The Huron Expositor, 1974-02-07, Page 11
wwo NO, 5526
114th year
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Y, FEBRUARY 7, 1974 -- 1
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Huron Pschools ope'n,,:.
a s new ctract. i's cleared -
year and 100% next
' The contract dispute between Y year, and to September to $5,900 and "professional activity" days..ic
the Huron -Perth Roman Catholic increased benefits, was ratified $14,890 for 1973-74. , At 10 p.m. Thursday the board, „r '
Separate School teachers and by the teachers Monday The minimums in each of seven notified teachers that they had
board which saw 19 schools in two afternoon at the Seaforth categories will increase by $400 accepted the 149 resignations'.
counties. -closed on Friday .and Community Centre by a vote of this year and $300 next year, effective immediately, and In
Monday was settled Monday 103 to 26. Other levels will increase by 8.7% telegrams to, school principals..
evening when the board ratified, Chief negotiator for the and 7.25% nest year. asked them to turn in their keys to
"unanimously", a compromise teachers, Peter Murphy of the In 1974.75 the minimum salary board schools by 1 p.m. Friday.
contract for 1973,74 and'1974-75. Ontario English Catholic for HPRCSS .teacheni will be "At this point we considered r
All HPRCSS schools re -opened Teachers Association in Toronto $6,200 and the maximum will be the possibility of arbitration a MW
on Tuesday. called the 8.70/0 figure the biggest $15,970. Allowances for dead,, issue" said teachers'
The contract, which provides increase, over the 12 month principals and consultants have negotiator Murphy..,
for salary increases of 8.7% for school year, in the province, also been increased. About 140 teachers meeting at
1973-74 and further increases of although he added that the The settlement came after a the Legion Hall in Seaforth Friday' j
7.25°lo the following year, Huron -Perth teachers salaries compromise contract — the morning heard Mr. Murphy and `�•'
payment of 90% of salary to were lower than many in the teachers wanted 7.5%, the board Jim Carey of London, a past +, " '•
members of religious orders this province to begin with. 7%+, and they agreed on 7.25% — president of the OECTA, describe
Monday night following the was worked out by the two local what they considered a lack of
closed one and,a half hour board progress in negotiations.
• parties, with the acting P g g ,
Blitz goes meeting HRCSS board chairman superintendent, of the The teachers were
Michael Connolly said the Mr. Carey that they would be
A settlement would necessitate Huron -Perth system,Joseph enrolled as. employees of the Teachers from the Huron -Perth RCSS system accepted the' teachers' resignations on Thursday
Over, the top Tokar, acting as a gp-between.
"careful budgeting over the next Negotiations went on from 3 p.m. OECTA75 aweekaf marined and the receivens lof e Wait anxiously outside the board office in Seaforth on night. The teacher -board dispute was settled
The Seaforth "March of two year period by the board Sunday afternoon until 4 a.m. Friday as the keys to their schools are handed in at Monday evening after both sides ratified a new
Dimes" blitz has one over the Mr. Connolly said that the board Monday. supporter of a family or $50 if the board office by their representative. Schools contract for 1973-74 and 7445.
g had passed a' motion single, per week for the duration
top, Mrs. Jack Case, general "re -instating all of its teachers" . The teacher -board conflict of the dispute. (This amount was were closed Friday and Monday as the board
chairman, announced Thursday.$ and that the 149 teachers' . broke into the open Thursday raised at an OECTA meeting this
The door-to-door campaign resignations would be returned to evening when talks between the weekend to 50% of previous Chairman warns
netted over $1,200 about $250 the OECTA office in Toronto. two parties broke down. The salary.)
more than was raised last year. By the terms of the new two board sent notices home to area The teachers were asked to • • •
a The money is used to year contract, minimum and parents telling them that the, clear out any personal belongings Conservation auth o r't1 e s must
� assist handicapped adults in the maximum salaries of $5,500 and HPRCS schools would be closed from their schools before the ketys '
area. $13,700 will increase retroactively on Friday and Monday for were returned to the board. By
10:30 Friday morning teachers?,at • • • •
St. James' Separate School ,in
Seaforth were .taking reecird
look at their municipal relations
-•{ f players and other personal t
(Continued on Page 16) authority „X Conservation authorities another year, He defeated Lucan balance from special levies. Y would take in' more of
should take a new look at, their reeve Ivan Hearn in a two-way Expected expenditures for abutting areas along Lake Huron.
relations with the municipalities battle for the position. conservation areas including land Roger Martin, authority
Thieves enter that lie within their boundaries, In making' his bid for the acquisition total $222,000 with resources manager, said he hopes
k a fuckersmith Township Reeve vice -chairmanship, Reeve Hearn $171,600 set for administrative a meeting 'of municipalities
t 4
Stewart Bros, Elgin Thompson told a meeting of said he felt a governmental and maintenance costs, $51,500 involved and the ministry of
r t h e A u s a b 1 e- B a y f i e l d appointee should not hold an for water control and $3,000 for natural resources will be held in
Conservation Authority. important position and consgrvation services. March.
Bell Industries ° "Those of its who are elected McGillivray Township had recent Ri s Powell, conservation Most of the seven
•w' h who are clerks find it easy to keep representation when Bili Amos' authorities program supervisor ,, municipalities involved have
; . ur c' ormed because ��_"' 'as'Ehairman. the,Ministry of Natural Resources' 41ready ihiiic ed 'ap royal, he
.._. . .. . . _ 1-4 ° ,m�„.. �:, said. Intl t; , '�oderlcli
�'i`�iv° rt Bros. clothing store Olt " re in contact with_IW ' ai-� vcry To this Ivl'r.Heaman replied, ` 1 reginnaf offiL-=itis •0tidon�sard K
Mani Street was broken into'on meeting" he said and added that think we are all on the same level Ontario's 39 conservation Township and the townships of
Sunday- .evening, for the third appointed members should take and should work for every area in authorities will gradually assume Stanley and Ha a d the village of
time in recent years. "If things the time to visit the councils they the Authority. more autonomy as the province Bayfield.
come in threes, maybe this'll be represent. Chairman Thompson decentralizes decision making Stephen Township has not
the last", Ladies Wear Manager, He suggested that authority commen@ed, "i feel we are one authority. indicated its position, Mr. Martin
Dave Stewart, said Monday signs on projects in future should big happy family and approve Possibility was seen that the ...j (Continued on Page 11)
a morning. reflect the part icipation of other projects in all parts of- our
Nothing of value was missing, levels of overnment in the jurisdiction,"
g McKillop clears grants to
» Mr. Stewart said, except about project. The 1974 budget of $448,100
Huron Perth Roman Catholic Separate School Board chairman Michael Connolly $10 in change and some denim was set by authority members
jeans in boys' sizes. Reeve Elgin Thompson was representing 32 municipalities.. Lions park and plowmen
right, and David Teahen of Stratford, the board's chief negotiator, are relieved at The store was entered after the elected to his second term as The budget, up considerably from
the end of the long teacher board dispute Monday night. The HPRC board agreed culprits broke open a wire and chairman of the Authoritv at the last year's $310,850 includes a
unanimously to ratify a compromise contract which the teachers had ratified glass sky -light on the roof of the group's annual meeting. Friday. tentative expenditure of $130,000 Grants of $50 to the Huron Drain at an estimated cost of
Monday afternoon by a vote of '103 to 26. building. They apparently piled He was returned by for land acquisition. Plowmens Association and $300 $7070.00. Court of Revision to be
boxes up and climbed unto the acclamation when the other two Approval for property purchase to the Seaforth Lions Park were ,held on March 4, at 2:00 p.m.
back, roof of the store and then nominees vice-chairman `Fred made upmostly of 550 acres approved by McKillop Council at—Adopted a by-law to authorize
unto the higher roof". Heaman and Ha v representative upstream from the Parkhill its February meeting on Monday. 'the county area weed inspector to
Seaforth dentist eomb• withdrew. Conservation area has not vet in other business council enforce the weed control act in
"Therehandprints all over the place", Mr. Heaman, a provincial been approved by the Ministry of accepted a petition for repair and and for McKillop.
Dave Stewart said. "They even appointee from McGillivray Naturals Resources. improvement to the Drager, —Passed for payment Road
work and sunny hol
iday left a pair of size twelve. jeans Township is the vice-chairman for The levies paid by the member Municipal Drain from Robert Superintendent Voucher of
upstairs He added that the municipalities are up about five Robinson assessed owner of land' $7904.23 and Clerk -Treasurer's
break-in must have occurred after Da nCerS toS percent from 1973 to a total of on Lot Pt. 4, and 5, Conc. 13. Voucher of $12,105.45.
Seaforth dentist Dr. Charles • he was in the store about 4:30 p $91,300. Charles Corbett, Lucan, was —Authorized Road
The organization sponsors a by sun rise at 7:30 ---"the p.m. Sunday. -'The large majority of the appointed engineer. Superintendent Wm., Campbell to
Toll is in Jamaica this month, but day nursery, a basic school for patients -are queuing up when we Seaforth Police Chief Arnold in 74 festival
he is not lollingaround in the sun income comes from government—Considerd and adopted a order weed spray from the County'
children four to six, a scholarship arrive so business is booming", Vaughn said Wednesday grants of $291,025 and the report the Kistner Municipal of Huron.
like the average tourist. Dr. Toll programme, a y outh club. trade he adds. Vicki Bennew ies and Sherri
is workingas a volunteer dentist afternoon that three juveniles
training school and adult The energy crisis, car were being charged with break Storey doing a step dance duet, s 1 a
in a clinic in- Kingston, Jamaica, education and casework accidents, robberies and placed first in a special dance
operated b Operation Friendshiprogrammes accordin to a and enter.
P Y P P g shootings are the front page news In another unrelated incident, section at the Junior Farmer~
Ltd. brochure that Dr. Toll sent to the in two copies of the Kingston Star the Robert Bell lndustries Association 1974 talent festival at ; 'w
Operation Friendship Ltd. is a Expositor, which Dr. Toll sent to the building was broken into, also on the Royal fork Hotel in 'rot -onto - N
"voluntary programme of Dr. Toll is in charge' of the Expositor. in 'a later JamaicanSunday night. One of the back last weekend. The win gave them
development,in education, health dental division of Operation newspaper, sent to John offices in the building was the All Ontario Dance
and social services" in an area of Friendship's clinic which also , Thompson of Main Street, ransacked. "There were paper Championship. It was the largest,
Jamaica that is densely populated offers medical and family Seaforth, a five inch headline and things strewn all around, but talent festival ever held with over
and "chronically depressed and planning help and a well -baby, announces an austerity program175 entries. Vicki is the daughter',,
nothing was missing", Police
underprivileged to such an extent clinic. being implemented by Jamaica's Chi f Vaughn said. of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bennewie<
that it represents the country's The Seaforth dentist reports Prime Minister to meet inflation Brodhagen and Sherri is the
9' own police are investigating
most potentially explosive social that he is up every morning at day and the energy crisis. this second break-in, the Chief daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Orvill
problem." be oak, 6:30 a.m. and at the clinic (Continued on Page 14) told the Expositor. Storey of Seaforth.`
Huron Home Care can replace hospital sta
Mention the Huron County equipment like walkers and have --- if rehabilitation goals are as possible." or long-term cases, Mrs. Caruno
Home Care program and most commode chairs available for loan there, the program can be of Both the physical and says. Right now she is dealing _
people, if they kngw about it at to Home Care patients. Service help". When accepting a person occupational therapists have with a woman with small childr
all, think of a service which may clubs loan the equipment free of into the Home Care program, helped one man in Huron County who is just out of hospital on
provide a home maker, someone charge but Mrs.Cardno says Mrs. Cardno says,' The Home who was bed ridden and quite crutches and is unable to climb t '
to help with the housework for a there is always more needed. Care program helps rehabilitate depressed when he left hospital stairs. "She'll probably need help r
couple of weeks if you are just out "We can in some cases replace through two services, physio and after a stroke. at home for longer than tw&'
of hospital and are not quite able hospital care, rather than being occupational therapy. An "The physiotherapist visits him weeks", Mrs. Cardno says.
to look after yourself. just an extension of it, Mrs. occupational therapist is on loan two or three times during the Private Homemakers v
it is this [mageof Home Care Cardno says, adding that the to the program from the Goderich week and has him working on his For situations like this, or for ,
I for one da a exercise routine. He is i
that Betty Cardno of Seaforth, the public and in some cases doctors, Psychiatric Hospital y own on an old age pensioners who need long
program's director, is trying to who must refer a patient for week. A physio therapist works now out of bed and walking with a term help while getting over an
set straight. Home Care, try to use the for Home Care for half a week, cane. The amount of physio he illness but do not want to go to a
Home making is just one of the program for extended care. and at Seaforth Community can get at home is limited so as nursing home, homemakers can,
services that the county Hom 342 People Hospital for the rest of the week. soon as he's able he'll go to an be hired privately. If the patient r i
Care program offers, Mrs. One of the 342 people who were - The occupational therapist, outpatient clinic for more can't afford to pay a homemaker,
Cardno says. Anyone who gets Home Care patients so far this according to Mrs. Cardno, comes intensive exercise and therapy. in some cases, the provincial
help from a home maker (limited year is (their year runs from on the job after everyone The Home Care occupational social services department wil
i, to 80 hours), must also need at April to lvlarch)a woman who had else,"the doctors,the hospital,the therapist visits this patient once a pay•
least one of the professional varicose ulcers but did not want to physiotherapist have helped the week and has encouraged the There is a great need in' the
services that Home Care offers --- go into hospital. She asked her patient as much as they can." man to work at refinishing county for homemakers anc�" +•
a physiotherapist, occupational doctor about the possibility of "it's. the occupational furniture. companions, mainly for elderly
q therapist or V.O.N. nurse. Home Care, the doctor referred thereapist's job to help the "He'll never have much use of people who want to stay in their <
Tntal Packaue her to Mrs. Cardno and the patient become as iti-dependent as one arm, but at least he's getting homes. Mrs. Cardno's office will Occupational ther .apist Joy Daymond of Kincardine who works for the Huron
j Home Care is a total package, woman was treated at home possible in daily activities", she the most he can out of life the try to put people who are '
t Home Care program, assists Horne Care patient Harold Maloney of Seaforth its he
designed to keep people out of under the program through VON says. Home Care director says. available for work as privately
at home. makes himself a sandwich in his kltCh
expensive and in -demand visits and part-time help from a "Our occupational therapist has The limit of 80 hours on home pail] homemakers in touch with t�"ri' e Mr. -Maloney, who is recovering
r hospital beds and in their own home maker. all kinds of gadgets which will making services sometimes t people who need either live-in or from a stroke, is one of the many people in the county who receive rehabilitation
homes where recovery is often "We have to look at what allow a person with any kind of makes it difficult for the Hoiite' part-time homemaking --s#rvice3 from the Home Care program, designed to help them lead as normal; a life
4peedier. The program has goals the doctor and the patient handicap to live as +normal a life Care program to do much chronic 9(ivoniinued on Page 14) as possible.