The Wingham Times, 1893-05-19, Page 8o':0.
Manager Bower, 'of the Dominion Te
and Portrait Company.
A. J. Jghnaton, of the Canadian. Music
alex.T sum Or erwatues eel) ceuritee, roue.
A largo wholesale firm wanted to sell so Lewis S, CTur11r, of theDotuiuion Portrait
badly that they let usmelte our own price. Comp i y. This concern lana recently had
We bought at just such a price as you would a police court experience.
*Ake. Toe will snare the benefit by btyittg
from us tide week.
GLOB$ Ann ironte"l:v.
Naturally the chances to save motley in
buying gloves and hosiery cornea ofteuest
where the most are sold. But even here chair. Mr,. W, iaf . Marti» o! P�,xeter, was
such chas Saturday night seldomappoi»ted Convener of the 044 ¥lesion
carats, Com»aittee for the ensuing year. .lir. U.
Novelties in capes and jackets, latest He»dereou presented the livancial report
importations, made of finest materials, at for the past year, and a tabulated state.
low prices.
TUE ` E IN G -!I -.FA TIMES, MAY 19, 1893,
a G oderioln.
l nro>i Presbytery.
The Presbytery of Huron met it,. Car-
mel church, Heusall, on Tuesd ay;May 9th.
Mr. Robb, Henderson, e4 Anburu, in the
sctaas Went of the contributions per family to
Here is s, big oltanee for a suit of clothes, schemes of the churoh within the bounds.
in light and medium shades, neat pin -400i Attention was called to the failure of some
and other pretty patterns in Scotch and of the congregations to contribute to all
English. Elegantly made up and trimmed. tiler
ar solrettaea. ] aplauatioa:e of these
While the quantity is large, we expect to be failures were given. by
veru f eney making these splendid suits and the pastors, and the
'►would advise everybody to come and leave hope was expressed that there would be
tt their order assoon es possible. fewer bleats in the report of the current
Canals' M1tsr,11T tnnsnwi,u. Wog have year, Tiie Presbytery ordered the print-
* opened up a very large stock of ladies white
a uuderwear, neatly trimmed in fine quality,
ing and distribution of the tabu[attld state
OMITS' Frn:nsttixos.—Men's neckwear, meat. Mr. Heudorsou also presented the
Ipias, tucks, four-in-hand, now shape flow- report on sl atematto beneficence, which
I; nepoond 1,Wimso bMen'as d,shielcl lbows, im- was adopted. Notices were read from
l from extra quality, richly
eht robes,trimmed end other Presbyteries of their intention to
i well made. apply at the next meeting of the General
Druss GOODS.- Dress Goods Problems Assembly, for the reception of six'ninis•.
are; where to get the best dress geode, the tens of other churches luta the 1'resbytcr
most exclusive dress goods at too closest ian church in Canada. ltir. Musgrave re,
prices. We will place on our counters a „
large stock of dress goods remnants at half ported that he presented before the Pres-
pxicefor Monday. See them early, at bytery of Chatham, the call of Mr. Neil
M. it mcisi OOsS, Shaw, of Tilbury Centre, from the congre-
gation of Egmondvrlle, and that Mr. Shaw's
` translation bad been agreed to. It was de-
liCaRR•tr.tvt FOV. CANADA.
Hurrah for dear old Canada,
The birth plane of the free;
Hurrah for Canadian hills and dales,
Prom seaport to the sea;
From Iiudson's Bay to Erie's shore
The woods and fields are green;
Prom St. Lawrence to Alaska's snows
No fairer land is seen.
The rugged cliffs along her shores
Hurl back the briny wave;
The stubborn rooks of dizzy height,
Stern ramparts for the brave.
Her icebound barrier of the north,.
In crystal turrets rise,
Till far reflecting meteors glance,
The Aurora of the skies.
Awa deet within the granite wash
:What mineral wealth is found;
'The iron ore and golden dust
Int profusion abound.
Her giant forests stem the force
Of tempests' awful shock;
The ash, pine, hemlouk,beech and birch,
The maFle and the oak.
Hurrah for dear old Canada.
Lond let the welkin ring;
The patriot songs of other lands,
Let other children sing;
Canadian children fair and strong,
True patriots firm and free,
We'll sing the anthem of our home I
From seaport to the sea.
tided to hold the induction services in
Egruondvills, on tate 23rd inst., at 2 o'clock
p, tn., lir. Musgrave to preside, Mr. R
Henderson to preach, ttr. J. A. McDonald
to address the mniuister, and Mr. J. A. Mc-
Donald to address the people. Dr. Mo.
Donald presented a report respecting
Christian Eudieavor Societies within the
hounds. The returns to questions seat
down silewed that there were 13 of these
societies, coutainiu;{ about• 300 active mem-
bers. The foilowiug recommendation was
adopted That a committee be appoint-
' ed as ous of the Standiug . Committees of
the Presbytery. whose duties shall be, (1)
To prepare annually a series of questions
as to membership, work done, etc., to be
sent to each society, after submission to
the Preabptery, and approval by them; (2)
From the answers received to prepare a
report to be cousidered at the January
meeting of the Presbytery ; (3) To prepare
a letter, which, after approval by the Pres-
bytery, at its March meeting, shall be
sent to each Sceiety. It wasdecided to
hold the 'text regular meeting at Blyth.
—Swine always squeal when an attempt
its made to force them away from a full
e1trough. You can apply this toanything
yen like, and it will At in nicely.
—The tenth session of the Guelph Con-
ference will be held in the Scrope Street
Methodist church, Owen Sound, eommene-
e ,ing on Friday, dune 2nd, at 9, a. m. The
Conference prayer meeting will be held
from 9 tole} a. in. The special ministerial
session will commence on 'Thursday, June
tat, at 9 a, m., in the same place. The
Stationing Committee of the Guelph
Conference will meat in the Scrape Street
Methodist church, Owen Sound, on ]i ridgy
May 30th, tet 9 a. rn. 'The Satistical and
Tabulating Committee will meet on Wed-
nesday, May 31st, at 9 a. m. The Susten-
tation Fund Committee will meet on Wed-
nesday, Ibtay 31st, at 8 p. m.
Going for the Pakire.
The pollee authorities of Toronto are
proposing to take proceedings against the
innumerable business concerns in that city
which advertise so-oalledprize eompetitions
with a view to suppressing the carnival of
lottery swindling they are carrying on. The
World gave the following as the list of
those to beinvestigated. Whenthe chargee
of breaehes of the Registration Aet here
salted in the Police Court, the Crown At:
Corney explained that since he had laid the
' informations he found that the act did not
7solver the offences and that the charges
Rita nob be proceeded with only ht acivil
I; Ie accordingly with drew- against
hose named;
The Scott Seed Company, which hat
`laett advertising extensively, and hats for
ce nominal proprietor E. lif: Osgoodby.
fi. W, I'ot, of 1892 1 tyg west, of The
CsadI es' Pectorial Weekly and the Zonng
gvople's Monthly, three chargee.
Wrigley, who is in charge of the office M
ea Ring street west, the headetuerters of
„ke Ladies' Companion, Pays and t lirlts
ad Ladies' At Home, three charges,
R. B. Somerville, formerly of Uxbridge,
abterly said to be an advertising agent
Moil, has, it is claimed, resurrected
ward Pill Cotnpany and moved it to
street east,under the mantle of
k Chemical Works.
Listewet's total population as given
by the assessor is 2,575, or an incrc?eee
of twenty over last year's figures;: by
the sante party. ;a
The. Listowel football clads Have
played two *Malmo this spring, teak
of which they won, one trots Harris.
ton club and one from Brussels.
Bricks are very scarce and dear here
just now, which is causing consider-
able delay in building operations.
The building of the new foundry will
be delayed on that account till later
in the season than. naatended. •
The early elosing of the stores for
the summer months commences Mon-
day evening Alt oe:r stares will din.,
frig the seamier close at 7 o'clock each
evening except Saturday evenings,
Our Methodist friends are hating
their churela frescoed and otherwise
internally decorated by some practical
mechanics from 'Toronto. During the
progress of the work servioe will be
held in the basement of the church.
Rev. .I ural Dean Deacon, of Strat-
ford paid his offioiai visit to this pariah
last Sunday and conducted the aervieee
both morning and evening in Christ.
church, Listowel, and in the afternoon
at Shipley. Rev, 3. F. Parke was
absent in Millbank, where he took the
regular services,
Mr. W. d. Bay, of this town, has a
good three-year-old filly by Oliver
Wilkes, 10,647, dare by Boren 3toths•
child, thoroughbred. • She was cam-
paigned Iast season at a two-year-old,
and toots a record of 2.51i, and will
likely be out this stammer, and ought
to be good, He also owns the dans,
and a sueltting by Oliver Wilkes.
Cattle JY1 aritetas,
13eelo, May 11—Cattle--iioeeipts, 36
cars through,1. ear sale; market dull and
slow for oomtnon; TIO good stook here.
Hogs -18 cars through,'8 cars sale; market
stronger for all kinds; good to cboite gener-
ally sold at 07.95 to 08; pigs. 07 85 to 07,05;
all ware sola. Sheep anal lantba—g care
through, i2 care sale; market very dull,
arta only good to choice stock sold. Sales:
Choice yeaterlings, 05,25 to 05.40; fair to
good Cheep, 04 to 03.'75; extra, $4 fair to
good Iambs, '05,G0 is 86; extra, 08,50.
i1 vote upon Local Option will take
plass in 'Wet Oaratraxe on the 80th
of We month. There appears, ao
fl►t't to be little or no interest taken in
the matter.
Mr, F. Blair has successfully passed
his exatninatinn, as barrister and
solnoitor, cowing out first for the bar
and wreti upas solicitor. Wo conn.
gratulute the gkntlearann on. his well
won record.
The Boys.' Taanplars of Teroperence
attended lnnox church on Suuday
morning awl listened t't an eloquent
sermon pr'eaohaal by Rev. Mr, .Auden-
son, 'i'he members turned out in large
nutuberq, and brine(' au extraordinary
long proeeseiou. -.
On Sunday next, the Sons of Eng-
land will attend Divine service at St.
George's in commemoration of their
nnational patron Saint,
Mr, Reid is waking good progress
with flus'ridiiiun to the organ factory,
Turn,.taern'y •
On p'riday last, Mrs, S, $urchin, wife
of Mr, Samuel Burehi11, of the B. line,
died quite suddenly. She had beau con-
fined two or three weeks previous to her
death, and was getting quite better, and
on Thursday got up and was going
around the house, when she was taken
with convulsions, from which she died
on Friday morning. 'The deceased was
in her 3Gth year, and leases a husband
and four children to mourn her untimely
death. The funeral took place an Sun-
day aftor000n to the Winghant cemetery.
Of the 70 medical graduates who
recently received their parchments at
the Detroit College of Medicine,
thirty-two were from Ontario, thirty
one from Mialeigan,two from ultio,ou:'
one each front NpwYork,Iilinois,[ndi
ana, Manitoba and Minnesota.
Mr. Jas. McManus shipped a cattoad
.of ashes from (aaorrie, on Monthly, to
Boston Point, WAS, '.['his. makes the
10th oar he lute sent from titian station
this year, most of the ashes being secured
in towns and villages hereabouts.
Work lairs been commenced on the new
bridge, and it is expected that the bridge
will be completed by the 20th of June,
T ant se Tired,
It is a common exclamation ab this aeasqu,
There is a certain bracing effect in cold Mr
which is lost wheu the weather grows
warmer; and when nature is renewing her
youth, her admirers feel dull, sluggish and.
tired, This condition is owing mainly to
the impure condition of the blood, and its
failure to supply healthy tissue to the vari
ous organs of the boby. It is remarkable
how susceptible the system ts to the help
to be derived from a good medicine at alibi
season. Possessing just these purifying,
building.upquali ties which the body oravos
Hood's Sarsaparilla soon overcomes that
tired felting, restores the appetite, purities
the blood, and, in short, imparts vigorous
health. Its thousands of friends as with
ono voice denlare "It Makes the Weak
The poultry dresser is a Iucky fel-.
low. That le, be always Beta the pick
of the flock,
E.rornT—lSIIn.Ls.—By the Bey. J. E.
Howell, at the Methodist Parsonage, cod.
erich.ou the 3rd inr,t., Kr. William Eggert,
of Blyth, to Mies Rebecca, Jane Mills, of
West Way/muesli.
Bureerri.—In Turuberry, on May 12th,
Mary Sparrow, wife of Mr, 8 Burobill,
fled 35 years and. 6 months.
BnxxsTT.—In. Ashfield township, on
Thursday, May 4th, Arthur Bennett? aged
81 years, 1 month and 19 days.
Your spring house cleaning always is. You are surprised to find
the carpets so much worn and the way the Iace curtains have gone
also proves a surprise to. Your counterpanes, sheets and linens, every-
thing, needs replenishing, We have made large purchases in all these
lines and can give you a genuine surprise in the way of variety and
A special line of American goods, 4712, 55 and 05 cents a yard.
They are always ahead of Canadian goods in both quality and pride,
When they are gone we cannot repeat them owing to late tariff change.
C'tr insNotts 4E1 Alt bins
We !ewe the best assortment in town. 16 yards of good art, must.
lin for .,ne dollar and better lines at equally low prices. Double wicib-
curtain nett it, white. cream with taped edges from 10 to 40 cents s
yard. Lilef! curtains from 45 cents to :8.00 a pair. Curtain poles com-
plete with 1 ite};.4 :and brackets for 25 cents each. A line of carpet sweepers,
newest makes and latest improvements, at low prices. Come to head-
quarters lot% your sprint.; house furnislhings.
Is j test rto-v attraeting the attention of shrewd bnyers. A good Print
at 5 and 8 cents a yard, a special case lot ofreg{lkt' 10 cent print at 7
and 8 'cents a, varrd. You cannot get as good value elsewhere.
AMERICA .\ sAT ENS, guaranteed fast colors at 11 and 1:ii eta.
a yard. I)elniness amd ehnilie+s at all prices. Black and colored dress goods
in all that new materials and shades.
Lagies' and Gets' Boots and Shoes
In ail price's and styles. A. special line of ladies' fine buttoned and
Iace at $1.25, worth $1..75.
Men's tine flannelette and sateen shirts in light or dark effects. Hats,
Ties, Gloves, Uolittrar and Cuffs for evet;ybody. Ladies' anndervests at,
5 els. each. loose, 3 pairs for 25 cts. Pure silk ribbon 3 yards for '100.
Shillings and Cottonades at mill prices.
We early the largest selection of FIELD AN•7) flARI) ! N' SED$
in the county. A car of corn to hand this weep of the following van
ieties: Comptons Early Pride of the North, Learning Golden Beauty,
Canada Flint,. King of the Earlies, Red Cob,,Matninoth Southern Sweet,
and Giant Prolific, Special prices in large quantities. All kinds of
Clover and Grass seeds.
1O5QOQ Qe lotwA rrLti
Highest price paid.
Make all you can out of your money by spending it with us.
VV _i.�,1Vt.i-.LV.L.,
Having bought out the Ambler iaaraese Business and started in bis old stand,
anti prepared to furnish the publio with, everything usually kept in a baroese shop
such as
X stake all toy own Collars aad guaranty aatiefeetiora
Chive too* trial and t use you right.
eike, IMM*
1893. SPRING 1'89
Are noir opening up the finest
dis.C' la - of
in all the different departments of
their large trade that they have ever
been able to place beforethe public.
Come and see the beautiful
aaiDSSO- S
in all the latest tints and textures that
the European and American markets
offer the Canadian trade.
We offer great attractions in every
All goods marked in plain figures
and, at cut prices.
The Anchor House,
Where do 01.1„,,. buy „•,......cur
60 pairs I/A7 omec s Kid /Tie
hoes, 90e., worth $1.25
60 pairs omen's z Tie
ces $1.25, -orj,
60 p rs. omen's d xtta"n -
ed -Shoes, $1.75, worth $2.25. -
'The t.tbove`;lines are reliable goods, from the
best makers. We have the. oheaer kinds too, al
per pal .'t. Our stock is no ' • ' eo p .ete in Men's,
W omen - 'and Children's . 4 _ �
;� .. ex~r. s ea�,lr�e �nrt fine ..shoos;
Ca 1 unci see them.
Respect'ully yonl'•s,
The Pop;iar
We have this week opened out our exceedingly choice and attfactive
stock of
-Latest styles, with
To match, GILTS, 0LIMM.Efi,S, MICAS), in -rains i -white
brown baolfs and every other kind of backs, g '� backs,
7t0 Per cent off all Wall Papers for Gash
Also -large stock of WINDOW SITA.DES, which we are selling
cheaper than avoir;
Give us a cal snallne foto
Vo, x
We want to c
-this week to out
never so comple
ordered olothii,lt
.suooese, everybc
Everything a
to hie feet, some
'Shoos and Gaiter
We are sbowin
Ladies, Misses
black slippers an
Grocery stock
Shop early and
This store closes
Tne Beim, May 1
terc rr
Issued by Flux;
toria etroet, Wi
4 -'Gall at the
assortment of fr
--he Citizen
people with sev
Saturday evonin
—A couple of
latter part of 1.
m. sic. on the sit
--J. A. Mor
1 upon, paid Bei
M.,. Listowel, an
evening last.
--Garden See
at Hamilton's
Of the Post OM
part of ijlt-e,
scraped alibi'
street: »resents:
-club crossed sti
in 'eeswater,
goals; to one.
+'..-'We beg to
»iiiby'note or b
satn,kt before Ju
ai large need
should find the
darn The to
• ing Conus enelo
hold nieetniga,
On. Saturday o
Grey township
the street, and
Cervices in the
—If all th
every farm we
Sian suniiow
be harvested t
acrd there is ti
moulting or
can be got to
of a pint is go
will not eat
51^1 Cants
V V for ne
the year.
--•line of tlr
terprises con
who has just
that known a
an inuneiree i
'with its stud
ly 500,000 s.
Will be pros
tic and reals
Clo?umbus' 1
the monaster
of San Salva
greatest mer
filth bulldln;
combine a n
iletn. "Song
ills the greats
the tlbtoago