The Huron Expositor, 1974-05-30, Page 101j]ELO i =?MixQR, 13=•6'0,#7'>IIE; QlgT., MAY 80. 1974
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Fliers ColuMban
(By Keith Murray) the net. ability. Beginning his second year £
I. g -The Ingersoll Flyers defeated Play evened out for the first in an Irish uniform he is an
the St. Columban soccer club by minutes of the final half - and excellent St. Columban fdllback;
the score of 4-1 on Wednesday of midway through Brian Murray or halfback (depending on the
last week. rebeived a break on the outside on situation) and should be a
' A short, heavy, a pass from Brad Fihlayson.,3he volt} ole member in years to
rain immediately before thegame pass was a little too far ahead and come. `
made the'field damp but a sma!l as a result Murray and the Flyer Irlshinktings
breeze did not affect either o er had a tremendous Pat Delaney played a goods
team's play. crash mkth both. players getting game for St.' Columban. St. °.
,� •" ,.fid'• ;, rsa.
* t This game, which as hurt but they soon found Columban had seemingly loose S'{{`
scheduled to be .played on ay themselves playing again. defensive play throughout the
it,, tilt
game which could be blamed for
25th at Ingersoll had to be Immediately after this crash g
cancelled because of prey ous the Flyers brought the ball down which ted to the Flyers goals and 4 „
a commitments of the Flyers ub and scored on a fast goal by Ted not only on the play of St. 'ti• i,
so the game was played on M y Stringer. Columbans' g9alkeeper . . . x,+
f �t�
a -* 25th at SDHS, Soccer Fie he As St. Columban pressed to get Ingersoll Flyers won the Third
game was- about 25 minutes late back in the game in. the late Division Champiohship last year
in starting as f
w � g the referee was late stages they left a big hole in their On Saturd�y•June 1st the St.
ary4°. in showing up. defensive play. In a scramble in Columban Soccer Club will be in
Ingersoll started pressing earl front of the Irish net that followed St. Thomas . against the St.
g P g Y
r * , and it soon paid off as Peter.Quick Roger Thornton of Ingersoll Thomas Royals. St. Thomas who
srnrcd on a shot from about 10 scored to make the final scores play in the Western Section of the
yards out. read 3rd Division will be playing
LIONS IN SUDiUF1Y — lviemgers of the lions Club BETTER VIEWING --The Huron District of the Oddfellows and Rebek h Lodges
The Irish retained their poise Ingersoll 4 against the bush in the first round
' in Seaforth last weekend took their .50th anniversary after this goal and gradually the St. Columban 1 for the 3rd Division presented an eye testing machine to the Huron County Health Unit last week in
float to Sudbury for a convention. Gordon Rimmer play reversed and St. Columban time 5:00 at the Athletic Park in Holmesville. The mabhlne, wort•h'$500 was presented to Bob Gibson, left, president
i looks across the street while Clair Campbell matches began to steadily apply pressure. St. Thomas. Next home game will of the Health Board, by deputy president Mary Grigg and Oddfellows committee
` forward. (Staff Photo) Again in this game as fin's be on Sunday, June 9th against chairman, Murray Taylor. Funds for the machine were raised by clubs in Clinton,
`•'previous ones. it seemed to be St. k¢x the Exeter Centennials. Goderich, Wingham, Exeter, Hensall, Brussels, Brucefield and Seaforth.
Columban's inability to finish off
and capitalize on their
- at (Clinton News -Record Photo),
�. L .'
opportunities which cost them the RebekQh'S elect -
game.goats they needed to win the Eye tto Health Unit
game. ) 4��� Mrs. Foster Bennett, vice
Midway through the half, `. grand, was elected noble grand at
however, they did finish off on 4,4' Monday night's meeting of Edel-
one of these br eaks when Casey ', .t 11
Weiss Rebekah Lodge. She sue Oddfellows and Rebekahs from to check the vision of all ages. colour blindness and ambliopia.
Van Bakel was taking a corner " t; •1
- reeds Mrs. Everitt Smith. Others the Huron District officially Dr. Mills told the ' 175 Huron's Oddfellows and
kick. The ball bounced off Brian elected were: vire grand, Mrs. presented Huron County MOH Oddfellows and Rebekahs who Rebekahs hope that parents • of
Murray and Marvin Kale booted #ASA,,. re -school children in the count
the bail into the net to tie the .. `: �" ' . i Peter Malcolm; recording secret Dr. Frank Mills with a vision attended the presentation that p e41
tory, Mrs. James Rosp; financial testing machine at a banquet in vision testing is especially will bring their children to the
game at one apiece. secretary, Mrs. Gordan Papple; Holmesville Thursday night. The important for pre-school children clinics, as ambliopia, is found in
Again St. Columban came to r:
did for the treasurer, Mrs. Lillian Grummett; detector, called a Titmus Vision because an eye disease like ane in 20 children.
the attack as the
Y ;°t� trustee (three-year term), Mrs. Tester, is used by the Health Unit ambliopia or lazy eye can be
The Waterloo Regional Sports Council and the Sport and remaining portion of the game Annie Harrison. cured only if it is detected
only to be stalled -by misfortune - before the age of 8. THE
Recreation Bureau are hosting the Western Ontario Womens y Memorial Day will be observed
`and the steady play of the Flyers The vision tester has been in
Summer Games this year in Kitchener -Waterloo. These �* next Sunday, June 2nd, when use b the Health. Unit ar all its
games will be held on June 21 - 22 - 23 and sixteen sports will goalie. - members of Edelweiss Lodge, News Of y
be highlighted includin such activities as cycling, softball, Near the close of opening half GOs o DICK clinics throughout the county SEPARATE.
g g. and of Fidelity Lodge, IOOF, will
the Irish defenders had .the ball Gord Dick is one of the smaller since March 15. It tests for far
track and field, soccer and twelve others for girls of all ages.' attend morning service in First • . .
Both instructional clinics and competition will be held for kicked bythemdownthefield.As members as
Col people agree
Winthrop sight edness; near -sightedness;
p Presbyterian Church. A Decora- _ � SHOPPE
most activities. the Irish goalie came out of his year but as many people agree tion service will follow at Mait-
If interested, additional information may be/o at net he fumbled the ball and Lichio , this does not hurt his playing landbank cemetery. at 2:00 U•m• Correspondent
the Recreation Office. Such an event provides girls with an Rafftn picked up the loose ball Mrs. Robert Hulley Main Corner — Clinton
excellent opportunity to increase their knowledge in a ceAain' and scored an easy goal. .. IN -BLOUSES
skill and the chance to compete. Casey VAn Bakel .who was, Twilight Circle hears. -of
With regist ration for Playschool 74, one of Seafortrs OFY playing a good game on •his Mrs. Susan Willette, Bonny AUTO FIRE • PULLOVERS
a number of people have enqui as to whether a outside position centered the ball LIVE • CARDIGANS
programs p p q ! Bay, Newfoundland, has been
progrant for the older children will be held. For those children into. the middle a couple more Retarded Children's Assoc.• PANTS
p g visiting this past week with her Donald G. Eaton •SKIRTS
8 - 13 ears a• la round ro ram.will operate for 6 weeks times only for the middle three
Y P Yg P g P �- daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
and further informs ion wilt be distributed at a later date. forwards failure to knock it W*to The Twilight Circle of Edmond- Are Industries at Dashwood Mrs, Neil Dolma a and family. .� g y • Insurance Agency L[mit�ed
ville United Church met at the . was established two years ago Vy' '• Mrs. John Pethick had the
,...•,- Office _in�.111asonio Block
home of Mrs. Janet Popple. the Association for the training of misfortune to fail and break ter Main StreetOPEN 2 to 6 pm
y tral fours-er Guest speaker was Mrs. Kay mentally, handicapped persons.hip and is a patient in Phone 827-1610 — Seaforth CLOSED `WEDNiEBDAYHull:ett Cenf arm, newspaper Whitmore who is a director of the They do various handicrafts, from Joseph's Hospital, London.
p p Huron County Retarded Child- making mats, decorative fences,
rens Association. Mrs, it-,
and trellises. Tey also do job
` -- - - On Thursdax Mays 16,, Mrs.
Tremeer. ' The schedule was
like to thank Mr. MacLennan,
more spoke of the work of thg
. 9rders for vario�s firms in the
iiveri tdr, s" Grade One' Ci'ass
worthwhile. The bus, left Hulleft
Miss Roffey and -Mr. Tremeer for
Association in Huron County.
area.. Mrs. Whitmf9Yie brought
entertained their parents and the
trentral at 8 a.m. Thursday,
chaperoning their trip to Toronto,.
Children, some only a few
with her various article's to show
other students at Hulleft Central,
arriving in Toronto aV 10:45 a.m.
an excursion that was worthwhile,
years old are picked up at home
what is made at Arc, Industries.
at a spring assembly. The entire
The first stop was Toronto'
very education and to o
every day by car, driver by
class opened the programs by
International Airport where they
volunteers to Grand Bend where
Mrs, Joanne Knights thanked
singing three, of their favorite
were guided around the airport as
field Trip
there is a nursery school- for
Mrs. Whitmore and presented
hymns- 'Our Father', 'Standing
well as being able to board two
In connection(with their studies
handicapped children. The child-
her with a donation to the
in the .Need of Prayer', and '1
planes. After lunch they went to
of the newspaper, the grade three
ren and their parents are greatly
Association on behalf the
Want to Live in a Friendly
the Hockey Hall of Fame at the
class, accompanied by Miss Ion_
helped by this school.
Twilight Circle.
World.' Susan Van Egmond then
played a piano solo, followed by a
play called 'The Spider's Web',
presented by Mrs: Smith's read-
ing class. Laurie Bell did a tap
dance number, and then the
whole class presented `A ,Tribute
to Mother,' which consisted of
two poems and a . song. A
Hawaiian dance, by Glenyce
McClinchey was next, followed by
the play, 'Why the Robin Sings.'
The next number was a Maypole
Dance, performed by four Grade
One couples, and two songs
entitled 'Zippity-Doo-Dah' and
Canadian National , Exhibition
Grounds, followed by a trip to Old
Fort York. After that tour, the
students boarded a boat, to have
a'n excursion around Toronto
Harbour. Next, after being eleva-
ted up 54 flights to the Toronto
Dominion Tower, they then
walked over to the City Hall.
After such a full day, each grade
eight student was starved for
supper, so they all went to the
Wallbanger Restaurant. Next
they unloaded sleeping bags from
the bus into the DLer Park Uhited
Church and before Navin a ood
ey and Mr. MacLennan went to
the Goderich Signal Stat, printing
office on' Thursday, May 23.
Before this, on May 14, James
Fitzgerald, Editor of the Clinton
News Record visited their class-
room and talked to them about
the newspaper. The children
observed the steps taken from *the
write-ups' sent from' different
organizations io the Signal Star to
the newspaper, ready for the
public to read. This field trip
fascinated the children and gave
them more knowledge on the
g g assembling of the newspaper.
Happinessended a very enjoy- night's rest, they went to see the
able assembly program. • movie 'The Sting'.
Bright and early Friday morn -
Grades 5 and 6 Fieldtrip ing, after eating breakfast in a'
On Wednesday, 'May 15, the restaurant called 'Frans', they
pupils of Grades 5 and 6 were off by subway to the
accompanied by Mrs. Livingston, Parliament Buildings, and next
Mr. Jamieson, Mrs. Jenkins and they all walked to the Museum for
Mr. MacLennan took a day long a quick tour. The Planetarium
' field trip to Brantford. In the was the next stop where they saw
forenoon, they visited the African .a film on `Our Solar System' as
Lion Safari at Rockton, where well as touring the building. This
they saw malty quiet animals in 'was the final stop and it was back
the 'Pet's Corner', and several to the bus to return to the school.
species of African animals, parti- The grade eight class would
cularly monkeys, on the gut
Nus tours through the sanctuary.
In the afternoon, they travelled Now
to Brantford where they were
i •conducted through 'Telesciencb
100' and 'The Bell %. Homestead', higher than ever...
which are commemorating the
4 invention of the telephone, one
hundred years ago..
f' They arrived back at Hullet
Central shortly after 6:00 p.m.,
after an interesting, fun -filled
Outdoor Education Field Trips'
During the past few weeks,
several classes from Hulleft Cent-
ral have taken advantage of the
nicer weather to go on field trips
to the 'Stone Farm' near Clinton,
accompanied by their classroom
teachers, and Mr. Vince Elliott,
outdoor Education consultant for
Huron County. At the farm,- they
tramped through the woods,
looking for, and identifying any
spring flowers that were, there.
The classes which took these trips
were'Grades One, Two, Three, Member Canada Deposit
Four, and Eight. Insurance Corporation
(trade 8 Field Top
`,Tel d
'oronto, here we eomel' The ��l"
long -anticipated gradeeight ex,
ddtsion to Totonto became aGREY
teafity on May 9 and 10. The
i'd'supervisors were - Miss
>t lift, Mr. MittLetinan and Mr, rAust compANV siNce 1689