The Wingham Times, 1893-05-19, Page 7Lo i have lost him,
When dad he go !
Lightly 1 Clasped, 111111,
How could .1 know,
Out of my dwelling
IIs would depart,
Even as I bold hitn
Close to zny heart,.
Lost I I have lost hint,
Somewhere between
Schoolhouse and college,
Last he was seen --
LIN full of whistling,
Curt tangled hair-. .
Lost I I have lost him,
Would I know where,
Lout! 1', have lost Binz,
Cliestor, my boy ---
Picture book, story book,.
Marble and toy,.
Stored in the attic,
Useless they lie.
Why should I Dare so muoh.
I/lathers! tell why.
Yee: he has gone from ane,
Leaving no sigh.
But there's another .
Calls himself aline,
Handsome and strong of limb.
Brilliant is he,
Knows things that I know not,
Who can it be?
Face like the father face,
Eyes black as mine,
Step full of manly grace,
Voice masculine,
3'es, but the gold of life
Has one alloy—
Why does the mother -heart
Long for her boy.
Long for the misohievous,
Queer little ohap,
Ignorant, questioning,
Held in my lap,
Freshman, so tall and wise,
Answer me this—
Where is the little boy
I used to kiss?
GOOD Housrr.E1nINo
Unsuspected Talent.
Burne was living in the town of
Syr, and though still young had at-
tained more than a local reputation as
a leapt.
One day he was passiug through the
main street of the town and snw two
strangers Putin', at one end of tho inn
window. Cynic idle curosity he stopp,
ed to loult at them.
Seeing him, and thinking the rustic
might afford then, some amusement
while they were waiting, the strangers
called bitn in and asked hint to dine
with them. .Barna readily accepted
the invitation and proved u merry
entertaining ;;;test.
When Pinner was nearly finis1ied,tli
strangers suggested that each should
'try his h:.nd. rt versemaking and that
the one who failed to write a rhyme
should pay for the dinner They felt
secure in the challenge, believing that
their rustic guests would pay for the
meal. The rhymes were written, and
Burns read the following :
,.Johnny Peep, saw two sheep;
Those two sheep saw me,
Half a crown apiece will pay for their
Ad I, Johnny Peep, go free,"
The strangers astonishment was
great, and they both eaclainzed : Who
are you Z You must be Robbie Burns 1
And Robbie Burns did not pay for
the dinner.
Dodd's Pills Again.
Kingston May 15. Mr. L. Yott, of Wolfe
Island, opposite tine city has been cured
by Dodd's kidney pills. It is a well-known
fact that Mr, rote has heeu a sufferer for
years from backache resultiug from dies
ordered kidneys, so rn,unh so that if in .a
standing position he should turn around
suddenly the pain would take his breath
away. In speakiug of his case to M.r.
Henry Wade, the druggist of this city,
from whom he purobased the pills, he
sa]d . I have bleu t sufferer for putts
from pains in the back and kirluey disease.
Have tried lieitnente, plasters, ointments
and other remedies from doctors and drug-
gists, but none of these remedies helped
roe in the least, Bearing Dodd'e kidney
pills so much talked of, gave them a trial,
and as, a result two boxes cured tae. This
cure is probably not as marvellous as many
that has recently been made by Dodd's
kidney pills, but it is creating considerable
talk and cernment among hie friends and
Pollee headquarters. --The helmet,
If you wise, to be Crowned you
Must fight manfully nal sufl'ar patient-
Look .at your Ritalti,
From, the .Chie.;io Dispatch,
.,Brunie toile belong to It gentle, ner-
vous, bashful people.
A changed handline indicates want
of tixidy a1' thought,
A long liver line indicates want; of
fixity of thought,
Dote had the ideally psychic band,
with very small thumb,
Ronna nails belong to-ob4tinate,
generally stupid people..
ViRor of constitution is indicated by
a edear life line,
Short hands indiettlti ra cbarecte.'r
stacking energy and force.
Oblique nails are an incliot>,tion
deceit and cowardice,.
A heart line pale and broad sltawe a
heartless debauchoe.
Orossee are always unfavorable, no
matter where they eccur.
The Chinese hand ie smell, allot
with square. phalanges..
A he'll line very long and slender
shows utter faithleesa►esd.
I am so Tired.
It is ;i common exclamation at this season.
There in a certain bracing effect in cold air
which is lost when the weather grows
warmer; and when nature is renewing her
youth, her admirers feel dull, sluggish and
tired. This condition is' owing mainly to
the impure condition of the blood, and its
failure to supply healthy tissue to the 'earl.
our; organs of the boby. It is remarkable
llow susceptible the systern is to the help
to be derived from a good medicine at this
season. Possessing just these purifyiug,
building-upqualities which the body craves
Hood's Sarsaparilla soon overcomes that
tired feeling, resteres the appetite, purities
the blood, and, m short, imparts vigorous
health: Its thousands of friends as with
one voice declare "It Makes the 'Weak
Why Ile Didn't Shoot.
A elan, with a wife who has her
own why about doing things, catches
her now and then.
My dear,. he said the other morning
as he was dressing, 3 think you were
right when you told mo last. night that
there were burglars in the house.
Why ? she asked nervously,
Because all the money that ;vas. in
my pockets when I went to bed is
Well, she said, with an I -told -you -
so air, if you had been brave and got
up end shot the wieteh you would..
have had your money this morning.
Possibly, my dear; possibly, he said,
gingerly, but I would have been a
Possibly, my dear, possibly, he said,
gingerly, but 1 would, have. been a
She laughed softly •and then gave
half of it back to him;
Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley
Ind., says : "I bad been in a distresse,
condition, for three years from Nervoud
ness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia
and Indigestion until my health was gene.
T had been doctoring constantly without
relief. 1 bought one bottle or South Am-
erican Nervine, which done me more good
than any $50 worth of doetorieg 1 ever did
in my life. 1 would advise every weakly
person to use thin valuable and lovely rem-
edy." A trial bottle will convince you.
Warranted at Chieholm's drug store.
Oroesus=When I came here I did
not have a cent in my pocket.
Midas—When I carne here I didn't
even bave a pocket.
Croesus (admiringly)—How ?
Midas ---I was bore here.
The true spirit of enquiry is a prey.-
er tor light.
It Has Been Proved.
It has been proved over and overagain
thatBurdock Blood Bitters cures dyspepsia
constipation, biliousness, headache, sore•
full, and ail diseases of the stomach, liver
and bowels Try it. Every bottle is guar,
anteed to benefit or cure when . taken ac-
cording to directions.
Next to money, Rembrandt loved
nothing so well as his monkey. He
shed tears when the ape died, and
painted to ,portrait of it frons memory,
Perfect satisfaction.
•GztNTLrxrnN,–{Ibavo used 13, B. B. an ex-
cellent remedy, both las a blood purifier
HOLLOWAY'S Pints —This Cooling !e
ltfedieino has the happiest efieet when he
the blond is overheated and a tendency to
to mflamrnetory action is sit up in the sit
system ; one ,.'ill taken shortly before
dinner does away with the indigestion,
fulness, and flatulent;--.dieations ofa
'weak stomach or disordered liven A Io
few Pails taken at bedtime act as alt. us
terativea and aperients ; they not only
relieve the bowels suit regulate every
organ connected with theca, overcome
44e1 acrid lautnors,`antl encont,`age a free H
supply of all the secretions essential to fr
our well-being, Hollewsy's Pills f nn
thorotighiy rtha1111i • aid perfectly,
regulate Ow eitealalion, and beget a
fdeling of comfort in hot climates and
highs temperatures, which is most, de'
eirehlu for pro'ar-ryu.tion of health.
d general family medicine. I was for a
ug time troubled with sick headache and
artburn, and tried a bottle, which gave
e such perfect satisfaction that I have
tree then used it as oar family medicine.
E. 13AYLiLY, North Bay, Out,
A great deal of steel is wasted en
dge swords which would have been
*Ifni in picks and shovels.
For Frobt bates.
IBS,—Per -chapped hands, sore throat
ante frost bites I find nothing a teells
gyard's yard's Yellow Oil. 1 had rely feet
fro three years ago, obtained Ito relief
til 1< used llagyariVe "Yellow Oil, which
soon healed up the frozen part,
CfaAs. LoNeunzlt, Alameda, X. W. T, .l
WINGi1AM TIMES, MAY 194 18913,
hzil is
Castoria, in Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription, for Ifnf,ants
and Children, F'$ contains neither Opium, Illiorpli:ne racz.°
other Narcotic substance. Ft is a harmless substitutes
for Paze otic, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor 041.
Ff; 14 Pleasant. Its guarantee is tI:irty years' 11100 by
Pt illiolo.s of Mothers. Castortu destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Ca,stwris, prevents vomiting flour Curd,
*tares Diarrhoea, and Wind Colic, Castoria relieves
teething troubles, curcn constipation :tion red flatulency.
Cazstorta assimilates the food, regulates the stomach.
and bowels, givf.:ag Healthy and rnatu ral sloop. Casa
toric is the Cliilslserx,'p Panacea ---the uother'n Friend.
t6 Castmi , is a:i a ccllent medicine for chil-
dren. Mothers Bare repeatedly mo outs
good sheet upon end: cb. ldren."
D:t. G. 0. OSQaen,
Lowell, Mass.
"Ca-^.toria is the best remedy for children of
which 1 am acquainted. I hope tiro day is not
far eastant when mothers will consiJer the real
interest of their children, and use Castorla in-
stead or tho,•arious quack nostrums which aro
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agonts down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves."
Da, J. r. 13;rsensrc5,
Conway, Ar'
Mao Coataznr Com ae: y, rt Iva'
Mir J3$,'.
" Castoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior many prescripden
known to me,"
H. A. Altcne:e, M. D.,
111 So, Oxford 5t., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"Our physicians in the childrou•s depart-
ment have spoken highly of their crperl•
encu b their outside practice with Castoria.
and although wo only have amoug nor
medical supplies what is known as sego.;,r
products, yet wo are freo to confess that the
merits of Castoria has woo. us to look with
favor upon it,"
JJs ran liosPri'AL AND DISrrzesditY,
33oston, Nass.
ALLex C. S`airTrt, Pres.,
'azz'r'ay Stroot, Now York City,
A dandy is a clothes -wearing man
—a roan whose trade, office and exis-
tence consists in wearing of clothee.
Every faculty of soul, spire;, parson
and purse is heroically consecrated to
this one object—the wearing of clothes
wisely and well ; so that as others
dress to live he li•'e$ to dress.
Scraped With a Easy.
Sd7IRS—I had susuet/a cough that my
`throat felt as if scraped with a rasp.
On taking Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup
I found the first dose gave relief.
Mae. A.. A. Dow/me, Monotio, Ont.
Why, Bridget, exclamed a lady as
she met an old servant unexpectedly,
for whore are yen in black?
For poo' Tint, me furrst husband,
mum. When tie died I was that
poor I cnuldh't, hut 1 stud 11 1 iver
could 1 would ; ar,d me new Ulan.
Mike. id as ginerons as a lord
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft, or calionsed Lumps and Bien/
ishes frotrt horses, Blood Spavin, Ourbe,
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and swollen Throat, Uouglts,
etc. Save S50 by use of out bottle. War-
muted by Obisholm's drug store.
He—Your friends sir you won!al
not marry t hest glen in tela: world.
She—They are wrong. I would
marry the best man in the world.
He—Ail right, then; 1 ant ready
and it only remains for you to name
the day.
Thr u,.IATis1f OTANI" IN .A, DAY.—South
American Ritoumattc Cure of Rheumatism
and Nen/might radically eures iu 1 to 13
days. Its action upon the system is re
markable and mysterious. It removes at
once the cause of the disease anmecdiately
disappears. The first dose greatly bene-
fits. 75 omits. Warranted at Chisholm's
drug store.
No matter whether he has beeu to
college or not, the man who can keep
sweet when things go wrong is a man
of power.
Whon•Baaby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, oho clang to Castoria.
When she had Chlldrtm, she gave them Castoria.
Discontent is a great deal worse for
a man's health than a disordered
Itch on human and horses and all ani-
mals cured in 30 tniuutes by Woollor•d's
Sanitary Lotion, This never falls. War-
ranted at Chieliolnl's drug store.
Not many tends taro shed when the
man dies who has lived only for him.
Knowledge is the bili which few can
]lobe to climb; duty is the path that
all may tread.
Mitchell's rate of taxetitin will be
mills on the $,
0, P. It. traffic retums for the tvaek
tiding April 30 were $457 OOO; tame
eek last year, $183,0110.
A. curse is like a stone thrown ftp
to'the heaventl, Meet Likely to retilrn e
on the head of .hint who sent it.
'Girl S:9 ta'8!aritl'it•5e'"c147u arrr?
When two people get mad at each
other, enth begins to think of how
touch he has done for the other,
wilittone Royal Crown Remedy, greatest euro on
earth, guaranteed to cure general Nervous Debility,
itheuuratio, , Neuralgia Paralysis, etc.
The most upright dealer , in sun
=breilas will occasionally get mixed
up in a shady transaction.
Rarkwril's Rronehial Balsam Will curoauy Cough
Cold, Bronehith: or Asthma.
It is only nut nral that the barbers
should have their combine
B. B. B.
Burdock Blood Bitters
Is a purely vegetable compound, possessing
perfect regulatingpowers over all the organs
of the system, and controlling their secre-
tions. It so purifies the blood that it
All blood humors and diseases, from a com-
mon pimple to the worst scrofulous sore, and
this combined with its unrivalled regulating,
cleansing and purifying influence .on the
secretions of the liver, kidneys, bowels and
skin, render it unequalled as a Duro for all
diseases of the
From one to two bottles will cure boils,
pimples, blotches, nettle rash, scurf, tetter,
' and all the simple forms of skin disease.
From two to four bottles will cure saltrheum
or eczema, shingles, erysipelas, ulcers, ab-
scestie.,rttnning eoro ,and all skin eruptions.
It is noticeable that sufferers Prem shin
,EAro nearly alw1v3.s;1 r:t1tttedby intolerable
itehin,t, but this Quickly subsides on the
removal of the disease by 13.13.13. Passing
on to graver yet prevalent diseases, such as
scrofulous swellings, humors and
We have undoubted p roof that from throe
to: rix bottles used iabet /tally 0.1,4 ,,inward•
application (diluted if he shin c,rokatil to
the affected parts, will r•ifect a. cure. The
great mission of 13. B. eS. is tor,,;ulate the
liver, kidneys, bowels and bleed, to correct
acidity and wrong action of the stomach.
and to open the sluice ways of the sy,tein
to carry off all clogg0 and italmre secre-
tions, allowing nature thus to Sid recovery
and remove without fail
Liver complaint, biliousness, dyspepsia,sielt
headache, dropsy, rheumatism, and every
species of disease arising from disordered
livor, ltidneys, stomach, bowels and blood.
We guarantee every bottle of 13. 13, 13.
Should any person be dissatisfied after using
the first bottle, we will refund the money nn
application personally or by letter. We will
also be glad to send testimonials and in-
formation proving the effects of 73.73.33. in
the above rtanled diseases, on application
to T. 1\fILBXJRN ce CO., Toronto, Ont.
S ►Y ;
cough Syrup. Tastes FAILS,
Be,',tGood, coo
time. Sold i1y drtr
r., • !gas. -4
O Rt c ll;M p 'TION
21000,000 Foot of tags Wanted.
Highest Cashpsi i
paid for ally quantity of
Clad „Voclfla :tail
'RIMY TAi3T,i:•
Trains arrive and depart sir follows;
2i(xin, »'..... --Per yerent0..,...,...$
5: ;i). rot Teeewater,..... ..
cdilivered at our yard in titin Asriv'r .tr'va.a"u, r:k.4rs a
in, A1s1 11:85 a. M. i'ahaerston,onclph,'goj irto, eee.
for , 11:20 " ., „
�@ (4:r.5p. in. „
IIGt$tllAt S.t11L4 �Ir ' 10112a. 10. " mixrdfor iiinemrdine
� ��� Bolts, 14;')');,0'.
by the cord. Call and et 11.oea,10.
to out, do, . g prices, lezagths asap 10.
'Dressed and Undressed. Camber,
Shingles, Lath, &C„
kept continually on Band.
Wiugbani, January 4th, 1893.
gives Private Lessons in Vocal Training, both in Staff
and Tonie•Soi•k'a Notation. Open for engagements
for Concerts or Chuch meetings. Terms moderate.
Apply at
24 Shutes• St Wiugham
1n 40.
8.45 t
Sf lentiflc Americans
Agency for
DEi3;t1i PArcr re taco l
661Qlendbo pn-s, otc.
Dor3nformation and frac 1fandboolcwrite •to
debebaen pmaOlt uraCO., eccriinggp� patents i,
levery atent taken out by us le brought breiprg,;
the pubito by anotice given Tree or charge in the
La.uest ciroulatton of any soiontieepaper in. the
mmandshauidbedwitiilouttit.Wo ko insgtalls cut
year; $1.60 six months. Address b1uT'FIs &
vsminguns, :ilia Broadway, %yew •mark City. co,
--- IN
GO TO-----
Cheap for K A.SE,
AT-- --
0 es, zkt vee, y°� k�Loves
All intending purchasers of stoves for this
winter will save money by buying from
Having bought a very large variety of
S - - "NT TE1
to choose from
:lR'TTery stove guaranteed against breakage and
to give complete satisfaction.
Winglaattl. t)otob4r 8611 1861,