The Huron Expositor, 1974-04-04, Page 117-7 4
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hy'Club S
learn alcit, utsd" F
Thursday 140;��`Thp all Venice Cali he 4d,
e school' Lost Thu tho, 00, i44�li J*,�
eaforth Senior qApgra Later we wer -A IQ .of 400,-o toot Waqb
phy flub e given
�70 4, -'1 am for,
.1r goal, The months i9f thoMurano, -Sias around the itrpots. One,, of, tine w.lth or F �;4
1woudei how many of you p wanks, f'446
who read this realized the wbore
column remember backan June of last y s horribly warped, our characters or hard work, planning and, lippl-ag we were shown the methods of nimtthings to do 1041y lsjQ, go, was fo�, for 104008.1",
pI , As $be%,BeJlNT, ,
ng ''o tib tato "IP, 0000�,
ly paid off. At about 0�9,0 I wor �,,Q
car completely corroded our formal coppation. final' p blowing and shaping glass. out In bol'pf vii*�
the decision that the board handed down Another four or ten. days for tho'people f4 V"Iew-Ahe!
the evenini, we boarded a Coach o
Most of the afternQ �, n,was free CWXY01110 Is. lit UP, 60 #rf04 Xtlie` -,huge,- - oariyi� s C071
about our proposed � two-week �iip tp. noton the trip, with pre.planned lei4ohs at Habkirk'p for the ,trip to for, individual exploring Can, go where Cathedral in
i are quiet And igue,
Europa'If you don't, let me, refresb--your ' prepared by the teachers."ch one wjjls- _at on
chaperoning, Toronto International Airport, example, gondola rides), Some 0, Doomp with 'its Q
. one's. Jelsum., B4p�istery,of,tb.
memory. It was unequivocally (and might I with supply teachers (paid for not by the There,, after some last minute people returned'in the evening to Everyone did it, and found it very beautiful nibs#,ic's and".h4so bras
add, without. an, explanation) NO. Board, bulk at our own .expeng'e) would not buying, we boarded ' , , _ s .
I , 'i
a Yugoslav view Venice lit up. The sight of relaxing. doors 0) . Covered with iarie.
Well, we're back now, from -our have caused stupefaction in tby-tra-sikoom. The
water is The next day, a visit to the Biblical bas-reliefs 4-1 t1,
one-week trip to Italy and we enjoyed eve Aero Transport 707 jet for the the lights playing on Is�, -i I �, - ' - 1
minute of it. But w Another four or ten days; would jibe eight, hour night flight to said by some to be one of the' most Palazzo V,eephiQ, the Centre of old Many people 'spent the L .1
their entire, iC*1?,.'#`
.e are all... sad at hiiving given us time to relax, to take our trip at u
I,bijaha, Yugoslavia. About 11 beautiful Anywhem. Florence, the. PittiPalace (where aftertioen An the• famous. fl'ea. MIOW90$04
Ljubljana,to * leaved so early.'It is difficult to express leisure-, to be able 'to enjoy detail and' the next morning, Ljubljana time The next day, Sunday, we are stored some,of , the most market Fantastiq6ar lasqgpbe 40,41but,0041
oneself 'at this moment because we left we arrived in Yugoslavia. The boarded the bus again for the 167 p1riceleps,§ works of art in the world had there, - but the most fun is` sad `to ieaxc
0 character in the things we could have seen.
Yugoslavia -only Minutes ago. Sounds like sour grapes an�'why Airport was set in the Dinaric mile journey to Florence, Seven - inqiud6i 1kaphael's "Madonna people watching, and,, haggling But 0e0
Sad, and difficult to speak of, because not? Weare perfectly justified to complain. of the C Ch wares f s#1 .o
we looked at whit we 'expected to look at; Alps, so the approach was hours later we reached Florence, hair"; the Ponte Vic io down prices on, the , e be,'con
.,For three hundred and forty-nine dollars something quite memorable,
'yet we .did not see what we viewed. Being we had eight days in Italy. For another After clearing Cub 4110 W
restricted on this trip to our holidays only, fifty, and the Board's permission, we could boarded a coach With anoth6r
we have not had a chance to. exhad twicerthat, and than
Pore and have h learned more student group from Stayper, near
savour the. cities and peoples and customs, a month in class. Collingwood, for the six hour trip r INTERESTED I N
as we would have been able to, had we had The Pope said - us, -h thousand I . I - . ..... to Venice. we came'through the
two weeks or twenty days. Canadian students n the Papal audience, P6ar Tree Pass in the Alps, ane
mom 0
In their omniscience, the board decided hall, in moment 0 of us will ever entered Italy near Trieste'. We
our education• would be bedtter• served forget: t ou ountry was young; we then skirted the head of the
h w Mc
inside the four walls of a'classroom. For were you he new generation, the Adriatic, through wine country.
me, my time would be far better spent in generation that must soon be resp?�sible
4 Being the season, one could
spending another week in Venice or Rome, for our world. He said that he was pleased observe the planting and pruning and a
exploring Saint Mark's Square or the anctproud to pee young people'travei:;ng to of the vines.
Roman Forum, or -talking with Italians or see the world., to learn of other customs, We finally arrived at our hotel
n outdoor e on
Yugoslays in an outdoor on a sunny and to mature in our own experience. in the late Afternoon. The hotel go
street. Id
Do the members of the Huron County was -not Iodated in Venice proper,
It is gross ignorance or a board of Board of Education know something the but rather in Venice Mestre,
,people (not u mously, mind yop) to Popp doesn't? It is time they climb down about three miles distant.
it i the
limit a group suc 0 ithin the limits from their high horse of ignorance and The next day a full walking and
of holidays from class. Another four or ten insularity; boat tour of Venice. We travelled
days away from school would not have David Ring the lenkth of the Grand eanal by
Of course we saw along the
banks the many churches; An Opportunity For.
palazzos (such as the Ca D'Ors)
bridges (most notably the Rialto)
that made Venice famous. We left the launch at Saint Mark's Read er's -of
Swuare - (Piazza San Marco)
SDHS e'view, I
This huge square (200 yirds X
100yards) remains virtually
unchanged from the 16th
Century. It provides an
Urn J%& cmQ tor
the, students ',.p,a,ge impressive view of Saint Mark's
Cathedral. It is also lined with
expensive shops and open 'air'
cafes with their famous $400 is being awarded to the reader of a weekly
Student Spotlight might add they did better mileage Yearbook Club orchestras. As usually happens,
The student spotlight this week than any of the students. The yearbook club is at a the square is infested with newspaper associated as a member of the Cana
is focused on Ann Stewart' 'Anne Now the teamis starting at 0 standstill right now. They are pigeons. I
is eighteen. years old and is in miles again and new members are, waiting for the individual pictures Around the square we toured than Weekly Newspaper Association who best
grade thirteen. She doesn't have welcome. to come in so.ihat they can be the Doges Palace, the Cathedral.
any favourite subjects but she Anna Lee Strikes Again mounted on the layout sheets. of Sain Mark's, (which is famous
does take part in quite a. few Anna Lee Stevenson, a grade The first deadline is on Ai5ril- 15 for its beautiful and . extensive describes in• his o'rher own.w.ords. just what the=
activities. She is'setretary of the 10 student, has won yet. another and everyone 'is hoping the mosaics, some thirty or forty feet
students' council, she is heaof public speaking 'contest with her individuals will be In befo .then. tall) the bell tower of Saint Marks
"The:_Child Beaters".- weekly—newspaper wo aris to him or her. ,e
advertisng in the drama cb, speech The team and club pictures were (about three handred feet tall)
and sheds also a majorette inthe Anna Lee spoke at Brussels taken last Wednesday. from which an Impressive view of
band. a Public School on March 15, a Formal
Anne is also involved in quite a contest sponsored by the Brussels Decorating has already begun Girl in Soup The written expression of frank opinion on
few activities outside the school. Optimists. She won a trophy. It is for the annual Seaforth-, District
She belongs to the Junior her fourth win. I High School Spring Formal. The coming "'Our Hometown Paper"' should bei at least 250
Farmers and has her provincial Next Anna Lee goes on to theme this year is springtime. Kine -Graphics,
honours in the 4-'R Homemaking Arthur on April 10, to speak at a Anyone interested in helping can
Club. oAnne was queen -of j-dh-cQnfev
,%,-9ponsored b}1. the '�&Wtidlilit-IM6L&fingg ar1d,jVs40itb`h 0,0 Tuesd,4y, ADA Wednesday words but vw*xced'd 700..a rash
Seaforth Fall Fair in 1972 and just Optimists there. The is a ear is the April 16 and 17, Kine -Graphics
P . in. The formal this y
recently, in February, she was $500 scholarship. Good luck Anna night of the nineteenth. will. present the- motion pXture
runnerup in the - Farm Show Lee. We have our fingers crossed. "There's a Girl in My So p", Objective is to encourage readers aders of CWNA
Princess Contest held in London. Students' Lounge What a Holidayi with Goldie Hawn.
Anne lives at home at R.R. 5, The studeqts' council has During the March, break. many Because of the poor attendance
Seaforth with her mom. She has begun its plans to redecorate the people took to the air and went to at previous films, Kine -Graphics' Weeklies to think about what their weekly means
two sisters and one brother who basement and turn it into - a places all. over- the world. finances are in sad shape.
are all married and live away from students' lounge once more. Teachers And students alike went Consequently, advance tickets to them, their families, their lives and their com-
home. Her . favourite hobbies are Right now several students are to places such as Rome, Florence; will go on sale this week to'aid in
sewing, cooking, crocheting and busy down there with their paint Florida and many other numerous paying for the film. We hope the 'thoughts down .
she also t I eaches piano lessons. rt and brushes. The aclub has scenic spots. However, some community and student body will munites, and to set these in
After grade thirteen, Anne volunteered its help and they are teachers wanted to get away from support us, and get an evening of
plans to go on to the University of planning 'to paint at least one the thought of kids, but found' fine entertainment at the same
Guelph and botain her BA mural on one of the walls. The themselves running into students, time.
straightforward. language. Polished literary ex -
degree, after which she plans to students' council is planning to unexpectedly. Many came home Advance prices are: Adults
become an elementary school use some of the old furniture left with a deep tan, but others $1.00, Students .75c, Children' pression is not sought. The judges will be inter
teacher' Good luck Annel over from two years ago and they suffered from sunburn, Still, SOc.
Senior Cheerleaders Selling are also going to buy some new everybody had a really great At the door: Adults $1.50, ested in simple, clear exposition that indicates an
'Sphit Buttons' things too. holiday! Students. $1.25, Children $1,00.
✓ The senior `Cheerleaders are awareness by the reader of the role of 'the week
selling buttons. The buttons are IN CE
4' about three and one half inches in
diameter and' hayed the words ly in the community.
'Go SDHS Go' written on them in
the school colours, black and -published in the member
yellow. The buttons cost sixty Well 1) Entries will first be
cents each, and will help promote 3: wonder CAUM 4 coldl w1vH
school spirit plus make some hcwe- *a.
money for the cheerleaders.kt�paper.
Plans For Formal Underway nN
With the form7al only a few
weeks away, plans..areunderway Judges will not look for excessively high
to prepare for the big event. At a
tmeeting called Wednesday night •
after school,' a good number of praise for the local,w.eekly; they will study the
students came to 'offer their
services in helping to decorate the judgment and understanding by readers of the
cafeteria, gym, and hall area. The
date planned for the formal is function of the weekly. This could come from a
April 19. So come on you guys. get
hold of a gal and make this a prom •
to remember. weekly of any size, large or small.
At a meeting last week,
Apventeen students received This is a unique award since it is offered not to
badges in honour of running their
share of miles for the Road-
runners Team. The team began inmember papers, their staffs or regular contribu-
November and its purpose was to kfvrpm
enc6urage students, who wished Fors (they are specifically excluded), but to the
to join the track and field team
this spring, to keep in shape. The
students had to run during school yes'T J U reader of a CWNA weekly who' best describes in
hours or after three and they had i d
to follow one of the several his or har own words just what the�weekly news'
courses outlined by Mr.
veq lu
Johnston, team leader. Each day paper means to him or her
their miles were recorded on a
*'large chart in the office. Those
running 24 miles or more during 4%
the time, received a badge for UnCILSend in your entry now to
their efforts. X71did ll .+he -
Students receiving badges V P
• were: Clare Devereaux, Linda 0 9; LAZOM r Ott': •
Dorssers, Barb Doig, Cindy I lef+ you
Dorssers, Sandra. Hulley, Mary
Ellen Knight, Mary Larnmerant,
Diane Prtzcator, Alec Robertson,
Cheryl Seymour, Linda Smith, .0
Dawn Wood, Marj Jansen, Barb
,*[kSmith, Brian Smith and June Box 69`® Seaforth.. Ont,
Williamson. Dan Maloney was
the top runner with 117 miles.
Mr. Russell and Mr. Moore MOTE: Entries -must be received not later than May 6th, 1974.)
were members of the team also. 1