The Wingham Times, 1893-08-11, Page 3W. -C... T. U. COLUMN, •(;i0N1t.-`r.Z P.. l3X TUB WISOlfAM uftANC114 "leo)' ;God amt Ilcnlie and Native Land." Well ealhtho attention, of the mothers ash} staters to the fact, . that the Woman's Christian Tea+t:er- .,anec Union tenets every Monday la three o'clock • sharp, fgrare,hour, at Mrs. Holm's residence, Pat, I'M; 5Ve hotel week tl ly ll ladiesgi spelat mootin;,oton the last hMonday..of every mouth, except when othoraisre • advertiseth,'to„which meeting we invite the public generally As the Ift?ttor has kindly given us part of his -spade: for any work, we ask friends of the cause to send,iteinamt.anterest on all moral questions of the ,lav to anpar ,our members. Mong.r. -r-License as •a Moans of Restraint is one of those things no ifellow•oan understand. Look!! ,+See your boy as lie turns into these death -dealing places. the liquor saloons—on his way from work. :ileo bile as .he turns in again at night, 441 See hitn,as ht•turns out at midnight, stupefied, dazed, maddened, ready for any,orinee, etiger for violence, and, ;gaerhaps,beforoMm sun rises, hearing the ,utark of Cain on his brow. You stand •within the shadow of the gel - lows, and .yon shudder as you hear his last w.,rcts, eLiquor brought me here.” What matters. your• cry of auauish, "My son, zny son ! Would to God I could leave died for yon ?" You helped to brio; .hiasi there. You voted to keep the 1plaees open where he could ?' bring his .fearful doom upon himself. You etre ,a :canaenting party. You were .otee of theeeigners of his death warrant. 1C,hristiau„ patriots, fathers, mothers., •ea)i.'t:y.ou,see it ? Won't you see how :this applies , to you ?—Dom- orest's 'The CGreattatioasure. At the annual council of the British 'Vornau'a Liberal Federation,tlee coun- tess of Aberdeen t,in ,the chair and pearly MO delegates•present, a resolu- tion"''lelootntittg the•Gove nment's local vet 14111 w.as,unaruimonsly adopted, with atvssels. an ire' • y xeter- THE WING AM TIRES S, AUGUST 1L, 1893, trying to sell. Ire bought a copy, and 1 among. other passages ,read the story of the rich your" loan who made the peat ,refusal. He went to a oris` eiotaary and said to hie:, ,that roust aI do to be a tfhristain'? Must it'give up the larewory'a Yes, was the reply,(, Well, It will give item, hecauee I could-' not follow that man n1 love and keep:: it. fila gave it up, Belied hundreds, of barrels of sack.. He ,did 'not sell theta and build cllwreheal aandschools' with the nroe©ede, as she ,orthodoxy British philanthropist weultl..li'kely do, and would most .probably•be,beatified: 1 for doing, He pulled out ,the ,stoppers! and let it run. And lto,day., with a glad heart and a lighter .purse, he is, following in the .footsteps of'him who: pleased not himself., and ewho went;: about doing good. One is almost sad-' dened at hearing of saint loyalty to; conscience, et the thought -that the; freshness of Christian love, that the expulsive power of a new affeetion,bas been brushed off in the other' churches. But she is also encouraged at the thought that what Cod eando:in Japan he can do at home, Sumner Wealaueca And that tired feeling, loss of appetite and , neryous prostration are driven away by Hood's Sarsaparilla, litre miet before the, morning sun. To realise the benefit of this great medicine, give it a trial and you will join the army of entbusiaetic admirers: of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Sure, efficient, easy—Prue.oav's Pre. They should be in every traveller's grip and every family medicine chest. 25e. a box. Valuable Advice. Everyone should know that it is dangerous to ask doctor's or a law. yer's advice, even ,in the meat casual and public manner, uaales.s one expects. to pay for it. There is a well-authen• Limited story of a •t,nan in New York who chanced to remarkto a eclleabrated physician once: Doctor, have you auy sure'Iucans of , ! vent sea sickness" ertainly, said the:doctor. Vltitt is it? 'tay on shore, said the plaverician, sent flip marl hie bill. nother gentleman who was:are;ale- nariau,tuet 'l doctor of his acionain• e on the street •ofle day. )oetor, said he, l'eaglad I mettrjou. I'm s you know, o weak thattithe t bit of walking .on these ,peve- lits tires isle all 1'ut, what do jou lek I had better �ta'lee:? ar A horse c, [ gaesa,:,said the doctorstay. And he, son, .sent in a little tnorandoaa of the .annonnt duetfir tyro : o, /no /n �ilTleewere'.faia red with a heavy ,xaau i i to'1a>&t:f3sttlrclayeilyhich was very luelnorz{Q is' afiter tthe „loi,IA dry spell. It will.,clo,.teee4 th hrooteeneps.a`gc at deal of good. tb'; T1ta.oldt Gotten. hotel has been. :toFiai frig dorvmtto,,>nalteectoom for the new ,.briok rt strueetnee.•w'b.ioluis being ereetedron its lol site. we, A gir7razttynanygapplications haaae .been Tok.1 receistatlt`or ,the, principalship ,ol' ,our e 0sehoeioneade'•uaaAnt by the resianation. n, sof Mr- .t?.'iO,Ore. illi Biatnaore • Lc� n Friday .forenoon last, the fame sellers wise prescription.inlsehlev'U a ,.;rC '�: .de..a ,A,,...a rr lfr.' been e11COtnIh'terred. cShe.hetlieved that Rari` ell'sP,randhial13a1een�Fililcureauy,Ottutit Cold S is t tauchlti. or Asthma. the enfranthieement,af entomeu would be a material dael.p ,to the ;cause of temperance, bet the ,pteoposal to put power into the bands of elle people to close the liquoi .aliops,was ,,und.oubted- 1y the greatest reform. A. saloon -keeper„ who ,badie, very pleasant garden ,attaohed ,10 .his was as ranch a luno. ed d u u, e.ount y u s,e of the constant depredations therein of a number of hays 'brtlong,ing ,Ito a prohlbitionist w!u lived ,rear,b y .t One day he carne to this neighbor with a scowl upon his face and .said: eiEee here, sir ! those pig.s.of eyours arq;.n illy garden again destreeving even;. thine, and I want to give yeeu warning that I'm going to shoot the ,.whop: t outfit of 'em if you— :But, xreyl, "',good sir, cried the probib,iti©nist,, tint( is very unneighborly oaf your ,partJ, 'ify hogs may be in your garden, butit; ;assure you, sir, they council; do ,allyl' !harm. ' I've got 'em all theoroughly; iregulated. Give yourself no anxiety,, lI pray you 1 What do you mean ? tI• tele you they are rooting up everything! roared the saloon -man, madder than ever. It can't be possible, ray good ,r„aitlnoly replied the prohibitionist, come ;till I show yon. Together they went Oto the garden and there the owner ,of the hogs pointed out that 7 each of eche animals bad been branded with theaiaunicipal coat of arms. But what's that got to do with it! demand- ed the other. Does that brand pre- vent 'em from destroying toy fruit and $ewers ? Weil, replied the hog -owner, it ought to, at least as much as the Municipal License you hold prevents your saloon front destroying my boys ! * A few years ago there was a Budd- hist festival in the Japanese city at Tokio. Gospels were exhibited for Bale outside the precincts of the temple court by a colporteur, employed by the vflritish and Foreign Bible Society. )i3.e was badly beaten and 'gent away from the'plaoe. ,A rich young man, possessed of a brewery of great value whioh had Come : down from father to sot for generations, said to himself : Why shel)ld any religion he uncivil 1 and resort to persecution ? 1 shall see lvl)et is that 10)1$ till" Poor mu) way Besides the ocean greyhounds there are many other barks ,an the sea. — Pittsburgh Telegraph. William ' Royal ifllown Rereasd,v, mreatest curosst earth, guaranteed tar cure genelrral'l;xt•vous Debelity ,1 ltheumatic:11, Neunr,kl}a Parairtsis,,,t•+e. That new suis, of canebrake's is perfect poem isn't it? Yee., the calls lit an Owed to hie 'Tailor.' English Spavitc ;Liniment memoves all hard, soft. ,or callc,r,sed Lurrn•ps land .B1ena is" hes from. horses, Blood .ds;pwvin, C`urbq, Splints, Ming B(i•tere p g Sweeua;;, Stifiea;, Sprains, Sore.and swollen Thrn,ut, Uouglis, etc. Save 1:5O by use of one tbat le. War- rauted by Ciaisholm'srdrug stmaie. A. divine announced to his fleck buriday that Amens were nil !nicht Co the proper tune, but that theyte,{irl not rattle in the collection basket„ RnSUSIATISM ,Costae 137 A DAs.Soutll American Rheumatic Cure of Rhen'rratisirr and Neuralgia radically mires in it to 3 days. Its action upon ti1te systerai as re veritable and mysterious. It removes at ,q:lce the cause of the diseacae tmmediritely disappears. The first dog: greatly bone- lita. 75 cents. Warranted at Chisholsa's dtr.ig store. if the whole sum of human life no small part is that Mich consists of s. mane's relation to his country, and his feelingg concerning it. --Gladstone. Bebe?.ce Wilkineou, of Browusvalley Ind., stn's: "I had been in a dietresse, condition, for three years frorn Nervoud nese, Wetilcuess of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health was gene. 1 had been doctoring constantly without relief. 1 beeught one bottle of South Am- erica. Nervi,ue, which done me more good than any $56 avortb of doctoring 1 ever did in my life. d. would advise every weakly person to use ,this valuable and lovely rem- edy." A trial bottle will convince you, Warranted ttt,eiisholm's drug; store. Through every rift of discovery sornei seeming anomaly drops out of darkness and fails as a golden link into The great chant of order,— E. II, 1 Chapin, The worst FormI. SPONGE. ()u ii.—Sift and dry in oven nun Sing, —About three years ago I was' a quarter of a pound of flour. Mean - troubled with dyspepsia in its worst form, I while; beat the yellca of, seven eggs neither food nor medicine would stay on 1 very Tight and add hell a pound of my atometmh, and it seemed impossible to polvtlered sugar, the strained Juice told get relief, Finally I took one bottle of B.1 flip grated viol of lemon, the floor and B. I3, and one bo; of Burdock Pills, and last) the beaten whites. hake in a they cured me completely, y Mac. S. B. Bugg, F,,l ida)a, anA. moderate oven. hat is ,•4Jastori tis Dr. Samuel:Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither 4,pitane, ZOI[orp1tiae nor other' Narcotic substance. It is a .harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops,' Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty "years' use by 1y1[illio ig ofMothcre.';Castoria destroys Worms and ailay i 'feverishness. Castatia;, prevents vomit -in Sour Curd, cures :Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Das toric relieves ',teetbing'tronblos, cures constipation .rend flatulency. 'Castori;a:.assimilates 'the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Casco f ori:t;, it4t'-lo :Cltildreaisfs Panacea—the Mother's Friend. "" 'east^ria is as micelle:t inedicina- for chil• ¢'siren. Mother; have repeatedly tole%xaxo or its ;,.good eacet upnn..their children." D,^.. G. 0.'OscooD, Lowell, Mas:. ."'Cnntnrials -tune.: st remedy for children of ',;1vL•iela 1;::at acquainted. I hope the any 13 not far d'nt'ty'-tenanttheray.111considerthereal r intercot hf their dlifl,lren, and use Castoria in- , :stead Of thovariouvrquacknostrumsivhiehcro detro,'rin; Hieit• }mind ones, by foroirle.vpium, r.rnodphinc, soothip .atyrup and otiter-hurtful u,agents' dowse their' throats, thcreb.,.s'andiug tat:nem.tQ, prelxi R>:urozza. avec." Da. J. )!'. Srraesa.os, Conzra�, A' i' 0iho•'6Jetttz to ' Company; , a 'torta. " Cnstot io`ri3• oo well adapted to children thaw I recommend itrssuperiorloamy prescription known to.xuii:" II. A.. M. D., aS7, -tact' Or.ford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Our lilysicia.n s in rho children's depart- ment have *spoken highly of their e :peri• cnco in thclr..outsido pr:.etico +,•.ta e;a.aor)a. trod e.lthoutj;h" O only have among n• •• medical nupplies what is known as re;ru:.: producrs,•yet we aro freo to confess that tke merits dfklastoria has wen us to look with favor u,to tzf:" Ux:,:,.tialosrlrAL AND DitiP1:Ne6a7, Boston, Mass. Aux,: C.:Baal-4f/ •Pros., Bsnrray Stroolt; Blow YorIr City. , rCre.,,�`1•`A:'ti".i,".rk.°. ,, :itifetti5.00S:.+' :. e .. Rv zyclif:, . She':;:Tosilg:the Hint. Customer: How much are these trou,ers going to cost tee? Tailor Ateegood olds i Preeleyterean w,o.tnaasn in , 11+''olrne3ry.street,h,ad.E tramp millet last' Twenty-tweedollars, sir. How neatly pockets der you wear in Clint',. Gusto - Friday :'and she generously .soteileea°ore mer: None. eI won't need any peeeketa .lui,meteglass offimilkf,,I;lenty of tebread ; after I've paid for the trousers. and,c;.piece of epics. '11The tiaetap e.sat I Itch on ;lumen and horses and ail ani- mals :.and loo lred,atril• for sortnp'etiiiale, malscuredhi 3O minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Weir.' Mdclam,- he..saidwthout touching ranted at Chisholm's drug store. i t aseeyou a neemberrs9" any eleuroh ? ' -- __� aSlberthought tie • wee going teta,sk,a : THE LAK'Eylf;OU'�E.'i'O THE WORLD'S Palk iflklssLl VIA PICTUREQUE MACKiNAC. Yea, ,she replied,t learn a Presley,trtr. inn. Avoid ;heat. .and dust by traxreling , on the Finatin' F,alaces of the Detroit -8c 1atme glad to hear t'th,at, rnadsus ,,,fer I Cleveland :'Steam:Navigation Company. I am •alefi'resbyteerian iia :self. i Two new steel- passenger steamers leave Yee .ahe repii-ed,,eno't;JenoWing oilian' just been iixiiatfor 'thmute., elseto• say 1 costing$3001000 eaeh:, and are guaranis d 1 to be the ,grandest,: largest, safest and Yes an:•idacn, if'ewnnttt n, as he ,eyed •fastest steamers, ea -the Lakes; speed 200 the food . critica1l'iy, aara I believe -1AS 7'n tiles per hs4s ,:•running time betwzen Presleytteti.aus don'It,.o4ijert to Hafii)ag; 'leveland,'q]oledo.atid.Chicago lens Than ' ours. Eonri trips per week ootz meat cin) ridgy, dapsave't ,te•r0 hm:,na Them it • was eber.,tnd�k and lo'+il {`�oledo,Detrc!t,.,4lpei a, Mackinae,?cams- y ,key and Chicago. - Diiily trips be ;:xon spirit hoisted itself tirito wt"ath. and ehe ieDetroit and aClevelafid . during July scan next minute the tramp was . etee[e?ei.ugustdoullle:rlfLilyrservicewillbein ;u_; kl toward ,theegate witea • tl>:e dog afr,er '.fined, giving;a iiaylig}zt ride across li himo j .ie. Daily service''between Clcvc'rr,c: I ; tl!1I equipment,,t3ie'0 kuxury of tho appoint - GiANrLn, u t. A ri . E. interest i ,,melats makes akes teaPelin QRthesesteam steamers 'Itl.,e case o4 r .IU1C0 Af ,w,bwl] menti u thoroughly eajoy�ble.�end for illus - 1 soar trade du.aRelespatch ifroiai here last. hated pamphlet.:Address A. A. Schantz, ,n telt, rapia',lQy.irscreases ,as ,has improve-s.$tgs, - A., DetroitaiSleVeland Steam Nay. 'lrr:Out iu Ilaiuttli progre os. •a&s el, w.eei:e „ Detroit, hiMale. amen should ,dq,.:Mr. Aluaeo ,dWtl not say -;l } uit thio;' ithdaml-+as trial of lt)odx's kidneytat G !pills for the-drgpsy whica ,itfl3Lcted him. tuttl' 1 he had ail that gated wo.ald result ' When , " Hen we s s rt�fish from their URC. ;Vett that k.e,liated satisfied himself and others of thiq ,beyond the shallow of a dciubt,fire is loud in !his praises of stile remedy. .Iu,e.uswer to itilleettquiries *tut .have pourtiQd an upon him about hasglli, &lr. Murt,ro•tf,uawers : °•'s an: better than it have beets for three yetrm,„and the otedlitis dun to IAodd'+s kidney pills!' His case and others n;roAta that theaae,pilis are, by ailed c]s, the most wonderful? mnetnedy of the aga. and u in -Bay. Firs class staterom r aecommodattons and -menu, and exceedl- , . Munr l (cam. ring?y low Round .TripeRates. The pa'.x• - I ome Note Receipts. OIioceta 'rc °ARR.-- ilex hall et'ocsp- 1 .fill of hotter with two cupfuls of light brown sugar; cream well and add two eggs laeaten withont separating and four egg;; yelks beaten smootda,, tlaree-quarters of a cupful of milk and lieur and leaking powder sufficient to make a batter; begin with two cupfuls of flour sifted with three level tea- poonfuls of baking powder; lastly, add three-quarters of a cupful of grated sweet chocolate and a teasp000uful of vanilla. For the filling, take the whites of the four eggs beaten to a froth and a cupful of the grated sweet ehocola}ee; melt the chocolate, thicken with a tenspoonful of corn- starch, told the whipped whites and powdered sugar to thicken; spread it between the layers. Dodd's wea .0 3+ r Kidney ;Pills ? lm Backache, ;t !t1)psy, Calk bago, Bright's Dis- ease„, heumatism<aili all other forms of Kidney Troubles, we are backed by the testimony of all who have used them. THEY CURE TO STAY CORED, By all dlreggeists.or mail on receipt,of •pile& go cents. Dr. L.A. Smith & Co., 'l'orontq. A Blessing to Every 3euseholcl HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND 01NTI [ These remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the bust i"arnily use, PI,l._.dLS Purify the blood, correct all disorders of the L4VIIR, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND DOW invaluable l,l all coieplalnts incidental to females of; all mIgn. 40.11 Y TIVI= .1N ,.I_ • Is the only reliable remedy fol• bad legs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds FOR er,oNC}IIT. THROATS, COUGHS, (IOLDS, GOUT, RY,EUMATISM, GLADULAIt SWELLINGS AND DISEASES IT IIAS NO NUM,. Manufactured only et 78, ;New Oxford. Late 53:1, Oxford Street, and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world, t Purhasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the addr not 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. WINGHAM MARBLE WORK MESSRS. SSRS. VAN .SL DICE BROS., of Kincardine have bought the Marble Business of Mr T T Watson, formerly carded on by W Smyth. Parties requiring work in their lino will do well by calling on them or seeing one of their agents bet purchasing. You will Lind our prices are away down, Our workmanship is unsurpassed. We will use n, but the very best stock and by square dealing hope to secure a linetal share of the public patronage. ltSr! T Watson, Wile has been running the business for the past year, will represent us on the road. Call ani see our stock and prices. VANSTONE 13ROS, 1Y1 CV OLL9S OILS ARE THE BEST Eh” MAC1�IiN E S LARDI M � wJ*' OIL 'OilA,1tP1ON GOLD MEDAL OlL OF THE DOMINION coir. C¥LINER. OIL will wear twice as long as any other make THE FINEST HIGH GRADE OILS ARE,. MANUFACTURED BY PCOLL :BROS. & CO.9 TORONTO, FOR SALE BY ALL THE LEAD(NJ DEALERS IN THE COUNTY. HALTED SCOTT' B NE: OF RAMI T , WINGHAM. r � � capital, $1,c�oU,000. Pest, $650,000.President—J ons STUART.Vice-President—A. G. RAnrsAy. Jnlrlline greet - - iv/110'11anl, lint, n. i! IEixis,'noq, ' 11', Scorn, OIount Sorest. Listowel I Deposits Receiver, and Interest allowed.. MVI'oaey Advanced to Farmers and Business i.Vien Cn ,brag or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col- lecting Accounts acid Notes. goats en Canada --'she Merchants' Banal. of Canada Office Hours—From 9 a. 1», to 5 p. m. A. E. SMITH, Agent. OW AN, CLRRR 3TIi DIy. COUnr, Co. HuxtON, AUCTIONE`SR, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Consussxoxra IN H. C. J., ETC. WnoxrTEII. O NT. DIRECTORS :EOM: PROCTOR, CUM. GURNEY. GEO ROAM, A. WOOD, A. 13. LED (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNi3ULr,. Savings Bank—Hours, 10 to 3 ; Saturdays, 1. Deposits of 51 and upwards received and inter allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. fIDrafts onu rcat 13 rotilr an d the United States and sold II. WILLSON, Amies• MEYER ez DICKINSON, Solicitors. ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumb er of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. oad G rCeas a SjEciaftyr li'OOD delivered to atiy part of \din; hams, well:e ashy ,mil promptly attends to GEORGII THOMSON, Box. 1.35, lvinghaul P. ' How many persons know that Ripans Tabules, now solargel y advertised and used. are simply th favorite prescription of their family doctor prepared in a scientific manner and a fi,rin convenient tiff hand. 1iit , conveyance, preservation and use ? In the great hospitals of the metropolitan cities, where the wealthy find better care than in their own luxurious homes,the ingredients of Ripans Tabules are administer- ed to thousands of rich and poor alike with beneficial effect, They are the main dependence Gf the most eminent physicians in eases of derangements of the digestive organs, such as dyspepsia,constipation, biliousness and other ills connected with the stomach, liver and bowels. For some years one of the principal hospitals in New York City has used a formula, differing slightly from the common one, that has been found of unusual efficacy. Through commendations of physicians its mission of healing has been so widely and rapidly extending that it finally seemed desirable to prepare the prescription ilia convenient form, so as to make it available to the whole public at a moderate price, and to ;announce the fart through the recognized medium for secul'ing publicity --advertisement in the columns of the newspapers of the land, This has been done, and now the time is not Tar distant when every family of intelligence will be as certain topossess a cupply r,E' l il.>;ltix Tabules as a clock or a cookie,., stove, They are already to 'be found on sale almost ever..- shere, and any elruYgiet of dealer will supply them. A. box, containing six vials is sold for 75 cents, y 1 and a gross package, ct)1htaLinin^ foto' boxes, fbl` $2. They will be sent by mail, post paid, to any address, on re• Wipt or price, by the li,illan.s Chemical Company, No. 10, Sp'i'nes St,, New York.