The Wingham Times, 1893-05-19, Page 5Canada a'' the WQrid's Fair. SIM Yribr, xmcn A si'ra:Nrao suowINc 4""TIM NATIONS. Chicago, May G,—Tl.re Dominion of Can- ada, situated as everybody 'thaws, imme- diately north of the United States, will sae's cnpy do moan position At the fair. That Canada is a country of wonderful resources in fact, must become apparent to all wllo examine the splendid exhibits which have been sent from the various proyiuces, It is creditable to the enterprise of our neigh. - bars that from the very inception of the exhibition they took an active interest ia. it, and that their efforts will be successful in competing with the producers of the world in many linea cannot be doubted, lu almost every line the Dominion makes a show, and in many of them she will more than hold her own, Ontario, which has alwaye held rank as the leading agricultu- ral province,suetains her reputation in this direction with a magnificent exhibit of all kinds of agricultural produots,grains, roots, vegetables, cheese, butter, fruits, horses, cattle, awino, sheep, poultry, all of the fin- est quality to be found anywhere. The great t;raira-growing country of the north went territories also eonaes up in a manner which produces universal surprise, and farmers iu southern latitudes find it diffi- cult to believe that sack wonderful success iu agriculture can be achieved in that northern zeue. The northwest show of grains, grassea, roots and vegetables, wilt]. be au imposing feature during the whole.,of the exhibition. Manitoba and Quebec also distinguish themselves in this respect, while ,the Pacific province of British Col- umbia excels espeoially iu the products of the nine, fisheries, forestry and hortioal- ture. Special mention may be made of the great cheese exhibit, in which most of the provinces take .part. The mammoth cheese, 11 toes in weight, is oue of the huge items of this'eahibit. In addition to theantioles mentioucd above, there will be exhibts in the educational, ethuolopical, natural history, manufacturing and art de- partmen ts. The.Cauadiau pavilion stands upon a site of nearly six thousand square feet of ground on the lake shore, but a abort dis. tame .from the :United States battle ship, and tamest opposite Victoria house—the handsome aid •substantial building rthat has been erected by ,Great Britain—and in due of ,the .most .delightful localities in Jacksou park. The view from the "look. out" on the tower of the paviliou is simply. perfect. It exteods on oue side to where the reetless:waters of the great lake seem to kiss ,the distant horizon; and ou.the •other side takes ;u the magnificent pier, the architecturally beautiful peristyle and Music hall, with glimpses of the historic .convent el .Rabida, the great manufactures and liberal arts building with its rich Cor- inthian ;architecture, the United States .government building -•that arehiteotriatal' poem—the .fisheries building, and many.of the fine, erepausive edifices erected by for- eign nations. The Oauadians are delight - .ed with the•eite awarded them, and wodld ,not exchange with any other state or ;nation in the park. The pavilaouhas three.ontrauces; a mean .or front entrance facing the southeast, ane?, two entrancesu„ the oast .and west respect ttively. This trent eutre.noe is through they itower and hies three doorways, and oppo-, site this main ,entrance is the grand stair- way, beneath and in the rear of which are numerous and ,well -fitted lavatories. In the entrance hall are located the post - office, the telephone office, and au iutelli-; genets office. Off Rom the entrance hall is the reception room. Over !lye linndred Canadian newspapers are ou file here, so that.a Canadian visitor tan hardly come from any quarterof the Dominion with- out finding the newspaper of his locality, add is thus enabled to keep himself an fait•with events at hone. To the left of the main eutrauoe are two handsome offices of the Dominion caimmissicn, four for comrnissioners from different provinces of Canada, a committee Room and a fine par- lor for the use of the wiliolo staff. On the second floor titre the tower room and the smoking roomy araa in the attic Above is the dor•neitor5;fer the guardian of the pavilion. As the sum appropriated for the erec- tion of the pavilion was limited, a plain style of architecture liad to be adopted. Runbing around all side of the building is a verandah ten feet wifte, with a balcouy above of the same wid/h. The balcony is supported by twenty -tight Tuscan col - taints. The walls at the eaves of the roof are finished with a bold dental cornice. The pavilion is coverall with a low pitilh- ed roof, partly hidden` by a parquet wall, The tower, gait issues dlarough the roof, is eiroular, and is divided'iiito twelve panels; beneath these aro detached pilasters. The walls are finished with a dental corntoe, over which ie an open baluetrade, Over thie is the j'kiokout" whence rises the flags pole, from ivhiolz, from`sunrise to sunset, preudly floats. the Canadian flag. '.There is a well•ftnlehed stairway from the erottnd floor to the lookout of the tower, whence, as already stated, a fineavdew eau be obs li taiued of the lake and surrounding park and buildings,. `,Chore is no plaster work in any part of the interior of the pavilion, the walls and ceilings being handsomely anishod with native Cauadiau woods, highly polished and showing the natural grail?. )hroh province of Canada has furnished the na- tive woods required to Weil its indiyidOal rooms. Oae office, ocoupied by the cont- iniseloner and staff front Ontario, lune a ceiling in pine, walls of oheatnut, wain- scotting in oak, mouldings and mantel in cherry, doors of oak, chair rail of walnut and door of maple; and the secoud efllce ham a ceiling of maple, walls of oak, wain- scotting birch, mantel birds -eye maple. door white maple, moulding ash and chair rail walnut. The commission from the province of Quebec will have luxuriant quarters in one office, with a ceiling finished with white maple, warusootting of butternut, mantel of cherry, doors of ash and cherry mould• lugs; while their second room has a ceiling of pine, walla of ash, mantels of butternut, wainscotting of biroh, doors of ash and mouldings of cherry. The rooms occupied by the Dominion commission, the committee room, recep. tion room, corridors, eto., are finishedwith timber from British Columbia—the cell - lags being of Douglas pine, the walls of cedar, the wainscotting of spruce,the doors of cedar, cedar mouldings, and the boauti.. fui Douglas pine also for floors. The rooms occupied by the representa- tives from the other provinces of Canada are fiuislsed in a similar manner, and with woods iva'igenous to the different localities.. The main stairway is constructed of Brit- ish Columbia woods—,the treads of the stair being of Douglas dr, the strings of cedar, ,dud the newel posts, hand railiuge and banisters being of surly maple. Around the pavilion is a neat plot of ground covered with .w beautiful green turf, dotted here and there with 'Dative Cautadian ecrubbery and oonveuieutly and artistically divided with serpentine road- ways and walks. This,baildiug, with its furnishings and surroundings, cost over $30,000, was de: signed+by the public works' department at Ottawa. The C+tnadiau staff consists of Messts...1. S. Larke, executive commission- er for the Dominion; W. D. Dimoetk, secre- tary; N. Awrey, commissioner for Ontar- io; Hen. A. C. P. .R. laundry, for,.Quebec; Hon. W. D. Perley, northwest territories; Charles O. Law. British Columbia. fttowuto Get a "Sunlight" a?ieturo. Send 20 •'Sunlight" Seap wrappers(wrap- per bearing the words" Why Does.a-Woman Look OId Sooner Than a Alan") ato Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising, and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your borne. The soap,is tae best in the market and it will only coat one cent postage to Send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address curefoily. Brussels,'" Brusatsie will not celebrate tube 2ith of May. There are 17 bicycles owned in Brussels. Brussels Foot Ball team .played then second Association match aasith Lie - towel club edea Saturday afternoon at the latter a;owta. The Listowel boys won by two.goale to noct•. Rev. G. J. Salton preached i,n Nar- ;folk street Methodist church., t tuelph, last Sunday- Rev, J. H Dyke, of ilelgvave, supplied his pulpit here. D. Lowry stud assistants commenced work on Thursday of last week at the new brick block to be used by Posta master Farrow ifor a postotI ce. Arbor day sag, a uumbpr of needled improvements inaugurated at the school grounds .in this place. The poplar trees, recently cut down, were replaced by maples, two Bower beds arauged, and a general tidying up carried out. • The advocates of temperance ha Brussels are objecting to the issuance of hotel license to the "Revere" House and have eircumlated a petition among the ratepayers of polling sub"divinion No, 2 for presentation to the License Commissioners at their meeting, next Tuesday. 3. 0. Tuck was tho tenant of the ''Revere" last year, Mrs. Thos. Hall moved in this month from Hen; fryn. When the Bios become troublesome itt the house or room they Can always be expelled by a very simple mixture, A half teaspoonfulof black pepper. iiinely ground, should be mixed with double the quantity of brown sugar and the ccnilrnnnd to be moistened with wreath. 'The flies will generally eat greedily of the rnixture,if'placed where they can easily reach it, but it will be their last meal, for the least taste of it is, to a fly, rank poison. If watch., ed they will often be seed to drop deed within a few feet frotn the plate wllioh they here Just lett, and some of the heartiest eaters do not live t f save the plata, TEE WINGITA.M TIMES, MAY 19, Teeawater. The News says :—Between nine midi ten o'clock of Tuesday eight tlie i dwelling house ooaupied by ,Mr. Rohl, ? Campbell, blacksmith, was noticed to be on tire. The firo wee itt the heels! part of the house and the inmates in the front were utterly neconacious that their property was in tlriager. The alarm) woe given and the firemen i responded promptly. Two linos of !lase were quickly laid and though the roof was blazing when the brigade ar- rived the Are was controlled from the beginning and prevented from doing serious damage, tltou;lt owing to the difficulty of getting at the Are it took some time and floods of water to extin- guish the last ember, It is not known how the fire originated. There had been no fire in the stove in that part of the house siuee five•o'cloek, From appe:aranoee it had started. near the stove pips, worked along the under- side of the floor to the side wail and up the wall to the roof. Had it not been tor the waterworks, saving the build- ing would have been out of the ques- ion. The house is owned by Mr. J. King, of Wingltana. y'ewa Items. Washburn's circus is an its rounds again. Guelph's rate of taxation has been fixed at 25 mills on the $, The Canadian Pavilion at the World'sFais will be close's onSundays. Mrs. McLaren, who lives in Loudon township, was 103 years odd Satur- I day. i Fifteee hundred immigrants aro I quarantined at New York as smallpox (suspects, (I Mr. Geo. F. Jelfs, of Hamilton, hits been appointed .Polies Akagistrate of that city. The Legislative Assse+tartly of New- faundl9rld has voted +against union with Canada. .Mr. Erastus Wittatl:4"•s business troubles have culminated kin him mak- ing unassignment. The Freeman brothers, charged with murdering Constmiale Rankin, of Chatham, are to be removed to London' jail. Owing to pressure from the people, the directors of tits Woeld's Fair have decided to keep the ,;,,,Ates open on Suudays. Listowel's total population as given by the.assessor a.a 2,575,or an increase of 20.over last year's Agures by the same early. It is alleged as a bit of inside his- tory of the big crash in National Cor- dage, that James R. Keene is a $1,- 500,0 00 winner. A. rtoulpany 1s being formed with a eapital.of $200,000 to ,prosecute mica mining in Ontario. The headquarters will be,in.Detroit. A man named 'Thomas Vert], driv- ing a std:llion a mile south of Lambeth was killed on Tuesttay •by being thrown into the ditch and the horse steppin^•on tiiw. . You make clean streets impossible : When yarn drop a bit of paper in the streets. • When you throw a nr.v;s- paper ire .the street. Wtun you drop fruit peel on the pavenreaat. When you sweep rubbish from your store, home or •sidewaist into • tltr street, When you Sieve a leaky ash -barrel. When you fail to keep garbage and ashes separate, Therearrived in Ottawa on the train from the Pacific coast one of the I smallest travellers that ever carne east from tbe Pacific. It was a rubber doll labelled in all kind of tags and badges, besides the usual aeeom- paniment of female attire in the shape of sundry skirts. The history of the little mutdei is rather strange. Last fall this little one, whose name i8 Miss Mary Green, was dropped into the snail at Winchester, tvlass , bearing it tag on which were the words : "The climate, of New England is too severe for the child, Please pass her to the Pacific Coast for the winter." That began her travels, and since that time she has been continually on the move.1 She attended a mail clerk's banquet in Denver, where she got a complete new outfit in the clothing line. On she went, stopping fur a short time in Montana, California, than up to British Columbia, and fronne thence Last to 'Winnipeg and Ottawa. .flee shirts bear hundreds Of postage marks by tlae different snail clerks whose hands she passed through, while around hit meek etre fleas bearing the efforts of budding poets, Who the little Maiden, as pretty little maidens gen. entity do, had hit hard. 8 L, ONE ENJOYS Both, the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Livor and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches end fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro, &teed, pleasing to the taste and ae- ccptablo to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly benef tial in its effects, prepared. only from the most healthyand agrecablesubstances,its many excellent qualities conlmend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c L,ttles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not stare it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Louisa/sal-E. KY. NEW YORK. N..V ..seat,..-_.. Clinton. At the last meeting of Court Maple Leaf, !Canadian Order of Foresters, held 'recently, the following officers. were installed for the present tertra, t by D. *D. R. C. 1. Bro. T. L Fortune, and High Marshal Bro. Joins Smiths —C. 11,., R. Horsley ; V. C. It., J. Powell ; R. S., John Sheppard ; F. S., W. •!genes ; Treasurer, W. Young : I. Dodd; 8..B., H. Gould; .T.. B,, John 'Smith ; delegate to High Court, John Smith, to be held in Ottawa the seemed Tuesday in June. The local court still continues to prosper and is iu at mere healthy financial sotaditie'a than ever before, At the • last me.etita,t .of Clanton Lodge, I. 0. G.'1'., ib„ following •offi, cerswere installed for titH eatrretlt vier. ter.:—Chief Templar, R. (Showell; Past Chief Templar, H. B. Chant; Vice, Mise L. White; Sec., F. Boles; i,issis- tarrt, Miss Dowser; Fin. Seco Miss S. Moore; Treas., Miss Bickleconibe:; Mar- shal; Mr. Carter: Deputy, miss Brick., (Melon; Guard, Miss Reta Beadle; Seatinel,J. Coote; Chaplain, .1', Young; Organist, Misa A, Gihbings, Mr. Geo_.Shallow. was re-elected as District Deputy, and was also delegated to at- tend •the Grand Lodge meeting at Hamilton, in June next. The night of meeting of this Lodge has been changed to Friday, instead of T+trurs- day The mamberthip is 104. The Ontario Coal Company, the head ,office of which is in Toronto, has assigteeu with liabilities of $1,000,000. This world-renowned Soap stands at the head of all Laundry and Ilonsahold Soap, both for quality and extent of sales. Used according to directions, it doos away with all the old-fashioned drudgery of wash day. Try it you won't bo disappointed. SUNLIGET SOAP has been in use in Windsor Castle for the past 3 years, and its maaafacturorshave been specially appointed SOAPl2AZUIRS To TEM omens; RANTEED POE AND TO CONTAIN 110 INJURIOUS CHEMICALS awards/111 Got Midaltl MRB HERDSMA Begs to announce to her numerous patrons t she has DEC D ON CONTINUING her Milliuery and Mant14 :1 ESS at her old establishment on Josephizi St., Wingham, UNTIL SEPTEMBER NEXT, i Full lines of of theinewest styles and desripticons are uoiw stock. Wingham, March 161h, 1893. G-..A....N=Eng.-71 is the place for you to get your FARMING IMPLEMENT 1241..1,Pni0 fly %k 1:2)1:11...41.0 Latest improved; no equal or no sale. SPRING TOOTH OULTIVATOR:a FROST & WOOD'S WIDE OPEN REAR SINGLE APRON BINDE1 FROST & WOOD'S V 3 V CD mit : L,�'..r o` 1 RAKES, HAY FORKS, PLOWS, Pour different kinds to choose from, Frost & Woocl. Fleury (of Aurora), Hilborn (of A Teeswater and Twin Plows. Repairs for these plows constantly on band. • COLEMAN PIVOTED STEEL LAND ROLLER with or without Seeder. WHITE'S THRESHING ENG IWES . Como one, come all and inspect the implements. Second to none. WM. GANNET Wiugliam, March 8th, 1393. M. PATTERSON WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, 1 have just received a full supply of Christmas goods, consisting of WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE and Jewellery of all kinds and latest designs. BIG .• BARGAINS From Now Till Christm All goods honght for (last) tied we can sell as cheap at the cheapest' cheaper. Repairing Promptly Done and Satisfaction Guar:vote VirGive me a call. M PATTFRSON' IMISS A.WALLAC MILLINER, Begs to announce to the people of Wingham a surrounding country that her stock of prinG IVIilIiner is complete in all the latest novelties in HATS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, .RIBBONS, LACES, &C. MISS A. WALLACE Ieyerts Brick tilo Wingham, :march 35th, 103.