The Huron Expositor, 1974-05-30, Page 1WhDae NO, i;M
114th YearSEAFURTH, ONTARIO THU Y MAY ,30'1974 ,_,-16 FA: F X9,04 5� X�it1i � � �taitic� w ,
Soparate school ' hoard
�&es raise r c a.
The Huron Perk County llospital and Group Insurance- Area Consumers' Association to 30.90 cents. He said the price had reporter who was' at faplt, VOt ltl,'"y`: "
Roman Catholic Separate School was increased from 66 �/, to 75 carry out" a survey on school started at 20.90 cents last the rewritipg .of the ac.Cbun!* by
Board approved • a three-yeas, ;per cent. } touches of students from Grades 6 September 1973 and had the daily .papers. Mr. T.etett
contract (1974-77) with their A cost-of-living allowance is to - 13 b6fore June 15 in Goderich undergone two increases. Mr. referred specifically' `to the .last ¢
custodians, at a , meeting in, be paid once annually based on andtlinton area schools. Geoffrey said a new contract will board meeting when a motion was
Seaforth Monday night. the Consumer-Price Index. John Vintar, Superintendent of be negotiated in August for fuel passed to advertise for a
+` Following a board meeting that In other business a request Education, said the Consumers' oil for next school term. supervisory° officer and another
lasted about four hours, almost: from Mrs. Diane DeWinter, Association would be making a Mr, Geoffrey reported on motion fora special educational
half of which was in committee:, secretary of the newly formed report to the, federal governmet)t. maintenance work being done at consultant. He pointed 'out the ,
of-the-whole, Michael Connolly of.,' Goderich Canadian Parent Francis Hitknell, R.R.S. $eaforth,St. Aloysius 'and St. Ambrose Free Press incorrectly, `reported:
k.,. R..3,. 1!ippen. chairman of the' Teacher Association' that the asked that a report should -be Schools in Stratford, St. Patrick's' "A - proposal to appoint 'a
board, and Harry Hak, Seaforth, board's ' minutes be more requested for the school board. School, Kinkora; 'St. Boniface supervisory officer has been
, r ..chairman of the custddians" available than they are at the The Board granted a request School, Zurich and Our Lady of approved" anaf the Beacon used
�, �' negotiating committee. handed' • present time, was discussed. for the three children of the Singh Mount Carmel, -R.R.3, correctly "to advertise for a
4,, the press representative at the Joseph Looby of Dublin asked family to attend. St. 'Joseph's Dashwood, supervisory officer and a special
meeting the following report: what Mrs. DerWinter meant by School in Stratford beginning Mr. Looby said he would like to education • consultant" in 'first
itY 4 A full, time custodian wilt, "more available". He wondered September .3. It was noted that see one teacher in each$sc.hool paragraph and in.. tfte fifth'
i � receive an increase from; $6,900 to if it might mean rather than while the family is non-Catholic it trained in First Aid. This is to be paragraph ' incorrectly used
j $7,600 in the first year 1974-75'_ through the press. He asked if the will-be necessary for the children discussed at the next ' board "approved hiring" and both used, .
which equals 11.13 .per cent;,. minutes were mailed and was to attend',all classes including meeting. _ incorrect headings.
second year 1975-76 which equals',,,informed that there was a set ,those on religion. David Teahen, Stratford, Howard Shantz, Stratford, said
8.36 per cent; and third year charge per page fors h copies. Ted Geoffrey, R.R.22ur'ich, expressed his dissatisfaction with he agreed with Teahen's
' 1976-77 which equals 7.79 pets" Mr. Connolly Said h�hoped to chairman of building,,> and "injustice in reporting, in the complaint, .and added that his
cent. attend the next C.P.T.A.'meeting maintenance committee, reported wording in board meeting reports request tgat "my name be in
' .4;.in Goderich and would find out ihat a recent increase in fuel oil in the London Free Press and in recorded vote as not supporting a
G• what Lire Association wanted. by Ross Scott Limited of the Beacon-Herald of Stratford". supervisory officer". was not
irls Band �' The board supported a request Brucefie,ld brought the price the Mr. Teahen said he was `.followed as neither paper
from the newly formed Goderich board is paying presently to satisfied that it was not the local mentioned the recorded votes.
to Michigan
The Seaforth District High
School Girl's Trumpet • Band
- appeared in the Memorial Day
' " l UR UP AND AWAY — The fun had st arted as hund ds of balloons are, launched' Parade on Monday in Inkster, rpt F 4
in Dublin at St. Patrick's School last Friday.In com emoration of Mitchell's Mich. They also appeared on the
Detroit (Qhannel 2 news.
Centennial ygar, all the students from St. Pathick's, chase off the balloons, each
On 'June ,8, the band willo
' of them containingmessages.. Staff Photo
9 ( ) sponsor a reunion for all past �' �� ' ,..,_ - . � r
band members dating back to'":....._.-
"► - 1957. 9= r
• The dance will beheld at the
Huron-Middlesex candidate The
Community Centre and
anyone who has helped the band a
in the past has also been invited. y name John Ly n-d on Their families may also attend. Music will be provided by the
lohn Lyndon, manager of the the job as manager at the theatre. attack any cause. l
Park Theatre and Mustang Drive- The only other nominee was, a Mr. McGuigan said he is 'The, ba ih�eld one previous
reunion a few" ears ago and it is
In in Goderich was nominated as Clinton minister, Rev. Dwight: concerned that the public are not Y g
not intended to be an annual
file Liberal Candidate for Huron- Strain. He is known in this area given a chalice to see Robert
Middlesex in Clinton last Monday for, his past work with Operation Stanfield in action. He explained affair,�r"ter w
night. Trant�ort: that the Conservatives have 'RETIREMENT PARTY — Surrounded by school and Columban School where Mrs. Melady teaches
In a brief speech before, the Guest speaker at the meeting structured their campaign around ■ r
C ,ballots were made. out, Mr. was • Windsor-Walkerville MP keeping Stanfield from the public. church Off1CIaIS, Mrs. Marie Melady, second from Grades 3 and 4 put on a progr am to entertain the 250
Shirley -eary people who attended. Mrs. Mesad will retire in Juane
. Lmdon told the audience that in He said the reason was that Kig;fat, ' was htJnOUG$,d . � pupils, former". pi(pils, , p p Y
_' this riding,, ''The home �rortt; the' ,�; s?�, , Stanfield "can't think of what to relatives and friends at a reception Sunday afternoon after teachirfq fOil3*,Yearsi+rgttrO-St; CtslVrrtt7art, at~ea. - "•
farmers" are his prime' concern, decide and therefore cant decide - - in St'. Co:lumba'n --Church. Students from St. " (Staff Photo)
He praised Agricultural Minister what to say. is OF
Eugene Whelan for his past He said that the Conservative
legislation; that "he gave the party are recruiting big •
farmers a break." businessmen to run for them. Mr. choice. Da-y-care fees n
He •also condemned the - i _McGuigan noted that wage and can be ,e
opposition for their support of rice controls .benefit only one »t
pp pp �" _. P Y � Shirley Weary of Goderich, and
wage and price cc,ntrols, ,citin _ group of people, big business. a high school teacher in Clinton
the United States and England a� As for inflation, he said the will be trying for a seat in
examples of failures when they Liberal solution is to assure
parliament for the third time as I o c ally ` meetin ear s
attempted to put freezes on. He producers, such as farmers, that he NDP candidate for Huron-
feels that if Liberals workedkfi y they will get a fair return and thus Middlesex. Loeal authorities can decide the town was worried .about any Cardno.
together "we can-t help but put encourage production. Shortages At the meeting held in who has "ortt • in, using a day losses that could be incurred by a Reeve Ross McPhail of
the Times out of business." are the problem that cause Goderich, shenawed Paul Carroll care centre and whether fees for day care centre. Hibbert, who was present with "
i Mr. Lyndon, 54, was raised in inflation. as her campaign manager. attendance should' be charged on Mr. Streich said that .the Township Clerk Chaeles Friend
Winnipeg. He served with the "There's no better way to She told the small gathering a graduated scale related to provincial government pays 80% said that people from his.
RCAF from 1941 - 46 then moved judge a man then by what he's that "people matter rpore than income,or at a straight fee for all of any operating deficit and that municipality would probably use
to Montreal. While living there JOHN LYNDON done," Mr, McGuigan said. He corporations". She said that there children, regardless of their the town and any participating the Day Care Centre if one were
hNi'as a member of the Liberal pointed out that Stanfield Can't were many loopholes in the parents' income, according to K. municipalities are responsible for set up in Seaforth. "What part of
party from 1946 - 54: Mark McGuigan. He stressed even make up his own mind and present tax system and that M. Streich of the Ontario Ministry the remaining 20%. "However, the deficit on a usage basis would
In 1954 he served with 'the that the electiQu was n of an issue asked "so how can he decide for individuals were "paying heavier , of Social and Community the centre can be operated deficit we be required to pick up?" he
/,RCAF again and for four years of the individual candidates in the the coun>.try?" taxes than they ought to." Services. free Mr. Streich said, "the asked.
was part of the NATO Forces in ridings, but an eicytion Huron MPP Jack Riddell and Mrs. Weary also made note of , `Polices are yours to set" he decision is up to the participating Mr.4treich said that probably
Europe. concerning leadership of the Huron-Bruce MPP Murray Gaunt the need in Canada for a food said "You should operate to municipality". the townships would be expected
Upon his return, he was parties. spoke briefly as did Huron prices review board. While she capacity -whenever possible and Mr. Streich who lives in to pay the 204 deficit of the
stationed at the Clinton base He..dismissed •the NDP as being Warden Wm.-Elston who brought believes that the farmers should give out guidelines `to Wingham and has a son at the •children attending from their DR. JOHN L. McCALL
where he remained until his "political jellyfish" who have no greetings from the county. receive a guaranteed return on Participating parents''. Mr. Day Care Centre there said he. areas. i' think council would �4
discharge in 1970. He then took backbone and yet. are ready to Mr. Riddell also said that the 'their products, she feels there Streich answered questions about would not be surprised if the consider that fair" Reeve John L.: McCall, D.V.M., son of
da care including who is ell ible Win ham Centre broke even this McPhail said. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McCall,
people don't evert want an should be investi ations on the Y g g g Y operating p R.R.4, Walton, received the
► election. He pointed out, -t a teas where there i high profits. and how fees should' be set at an year because the are o eratin Reeve Allan Campbell of
Huron went through a She said there ' a need to information meeting called by the efficiently' at full capacity. McKillop said he was concerned degree, Doctor of Veterinary
bye-election last year - and co- -0 iq a and provincial Seaforth Town Council at the Reeve Elgin Thompson and that farm wives were apparently Medicine, from the University of
t "There's a good - chance for programs so,they are not working Town Hall Monday night. Town Councillor Cleave Coombs of not considered working mothers Guelph at graduation ceremonies
in Guelph on May 24. Dr. McCall
,�� Y •• a provincial election next year." (Continued on Page 6) `' Council invited representatives of Tuckersmith attended, along with and not given priority in day care p )' -
p,�"i w` neighbouring municipalities to McKillop.Reeve Allan Campbell, even though in many cases they also received The Diamond Ser-
vice Award for his contribution to
t attend the meeting and discuss Councillor Roy Williamson of work right alongside their
the possibility' of a day care centre Grey. Seaforth was represented, husbands. Mr. Streich said the Veterinary Students Associa-
' �+r tion and for academic achieve-
. being shared by Seaforth`- and by the Mayor, Reeve John perhaps the question had not
Town Hall renovation neighbouring townships. About Flannery, Deputy Reeve,, Wilmer arisen before since few rural mt. McCall is presently ractis-
h' 40 interested Seaforth and area Cuthill and Councillors Bill people have had access to day P P
parents attended the meeting. Bennett, Jim Crocker and Betty care centres. Mr. Streich felt that ing veterinary medicine in Mon-
tague, P.E.I., along with Drs.
Seaforth Mayor Frank Sills;"- (Continued on Page 6)
d for Centennial project? who,chaired the meeting said.tha.t A.E. Ings, R,C. Duggan and
• �, .., T.W. Larder.
Seatorth's 1975 Centennial pointed out that an asphalt track '
should be marked with some could be used for cycling races !F.
concrete project which will add and soap box derbys as Nvell as `
needed facilities to the town. the running. Mr. Crocker said that if,! " f}
Centennial Committee decided at the track were designated our
their Tuesday night meeting. Centennial "project, the Huron
The Committee is soliciting Count Board of Education might,,,-
suggestions from citizens on what be approached to help pay for it.
kind of permanent memorial Another popular suggestion at
would be most useful and the meeting y'as a renovation.
popular. program for the third floor of thef' f�>.
A permanent 400 metre track at Town Hall "Something has got to"�''''
the High School'was suggested. be dont' up there soon }� ,
"Track is one area in which Mr. Crocker said,
eaforth kids can compete with "lt's almost as big as • �.tr
the best", said Counciilo+ Jim Cardno's Hall, Ken Cardno said.
,G00er. "They- are all Bung-ho The third floor would provide
about track in Public School and mom for indoor tennis courts
then are let down in Aigh School and/or a public auditorium. c 2 k
because there are no proper multi-purpose," Mr.
facilities." Crocker said "the whole town MELANNIE L. MATZOLD
Recreation director Clive Buist could use it". daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. LYNN NICHOLSON
"When towns like Seaforth , JOSEPH W. BALL Matzold, R.R, 1, Seaforth. a M. Lynn Nicholson, daughter EMMA SHORTREI b
110101"" ns
were young, halls like this were son of Mr. and Mrs. W, N. Ball, graduate of Seaforth Dist ict High of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Nicholson, daughter of Mr.' Tom Shortreed
READY FOR WORK Stewart Coupland is the Car club
the centre of the conimunih • has graduated from the School, has received her BAch.elor graduated from Lambtoti College, and the late Ellen Shortreed .
new manager of the Toronto-Dominion Bank here, Maybe it's time %ic were getting University of . Waterloo. He of Science Degree in Honours S.,rnia, Ont. of Applied Arts, graduated fro% the University of
' w Mr. Coupland, his wife, Joyce and two children, draw back to that the Councillor said. received his Bachelor of Applied Chemistry from the University Of Technology and Early Childhood Guelph with a degree in Bachelor
Kevin and Judy have moved to Seaforth from The Centennial Committee. Science in Chemical Engineering Waterloo, Melannie is employed Education. She attended Huron of Applied Science in Consumer
his 20th year The Lion's Car Club Draw for plans to tour the third floor of the at Convocation on May 25th, He with Dow Chemical of Canada, Centennial School at Brucefield Studies. She was a graduate of
Waterford. In September, he will mark
this week was won by Tom Haley Town Hall during their next is employed with Imperial Oil of Limited, Sarnia in Research and and Seaforth District High Walfon Public School and
with the bank.' - (Staff Photo) of Seaforth. meeting. "S?r•nia. Development. School. Seaforth District High School.