The Wingham Times, 1893-05-12, Page 5"VIiiX Ip and. Burge Both f enteneed r Twelve Years. noon S•riiltri fiIb1��1;7 Sl3;vi ADD IISS TO 1rtiS FEMUR . A SnialiNICAT.ITY $AVE8 iyILSQN FIROAT I1$LNG 90irVIICSD OF nruangri---IIF MAIEss a :r•I,r:A Fan or. rhl.ENCr.. amides Adrorttaer,) Precisely at 3 o'clock. Saturday morning in the A,esize Court, when Justice Street took his position on the bench, thh'two prisoners, Wilson and Burke, appeared in the dock to receive eentenoo on conviction of nanslaugh- ter iitoonnectLoit` with the death of the late Detective Pharr. They were nattily dressed in. suite of blaek,sitnilar to those worn at the trial, and were seemingly not impressed with the ' position:in which they were plead. • When the Judge commenced to de- liver his •renrarks the prisoner Wilson steed up. He (Wilson) interjected a remark that his counsel had intend- ed to make an appeal for mercy, and that in the absense of that, gentleruan he would ask his Lordship to be as lenient.as possible. Those in the court room listened with breathless attention to Justice Street's remarks which were addressed to Wilson in a clear, distinct voice as follows.: '"The fate that has overtaken you is another example of the terrible danger of icarrying loaded weapons. The carrying of weapons is entirely un- necessary in this country. .Diad you not been doing this you would not likely find yourself in the position you are in to day, The sentence that might bo inipriscnment for lice, and you have narrowly escaped the ex- treme penalty of the law. It is merely an accident that you are not now lathing sentenced to he hanged instead of im- prisoned." Ilere a slight simile of sat- isfaction suffused the prisoners' coun- tenances.- Au audible warmer of anticipatory intereet went the rounds' of the benches. "If the constable whose life void took," continued his honor, "had hap-: retied to see the act which your conerade did, you would have ineoni undoubtedly convicted of murder "' r This remark was uttered with (mi- phatic emphasis, and Wilson looked solemn. "As it is," said the Judge, 44owing to a technicality, you have not been convicted of that crime. As the oonstahle was not ".strictly authorised in elle course he took, and as there were some circumstances of perhaps ainneoessaty aggravation in the case, I do not inflict the highest penalty which 1. might under the law. The sentence of the court is that you be imprisoned in the penitentiary for twelve years." Burke thea stood and reeeived a like sentence. The prisoners both smiled in a self- satisfied manner. Evidently they thought :the sentence might have been THE WINGCIAM TIMES, NAY 12, 1893, T4orrl,a. On Sunday, .30tH April, Robert Hamilton, formerly of Brussels, died at the residence of his son-in-law, Samuel Sipes, Beverly at the age of 60 years. Tho cause of his death, in addition to old age, was a severe cold,. Air, Hamilton was born lir Wishan, l/anark Lure, Scette,nd; 1818, came to Canada 1857, moving, to Galt the saute year where he followed shoe making for three years, then retired in Brussels with his G rand -daughter, Mfrs. J, ,Euivcra.. ;Fitt ruovo to Br is- seis with his greed-40.1%liter where be has been till the last few months, since then lin remained with his son -in law, until his death. Outer 3 grand whildreu survive, Sydney and Joseph Sipes and Mrs. John Rivers The funeral took place on Tuesday at 4 p. rug front the residence of Mr. Sipes to the Sheffield cemetery. The dereascd watt a mem- der of the ryesbyterian church of which he was a faithful attendant. Luelrnow, 1' Ir. John i%loGarry has purobased 1 from MTS. R. J. Whitely the "Vvhite- ly Honee'r in this village. Rev.' W. J, Oonnor, of Luckn-w, has been called to Trinity church, Durham, and has entered on his duties. Mr.. John Murchison of this village has been appointed District Deputy Cranes Chief of the Sons of Scotland, tor the counties of Huron and Brace. The ..selection is a gooct one es John will melte a popular and efficient officer, and we heartily congratulate him on his elevation to such an honor- able position among the 'Sons of Scotia Lueknow is bound to come to the front. Biuevate. Mr. John B. Miller is the delegate to the High Court meetingrfroru Court Doug- 1lras, Canadian Order of Toresters. Tile High Court meeting wilitbe held iuc0 ttawa, commeuoiug on the second Tuesday in lune. The funeral sermon of the late Mrs. Peter .Ring was preachedin the Methodist •ohurcb, on Sunday evening lust, by 'Rev. 7, W. Pring, the pastor. Londeslyoro. Mr. A, Woodman is suffering from an ,attack of lumbago. Miss Iiosalie"'C`rawford, of this place, aged 13 years, Lias a patdhwork quilt con- taining 1731 pieces, the result of £he last two years' work. Mrs. Geo. A. Newton and two daughters, of Wingliam,who have been visiting friends there for some days, returned home ou :Sunday last. Cattle Markets. Buffalo, May 10—Cattle—Light supply; weak. Sheep and Lambs -35 ears. on sale, in - eluding 15 cars sheep, largely cons.mou .quality ; choice wethers sold at $:11.50; heavier. common sheep $3.50 to $4, and good roues .85.El; with light lambs at $6. Hogs -10 oars ou sale; early sales at $8.110 to 58.25 fur the best medium weights; 58.10 to $8,15 for light weights and trigs, with roughs at $6.75 to $7. jail Statistics. Dr. Holmes. County Treasurer, has sent to each of the county paper§ for publication, the following statis- tics of the .expenditure and cost of maintenance ,of prisoners for the year 1892 Total number ,of days prisoners confin- ed therein 3599. Grocers bill..... $141 68 Bakers bill - 143 76 Butchers bill 60 07 Milk bili 19 98 Total for food $365 49 The cost of rations is therefore a little over 10 1-7 ets per day and one prisoner for 365 days would therefore _eost over $137 for food alone. Salaries..,., $1370 00 Food bill as above365 49 Fuel and water 426 40 Clothing and sundries 177 00 Total for maintenance $2338 89 Being a daily cost to each prieoner of nearly 65 eta. or a yearly cost of $237, not taking into aceottnt interest on capital investment, repairs to the building or interest. Flow to Oct a "Sunlight" Picture. Send 25 "Sunlight"Soap terappers(wrap- per betaring the worda"Wby Does a Woman Look Old Sooner Than a Man") to Lever Bros„ Ltd., 43 Scott St„ '.iorouto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free frore advertlsing, and well worth framing. This is au easy way to decorate yourlseme. Che seep is the best in the market and it will ouly cost one cent postage to Bond in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address earefully. Hon. Mr. Foster told a reporter that before the Prohibition Commis' sion conclude their labors {having yet to sit in Ontario) they will visit several places in the United States *litre the liquor laws are of A pro- laibitory character. Mount Forest's population increased 130 during the past year, being now 2,421 The total assessable property increa>s'd from $601,050 to $606,190. Mr. AIfred Frost, eouuty crow-) at- torney for Gley county, died on Mon- day in Owen Sound.after two months' illness. Hamilton is likely to have a smelt- ing works established within its Limits. The city solicitor has prepared an agreement with New York capitalisto which will be submitted to popular vote. The body of William Henshaw, who disappeared on April 25, was found in Harveys mill pond at Acton on Monday. On a previous oca- sien he tried to drowil himself in the same pond. The steamer "Bettie" will make the round trip from Wiarton, Owen Sound And other ports to Chicago this suin- mer stopping six days- at its destina- tion and allowing passengers to live on hoard while taking in the Worid's Fair. At a large meeting of the Maclean§ held in Toronto recently it was decided to secure the attendance at the coming Ohica;lo Celebration of ea many C?ttnsmeti es possible from Canada, It was decided to leave, if possible, on Saturday Juno 10th, ler• riving in Chicago Sunday morning (others however not able to go on that day, may leave ns late as Monday afternoon), arriving in Chicago Tues- day morning, June 13th, in bele to attend the reception in the afternoon. The banquet twill take place Thurs- day evening and the concert 'Friday rye:ling of the same week. ONJ ENJOYS Moth the method and'results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and rufreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptlyonthe Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the eyse ten offletually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- d; iced, pleasing to the teste and ae- eeptablo to the etomacb, prompt in its action and' truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the, tweet 11 ea i illy and agreeable substances, its tnat:y excellent qualities commend :'; to alt (1141.l1avio made it the most ••n;:u• remedy known. ITV. of Figs is for sale in 75c fly alf leading druggists. _crtr': reliable druggist who may not have it ren band will procure it pi unrptly for any one who -wishes to try it, 31anufactiired only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYnUP GQ., SAN FRANCiSCO, CAL. OUInV1LLE. KY. Nau/ ?ORA. 5 .V The Directors of the 1 -lo wick .insnr- ante Company, met in Gerrie on Saturday last. The members all present. iMlr. Edunr. President, in the chair, A. large nrtrnl•.er of new ap- plications for insurance were earefutly looked over and passed. Claims were also presented and adjusted. The losses by fire this sprint so far, have been the heaviest for years. The loss of a large barn and content, in Wale lace, was a heavy one, the property being insured for $1500 in the How - ick. Another loss of $600 by light- ning in Morris township, was also settled. But notwithstanding this bad streak ,of luck, the directors will meet all obligations without any trouble and will not require to levy any extra assessments. The Howiek company is not alone unfortunate this spring, as almost every Company do- ing business has suffered this spring already by lightning, something never heard of before so early in the season. Mary Ann, wife of Edward Camp- bell, con. 8, Howiok, passed away Wednesday, April 26',h, and was buried on the following Friday. She lived to the good old age of 76. The funeral was attended by a large num. her of friends and acquaintances. Itis again reported in Ottawa official circles that the Mounted Police and Indian Departments will ho amalgam- ated, with iVlr. Fred Whits-, the pres- ent eontrrllor of moon Lod police, as Deputy 114iu: rrr. t "SUNLIGHT" PILLAR WciOe res - for L-° O SAVING PURIFYING CLEANSING EXCELLENCE PURITY SU,NLIGur SOAP IGUARANTE D\ REANDIntea Ai!NOItIJI t' US CHEMICAL'S, RESUL1t tARCCt3Y E:S TRtStlLi; ER1 LARCSST iefQ*MWA tN`nrtta £O1/4'at0 ON MVOO RS, HERDSM ,.n I Syrin Begs to aneu..ce to her numerous patrons that she has DECIDED ON CONTINUING her Milliuery and antic BUSINESS at her old establishment on Josephine St., Wingham, TJNTIL SEPTEMBER NEXT. Full lines of of the newest styles and desripticons are noiwn stock. Wingham, March 16th, 1893. Ala� .fit m �:i {n�aj��j ��5� t��tis"��ctYlI Y.i% fDd! '�GiG,' •'�+t f*� �l:l . i h'.(•t'�`''=+Y / � r FAR T D ' is the place for you to get your IMPLEMENTS Latest improved ; no equal or no sale. SP_IIING TOOTH CULTIVATORS, FROST it WOOD'S WIDE OPEN REAR SINGLE APRON BINDER, ^+,-a �!+ FROST & WOOD'S H Vc4� iV- � D 71 -r lir 0 . T1 r RAKES, HAY FORKS, PLOWS, Four different kinds to choose from, Frost & "Wed, Fleury (of Aurora), Hilhorn (of Ayr), Teeswater and Twin Plows. Repairs for these plows constantly on hand. OOLEIVIAN PIVOTED STEEL LAND ROLLERS, 7:101E, 1-31,Pi with or without Seeder. WHITE'S THRESHING ENGINES. Come one, conte all and inspect the implements. Second to none.' Wingham, March 8th, 1803. WM. GANNETT. M. A.TT..,�. .S +'N9. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, ®7,1 t' ' 1 have just received a full supply of Christmas goods, consisting of VVA TCI ES,1''Y CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, tinct Jewellery of all kinds and Iatest designs. BIS- _, BARGAINS From. Now Till Christmas. All goods bought for 00511 and we can sell as cheap at the cheapest at:cd ubeaper. Regiaairing Promptly Hone and Satisfaction Guaranteed teel—Gtve me a call. M. PATTERSON. MISS A A. WALL ALL CE MILLINER, 13egs to announce to the people of Wingham and. surrounding country that her stock of prinG 111in f*r is complete in all the latest novelties in HATS, FLOWERS, ERS, 'FATHERS, RIBBONS, i� LACES, $&c. M ISSA. WALLACE, Meyer's Erick Block. Wini11a,m, Marob 39t,h, 1893. v wee Fountain Syringe,;, Household Syringes, Alphs. Syringes, Omega Syringes, Hot Water Bottles... HAMILTON DRUG STORE.. Central Telephone Exelza NEViTAILOR SR CLQ. fi. ERV! . Wishes to announce to the peop Wingham and vicinity that he, has op tailor shop IN THS; STORE ONB 7 SOUTH OF M1; It. 1ITtLL'S TAURANT, and lately occupied. Patterson, watchmaker. All clothing made in the latest sty WORKMANSHIP AND F GUARANTEED. The patronage of the public solicit& satisfaction guaranteed. GEORGE IL IBITJ! Wingham, Marcli 17th, 1893. We h.r e the Inside track an Can gi .. e you Every me we s For les than Our co petitory' If you ,l, o not Look a s our Dinner `* etts, ease ts, Toilet. 'etas, Table 1 hina, TeaPot Salad B oris, Fruit S t•ts, Cuspdo res! Biscuit Jars, Plower Pots, Cups a :i d Saucer pp y Pansy ; 'lat es, Wine 1 `lasses, Tea P • . Stands, Cake I,tes, Celery Glasess, 8c., You •11 be The i to er. The China .Hous Wi'