The Wingham Times, 1893-08-25, Page 6THE WINGHAM TIMES, AUGUST 25, 1805,
l structions and guidance, nncl also desired
>K W I, L L A tot laurohnso what steels he thought
5 1 desirable cad report directly to the
B 1v e
;1Xinister of Agriculture. The President
Iobjected, hence the investigatiou will, no
1 doubt, result in the resignation of Prof.
1 ' Shaw, as it has already in that of several
assistauts at the college. The report of
.?l, '.Jt..MI W,1 c G -IS) ,,, the Commission closes as follows : "'The
1 investigation has clearly proved to your
Commissioners that it is in the interest
e hla-
a the rules; regula-
of the institutioxr that , g
tions and by-laws in connection with the
ti "' COstitution should be rigidly .enforced ;
KT. D. it J, TEL. , GRA P :
that it is absolutely necessary that there
app, Brunswick , HHonse • should bo only one head to the iustitu-
tiou, and he alone responsible to the
Minister for the proper discharge of the
- - out duties of all the staff and officers con-
neeted therewith, and that the College
by-laws are sufficiently strict and detintte
if properly enforced.
'iuug IC]:ar, -•
Etj.ealialOam ti m c$
Eat t awanosh.
The Commit met on August 10th,
pursuant to adjournment. Members all
FPIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1893. present. Minutes of last meeting* read
and confirmed.
EDITORIAL NOTES. A communication was received from
1 rr evrar, the County Clerk, stating that tho
1'a .7SCt1~'AWAY, ROY, Prof, I'b., . ,
emonnt repined thls veer from the
•''o. reporter on the French schools in ioty lship for general County puri,3ses
•d tstain this and Legislative school equivalent wee
isteru Ontario,visitehem
2,570.85 --Filed. It was also resolved
an. and report a most gratifying im- that a further soul of 8180f1 is addition
evement. Out o' the 56 schools visit
iti1 to county rate be levied this year for
d : cev.1 . D. McLeod, who foul, years
in 1839, seventeen were class s'as
ry satisfactory, 21 ad fair, and 18 as
;tools in which the pupils knew very
Ole English. This year the elassifica-
tn is :-Thirty as very satisfactory, 15
, jfair, and 11 as inferior. The report
"atnishes a complete vindication of the
arse pursued by the Minister of Edo -
township improvements; salaries and
contingencies, and special school rate, in
all $1,370.85. A rate of .37 tenth mills
per dollar was struck to raise this
amount, and by-law No. G, 1893, confirm-
ing the same, along with the amounts
required from the trustees of the various
bion during the past eight years. school sections throughout the township,
road and passed. •
THE Sehnert Sea tribunal of arbitra- applications of John Taylor and
n at Paris made their decision public
Finlay Ander=on, Eelgrave, also Charles
,t Friday. Briefly stated, the five Campbell, Marnoch, for the office of
ints in regard to jurisdiction are settled collector of taxes for the current year,
• favor of Great Britain. A protected received, when it was resolved that John
se of sixty miles around the islands is Taylor (being the first ap0p]icant) be ap-
Ablished, and a close season from May pointed collector at a salary of 860, and
'04111y 31 is ordered. The decision, It that ho furnish good and sufficient
' thought, makes the 'United States security for the due fultiltnont of the
for damages for the seizure of same. By-law No. 7,1893, ratifying this
itish and Canadian vessels. British appointment, road and passed.
umbian sealers, while regarding the The following accounts, &o.,amounttng
:t;ision of the Behring Sea arbitrators to over 8650, were received and passed,
favorable to securing compensation
:1. losses caused by the Americans, say
`° h regulations will be disastrous in stop-
sealing on the coast, whore the
web is principally talten.
4 and 5, 8.27 ; Thos, Black, breaking
stone at lot 40, cons 4 and 5, 89; Messrs
Fonwick, Taylor en. McGowan, plants tor
culverts on cons 3 and 0, 811,90 ; Benj.
Taylor, repairing bridge on river',. cons 8
and 9, 820 ; Richard Leishman, repair-
ing bridge on river cons 8 and 9, 88.50 ;
Wm. Deacon, plank for bridge ou river,
cons 10 and 11, 812 ; Edwin Wightman,
underbrushing at lot 42, cons 8 and 9, 81;
Henry Deacon, gravel nod damages, per
F. Anderson, pathtn
stor, 82.50 ;
Cowan, con 1, shovelling gravel ono day,
The council then adjourned till Satur-
day, 23rd September next.
The following resolution was passed
at a recen?meetiug of Court \rietoria,
No. 53, Canadian Order of Foresters,
of this place;
Whereas God in his infinite wisdom
has. called away over beloved brother,
Mathew Bunton, therefore be it re•
solved that we, the members of Court
'Victoria, No.52, 0. 0. 1.+. place ou
record our high appreciation of the
sterling worth of our late brother
Forester. His conistent Christian life
commends itself as no words of ours
ran, end is °lee that we would do well
to emulate. As a Fenger ito was
ever ready to uphold the priucipies
and advance the interests of our Order..
With him the motto of the Canadian
Order of. Foresters "Liberty Ben -
and debentures signed tor payment or
the same, as follows : Wm. Deacon,
cutting hill cons 12 and 13, 810.75; Wm.
Finnan, cedar culvallrts and gravelling,'
cons 19 and 13, $13:50; W. Duncan and
:3r ills liberality towards his tenants B. Anderson, gravelling on sideline 39
.ed Aberdeen, Canadae new governor- I and 40, con 10, 838.80 ; John II. Hoover,
:egret, shows that he is a largo -hearted, 39 rods wire fiance, N ?z lot 31, con 5,
seal tnnn. During the twenty-three 2,-;0.8a; Robb, Johnston, axhovol'ling gravel,
' inrs he Lois controlled the Haddon 182.50; Joseph Johnston, gravelling at lots
use. property hi Scotland he has ex- i 31 and 40, cons 2 and 3, 814.60; James
dei $700,0,0 in improving it for the Young, cutting hills, cons 12 and 13, 830;
Wm. n sidelines 33
dm a on 0
In 18 i 0 Lord
r tie
coon ants. >
Ie P
ierdeen presented to each tenant hall! and 37, and 39 a.nd 40, cons 12 and 13,
tiettr's rent, an outlay of 8100,000.1835.50; David Dunbar, gravelling on
Jy thirty: -nine out of 1,120 farmers I sidelines 30 and 40, con 4, 8831 ; Dungan
.'c appealed against the rent eharged,1 B. Anderson, gravelling at lot 42, cons 8
gl in tomo instances tbe courts have{ and 0, 825.07 ; John Shiell, gravelling at
Sed the fee, while the reductions have t bridge at river, cons 10 and '11, 82ci 25 ;
to few. In 18811 Lord Aberdeen con- 1 James MCGee,tichber ewe work at bridge
Ited to Further reduction, aggregating 1 at river, cons 10 and 11, 84,50; Wm.
k0i0, and in 1890 he struck oak from ; Deacon, world at bridge et liver, cons 10
lit to fifteen per cent. Owing to badand 11, 88.75; Elam Livingston, 1000 feet
es. this year, ten per cent of the rent elfin lumber, wl`3; R. Elliott, Tuns office,
the current half year has been reniitt- Wingham. advertising and printing
•t • This is practical;nhilantropy.
1 Voters' Lists, an , for 1893, 820 ; Wm
#t t'ii;t ' latter has been homed 1 Stewart, engineer, services rendered per passed last year and ten the year before
•1 S3T..l a. Q.. 41 4 for i:4..1. » drain,
Mr. W. G. Morrison,principal, has reason
to feel proud of, the success of his pupils
this time and the two previous years,
Master Ralph Waldo stands second,' with
515 marks, (the next being 517 marks)
' ' `ion western boundary, 135.055 ; George of the pupils who wrote here. Mr.
;rn the: oil ce of the Superiitendent of i lot 43, cony i;,outlet
evolenee and Concord," was uo mean-
ingless expression, but was ever kept
in remembrance and acted upon in his
daily fife. The sudden summons to
our late brother warns each of us, "Be
ye also ready."
To the bereaved and s:•rrowing
widow, sisters and aged father of our
late brother, we extend our sincerest
sympathy in their great loss. May
He who is too wise to err and too
good tv be unkind be their refuge and
their strength a very present help in
He knows!
Yes, Jesus knows ! Just what you can-
not tell
He understands so well !
The silence of the heart is heard,
He does not need a single word,
He thinks of you;
He watcheth, and he caret' too,
He pitieth,' He loved) ; All this flows
In one sweet word: "He knows !
Signed on behalf of the Court,
GEo.Yao, R. S.
Not many as yet front Teeswater, and
vicinity have taken in the World's
Columbian Expositiou.
Those who have been holidaying in
and 'around Teeswater are returning
home to their several planes of abode.
The Teeswaterites are also meandening
towards home.
"Oh, 1 am so glad that school opens
on Monday, so I'll be rid of those boys
and girls of mine, and we will have
peace 1" is nearly the universal echo of
the parents of Teeswater, and no doubt
many other places. While in this mode
of reflection, parents lend your sympa-
thies and•.help teethe poor pedagogues who
will have them till next vacation comes.
Of the twenty-four pupils who passed
the entrance at • the Teeswater Public
School, thirteen are from Teeswater.
About forty -seven pupils wrote . in all.
Fifteen from Teeswater Public School
wrote and thirteen wore:successful. Ton
be the f]uest dwelling houses in the
The O. Y. 13, have received their
Pictures, which they had taken on the
12th in Mount Forest. They aro elegant
and reflect groat orodit upon the artist,
Mr. Chapman, of bit. Forest,
A number of the young people of our
burgh drove over to Wingham on Sunday
evening last,
On Sunday evening, July 30th, some
party or parties entered the premises or
Mr. Rout. Molutosh in quest of a feed of
cherries. While . they were at the
cherries they broke a few small branches
off the trees, The same evening some
boys were on hir, Henry Dettman's farm
and frightened him considerably by
throwing stones, and other capers.
Accurdtngly, the next day, the above
men, who, it is said have a personal spite
towards Mr. Merkley, hauled up his two
youngest sons on suspicion of being the
culprits. In the first case, nothing could
be proven against them. While in the
Dettman case, although they had not
been seen by any of the witnesses to
throw stones or clo any mischief, yet
because ono witness had semi then going
on the piece, the J. P. before whom they
were tried, 'fined them 85 eavb and
all ; James A. Walsh,
tricked and Dependent Children of I bitildiu; culvert and grading sidelines
tai to the county judges, sheriff:31
t 33 and 37, con 8, :,11.60 ; George Tisdale,
i werclens of the Province, enclosing. i
a West Wawanosh, grading and gravelling
e hill adopted by the Legisint'ere for t
e prevention of molly to and the
Tisdale, gravelling on western boundary
'titer protection of children, and stet. I per statute labor fund, t2.59; Wm.
the the chits object of the meaaiuro I Paton, gravelling on sidelines 9 and 40,
•ct en x r ige the placing of dependent i con 13, t 5.50 ; Wm. C. Currie'tile for
Wren in fester homes, rather than int outlet, sideline 36 and 37, con 13, 83;
tit:lt. h e, in the belief that they will
George Reid, con 0, gravel and damages,
this way become more rapidly and 187 i D. Scott, 3r., gravelling on sideline turned from the World's Fair.
ief:xuttorii,' absorbed into the commun-
i 39 and 40, con 6, 5,22.68 ; W. W. Scott, Miss Clara Fortune and Mr. John
Attention is also drawn to the fact!West Watvanosb, gravel and damages, Bartley succeeded in securing second
ttproviyion is anade for the appoint- l 83.16; John Anderson, sr., con 6, 51 yards class certificates at the recent Depart -
1r1, chi a "Children's s Visiting (nor- I gravel, 82.50; Charles Campbell, 60 yards mental Examinations,
1 ,tc.3' in enehelectoral district. the 1 gravel, 83 ; Hugh McBurney, per 3. Bee- Mrs. William .Marshall has gone to St.
edge, duty or tthie will bo to snake, ,
.. ' , croft, pathmaster, 32 yards of gravel, Josephs Island to visit her mother, who
h 1niry regurJing available ltornes, and i 81.60; John Shoebottom, con 11, gravel is dangerously ill.
I }rt, .[a ]coal -Ile-meili le or friends aloud damages, per E.Pearen, pathmaster, Mrs. John Terriff is renewing ac-
t .ldron trracsed° out. \rbat is aimed at, 11 nee ; Lloyd Duckett,gravolfroin Wing- qunintences in and around the village, °
i circular states, is the Organization in , halo pit, etc., 81.20 ; Wni. Carr, 60 yards Mr. and bfrs. McCabe,of Wallace, were
! y district of the province of coin- 'gravel, 8 3 ; Slater & Sims Blyth, repair- visiting at Mr.Mulve 's last week.
,, g , ', r Y p' - g Mulvey
's 01 men And women who, taking a! ing road scraper, 50 cents ; John Taylor, Mr. R. J'. 'Barton, who has been spend
ng interest in this class of clh•iidren, building and repairing bridge, lot 38,
desirous of promoting their welfare, cons 8 and 9, 816 ; Messrs Taylor and
co-operate with the Superintendent's; Wightinan, repairing briclsre, spikes, etc.,
in seeking to restore them to home 1 at Belgrave, t7 ; Messrs Taylor and Mrs. Jas. Lawrie, of Hamilton, is visit- courteous treatment of all who had burn -
acts and affections. 1 Wightrnan,repairing and planking bridge int her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barton. nese with him. Aud this council sincere.,
linen have been differences between lot 34, cons 8 and 0 322.75; Messrs' Tay- MissMcllroy,whoteachesin Winnipeg, ly extend their most heartfelt sympathy to
'dent Mills and Prof. Sbaw, or the i for and Wightman, building culvert lot is spending her vacation at Mr. Mulvey's. the ?vidow and family of out departed
Moore, of Wroxeter, takes charge next
Monday. We hope he may be equally
front. Jain. lst, 1803, up till date, Aug. 7tlt
1893, and that they have the books audited
and their report ready at next meeting of
oounoil and that they be paid the sural of
two dollars a day each, --Carried.
3ohustcn--Reid-That applietaaions for
treasurer be now received, -Carried.
,Alpplioations received were from Wm.
Little and Peter Clark.
Kuntz -Johnston -That Peter Clark be
appointed treasurer of the towuship of
Culross on his furnishing this commit bonds
and proper security for the falfillineut of
the duties of the office and that the treas-
urer's salary be at the ratl(of one hundred
dollars per aunnxr,-Carried.
Beid-Johuston-That By-law No, 7,
1898, be now react a first, second and third
time, passed, signed andsealed.-Carrie t
Johnston -Reid -That this .council do
now adjourn to meet again ou Saturday,
August 12th, 55 per minutes of council -
West Wawanosix.
Council :net on Auguse 12th. Members
all present. The minutes of primer meet-
ing were read and approved. The Trea-
surer's report showed a balance 'on hand,
August lst, of $356.16,
Moved by Mr Todd, seconded by Mr
Durniu, that the Reeve and Treasurer be
empowered to borrow 1.'600 for tw term of
three months -Carried:
The sum of six dollars was given to
purchase a railway ticket for Jasou Carsou,
au indigent, to enable him to go to his
Moved by Mr Gibson, eeccaded by Mr
Todd, that for the purpose of raisiug the
Messrs. Hall and Bremner have ro-
CuAs. BUTTON, Clerk.
Flow to Got a "Sunlight" 1Ploture.
Send 25 .;Sunlight" Soap wrappors(wrap-
per bearing the cords" \Vhy Does a Woman
Look Old Sooner Than a Mau") to Lever
Bros4 Ltd., 4$ Scott St„ Toronto, and you
will receive by post a pretty picture, free
from advertising, aid well•worth framing.
This is an easy way to decorate your home,
The soap is the best in the market and it
will only cost one cent postage to send in
the wrappers, if you leave the ends open.
Write your address carefully.
1 ower Wingiiaxn.
School opened here on Monday last,
with an atteudanco of 50 pupils.
Mr. Elford has had a well sunk in his
lot bore.
Mr. Thomas Nettertield is quite ill at
Miss Mary Givens, or CGoderieh, is
visiting at Mr. Thomas Notterfiold's.
Wolk on the mill -darn has been com-
pleted, and the dam is one of the finest
now. •
Miss Wilson, of rotation, is visiting
relatives in and around here.
amounts necessary for County, Township Miss Sarah Green, who has been sick
and school purposes for the curreut year, I so long, is, we aro glad to say, all right
Mr. John C. Linklater, Principal of
(xanauoque Model School, has been
visitiug friends and relatives in and
around here, but returned borne on
Monday last.
Mr. T. A. Reid,of Forest 1Iode1 School,
is under the parental roof.
Miss Lily Dey returned to her duties
on Saturday last. Miss D. is principal
of Auburn Public School.
a county rate of 2 3.5 mills and a township
rate of 2 1-5 mills be levied on all of the
assessable property in the township; also
sufficient rates to raise the amounts re..
quirel for school purposes by the several
sections -Carried.
A petition from H. Smith and others re
water course was received and read.
Tie Reeve,Clerk and Messrs Durgin and
':'odd were empowered to accept the Col.
lector's bond if satisfactory.
The following checks were issued: Jacob
Miller, several jobs grading and gravelling,
;108.14;.Jacob eiiller, outtiug shill, south
boundary, 857.75; Jacob Miller, culvert
and gravel, eastern boundary and repair-
ing road, concession 5, 832; John Welsh,
brushing opposite lot 20, concessions 2 and
3,515; Jas McClusky, gravelling, concession
You need n't go to Florida, but take
Of Palre Norweg in Cod Liver
011 and H- Hypopliosphites.
!t w111 STi3E Twm wIUUt UJNEIS,
STOP THE ?ail, PSutt CHECK 1E all
WASTING DISEc`:rUL A remarkable
flesh producer and it is almost as Palat-
Milk. Ile tgna ins
pab!eut upas in salmon-colosureredo get ttratiroppetes.
Prepared only by Scott & 13owno, Belleville.
wnranAM, August 24, 1803
Corrected LV P. Deans, Produce Dealer.
Flour per 100 lbs, 8 1 70 to 1 fk3
Fall Wheat per bushel, to 0
Spring 58 to 00
Bars, 84 to 34
30 o 34
Pea,, 55 to $
Butter, tub 10 to 10
do Rolls, X5 to 10
Eggs per dol. 10 to 10
Wood per cord, 1 75 to 2 00
(lay per ton, old, 0 50 to 7 00
t>:ay per ton, now, 5 00 to 5 50
Potatoes, 00 to en
Wool • 18 to 22
Mr'. noel Mrs. Frank Carruthers have
returned from a visit to Miss Patton and
other friends in Dumfries, Galt, Ayr, &e.
It will be remembered that Miss Patton's
parents were accidentally killed by the
train at Plattsvillo but a short time ago,
1, $46 ; Jas. Mcolusky, gravelling, $34.50; and Mr. Carruthers being au old friend of
33 K Miller, part salary, 075; Jas Mc- the family, having wrpught for Mr.
Clunky, cutting bin, concessions 8 and 9, Patton for nine
330; Edward Bropby, gravel and damage, years before hewas
married, he tai naturally
$10 45; Janis Hoey,several jobs gravelling, requested to
8105.68; Mrs A. Wilson, gravel, 82.40; P
Welsh, gravel and damage, $5.06; John
Craig, grant to Janon Carson, railway f: re,
"30; John Kilpatrick, gravelling and repair-
ing road,153.20; John Kilpatrick, gravell-
ing, less inspector's fees, $1,50, 518.10;
Toa Lott, brushing, gravelling and cul-
verts, 863; Thos° Anderson, cutting hill,
coucessious 6 attd 7, 330; Win McCrosta,
brushing, concession 11, 017; Jas Walker,
inspecting gravelling, $3; Geo Armstrong,
gravel and minding gap, $15.80; Thomas
Disher, plank, $3.23; Geo Bradford, mend-
ing scraper, $2.50; Dr 'McKay, examining
and certificate, James Barron, 35; James
Agnew, gravelling. 572.33; James Allan,
gravel, $4.60.
Council adjourned to meet on Saturday
October 14th.
R. K. Mn.asm, Clerk,
A special meeting of council was called
be the reeve for the purpose of appointing
a treasurer and for other matters couuect.
ed therewith.
Kuntz -Johnston-That the following
resolution be engrossed, signed by the
reeve and clerk, and forwarded to the
widow and family of our late treasurer, --
We, tbe tnuuicipal.couneil of the town-
ship of Culross, feeling the groat loss we
have sustained by the death of our late
treasurer, Samuel Kirkland, Esq., hereby
desire to express and record our deep
sense of the loss, and bean; testimony to the
lug his holidays under the parental roof, honesty, integrity and faithfulness to duty
of our late teeaourer as else t6 his ehristiau
and gentlemanly behaviour, ,cid to his
returned to continuo bis duties as teacher
in .London township.
to Agricultural College, Guelph,
the ('government appointed a Com-
a to take evidence and report in
atter:. From the evidence taken,
ale that I'rof. Shaw wished a free
to tun hits department of the farm,
t Ding uncier the President's in -
37, eons 8 and 9, 84 ; Messrs Taylor and Mr. Jas. Itirby, our enterprising car- friend, and we pray that God inlay console
• Wightman, building culvert, sideline 36 riage-maker,isbeautifyingtheappearance and sustaila them in their trouble,
and 37, con 8, 33.35; Messrs' Taylor and of his cottage by having it veneered with.
Wightman, ditching, grading and gravel- brick,.
ling at Belgrave, 830 Thos Tainan, The plasterers are busily engaged on
gravelling at lot 40, cons 4 and 5,8,40 ; Messrs, MoKee's rend .11all's new brick Mellae be anti are hereby appointed uudi-
Win. T. Noble, gravelling at lots 38, cons residences. These, when finiiihed, will tore to audit the late treasurer's books
Signed on behalf of the Council,
Jc sn.rzr Wnr.woou, Reeve.
Rei i.Mcli;ay-That Messrs Adamson aud
assist at the time of their deep affliction
Mr.'Carruthers reports the crops as be-
ing good in the sections he visited.
i3elgrav e.
Livingstone's foreman bad the misfor-
tune to saw off the end or his thumb.
Rev, W. J. Brandon, who has been
visiting at home for a few days, returned
on Wednesday last. He preached in
Belgravo Methodist Church last Sabbath
evening, giving a very good sermon.
Miss Bongougkh is 111 with inflamma-
tion of the throat, at her sister's Mrs. H.
Pearen, of Wingham.
Begs to intimate to his numerous cus-
tomers and othere that be intends
moving to the stand lately used
On a boot and shoe store
to make from sir, to 825 week in soiling our Hardy
Canadian Grown Nursery Stock. Highest Salaries
or Commission paid weekly. Complete °omen Fear,
Special instructions to beginners. Write this week
for terms to.
u, 0. GRAITAI,I, Nurseryman,
12t Toronto, Ont
World's Columbian Exposition.
The Goderich Horticultural Society have com-
pleted arrangements to Make an exhibition from the
county of Huron of plums, pears and enplcs at the
world's Colu••:bian Exposition. Alt exhibits packed
and expressed direct to Chicago from hero. Parties
wilt receive full credit for any exhibit they may
snake. All express or other charges for sending
from an v part of the county here will be paid at
this end.
Correspondence regarding number of specimens,
time for sending, &c., cheerfully answered by the
Secretary, President.
Goderioh, July 20, '03.
Voters' List, 11393. -Municipality,
of' the Town of Win lam,
County of Huron4,
Notice is hereby given that I have tratamitted or
delivered to the persons mentioned in sections n
and 6 of tho Ontario Voters' Li•ttAct 1850, the
copies required by slid sections to be so transmitted
or delivered of the list IntelitInnt to said Act,
of all persons appearing by the bast revised Assess-
ment Roll of tho said Municipality tit Elections for
members of the Legislative Assembly and at Muni.
eipal Elections; and that said list was Hest posted up
at my office at wingham en tho 5th day of
August, 1891. and remains there for inspection.
Electors are called on to examine the said list,
and if any omissions or other errors tare found
therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the
said ergots corrected according to law.
Clerk of Wingham,
Dated this 5611 day of August, 1803
Two Doors North of Post Office l
where will be found a large stock of
Mtilsical Instruments,
') Sewing Machines,
Washing Mach nes
and Wringers,
with all needed 'repairs.
Also a fall Minus of
Store will be opened on Saturday, .July
wanted at the Wingham Tannery.
$5.00 PER CORD
Will be paid on delivery.
Parties peeling 15 cords or over. can
deliver half in summer and balance in
winter, if desired, and sarno price will be
Wingham, Mtty 10th, 1803.
Money and Notes Lost or Stolen.
Lost oe stolen, ell Saturday, July 20th,
a largo leather pocket book containing about
330 in money and the following notes:
Ono note drawn by Thos. Coultes iu favor
of Hugh Ross, for $400, 3175 had been paid
ou tine note and endorsed on back of same;
one note drawn by Olbert Hughes, in favor
of Hugh Rose, for 8200, duo ou of about
20th March, 1891; one note drawn by N. J.
Kerswell, in favor of Hush Bless, for 350,
due 00 or about August 26t11,1803; one note
drown by Alex. Muss, in favor of Hugh
Ross, for $77t1, due on the 15th of August,
1893. The public . are hereby cautioned
etgaiust negotiating any of above notes,
as payments have beet* stopped. Any
one giving Ruch ininrinetion as will lead to
the recovery of the above property will be
suitably rewarded.
Bluevale, August lst, 1893. 3l,
To represent us in the sale of a 01101(0 line rff
imago (UNMAN Glto8x Sro,a. txpe•icnee not
ne.essary, We avant real workers and to all such
we offer a poruaanert situation ata good income
with chance of advancement. A9 we now hire over
nen mau'tnsnpr for adven taees e'tWe glen d 1 sire to
stento a geed roan In your district toed' the l3o'r/av
Pump, for whiter we have the Tloneral Agency This
is something new and indispensable to the tanner
CUMMINGS. "fruit grower, Send for terms and testimonial
Wingham, July 28th, '03. Gin. 9T
CNfd & tVgt1,1:1GTON, Nuraerynxm,.
Toronto, bet