The Huron Expositor, 1974-08-08, Page 2.. .. �. .... _. av,... ..•; :.+ .. , ..
A860, Serving tho Carn z4nity First'
1 i ,
SURA"Onm, N'P.l1RXQ, evea'Y Tltumlay morning by NeLEAN BRCS., PuNlia ltd
° ANPREw Y. 1MCLEAN, Rditorr
c^ Mewbea' Owwdiao� Weelay Nv spape'r AsE dstion
Optw10 Weeldy Newmx%w Assaocm ion
and Aurbw47ptioa
at Cdreulebi�on
a pem
S Rabeb:
Canada (un advance) $9.00 k Year
Outside Canada (in 4dvanee) $ i l .00 a Year
second Class mail R.egistoation Number 0696 .
Tel'e'phone 527-1240 0
yinvcilvement 'in a h urry
Huron County Council members The number one objection as we
are"' alarmed " enough' about see It Is to the fact that little Huron
reco,mmondations- from a . recent County will be. smothered in',a five
provincial task force on health that county health district with the larger,
thgY airq holding a special sessio6 on more urbanized' ,• counties of
Monday. Middlesex, Elgin and even 'Oxford
What is County Council so excited and Perth. The population of London
about? Basically they object to the alone is four times that of Huron
-Provincial Department, of Health's which with 50,000 people would be
dro in co ies of the far reaching the smallest county in 'the 550,000
.controversial report into their laps at population district. The contract for the new furnaces in the
the beginning of'1july and asking for With say ten 'members on the public school have' been awarded to a
responses to it b September 1. governing district health councH'Aat
Now HLrdn County Council does quality of representation) could our,
not normally` meet 'at all d�ifing the county, let alone, our towns and
summer. Therefore the Minister of villages, hope for? -
` Health's request . for '"close We are for better health facilities
examination" and "wide discussion" for the people of our county. We can ,
of the report seems a bit of pie in the. agree that centralizing sorne health
' sk ; services might help°meet this end.
Brockville firm for $593.00.
Josiah Watson, has ,purchased thin t
Coleman saw mills ,and stove factory in .
town and will have them' overhauled and
d put in working shape.
T.R.F.Case has purchased a site south of
the railway track for the new pork factory.
Among the heaviest losers by the hail
storms were Messrs. E. McFaul and A.
But the health task fOrce�S Ciir0no. The•glass in the sky lights at their
stores was demolished.
Perhaps Health Minister Frank ' recommendations are so {sew and in Wm. Ament of town has teams drawing
,,Miller does not know that most rural some cases revolutionary that they' 1 have a number of things to be disposed They are -both , undisposable, if not staves from his factory at Brucefield for use
County Councils have a habit of of this week, and the first is my wife. undispensible. But my wife is much more in his Seaforth cooperage.
must be StU°died and talked about by Don't worry, I'm not going to Out her in formidable. The old established threshin firms of
taking summer recesses. The more Y, g g p g• .
all of us before any decisions are the basement and cover her with fresh Anyway. T Dennis Bros., Leadbury, .have bought a'.
suspicious of those among us might yw y, here is this fellow, Donald
made. cement -That's old-fashioned, and you Burwash, who works for -Coca-Cola Ltd. He new and powerful tractor engine for
-even dare to suggest that the minister If the' provincial government is usually et caught. threshing purposes.
p � Y g g is, a poancer. Not a bouncer, which we •
does indeed -know of this habit and.. really, as they say "committed to the I'm,going to put her in the -attic, with a don't'need w yen_ we're dealing with soft Messrs. Munn Bros. have got their new
that the report was released after the prtnciple.of public involvement in the gag in her;mquth,'rolled up in a piece of drinks,. but a pouncer. saw mill in place and are now at work. -
recess had • begun and comments . > > that roofing thaf will 'be left over after our Whenever he sees the word Coke written N.M.Contine of'St. Joseph is opening
planning.of health services ...tfiey' will shin lin job, which she ,ordered. up a general store in this place. Several car
requested before it had ended just to encourage public' knowledge , and. shingling with a small "c" , he pounces. He doesn't loads of goods arrived this week. He will
discussion 'of just what 'is being Now, I've nothing against women, get _ Y g Y
minimize critical public discussion j g h sterical, but he, does et a bit stuffy. also" -start a hdtef.
and wrangling over the suggested particularly, though I have generally and He pounced, on a column of mine N.Contine: of St, Joseph fame was in the
planned ' and , how it:, will be g Y° P
health. Care 'changes.nothing against roofers. at all, though they recently in which the sacrilegious word was. village of Hensall taking, orders for a car
implemented. ., charge too much and get you involved in all. used twice with a small' "c". Two of the load of sugar which he had received here.
At their special session on Monday That. requires
much - more than sorts of side issues like louvres and more than 100 papers using this column AUGUST 1st, 1924
Huron' County -Council is likely to join sending.a report, written ill the finest insulation and squirrels. sent me along his hurt letter of protest. Hi, Misses Mary and Agnes McDaid. of
many other area municipalities,- h rd -to -read officialese to . municipal I know what a squirrel is, and I've a Harry Stemp of the Lake Simcoe Advocate, Dublin have disposed of their beautiful
health uhtts"and hospitals in objecting ' ' q k'` t and Hi Mrs. Brebne'r of the Meaford home •to Frank Meagher. s
p 1 9 of clals with a re uest for comments vague idea about insulation,; ut I haven'
jue a ou " " "fix ress,0 many of the report's suggestions. wi`fhin -fwo montFls. .'',i? t' ou5res tl oug t was '`otne w A very sad drowning, took place at the dCay tn� Pate t tturns "z r i 'hope oldiBurwash ijitln't write the same river at Chas: McGregor s, near `fx°cofYlSle'c'��1i`olesru aro�d�the fetter to all the other editors. Knowing Constance, when Joseph McQuaid, eldest
_ roof 'so the air can circulate, weekly editors, !•,'m sure, if he did, that son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McQuaid of
It's not that my wife has an extra big a letters wound. up in the - McKillop lost his,life..
most of th
Tired.• O caring a mouth for woman, but every time she trash -can The,Murless 'Players presented a three
opens' it, it costs• rue money. I had a I won't bore you with brother Burwash's act comedy "Juliette" in Cardrio's Hal}:
perfectly straightforward deal with a roofer whole letter, which was almost identical in In the Old Boys Reunion notes, it is
to put on a roof. -That's what roofers are both cases (sorry, Donald), because it is .a. noted that Chummie Cresswell,,and Dan
From the newspapers and from
communities and neighborhoods. for.. besides taking the off. very boring letter. But here's a sample: McLeod were offering $10.00 for the
p radio-and.television we learn -a greaf Compassion fatigue and the biggest bull frog caught in Egmondville
deal, about suffering and distress at cultivation 'of convenient ig ,grance Admittedly, not many people call up a `.`Coke" distinguishes and identifies only . dam during the reunion. Here's a chance
roofer and say, "I'd like my roof t aken the product of this Company (large `c ')
home and in all parts of the world. In nourish us in a mood of indifference, off." But, as a rule, thea, take off the old " and we must of necessity be diligent in for all. the old guards that took lessons from.
y one before they put 'on the new one. ok. safeguarding it against improper use lest Dick Hewatt.
recent ears we've had so much of .the kind of indifference that' easily � g g • g
this that rnany'of us are now suffering says, `Charity begins atf home", and That's' when the.Old Battleaxe opinadvertently, it loses its distinctiveness C.P.Sills of, town received the
t?ened appointment of the Post Mastership of
what has been called "con assion then adds, , and that is where I her mouth. "What about the insulation?" and significance."
p, Seaforth and his new duties will commence
„ She.wouldn t know an insulation if it bit her How about that? ``Of necessity"? on September 1st.
fatigue Our hearts have been intend to keep it." -
on the 'kneecap', but she has this "Diligent in „ afeguarding"? Arthur Forbes of Toronto has been here
prodded so frequently and.. so In one of his plays, Bernard Shaw subconscious desire~•to bean en inedr. "Inadvertently"? Thar] n ua a is.straight--
that they become fatigued, said this: "The worst sin towards our g y"�g .g—' --this week makingTinal preparations forthe " �.
The roofer is a fine felfow,,but he wasn't out of a •novel by Dickens. Old 'Boys Reunio'n..L
developing' reluctance to make fellow creatures is'not to hate .them going to argue with a lady. He agreed that And do you think the word, "Coke". is At a meeting of thePubfic School Board,
res O
compassionate nses.'. but to be indifferent to,them." Shaw you cant have too much insulation. Then distinctive and significant? Lest
p P. , � . Y ' g you � Miss Gladys McPhee was appointed
our , compassion. fatigue drives then described indifference as the he, said,, "I guess you'd want, a couple of should, inadvertently, think otherwise, teacher of the primary ' department to
some of us to cultivate a convenient essence of inhurnanity". louvres?" I just nodded , numbly: A couple pray do not be deceived by the obtuse succeed Mrs. Dudley.
i norance `If we don't know too much The 'complexity and confusion of of art museums? Fine. Might as well go for ramifications of the unholy and insidious James Scott of Edmonton, formerly a
g the works. media. How's that? I can, write that stuff member of Scott Bros., Seaforth, and one
about the suffering of Others, we will our life today, with the compassion smyself. of the best'business men of this town, is
not ' be made to feel uncomfortable fatigues it engenders . and ';:tire There. I've ddy. Th of blood
wife; and I
feel better Alread The b{ood is beginning Oh, well, )�rwash old bo
about it. Life can be, much leasanter convenient ignorance it encourages, y' g g y," a takes all her an S the Reunion.
p 9 9 , . ' to recede from n►J' head and go back to its kinds. But y ou're getting there, kid. On Ivan Smillie of Toronto gave an excellent
for us , if we don't know too' much causes indifference t0 settle rather normal channels,' June 12, you were Assistant Secretary at solo in the Egmondville Presbyterian
about suffering and deprivation in the easily on ' our hearts.' Perhaps But I have a few other people Yo dispose Coca Cola. On June 21, you were Church on Sunday evening.
world's under -developed regions, in indifference,^,,,tthe couldn't -care -less of, so let's get on 'with it. How about • Secretary. It must be that magnificent, Joe Eckart of town has the services of
other parts of otir nation, in our own attitude, is the great sin of our day. Coca-Cola? I can feel the blood mounting Churehilfian prose, style. Brilce Phillips and John Murray in
again. In the meantime, is it all ri ht if I burn a 'overhauling his engine and separator.
(Listowel Banner) g Another of the large buildings in St. -
Perhaps it's a mistake taking on both my little coke in my fireplace? Or should I just, Joseph is being torn down. Wreckers are
wife and Coca-Cola in the same 'column. cool off and have a Pepsi? busy tearing down .the wine factory.
Miss -Edith Govenlock of Winthrop left
this week for a trip up the Muskoka Lakes.-
u r mistake
•stvke ; N� �P� AUGUST Sth,1949
Th McKellar clan of Cromarty, held
o their annual reunion at Lions Park,
Seaforth with 50 persons attending: The
In last week's stories about the dig geography and, without in any ,#way ��� oldest person was Duncan McKellar, and
at the Egmondville Pottery, We, using it as an excuse, Cite the error as " the youngest Faye Duncan, 'daughter of
± referred to the Maitland River. The more evidence that a greater - i Mr, and Mrs. Jack Duncan of Kirkton. lr
Pottery is, of coure, on -the Bayfield emphasis on • Canadian and localf Rain stopped the Boshart Furniture
' Tourney at the Seaforth Lawn Howling
Rivera We "analogize for' our sloppy studies is needed 'Irl our Schools. / . Club after two games had been played. In
� d the draw for a Bosh corner cabinet, the
lucky ticket was held by Charlie Dungey.
A surprise birthdayparty was held at the
home of Mrs. Mark Clarke, Fullarton, in
honor of her 80th birthday.
® the Editor o o Dr. and Mrs. A.R.Campbell of Guelph,
visited Miss Minnie Reid and other Hensall
.. friends. . - ..
p �i ( At the Kippen East W.I. meeting, Miss
thank flibbe'rt Helen McKercher rs Mclwas the
Parent's� - \ guest speaker and Mrs. R, Dalrymple ` �{-' � � g 1? of 41
is ,•
This.letter is in regards to the proposed
society as we have today.
AUGUST 4th, 1899" .
Day Care Centre in Seaforth.
During the electric storm. at Staffa, Wm.
` Jeffery had one of his fne colts killed by
things have not progressed very. quickly in
Mrs. James Barbour of Staffa had the
Township,- we would like to express our
misfortune to step on a rusty nail,, and has
beep confined to the house, nursing a very
course, that holidays have held up business'
sore foot.
Township Council for their understanding
Four young' men, M. McPhee, P.
Mulcahy, Tom Murray and 'John
Sutherland, of town, had a`parrow escape "
have been -done before holidays started.
from drowning. They were out boating Pid"
area, and fdr agreeing to participate with
beside the piers at Bayfield, their boat was
upset. ,All but P. Mulcahy could swim,' '
Centre gets underway, it will be a
However, he kept his wits about him and
�ecotidly, ale viiould like to sayihat it is
he was brought ashore. .
• .
' Mrs. John Scott of Rokboro met with. a
very painful accident. She was milking a
§ iithi 60pd1dj townships tint to have enough
cow when' the animal knocked her off the
stool and trampled her. Her ankle was
- Bruce and Sandy Falconer'
dislocated and her leg broken above ,
ff�cility "W 'Ofdoi�r'e the youit'gsters for
Wm. Bubolz of Tuckersmith and Robert
Garrow of McKillop have each completed
large bank barns which will house prolific
Harry Gresbrooke has purchased three
and an eighth acres of land in E mofidville,
belonging to the estate ' of the late
Constance •Fan Egmond. The price paid
was $215.0Q.,
Cement pavement' contractors have been
hauntin the town' during the past week,,,.
.controversial report into their laps at population district. The contract for the new furnaces in the
the beginning of'1july and asking for With say ten 'members on the public school have' been awarded to a
responses to it b September 1. governing district health councH'Aat
Now HLrdn County Council does quality of representation) could our,
not normally` meet 'at all d�ifing the county, let alone, our towns and
summer. Therefore the Minister of villages, hope for? -
` Health's request . for '"close We are for better health facilities
examination" and "wide discussion" for the people of our county. We can ,
of the report seems a bit of pie in the. agree that centralizing sorne health
' sk ; services might help°meet this end.
Brockville firm for $593.00.
Josiah Watson, has ,purchased thin t
Coleman saw mills ,and stove factory in .
town and will have them' overhauled and
d put in working shape.
T.R.F.Case has purchased a site south of
the railway track for the new pork factory.
Among the heaviest losers by the hail
storms were Messrs. E. McFaul and A.
But the health task fOrce�S Ciir0no. The•glass in the sky lights at their
stores was demolished.
Perhaps Health Minister Frank ' recommendations are so {sew and in Wm. Ament of town has teams drawing
,,Miller does not know that most rural some cases revolutionary that they' 1 have a number of things to be disposed They are -both , undisposable, if not staves from his factory at Brucefield for use
County Councils have a habit of of this week, and the first is my wife. undispensible. But my wife is much more in his Seaforth cooperage.
must be StU°died and talked about by Don't worry, I'm not going to Out her in formidable. The old established threshin firms of
taking summer recesses. The more Y, g g p g• .
all of us before any decisions are the basement and cover her with fresh Anyway. T Dennis Bros., Leadbury, .have bought a'.
suspicious of those among us might yw y, here is this fellow, Donald
made. cement -That's old-fashioned, and you Burwash, who works for -Coca-Cola Ltd. He new and powerful tractor engine for
-even dare to suggest that the minister If the' provincial government is usually et caught. threshing purposes.
p � Y g g is, a poancer. Not a bouncer, which we •
does indeed -know of this habit and.. really, as they say "committed to the I'm,going to put her in the -attic, with a don't'need w yen_ we're dealing with soft Messrs. Munn Bros. have got their new
that the report was released after the prtnciple.of public involvement in the gag in her;mquth,'rolled up in a piece of drinks,. but a pouncer. saw mill in place and are now at work. -
recess had • begun and comments . > > that roofing thaf will 'be left over after our Whenever he sees the word Coke written N.M.Contine of'St. Joseph is opening
planning.of health services ...tfiey' will shin lin job, which she ,ordered. up a general store in this place. Several car
requested before it had ended just to encourage public' knowledge , and. shingling with a small "c" , he pounces. He doesn't loads of goods arrived this week. He will
discussion 'of just what 'is being Now, I've nothing against women, get _ Y g Y
minimize critical public discussion j g h sterical, but he, does et a bit stuffy. also" -start a hdtef.
and wrangling over the suggested particularly, though I have generally and He pounced, on a column of mine N.Contine: of St, Joseph fame was in the
planned ' and , how it:, will be g Y° P
health. Care 'changes.nothing against roofers. at all, though they recently in which the sacrilegious word was. village of Hensall taking, orders for a car
implemented. ., charge too much and get you involved in all. used twice with a small' "c". Two of the load of sugar which he had received here.
At their special session on Monday That. requires
much - more than sorts of side issues like louvres and more than 100 papers using this column AUGUST 1st, 1924
Huron' County -Council is likely to join sending.a report, written ill the finest insulation and squirrels. sent me along his hurt letter of protest. Hi, Misses Mary and Agnes McDaid. of
many other area municipalities,- h rd -to -read officialese to . municipal I know what a squirrel is, and I've a Harry Stemp of the Lake Simcoe Advocate, Dublin have disposed of their beautiful
health uhtts"and hospitals in objecting ' ' q k'` t and Hi Mrs. Brebne'r of the Meaford home •to Frank Meagher. s
p 1 9 of clals with a re uest for comments vague idea about insulation,; ut I haven'
jue a ou " " "fix ress,0 many of the report's suggestions. wi`fhin -fwo montFls. .'',i? t' ou5res tl oug t was '`otne w A very sad drowning, took place at the dCay tn� Pate t tturns "z r i 'hope oldiBurwash ijitln't write the same river at Chas: McGregor s, near `fx°cofYlSle'c'��1i`olesru aro�d�the fetter to all the other editors. Knowing Constance, when Joseph McQuaid, eldest
_ roof 'so the air can circulate, weekly editors, !•,'m sure, if he did, that son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McQuaid of
It's not that my wife has an extra big a letters wound. up in the - McKillop lost his,life..
most of th
Tired.• O caring a mouth for woman, but every time she trash -can The,Murless 'Players presented a three
opens' it, it costs• rue money. I had a I won't bore you with brother Burwash's act comedy "Juliette" in Cardrio's Hal}:
perfectly straightforward deal with a roofer whole letter, which was almost identical in In the Old Boys Reunion notes, it is
to put on a roof. -That's what roofers are both cases (sorry, Donald), because it is .a. noted that Chummie Cresswell,,and Dan
From the newspapers and from
communities and neighborhoods. for.. besides taking the off. very boring letter. But here's a sample: McLeod were offering $10.00 for the
p radio-and.television we learn -a greaf Compassion fatigue and the biggest bull frog caught in Egmondville
deal, about suffering and distress at cultivation 'of convenient ig ,grance Admittedly, not many people call up a `.`Coke" distinguishes and identifies only . dam during the reunion. Here's a chance
roofer and say, "I'd like my roof t aken the product of this Company (large `c ')
home and in all parts of the world. In nourish us in a mood of indifference, off." But, as a rule, thea, take off the old " and we must of necessity be diligent in for all. the old guards that took lessons from.
y one before they put 'on the new one. ok. safeguarding it against improper use lest Dick Hewatt.
recent ears we've had so much of .the kind of indifference that' easily � g g • g
this that rnany'of us are now suffering says, `Charity begins atf home", and That's' when the.Old Battleaxe opinadvertently, it loses its distinctiveness C.P.Sills of, town received the
t?ened appointment of the Post Mastership of
what has been called "con assion then adds, , and that is where I her mouth. "What about the insulation?" and significance."
p, Seaforth and his new duties will commence
„ She.wouldn t know an insulation if it bit her How about that? ``Of necessity"? on September 1st.
fatigue Our hearts have been intend to keep it." -
on the 'kneecap', but she has this "Diligent in „ afeguarding"? Arthur Forbes of Toronto has been here
prodded so frequently and.. so In one of his plays, Bernard Shaw subconscious desire~•to bean en inedr. "Inadvertently"? Thar] n ua a is.straight--
that they become fatigued, said this: "The worst sin towards our g y"�g .g—' --this week makingTinal preparations forthe " �.
The roofer is a fine felfow,,but he wasn't out of a •novel by Dickens. Old 'Boys Reunio'n..L
developing' reluctance to make fellow creatures is'not to hate .them going to argue with a lady. He agreed that And do you think the word, "Coke". is At a meeting of thePubfic School Board,
res O
compassionate nses.'. but to be indifferent to,them." Shaw you cant have too much insulation. Then distinctive and significant? Lest
p P. , � . Y ' g you � Miss Gladys McPhee was appointed
our , compassion. fatigue drives then described indifference as the he, said,, "I guess you'd want, a couple of should, inadvertently, think otherwise, teacher of the primary ' department to
some of us to cultivate a convenient essence of inhurnanity". louvres?" I just nodded , numbly: A couple pray do not be deceived by the obtuse succeed Mrs. Dudley.
i norance `If we don't know too much The 'complexity and confusion of of art museums? Fine. Might as well go for ramifications of the unholy and insidious James Scott of Edmonton, formerly a
g the works. media. How's that? I can, write that stuff member of Scott Bros., Seaforth, and one
about the suffering of Others, we will our life today, with the compassion smyself. of the best'business men of this town, is
not ' be made to feel uncomfortable fatigues it engenders . and ';:tire There. I've ddy. Th of blood
wife; and I
feel better Alread The b{ood is beginning Oh, well, )�rwash old bo
about it. Life can be, much leasanter convenient ignorance it encourages, y' g g y," a takes all her an S the Reunion.
p 9 9 , . ' to recede from n►J' head and go back to its kinds. But y ou're getting there, kid. On Ivan Smillie of Toronto gave an excellent
for us , if we don't know too' much causes indifference t0 settle rather normal channels,' June 12, you were Assistant Secretary at solo in the Egmondville Presbyterian
about suffering and deprivation in the easily on ' our hearts.' Perhaps But I have a few other people Yo dispose Coca Cola. On June 21, you were Church on Sunday evening.
world's under -developed regions, in indifference,^,,,tthe couldn't -care -less of, so let's get on 'with it. How about • Secretary. It must be that magnificent, Joe Eckart of town has the services of
other parts of otir nation, in our own attitude, is the great sin of our day. Coca-Cola? I can feel the blood mounting Churehilfian prose, style. Brilce Phillips and John Murray in
again. In the meantime, is it all ri ht if I burn a 'overhauling his engine and separator.
(Listowel Banner) g Another of the large buildings in St. -
Perhaps it's a mistake taking on both my little coke in my fireplace? Or should I just, Joseph is being torn down. Wreckers are
wife and Coca-Cola in the same 'column. cool off and have a Pepsi? busy tearing down .the wine factory.
Miss -Edith Govenlock of Winthrop left
this week for a trip up the Muskoka Lakes.-
u r mistake
•stvke ; N� �P� AUGUST Sth,1949
Th McKellar clan of Cromarty, held
o their annual reunion at Lions Park,
Seaforth with 50 persons attending: The
In last week's stories about the dig geography and, without in any ,#way ��� oldest person was Duncan McKellar, and
at the Egmondville Pottery, We, using it as an excuse, Cite the error as " the youngest Faye Duncan, 'daughter of
± referred to the Maitland River. The more evidence that a greater - i Mr, and Mrs. Jack Duncan of Kirkton. lr
Pottery is, of coure, on -the Bayfield emphasis on • Canadian and localf Rain stopped the Boshart Furniture
' Tourney at the Seaforth Lawn Howling
Rivera We "analogize for' our sloppy studies is needed 'Irl our Schools. / . Club after two games had been played. In
� d the draw for a Bosh corner cabinet, the
lucky ticket was held by Charlie Dungey.
A surprise birthdayparty was held at the
home of Mrs. Mark Clarke, Fullarton, in
honor of her 80th birthday.
® the Editor o o Dr. and Mrs. A.R.Campbell of Guelph,
visited Miss Minnie Reid and other Hensall
.. friends. . - ..
p �i ( At the Kippen East W.I. meeting, Miss
thank flibbe'rt Helen McKercher rs Mclwas the
Parent's� - \ guest speaker and Mrs. R, Dalrymple ` �{-' � � g 1? of 41
is ,•
education in such a demanding
This.letter is in regards to the proposed
society as we have today.
Day Care Centre in Seaforth.
Finally, we feel that it is a shame that
First of all, as residents of Hibbert
things have not progressed very. quickly in
Township,- we would like to express our
regards to the Centre. We realize, of
thanks and gratitude to the Hibbert
course, that holidays have held up business'
Township Council for their understanding
quite a bit; but do feel that a ldt more could
of a w6e'd for a Day Fare Centre in this
have been -done before holidays started.
area, and fdr agreeing to participate with
However, at whatever future date the
the eajofEh Town Council in this project.
Centre gets underway, it will be a
�ecotidly, ale viiould like to sayihat it is
tremendous asset to all communities'
V&y nafNow-tmnde'd ' of the other
§ iithi 60pd1dj townships tint to have enough
Concerned parents,
ittaight to fbreseei3. future need for such a
- Bruce and Sandy Falconer'
ff�cility "W 'Ofdoi�r'e the youit'gsters for
R.R.#f, Dublin, Ont.
,44,wAV A/ ✓t'vin�
/�,0*1— �sV r .t,10.1,-
Egmondville gave the demonstration.
One hundred and fifty members of tire,
LO.OZ of Hensall held their first picnic at
Jowett's Grove, Bayfield. Sports were
directed by Peter L. McNaughton, Bert
Horton, Harold Parker, Sam G. Rennie;
• Thos. Meyers and Charles 4py.
Dr. "Margaret McLean of Hensall has left
for Toronto where _ she will join. her
husband, Dr. J.A.McLean\
Geo. Parker, son of Harold Parker,
Hensall, is in Scott Mietnorial Hospital with
an infe'etion in
bis knee.
ichael 13echelyand Donald Dale left for -
1,46 Couchiching to spend two weeks.. '
Donald Mcltindsey intends going at a later
date. ,