The Wingham Times, 1893-05-12, Page 7,r
000'Pr>IOXOT, tilli.e , Eggs lis 1a ; ti,lvo,
Sho sings s
she reef th he treads ail air
Her bonnet strings far flying;
Deep--aukdeeleep in buttercups.
Across the mend sire's Woes. f
The lyres twang, the songbirds tweet,
(Say madrigals s n
slob l
s 1
n est'
Theta low 1 the winds .singing
She frets, ohoweeps, she beats deer brear i
She draws her Rea,lslrin tight;
She shivers and her feet are (top:,•
Her's is a, sorry plight!
The flowers droop, the poete mean,
The bagpipe stands forsaken- -1cpe;
7'eu lave is cross to -night I •
'y'et once again a guy cogitette,
She; l:Wes her pliraton cur,
. A blast
n€> witching, dashing
A nymph nowneer--now far,
We love the saucy little one;
With wooing voice we say,
In muslin frock, or winter tweed.
Come, sweet, cepri.cious May
Aesa lta.. Wretteiis in Outing for Reay.
Conciliation vs. "Laming."
Out in Dakota, they lire trying the
experiment of using a, portion of the
machinery of justice to endeavor t4
pinnacle people to agree rather than
to merely provide a legal arena in
wiper, they may fight out their dis-
agreements, They have established
what they cull "Ouurt:i of Concilia-
tion," to distinguished thein probably
from the common courts of "Coutesta-
tion," Each of these courts le eonsti-
tuted by any .lustier' of the peace sit-
ting wish two (lornniseioners of
Conciliation --special uflioers elected
for that purpose. Principals only are
permitted to appear before the court.
No Ittt'.rnevs Are to lie allowed to ap-
pear, says the Week, in describing the
operntioti of the court, "and the chief
testimony is to coHsist of the state-,
monts of the priuuipui parties to . the
acti•rn. The,lrra,io" ,And Gtr•' commis-
sioners are they. to try to induce the
contending pantie to ad,;vet the dilier-
ones on the ground of justice. Should
this pll+,rt fail, none of the proceedings
are to -form, pot of ctihsecue►it i:ti�a-•
tion -
There is beautiful distirtt:tton drawn
Here l.etween "'ustice" and "tae ;" if
the noni:'uding par! ies will not aitcr'pt
;ironic,: they can appeal to la w. The
exclueiou of the lawyer front the court
was a ett. ite of sorchis. Tile whole
scheme aims a deadly blew rat their
satire .8 of a:ulolnutenta ; and to permit
there to comes in and "cueer" the
rnachniery would he hI:e pa slug a law
again t jniiz and aopoluno„ the small
boys to enforce it. If widely worked,
this law ought to molt its great good
to the community. There is elf to-
gether too much 'loving' in the countrv.
igen grit inro dispute and "lo to law"
about it, 80311 spending in fees and
time a vast dent more than the whole
thing comes to, not to take into CJII-
aiderution the nei;hliorhood hatreds
and leartburnings that are created,
Any devroe which will make people
seek to agree rather than disagree will
be of so great benefit to the country
that this experiment will be watched
with interest.
J OtLowe.e. PILLS. --T Ile eliief wot,-
der of modern times. This ineomper-
able Medicine increases nppetite,
strengthens the stomach, cleansed the
liver, oorreets biliousness, and prevents
flatu envy, purifies the aysterri, invi,,.or-
ates the nerves, and re -instates sound
health. The enormous demand for
these Pills throughout the globs as-
tonishes everybody, and a single trial
convinces the most sceptical that no
medicine equals ESalloway's Pills in its
ability to remove all complaints loci.
dental to the human race. They are a
blessing to the afiiected, and a boon to
all who labour under internal or
external diseases. The puriEeation
of the blood, removal of all restraints.
from the seeretive organs and gentle
aperient action, are the prolific sources
of the extensivecurative range of
7lalloway's Pills:
It n#ay not he generally known that
there is nothing more soothing h'r
either a burn orascald than the white
of an egg. It is contact with the air
which htcli ucesa l
ur. so
the egg acts as a varnish and excludes
the air completely and also prevents
inflammation. An egg beaten. tip
lightly with or without a little sugar
IS a good remedy in ease of dysentery
and diarrhoea, [t lends by all etoo•.•
tient qualities toe ssen the inflenitotion
and by forming a transient &teetint;
for the stornattll and fntnst111er, giVo$
these organs A *bailee to rest un it
native shall: nave-ftssuunKl tier health-
ful sway over the diseased body, Two,
or ttt most three eggs a day, would be
all that would ba required under nribn-
,try eases, and since the egg is. flet
I only medicine but food, th+' lighter 11;e
diet otilierwi4e, and the quieter the
patient is kept, the more rapid the
recite! : ry,
itis, se xf.c;td.
It is a common exclamation at this season.
There is a eertalo breving effect in colt air
whicii 1a Yost when the weather grows
warmer; and *lien nature is renewing bet
youth, her admirers fedi dull, eio mglel) luta
tired. This eanditioa hi owing nae.iuly to
the impure condition of the blood, and its
failure to supply healthy tissue to the vari
one orgaug'of the boby. Itie remarkable
bow euRoeptible the eyeteln is to the Help
to be derived front a good medicine at this
seaseu. Possessing just these purifyink
building-upqualities which the body craves
Hood's Sarsaparilla aeon overcomes that
tired feeling. restores the appetite, parities
the blood, and, in short, imparts vigorous
health. Its thousands of friends, as with
one voice deniers "It Makes the 'Weak
6 :
All the powerful an.I r•en'ly useful
diainfectauter corrode .metal and stain
crockery more or Ieeta. 0'pp,ira'1 is
the hest for the hoilet:holrt u, e, one
p:rur•1d diseolhed in twelve quarts of
boiling water, and need hut, being
more e`xective than cold. The valve
should be open when It is poured down
closets, so that it need not settle 10
the pn.u, whirl) should be mule d daily
with tt long -handled dish•-rriop rept for
tine• purpose, and scalding, *' root; sireie,
when it will need no turner disrtlfec'-
tion. A. largo funnel should lie set hl
the tripes of stationary wash howls,
which. by the way sept nufit for a
llnrlmtrl habitati'J11 and unknown I11
the beet modern !louses. 1Vhen the
Astor mansion was !Milt Uptown
the owner positively forbade a single
stntiouary bowl in the dreesiut; rooms,
til r'::aruple which has sinus been
€ollowen in other high 'class house*, —
Fliiladpll,liiu t,,r.
Debecoa, FVilltirlAim, of .Brnwusvalley
led., says: "I bad been in u rlietresse,
condition, for three years from Nerveud
weds, Wealtnesn of the Stomach>, 1)Yypensta
and IrrdieeRtion until my beeps wee away.
I had been doctoring ceustamtly without
relief. 1 Nought one bottle of -Smith A.crt'
erican Nervine, !which done rrie more gond
than any f;;;0 worth of doctoring 1 ever did
in my life, I would advise every weakly
perenu to neo- this valuable and lovely rem-
edy." ). trial bottle will convince yaw.
1'i:.rrur.ted at t:iri:.hulre's drug store.
1Vill.+tiro it:nrtlrscott, of Exeter, met
a pie;k"t ' :tit,lc tat;*, winter which coli•-
triineri •rt bank tlep' ship 80.1
n.her seltlrc' ie pafiees. fie adt''rtl4tirl
the lues bat, :;u;, 00 tru04 of it 130'°
other day, whits./ going through the
1)nai1, he fono<; ,h+' pec lot !rook, etery,
tltiUg tri flood biceps. -
Pew 'pxme1 r mints.
The Ladies' Home Journal is just
now publishing a series of excellent
papers on "Life in the Invalid's Room"
by Elizabeth Itobertson Scovih
Speaking of nursing in typhoid fever,.
Miss Scovilt says: "Physicians say
• that in tl:iany diseases nursing is 'of
Mere importance than medicine. The
vital question is whether the streneYth
of the patient can be so husbanded as
to keep hint alive until the poison has
spent itself. The ie 1cn unreasonin'
fear of typhoid fever all Is contagions
disease, It is not infectious, if it is
properly nursed. It can only be coni- f
tntiniented from the disoliarges, and
if those are thoroughly disinfected
there lir lin danger."
I tilauatRrlsaf. Cuatan 2;; n 1)ay.--.ieuth
Atr.ericliu Rheumatic Cute of Rheumatism
and Neuralgia radically aures in 1 to 3
days. Its rtetimr nfasn this system 11= re
markable remit eeeetertous, It removes et
once the cute.,/ of the disease immediately
disappettru. ',filo iftst dose greatly bene•
lite, Iii ee:its, LVsrrsanted at Cliisbolin's
drug store.*
$'e3't,0S0 Curec.
T11S,--For years I was troubled with
dearness, rind iast winter could scar-
eety hear at ell. On applying 1iagyard'a
Yellow Oil it restored my lieariu'g and new
I hear as well eta auvnue.
Mns, 'xt .i'_,r Cwt., Wseemoutb, N. S.
Teacher: 1)o you know what steam
is Little Girl: Y4's'nc it's something
thnt cracks awful lied !.ever frets warm
11 amok! Where did you get that idea?
Our tint i3 Ira'tltr'ti by it.
CtttO—'.Che beet thing we !mow of
to heal a cut or wound i4 to Lind ep
OW injured pert \lith a el •tii Mtn NOM
in't't.try Ll,it'sa' 1'+irt HAFT. rt,tly
!!ti., for the New 1313 Bottle.
Late is Qat$ blind ih3r1 many men
Catn't telt the nxifereti n between nu
heiress and a type writer,
lvfllletuVi:oval Crown ].e.rcdy, greatest erre em
earth guaranteed to cure general: ervott, 17e1+tlltj,
1tr.ouin.tis a, Neurrlela.! l'oraiysis, ate.
()Heist: Say, whiter, tare Vou posi-
tive thet is wild duck I arilioating
Waiter. "
+iiter. Oli, ytia, sir'; so wild, ill fact,
we had to ehn8e it amend the Back
yard for fifteen mitttites before we
Could catch it. .
*list Canis ono,
When the nyt;tertt is overloaded with inn'
parity, the circulation slugsgisht and the
stot»actl out of erdet, as is often the carte
lib tinting time, there is no recedy eo etll• :
caBioUs as Burdock Blood /litters to re.
remove every teace of impure matter mid
let -tore perfect larttlttr.
MAY 12, 18 3f
Eli utt of Calls.
To call atter its engagement bas
been aunouneed, ;?r a marriage has
taken place in the -family.
tierthe older restd ent in
nr et{I'1 recut upon the new-
comers to their goigliborhnod.
,After a t'emovallfrom ono pact of
the pity to another to, send out cards
with one's new addresr upon them.
intllose verde w.lren inviting 'r
new acquaintance Upolt wht'.ii one
never culled,
To snake the firs_h ?alt upon people.
ill a higher soeiel petition if one is
asked to do so, or it tl:py are ncwcom-
Lor a gentleman to a'ek for the lady
of tale house as Wen as 110 young
ladies, and to leave ealyda for he} as
well as for the gentlemen of the ?ante
i1y,-*Chicago Evening :dost.
't itL's"t.l. Wets `reale,
The trt,th of are 010' ; eying about
children and fools is ue*ly illustrated
icy a story in a Lo14401) ppitprr :
, A gentleman went 1/lto a fancy
goods store, It was early, in the morn-
ing, And in order to mujso obarlge the
shop -keeper was oltliged to upstairs
after the cash Gott. As Allis went out
of the room lie said in a bisper to his
little Foul
Watch the enrlelwgn 1s
tt he doesn't
steal anything,
The preceution was niitural enough,
hut the form in which it wiirt cnif'eyed
was ulzfortnuate, for when the shop-
keeper returned, a few mune tes later,
the boy cried emit:
Pa, ho didn't steal ituythin„
watched hint..
English Sp sin t4010 -'lent removes nil
hard, Rett. or calloused Lumps and .liiena-
iRl:en from horses, Blood Spavin, Ciurbs,
Spitutc, Line Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprait's, .tore seri *motion Throat, Unmans,
eta. Save $te. by use .if nue bottle. War -
"'silted 1_' Chisholm'sdrug store.
This is a gnn'l . one as tolyl by the
i;leuhelCn 0n::ette 1 003 Of our t, 1•
terpr•ising i'itrrners sprttug rather ti
goon joke upon a machine agent a
few clays ago. I;eing somewhat be-
hind in his pn.vnlents he was coerurtrl
into signing chattel mortgage: upon all
the crops to be Bowen and grown upon
a enrtain quarter section doping 1803,
The wily farmer neglecited to inform
time machine agent that he purposed
surnr«ler following the land in gems -
tion, .
Itch on 'Mamma sad horses and all ani•
spats cured in minutes by 'Wolford'e
Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. War-
ranted at C3hisholio's drug otore.
A tradesman who was very fond of
Iris flees presented a cheque at 1t Boston
banking bons", and tieing asked, as
limns!, "How will you Have it?" re -
"Hot, without sugar."
Best Ever Hada.
E Int irr.F.--f can highly recoil -mewl
Hags aril's lreeteral Balsam as the bee
reureciy ever nutrie for coughs tied colds.
am never without it in my House.
II1sNnr Panama, Lorueville, 0i t,
L"vf'ry old man sees sins in other
old men's faces why they should Le
preparing for death and the Iudtuaut,
Guard against C1»eiera,
. deep the blood pure, the stetnac:3 to
geed working artier, and the entire system
free from morbid effete matter by using
Butcloolt Blond Bitters, whirl) eleauses,
l:treugtheus lied tones the whole system.
Cholera cttueot attack the healthy,
Have a care of being a slave to
yourself for it is a Perpetual, a slianlee
ful and the heaviest of all servitudes;
and this may be done by uncontrolled.
For Severn Condo,
fENTIAINI.13N,--I had a severe cold for
j wlirctl I took Dr. Wood's Norway
pine Symp. I dud it an excellent remedy
giving prompt relief and pleasant to take.
a. l'is.rTl:ut, Suetsville, Out.
The total number of Oddfeliows in
the world is 1,572,384. Tliecle figures
include the Manchester Unity itntl tIle
1; 0. 0. r. and forms the largest fra-
ternal organization in the world.
A Prompt Pure.
Gexer:1.enee-11avtug suffered over two
years with emeitipation, and the doctors
not bevies helped rue, 1 concluded to try
13. 13. 13., and before 1 used one bottle 1
Was, aired. 1 can also recommend It for
siek headache.
.C-rirar, D. Hams, Lakeview. Ont.
Tot' discreet man will not forget
tit►r'u ladies are absent that gentleman
may be present,
rinelrwdl's Ilronchlel abloom 11111 cttratti}'Cough
Gold, eventi,itta t,r asthma,
Great Christians are never great in.
their own estimation, They are great
bye being little.
! T_
,�aktag things as they ootite floes not
wear one out as fast its dodging theta,
What soulpturri is to a. kiluck ref
Marble education is to a huuian soul.
I'm ea sari:" said Mrs,. Parvenu,
!?idrling goal nye to some of her guests
an +
the rain has
kept all our best People away 1
A pneumatic tube conncets Paris
with Berlin. It le used for postal
purposes, a0d makes it possible for a
letter mailed in (aria to be delivered
in Berlin in thirty-five minuted.
Amateur Artist; J should like to
present the last p vtt:"n I painted to
some worthy *1►aritall,e institution :'
now, which would ' yon sworn" :,ted
Cruel Lady Friend:. Tho blind ,t: •:, ata.
A Rpro;ci' st,"
r''I. •
The following remarkable facts are fully
certified to as being undeniably correct in
every particular. Mr. Hann is well known
in the vicinity, having resided hent over
fifty years, and is highly respected ae
roan of the strictest honor, whose worn ie
as good as his bond.
As will be aeon from his letter, four
pliyeicians had attended him, and it was
only after he had given up hope of euro
that he decided to try Burdock Blood
Bitters on the recommendation of a
neighbor who had been cured of a simile,
disease by its use. Mr. Haun writes as
iolluv, u :
Dees Sass; I think I have been me
d th:• worst sufferers you have yet lie . r1
of,. haying been six years in the hand, .e!:
foe" of our best doctors withaut obtaining
ries u . cent relief, but continually growing
worst., until almost beyond hope cf !•_-
cover r tried your Bitters and got relief
foe- days. Every organ of any body
wok ' aranged, the Iiver enlarged, Iiarrdene:t
and torpid, the heart and digestive ort,.:.
scrioasly deranged, a large abscess ..1,
back, followed by paralysis of the iii:
leg, in fact the lower half of my body wee
entirely useless. After using Burden%
BIood Bitters. fora few days the absceee
burst, discharging fully five quarts of pt',a
in two hours. I felt as if 1 bad -received ti
shock from to powerful battery. My rr -
cover; after this was steady and the our?
permanent, seeing that for the four yes;'
Since I have had as good health. as eve:'
had. . still take an occasional bottle, not
that. need it but because I wish to keep
my system in perfect working order, I
can think of no more remarkable Dasa
than v,'bat I have. myself passed through,
no words eat\ express my thankfulness
for such perfect recovery.
C. C. Sox, •
Welland P.O.
In this =emotion the following letter
from T, Cumines, Esq., a leading druggist
of Vi olland, Ont., speaks for itself: -
Me srs. T. Hilburn & Co., Toronto.
Gneenexteer,--I have been personally
acquainted with Mr. C. C. Haun for the •
last' 20 years, and have always found him
a •Tory reliable man. You may place the
:ttlooat eonfidonce in anything ho says
',Atli regard to your medicine. Ho has on
-arty oceasione within the last four years
t aid `Ins that it. was marvellous the way
the Burdock Blood Bitters had cured }slur,
and that lie now felt as able to do to day's
prod: as he ever felt in his fife. Although
quite well he still takes some 13. B. B.
occasionally, ns he says, to keep him in
perfect health.
'Yours truly,
'Means Canutrt;s,
Wellsnd, Ont.
',ale array increasing solo of 73.:13. s.,
tnc length of -time it has been before the
people, and the fact that it cures to stay
fiend, attest the etorling merit of this
ma—iamb of medicines, th e people's favor to
5k .ci purifier, tonic and regm.;tJ .
Ana if persevered In will
Positively Cure the Worst Cases
1,c'or Sale by All. Druggists
Avid W]< ole: ale b ' LONDON
TOMO CO., London. Ont.
Metro nemedy for Catarrh Is the
oat. nosiest to rrsr, slid <'hon,mdt,
Sold by druggists or hent by man,
. i llatelttnn,itlifreli, I'a.
210001000 Feat of Legs Wanted.
Highet Cash Pr!ce
paid for any quantity of
delivered u.t our yard in Win to, thee,
by the eord.
to cwt. de,
Cana cti:,:n rat a:flo ii+tiJ
'J;111tp TA:3.4I1.
Train" arrive pad deport ;to follows;
I.xAl 'sa
G:31a.418..........7;er Toronto.... ....
2:00 p, rn r,
1:00 p. rn ..... For Tre,tvater........
10:0 it in
TARLg.. ..
A,t131t"t A,' 'IISUItAs, /MAIM ,tis
(1:11.4 44, 4.4.1'r1nlrtstnn,oticiliit,Ta•nuto, • 14 n:s!
11.310 is ., it ., 30'50
It. h,, t rt at i l!f
and• Bolts 1�0: a. tri.
ie 1N � A Y.sVfts, I(Ir�it j.t l,i.
1. irn•i, in.
Call and get prices. lengths 7,ees ''-
+- . Msocl t.nd Unclrossed. Lumber,
Shingles, Lath, &c.,
kept continually on bund,
lioLEAN tC: SON.
CI'iegletm, ,f tnnary 4th, 1803.
i1s nitperlo'Tac.801.PaNoatio. Onfrengagements
for Concerts or Ohurch meetings. Terms moderate
Aptly at
'1URS. 11. MOIartary'S,
84 Shute!' 8t N'lriSham
" mined for Kincardine S. eve.
for 1tinr:ntl:sec 0.37 p.
t.nrdnn,Clinton.. C , 13,4,3 " '
t. c, t
0.64 „ r
'F Z'At,r ivhAteettl,
IMtStOrd t"AT*NT$,
er information and free rfandhook writ, to
:StUNN & Co.. 591 i31CehT)WAT. NSA YOUIC,
1'84e533 bureau for securing p:etsata 111 AWerit+rtr
Tery patent toren out by us lo brought Beier*
Side pabilo by a notice Oren tree ct 0harge iu the
escirca ation of any sotcntinapaper in the
cod 1 plerdidlr illustrated. No intelliF,xlt
z ah u1d bo without it. Weeks 53.00 a
a'.. urns„ 01tliroadwar,NewTozicCi y;
----GC TO-------
Cheap for KA.SH,
AT— ----
' E iS�,. I,'S
toves, toreg•
All intending purchasers of stoves for th
wintor will save nwr ey by buying from
Having bought a very large variety of
Smec e.s. CD •re. V ram r -•.:w..0
to choose from
. tttery stove guaran t ed against breakaga a
to give complete satisfaction.
Wiugliaila, Oetold'ar 5th 1891.