The Wingham Times, 1894-01-12, Page 5eeates _ ..., . _ . t :,.,tett., CEO. SHOW DOWN THE PRICP OF MEAT AGAiN, AK, 1OC, PER LB, !her meats low in proportion. 'ORK SAUSAGE also on blind, prepared to pay the highest e. all kinds of fowl They drew') fund well diet;. ed, GEO. :n, Oct. 10th, 1 608. Ano, ttToachors,f�rV the PRINCIPAL of tiro cbool, of London, ant., snccesa tot•, vex student. Haring slant aloe ',Lame, he should knmv how to luta a standh;.:* among boniness mon: Coot board ;"2.80 per week, '. J [8.VELT, Px iron ipa4 Goods, as we know you for the r ars ler been ward of Before S d.TID'S ket produces. UN EDI/EAR d. SH ES r r "ices. tlebrated Over hooe Socks to thatch, '810ES IH?I & SON, 1Vinghtun. •-�.�- )LL R$. td started ht hie old stand, ally kept in a harness shop JLLAIIS, ..1S1,S and LLINt'4 13A0S, die, dea atisfaction. £ i, Wes • .Da1rymon's Association, I Kinloss. 4' The annual convention of the I%iulods council for 1894 will be Dairymen's Association of Western composed to the following tnernbers ; Onsurio will be held in Ingersoll, oq I Peeve, R. Purvis; Deputy•Reeve, 11~, onuary.23rd,:2dth and 25th 1894:eNicholson, both elected by acclama• Tho convention will oe nddreesea by • tion; Councillors Goo. Moffat, 292, Jas. the following persons, i11 the order! tnarned John !Geary, ;President, London ; Hon.John Dryden, Minister of Agri• culture .; lion 'Phos Ballantyne, Strat- ford ;'O. E. Ohadwiok, lion Secretary, Ingersoll.; •J .5 Pearce, London; the Mayor ofdngorsoll.; the President of the Board of 'Grade.; H 5 Foster, Knowlton, tQue..; ,Prof, II J1 Dean, :Gutdph :; A tl'attullo, Woodstock ; U M MacPherson, "Lancaster, Ont. ; John Gould, Ohio ; ,James Fletcher, Experimental Farm, Ottawvra. ; Prof J W (Robertson, (Dominion Dairy Corn- y m.iesioner,,�Ottatyt► ,OrS L Vans!yke, .Chemist, .1 Y ; .A T Bell, Dairy .'School, Tavistock.; '1' B Millar, In- spector, Burgoyne ; Mark Sprague, Ameliasburg.; .3 W • Wheaton, Secre tary Western Dairymen's Aseoeia- tion, London; D .Derbyshire President Creameries' Association, Brockville J .A !Graham, Belleville, and others. .O.ntaxio .Poultry Snow. The twentieth annual exhibition,+ of the .Ontario ,Poultry Association was held in ew Hamburg, last weak, when over,,$1500 in,prizes was corn• Ipetsd ,far. ;1'nere,were a larger num-, ber of entries than at any previous: show, and rnauy.of the birds• which! ettpod .tirst•at LLe 1Vorld's Fair had to+ take a second or ,third place. The; most .noted .breeders from all parts of Ontario.had good exhibits of splendid stock. The aunual meeting was held on. 'albursdey.afternoon. The reports of; !the directors and officers showed that ;the .Assoutation is in a most flourishing;: .Condition. *.Hen. Mr -Dryden, Minis- ter of Agriculture, delivered an able .addnesa•on tthe,pouftry.industry,dealing mainly -with ttha ;question from a far- mer's strndpoiut. Mr. Meyer, of Kossuth, rend a capital ,paper, cover- ing the whole ground of raising and ttthetcare,of tfawls. Mr..Allen Bogue, ,of „Middlesex county, gave a short address .on raising poultry for market and also .for .eggs. Mr. Bogue has been breeding ,poultry for the last tb,irty•,ieee near -sawed had charge of the (Ontario exhibit at the World's Fair.. Mr. Geo. ..G. McCormatka of 1,oradot>,, also .read .a -splendid paper on *be ?ueseruatien .of ,eggs. Charles F. Ernest, ,of _New Hamburg, was elected president, and Thos. A. Browne, of London, sacratary, for the reading gear. New ;Hamburg was again select- ed at the place of .meeting next year. !Sot ie. The death.of Mr. (Henry Wrlt ins,of the fir4n of Walker & Wiggins, ,livery- men, ofetbe ,vitl>ige, took place on Fre., day, Deo. 2: tad. Deceased had been hick fcr several weeks,and his eu.d had been expected for several days. He leaves a wife .aud two ,olaildren—a son and daughter to mourn his loss, ,who have the sympathy of .all in their sad affliction. On Friday, J.annuary 5th. Coatrt Gorrie, Canadian Order.of Foresteee, received an official visit from time Iligh Chief Langer of the order and a number of High Coma officers. At 8.80 o'clock the otfihaers were given at reception by the nte.ruhere of Court Gorrie in their beautiful Court room. An address of weloom:u:e was presented' them. Stirring epeeekes were deliver- ed by the following High Court offi- cers :—O. E. Britton, High Chief Banger, Gannoque , R. Etllott, Wing, Lam ; I). M. Gordon, Wing ham ; K• D. Henderson. Whiteeitnrch; It. Harristou ; John Neelauds, Winsghatu. From the addresses it wits leitrned that at the end of 1898 the membership of the order had reached 18,000 and the surplus in the insur- ance fund $300,000. Over lifter new Courts have been instituted since last 'High Court meeting in June last aud luring the same time the surplus in he insurance fund, after paying all death claims, had increased $48,000. Prosperity was noticed throughout the whole Order and a grand year's progress was predicted. There was a large attendance, courts in the fol- lowing places being represented:- 13russels, Teoswuter, Wroxeter, Tarn - berry, Howick, Wingtuun, Fordwich, Be more, Listowel, Newbridge, Tara and Whiteohnroh, In the evening an excellent entertaintnentigas given in the 'Town Hall, when as plendid programme was well rendered, the following well known artists taking part: -Dir. 3. 11. Cameron, elocution, ist; Toronto,; Miss Bolton Anti Mr. D. Lamont of Listowel; 'Miss Wetherald, soprano, Toronto; and Miss Perkins, pianist, of the town. High Chief Banger Britton ocoupled the chair spied delivered a oapital address. Johueton 208, Fralik Henry 252, East Wa^w:iranosb.. Dir. Jas, Cochane, of East Wawan- osh, who hes been visiting friends in Hamburg for the past month or so, returned on Saturday last, The folio Nine, are the results of the East Wawanosh municipal elections held Jan, 1st: --Reeve, D. Patterson, 198 votes ; 'ihomies H. Taylor, 198 votes, Taylor elected Reeve by •cast. ing vote of the. clerk. Councillors— R. G. McGowan, 250 ; D, Robertson, 284 ; Walter Scott, 264 ; 'George n Q :inn , 101. House of Refuge— "For, 131 ; against, .254. Prohibition Ple- biscite—For 297 .; against, 82. Rob- ert Slliell, Deputy -Reeve, elected by teed amatm n„ Aubuxxl- Margarot, •rebet of the late Robert Asitwith, passed to her eternal .home or, Dec. 27th, aged 7.5 years. The deceased sucoumbed.to the ,pevailing in. iuenza. She was barn in Yorkshire, Ragland, and along with her late husband came to tleis country about 45 years ago and settled in 'Chingua- cousy, "tear Toronto. After a reai- dence there of !five years or tato the family removed to Mullett. To 'Mr. and Mrs, .a..eltwith were born eight elaielren—tht+ee daughters end five sons ,(one of the latter being deceased) —.George, of the Base Line,;, \•Wil liana, of .Colborne ;• Alf. and t.'itomas, of ,Auhuru ; .Mrs. Pierce, of Morris ; Mme. Leach., .of I-lullett ; and'Mrs. James ivlcWitte, of •Oregon. Wash• irtu.0 Territory. In religion the late Mrs. Askwith was a consistent Baptist. Dominion. a Stook Association. Toronto, Jan.+6.—The annual meet- ing of the Dominion Live Stook As. sociation was, held yesterday. The eaeontive was +instructed to take steps to !have the :present shipping bill amended so as to give full compensa- tion iin .case of .damage by accident in trasatfitt, said .committee to wait•upon the eailways &est, and if satisfactory rates cannot be •secured to lay the matter before thelPrivy Council. The following officers .were elected : iPresi- dent, 'T. C. Robson, St. Marys ; Hirst vice-ftt.esi•d:eet, 4Dhomas Crawford„ To router eeemed vice-president,C.Oouh- lin, Montreal ,; treasure'r; Thomfueon, 'Toronto ; secretary, .Li'. Gilehritit, lelontreel. Sdve Stout: Itiarltats. E,tst Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 9—Oaetle' —Offerings ilienited,, a few fat ctswtit sold at$3to$3:50. Sheep and Lambs -40 cars on sa+art,' including 110 cars.0enadas,which oattf'el in during the day. A few choice lambs sold at $4 85; !good light lentis;( sold at $3 75 to $4 mice fair kind oil sheep, $2 25 to $2.50; • good wether( sheep of 86 to 1:03 lbs sold at $8 tai $8 75; selected yearling wethers of 87 lbs, $4. The Canadeastock was of choice quality and sold at :05 to $5 15 generally ; extra prime .quotable a; $5 25, and mostly all soil Hogs— Offerings 85 'ears. The .market ruled strong, aud the supply. •uf Yorkers and nine was tiot equal to the demand. Packers oleo bought eabout till and the pone were i ou cleared of sale stock. Yorkers, geed to choice brought $5 45 to- $5 60; mixed packers. $5 40 to $5 45,niostly $5 45; pigs, $5 55 to $5 GO; choice heavy, $5 45; roughs, $4 25 to $4 65. Montreal, Jan. 9—There were about 500 head of betchers' cattle, 40 calves and 100.ntutton critters offered at the East End abattoir yesterday. The butchers' were present in cnnetderable numbers, but the class of cattle did not suit thein, as there were really no prime beeves on the market yesterday and comparatively few pretty good animale, while common and inferior beasts were plentiful enough. The best cattle cold 'at about 4e per lb, rough lied half -fatted beasts at about 3c to 31c per lb, and the leaner beef critters at from 2e to 2a•c per lb A lot of eight lean cows and a hard looking small bull were sold at 2c per Ib; they weighed 7,800 lbs. Good calves are in demand, but the butchers do not seem to care for the "bob" veals. Prices ranged fro;u $2 to $10, Good lambs sell at 4e per lb and the (Others at from 2c to 8-•sa-,o. Fat hogs are not plentitul, and sell at from 51e to 51c per Ib. • At the end of 1894, the county of Bruce will have wiped oir its bonded indebtedness. Only one more levy ids 'required to meet the last debenture maturing on the $20,000 bylaw. THE WINGUAM TIMES, JA Wrolteter• The Eaondou Pros says ; The late Mrs. Blirabsth Awrey, who died Jae. 5, aud whose remains were interred at Wroxeter, was a remarkable woman, She was burn iu Gainsborough Township, Ntagare, Dis- triet, Maroir 31, 1816. Fier descendants include ten sous, six daughters, eighty. nine grandchildren and thirty-six great- grauclohildreu-131 iu all, The sons were Wm. Henry, John, Alatthew, (who died iu Bruce Mines), George, Peter, Benjamin, (killed in a railway accident), Charles, David, Gideon, and Thomas, of this city, and the daughters were Mrs, L, Bdwatds, Mrs. Betsy Gradey, Mrs. G. Pender, Mrs. Phcsbe Armstrong, Mrs, Wm. Morutoheon and Mrs. Mary Haines. Patrons and Prohibition, WHERE TILE ORDER STANDS ON TIIE QUESTLON—TIIT JURISDICTION .MUST FIRST BE SETTLED, I saw Mr. Mallory, grand president of the Patrons of Industry, this morn- ing, Busy as he was, he gave ene a few moments of this time in order to ex- plain his views on the gv:cstion of prohibition, At the outset he explain- ed that the Patrons aa a body had not made any direct pronouncement on the question, though their+otgau, the Canada Farmer's San, had all along Lean a strung advocate for :prohibition. So far as the order was concerned, they were at the present time taking a vote on the question of the Initiative and Referendum. This, he thought, at the presout time had a strong near. ing on the question of prohibition. So far the vote was strongly in favor of the Initiative and Referendum be- ing adopted as a plank in the plat. forest of the order. :Speaking for himself personally, i11r. Mallory said that he had been for years a strong prohibitionist on principle. ilia whole influence, and he believed the influence of every member of •hitt board, watt iu favor of protibition. .Irle was a strong temperance man himself, end he he- lieved the influence of the Order of i•atrons was very strongly in favor of the temperance movement. They held as u prciple,.that the majority of voters should rule. (On that priucip!e and in view of the plebiscite just taken Mr. Mallory thought that thegnesti.tn as to the pavers of the Government to pass a prohibitory thaw should be decided at once. Jit would be fo.Iy to pass such a law, which would subs•. quently be found to ,be+ultra vires. He certainly thoeght that•tlre recent vote w'as a justification .for a prohibition law to be passed as soon as possible. —Toronto 'Star. Lond.esiacn;o. G. A. Newtou and John Neelands, of Winghaut, were here.at the For. •esters' supper last Th.aredey night. iIrs. Crisp laas got ata attack of la - ;grippe. Mr. Brown, the new harness maker, Ihaa,opened out in the sleep formerly :occupied by Mr. J. T. O'Brien as a +barber shop. Mr. O'l3tiere Chas moved ;into another part of the boese. Mr. (Brown intends keepiug a couple of houses and riga for hire. dove him a call before suing el,ewhere. .Isar• R. Adams has a rayon picture edtieplayed in his store. if you take a cued and as soon as you have purchas- ed ,'Ii10 worth of goods you bet one free and a beautiful frame. Take a card and get a picture o: yourself. The price of the frame is $3.50 North Star Lodge, L O. G. T. elect. ed delegates last Tuesday night to attend the District meeting to he held in Manchester on the 22nd inst. This lodge purposes giving a public euter- ttlinment about the middle of Febru- ary. ebru- ar)Mr. W. F. Longman died on Seture day night and was buried un Tuesday afternoon. Mr. W. T. 0uiwette is giving bar- gains during the month of January. At a largely attended meeting of L. 0 District Lodge, held in the Orauge Hall, Blyth, on the 9th inst., the fol- lowing ofircere were elected for 1894 ; D. M., M. Mann; D. D. M , L. Netti- ng; Ohap , Rev. T. E. Fli ;ley; R. S., A. Woodman; F. S., 3. Wilford; T., 11. MoOummings; 'lltrector of Cere- 'nonies, 3, Gibson; Lecturers, Dna. Owens asci McRae, Last Ft'iday night was installation of officers in the S. 0. E. Lodge. District Deputy, Bro. Thos. Jackson Wap present for the purposo. One candidate was initiated and Otte pro- position received. After the meeting, oysters and other refreshments Were served, and a plettsent hour spent in social intercourse. The lodge has 37 mention; aril a balance in the treasury of $235.86. Mr. Thomas 13e11, of the Comm 'r - dial Hotel, Clinton, is here on the Mick list. • TARN I,,i94, Geo. E. KI ON3 ENJOYS Loth ilio method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and. refreshing to the taste, and acts gcntlyyet promptlyonthe Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- d:tced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, preparedonly from the most healthy and agreeable substai.i co s, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs_ is for sale in 7.1c bottles by al'1 leading druggist;. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on ]rand will procure it. promptly forany one who wishes t o try it. Manufactured only by tl.e CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CC., SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK. N.Y. The late Al r. John Hope, of Bow Park Farm, left an estate valued at about $40,000. A Toronto doctor Nays there are I 40,000 people in that city ill from grip. George lia•gut getfresl manager of the 1lerchat' t.s' 13unk, hsa Ci"eth 000 to MoGihl U+tt%el•stty Y. M. O. A. for the erect ion of a building on the college grounds. How to Get a "Sunli4ht" Prettaa. Send 25 "Sunlight"Soap wrapperw(wrap- per bearing the ,✓ords••Why Does a Woman Look Old Sooner 'Ilion a Matt") to Lever Bros., Ltd.. 43 Sow t SL„ Toronto, aud you; will eeoeive by post a pretty picture, free, from advertising, nl d well worth frawiug. This is an easy way to dhcol ate your lrotne. The snap is toe befit iu the market and it, will only cost one cent poets:e to send iu: the wrappers, if yon leave the ends open.'' Write your address carefully. tareassaWaraTaaatamagaaatsawaawaa By actual count we have only MANTLES left. These we are bo to clear , befor Stock -Taking. $7 on. now $4.50. $10 ones now $6.75, Special values in Overcoats, Furs and Men" Gloves.. Best value in Dress Goods in town. 20 dozen , Silk Handkerchiefs bought at 50c. on the $. Special value in all Goods for 30 days before Stock -Taking. Respects ully yours, The Ratnilt'i 13e• nisville and Grimsby Electric Rail wily Company are pushin: tin then! work. The road will be 25 mike long, the longest electric railway yet in Canada. Mr. John Owen Sullivan died in St. Thomas on Sunray efteruoon, aged76 years. He worked for the G.W.R. at Clinton and went to Sc. Thomas twelve yei.rs ago, Fot five years he worked in the M. 0 R. eeoia, tint had been au invalid far the last seven years. He leaves a widow and a daughter 12 years old, • A "SUNLIGHT" PILLAR ��� a� SPECIAL ROyq, , �Qp\Q�a�tsto her ONO rer LABOR SAVING PURI FYI NG CLEANS! NC EXCELLENCE PURITY 'SU.NLiGHT, tGUARaNTEEo` PURENtnTOCott SOAP TAIHHO IHJURI \005 CHEMICAL P.11ROCST wisesALwon° MERITLAacES5r 1!tneturo to FOUNDED OV MERIT Popular Book Bier IS HEADQUARTERS FOR Oliristmas Presents ! Our large stock of t;hristmas Goods has just been received, and is suitable for allpartiee, old or young, consisting of • TOYS, PHOTO ALBUMS, SCRAP ALBUMS, WRITING. DESKS,, TOILET SETS, PLUSH GOODS, CHINA VASES, XMAS CARDS, LADIES COMPANIONS (in plush or wood), VIOLINS, MOUTIl ORGANS, CELLULOID M DUTFI ORGANS, TOY BOOKS, HAND SLEIGHS, PORRIDGE SETS, BLANK NOTES, BIBLES, FANCY MIRRORS (hand painted) A Large Assortment of ANNUALS, Consisting of Leisure Hours, Sunday at Horne, Boys' Own, t&c., &c, • iC have a larger stock ttsis year than ever before and desire the public to Call and arse it before purchasing elsewhere, as its no trouble to show goods. es as Low as the Lowest. ALEX. ROSS. Tile Popular store, Wingham. LAUGHTER PRICES —IN —AND — Ready . Made clothing _10w ria— Next Eight Days, —AT— T AMILLS' BLEARING SALE 1121LTINTGOEILAILThei• 1 is