The Wingham Times, 1893-05-19, Page 2it the last reguler meeting of Coast ttbrie, No. 52, 0. 0. j'�+'., the follow. officers were iniitall,ijf: P. 0. R., p e G. Moore; C. R., Bro. E. Felten; t C. R,., Bro. A.: Little; Chap., lire, t lkitling; R. 8 , Bro. G. Yeo; F. S., F. WV, Howson, Treas„ Bro, R. N. u irtell;S. W., i3ru. 11, Baker; J. W. a . S. 13. Kirkland; S, B.. Bro, A.. khy; J. B. Bro. D. Fraser. v 'be first replier meeting of the d loan's Obristiats Temperance Union t held in the Baptist church ot. e sday evening. Four new names n a added to the list of iuotnhers, f alt now ntirnlger f4rty•four. The d 1-Ilresidets, ane from each emigre. m ppn, were appointed as follows : A Iiadiat church, Mrs, J. Mellardy; g abyterian chureh, Mrs, 3' Robert, 111 Reformed Presbyterian church, is . 3. McCullough; eiglish church, . S. Askin. The following &per- dr tdeuts of Departmentsivere select- n Mrs. (Dr.) (willies, Milts S. Wat- ki Mrs. Malcolm to 'r and Mrs. A. G ki rayl. The next f�1Wetinlr, will be Q on the sec.Ind of Jams le .Sellsst is. bo 1:IDITOBIAL NOTES. Lift. W. r-; rs' bill be enfranchise women wee voted dewu in the Ontario Legislature, the Ontario Leuislature, the other day, only sixteen voting in favor of it. Tun May r:turns of the 'United States depa. tmeut of agriculture on the condition et winter wheat shotvs;a reduction of 2.1 points trent tlic April agerage, being 75.3 evaiuet 77„4 last month awl 84 in May, 1.8!12. lkf8, A>FThit;lt Ammon, a cantracte in Toronto,made the statement the other day gloat city contracts are awarded to those who "whaelt up," or in other words, those riving out the =trade are purchased by she contractors. This is a curious accus- ition and should be inquifxtl into, Tar, Pheraiaey Act, before being passed, eras amended in regard to the' sale of pat - let m;+clicines,providing that the provincial rf board of health, ou application, shall n*ke an analysis of any patent medicine, ,nd if it be found to contain poison is a proportion dangerous to human life it shall e subject to all the laws regarding the sale f poison. A termer has been made to the Ontario iegisldtnre of the municipal defalcations 't Ontario between 1871 and 1891. It Glows that iu cities the total defalcations mounted to 8102,965, and there was no re. ovary of the loss. The defalcations in iwns amounted to ,¢12,193, but 81,630 was terwaras recovered. In villages there ere defalcations amounting to $13,378, of hick 0900 was recovered. Counties show total defalcation of 8125,000, and recover- s ainonntiug to 840,000, two counties ban- g compromised with sureties at 812,000, .ch. It townships the total is 854,931, gd the net loss 832,823. The total defal- tion reported amounts to 8308,407, out of [soh 888,038 has been recovered. Sever - municipalities ip which defalcations ken place have not yet reported, There bre defalcations in two cities, seven towns, e villages, ten counties and union of unties, and twenty-eight townships. La kelet• The officers of the 1, 0. G. T,, for 3 present quarter are.: 0. T., J, drrocb; P. U. T., bliss E. Gregg: lap, Mr, M. Scott„ Sec., Mr. A. trkness F. See.,', B.Carlton; 'Ureas, es M. Dennis; Y. T., Mise M. lieu- I i; Marshal, Mr, E. Dennis; Sentinel, Jas. Wright, its; Gpard, Miss K. eerily; D. M.. Miss rii;. Wright. I h Tees watt'. gr.. ii R. N. Thor -tell, druggist, elf s place, while eleantuir; ,etie of the and story windows ifyhis More, on dnesdey, fell to the ground, sus. lifter several severe c)ltts in the face l bead and injuring one of his hips ,siderably. DAY, MAX 18, 1893. 00 win ,• tS" --Superiateadent, Secretary allyl harharden,"(L A. Deadwatl ; 3.1 to 8.50, Discussion ; 3 80 to 4 00, {'Tho ; o .10, Model Officers Model Leeson," i International 8. S. Lessen for Julie 4th,) J. IT, Cameron; 4 00 to 4,30, "Normal Institute Ener, lases," Alfred Day. .Evening Session. ---Melville Ohurcii-7.30 to 7.45, Opening Exercises; 7.40 to 8,151, Ad„ dress by Rev, D. B. McRae . 8.15 to r S45, Qgiestion Drawer, answers by Mr, Day; $.45 to 9.30, "Childhood the Battle? Ground of the Ringdaw," Mr. Day.. Iara e* lip is a tantalising admonition to those tvhoat this season feel all tired out, weal:, without appetite and discouraged. But the way which Hood's Sarsaparilla builds urn the tired frame and gives;a, hk:.od appetite, is really wonderful. Sb we say, "Take Hood's and, brace up." Far a general faintly cathartic we confi- dently recommend HOOD'S Pzere. When the Cholera Comes.. TUB BEST MEANS OF FIGJITING ;HI: DEADLY, DESTP,,03;Ialt, We take the following from au ad• dress recently delivered by Dr, Cock - bane of _Hamilton : , All infectious diseases arcs the,results of 'the presence of minute organisms, called bacilli, microbes, etc., and each particular disease has its own particular organ- ism. The great aims of modern medical science, are to prevent the entrance of these organisms into the liutrlau eystern, and to eradicate them after they become lodged there, That is the dominant principle in modern m ediesi science, and to that principle its sueeessre are chiefly due. Cholera is an acute, specific infec- tions ttisease, characterized by its ow!, ;;erne, which is called the comma hedges. The disease has tang steges The first is the stage of in- t:uiistiou, lasting irein two to four N days The second stage is that of p preliminary dierrlit.1. '.Chis is Come. p poratively mild. Thea comes the sp tb . stage of r;ollapse, or the "blue" ' tl stege. it notnes suddrrnl,, and brings a terrible change, The voice gro,wa croaky, thy- skin becomes livid and blue and ehriveN up, and the Body looks like a tndminy. The patient can Shed no tears.. Aix c.-Se1Ve vomit„ ing and purging take place. The pa is horrible, The are eases of "dt cholera, conaparaitively rare, when t Patient np;tears fro he overcome an dr'nly by the pogten. The last stat unless ehlitii Aesltles, in the stage •¢action, which his as suddau as t herd .stage Tree body hecotnes war the e pains ,;uriderIv +=+•ase, the skin as., suers its tint nrJrl color, aid.+. eonvatna-. cense l:egit's. :Recovery is very rapid. In the creamily/It of the disease the first r'ssel;:tial ip promptitude. A cele brated physiciten has stated that if the preliminary ditirrhcea is taken in time aid stopped the disease is certain to be killers before it develop. One of the great clangers angers is hesitation and vacillation. if the cholera comae, ysieians she lid agree upon what is he best specific for the disease, and hen eyery pellson ought to carry that eeific about #vitt hien or her, and se it whenever'symptouls of diarrhoea ppear. There is no inystery about the con- eyance of chjlera. It is a filthy. isease, conve d from filthy people o filthy people in filthy plates. It annot thrive in the midst of ¢leann- ess, You caatnot cateh it like scarlet ever or snap ex; you must eat or rink the gerhi--that is, the germ ust be convej"ed into your mouth. cheering fact is that the cholera erm is so delicate that you can hardly Ip killing it if you try. The disease conveyed from the discharges of attients throu4h the medium of food, ink, or clo ling. The disease is of in the air.1 Any process which IIs the germs stills the disease. haat els there. They will live in food and aids from one to twenty days. Un - ss the germs; are destroyed by some plication of lintense heat, such as icing or cooking, there is danger. Before the cholera, tames there are nr things to think of : Good health, d food, good's water and absolute wiliness e n ss of and person Surrounditlgs, ben it comes,; people should not get gktened and s"tn1 tbemaelvee with sorts of nostrunis,or hang camphor IIs around their necks or burn aid* ur; they•sl„itid remernberthat the right ease cannot; be contracted without nit( contest with discharges from tient¢, and sildeld fact on telly);. Ctrs been attentiath Should be paid to diet; Al! d should be eaten hot, Particular ¢mien should be'paid to apniptotrts epepsiiel,eeause ir;4ealthy stomach ills it second ling of defence in epee merino ares introduced into tho Cross tent; but dyspeptie parsons are turn treat sure to contrttt:t the dieesee it fella* THE `ING A TIMES, MAY 19, 1893, any germs get into their systems Witter and tuilk should be tool! food should be well cooked and hat. Enrnigetiau should be ave it is all nonsense, because the .g eave not wiugs, .and ceo't reech. unless carried. Fumigation and false preventatives do actual beeauae they distract atteniiou the real remedies, it will be uece to keep flies out of food and ruin Mee can carry the germs. of the dis Ice should n'It he put into water w is to be drunk, .but the water rn cooled by putting ice around vessel which holds it. Disinfec are of very little use in a 013 epidemic. 4 A1co11olisnl prepares tiic,'t,way fo cholera germ. The use o llgua peciatly raw liquors, prodces a ,catarrh of the stomach, tied so the iijuor drinker of his sloond li defense. It would be wise to abs from strong liquors he a cholera de d ul c, particularly liquors in an dilated form. Short skirts ought to be worn if t:he (cholera comes, for draggilg skirts will spread the disease bre doast. The Cholera nurse, while ort uty, should wear short skirts, long 1 mackintosh. boots, and a IAackiutosli cep her arena should old e'a b bare; and .elle should never, under and circumstances, touch her face with her hands, Nurses should not go on duty freting, eXbausted, nor with empty etamachs. • All they girdle at your face but turn to cd, all rend you when your bade is turned eaten They eatlher up the filth, and often ided; from their own doors, and carr it rims from place to place; and itrniting it you • with the firebrand of their tougue ?their leave it at the threshold of some ill, lfmnn hiaoent fellow-heiusz and neighbor. sseely And not eoutent with this they will alar add fuel to the flame 'it every oppar, tunity pity with, I told you so, did you inch bear ? It is reported, they shy. And Ina be dooy u speak f a Imo's friendship the cour�Ine t'h pretence, do you speak of q +ay milt it pretence, and tants . you ales will raver thus tied these scandal mongers loohiag for some ghost which r the they laze to dress up and Mart out to frighten society and often Chore ghosts rete!. come from their own piosets, and they robs think by this means they ;till rid their own lives of the uncanny bbleots with whom they have dwelt so long. It is in every grade of life that you tiud these beings, and we presume that generations yet unborn will still have this curse to confront. ne of lain. epi - un A complicated Cliae. Diu Sias, --I was troubled with bilious- ness, headache and less ,jf appetite. I could not rest at night, and y'as very weak, but after using three bottles of B. T3.13., and am also giving it to my. children. o Alas. WAnxsu Balms, Maitland, N. S. Mr. Lincoln and the Dying Soldier .Boy, , One day in May, 186, while the greet war was raging between the firth nuft South, President Line aid It �itit to one of the military h itais, says au exchange. He h °ken many cheering words of symp iy to the wounded us he proeee•dt,. through the various wards, and now he was at the l,edaide of a Vvrtnnllt boy of about sixteen years of i4;�es who lay there mortally wounded. Taking the d_yirg boy's thin white band in lila own, the President said in in a tentier tone : • y" berg'"1, my poor bay, what eau I do be for you ! d- 'Ilia yobs fellow looked up into the e, President's liitedly face, end naked. of Won't en write, •to niy Mother for he In 4 III A That 1 will. answered 'Jr.5Lincoln and c•,lhug for a pen, it k, and paper, he seated hitnsalt by the. side. of the bed and wrote frr,,n the py's dictation. 4i It was a long letter, but the President betrayed r:signs u of eva'„trinPss. When it was finished he rose,`'saying: I will post this as soot as 1 fret back to my office. - Now, is here anything else I can do for you ? The boy looked up appealing to the President. COUNTY k'UNDS TO LOAN. rets F Os the security of Cultivated F>i'rm, Interest six per cent, payable annually. Any portion of the principal may be repaid at any tithe the borrower wishes. ns os. All ezpences paid 1 by aline allowed t, No see person except the County Audita s allowed to see mortgages or to know to whom loner is loaned. Apply to tt.i, HOLMES Goderiolr,.Au . 0111202. Co. treasurer. TWO K DS OF CUSTOMERS. WIDE AWAKE KIND BUY P$© THE f` I City Fruit & Confectionery Store ad a -! Because they can get; goods that are right aud up to the times. ANOTHER IND ARE se District Sunday School con- ki sill he betel 'in Brussels on fo day May Both. n The folletving is goo . , salt *noon k'.n OO n cies^' Orn Cee waist Church.' --10.00 to 10,15 W fouel exercises; 10.15 to 10.b0, fri ttperance in tbe''Sabbath School," all tiff s ' i3 0 3'r to Iti.50; Dib. be wei; 10.50 to 11 ;05, "Music in the oh *t School," Die, Oavantgb; 11.05 tis G, -5; Discussion; 111.25 to 11.403, act le can Parents Aid the Sabbath pa I," Rev,. E,. Paul; 11.40 to 12.00, fol :eidetic rind 'Closing. Afternoon foo Caurell--w1, 80 to 1.45 lett atonal exereisea; 1.45 to 2.00, °fray by ?resident elect; 2.00 to for 44 Floe Model Scholar,:'Miss Joan the 1r 215 to 2.30, Discussion; 2,30 sya 1 "The Model ieecfher," Sac tilt Won't you stay wit nie ? he asked, I do so want to hold on to your hand. Mr. Lincolns at once perceived the lad's meaning- The appeal was too strong for hien to resist ; so he sat down by his side, and took hold of his band. For two hours the President sat there patiently, as though he had been the boy's father. When the end dame, he bent over and folded the thio hands over his breast, As he dict so. he burst into tears, and when, 'poll afterwards, be left the hoseital,thby were still stream, ing down his cheeks. -,—Our Sunday Afternoon. rift' Lite y. —;~f•y Iola b0 G zimp3fs , y had a severe t tried Htgcouy rd ah dcenild Pector 1 Balsamn andgit cured him very quickly, Mos.... Reeser,. Lin tvood, Oat. The Tongue an Unruly Member. Evil speaking of our tenon, beings should be avoided at all times, both in their presence and absence. It is. not dtfficult for a: novice to discover the venom there is 5u flattery, raillery and ridicule. Bradsit says : "There fire two carts of rcharactera in the w� __ ort d l.hos w e who int %i out u -errors ,ll 9 to correct thf!nl :,.. mistakes 10 circler to; rectify thorn; fauIts'in order to rectify l f.lta . faults in orde'r to Blend thein ; rr and blunders, in order to set theme ; and those who point ottt errors i view +,f Ilraaliittg do+nn teleost wlte, made them i" ,I,lfp World hes over cursed with thane; Who +eould not control the use of thel:r tongue, and the eai; did not cease Whet the slags• derous tongue, acid tbebevil slid not cease when the 'paederasts tongue of� the Pharisees flailed Christ to the "isles Like cnnnibala the slander.; gere of ior,day *eek to devotilr their beings. Like sneaking dogs - with ti X'AST ASLEEP But they are waking up to the fact that T can give them goods that will iC}ubbisui Ante/. The Toms aud Toronto nlobo per year ti 1 76 Ths Tunis and Toronto Empire per year,1 70 The Toms and i,undotl Advertiser per year,t 50 The Tut>ss and Lontdei rep Peegs per year,1 75 The Tntss and Ifontr,al llcrald per year1 00 TheTinrs aitd Montreal WYituess per year., 1 76 ThaTilinsano Montreal Family Herald and Star 1 75 itcdeced rates with all other weekly papers not mentioned in the above List, esemBeemaresseesemeetemittiamemerreeneoew OWN:let iii ROS„, u R WIN GRAM, ONT. JOB PRINTING, INCLUDING Hooks, pamphlets, Posters, Bill f,tt Roads, Circulars, ice„ &o., executed is the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or address R, ELT.IOTT, Tugs Office, Winghatn, p OciiiinglYafreinIn --IS 1'UBLISIIEU... BMW Pi ItIPAY LAMMING 5111t-,, TIMES TIMES OFFtgg, JQSZPHllvg NI/INGHAM, ONTA ,t10. a o t1Q obs r3c rep fie e &+ ,BXiniarycfCr,3itttsjvis#na _ A WE1ITISINQ RATES: __ Apace 1. 1 Yr, 10 mc. 1^ x too. 11 oto Ona Column .00 00 5;i5 06 1 620 0p "60 Co leafs " SO 00 2000 12 00 00. Quarter " 1 l0 00 12 00 7 00 4 00 Ono inch 0 oa 0 00 2 00_ 1 tee Legal and other casual adv ertisonienta, Se. per line tura toninsertion,andSe.pulhnoforeachsubsequent r Local notices 100. psi •,ne for [first insertion, an. .,c.per line for each Subsequent fnserticr., No lace notice wilt be ehar'IA loss than 2ao, dscsndtc2tieanBuslnessChaneWatd,not exeed exceeding nonpareil, $1 per ulo'nth houses and Farms for Sale, not exd'eeding s lines, 51 for that month, 00e, per subsequent month TSpeciase lnratesvill forbe lo trictiad` ertieet n s longer periods. t , or for. Advertisements and local notices without specific - directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged - accordingly. tnearanot,ory advertisements must dChanges for contract advertisements must bo int fee by Wednesday noon, in order to appear, R. ELLIOTT ' - PsomtNTon ANA Pentistina Dx MACDONALD, ._ Rte► JOSEPHINE STREET, Wisenan, wo» B. T1)WLER, 3t, � -pONrA- � WD,C.61., . �. Member College Physicians and Surgeon;, Ontario. —Coroner for County of Huron hf ice r tstairs, next to Air Morton'; office, Wing- Orrms Moret• --0 to 12 a. m., i tg 6 p. m., or at, Residence, Diagonal Street, 'DR, J. A. MELDIttlif, ILII Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians tend Surgeons of Ontario, Onieeand Residence—Connery! Centro and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Or. Bethune. iii. VANSTONE, BASUMTER, ,SULICITOR, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate Interest. aadfarmlpropertl011 lbought a dMortgages,olbow OFFICE» -Beaver Sleek wn,ortAat LOOK Fi ERE I Will This InterestEvery Etieq- bodt, We are sel1ig Best Coal Oil at 12 1.-2 cents per Imperial gal- lon, or a can Containing the equivalent of five American gallons for 50c., exclusive of pack- age. American Axes,.5oc. to 65c. each. Crosscut Saws, 45c. to $z.ao per foot. 1 We to -day reduce our quotations on Binder Twine one cent per lb. J. A. CLINE CO, 'gingham. please thele. Pull lines .ofWINGHAM Fruits, Oysters, Confectionerif &o 7f APPLES BY THE BARREL. Agent for Parker's Dye Works. Canned goods of every description al- ways on hand and my,' prices are as low as the lowest. Dontforget the place, apposite the new Bank of Hamilton. C RQBT. HILL. zxY,•„ w 1 Alis; STEAM PUMP NCRKS ANEL EirEN, .i PROPRIE 1OR. I wish to inform thai people of Wing- ! ham and surrounding , ountry, that, as I r have purchased t e Stearn Pump Works lately owned b Mr, A. Clark.1 are prepared to supply a1I kinds of Wooden, Lift, Forc & Iron Pumps And attend to the waits of the public in aaythiiag in the Pump line. As I bate alolsg experience in the business I guarantee all my work, and if not satisfactory Will refund the money. •f it fE iaaL+"t i„ A 'Thispreparatin onafillsFa g!•'; t3, Relief immediate nnd long -felt want among those who suffer from piles. It is a remedy of the highest merit, effecting and reliable, and has more than met the anticipations of those physicians who have used it in their practice. Rimming ,S A rosrrtvE cunt when other treatments fail to relieve. Testimonials furnished. "Price 21. For Bale by druggists. aon g- price. n. e, MnufacturinChenis,114 Dundas street, London, Ont. Curbs ons rep; ion, . onfg.h", C oap, tiara Throat. Sold by ell 11 musts on a Guarantee, Fara Limo Side, Each chestShitoh'a Porous Plaster will give great ratfefaction,•+-2S ccnt3. i8 * g 's Vi? l LIEYV Erte aElI3:rs.H•t�ro5:, enc , ,sat-,Shlohat btcl,tF 4 � COREtdarfttitO ,<trzmed!foraTc>ufte+rien?frstiswauecd.xorDyspepsia, IA so or Rainy' trouble It eZed:S. 1'rfcir `75 0 tit�y3p it Vie' ,,, liavo ouCntar it7 ri t esRen dv 5tvi?i cftis'elF rehicvo a•"d C .re you- Isr e.;5It ls, his tweeter tor es r "•t r$afut treatment. • . furnished free!. 1!••••.:•'•• .estinralt'sRemedi:d at -MOM On a aixaraintr : • • ' i' tisfattian. CAVA L rti Eta E NERVE SEATS IVER BEANS bre s bey did tura aster} mea the Worst c'ases of Ubbiiiiy Lost Vigor turd PalMotte Winhooli restore* the srpaew of body or setae elated ly eterAterk, or the errors or pc ¢nese seemly. This Remedy ab., aisle 4, $1. beret fait4 *est cages *vies all other yawn/oar* f+►elatledMeitte Mien. isonrid'hydtna. cif vrHaa +rdaa'blSy mail on ETHEJAle for_f& Idne iED CINE ON Toronto. eget. Write foe tatraplatat. Seldtee* Witighatn, A, L.'ItAMMTO,01 \\'e also;deal in ALL MHOS OF WINO MILLS. t'3I"Soft water Gist •ns maple on short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Vit, SHOWERS, Winghatu' E R ZM Stallion Route bilis POR SRASO;N` Or 1893. If you want a Neat, Showy 11111, wellu t together and attraetively displayed, on good TI1MAt'.r S r OPE ORsencl .year order to the A I1i'uMber of Goble Outs to O AVM. iitibl38 Prices reasonable, sand orders by mail promptly attended to, IVES OFFICE, WIW HAM. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER Ile , tY nghann Out h/I LYEII DICKINSON, H. W, C. MEYER Q. •C, t 1 . L,, Maintainer, 19,A • BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS Etc.. lite.. So- licitors for Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners for taking altidarits for Manitoba, Farm, Town and Village property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned onmortgage 3loney invested foie security ons, aupo n the best ense to the louderb j,undsaities for sale intout Manitoi3ia and the Nodi• nest. 018ee—Bent's Block, t4ingham, DENTISTRY.— J S, JEROME, t`riscniast, J!J Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite plates of the best,nateriet as cheap 54 they can be got in the Dominion.A11 work warranted. Painless oxtractfou of teeth by the use of Eleatrta, ity orVegctnbls Vapor. Tests Nortca..i will extract teeth for 25 Cents eah. O6'FIOE• In the Beaver I Brunswick FIouse• Block, apposite the 1 Wnt H, Macdonald, L. D. S. DENTIST, a OFriCE, - MASON'S atof:sK Opposite the Queen's Hotel, W1 ginitn, Will visit Gorrie lst and 3rd of each month. Mondays � t Jolty ItiTanlE, GENERAL In/MANCE AGENT \'eItAM, NUR D •.. DEAMS, JN., ln'txotrAti, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE con OF IiUIiON, Sales attended in any part of the Co. charges Moderate. JOHN C B, WIPOnAM, ORT,, t'i0resen Aso roN5alt VIM T.tii; COUNT3t al Yttnit0lt. An orders left rit the YesesHU oltiice proluptty attend ed to. Terms rtasonatile. JAMES xnNnn sT1 oV� LassenLassenAUOTi0xant$ Msh gran COONTIRON AND C All salon attended to plomptly end on the Sheiseeec Notice, Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed, Ail necessary arrangements eau be made at the Tunes' c8 Oar tt t.,ce atrAit DRS. GODFREY & 1tIeASII, 3I. E. Toronto, Members Collage Physicians and Snrgedns, Ontario. Butomivit •• • Oseaaiti Money r tt7 ^a(yratott l ritraax iscbi�,i�lit�C� AT It1iA.t`t 2'AISI,11 S Aimee advanced t inert per mita tan •ilege if agrOf s; pbt resit with paying et life and of tiny Stull'. now mid eecoilnts eaollaui , e 'i Ws O {cosurcr ''l=ur Goch r well call the to tho Rot, Oh an00 Unionn10 sharp, for one it ladies aro 1040 Wu hope a 10 7Kno du f Y o sv advertised, to s generally .is the Editor space, for our t. semi Items of in day to oar of o aor Women of Cultured Tralydmellet Unec nalt Wonderous Ohallengi Triutupbin Upward worthy is y Christ.likn Teaching to Untleceivi Warning so Cruelly es Thousands s Utterly to kY W lIi `s e ata Cursings Trouble situ 'Usurping Women wax ()moil it Toiling till Unlicens 'When the d Oome it Trusting i Undofhle t Ocoundr to handle in one ptaue e.TJ.e tern Glasgow H anion,; rad thousand w ltd is si i.e perltnce As tribnted am 1'end the dei Ili , great that ...teen ander tTh Have the werable chit( aatrong enol l ern pipet -•tai r;dautuatio4. 1:these child .of.Southet: stile World darn, nrd: >p jive lives n .because of which they 'Whlich they isii.:their ve „Does A. patio ,doetetr the .iftitui;lltnt. weak. end But, dor of a S'ltiilltl gvartns :1316 Preuisel egos w tit:. talviitg tsp box besidt into the .6 the stick The sic first send then Ilius Of coueso And s0 ou rsetf to burnt youit stoe Yes, al who find food, tela yon ]keep alcohol t man wl warms Il Tempera 1i n im by the Tuesday Greed `1' this jtt right to , ai fain plaintiff Nations witless ticket o from Ca return 't train in log ilii aetio amount The trig or of t Hitt Ala; t.tfi tie and h