The Wingham Times, 1893-05-26, Page 2ta Dairy Products for the ra Oubenaleian Exposition,. tIr COMIUSSIONEE'S OFFICE, Ottawa, 28th April, 1893. tt been directed by the Honore Minister of Agrieulture to arrangements as may be ry to assist the dairymen of the en to make a truly representa- ertelitubie display of butter toe et the World's Columbian ian 'tt Chicago in 1893. fetrowing extracts from the 'be Department of A,gricul •he World's Columbian Exposi- , forth the particulars in refer - tier classes for Butter and eiette may bp exhibitors in any tioeu BUTTER. - • e THE WINGHAM TIMES, MAY 26, 1893, owe, herd, Exhibit to consist of one the butter or cheese will receive the eheese, weight to be not lees than BO beuefit of the doubt. pounds. (8) After the !wards have been Class 9. Pineeeple Cheese-Exhi- made at Chicago in each of the four m hit to consist of four cheese in one 'onths, the butte" or cheese whlcb. package. has won medals, or honorable mention 16. Cheddars and flats will each be will be arranged in Provincial groups,' where it will be used its may best set forth important facts pertaining to the dairy and general agricultural interests of the several Provinces of Canada. classified in two groups, viz., rime and colored, and will be separately judged. Chew, other than that mentioned ebove, offered for exhibit from the United States and Canada, and all cheese offered for exhibit from points outside of the United States and Canada, will be subject to such limitations and restrierions as to quality as may be decided upon by the Chief of the Department at the time application for space is made. 16. All cheese exhibited from the United States and Canada, known commercially as "American" and "Canadian" cheese, must be manu- factured of fall new -milk. 17. Cheese that has been cut,bored, or tried in any way, will not be admit- ted for exhibition. 18. All cheese wilt be divided into two classes, that made previous to the year 1893,and that made during the R&M! THE PULES OF THE year 1893, and will be judged on the PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, following points, the figures set op- posite each indicating the maximum patty products will be received ition only between the firper cent , the total of all such maxi- st th of the following months : mumsbeing September and October, I Flavor. Texture [ The arraneements of all datryColor i Salting k will be ander the eontrol of • Make up nartment. dxhibtts of butter will be classi-i Total 1 iimited, as follows: Canadian manufacturers of cheese 1. Dairy, -litter wade lid r on tire farm from a mixed 'should make numerous and excellent Exhibit to coesist of not moreexhibits in Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8. 'l 5 will admit cheese which are Paettatre, weight. to be not °lass u 10 nor more than 20 pounds. commonly known as Canadian Loaf or t 2. Dairy, -butter made by Truckle cheese, r on the term from a herd f Since all cheese will be divided into e two main classes, that madeprevious ed. Exhibit to consist of not ; ,,an one package, to the year 1893, any Canadian Ex- ' than 10 nor more than 20 weight to be I hibitor may enter cheese made during . 1893, as w11 as cheese made previous 3, Prints and farcy packinee to 1893, in every class in the exhibi- e r must Ire manufactured by' to be held during the four ti""' r. Exhibito occapy spao-e months of Jaue, July, September and t , eeding 18 inches square. TotalOctober.i of exhibit not to exceed 20 -- 1 Canadians should make excellent exhibits in all classes. 4. Creamery, -butter made i exhibitor from the milk of In order to afford intending, exhibi- tors every reasonable facility, I am ertls from cream separated e milk in the creamery where, permitted to make the following an- ter is madi'. Exhibit to cell- nouncetneurs and to invite the hearty one commercial package, to co-operation of butter and cheese - at ItIsthan 55 ponnds. makers, creamery managers and pat - 5 Creamery, -butter made llama, in an effort to make such a dis- ibitor from gathered cream. play of dairy products as will direct to consist of one commercial the attentiou of the world, in a favor - to weigh nut less than able manner, to the admirable oppor- tunities which Canada offers for profi• utter will he judged on tin' table dairy fanning. g pointe, the figures t op- (1.) Those who intend to exhibit se 45 20 15 10 10 100 ndicating the maximum per e total of all such maximums 00 vor .. 45 ain 25 for 15 lting 10 eking . 5 Total 100 eireral standard of color for HI be June Grass Butter. 1 blanks will be forniehed by artraent for the use of exhibi- dairy products. CHEESE. FROM THE RULES OF THE ARTMENT OF AGRIC,ULTURE. Exhibits of cheese from the States and Canada will be and limited, as follows :- 1. Cheddars - Exhibit to of one cheese, diameter not less nor more than 16 inches, Lot less than 9 inches, weight than 60 pounds. Cheddars -Home trade - re consist of one cheese not 1 6 inches in height and not n 12 nor tuore than 15 inches eter. 3. Mediums - Exhibit to of one cheese not less than 6 re than 7 inches in height, not less that 14 nor more 4. ioches. Flats -Exhibit to consist eese, diameter not less than re than 16 inches, weight than 25 nor more than 40 0. Young Americas--Exhi,, nsist of four cheese in on total weight to be not lees aur more than 4t pounds. . Donteetic Swiae-Exhibit of one cheese, weight to be an 80 pottrids, , Brick Cheese -Exhibit to *ix !emits in one packer, lit to be not less than 20 nor 40 pounds. Ditiry-Cheese made by &Ian farm from exhibitor'n may write to the Dairy Conarniseioner, Ottawa (postage free), asking for ad- dress labels for butter and cheese and for entry forms. (2.) Any batter or cheese maker, or representative of any dairy or cheese for exhibition in any or all of the classes (in which lie is entitled to exe hibit,) addressed to the Dairy Com- missioner at Montreal or Ingersod, Ont.,to reach either place between the 31st May and 2nd Jun; between 28th June and 30th June; between 30th August and lst September, and between 27th Septemberand 29th September. (3.) The butter or cheeeq for all the classes and for the four different ex- hibitions (June, July, September and October,) may be of any modthe make. If two cheese from one vat be avail. able, one cheese can be bored for testing at Montreal or Ingersoll, while the ocher may be kept intact for exhi- bition at Ohioago. (4.) It should be packed securely so as to avoid injury from heati duriag transit from the place of mandfacture to Montreal or Ingersoll, Ont. t Cold storage accommodation has been ar- ranged for at these two places ; refrig- erator cars will be used between these places and Chicago; and refrigerator space under glass ha e been provided at the Datry Building on the Exhibition Grounds (5.) The Dominion Government will pay all freight charges, as well as the cost of caring tor the butter and ellen(' during the exhibition and until it is disposed of afterwards. (6.) By the authority of the Honor- able the Minister of Agriculture, 1 am permitted to gate that the Govern, went will advance such a price as may be fixed by the Dairy Cotnmissionle on all the butter and cheese which is received at Mentreal and Ingersoll. (7.) Several expert jndges of aek noveledged reputation in Ontario and Quebec have been invited to assist the Dairy Commissioner in selecting froth the tote received at Montreal Ingereoll, such butter and cheese Eis GENERAL. The several exhibitors will be afford- ed every opportunity which may exist, or which may be provided, for winning medals and prestige for themselves; and they will not be asked to insure any loss, as the Goverument will not claim any rebate on the price which is advanced on the butter' and cheese. This provides for liberal treatment cf those engaged in the great dairy in- dustry of Canada, and 1 invite your cordial co-operation in the effort to make the Canadian exhibition of butter a cheese the best which has ever an been made. JAS. W .1.Z05ERTSON,, COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. Dairy Commissioner. The tenet who was dissatiefied with the meneger said it was a beastla affair, It is not difficult to be generoua to a fault Nelms that fault happens to be one's own. English. Speedo Lminient removes all hard, Bort. or calloused Lumps and Blera ishes from horses, Ulooi Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring lione, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save 50 by use of ono bottle. War. ranted by Chislaolna's drug store. I 'will now write something in a light and airy veiu," said the clerk who makes out gas bills. The man W110 is canvassing for a new dictionary wants a word with you. Williams' Royal Crown Remedy. greatest cure on earth, guaranteed to cure general Nervous Debility, Rheumatism, Neuralgia Paralysis, eto. Use what talent you possess. The woods would be very silent if no birds sang there but those ohich sang best. • Trusts and Combinations Are unpopular. Bat there is one form of trust against which no one has anything to say. That is the trust which the public re- poses in Hood'a Sarsaparilla, and the best of it is the trust is fully justified by the merit of the medicine. For, remember, HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES. HOOD'S Pins are purely vegetable, and do not p.rge, pain or gripe. 'Sold by all drug- gists. General Mourning. The Hiudu, if not inventive, is a capital imitator, and not without a wit as refined as anything to he found among English speaking people, as is plain from a story related by the Rey. J. Ewen. Many yeare ago, when the the Mogul empeross reigned in the im- perirl city of Dethi, a police.infin, ealking along one of .tee streets, met a potter in morning. . Oh, potter, for whom do you mound he inquired. Saciatniya, was the Dear, dear ! L Sadamiya cried the policeman. He hurtit d oO to the coruer barbers sat plying their trade. Shove my head and heard, he said. I am going into wolfing for Sada.- miya. Shortly afterwards ipty took the. policeman to the hotql,chief cf police and at once the kotwai asked for whom he was mourning. Fcr Sadanaiya, that illutrious per- son. • may be counted worthy of tnung sent dead 7 where All, dear me! Is he dead ? ed the kotwal. Well, turn I Call a barber. Presently the kotwal had occasion exclaim, all die in to visit the vizier, who was surprised to see him in mourning ; the uoire so SIS he did not know that any of his family were ill. Who is dead ? he inqdired. Alas I your honor, the illustrious, high-minded and dignified Sadamiya has been called away. Oh ! exclaimed the ' vizier. .1 am sorry to hear you say ' so. What a loss ! Will you please call the barber ? The barber came and the vizier went into mourning. Duty took him into the presence of the emperor, who was startled at his changed appearance. Who is dead ? he asked. Your highness, I grieve to inform you, but that sublime eustodian of goodness, of honor and leernina, Sada- miya, hits been taken. ; Call the barber, said tlie emperor to his attendants,and soon he was mourn - int, with shaven head. 1.2'ithen he appeared Ilfore the erne prese she enquired: Who is dead? Alas ! that I should have to say it Sadamiya is dead. 13ut who is Sadamiya 1 she asked, for even the Indian women are endow- ed with curiosity. Saciaroiya I Sadamiya! I never thought of asking, but the vizier knows. I will ask him. The vizier was Saturn& tied and the emperor demanded : Who is this Saclamiyti. wo are all in mourning ford Really, your highteess, r never thought of aeleing; but the kotwai knowe, I shall ask bine But the kotwal could not tell ; no more could the policdman, but he would ask the potter. You--you-do not-rdeart to say -- you are--tnournino-fod Sadamiya he etammered. Yes, 1 aw ; and so s the kotwal and the vizier and the e won Dear, dear! Whatever add become of mo 1 tried the potter. n mourning for Sadamiya 1 Why-Sadatniyit is my--clonkey I On the security of Cultivated Farm, Interest six per cent, payable annually. Any portion M the principal may be repaid at any time the borrower wishes. All expenees pad by the County. No person except the County Auditors allowed to see mortgages or to know to whom money is loaned. Apply to WM. HOLMES Goderich,Aug. Sth 1002. Co. Treasurer. TWO KINDS OF CUSTOMERS. e444 I . • WIDE AWAKE ICIND BUY FROM THE City Fruit & Confectionery Store muobset5; suttee, The TIRES end Torento Globe per year $ 1 75 Thu Zags and Toronto Empire per ,year1. 75 The Toms end London Advertieer per year1 50 The Tige4 and London Free Pc ess per year1 75 The Tome and Montreal Herald per year1 60 The Times and Montreal Witness per year.,,1 75 The'Tnaasana Montreal Family Herald and Star 1 70 itedneed rates with all other weekly papers not mentioned in the abeve list, Because they can get goods that are right and up to:the times. ANOTHER KIND ARE to Ohigago.Where any doubt crisis rierkwelra troriehial Betoken Will tummy Dough Cold, ttronehltio or Arthitia,, PAST ASLEEP But they are waking up to the fact that I can give them goods that will please them. Full lines of GoRNyN BRos. 9 U NDERTAKERS, WINGHAM, ONT. ,..ICESMINIDEON,MintrIlEtEDISSICITEETSelliTnaPaa JOB PRINTINC, TNCLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill .1 Heads, Circulars, erc., &c., executed in the best style of the art, at moderato prices, and on short notice, Apply or address 11, ELLIOTT, TIMES Office, Wingham. LOOK HERE! This Will InterostEvery- bodi, We aro selling Best Coal Oil at 12 1-2 cents per Imperial gal- lon, or a can containing the equivalent of five American gallons for 50c., exclusive of pack- age. American each. Crosscut Saws, 45c. to $1.00 per foot. We to -day reduce oul, quotations on Binder Twine one cent per Ib. J. A. CLINE CO, Wingham. Axes, 5oc. to 65c. ' . Ltc ingOnirtini30 -IS PUBLISIIED- BRY FRIDAY HORNING -AT TUE- T I IVI ES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE ST WINGHAM, ONTARIO, Subsortptionprico, et per year, in advance eovewrisitio RATES: Space 1 1 yr. 1 ma. I 3 me, 1 'no One column 510 00 835 00 I 52000 $0 00 Half " 05 00 20 00 ' 12 00 5 00 Quarter 11 20 00 12 00 I 7 OP 4 00 one Inch 0 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 Legal and ot ler MIAMI advertisements, fici. per line for first insertion, and 30. per line for eaeh subsequent insertion. Local notices 100, pc. .,no for first insertion an Se. per line for each eubsequent i miertic No 'loco, notice win be charged less than 25c. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations. and Business Chalices vanted, not oxceedtng 8 lima nonpareil, 51 per month Houses and Parma for Sale, not exceeding 8 lines, $1 for that month, 50c, per subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for to advertisements, or lot longer periods. A.dvertisements and local notices without specific directions, will he inserted till forbid and charged accordingly, Trawatory advertisements must paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must bo the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week WINGHAM Fruits, Oysters,ConfectioneryM slum Pump woRKs APPLES BY THE BARREL. Agent for Parker's Dye Works. Canned goods of every, description al- ways on hand and my wipes are as low as the lowest. Dontforget the place, opposite the new Bank of Hamilton. ROBT. HILL. EVERY DOSE EFFECTIVE And if persevered lawn) Positively Cure the Worst Cases For Sale by All Druggists And Wholesale by LONDON DRUG co., London Ont. DAIL llOW:IIS, PROPRIETOR. R. ELLIOTT PROPRIETOR AND PUBLISHER DR MACDONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, • TA.B,In. W 13. TOWLER, " Member College Physicians and surgeons, Ontario -Coroner for County of Huron - Office Up-stalrs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing. ham, Ont. OFFICE IIOURS.-9 50 12 a. EL, 1 to 6 p. 111., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. D10. J. A. MELDRTJM, Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member pf the.College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Residence -Corner of Centre and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. WINCHIAM - • • oNT VANSTONE. BARRISTER, ,SOLICITOR„ Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No coinmission charged. Mortgages, tow and farm property bought and old OFFICE -Beaver Block WITIOLIAll J.' A. MORTO BARRISTER .47. W lightun 0 t IEYER DICKINSON, H. W. C. MEYER Q. c. 1 E. La DICKINSON, B. A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., So. licitors for Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners for taking , affidavits.' for Manitoba. 'Farm, Town and Village property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage security at 5 per cent. Money invested for priyate persons, upon the best mortgage securities without any expense to the lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North. west. Office -Kent's Block, 11,11ghalo. 1 DENTISTRY.- J S. J &IONE; WINGIIA61, Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite plates bt the best material as cheap as they catbe got in the DoinilliOn. All Work warranted. 1 Painless extraction of teeth by!the use of Electric. I wish to inform the people of Wing - ham and surrounding country, that, as I have purchased the Steam Pump Works lately owned by Mr. H. Clark, I I are prepared to supply all kinds of • WWm. H. Macdonald, L. D. s ooden, Lift, Force & Iron Pumps ity or Vegetable Vapor. TAKE NOT10E.-I will extract 'teeth for 25 cents each. 1 OFFICE: In the Beaver Bleck, opposite the Brunswick House. And attend to the wants of the public in anything in the Pump line. As 1 have a long experience in the business I guarantee all, my work, and if not satisfactory will refund the money. We also deal in ALL KINDS OF WINO MILLS. M -Soft water cisterns made on short notice. Orders by mad promptly attended to.' D. SHOWERS, Winghaae' ZDMN Cures Cansumption, c ougheiproup, Sore Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. P`or a Larne Side, Back or Chest ShilOh'S POTOUR Plaster will give great ends factione-,s5 cents. SHILOH, '6' vaTALME120 lira. T. EL Hawirina, Chat. ton o otra, Tenn., soya t " Shiloh's vac/hoer SAVED MY zrzir.e., / censideral,hebegotme,dyforcuIebfirtatedsnsfenr, ever mod." For,Dyspopsiai IA or oel.lida07 trouble ft excels. Price 75055. H CATAltR 17tCwa6Eagrat, °' Rempre nave you Catarrh? named... It wilt pesitively relieve and Cure you. Pride 50 ets. Thiel Injector for its tivedfsful treatment iS furnished free. Ite Merit Sh iloh's 11110ed lea are sold on a guar:tote:Ito 10Y6 tetisraottort. NERVE NERVE DEANE ran new nie• °ovary that cure the wor came of Nervous .Debility Lost igor end BE ttiknng mAnhood; t the ess of body or miM caused by aver-tveric, dt t.he eniri or ex. Hoes Of ysitth. This ads' whitely Cam tho Dann obstinate ernes whe MI other TREA.TBITARTS Wan foiled ornate relieve. o1 by drug-, s MZ mall on rOdeipt of irrieo byrernaang TattNfltli MOINE DO., Toronto. Ont. Waits for oanapblet. %Malaita, A. re Went tneet Stallion oute Bilis Fon ON OF 1893. If you we, a Neat, .owyBill, well put together an attractivel displayed, on good paper or ard, send ur order to the TIMES FICt. A Nurdber of Good. Cut to Choose from. Prxes reasonable, and orders mail promptly attended to. A. TIMES OFFICE, WINGHAM DENTIST) OFFICE, - - IVIASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's Hotel, Wingham. Will visit Gorrie 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. JCIIN RITCHIE: GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT NUR. go DEANS, Ja., W1E011.114 • LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of 'the Co. Charges 'Moderato. JO1I4 CURRIE, Wixeuraar, 0.ara LICENSED AUCTioNEEE:n0Ps0.I1 TIIE COTINTY OF All orders left at the Truss office promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable, LI= HAEnNe:oE3Ri Stero a C‘olteeme HURON AND a BRUM All sales attended to promptly and en the Shoiteed Notice. Moderate and sationealon Getwanteed. All necessary arrangements ciel be made at the Times\ \e, filliicael I Am (hit DRS. GODFREY as McASIL M. 11, Tererito, Members Collkge Physicians and Surgeons. Ontario. Ingtottavia - • • . • oNTAina .1Vion.ey to Loan on Notes, Notes Dis ounted AT I1E ASONAB RATES Money advanced on Mortar( es a ti pm cent with privilege of paybia at the en of any year, Motet nod itecount,scollented. btaNDSO, vet, Slenk.-WInoliiia,