The Wingham Times, 1893-05-26, Page 8THE \ TINGI A 1 TIMES, MAY 29, 1893.
entre aisle, and con- putting Up a lar
ds fitly saokeu to fence for Mr. Jc
le side aisles. He The ice emit
leevale, where he held at Mr. J.
third time. Weretureed donee on Wedt
where 1)r, Hartley preached the auspices of t
of Westfield ch
cess, both lin
The prograneto
the weather wa
e good time
low fee of
uerrte, w o had preached in
oak tend i'lthel or his co -presbyter,
W, Lr'r11GOw.
e Travelling I)a
make bnttel, test milk and deliver
gement of milk and
cows, churning, work-
tter, etc., at the fol.
is county on the dates
Tuesday, June 6th;
y, J'nne 7th; Exeter,
i; Farquhar, Friday,
Monday, June 12th:
we 13tH; Varna, Wed-
Brucefield, Friday,
, Saturday, Juno 17th;
one 19th; Londesboro,
Walton, Wednesday,
Thursday, June 22nd;
23rd; Fordwich, Mont a son.
oxeter, Tuesday, Ju„ e MANNING—Iu CI
dnesday, June 28th; the wife of Mr. W
, Juno 29th. Each ter.
FAIR—In Clinton
wife of Mr. James
i ii M1NGTON—I n
lith inst., the wife
, TAYLon—In Eas
14th inst„ the wife
List wet. d l son.
The main buildngs of the Brei- wife ALI�—Ill Go
of Mr. Peter
PvBVEs—ln Blyt
thtuip sole leather tannery here was' I.
totally destroyed y fire an Jion:!tay13th, the wife o
et ening'. There about $12,000 son.
worth of leather it process of drying,
all of which was ,trued. Tiler Nae 1
also about $9,000 worth of leather in
the vats, the dam ge to which is not
ry from the Guelph
ill exhibit dairy uten-
s on the man
the feeding o
packing of b
places in t
ood, Wednesd
sday, June 13t
ne 9th, Hensel]
uioh, Tuesday, J
nesday, June 14tH
June 16th; Seafortl
Winthrop, Monday,
Tuesday, June 20tH
June 21st; Brussels,
Ethel, Friday,•June
day, June 26th; W
27th; Bluevale, W
Wingham, Thursd
meeting will com
The public are cord
these meetings. IS
will be bore in mind
a large attendance a
ow -
s, lin-
, made
ed and
geods, the
t the closest
our counters a
s remnants at half
hem early, at
scall wears our ties,
, collar and suspenders;
nature's laws she thus defies
r sweet eel she ungenders;
actually fla nts in view
Our shirt -frog s, I vow, sirs;
And theoretical , , too,
Attempts to i• -ar our trousers.
-There is an imp
any that a license
eceive or refuse to r
person whole he ma
wrong. So long as
ixL a proper mann
payment for the ac
the taverrekeeper is
he leas the axe=
the License Act . is
tavern shall be a w
tient eating hous
the house at any t
the'right to deman
fusal to supply
tavern -keeper to o
420 for each and e
Most of our
able than the
upon them.
W. 11, Hay,
mental Farm
Chicago, and s
cultural exhibl
e amount of etraight�
1u Bennett,
social, whish was
. McClinton's reel,.
sday evening, under
le Ladies' Airs Society
ren, was a grand sue,
naially and s'leially.
was •splendid and as
pleasant, all enjoyed
'lie proceeds at the very
cents amounted to
inst., the wife of
S.; a sen.
22ud inst., the W
isfortaues are support -
Minolta of cur friends
of the Central Experi.
off, leas returned from
ys the Canadian earl -
is the finest on the
ru; tN.
\Vinghaan, on the 20th
W. 13. 1 oDouald, L. D.
ence at 2 o'clock p. m.
ally invited to attend
e hope that the dates
and that there will be
East \Vawanonlr, ou the
fe of \Vw, Linelater, jr.;
ton, on the 21st lust.,
!ter Yenning ; a daugh-
known yet.
The etrnng win s again started fire
ession in the minds of at the Greithaupt ole leather tannery
tavern -keeper may about 3 this nhoru ng. The fire corn-
ceive as a guest any pany was again et lied out, and after
choose. This is very hated worl, the fi e a as once more
pian conductshimself under control, but not till the rolling r
house was comply
is now scarcely at
was, but a few de
and well equippe
in the Millers , ud
$9,000, mud in t
Mr. A El. Ni
leaves this mont
cute his medical
tats of London,.
continent. fir e
six or eight mon
practice of rnedi
Rev. C. 11. Philm
accepted a call t
Chesley, and will to
first of June.
Mr. "Dave" Hami
Hamilton, is serious
his arms atnputated
ed bone, but the tr
his bcdy and little h
of his recovery.
The Banner says Some of the staid
old members of Knox church were startled
by a solemn'Anseu' i toned by the choir at
the end of the belied
their heads very doub
vations. It was bad
of whussels •skredin
Lord's day, but its w
sich haverings as this
not appear to console
the alleged innovation
habit in seine of the
in Scotland and else w
r and pays or tenders
mmodation furnished
obliged to keep him if
odation. As for meals
rigid. Every licensed
11 -appointed and suffi-
and guests arriving at
me, night or day, have
refreshment, the re-
hich will subject the
victim of not less than
ery offence.
A Puny a d Fretful Baby.
This is now qu'te unnecessary L Like
many others, you may have your baby fat,
laughing and happy,*if you give it Scott'.
Emulsion. Babies take it like cream.
—The Grip Pri
are asking for to
the comic newspa
.ialong as Grip. Wi
' 'will of the paper
scription list and
for subscriptions,
and accounts due,
good -will of the G
ting and Publishing Co,
s for the purchase of
er we have all known so
h the name and good-
ro to be sold : the sub -
11 amounts outstanding
he advertising contracts
hereon, and the title and
ill Almanac. The date
up to which tende s will be received is May
L 31st,1803, and all information regarding
" "'t irculetion, adver ising, etc„ will be given
on application to 11 . Howell, at the Com-
paq's office, 201 .3 tad 203 Yonge St. Tor-
onto. This will no effect the other busi-
ness' of the Comps • , as all other depart-
ments will be conti ued in the premises
above mentioned.
-Here is a line o
is °pelf to the W. C.
organizations. 'Me
T. passed the followi
cent meeting :—"Whereas, late purchasing companied bymembel
on Saturday causes e ployers and employ- Clinton t`nc? Londesb
ees late hours, encr aching on the Sab•service on b"°day las
bath morning, Reso1 ed that we, as mem- fine turnout.
hers of the Collingwo. • Women's Chrirtian The band concert,
'.Temperance Union, p rchase nothing to be was not very vvell att
delivered after six 'clock on Saturday
programme progrwas given
evening, unless in cite of extreme neces- Nianimechlnau Yu
city, and will do all i + our power to induce nation to the council.
son has been appoints
his stead.
practical work which
T. U. and all church
Collingwood W. C. T.
C resolution at a re -
on the 23rd inst., the
s`air, jr.; a daughter.
est Wawanosh, ou the
.f Mr. W. Symington ;
Wawanosh, on the
f Mr. John Taylor; a
Itleat T'r—Kr
the Morniugton
Cemeron, Irwin
nosh. to Margo
the bride's paren
Ilev. W. F, I3ro
1•'ortune, to Mary
W itIen—IViews
the bride's father,
J. Galloway, Mr.
Tuckeramlth, to
daughter of Mr.
at the residence
the Rev. J. W, P
min L. King to 13
Mrs. Matthew
Q9 3
1I.u the 24th lust., at 11d�►
tanse, by the Rev. W. J•
Elliott. of East Wawa -
et 1 eitb, of Eitna town-
, ou the 8th fust, the
erves; a daughter. j
rie, on Saturday, May
Mr. Jae. tiVal1ter ; a
—At the residence of
1, on the Ord iust., by
•ulee, of Gorrie, fohu
Breen, both of Turn -
At the residence of
n the 17th inst., by Bev.
George H. White, of
Miss Ella F., second
Obert Willis, of Sea -
i a Morris, ou May 10th,
f the bride's mother, by display of.
ng, 131uevale, Mr. l3enjee
Ile, youngest daughter of
ibson, both of Morris
SPRING 1893.
QN & ''cIN�YR
Are now opening
Krapaeuecx—M xwer,a—At the residence
of air. C. I, Clap , brotheran-law to the
bride, Battle Cre •k, Mich., ou May 8th, by
Rev. W. D. Sim oda, Mr. Dece V. Kilpat,
rick to Miss Mag de, daughter of Mr. Jas.
Maxwell, of Bru•eels, Out.
in all the different departments o
their large trade that they have user
been able to place beforethe public.
up the finest
STeNson—In •rrie, ou May 17th, 1893,
Mr. John Stinso 1, aged 6.7 years, 3 mouths
and 21 days.
VANDRICE -It Wingham, ou the 23rd
instant, Isabe a, youngest daughter of
James and slimbed' Vaudrick, aged 4
Rern—In E st Wawanosh, on the 17th
lust, James R th, aged 67 years.
CARTER—In linton, on the 11th inst.,
Bubb, wife of Mr. George Carter, aged 78
FHANcocern Clinton. ou the 13th inst.,
Flora, wife o Mr. John Hancock, aged 79
r,¢ Haasrsan In Lower Wingham, on the
8th inst., joule Elenor, daughter of Mr.
David Hal toad, aged 7 years, 6 months
aud 8 days.
DUNOAN—In Turuberry, on the 18th icst.,
( William Duncan, aged 71. years, 6 months
and 6 days.
Your spring house cleaning always is. You are surprised to find
the carpets so much worn and the way the lace curtains have gone.
also proves a surprise to. Your counterpanes, sheets and linens, every-
thing, needs replenishing. We have made large purchases in all these
lines and can give you a genuine surprise in the way of variety and
•ly destroyed. There 1 prices.
ythin left of what
s ego, a very fine
tannery. Insured
Manufacturers for
Hartford for $3,000.
ol, B. A., M. D.,
for Europe to prose -
Utilise in the hospi-
diaburg, and on the
pieta to return after
1s and begin the
in town next
e, of this place, has
the Baptist ohurcU
e charge about the
ton, son of Mr.. David
y i11. He had one of
in account of diseas-
uble has extended to
es are entertained
tion. They shake
fully over such inno.
enough to hae a kist
i' the kirk ou the
r and waur to hae
It upon us.' It does
hem to be told the
as been a regul ar
ost orthodox kirks
G ode
Registrar Dickson i
after his severe illness
The Sons of Engian
.others to do the same. ;' There is little use
in finding fault with erchauts at not clos-
ing earlier on Satur•' y nights so long as
the buyers postpone th it purchases till the
last hour or two; a d then it is suck a
plansiblo exeuse for no a getting out to ser-
•veee riett morning ether they can say, "It
as midnight before I
1ttet night"
MY DaAa Trues,—At
'1 sad the pleasure of he
$f Cranbrook, for the
aclaecl what is known
!teatime sermnon," . pr
• solemn ordinane
To me this'
, seeing it is the and
his be done by the
time The simple
addressed the cetyl
words, followed h
eloreet way
The Httrtoey (Maui
W. M. Forbes, of M
Ontario an Wednes
t out of the store destination is White°
fie will be gone six w
die's,yesterday, `
able to be out again
of this place, ac -
of the Lodges in
ro, attended divine
There was a very
Friday evening last,
tided, buta splendid
ring lit. Mclthte, I
in Scotland as
liminary to the
of the Lord's
pr! a new depar-
vilttiug practice
e tendered 111$ resig-
Mr. Alfred Nichol.
nightwatchmatt in
A. special line of .American goods, 47i, 55 and 65 cents a yard.
They are always ahead of Canadian goods in both quality and price,
When they are gone we cannot repeat them owing to late tariff change.
111 tins urs, i Nd tl kat.: Mlishu
We have the best assortment in town. 16 yards of good artifitist
lin for"tent; dollar and butter lines at egiu lly low prices. Double 'tvit.Jh-
curtain nett in white. creast with taped edges from 10 to 40 cents a
yard. Lace vurrains from 45 cents to $S.00 a pair. Curtain
plete with tin gs and br aekets for 25 cents each. A line of carpet sweepers,
newest lltrtkt-s nod latest improvements; at low prices. Come to head-
quarters for r sprint!: house furnishings.
Is jnet it i'v attraetin'fe the attention of shrewd buyers. A good Print
at 5 and G cents a yard, a special case lot of regular 10 cent print at 7.
and 8 vents a rand. You cannot get as good value elsewhere.
AMEBA CNN SA'1'EENS, guaranteed fast colors at 11 and 13 acts.
1 a yard. l)t•laines and elm lies at all prices. Black and colored dress/goods
in all the new materials and shades.
Lafs. acid Goods' Boots and Shoes
In all prices and styles. A special line ofladies' fine shoes in buttoned and
lace at $1.25, worth $1.75.
Men's fine flannelette and sateen shirts in light or dark effects. Hats,
Ties, Gloves, Collars andCuffs for everybody. Ladies' undervests at
5 cts. each. Hose, 3 pairs for 25 cts. Pure sill ,ribben 3 yards for 10e.
Shirtings and Cottonadcs at mill prices.
We carry the largest selection of FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS
in the county.A car of corn to band this week of the following var-
ieties : Copton, Early Pride of the North, Learning Golden Beauty,
Canada Flint, Xing of the Earlies,Red Cob,,Mammoth Southern Sweet,
and Giant Prolific, Special. prices in large quantities. A11 hinds of
Clover and Grass seeds.
Hie lest ],rice paid.
Make all Sou can out of your money by spending it with -us.
obs) Star says. Mr.
nteith, started for
ay morning. His
ureb, Brno, county.
East W
firat time. He There was
teachers to Exeter
It has been rep
past that a weddi
somewhere about
Queen's birthday.
Niger of the a great secret, it
ritual over. Bfr. I imps not to give
unieauts in sMiss Edith Hie
33r. dolls.., ift Etarx.,
c'l,reseed the Nicholson Er
eneral exodus of
on .t'hursday.
rted for some weeks
g was to take place
lie Gth line on the
hut as it was to be
ouid be well per -
till particulars.
ry it visiting friends
of lldarrir, are
Come and see the beautiful
±GrQ S
in all the latest tints and textures that
the European and American markets
offer the Canadian trade.
We offer great attractions in every
All goods marked in plain figures
and, at cut prices. •
The Anchor House.
y.,:,.uMrroOMe �
Having hotiglht mit the Ambler Harness Business and started in his old stand,
am prepared tr, furnish the public with everything usually kept ib a ]farness shop
such as
11' ii I1'S, CURRY COMBS,
I make all my own Collars and guarantee eatiefaotion,
Give m trial and T wilt We you right.
GE •
Where do you buy your
60 pairs Women's Kid , Tie
Shoes, 90c., worth $1.25.
60 pats Women's Kid Tie
Shoes, $125, worth $1.50.
60pra.Worne .'s KidB liton.-
ed Shoes, $1.75, worth $2.25.
The above lines are reliable goods, from the
best makers. We :have the cheaper kinds too, $1
per pair. Our stock is now complete in Men's,
women's and Children's coarse and fine shoes.
Call and see them.
Respectfully yours,
H;0_ al_ =I1\17G-..
Tht= Popular
oat Store
We have this week opened out our exceedingly choice anti attractive
stock of
Latest styles, with
To match. GILTS, GLIMMtItS, grains, in white backs,
brown backs and "every other kind of backs. '
10 Per Cent. off all Wall
ers for Cash
Also large stock of WINDOW SHAD which we re selling
cheaper than ever.
Give ns a call and see for yourselves.
this 1
fiParr aro::