The Huron Expositor, 1974-03-14, Page 16il", k,>. .v ... .. Mv� ,,. . nx. n..::.i .. .'.: •v.'. .., .. ,lnh..:."„,. x,,,W >' '„ ....r.- .l .w .. ... 'r
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'(Today's Health is provided to } SlUNDAY, MARCH 17 ,
^ Weekly newspapers by the ' M1 'ev, i�'iC�YVlll �'rl. He]$eXl
Mayor Frank Sills spoke on the ' MacGregor;'1 'c s. Carl' Papp e.
Ofitario'Mi,nistry of HealtlP i
a work of council when Mrs. Lorne 4-H Club Leaders= are aa: geVile'
Lawson was •hostess for the follows: by David Woods 1.,,,,,
's 7", f 3 , ., March -meeting f the Seaforth Br,u.cefield 'Mrs. Geo
Quest Mtntgt$x
Women's Institute with Mrs. Can-telon, Mrs. Emmerson
T `; Mrs. There was once a time when front of as. Take either of those
� e �t4, Harold 1-lugijl co -hostess. Coleman.
nobody talked about mental examples, a , stage* further b
John MacLean presided for the Seaforth 1 Mrs. Gord6n Elliott', y g Y
meeting in the absence -of the Miss Joanne De Groot. illness. Sure, there were talking to yourself ig a crowded • • • x
�. whispered comments t4 the effei t- restaurant, dor rah the Eva ngetistic .Serv.i les
x • President, :Mr . rnold Taylor. Seaforth 11 Mrs. J..,Devereaux, P g �
The meeting o iened with the r Mrs. Art Devereaux: the t'Aunt Mary was a bit funny, 'offending drier by the soruff of at
Y Institute Ode and Mary ;Stewart Seaforth -111' Mrs. Jrm so they came and took her tp one the neck — and they become • `
., Collect. Mrs. MacLean welcomed ,Thompson, Janice Schg�nck. of those special hospitals'. ' ' rather questionable ,behavior Bayfield Bq, ,'I'rs'I' Church
uest and members. RoU Call But, living in a more fdrms.
g § Seaforth IV Mary Van Dooren,
was swered "Citizenship is a Mrs. Ann Marie Hoste. enlightened age, if also in one' Some yearW ago,' - two
lot dflittle things".Name one. Seaforth V Mrs. J. 'Van that i'mpo'ses considerable mental Washington physicans developed •
Mrs. Ross • MacC`ire or and and etnotional• stress on us' and 'a scoring system_for,traumatic life. Dr. E.S. soecia'
g Doornik, Mrs. Bruce Coleman: z r r i
Mrs. Lorne Dale were in charge of therefore , increased chance, of events. A death in the family, 'a. Kerr- x
g McKillop I Mrs. Wm. Little;r t' Guest
the meeting: Citizenship ,add Mrs, Ra Be`�ttie. breakdown, we learned to divorce, loss of a job, takigg on afi �;,
Y ac:ce t emotional or mental illness mortga$e, or whatever, all added Cambridge, „ 4,t ¢
World' Affairs, Mrs. Lorne Dale' McKillop II.Mrs. Mrs. Ro Swarf,
P Y Preston w'
ave he -Motto, "Citizenship like Mrs. J. Dorse si ly is a fact of life. up to a certain number of points �. speaker
g Y Ontario
e'harit be ms at home". 5ta'tisti ally, one person in above., which ' ,the per'sog ! i
Y• g• McKillop 111 Mrs. W, Drager, of
' Mrs. • Ross' MacGregor Mrs. P Trus man Drunen:' seven �G fight will suffer some concerned "was considered to tnTM%;x? n
i q i� kind of s chola ical illness have
high ,risk. Temple .r t o- u xt, every . • !
•ti 4D , a g<": ' • introduced the .guest" speaker, Egmondville - Mrs. N_ Eggert, p y g g
A a Mayor Sills; -He said that council 'Mary Van Dyke. during his life, althoµgh much -of -But this doesn't ' a�low for Baptist j�'„
Church -�-a
consists Mayor, Reeve, Deputy it is treated in the doctor's office individu lity. The prpblem is that - , r i night'.
Reeve and six Councillors, and `or in a general hospital. each, Arson's tolerance differs
* .
told how the council as, a whole is The new openness. about from .everybo� else's one 'man
nim ■ _ Aft.. -
tied in with the County Health
Unit, p nning . boards and
Assessme. n Re told the meeting
why,, som of the mill rate goes to
a l the county.. Seafgrth's main street
is county owneas it connects the'
LOOKS INTERESTING -- Angela, the four-year-old county road north and 'south of .
daughter of Mr, and Mrs.. Co Zondag looks ovthe town,
er yo
Tire Mayor said- that wberr-x• .
.a toy iron- at Huron Centennial Schoo'l's Kindergarten town has 1000 voters they are
psychology is heartening, but we cbuld score phenomenally high,,
live in an age when people are • and 'cope; another might go to
possibly 'getting overly concerned . pieces on the basis of just one of
abqut their identities and the events occurring."
psyches. One question frequently A- re�erit U.S1 study, reported
asked of psychiatrists is: Haw do , -_Lm the- London Sunday Times,'.
you tell the difference between shows that some•common majgr
'normal' . and 'abnormal' _'fears are, sir pristngly speaking
behavior?' in public, h'ts insects,
A Toronto psychiatrist %yho sat, financial problems nd deep
�. rather appropriately, 'on the couch water. Sun. -77 a.m. a 1:3 p
registration last week. entitled to a Depu� Reeve, The Cultural Activities Meeting i- 1my office the other evening, . ' Wh t real) comes down to
w Mayor Sills told of the four g Y Mon. t0 Fri., „ p.m.
of'0e the W.I.will be held at the offered an answer. it" if you feel you're not OK, the,
' - committees set- up. Police Y Y - '
home of Mrs.' Charles Eyre on 'Part of 'the problem is that , decision can only rest with you _ ne ele.ome
Protection, Public Works and 11� +
'Sanitation, Finance Committee; March 20'at 8':p.m, Roll call will 'defin;itioris of.acceptable behavior ab6ut�seeking'hefg. One real bit `
' a ' be to name a food or a ntenjil are -made by Pe9ple in power, he of progress to` be thankful for in
Community Centre, and
Y ' 'used 75 years ago. Mrs. It.•Beil is said. As a result we're constantly the. field of mental 'healthis that.
4 s° explained the work of each — --- — — — — — - -
� , •e x'?zz ='!. P to charge of askit and Mrs. Alex • trying to please someone else — today there's no stigma' attached f .�. '-'—'� - `�
committee He also mentioned
w +It McGregor will have a display of . to live'up to standards imposed by ` to's. visiting' a psychiatrist,
`f the clerk areas rer,who is every others. The is there are Action Ads1,
' d
� crafts. Mrs, Wm. Bell .will '
rig; i
>. important person to the coetncil. 'conduct a • erst.• Mrs. Charles I
s i N no real warning signs for mental (David Woods is a former editor
Mayor 'Sills also spoke on the Eyre is in aitarge of lunch. illness, as therc4 are for many of Canadian Family Physician A
forms of h steal disease, ma azirte.He has served on the ��• 527-0240
t i Sewage System and the ew well P Y g• �_
s e that was drilled las Rand o Not only that', he'went on, but m teal, staff oU. four me al
q y explained the work off:- the PerSOnalS some people's tolerance }or p• blicatlons, and writte>or
recreational director who isme discomfort is greater than eteral others in Canada and
playing a very important part in ' Orvilleb• Workman. who was a g ' patient in•' Stratford hospital, ;others', and some people beGev internationally)
sports, etc. and reminded us of haying undergone surgery they don't ^d serve help, . o INCENT FARM EQUIPIVIF.rrIT
'f v fit r. Centennial next, year 1975, 100 recently returned Home on compound the roblem at is 1
r years since"Seaforth became a Saturday., irrational beh visor for one FARC board• HAVE ORGANIZED A.'
town. A uestion and' answer
i t' 4 Mr's. Wm. McGregor, is a individual may a ationaJ for „
( period fol'rowed. Mrs. Lorne Dale patient •in 'Seaforth Community_ another, Continued from Page 1) l -H FARMER TOUR
thanked Mayor Sills and-,. Hospital. Suicide ° is a case in point.
y "• presented him with s gift. The "flu" bug; has 'caught up Generally, attempted suicide Edu a ion in Kitchener .reported
Minutes of 'the last meeting with quite a few eo le in the stems from mental disturbance, to t e Board that' it could receive To INT: HARVESTER CO. PLANT
g q p P But for'som'eone with a terminal ad+allocation from Capital Aid of i (AT HAMILTON)
were read and approved, community. ., , $50,00,0 (Category - -
"1' treasure reports iveu and The',ice storm of last week end disease,.suicide may represent an.. . ( g Y �) fb'r' such ,
Ay ? W r .g pro}acts as extensions of ` INT. HARVESTER PARTS DEPT: '
communications., including I an was not as severe as the former intelligent option,. Histor education' services -- such as ri
� invitation to; Jiurondale ,Dessert one. providesother examples. People resource cent --s; gymnasiums, as
Euchre; March 20th at 1:30 m. Mr. ind, Mrs. Ken McLellan like -Joan of Are might well' have Date:—
P long as there is a proven need'
was';accepted. A Food Fordtn to ` and Mr. and Mrs. Jaek Cooper been referred for psychiatric help that will meet Ministry f MONDAY MARCH 18, 1914
'� '. be held in Clinton April 10th at 8 . are hoHdayrng in Hawaii. 1e rise'' of their 'irrational' Education approval This 1 ' ' r-
,,. , x P.M. A letter was read from Mrs. Mrs. Ruth Dickert, Harriston is v Tulle'— 7 a.m. t.O 6
, proposal was. handed. over to she • p
"' Austin Zoeler in regard to the visiting her sister Mrs: ,lda Very often, tole°r`a31ce by society. Building', 'and Maintenance PLEASE CA14L FOR RESERVATION
I . • , 4�xr � , Erland Lee Homestead•, Institute-, Dickert. , for certain forms of behavior is as Committee to consider and leport
week being June, 10th - 14th. Mrs. Doris •' Williamson, 'important as the individual's own
tt t
London is a guest of Miss Jean assessment;. a .person's view -of back to Board for approval.
The Bake Sale. will be 'held Ivison. .I
himself as OK or not OK depends
April 19 at Cardno's store, A Mr. and Mrs. G ree L. Smith, on what he considers "society will i
Powerful Claw
donations was given -to Save the put u with.
' Walton arid' Miss Mae
-Smith; p p An Alaska k' crabs rest v
children's eyes..A donation' will ..' ' mg' g
Seaforth visited with 'Mrs. Harry 'Talking to oneself: in the :claw can crunch tialfway_through ARM ' EQUIPM LTD
r l be givers to the late Mrs. Milton Caldwell. privacy of the home is something a'broomst.icfc"'or bleak a finger.
y =: ParO Scholarship Fund for the most people probably, do at one
a Londdn Area. !."MEBUSINESS RE
time or' another. (Remember the ,Sign Of Inflation I�iA$ILITY. IfUILT'
Miss .Belle Campbell gave the Remember! It takes but 'a' expression: talking to yourself is' A sure sin of i, flation these 527-0120 ,
BLOCKS Although she's too young. for courtesy. remarks and the meeting nioment ` �tQ -place a ''-Huron
g n
Mi�helldi Turner was int rested In all Expositor V1'ant Ad and'be mone the firs' sign of madness?) But' days is when the workers in.the. AYR r ••� SEAFORT11- CAMBRIDGE,
kindergarten, closed, with the Queen and p y
in ocket. To advertise, just Dial there's nobody there to pass "office gather apou.od, the wafer _
the toys and games'. available there. She was at Institute Grace. ' Lunch was p i Judgement. We all want to cooler instead of the coffee -
convened Certenaial's Kitldergarten Registration last convened by, Mr Wilfred "527-Ot7t.,
Coleman ,and served by .Mrs. strangle the driver who cuts in' in maker.
week with•mother and sister Mavis, •4. E TERNA
• Andrew Crozier, Mrs. Jessie
� ■
Come, in and see the Nev� Dodge,,
and Chrysler models at
Sedforth and Area Dodge, Chrysler 'Dealer
SEAP0itH;,014TA,$00 IA01gE 527-1670
AT = 1 1
FRESH SPARE RIBS-.. . '..: ..-.. ... 89c.
PRIME BIB ROAST Ist ' ribs 1.39
5th to 'the- 7th rib ib u9
' � , MS Whole, half or quarter .... :.. -.. � 1.09
DEVON SIDE BACON 1- pkg. - �• ' • 95c
DEVON "BACK BACON /,.%-%•Pkg. ...'..:. m 7Rc
Mac -and -Cheese or Chicken • Loaf.,. t .89c
Full processed SIDE of BEEF....... . 99c
Hr Of - BEEF .................... :.. 1b1.10
We reserve ti} right -to limit.quantities
• NEW 600 square -inch screen- area increases
grinding capacity up to 18,000 pounds of corn, an
hour,, increases delivery to the mixing tank
• NEW double atrger•flighting provides thorotJh,
vibration -free •mixingwith all feeds
e NEW adjustable hay retarders (standard) as-.
sure thorough grinding, better mix* g Wi1h,grains
and Concentrates, positive flo of materials
through the mixer.
Nanie the Datii ` and We'll