The Huron Expositor, 1974-04-04, Page 130 �Ti
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Dr, Jean Va r) *4 eye,$, Most �0,040
gad hatred, t _ , tM.11 of w_V0,440
90 �44Q
eki6g.iii f6rcii
that the mentally ,;these institutions" ore-, not 49108 realities, 'if itl .is (Wi 0
right' to 1011 normal, lives 00 'goyffiling to"'belp .the 1001,040-441.,
possible, spoke in
S0400r Soventy-six perfl;qt of; tbQs.q, Is to open our perhaps,
recently to .1,509 released return to prison." beings up 0#4881.0 djscoi�
people, in. the, t6 Oberrp. The P. that the algia .i
Festival Theatr& A VArche. He said the: puplic rejects is to find theenergyi tits hope, to bodging life, to*
residence, modelled QtI ak,,out ane share." people,.
prisoners because "they make as bre love our enemy.;'10,sp
Dr. Vanier's original rche III feel culpable.", He said each individual is the the reality of, ,the I W-1
France ope4ied, last fail in "I .... we all commit murdeCey -temple in which God .lives, exists." he. concluded.
Stratford in the former a refusal . io share what we
St. Josdph's Church convent as a possess, and we close
home for ment ally retarded ourselves to those in need In an
adults. attitude- of defence," Dr.Vanier
The L'Arche humes are family said. "We're, ffightened of so
like in atmosphere. Staff and many people because if we see
the limits of others, we might see
residents share work and dee on
our own."
making involved in running the*
Dr. Vanier said one of an
home and live as a family. Mlany. -individual's hardest tasks is to
of the residents of the"'Stratford recognize his own weaknesses.
home hold jobs in a sheltered
workshop fin the gity.
"In the hearts of us all we have
a yearning ... a yearning to go
To Jean Vanier the world is full forward past the.known limits.,At
of division4 full of insecure the
me we are very
people separated by' barriers of limited, in our bbdies, in space JUAWLPLMZ� COATS:
fear. and in fime. All -Weather Coats, as Dress Comb
"We are frightened of those "The fundamental weakness is in the finest selecitim avallabI&
whom we' call weaker than death, -but we are also limited in Sizes 9 — 24%.
ourselves because they remind us our hearts and our rninds. Also,
GLAZED CANNED LUNCHEON MEATS FOR VARIETY -panned luncheon meats that we, too, are weak," Dr. during one's life, times Priced. 19.95-65.00
"Agirl-cu u Vanier said at the Festival. strength and weakness alternate,
for great variety at mealtime.,' It re Canada's Food Advisory Services DRESSES -
He 'is the son of the late from weakness in childhood, to Sensational odours and styles and
suggest baklhg these 'and dressing m up with - a - glaze.. •- , , governor-general Georges Vanier autonomy in adulthood, arid ba'ck to choose trown, sizes 7-15, 14%
4- to dependence in old a&." many
and the founder of L'Arche homes _28%.
for the mentally retarded. Dr. Vanier said, "the whole of
life is to discover and accept our Only 18.9.5 45.00
s give t "We are frightened of the weaknesses."
Luncheon meat, varie y, . economy handicapped because they
remind us that one day we will be He said society is set up to SLEEPWEAR:--
protect insecurities in the growth Jitist arrived In perma-press materials,
Canned luncheon. "the can markings. meats, type, of containers, labels and Try the Marmalade. or Peach handicapped, and 'we tend to of certain .lifestyles. Clubs, gowns, pyi:wnss, sieepooats.
commonly recognized as
Glaze suggested by Food reject that part of ourselves which games, even orange juice and'
with the key" offer a great variety Canned luncheon meats are Advisory .,Services, Agriculture is limited." cereal for breakfast, all build up 3.95 --- 14.95-,
of eating pleasure at mealtime. ready -to -serve products so that 'Canada.
#They fit in easily at breakfast, they are convenien't as well as Dir. Vanier, who came to the barriers against those feelings.
lunch, dinner and even economical. PEACH GLAZED city"fr6rh a retreat in Toronto. for "Religion, too, can be a great SPORTSWEAR:--
snacks. At breaktfast, try slicing the LUNCHEON MEAT the evening told -the audience that opiate, a fantastic escape, but it Blouses,.s" pan* )Pullovers eta -
in -between -meal
In recent years ,differenttype� meat and broil or fry it as a nice I 12 -ounce can luncheon meat in every part of the world, the
• I 10 -ounce can sliced peaches weaker ones ,are rejected. At Low Prices
of canned meat products haVe t; 1-titi wculor
, . �� . r, .strips 1/4 cup -syrup from peaches
appeared on the markef'•frorm - afid it becomes a delicious I tablespoon vinegar "There are thousands of men GENERAL SPRING JACKETS:
bah food and stews to the ad(fition to hearty main course 1/4 cup sugar and -women who need help, and RISSINS and pant c"* an Sim 1"&
-pack luncheon meats. The es. "I
solid- salads and satisfying casseroles. i Z A not enough people to help them, ACCOUNTING
e teaspoon dry mustardhe'said. "There are about 21,000
latter are made by pressing Luncheon iiii 'eats are suitable for 1/2 teaspoon paprika 19.95 and up
particles of cooked fresh or all kinds of sandwiches from I t I teaspoon cornstarch people in Canada's prisons, living
preserved meat into shape. When open -face . to lofty club Bags, Gloves, Smirves, H-slcrY etc.
*e turn the key to open,. the can, sandwiches. - As'.
an appetizer score luncheon meat. Bake meat
we can be 'assured of quality. arrange, cubes of -canned luncheon 20 minutes at 325°F: To make INCOME TAX N'S SUITS: -
They are manufaqured according meat!�_,Zith!, pineapple chunks, -drain peaches, reserving.
glaze, Now spring anits, Just arrived. AIM Was
to Food and Dr4�, Regulations olives, syrup. Combine syrup with SEAFORTH Returns prepared. Account
4i%tiich specify thy, kind of meat toothpicks. _Some evening S606 -remaining ingredients and stir ing Assistance for Small
89.00 W.. 99.()o
and limit -the �IotheK 'ingredients make the family feel like company and cook until thick and clear. JEWELLERS Businesses.
-whichih a'y bt added. There are by baking luncheon meat whole
Brush glaze on meat and bake 20 f o r
also regulations for the size an& and dressing it up with a glaze. minutes longer. Garnish with D
peach slices. 4 servings. k IAMONDS, WATCHES rds and Wools, N _, 4& 00111
JEWELLERY, FINE CHINA J. - R. WRIGHT Navy =d Brown; also new cam, farb
•cpcoiiX4,bL1jAC 76 Market Street qDRPJLUWRS and SAFAR1'JA0E3Z%
AuArp.oms are now an All Types of Repairs and 801JW1525 — ft -ft
MARMALADE GLAZED Box 542, Seafofth
LUNCHEON MEAT Phone 527-0270 PHONE .527-1036 SPORT SHIRTS:-
JMportunt, Canadian crop LUNCHEON 12 -ounce can luncheon' meat Imilig, short sleeves, now light abadlimis.
3 tablespoons marmalade -7-
Mushrooms, hold a: high and 2 teaspoons sugar V
well deserved place in the -world I cup grated old cheddar cheese I tablespoon honey, 6i.95-&---:iw-ALAW 00
be simple. or 1/4 teaspoon ginger
20 wdhutes-at 325 ALTA -WOOL. PANTIN M.,
AR NOWEBEL� and —.0.10L r
gourmet. 3 /4 P 21142i lem
of cp king whelwlit ---t1akWmftt
2 beaten eg s '
Pit combine NOLD "Sn'NIA
_e, F. To. make glaze combi e
The commercial prodliction of COATS in DARK 4w NA%%-
mushrooms began in Canada in Saute` mushro fri. butter remaining ingredients and brush 1,07 — HEALTH and ACCIODENT
1912 S' th t has - OK
wn until golden. Sift dry ingredients on meat. Bake 20 minutes longer,
R--int-rPill Retirement Pensions,—
19A6 •Oft
to e e Income Tax Deductable, Registered FS,
rapidly until mushrooms are one and stirin cheese. Combine eggs, basting once. 4 servings. Best selection NOW, in 'All work• milk and mushrooms. Add to dry Retirement
of our most important vegetable Retirem Annuities. clothing, reg. and perinki,-prewil,
� annual ingredients and mix until just REPRESENTING — jeans, crops. Last year 'the ijeans,panbi6 ddlirts, ovMdIs and
production was. 40 million blended. ' Spoon into greased Protein Needs
muffin tins and bake at 37S*' F The recommended daily Sun Life Assurance Company
S. Ontario is the largest m
perund -, SEAFORTH
*mushroom producer, followed by til lightly browned -(about 30 allowance for protein is 65 grams Of Canada
Quebec'and British Columbia. n . 1 . inutes(.'Serve with butter or as for an adult man, 5 ' S for an adult TELEPHONE: 527-0410
KA h. all an accompaniment to meat. woman, 45 for a 10 to 12 -year-old 11.7 GODERTCH ST. EAST — SEAVORTIL
us rooms are a
year in various forms - fresh,
Makes 12. boy and 50 for a young girl.
canned, dried or frozen. Fresh
mushrooms are usually sold by
the pound, or in pint-size,
covered, ventilated containers.'
When buying' in bulk, select
Come -to
mushrooms by size according to
how they are to be used, For
sauces, ,gravies, hors d'oeuvres
*nd salads, button mushrooms
CONESTOGA COLLEGE is offering -'a series of courses designed to reflect YOUR needs! Now is the
are best. Medium-sized are ideal
time to continue your post -secondary edot-ittion. Conestoga College is the place! Right now we're ac -
for sauteing, broiling, slicing and
cepting enrollment in.a number of excellent programs! 9 ACT NOW!!
chopping and the large size are
best as, a vegetable course.
Look for top quality feesh
mushrooms w I tightly Closed
The path to a career in administration, pur-
heads, short stems and smooth
chasing, production planning, distribution. If
you like a challenge, like working with people,
white, cream or;, brown
and want an exciting career in a rapidly ex -
unblemished skins. If the cap!
YOU iandng field, this may be the program for
are open there may be a certain
loss of moisture, but not of flavor
or goodness.
Processed mushrooms are 'sold
as canned, frozen �and
In an area of increasing complexity of tech -
freeze dried.,Canned mushrooms
niques and materials, a graduate Welding
Technician can move rapidly into supervisory
are ' available whole, button,
and executive positions.
sliced, stems and pieces, usually
in a 10 -ounce size. In some stores,
diced sliced or whole freeze-dried
mushrooms are available. Frozen
mushrooms are sold in 6 and 10
Compo -
The increasing use of Fluid Power Compo
ounce packages.
nents and Systems in transportation, con-
Qne podnd of fresh mushrooms is
4ia, .„';
struction and manufacturing industries over the
past twenty years has created a demand for
ql�uavalent to:y
specialists in the field of fluid power tech-
-1 quart whole
-20-24 medium
-5 cups sliced
-4 cups minced or choppedIn
this intensive program" . theoretical class-
-2 10 -ounce cans, 'drained
room work is balanced by an extensive pro-
4 pound frozen
in the best equipped
gram of practical work
-3 ounces dried
wood laboratory In Ontario. The prdgrarn is
specifically desighed to answer the increasing
There are many ways to use,.
demand for well-trained, management orient-
mus rooms - sauteed in. butt6r
people In the wood
eyoung-using and fur -
niture manufacturing Industries.
an -d• added to an omelette or
scrambled eggs, fresh in a salad,
CONESTOGA COLLEGE is th 6 place to begin YOUR post -secondary education!
marinated as hors d'oeuvres, or
If you're interested in receiving more information 'about any of these programs, or, if you wish to
fpimply added to a soup, stew or
receive the current Conestoga College Calendar, send in the coupon below. We'll be glad to advise
sauce. Anyway they are served,
you I
mushrooms are always delicious
r — — — — — —
and welcome.
I Please send me a brochure on: ❑ Materais Management
Foad . ad�isovy Services,
El Welding Techbiclan
Agriculture Canada, suggest an
I El Fluid Power Technician
unique way to serve them - as
C] Wood Products Technician
"Mu-shroom Muffins" Fresh and
CONESTOGA Please send me the current Conestoga College Calendar,
warm, served witli;;%utter these
are a nice change from rolls at
meal time.
pound mushrooms,, finely
3 tablespoons butter
RETURN TO: The Registrar, OR PHONE: (519) 653-2511
2 cups all purpose flour
Conestoga College,
I 269 Doon Valley Drive,
I tablespoon. -baking powder
,w 'A teaspoon salt
See our complete line of
"Forever Yours" and "Bouquet".
.FREE With Your Order'..
A Bridal Gift Register, a copy of a:nsWeA to most queries
regard ing wedding details and 6 MONTH FREE