. Applications help Federal Agriculture Minister evening. of eggs these'do
Brian Eugene Whelan and the At the price
approved were those of: B
Con§ftDle John Cairns of the police are spectilatifig that thew
U1. Campbell, R.R. 4, Walton, house
Canadian Egg Marketing Board Seaforth Police. Department said throw away eggs were 'stofenti not
earaee: Ross Drigdoll. R.R. get rid of surplus eggs. that police recovered, 60 or 70 purchased,
A Walton, steel granary; Jack Several businesses along Main dozen eggs hidden in woods. in Perh4ps after the thrill of
Nelenians, ' R.R. 4. 1;�alton, Street had eggs thrown at their -n behind throwing eggs
t ov and the arena.
.had worn off,
, 'Al garage; James G. Sloan, R.R. 5. display , windows ' sometime "Some of , them .were pretty sometime , Monday - vandals
I killSeaforth, house-, Donald Beuer- Sunday. Several dozen eggs were rotten, and many were broken bt4t tramped dawn one of the Hord,
Irian, R.R. 1, Dublin, addition to dumped on the lawn of Jarvis- -We have about 20 dozen in the cultural Society 's carefully
- 3Ouse and remodelling; Fergus Street residence over the police office", he said. tended flowerbeds. outside the
�I elly, R*R. 2. Dublin, addition to weekend and eggs thrown from a Where the vandals got the eggs Town Hall.
jl*nnplement shed; James Hender-
son', R.R. 5, Seaforth, replacing
siding on house; Mervin Smith,
R.R. 1, Walton, steel granary;
Alvin Beuerman', R.R. I Dublin.
replacing siding on house; Dennis
Beuerman, R,R. 4 Walton,&
replacing siding on house and 11 1 01
barn; Lloyd . Walker, R.R. I
Walton, addition to implement`
shed; and James Delaney, R.R. 1.
Dublin.' addition to implement
Council granted permission to
Tuckersm ith to sell lottery tickets
in the township toraise money to
, W11
enclose a proposed swimming
HAI KARATE Some fearful yells and a lot of Seaforth Recreation Department sponsored Xarate pool at Vanastra and supported
upported a
resolution from the village' of
stomping around echoes from the hall at the Seaforth lessons. The barefoot bunch 'above are illustrating Zurich, Recreation, Park' and
Community Centre every Tuesday and Thursday, what they've learned 'so far after -one week's CorfirpunitV Centre Board that the
night as a group of 27 people take advantage of the sessions. (Staff Photo)Ministry Of - Community and
Social Services be requested to
provide additional monies to
At Huron -Perth meeting reed to
municipalities that are forced
upgrade -recreational facilities Ities
• a a 0 due to upgraffed building code
VCW is caring as well as raising money, speaker says --. Council recommended _for ��� ; a
Mrs. Emily Marquis of Why-do':we have suppers? Sh e asked what I i - s wrong with "Never feel you must ap6logize approval land severances by
Toronto, a 'Member of Often because the Board of the approach when it is necessary for being a member of the Dennis Nolan, R. R. 5 Seaforth,
Stewardship Seivices of the Stewards come to us and say they to cry so desperately for funds to Christian Chuich or any on Concession 3, west.half of Loi
United Church, told 125 delegates need money for the building fund carry on or is it because- there is organization in it. But to feel this 8 and by Glen Nott of R. R.
to the 13th East Huron Regional odemands 'Clinton, nortfi half of Lot 22 andi something else in the Church". not enough, study and sense of pride half of Lot 21
Y;'6f Huron -Perth Presbyterial she stated. understanding of the importance something from each of us 23 and part of north h
tall on Concession
held in Egmo'ndville Tuesday that Mrs. Marquis suggested the -of projecting the gospel, stewardship. 1A 'ia %�
she has grave, misgivings about UCW would'raise the vision of the Mrs. Marquis wondered if She said this was living as a The report of the Wil Drainage
the money raising, programs of entire church membership if -it church Members are too willing to christiain and giving what a Works was provisionhaly
the United Cfiurch Women., said In response, "Let's sit down approach membership with person has --"it may be the 44opted. This is a Tuckerstrilth
.W,said.,§ifte is annoyed when tpgellWra.rid;.assess the value of apathy Father than the glowing treasure of our time --the treasure '0ain affecting McKillop Town
men And women as well, make the Church id -'this community heart, "Do we latch on to excuses of our ability and mind and heart, ship.
disparaging remarks about Hou .-ffgctiye are we in this' to stay away from church --from the treasure of material ' Four snowplowing tenders
bazaars and suppers. place? What morals ' and assuming the privilege, possessions, even. as small a thing were opened at the meeting and,
"The UCW is the rummage standards are higher in this opportt nity, responsibility, of as our money." three were accepted. They areas
sale, ham and scallop suppers, community because of our Church nictribership?"' Mrs. Leonard Strong presided follows with the first three named
flower arrangements. Very little here?" She urged the delegates to (continued on Page 15) approved: Ryan Bulldozing, R.R.
is said about the fact it se, to 1 a I Walton, $17 per hour (grader);
be (andto the shame of, the
L. B. Ryan and Sons Ltd., R. R. 4
Church) the one and only group Walton, $16 per 'hour (snow
that does any kind of organized ba d I-
i /St. Colu-mban' brothersy blower); Neil McNichol, R. R.,4
depth study -- Bible study,
Walton, $15 per hour (snow
mission understanding,
S4 0 blower); and Ken Glanville, R.R.
caring 'sharing study." Mrs. 4 Walton, $17 per hour (snow
Marquis said. hurt in .24' foot fall from I blower).
"Because *we are, a group who
Standby time fro December I
cares, who studies, who really Two St. Columban brothers outside coilcrete wall form weight on his head. Joseph had - T
. . both cheekbones, his nose and to Larch 31 will be $15 per day. 0.
want to know what the mission of were seriously injured in a silo collapsed.
The above tenders are subject
the church is all about. our sense accident. Monday on' an Embro Both men Are in fair condition jaw broken "and had two back 15�
of stewardship. then forces Lis in area farm.Joseph Cronin:23, and at Stratford, Genera I Hospital and vertebrae broken. to approval by the Ministry of
Transportation and Communi-
many vulnerable positions. it Leo. 24, both employeds of are sharing ' a hospital room., Mr. and Mrs. Croniii have a r
forces us, for one thing, to SchoonderwoeN Bros. Ltd.. of "They are both, pretty miserable family of nine. Four of the boys
become missionaries right where Mitchell were working on the last' with pain" said their mother who work on silos, and have for many
Passed payment were road
-I wish accounts of $3,045.41; and
saw her sons Tuesday night. years. their mother says�
*we are -- defining the mission and, silo of the season. their mother,
helping . ng to lead others into the Mr ' s. Alphonse Cronin said' Leo has' a bone broken in his they would quit", she added. general accounts of $11,451.61. Al
understanding of sharing our Wcdiu�,sday 'morning. neck and a brokdn pelvis, and is WOULD YOU BELIEVE A TEN POUND RADISH! The summer of 1974 might
gifts with others," she said. The men fed 2,4 feet when an in a Stryker bed with a 40 16.
not have been a great year for the crops but it wps a bumper year for radishes, Joe
SDHS vicenprincipal runs yigh of Louisa Street found out. W Nigh.�oids the, big red beauty up in his back
ard. The radishes are tasty as well as hu' yu 56ys Mr.Nigh who boils them and ebts
them like turnip. (Staff Photo)
for Mayor of Exeter.
ii Yt, Seaforth District High School I'd place first"', he said, ','my
vice-principal Bruce* Show is' job".
running for Mayor of Exeter. Mr, Mr. Shaw says he is startingV���x.;. Wont Huron justice inquiry
Shaw is a resident of Exeter and1`1�to ampaign and discuss the
has been.on town council and the issues.
recreation committee there for The incumbent mayor is going Following a series of reconvenes later this month. unavailable for comment at the
the past four years. to run again insuring that Exeter complaints from some of the Chief Vaughan was sick and beginning of this week.
"All have its first mayoral contest police chiefs in Huron Colunty
Mr. Shaw is in his second year that local courts are both too.
in 10 years, Mr. Shaw said.
•as vice-principal here and
lenient and too slow moving, Jack
ar crash •ic'ti M- still
The vice- priQcipal, who also C V
previously taught at SHDHS in Riddell, MPP Huron and Murray
teaches English classes here says
Exeter for nine years. Gaunt MPP for Huron,Brucc said
that Exeter needk,. enthusiastic
Mr.ShpN,,- said he seriously and dynamic leadership and that last Wednesday that they will ask in i'llten sive care
thinks that he'll have more�tinw, lie is glad to see a mayoral contest the Ontario Government to launch
an inquiry into the justice system Neil McClure, 22, of R.R.1, possibility 'that he may not walk
as mayor than he does-no%� as a in the town. , Waltqn, is still in intensive care at again. "He isn't strong, enough
in the county
councillor, where he acts as
"It's time that Exeter- politics' St. Joseph's Hospital, in London yet to undergo an operation" ,
chairman of the olive were activated. interested
commission, chairm of t%Seaforth's police chief following a car truck collision Mrs. McClure said. "Some days
-an %-o
citizens should be encouraged Arnold Vaughan criticized Huron, %vest of Walton on September 21. he is really in good shape and -
recreation sub committees and a either to seek "public office or to courts to a London' Free Press Mr. McClure's sister-in-law, some days not", she added.
nieniber of two other council offer their names for the many last week. Chief Mrs. Bill McClure said'that he is Doctors expect that Neil will be in
committees. boards and committees appointed Vaughan spoke out after Clinton's cheerful and although he can't hospital until the end of the y ear.
He doesn'tksee being mayor of by council. I would like to be one Police Chief Lloyd Westlake was Jalk because he is in a respirator,' Neil's finance Catherine
Exeter interf6ring with his duties of these interested and concerned critical of short sentence's and he writes down anything he wants Barbour of Bluevale, who was
as %jee principal here. "If there enough to participate actively in trial delays, foll6win . id to know". also injured in the car accident,
y g an i ent
was a difficulty it's obvious which local government". in which a Clinton 'Will
police o cer's Neil suffered A fractured spine will be -released from Wingharn
car was burnt by vandals. in the accident and there is a Hospital - soon, Mrs. McClure
The same officer,. Constable said.
Will- meet on arena surcharge
Way�e McFadd�n of Vanastra,
had 13 windows broken at his Thr'ee more Spot winners
UIMMM A public meeting to discuss a ' Decision to call the meeting I
ill result arose following the appearance of home and the front and rear page 5 and entries for it will be
Seaforth proposal that Winners in the second week of
T A"46q,
P". smashed
"Spot the Merchants" received At the Expositor office
-0 windows of hii, car
in a surcharge being ap lied a delegation At McKillop council the
M, V. op and on Monday When council was earlier this summer in two contest are: until Tuesday noon.
A f separate
M gaimt residents of McKill
incidents. the
unable to tell the delegatGordon,All entries are eligible for
Mrs. Ross Go R.R.J.
YNJ3� Tuckersmith who use Seaforth
Sbaforth; Paul Hulley, Seaforth final grand prize draw Value
recreational facilities 9•
be Doug will Mrs, Don McClure.
called shortly, Schroeder and Gordon Pryce the G oderich Police Chief Pat King and Wilfred Coleman, R -RA $100.00 so. be sure and patronize
BRiowrENING UP THE POLICE10FIFICE — A new red and white Canadian flag reason 'for the Joined Chiefs Westlake and Seaforth. the contest advertisers. and
The meeting . to which residents proposed surcharge the need for Vaughan in criticizing the delays. $5.00 Prize vouchers are being! obtain your entry forms.
-which has been painted above the window of'the police offide next to the Town HariThe
the three municipalities will be additional information became mailed to the lucky winners along The correct answers td the '7
brightens' up a corner of- M61 -n Street. Constable John Cairns, standing In front of I I
The two members said they iii
it, invited is being arranged by apparent and McKillop officials with our congratulations. entire contest will be published i
the hbW flag says Police Ohief Arnold Vaughan had the brainwave and all the Seaforth Recreational Director asked Mr. Buist to set up the would ask for the inquiry when This week's "Spot the The Expositor it the o6tidlusiobs
policemen painted It and put It up. (Staff Photo) Clive Built. meeting. Provincial Legislature Merchants" Contest appears an of the final cohtett.,rfu&b& eik-