The Wingham Times, 1893-08-11, Page 5Beenesele. eereWedneieley of led week, therit of Aunieeboloved wife of Alex. Stewart, took its'Alght. Her decease was (not ma. •expeote(las she had been failing widly for a f °volleys. Mrs. Stewart was :1 born at Glengarry and was united in marriage Ito her liOr bereft husband 23 years ago. Her maiden namo was Annie Fern rgueo L She was a sister to Rev. J, Ferguson, if ormeelye pastor of Melville .church, .Brusselse 2 sons and 1 daughter aro left to remeniter the life and kindnetie of an „affectionete mother. The deceased had been. illoince last Fobruary, heoailment .being (biopsy, caused by failure of the heart. :..She was a consistent •Chwietian -aud for.,rrany years was a faithful. -Lewin- bee •of the Presbyterian church The Canadian Foresters' Detnonstra- tion•willsbe held at Brussels toeLee year. ,We „judge the Foresters of Ernssels lwrongly,if. they don't make the clemon. estration.the best on recome-Post. Teneatalls are being erected ..iby the 33russeis Driving Park Association on lo ithe.groads for the accoatioodation or ,horsetnen. •Theiller mill was put ha ,operations ithissweek. On Tueeclay morning of iaet seweek, EdwarciNtireoe, an old and esell,lenown :resident thee Brussels, entered into.rest, .eged .62 ,oars, 2 months and 2.1. ,days. 'The ,deeearecl had boon poorly ,for. several ;Tears Nab occasional bad earttiteks of ,bronebial, asthma and that evithelaoart tfeilure.sttepped the brittle terieacha life (and,he epareed away as peseefullyeac a lobiagoieg to sleep. Mr. ValiC00:Letras ;bora, Go,tnwall, England, andeameeto Amerleaenthe spring a 1851esettliegen the-S"tate.ef Pennsylvania. Iffeeefterevaed nternoveid,tOtBowmanville, whose dieswas ,united, an ane.rriage to Elizabebboliaddere inM t1863. Toy lived at St. aeys .and Hur.purheyenrevio us to their f eomiag.to Enuseeliet25eyears IWO last Mrs. Varooe ,died.. about 8 years age. ,Four senetand. three daughters are Ilieriegethe 4tris.and etlee eldest son melding esin • Elinuseels. Tla.T.D,DeVre. Mr. John Powell, barrister, of De. trait, is spentlicg somo holidays with relatives here. Brice Young, a well.known farmer residing on the -,boundary of llowlok and Turnberrypacet with a penile, accident one vlay last week, white ;cold. The best shippers brought 4t cutting fall wheat the seat of the bind.;to gc per lb„ very few going at the', er broke and ibis fall backwardillatter price; a number of very good pulled on tho!lines causing the borne irstook sold at 4; grass-fed Shippers' to book up. ES body was badly 1 are quoted at 31:c to 4; cows sold at' doubled up with..by the maehine put f-580 to $45 eauti, and calves at ,$.1.to ing him against the ground and t le wonder is that lie was not killed. Another of 4furon'e honored plot... neers in the pereen of Mrs.Joseph Hige: gins, departed. this life on. Friday week, Mrs, Higgins had enjoyed ere.. cellent h te WednesdaY: she was siezedsowith apoplexy, and im:1 East Baal°, N. Y., Aug. ere SO* lietteleets. Toronto, Aug. 8, -The receipt of aislo stoolc at the local cattic market today were large, there being SOilie ,ff 00 loads. The demand was slack, owing to tho lower prices in Briteio, end a number of loads remitted up- .-$7 each; the hest hoteliers' cattle sold at 3to to no per 14; medium at .31c to 13-.1c and interior at 2-1ke to 36. Sheep are also %/Pry doll, with sales at $3 to .$4 each; end lambs bring $2.50 to $B-- 50 each. Hoge -Dull and not wanted; Lthe best sell at 51Q to 6c and itiferior morning preeeding her death, when !to medium at 5ilfc to ne. a few hours became unconscious, and. seemed just ,to sleep away, having, apparently suffered not one pang. SIo was 69 years,of.:age, and came to Can- ada about 40 years ago, when sile. came to Statiley, and, with her laree, husband, settledon alarm near Bruce-, tie -Fourteen cars on Sale: dull; good co the hest cattle, $4,2.5 to 4.75; tom :00n grades dull. o Sheep and lainto-Four cars on 'sale; dull; 100 to 15e* lower; fair tto good 70 to 74.pound lambs sold at$5,- t.15 and 55 to 65 -pounds lots at pm field, on which he continued to re -e„ „ to $4, there being a Nettle differenceem side until her ',death. The deeeeeeu4l.fare to strictly good fat lots; fairsheep was a cousin ,ofillessrs. Elijah, Joseph,1 brought $3,25; to $3.40; fr,Ood mixed and Themes Higgins, of this towasitie4,e i ota, $3,75 to $4.25, and prime, heavy el..export wethers are quotable at .4.,4.50 How to Get ,n,....liEuriligrit" Picture- 84.75, Send 25 "Saullight"Soap wrappers(wrap-F. per bearing the wordo" Why Does a W mato, Look Old Sooner Wkau s hia.n") to Levee' Bros., Ltd.,12 Scott St,, Toronto, imd you will receive by .postita, pretty picture, free from adverdsing,atiiti well worth frantiag.t This is au eiwy wiwato decorate your liome.1 The soap is tne 'bosh in the market tied it; will only cost oue,emit postage to send in; the wrappers, if iyowleave the ends open.: Write your .aadness.earefully. --- 1,113,1711r/ITel• ts,ken by local packeee:ats$5.S5 eels -.- The TiessevIats of Listowel weld ;Ago the outside rice 'being paid ger "excurt" to Niagara Falb' on limpet, the lightest tote; rove& einde$,Itto:fle, 25t1i. :50; stags, $3 to $3.50. Prof. Robertson,' , Dominion Dairy Commissioner attetedecl the cheese +faille Montreal, Actg. 7 -Where mere at Listowel last .weolc and addreseedi about 500 head of lent ober' ,cattle, the Boatel in mieference to peeteeseesgi flop calves and 4660 okeep .andlaince • ofsered at the Hest Lied Abattoir ,:tee dao. Trade was dna, itAi prieee eeseen Thursday, bat 'lower .thati,.en, Ilast. Monday. The emit .butchers'ecatel ale Sold at about •itie per 'Ile, etude& few .sh ipping steers at tfrom:eket ,toiecs ttheteleaner beaste .estel hared ilooking,bullat iii eribout 2.,1 per ih. lloisTrorrable that a good many tattle \will the 'hale .even.for another market. 1.Calseesevel4 Hogs -There were abolit le Loads 'all told on sale, the bulled which iwere Odle late arrivals of yesterclaeo dee ima.rkets was lower by folly 2,56040c per cwt., at which ,decliane were•sold 'by noon; Yorkers, good to-choiee, gen. orally brought $6; mixed lsogs, Ste5i..50 bies $5.90, which took in ,considenable lieht.w eights .of 170 to ,p4udcls; fairly good heavy keel ,irnedenine ,were h cal . ee Ex moon - cheese for t ,e ac,a4.0 p aViroxeter- . ,. 1 • Owing to a wareity of, water etresOe.1 liVeLeveristavored With a, homy ,eate watering has been eopipended meal hike 1 lost..Seturdayeeehich was very w.eicoado -dust has ate ownoweet way, to oke, after (theloog dry spell. It willeslortlee, great annoyance•of itradespeople wadi 000tero.ps.a..geeat deal of goa.d., ,.... the pubilic getatersaly.1,..1.14 case of Enel Tho,44d,Golto:a hotel has been Ltor the supply is etviti Oahe inadequtate and, Oowreneetnalteeeoom for the stew Llariek mould not last .ont,more than a half stristatnee.whiclesis being erectedeon Use hour's steady punspinge This is indeed site. • A etee2,.taxionyseepplieations ham Linen- zoceieteditor tale, principalship of ,our isehool„knotteleLveseent by the nesienation of Mr. Meore. -, teibis native lang-eIreeend-a ter a 1 ONE NJOYS. ..Botli the method and results -when f3yrnp of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, end. acts gentlyyet peomptlyon the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- -teini effectually, dispels colds, head- ; aclies.and fevers and cures habitual - constipation. Syrup of Figs is the • onto: remedy of its kind. ever pro- , th Iced, pleasing to the taste and. ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in itettetion and truly beneficial in its 148 Francis W offebes, prepared only from the most N half N2 Carling E 9 johnN heialayanclagreeablesubstances,its I many ex,cellent qualities commend .1 it to all and have made it the most .1 popular remedy known. 1 JOHN DICKSON, Treasure • Syrup of Figs is for sale ill 77,0 Ileresearee's,Office, Wingliern; June 23rd, 1893. bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who nay not 'I have; it on hand will procurer it ; proinptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA .FIG SYRUP U0 SAN rRANCIS00. CAL. TIWZA,..b-CrEVZIVS B.,a.L111' LANDS FOR TAXE Ontario 1 BY of a viral:reed issued by the Meyer, 1113 Town of Wiugharn, • Corporate Seal of the Town of Wiegliern, to um direeted, To W#: ) date the Twenty-third day of June, 1803, commauding me to upon and sell the lands mentioned in the following list, for arrears of tees clue t 1 hereby give notice that unless such arrears and all coste are sooner paid, 1 stall pr to sell said lands or so much thereof as limy be necessary for the payment of the aud. costs. thereon, at the Council Chamber, in the said Town of Wingham, on TUESDAY, the Third Day of °cider 1853 At the hour of TWO O'CLOCK ba the afternooa ; Quanity No. Street. Survey. of Land 23 Boland 5 Leet e4 Davis 1-5 acre Part 1 ,Josephine W Foley's 21 McIntosh N P. Fisher's 1-5, 22 " 46 1-5 23 L. 44 1-5 36 Scott S 0. T. Seottet 1-5 37 46 " 1.5 38 4.4 16 1-5 4 Victoria 5 E. Bower's 24 feet 5 44 44 24 feet Leet &McKay's, 1-5 Leet & Davis' 1-10 16 1-5 Taxes. Costs. Tot $ 3 26 5 1 75 5 5 0 47 67 6 50 54 11 72 425 15 8 00 2 60 10 8 00 260 10 11 72 423 15 9 6 00 2 60 8 6 00 2 60 4 80 4 80 16 07 142 175 31 6 00 2 60 86 if 1.5 669 280 0 2 40 2 40 5 10 7 7 21 I THE WHITEMAN PEA HARVESTER LOU ISII L.I.E. KY. NEW YOWL. A.:17- • Jade,- Davis, of Loniton, Mete titan The Best in the World heart disease at New Caeilt,, Quebee, on Satinet fiy. The L.egiLdei ive Assoini.ly of the/ Farr die following reasons: North West Territorie.: has 'wen suin-ll moiled te meet on the int. 11 llest-litlieiktuilt,entiredrof the best malleelde iron and steel. 2nd -i t re qui Aiex. 0,.ishoiiii, of N,.e. tres,holes to be drilled an Lcutter ;bin% 8n1 -It has no ro et the back to It . . purchased the Lei:sham go.11 Immo, au Hastings county, for :"..,:lt,i0(110.. Miss Wilson, only +laughter ,fof uh on cl- essible fit It -it has movalde clips, and can he set in inio WI, obstructions and cause.choistesg. 4th-lhe outside divider can be twee ;lowered atiteack or front, intlepierdent of lifters. 5th -It has no springs t of order. 4601 -Eta -et -Weer lies a guara stay, and breaking mom late Sir livutel ..all 'fooud i. branch of dili” Si:4,-1110 11 of Deactni-! essos 111 Peewit o, giVilig her omit irousf! up to them. The cameos of Wiarron haSkust,i)Seil, • VIOW to its olcorVor Omni, 'tongue of ;machine, if cutter bar ,drags hack. 8t3 -Each lifter Inclepend Lof ithe other and oan .raised or lowered in front, should rime er guards .Hant of dine. nusnlwr of tneelmies sold during the last seetom, ulales larae number of leading farmers of Ontario to testify to its merits, ;Emery anachine earrauted and given on test. Call and see satnple machine. itaEould be lost imeeekieno a remedy.. - iitit'fitir dernand, aced limes ,range , ItS a lOwit. aTlie eopilleteue ,„ eeseeeol Mr, Charels Wilson returaed au i dive/462.50 to O. Ifiretson ,critteri an increasesof 376 e.iee. • zee ereficeti',1 a serious state of •athierc, and no time, - ' Viet - sell at from $2.7P5 tto ;7-5i A disease e..v,Iiic 'II a to mRrs q-erlyl em in. has broken arat, .1114,./IL, : lie luoiosee in. kthe southere : parts of :.I.iii-n.Olo 4Lud; }Koppel. Soave woof ,onaltot t,kat t.he' (malady is "pint, ...e, ' where; safrther.0 oare no syniplows of tin.t cenaplatiaFt. i C. Slioeli,eii,.trict freight atel eme-', -eieng,er egeet oaf rile Canadian eat2iiic! . , (Wednesday from A two..monttre visit1;havefkieen decking in ioniee atel ;census Was Eta k e.bs,ence of twenty ,weers.etHe had most 1 osacheecr about 3o per lbe 'Iambs 434111 JaoIstsaore- • ert.frone $2.50 to $3.75., .er .e.boot4eLleei pl,ensant voyages bath .over and hack, in Onyniday forenoon last, the fine eceler„I ,i,aaa enjoyed oiresseseemascesele. y There perllb. 1, Fat hogs are declining outing heads :, place, owued he* wevo many changes On the twenty M. pniceeesnd sell at irons fie to1-e. per A.. flertniatee, and, operated by 3, re . Bores', weedeareed hex the ground. Hsw the tire origiustedAsse, mystery, but it was first discovered over ,the boiler. The loss %Mr. F. W. Hay hoe •heeth appointecl is a heavy ,one.to Mr. Hermiston, agile Dixigion Court Clerk sucees• had not lougelusieehad the mill overlieuled. sionLeo Mr. W. J. Haig, reisionee. and ;the latest.improvol machinery pat in.. yew, but he was eve:legend by bis uteliter, a brother sod sistr(r, who are stilleeesiding in the fillmeraid Isle. The lose is bereveee.344100 ausl ee,000,,aud. :Tdtet. Col. Enith, IL A..k,G., has the itesurauce .ouly tee.800. Mr. Hereniee transferred the milittery esseores itt ton will not reiheild. ' Luckocw to the charge LofiLitiest. Hugh .-----. lelereason, vice Capt. B. Gratiejeffries, ' West WA -immesh. Herbert Tyedele, of Iordeme, left for North Daketa„ where he intends to, remain tor a few enmities. Robert Jones, who•Lhas lived for light station, St. Mary s, a+4.114:4 WaS some tinao in Et ,Saginaw, is home' is tlie,Jouilding. The loss au tlao milt on a visit to triereds eu AVest Wawa- is e, et000sinsurance, $1,006. aogsor's sreiathese Markets. If..oNnoN. riosh, and it is reseortedLtleat he intends lees$.8e5W; uninsured. to persuade 0110 ,of sColborne's fair , Mis,s,J.esesie K. Munro, da.usehter of London, Arm. 5.-25 factories of - daughters to become inteavested in the George :Moor°, of PeterboroO, 4rho , Ler . ,. ed 5 905 booed July. Sales: 890 d ' 4 Uncle Sam. i boxes at 9 3-.8c and 435 boxes at 9 spews the paet live years in Japan .as a tuiesionery„ under the auspices,ef elle 5-16c. Women's Miesionary Society of Mae eetteowee. Metliedistohurch, has returned boine Lietowel, Aug.. 41 -At the cheese on a year's tfotiough. fair held here yeterday 33 factories boarded 9,282 befeee of cheese. The The eseventlil. at Turner's staticm 1 a pales were 60 hoireeeTune at 9c. and owned by Sewens and ' Thompson, I 'for July 30 boxes altinCi 400 at 91c; Teeswatett, and leased to j. A. Mac - fire 127 at 9e. Many or the larger fac- Arthur, was tetelly destroyed by on Saturday Morning, along with 70,. earies did not sell. Term It.aai,S. 000 feet of maple Bamber for flooring ; fold 35,000 feet of haemlock lumber, all Little Falls, N. Y., Aug. 7. -The reedy to load on care. The loss is a cheese market was fairto active and severe one, as there was no insurance somewhat irregular. fihtles were: - on the mill or lumber,. Loss, $4,000. 366 ‘oxes at 8c; 1,340 boxes at 81,c; The cause of the fire .was probably a 80 boxes at 8 3-8e; 3,320 boxes at 8c; spark lodging in the saw.dust pile. 880 boxes at 8 5-8c; 1,180 boxes at 81c; 360 boxes at 9c. Total sales, About two years ago tuberculosis 7,376 boxes and 510 boxee. on corn - broke out on the Domiation Experi- mission, also 838 boxes daisy at Sc to mental Farm, Ottawa, and six animals 0, Butter -94 packages ereamery were slitueletered. The disease is one '1'e' butter, 19e to 20e and 18 packages which it is difficult to eradicate, but it dairy butter at 180 to 200. was thought by Prof Saunders to be UTICA wiped out a year ago. It, however, broke out aftere aids and several Utica, N. Y., August 7 -The cheese animals have since been killed from market was fairly active to -day, with time to time. None of them died of the bulk sales at 8 1 Sc te 9, The the disease. Mr. Saunders is total sake Were :-800 boxes at 8 1-8e; - 840 boxes at 81e; 1,450 boxes at 81c; 3,070 boxes at 8 7.8c; 2,050 boxes et 96; 200 boxes at 9 1-8c; 80 boxes At flic; 1,470 boxes at 91c. , ..........4 •••••.•,•... Mr. John Davison, Q. C., of Goder. WI, died Tuesday of heart failure. rittsh Cattle ilt aeons. WM. GANNETT, AGENT, WING1HEA. iii enool, Aug. 7.-Tbe market as irt,Detroit, hoe jest retu.reed !brassie tifian those quoted last week. Bu -s- 'Japan, and thaelie 1. te e reosatnie.wille' r.....ieweople aye innlitstmioas d ;Ile ieed oteesesne: vf MOW; prices eating 1-$ to 1 lower! weaeher send several liolietays have' die wooni! ..cutantry. PI and ingenious, esti nese, .hadsbeen restritted by lilie a rose. Pleat'e what 111• Sheehy, also intetfe.red with trade. Receipts. of Ceciadisai and Utaited Stettes cattle! 'ISiva-0:71 brrlild1;14ej:::::Icirlvlo'1,A1,6.1 or i':,-:firilt:e) bitd_ have tbeen Oliight and home 'supplies, ,roacis and SOSainilIonts, and sell ticketa, rnodenate. ; Prices rule as fo lame toe. Altogether at is one of the west I, .thvornill owned by Nesse? Weir steers.ille',good to choice la -go• poor' `chavi"i"^ Ph'ef'8ile "vt''' had rile good! , e " ee.,signed. . $4.80 to the -2 Finest" ' fiale ,doetroyed t(ealPtdoltedwae On (.1;ttlesday evenine • inedieten infeeior and thull 8,3\1. ' ' .fortune to see to sis tiNcire and L. H. Itreeesee'e eelectrie 1 Ellen Straughau, eldeet ;daughter of Thos, Stratighan, ofter.e, protracted illness, died on Friday eseenieg. On Saturday a large concourse eef friends .followed the remains to the ,Westfield seemetery for interment. Clinton. ,Mx. A. H. Nlanning is improsing in thealth, and is now able to drive out. he appea1of the 13e1( Telephone dOceopariy against their persona,' poi.. petty assessment has been decided by Judge Toms against the company. 'Mr. W. Mitchell, driver for ilitoisrs. NI3Murchie & Co., while nut drtvioe. on Wednesday last was thrown from his 'Agee by tire team running away and had the rnisfertune to get his lee broken, Pit. J Menarchie, who Was with him, escaped with a slight oat on bis face. Howlett. The many friends of Rev. Freeman Harding will be sorry to hear of his death at Kamloops, fl. 0., ou the 14th of july. HA was Within a few days of being 51 years of age, and went now experimenting watt' a view wost some few years ago for the bene. to finding out the beet method for dis- t of his Wife's health, who died a on year ago. Mr. Harding was for make a report on elle wit° CuuJ covering the disease, so that farmers tnay able to apply the rotnedy be. fore it gots too great a bola. Fte will yeare rector of TO nity Cliereb, Mit- ellen, was to student at Huron. Ool ege Ato wag universally ro.spected. shortly, nOrwmieenTryrffeaanoroter _ HYSPELIAL ROYAL APPDINTMENT Wash Day AND No Step IN THE House HOW' ASsi'D the work ,ao cut down ithat a young girl oralolicate woman .can do a family washing withoa being tired. NO HEAVY litollEo TO LIFT You Say: BY USING Ii SOAP 40e°Pcling to Easy DireetP1V3 Put &aide you:: own ideal next wash-aay and try the easy, olean, "swam/AT" way. DorLet another wadi -day go by without J. trying it. 'TWELVE SPECIAL REDUCTIONS I@ to 20 per Cent. ductionen all SUMER PRINTS. FANCY l'ARASOLS at ictus 1 COST PRICE. Black and Ooloredl GLOVES in Lisle, Taffeta and Silk at a reduction of 20 PER CENT. .121101111/IIMHNIMIMMI• The halftime ,of our stook of Summer DRESS GOODS away below cost. A LADY'S FINE DONGOLA. KIP St-IOE. I,. ci need from $1.75 to 1.25. SHOT SURAE -TS and FANCY SPOT SILKS for Blousing and Tiini- wings et greatly re- duced prices. smaleam.......1••••• Pere Linen TOWELS reduced to 5c. each. Pure Table Linens from 20c., upward. Lalai.....111101111010.16111110,••••=g1.....1 .6salla",....atmegremsadmia Tweed and W Toted, Suiting and Panting ninciti to order at 15 to 20 per cent. less than any other house in town. 200 Flats fur 11lei. and Boys. No two alike. From 40c., up• wards, worth from $2 to $3 Fully half of actual cost priee, 11111111.02.....M111111M.........ONIMNICS•66.1611=3.101 RIBBONS and LACES. at lower prices than any other place in town. All sizes in Mou's and. Boys' Fancy SUMMER, SHIRTS at cost and less. ?iluslitis and Curtain Netts will be cleared out at lees that, cost previous to stock -tak- ing. PATTERSON WA. '.$) MAKER AND tIEWELIIER, 31E-1131LINT, CtiNfir 1 heve 1st receive 'a full supply'of Christmas gore's, consisting of WATCHES, OCKS, SILVERWARE end Jewellery all kinds se d latest designs. cm; Till Christm BIG BARG IN Fro All goods beught cash and me Oen sell as cheap at the cheapest cheat*. \ Repairing rromp Done wild Sati,faction Guntnitt call. M PATTEESO