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The Wingham Times, 1894-01-12, Page 1
ECE, (boarders about 18 it Staff SOLD, including es, French Drawing, nutreeuttii notion, in ente from the towns 1 its from ities from Gary, 1 Oshawa. INGS roue cuH- inteuds used re tee st Office stock of ,nts, chines, es fingers, re. PLIES turday,,Tnly, &LL. MEM !NCB Gm. On be able to at Will in - ally price, flies. AitD0AN D10 S ITS EI Anchor.. j WINGHAII TI_IIFS. :VOL. XXIII.---NO. 1146. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1894. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Will HAVE TOO MANY OVERCOATS AND HAVE PUT THE KNIFE INTO THE PRICES AND CUT THEM DOWN TO 'ACTUAL COST FOR CASH. WE MEAN THIS. i• Lcr^atrw►' a ORR & HISCOCKS, Direct Importers• 'Tint BEAR, January 11th, 1894. Marriage Licenses Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No 23, Via - Iota street,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses .required. Inploommommmomagmema DRESS MAKING. `fd MRS. JOS. BULLARD .Has decided to open a dress making busi- 'nese, at her residence, John street, opposite •Queer's Hotel: s'ni't#action guaranteed. Apprentices wan •s: 3m i.•v090•®O®00.0000OOOOt+00O y [`7 { Place in Canada to e • q .pl Bat a nosiness Edd - O LJ L1 l cation, Shorthand, etc., is at the'Cen- tral Business Col- lege, Toronto, Ont., and Stratford, Ont. Unquestionably Canada's Greatest Com- mercinl Schools. Cata'o;;ues free. Men- tion thisPaP er. Shaw a hlllutt, Principals. ®0c 0.0 09®00 @4000.0 00A®4 OM LOCAL ' NEWS. —Just received, two thousand lbs Royal Mire Candy, 3 lbs. for 25c, at R. HILL's. ;, 1 •The electric Jig t footlights have been put in the town halJsta'e, this week. —Call and see the bargains in ladies' hats, at Miss Wallace's. —Huron Conn Connell will meet at Goderich on the 23 cl fts1;: at 3-p. m. —John /deli, An erson, for fifteen years member of the G be staff, has severe his connection wits that journal and pur- chased the Wiarton Echo. —Watches, clocks and jewelry promptly repaired and fully warranted by HALSEY Pedee Meyer Block, Wingham. —Municipal Colin le of 1894 will meet for the first time at even o'clock on Mon- day, Jan. 15th.• Th time and date is fixed by statute. —The 24th con ntion of the Young Men's Christian Ass dation of Ontario and Quebec will be held West End Associ- ^iyon Hall, Toront Jan. 25 to 28, in- -cru aive. —Malaga grapes; figs raisins, dates, almond nuts, walnuts, !Brazils, cocanuts; also apples by the peck or bushel, at R. Hrnn's. are born n hope; we pass our childhood in hope; we are governed by hope; through the wl le course of our last moments hope is fla ering to us; and not until the beating of o r heart shall cease will its benign influe e leave ns. --On Friday eyenin , Jan. 12th, a lecture will be delivered in th Town Hall, Wing. • ham, by Mr. Thad. W. H. Leavitt, of Tor- onto. Tho subject is. Rome Historically Considered and the P. . A." 112r, Leavitt recently returned from a trip around the 7 0 Ciel and describes w at he saw in Italy - Y Resident inisto are ec'- n'n. Rest rs es e 1 and Spain. p ally•onvited to attend lis lecture.• for Toronto and east — TRtrains G leave Wingham at 6.25 a m and 11..20 a m via' CV G & B Division, and at 6,40 a m and 3.45 p m, via Clinton and Guelph Good connections by all trains. —The Times is in re ipt of a circular from the directors of t to California Mid- winter Exposition atati g that they have erected in honor of Ca da a building to be used expressly as Ca adian headquarters during the fair. They desire to decorate the interior with p traits of Canadian public men, building it .d scenery, and with that end in view ar corresponding with the different Govern me and Boards of Trade. April 2nd h s been set apart as "(Canadian Day," wh the festivities Will to of a ellaracter pies, ing to Canada's sons and daughters in Cali arms and huirvisit- isig friends. —A large assortment of embroidery silks and linen goods, at Miss Wallace's. -There are 808 mun cipalities in Ontario and prohibition or loo option is law in 185 of them, —The C. P. R. train that was on exhi- bition at the World's air is now on tl e run between Toronto a d Windsor, —Just arrived.—Two tons of Myers' Royal Cattle Spice. For sale at Griffin's Grocery. 9t —Rev. Robt. Aylwa , of London, will preach in theWingham reebyterian church on Sunday next, both oruing and even- ing, —The Union meetin , of the Women's Rome and Foreign Mis onary Society will be held !Monday, Jan. 1 t th, at 7.30 p. m.,in the lecture room of the P esbyterian church. All are cordially invited to attend. —Servant girl wa ted—For genera housework. Apply to rs. J. H. Vaustone, Centre street, Wingba —Methodist Church ' nipit Topics for next Sunday: Mornin , "An Exposition of the 3rd chapter of 'enesis." Evening, "Vanity of Vanities." Following are the .fficers for 1894 of B. P. 120, Royal B ack Knights of Ire- land: T. E. Cornyn, . P.; R. Hogg, D. P.; Rev. E. W. Hughe., chap.; T. Stewart, registrar; R. Bloom ld treas. J. Curtis, lecturer; J. Bullard, Wilkinson, censors; W. H. Stewart, stenrd bearer; J. Chis- holm, persuivant; J. . McCracken, outer guard; T. A. Hawkins, R. Forbes, M. J. Bell, H. Perkins, R. ' inter, committee. —Good and Cheap—Good flour at $1.50 per 100 pounds. All kinds of feed equally as cheap, at A. H. Carr's, Winguam. —The Marks Bro . Musical Comedy Company open a we 's engagement in the Town Hall, Wingh on Monday evening next, Jan. 15 h un er the auspices of Maitland Lo I. . 0. F. They have a clever compo and ith new plays and beautiful sce ery, th y are scoring brilliant successes everywher They will have a complete change of p ogramme every even- ing. Admission 10 c nts; reserved seats 15 cents. -Grain chopping done for 5 cents per 100 lbs. at the Wingham Oatmeal Mill. Oats exchanged for oatmeal. W. HEIIDLY. —We notice by th the Presbyterian co is putting forth eff Perrie, who has bee the Wingham Pres The Fr ee Press in s The Chesley Y been idle and we bt which have been pu. Perrie to remain this, the communit rejoice, for Mr. Pe of public esteem a Chesley papers that gregation of that town its to retain Rev. D. extended a call by yterian congregation.' eaking on the subjects ongregation has not lieve that the efforts forth to induce Mr. will be successful. In at large will assuredly ie enjoys a large share respect. —Ladies, have your garments made by Miss M. Johnston, Gregory block, opposite' the Queen's Hotel. Latest styles, good work, always first-class fit. —An exchange sa are on the lookout f reapirg a rich hary throughout Western sent time he is supp Essex County, as th formed that several vicinity of Windsor The man represent of an insuranoe c position of medical if he insures in thea are collected by th that is the last hear the company. s the iVindsor polka • a man who has l,,:en nt from the do;;:oiC Ontario. At tl!.• pre - ,sed to be work ig in police have b.. en in- edical mon ni the ave been victimized. himself as the agent pany and off re the whiner to the ,eoctor mpany. Certai.1 fees supposed agent and of either the ager(.: or —For first-class tailoring and cheat• gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co, 1 rplace,oul two north Remember w o the of the t•!d etaud and between Ross' book- store and Ptttersour s jewelleryr shop. —'she seventh a nual meeting of the W. P. M. S. of the resbyt 'fan church, was held in the lectu o roo on Wednes- day, Jan. 3rd, at 3 o' lock. ;he Secretary and Treasurer, prese ted th ,r. annual re- port, when it was fat rid that the closing year had been a ver, prosperous one. The total receipts for t e year amounting to $97.41. Fifteen mel bars have been added during the year, an a larger amount of clothing sent from t lis auxiliary to the North-West, than 01 any previous occasion, After the several rot its had•been road,tho following officers we elected for the corn- ing year: President re. Hutton re.elect- ed); Secretary, Miss .McLean (re-elected); Treasurer, Miss Ma donald, The appoint- ment of Vico-Presi nts and Auditors was 1= er till next eating. —Ladies' felt hats at cost, at Miss Wal - lace's millinery store. —Mr. John Rite iie, of town, who l.as been iJi for sone mo ths,is, we are pleased` to know, somewhat etter. —About fifteen f o'ir townspeople'tt- tended the marriage f Mr. A.L. Hamilton, late of Wingham, a Ripley, on 'Wednes- day. —Private moneys to loan on mortgages at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to tf Joliet iv NSLANDs, —Rev. T. Townset 1 Wilson, of Torontm. will preacho.l in 111e Winghaen Cougrega tonal church, on Su (day next, both morn- ing and evening. T e subjects of the dis- courses are as follu\ s : Morning—"How to find the sweets o lite." Evening—"A you g king's great iistake." The officers; of Wingham Lodge, No. 136, A. 0. U. W., f r the next term are ; P: M. W., J. E. T mlyn; M. W., George Moffat; Foreman, . H. Musgrove; Over- seer, S. J. Smith; ecorder, John D. Sills; Financier, John V. Walker; Receiver, Thos. Bell; Guide, Walter Hawke; I. Wei, John Dunkin;0. 1' , C. N. Griffin; Repre- sentative, J. E. T myln; Alternate liepre- sentative, J. W. \ lker. —Now is your time to get a ('cheap pipe, cigars or tobacco, at It. Hill's, opposite Bank of Hamilton. —During the p Witness, both wee vastly improved, i matter, and keeps leading papers on ture element has the Witness, that i led an illustrated moved to the busi the junction of B1= with Craig Stre building there whi fine a newspaper o seen. The price o three dollars, and one dollar, while tl the Messenger, cos st year the Montreal y and daily, have been form, typography and s place as one of the e continent. The tic- greatly. developed in may now be fairly cal - per. The Witness has se corner in Montreal, rYSt. Peter and Streets S eo and has a spacious 1 is in some respects as ce as is anywhere to be the Daily Witness is f the Weekly Witness little pioneer paper, only thirty cents. —The Atwood B e gives the following as illustrating the pro tableness of dairying: Robt. Parker, a pat .n of the Elmo Cheese Co's factory, made ratty well out of his twelve cows during t , e past season, from April 20th till Nev. -i et. During the sea- son he made the tic suit of $525 out of his herd. Mr. Parka is a shrewd, calcu- lating farmer and a enthusiastic dairy- man. He thinks o e of the very best features of the Babco k system of paying for milk is that it put a high premium on the quality of milk, tl us stimulating the patrons to send a bett r article than they formerly did under tl e old system, with the result that the oh,.•se brine a better price•in the market. Notice✓ All accounts owint n , and not otl,:'rwise arranged for ohn,m, ':'ave been 1'a;,i d to Peter fisher, master, for collection. By settling at ou. >.sts will be savers. • , J. A. MELDRIIII, M. D. ;7",—On Sunday nigl t last, about 04, fire was discovered in Iessrs. Cornyn Bros.' furniture waroroo on the corner of Die - soma and John str ets. The fire had got quite.a start, and fore the firemen arriv- ed it broke out the gh the north side of the building. '.Clle flat was quickly ret stored in the sewn out, but in a very c considerable, nodi ing supplies, it was fire having made su Hien were quickly 1 and eventually succ the fire, but_ not befo •furniture in the lower oved and some of that flat was also taken magecl condition, but s coffins and undertak• rnpossiblo to reach,the h headway. The firs - laying on the buildir'd, eded in extinguish ,ng e the building w ei a Ital wreek.:;.the w nd was blowing 4, per - feel gale a&lle time, f. J' ail ace. ,'bu11dmg s with snow, the`.:...,, buiidinge burned. Messrs. Cornyn Bro $1,700 on their stool Perth Mutuals. Thc by Dr. Talnlyn, and • Messrs. Cornyn 13r furniture that ' wet Dr. Macdonald's new the fire is unknown workroom, in. which fire for several days, carried on by Mr. T. ©peri out in one of I' stores entry next wee —20 boxes Florida Oranges, from 20c. to I The boy stood 50 per dozen, at R. Hu.L's. Whence all L Zip went hie b And "wow -i r; -Messrs. Lott their livery Lusin; nea:ly opposite the —A. slight fall of J snow has made the eiceeisee i,r•: t'y ?, n.na fanners and others are taking tt ivantage of it to get in logs and wood. 1 —Cash for good butter and eggs at R A Graham's market ::roce '=Mr. C. Ward, h ) ;of his livery outfit t and Lott & Sturdy, on Tuesday last, t and several rigs tint —At the zneetit Lodge, I, 0. G. T,, next, delegates to th ing, to bo held in M: instant, will be ap portaut business br. in full full attencla Chas. W. Brow Wingham and vicin or four years, passe aged 33 years. Dece, for many years wits not been confined to time. He leaves a f mother tare. Sturdy have moved s into the livery barn Queeu'e hotel stablts. and if the loots of i' .lad 1 ,,en covered .:v slave Leen other Ve understand that had an insurance of , in the Waterloo and building was owned as insured for $600. s. have moved the saved into one of tores. Tlie origin of It started In the iere bad not been any The business will be ('ornyn, who will Macdouald'e new • Choice ow Tose. Wholesale- Gordon & McIntyre irare a condition to supply families or aocietes with new teas, at yobbars prices. Now is the time to Hcoure %our teas, 4, ving disposed of incst Messrs. Beattie Bros• removed to Harriston ing with him a'Lus lie aid not sell. of Anchor of Hope on Tuesday evening District Lodge meet- nahester. on the 22nd •inted and other im- ight before the meet- ce is requested. , who has resided in y for the past three away on Tuesdaylast, sell had been a sufferer lung trouble, but bad lis bed for only a short ife and four children to mourn his d . aeps r- -An event which las been looked for- ward to for soma tin by those interested, took place on Wean sdtty last, when Mr. James Maxwell, son f Mr. Robt. Maxwell, of the Bluevale road, Turnberry, was uni- ted in marriage to M .s Agnes Ross, sister of Mr. A. Ross, of Wi . gham, and Mr. Hugh Ross, of Bluevale./ ' ceremony was per- formed at the Cess ace of the bride's sister, Wingham, by the Rev. A. Y. Hart- ley, of Bluevale, in t • presence of a large number of relatives and friends. The wedding presents wer' both numerous and costly. The Wein/ couple left on the 3.40 train for Stratf rd, Galt and other points, a large numb° being at the train to see them off. —Marks Bros' C. boards in the town week and so far have crowds. Under very this troupe has been . to -day it is one of the the road. They put formers can handle to one leaves the nail w entertainment prov night they opened iyi Luck," a come night the om any Phee." To- it, is bis Troubles," a augliabl Specialtie re rung it play and tlt•e whole et enjoyable evening. scenery enables the pl the play.—Orangevill Company will play Wingham, on Mon every night during eespices of Maitland edy Co. ]sold the hall every night this been playing to good areful management eadily improved and best companies on 1 plays that the per- eerfectton and every - 1 pleased with the ed. • On Tuesday "Barney Casey's four acts, and last layed "Senator Alo- of fare is "McGinfy's farce in three acts. during and after the bles one to pass an lenty of first-class yers to do justice to Sun. Tho above in the Tcwo Hall, y night next, and the week, under the odge, I. 0. 0. E. Address and Presentation. )ne evening last week, tho Sabbath S,•:tool class taught y Mr. Alfred Ireland, the Baptist Sunda School, waited upon him at his resident and presented him with the- following ad Lass and a beautiful .leaving case. Mr. reland replied in a suitable manner t• the kindly -worded address: Diwi TuAcmat,— _ we are here together in social intercourse t the beginning of the New dear, we take t is opportunity -of -pre- senting you with thishaving case. We in the sante - you to accept kindly asl. tt 1 spirit in which it is : ven, not for its in - y t 'ill S1C value memento of our but s a e u friendship and goo will, and would itsk yen to think of us wi t kindly remembrance, and trust that the 1 ther of all gold will grant many happy eturns of this night. Wishing yen all pr ,snerity and happiness. Mary Mallwain, Susan Manuel, Annie Elliott, Sofia Sian el, Martha McElwain, Lizzie Elliott, zzfe Robertson, Clara Farland. Oran tying to Ali. '.ilio high positron attained and the uni- veroal acceptance and approval of the pleasant liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs, as the most excellent laxativo known, illustrate the value of the qualities on which its success is bases and aro abtuiIi antsy gratifying to the Californiang Syrup Company. 1 in town, the guest u —The regular mee No 24, I. 0, G. T., chester on Monday, irnprotant topics wil and matters relatin order considered. —A happy event t dance of Mrs, Lamo nesday last, when Verne',was united A. L, Hamilton, dr Rev. J. L. Murray, nuptial knot, in the 'assemblage of iuvi ceremony was over, spent by all. The and costly, showing the newly wedded c many friends. Th Thursday mornin time in Wingham settling down to t Palmerston. Tli gratulations, n the icy walk, t he batt s'ict; els, up went his fee:, w" went th? kid. 'ng of District Lodge, ill be 1 eld in Man- e 22nd ins(. Several be ua for discussion to the welfare of the ok place et the resi- t, .Ripley, on Wed- er daughter Carrie n wedlock with Mr. gist, of Palmerston, f Kincardine, tied the presence of a large ed guest. After the n enjoyable time was resents were numerous the esteem in which uple are, held by their happy couple left on and will spend some nd other points, before to realities of life in Time extends con - West Huron The annual` mee Farmers' Instittite oli Tau. 19th-acid lowing gentlemen the various subj Wm. Rennie, farm C.; Andrew Elliot practical cheese -m the Dairy school to answer questions. rmers' Institute. ng of the West Huron •illbe held at intail t K 1 Oth, 1894, when the fol - ill deliver addresses on is assigned to them:— superintendent, hem:superintendent, 0. A. Galt, Ont. Also a ter will be sent from deliver addresses and - .l The Prohibition The following is t municipality in this V 010 In Huron. e vote cast in each ounty on Prohibition: Fon Tuckersmith 220 Exeter 262 Usborne 361 Stephen...... 351 Hay 346 Stanley........... 284 13n yfield ' 50 Clinton .... .... .. • 1308 Goderich :Township376 Goderich Town.... 384 Ashfield...... . , .. 494 Colborne 265 West Wawanosh.. 397 East Wawtinoslt.. 297 Hul lett .... .... .. 34.1 !Blyth 117 Wingham.... ..... 222 Tnr•nberry.... .... 29.4 Wroxeter.. .. , . .. , 78 Grey.. ...... ... 468 Brussels 140 McKillop 238 Seeforth 288 Ilowick.... .... 490 Total vote for7029 Total vote again- 3813 • Total majority f. 3916 AGAINST • 129 71 163 429 359 106 38 196 172 204 273 132 100 92 220 114 89 86 25 252 19 179 167 248 3813 A Prominent Lawyer. "I havo eight children, every one in good health, not one of whom but has taken Scott's Emulsion, in which my wife has l boundless confidence." Per coals. Miss Arnie Newat s, of London South, has been visiting h ends in town during the past week. Mise A. Gillespie, 1 Blyth, was visiting friends and relatives n town this week. Mr. John Blackmo o, of Listowel, has secured ,t s tuation a carver in Bell's fac- tory. He will enter pen his duties on Monday next. Miss Maggie Taman of Blyth, was visit- ing friends neer Wingl am 1 tst week. Mr. Jos. Taman, of lyth, was in town Saud ty. C Mrs. . Lloyd an Mrs. C. N. Griffin were visiting friends London, this week. Mies Mary Ritchie, who has been resid- ing ' inn., 1 est Minneapolis, ins for the s illinneao u n , 1 1 p two years, borne o me o a visit. Mr. Clarke, Chief o the Winnipeg police force, is visiting frier is in Wingham and vicinity. Mr. Frank Shore al nt the holidays with relativin rord. Mr. ems, IrStwin,atf t assistant iii Listo- wel high School, spen some of the holidays with friends in Wingl am. Chesley Enterpris . Mr. J. J. Sullivan, of Wingham was n a visit to Chesley friends during the fi t of the week, Rinea.rdino Ilevieu Mrs Omar Westin, cf tt¢hrin, is v1Pii tg her parents, Mr. { ltitCl ,:i.l'!:, lt. Ihtrf.;, ;hilt Sztle,--;11r. Robt. Mpg is vii.itittg in inghain, this week. Waterloo CLrot.ii! : Mr, G.. !'own, of , Wingham, spent hi 'ow Year's holidays A, Ruffin an. Lucknow Sentin •1: Miss Bell, of Wing• ham, is the guest o Mies Birdie McIntosh,. of this village. Brussels Post: . Jenkins, of Wing - ham, was in town tl is week. He has gone to Grand Rapids, -1 r. and Mrs. Cavanagh were in Wingham o New Year's day.— Miss Cornyn, of Wingham, was visiting Mrs, W. F, Vanstone n town this week. Mr. Geo. Gray, emp oyee of the G. T. R., of this town, spent his olidayswithfriends in Woodstock. Miss Brown, of Lon c . n,is visiting friends in town. Miss Kerte Ross, of this town, is visiting in Stratford. ee. Miss Ida Reid lies r turned hon-•fy1tali an extended visit wits friends ' tw, Miss Addie Anders u, of t rye•. WWII, IS visiting in ILiti,ilton t present.• Goderich Signal: ,Ire. Alex. Inglis,e c iter daughter Manion of Wingham, 1 been visiting in towu the past week, guests of Mrs. D. bt ddart, sr. Mr. John Fowler, .f the Bluevale toad, was spending a fen: ways with his son, M . Win. Fowler in Tedi water, Mr. and Mrs.. W. erines, went some returning on Wedne Rev. Jackson Wil of Evanston, friends in town. on Thursday. ::juicer, of St. Cate - :via visiting in .town, day last. on, and Mrs. Wilson, pent the holidays s with Y Mr. Wilson returned Ruittut ed and ttfozaied Pcepio. There are B,:tptured'people everywJieree <' r they want l he best times for the -1c money, and to utaicdit eunvenientfaee I will be in their neighborhood. ':,i11 no doubt that your case will be attenied noferly, ns I am known o i front +e it' 1 Ot i .• a Ocean ou this Continentas a man of rare' ability and skill in the Mechanical I:,ine of overcoming Rupture and ell Deformities ei the human frame—Spinal Disease, Cht3t Feet, Knocked Knees, White Swefl}ng. ' is very harcl,even in Eu ope,New Yor t;c2c s -• to improve on goads mado under my super- iutendence in my Factory. I ani the in- ventor of 27 Patents in the different lines of Trusses and Ortbopedical Appliances, and, if you wish to have your case attended to, would ask you to be on time, t.s I will. be found as follows ith Samples and Goods. as Trusses ' 1 1 their variety, to take unensureme .$, etc Rill visit as, follows Seafort h, Corntaertial Hotel, Mon. Jan. 22; Clinton, Rattenbury's Hotel, Tues. Jen. 23, Goderich. Aibiou Hotelok Wed. Jae. 24; Exeter, Commercial HoteI,' Tlnu•s. Jon. 25; Wingham, gusto's hotel," Friday, Jam.' 26; Brussels, nneee's Hotel, Saturday, Jan. 27. CGAs. CLIITn1;, Surgi- cal Machinist, 134 King St. 'Vest, Toronto, Ont. Don't wait till the last hour. " Logs, eaeres Messrs. Button & Peasant have again received their usual large order froh land for maple blocks, and will ag be paying the highest cash prices f any quantity of g 001 large maple logs. iso all other kinds of logs taken. ing- Willianns Little :Dandelion Pills will cure Headache, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, etc. Try them once and you will not use any other. Price 25e. box, at all drug stores, Stammers Tnn;ylish White Oils is the best Tinnily Liniment i11 the world. Instant cure for Sprains and Bruises. Beware of imitations. Ask or Salmon's English 'White Oils, Dr. King's Wornn Powders are safe nod sure. ''5c, it box. ilte:ti.tlriieltl's Healing Balsam. will cure the worst cold. hundreds of testimonials testify to its merits. Money '. el be refunded if heat 111 ld s will positively i 1 rr Healing Balsam does not do all teat is claimed for it Dr. King's Medical Biscay. ery is the great blood purifier. It will .matte the blood pure aria keep it pure. Cures dyspepsia and all forms of Stomach and liver troubles. It is the best; buy the best. Price one dollar a bottle, six bottles for live dollars. 10'illiitl<nnta' .tittle Dandelion Pills. Salntonni's English White Oils. _ Dr. King's *worn Powders4 lleatlnflrIIVS healing; 331 SUVA. Dr. King's i1, lie Dist v- e7C;fr Are all reliable m'silicin nd the prietors guarantee iratisfr• ion in case or money refancded_ 4