The Huron Expositor, 1974-08-01, Page 6. . . . . . . ...
Agrl... n0A
Xpy Adrian Vos)
Tt if P
brought tears to my, eycs echoes the USDA when be claims
whene- o ice
I read angtitsh.ed cries that surpIps 'Qamadian eggs were
from the president of the Cana. dumped -on the American market
d1an Food Processors Associa- and sold for 49 cents in Buffalo. A. L VAUGHAN
tion, about marketing boards. He his is a half truth. 'whith is t CHIEF OF POLICE.
rape ated statements atements by oth6r foes alv4ys worse than an outright lie
of marketing boards that they because it contains some facts.
cause a decrease in production Surpluk eggs are sold to the. During the week -of the 24th to
and so tip off the consumers. This baking industry. This makes for the 30th July 1974, the Seaforth
Police Department invpstigated
Mr. J. H. Qrysdale should know lower prices for baked oods.
better. They M A1s6!!FoTd PQ -US Ckers 29 occurrences., consisting of the
following -
IV -1 One of the boards he attacked, for. the same purpose. It iappears
the poultry board, was for limit- thali at) American baker bought a Assist Other Police Dept. 4
ing supply. But, as -I wrote a few surplus. of surplus eggs and Insecure Property 3
weeks ago, the,poultry production resold them on the shelf. This was Lost and Found 2
increased from 175 million an isolated case and the Ameri- Animal Complaints 3
pounds in 1965, 1 when this board cans tfied to use it as a lever to Disturbance
Police Surveillance I
began operations, to 2,75 million rescind the Canadian ban on DES
HOLSTEIN COW,LIMOUSIN CALF With its "foster mph her" the Holstein, with', Theft Under 2
pounds last year. That's limiting? -contaminated beef.
Mr. J. Grysdale would like to After this he, goes -on to number 23 tattoed on her ear the first embryo transplant pure Limousin calf to bePublic Mischief I
see poultry prod4cers cutting one describe -his woes, in vegetable born at Auld Croft Farms near Ethel was out grazing last weeka., Thecalf weighed 94,'L Assistance 4
processing, ' where there Police information
_11nothers throats,' which would is no pounds when it was one hour old and had just been tattoed when this photo was Traffic Compla . ints t.
give his confederates a betteii price setting board, and where he rip off the consumer. claims his profits are below taken. (Photo by Pat Langlois) False Pretense
ti They lost this chance in 1965 average, It might be better for 21 people were charged under
when this board was formed. He him and his associatesbe the Highway Traffic Act.
f t I
contradicts himself when he says vegetable and fruit growers did 12- persons were stopped and
that these boards do nothing for set a -price: Then he would be Mal warned of minor defects or traffic
the . producer and claims in the assured of a steady sppply With a AC- pond n e n a n ce infractions.
next sentence- that the . board known price based on cost of
Ponds are a great asset on a sulfate) at a rate of one-half to one days, repedt the operation.
'keeps inefficient producers in production.
farm, but some of the problems pound per 100,000 gallons. On muddy shallow ponds (less Helpful Tip
busine No Mr. Girysdale, it seems from
their owners are faced with can, be Estimate the amount of chemical than three feet deep), spreading When you prepare fresh fruits-
Myheaeds for the poor here * that you are 'fishing, in
misurt nderstood. processor. He. troubled waters. frustrating. "Perhaps most you require and buy what. is . loose hay at a rate of two bales for salads or desserts ahead of
distressing is being unable to use necessary at farm supply stores. per acre of surface�as some time; either cover therp with
the water that is there,," says To apply the bluestone, first limited success. This eatmcnt water sprinkle them With lemon -
Prof. R.W,.Irwin, of the School of dissolve it in water in a plastic may be carried out at 14 -day juice to prevent discoloration.,
l8rigineering, Ontario p hen ,use your garden intervals, up to a maximum of This method will save you last
to �pa
H elp is a vaila b.,le Agricultural College. saik* er apply
p it evenly over the, four times a year. However, Prof. minute preparation time and help
Algae bloom and muddy water surf ce of the water. On large IrMn emphasizes that hay keep the fruit4resh and colorful.
S are the -most 'common troubles. sprayihg can b d e from - treatment should not be used on fresh Coconuts
for s' 'nesse Pon s g; stocked ponds. Fresh coconuts in the shell
mail busi With careful treatment, these at. Be careful when h%adlinm
problems can be eliminated and in concentrated form bluestone is retain good quality up -to a month
The Small Business Assistance results. the chemicals, if used at the poisonous. _At recommended If undisturbed, treated ponds in the refrigerator.
Program is staffed by sixteen Although the funds from the m. remain clear indefinitely. But
recommended rates, are 11.0t rates, however.,it does not bar y
business'students from the School Government will cover the major ministration at the costs of running these consulting
of Business Adharmful to fish, livestock or fish or prevent swimming further steps can be taken to
humans. activities. maintain clear water; grassed
Western 6nta_ri .nominal fee is usually
University of, We tern io. -services, a ii Early summer is t KIPPEN*
he time lyben, To clear ponds of muddy wator, areas, around will kp
This non-profit making organize- charged to cover out-of-pocket aig ae bloom becomes Prof. Irwin A recommends soil particles from entering the
tion has already begun its task of expensei. Firms unable to afford
Particularly and spreading Agricultural gypsum Water__-
iving advice to small businesses any payment whatsoever will also ularly - noticeable Preventing cattle from UPHOLSTERY
9 1 disagreeable. This- can be evenly at a rate of six pounds per drinking directly from the pond
within a serve nty mile radius of be considered. o controlled and' , prevented by 1,000 cubic feet of water. If the will also help avoid stirring up the
Aondon. The program continues Often, the consultants find applying. .-bluestone (copper pond does not cleai -in -several sediment on the bottom. SERVICE
until August 23, 1974. small organizations are reluctant
The service is available to every to shire internal informationwith
kind of business at every phase of outsiders. As access to firia I ncia . I i Couches and Chaivs
development from initial start-up accounts, cost data and other, Rockers, Daveripm-Is
to the very challenging and sometimes personal information Club,�, families -hpldreuhions and Kitchen Chitirs
exciting stage of expansion. The is necessary to do an effective job,
business must be Cariadiarr the Program scrupulously keeps ' The Seaforth Women's Insti- purse - Mrs.,Mabel Hudson. Book Mrs. Ernest'Allen; Men 40 and
owned and financially unable to all its material confidential. tute July ,meeting was held in relay, seed bonnet, carrierpigeort over -,14arold Cqleman and Glen Fiee Estimate
afford professional consulting' Anyone wishing to inquire Lioris Park, Seaforth on Sunday, relays were enjoyed by the teams, Diechert; Rabbit Hop - Murray Pick-up and DbIJ very
ld call 'July 28 in the form of a picnic. A smorgasbord supper, con- Lain and Peter Laing; Kigk the
fees. The'wholte proj�ct is made about' the Program shou
Po by a grant from the (519) 679-D85 'during business' Institute- members families and vaned by Mrs. R. M. Scott ari4o Shoe in the Basket under 12
Ontario Ministry of Industry and hours or write to: The Sitiall friends enjoyed a pleasant after- Mrs. Lorne Lawson foll9wed. Peter Laing and Andr(w Vivian;
Call 527 -125 -0 -
Tourism. Business Assistance Program; noon. Yei WilfirdeColeman and Mrs. over.12 - Mrs..,Eric McIntosh And Q
The student consultairts them- School of Business Adrninistra- Sports were as follows: BrilicMtoleman w -Charge '4F"y.itit"fig��Mafcbing:Apinwis,zl
eF . 9�
selves have all beeTr ekpo:i6d to af tion -l' Robm 261A;' University of Children under 8: Race back- sports. Mrs. Arnold Taylor Pres- - Murray Christie and Gloria -------
. ..... IP1.
C W_ y6u, We
of, fre, h
-Wh"116 the SUP01y Is'Good
Steel Roofirig,
Phwe'627-w" Seaforth
4,010 -20% Discount
Check'Ouk Special
For Added, Values
NOW ARRIVING '!New Fall.Yard Gooda"
Seaforth's So, to $1.00 Store
Stationery Gifts
least one year of intensive Western Ontario; London, wards. - Nancy Taylor, Bryan ident,. moved a vote of thanks tocKe.nzie; Thread the Needle
training in business administra- Canada; N6A 3k7. ColemAn, Vipki Gordon; Childien . the committees. The bus trip was Grace Kerslake and Ted Taylor,
tion and a majority have also had over 8 - Brenda Coleman, Debbie discussed, and a report will be Gordon Hoggarth and Mrs. Bob -MACAU
several years of practical -business 91( at C6Nwell; Chi ren Kick the given atBALL' 'August meeting. .'Laing; Throw Ball in LAYLtd.
experience in - functions ranging Bredthin SlipperColeman, Ron Dennis Eves, for adults and
rrorif accountinp, to marketing. Taylor; Wheelbarrow Race - McLaughlin-Allen-Hoggarth Janice Vivian and, Lori McIntosh
With this background they are Cathy Coleman 'and ' Debbie for children; Dropping Clothes
uniquely qual'ified to analyse can. cduse c on '_�Pe McLaughlin-Aljpn-H6g- firis in Bottle - Andrew Vivian
Cockwell,.Roh and D Taylor-,
some of theproblems which small Three-legged Race - Cathy and gart� Family Reunion was held in affd Janic&'.Vivianfor children and
businesses are facing today. Brenda Coleman, Ron and Don Seaforth Lions Park on. Sunday' Margaret Laing and Andrew -
The kind of work undet3aken• with 51 people attending. Laing f6r adults. Then followed a
Taylor, Patty Coleman and
this year includes probing insomnia., bie Cockwell-, Throw pennies in Followifig some 'visiting and candy scramble.
market opportunities, disentang-ash tray in pail of water - Patty getting re -acquainted', the re- The youngest . person present
ling accounts, conducting fess - and Brenda Coleman tied; Eat creation began by guessing the :was Janice McIntosh; the oldest
ibility studies, simplifying inven- problems.* �Soda'- biscuit and whistle '- Ron number of pennies in the bottle. person present was''Mrs. Grace
tory control systems, establishing Taylor; 2 people eat string licorice Mrs. Bill Mel, ughlin and Mrs'. Scott, And the one coming the ����'
cost controls and in gCounting sheep cures some
eneral being Ron and Don Taylor; Clotbis Wesley RussX, guessed nearest farthest distance was Dennis NG CE I
prepared to seek out answers to hanger and clothes pins Ron -to the number. Winners. of the Eves from Calgary.
all questions posed by small kinds of insomnia. But sleepless Taylor, Don Taylor, Brenda' races were as follows: Picnic lunch followed.
nights can also be caused by
businessmen. unrecognized breathing Coleman. The children then en- Girls under six -Sandra Vivian; It was decided to have- .,a
"Many small business proprie- problems. joyed a candy scramble. Guess Boys under six - Tommy' Laing reunion next year in Mitch'ell Park
A sleep researcher at a
tors 'who seek our. assistance," the I number of jelly beans in a jar - and Steven Vivian; Girls under 12 on the same Sunday, the 4th in
il says Albert Hdpsen, one of, the University, said results of his Ross Gordon, Two people eat - Janice .Vivian, Lori McIntosh, -July.. The Executive is as follows:
Ptpgram consultants, "demon-, results string, licorice -_Mr. and Mrs. Girls under 9 - fdna McIntosh;MPresident - Alf' Ross; Sec.
three -year study of 300 patients
strate a good level of expertise Boys.. under 12 Peter 1aing. Treasurer Mrs. Gordon Hog -
indicated that as many as one -in Ross Gordon, Clothes hanger 'and
in .1 ... I.
during our discussions with them. clothes Pins - Arnold Taylor; You An'd-r'ew Vivian-, R6ys under 15 - garth; Lunch Committee - Mr.
ten patients with sleep disorders
An objective outside view can would. never guess - Mrs. Gordon Peter Laing, Murray Laing; Lad- and Mrs. Joe Allen and Mr. and
maybe sufferingfrom undetected
sometimes do rnuch to ' Elliott; Men's kick the slipper, ies 'Race - Marilyn Laing, Mar. Mrs. Bob Laing; Sports Commit-'
respiratory abnormalities.
the proprietor's personal goals Ladies return it - Mr. and Mrs. garet Laing; Men over,15 - David tee - Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Scott
Difficulty in breathing among
with the realities of the actual sleep -disturbed ' patients was Gordon McKenzie; Lady. witch 'Laing, Dennis Eves; Ladies 40 and Marilyn Lain and Margaret
business environment in which he accidentally discovered less than least number of things in her And over Mrs. Boh, Laing and Laing. - I
operates. two years'ago by a colleagup,�ho kl.
Studies conducted so far this Williamson Reunion
noticed that some insomniac
year have ranged from non-profit stopped •
The 1974 picnic wasleld at the
making LEAP projects to small patients seemed to have home of Jim and Brenda"'Kitching
companies involved in the mar- breathing before waking in Stratford on Sunday, July 28th
keting of wines. Two consultants I Childhood memories with 37 in attendance.
were able to negotiate and secure As a result, the Researcher Sports were c I onducted b� 40
a sales contract -for a Tient in the began to . monitor respitatory Mona' Hutton and prizes were
gravel industry1which will enable tl
measures during sleep in a (By • Evelyn Xennedy) given for the various taces and
variety of patients with insomnia.
him to quadruple his gravel sales In one tenth of his sample, which An onlychild oft en grows u•p lonely and self-centered, Dult.
I this year. happened to be all-male, he found not always. lf,one has a vivid imagination their world i!� Races 4 & 'under - Mark
Some small businesses contact this pattern: shortly after the peopled with interesting charactqrs •-and creatures in Kitching, Bradley CaTter.
the Program just •-to discover how Races 5 - 8 - Joanne Carter,
person falls asleep, his abundance. If you are lucky enough to have parents who Debbie Hutton.
well they are doing. It was exactly diaphragm stops moving; then" welcome pets into the family you are blessed indeed. Some Races 9 and over -Christine
"' this type of inquiry that prompted
after 15 seconds to three minutes pople abhor cats but nevertheless there are cats that are ..Cairng, Brian Riley.
one client in aliiminumcasting to of breathing problems, he *akes intelligent and better company than some people. S . ack Race -Christine Cairns.
telephone for asgisthnce. Hi later Dolls were often forsaken for a cat that was 9' 'Joyfu)
ap, breathes deeply, and falls
discovered that he had reached a Asleep again.. Apparently this playmate of early years", He meekly submitted to be dressed Measuring—Up -Glenda Riley.
Men Throwing lir. Rings on
level of operation whereby he now Cycle repeats itself hundreds of in doll's clothes, placed gently in a doll carriage where he
required detailed planning and• times during the night. would.stay for h ours until given permission to get out and be Clothespin - Murray Nesbitt.
scheduling systems if he was to Womens' Ball Throw Ina Metal Surdge Buildings
continue to meet The interesting thing about the undressed. McGrath.
his customers' He had a canny sense -of time. Each school day he was at
delivery requirements situation is that these patients Wolme, ns' Cup Throw,*#re , nda •
report, that sleeping pills make the gate at exactly the noon hour an5l four o'clock. If detained Now ln stock in
successfully. Kitching. 3 sizes
their insomnia worse., and their after school, there sat, patiently engaged in meticulously ;0_
Another typical exiiiiiple of a Anniversary closest to April
client requiring the help of the blood pressure rises sharply grooming himself, ready to leap into arms with ardent 30th -Murray k Connie
'during -sleep. "Since sleeping welcome. Nesbitt. -G45 &2750T 740'29
Program was a woodmaker pro. I Adept at awakening a sleepyhead, tired of waiting, he
aucing very high qualit3, pills .- are respiratory w bed, gently slap face with sheathed claws Most recently married couple -
Dave & Jill Jervis'
wooden depressants, this becomes ould spring on the G87
Products and whose skills .and pertectly understandable." The until be was sure laiy-bones.was wide awake and ready to 12 8.2 9
resources had been totally. aP_ Researcher advises - other play. Silver dollars were presented to
plied tQ an ' excellent ptodueti& physicians not to prescribe A favourite game was hide-and-seek. Every nook and the new babies; of the year, being: A1011 • 2$$4M 233.00
Julie Anne Smith -daughter of
set-up. He simply required help steeping pills to any patients with cranny of the house was searched until he sprang with glee
to',find marketing outlets for his Mark & Mary Anne Smith Wand CARRY
is ingoinnia. unless they first check and victorious 'meows on his playmate: CAS
products WM6 was an area of his Jennifer Morrison - daughter of
business in which be felt least out the possibility of a respiratory �Stupidtat I Not him I This long -gone friend,- who seemed Dave & Eileen Morrison.
problem. to understand every word spoken to him, evokes a pleasant
comfortable. The new committe for 1975 is:
childhood in'
To find out more about emory.
To Detksen,' another ��r__='MACAULAY LTD.
student President - Murray Nesbitt,, Vice -
5". breathing problems, contact your
consultant, saidwith tefer-epce to President Ina McGrath;
this accoutti, 1"At,first I had my Christmas Seat association. It's C Secretary - Jill J I ervis; Treasurer
doubts about successfully com- Evelyn Carter; Sports - Carol
matter of life and breath. nliiiiip, *OF woo �v BUILDING S, U
binitig my b6oldeatting with, my Carter and Glenda Riley.
dlive Clarke expressed thanks
6flonvi nitty-gritty Ph. 527-0240:-Ex'ositor Action Ads
but, iti.pracdd'd 11 found ddifiblurii- What's Compatible Color? P
allljdy diiett§ easy "d That's when Your Wife'SAWak and appreciation to Jim and Mton "24SM NemsA 269-2713 S006dh S274910
Brenda for the use of their home
very itWjj&g in fetius of matches that on I -- --- ---- ------- --------
and a wonderful time. 01010004