The Wingham Times, 1893-05-12, Page 4• .
he malthig V mortar or a roitiou, an
Es ,Te S.tiat
that is "sand." We must have nen who
are not afraid o tbe party whip,to whom
Ito hocuspocus their cOraMen Sena@ whee
office is no temptation, aud who refuse
, grave charge,,thas beau proved, positive-
ly Al' tiegatively, against it obit:tot rain-
ster oa their own side. Such men, tem
Irare, and the price e public) =et Pay
, for a • sufficient supply is tO recognae
ize d
reuet be humored or they will got in a 1 Turriberra
Ihonor thou, who show thatie the stuff ot
which they ore made. Mr. McCarthy
h shown that agaia and again, and I respect ourselves ; and tbe sooner
huff and refuse to work or play with We.
The sooner we get rta of such notions
the hotter. There are no people he the
world who have et bottom eo much
horse sense as our neighbors, Very
properly, they do not think of our feel-
iugs when they make their tariff. They
simply do what they think right iu the
cireumstances. Unless we aro n palm
ce cowards We shall do likewise, No
other critical will respoot us it we do not
rake up our mindth
s about e principles
that should be at the basis of our tariff,
without waiting to so What congress is
going to do, the better for all concern-
it W. TELEGRAPH CO therefore our hearts are warm to him.
1We think all the more of hint because ot
opt). Brunswick House 1 the charge recently made by Mr. laves.
That hou. gentleman intended to uom-
mit murder, but instead committed
Velinghara, ,•• Ont
- suicide. Mr. McCarthy, he said, was
;bought, but wouldn't stay bought, What In opening, Mr. McCarthy said he was
'is the answer that comes at once to our as much of a Conservative as he ever
Nes., i lips ? Thisto Mr. McCarthy hay- was, and came to tell them why it was
Tee first meeting et the Court of lievi-
siou for this ameicipelfty will be' bald iu
liluevale on the 29th et
A. greet many of the farmere are through
tateding, 0
The fall wheat is looking pretty well
throughout the towaship.
The following report shows the etanding
ot the pupils in Soi1041 Section Nn, 6,
Turilberry, for the mouth of April. The
names are placed in the order of merit
and the numbers correspond to the number
of days the pupil was preseut.
4th class sr. -Celina Cowden 9, Jennie
Johnston 17, Kate Hardie 12, Panes
Bleolcwell 4.
4th class jr.-A.nuie Porter ,7, Albert
Louttit 16, Sara Johneton 12, Bother
Cowden 14. Aggie Mitchell 18, Enuie
Wheelens 12, Hannah Johnstou 8, leery
Bryce 4, Albert Porter 9, Jessie FYN 1,
Albert £Iomuth 1.
3rd class sr:- %qua Elliott 19, Foster
Pyle 18, Tette Felly 17, John Kelly 5,
Aggie Cowden 2, Bert Porter 1.
3rd class jr.-2Iora Wade 19, Mary Dun
can 15, Mary Cowden 19,Winnie Porter 10,
Andrew Mitchell 19, Lizzie Bryce 11,
John Foxtoe 13, Ella, 'Mitchell 17, Norma
Blackwell 19, Maggie McKinnon 12, Bella
McCormack 6, Ida Romuth 11, Edward
Johnston 10, Ilughie Johnston 10.
Second class. -Frank Elliott 18, Clare.
Elliott 17, Predate Elliott 19, Wm, Mit-
obeli 17. Frio* McCormick 3.
fart II.-jamen Kelly 16,Charlie Bleck-
well 18, Wilfrid Huffman 11, Alex Mo.
giunon 12. John Mitchell 17, Sadie Mc-
Cortnicic 18, tleerge Little 15, William
Foxtnn 7.
Part 1 sr. -Willie Kelly 13, Alice Little
13, Natty Bryce 11, Harry Goy 16, Johnnie
McCormick 9. Sera Crow 7, Mary Mc-
Kinnon 10, Luoy McKague 11. '
Part I je.-Maggie Holmes 17, Fra.nkie
p ing been bought, we must hear the evi-
that he was no longer in the ranks of
utital .Cm"5 dente and none hes been given; we ruust the t The changes brought about
par y.
hear the accused, and he at once gave it 'between him and his party were caused
1 the lie direct; but what is certainly on
le 0
1 FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1803. by the ministeriallsts. He then wept on
ee I the face of the charge is that 014Ir. Ives to discuss the trade policy of the country,
, at
• ' thinks it- quite right for a goverument to 1 saying that in 1818 he believed honestly
EDITORIAL NOTES. lbuy members of parlianaent, and only 1 that the national policy would be in the
lefoCearriax condidate will be nom- • stay bought There ie another reason, i
I anxious Mutt the result's should be in
interests of Canada, and was always very
!complains of them when they will not !
s ' 11 accordance with the anticipations form -
he WQrld's Fait.
The progratnine of the congreeses time
ter determiued upou has been arranged
and dates timid. The Unit congress will be
opeu Alm' 15, This will be the congress
of reweaeutative women of allionao to liet
forth progress ot women (1)edecation,(2)
illdOStrY, (9) literature and art, (4) morel
and siocial reform, (5) philanthropy and
charity, (6) civil law and government, (7)
ot the subjects forming the
baste of separate , congress, One week
will be allowed the congresees, Md so eni-
versed hoe become women's interest that
the time may prove all too short. Theu
will follow the week of 11Iey 22, the de-
pertment of the public press, throe cou-
Week of May 20 -Department of meth -
eine, three congresses.
Week of June 6 -Department of tent-
peritnee, nine congresses,
Week of June 12 -Department of social
and moral reform, six eongresses. A cons l
terenee on oharities, correctiou, and OA-
authropy, preliminary to the general con-
gress on these questions, will begin in one
of the smaller halls June.8.
Week of Juue 19 -Department of co
and finance, seven congresses, whioh
the fourth, that of congress on water com-
merce, has been transferred to July 31, to
be held in connection with. the congress on
Week of July 3 -Department of music,
two congresses.
Week of July 10 -Depertment of liter-
ature, five coegressos.
Week of July 17 -Department of educa-
tion, fifteen special congresses, which will
in Knigston tor the House of - es—
rt..• b ides the peisona one, w y .
. tie, Irish Home Rule bill is now doing ed of it. He understood frotn, the com-
rge Carthy has been asked here to receive
odered in Cotnmittee in the Imperial him approve generally of the public
the policy was not to be permanent. No
mencement that the scheme laid down in
cm , this demonstration. Those who asked
P 1, educated man at this period of the Dine-
r_ _ise of Commons. policy that he advocates. His policy may
mine army bill was defeated in the be said to consist of two planks, movin- I
teenth century would be in favor ot
GUM= Reidesta.y this week, and the tial rights and reform of the tariff,as far 1
protection. The late Sir John Macdonald
leperor at once dissolved the House. as possible accordiug to the British 1
was not a protectionist. He felt free to
luee xe again rumored that Hon. Mr. !node. ! aoknowledge that free trade was a prin-
netiean willleave the Doniation Cabinet Neither the government nor the P ciple, ma thatp t ction was to be
position takes the tirni stand that should!
. I treated as au exception to the general
eat accept theLieutentant-Governorship
• itsgew Brunswick.
it cu. T. J. Diereee, formerly of B tie-
. these institutions must at some
terea and who has gone to Prince Edward le
"land to superintend cheese niaking I posed to vote the Jeluit Estates bill.
rY lrations there this summer, reports to 'That bill was bad in itself, insulting in
- .' prepared to stand alone, and dispense
en itlairy commissioner that 14 factories its form, and vicious from its parentage. with the high taxation necessary to their
ibo openedonthe islandI Nothing worse need be said of it than ' harm°
y ; and he concluded the time had
1 migainst one only last year. n ex_ i was said here lately by Hon. Mackenzie ' come in 1893 when the infant industries
n -e'' this year,
'Mut ' should do this. It was also understood
emrnts can also he made, a creamery1Bowell. But when a province has rights
, tha when the national policy was framed
. be opeued. I outsiders have no right to interferce;
e be DILL has be.en introduced into the v TheProvince of Quebec cuuld do what
it liked with its money, and to have that whenever manufacturers violated
erio Legislature to prevent frauds their privileges by forming rings and
nine. Any person who , sells mule , monopolies the tariff was to be reduced
Hexvetoed the bill would have 'wrenched the
mimed or partly sour is ha e o a
be taken on provincial an p lamp
ie rights. Mr. McCarthy is now farnethough Canadian infant industries were to be
d tobe doubtful when he pro- '
, always spoonfed, but it was stated that
' be
as not understood that
ath bl t constitution- The bill, however, was SO on their goods. He asked if there was
nant protest was made against itehoug% an inenstry in Canada that was not part
than bad that I was thankful that an indite- •
There is a provision tiat this shall of a ring by which its output is regulat-
of not less than $1 and n4 more
ifiee' a, man in Mr. McCarthy's position anew training A. Ecenig's trotting horses. He
=overt the sale of skiramed . . ed tied prices determined. Because the
to the same is skimmed -to the know- governn-ient had not taken action with of social end economic science.
ou that to cry out was to imperil his politi- will also handle Beettie 13ros. trottine
'-'-"7"791577,r7F-377,' •f'^' -rf ..-- ,t -
1 7,
Persons afflicted with these or
any throat or lung troubles
should resort to that
,fillot Excellent. Remedy,
of Pure Cod Liver Oil with
Hypophosphites of Lime and
Soda. No other preparation
effects such cures.
..asarTioiv.”-Boware of fillbStallt09.
GOL111/110 prepared by soot ..t.Bovine,
Belleville. Sold by all druggtate.
600. and $1.00.
Court of Revision and Al peal.
The Court of Revision and Appeal o the
will bo held i
111e)Dostttlell's 0$'d
MONDAY, MAY 29th 1893,
at 1 o'clock p. partmq interested aro request-
edto take notice. JOHN BURGESS,
Tp. Clerk,
be followed by a general educatiouel 0013- —.—
greSS, to close July 25 -
Week of July 31-Depsetment sen- I BARK VW ti Eklis
neeriug, seveu congresees, aa the depart. '
ment of art, five congresses.
Week of August 7 - Departroeut of 1500 CORDS HEMLOCK BARK
Johnston 15, Tommy Tees 7, Frances government, eight congressee. :
Foston 3, Eaddia Elliott 4, Her hie Elliott Week of August 14 -Five congresses, wanted at the Wiugham Tannery.
4. covering as many distioctive departments,
The average attendance for the mouth viz : 1 dental, 2 pharmaceutical, 3 medical I. $ 5.00 PER C 0
jurisprudence, 4 horticulture, 5 Africa, the 1
Will be paid on delivery,
was 39.
'HATTIE A. Rime teacher.
The stores will be cloned in town at 7 p.
m. cob evening, except Saturday, and at
10 p. m. on Saturday eveniugs during the
summer months.
Mr: Ed. Proper, of Brantford, is in town
contirient and the people.
Week of August 21 -Department of 1
Parties peeling 15 cords or
Feience and philosophy, ten congresses -11
deliver half in summer and
astronomy, 2 . anthropology 3 chcmiety, 4 winter, if desired, end same
electricity, 5 geology, 6 Indian ethuolon,y, '
7 meteorology, 8 philosophy, 9 psychical
resea,rch, 10 zoology.'
Week of August 29 - Department of
labor, seven congresses and six congresses Wingham, May 10th, 1808.
ar, cal life. The protest did good. We are respeut to the tariff, knowing that it Week of Sept.4-Department of religiop, TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH
,er, can
lance in
e will be
o pre not likely to have more bills of that !rind: thirty congresses, including tbe parliament ;
s tohave the right, to recover damages!
Its promoters, political and ocelesmsti- °aimed combines and restricted. trade, he Arbor Day was observed last Friday by
of rolieions. It is expected that these COURT OP REVISION.
procerss. hava found out that it was ane- had separated from the ranks and eveuld
advocate tariff reform to the people un-
l'seed He then spoke the public scfmol iu beautifying the grounds
and tree planting.
The football club played the first of the
congresses, together with five others of the;
Tho Municipal Council of the Township of netwa-
es of the buyer. Any -person detraud• .
1 mare.
he there report' of the Minister of Eclueee-1 pensive luxury. Now those
cat, 'shows that 16,939 pupils attenclgrl / stood up ter provincial rights thenehough . it was
series of games under the Maitland As.
ious Collegiate Iustitutes and High I smarting under the insult, and in op- of the treatment accorded him lately,by '
the party. Other Conservatives had sociation, on the park here, on Saturday
osition to our best friends, have no idea sinued, but tbey bad not been read out. laet, with the Gorrie chib.
of the Province,and of those were children of fanmers, 4,170 of
modehants, 3,866 of mechtinice, and 1,829
edessional men. Thep who passed
-eliminations were this classified :-
. ;mem' children 1,27
ildren 453, merchants'
children of professio
Amsnon Advertiser :--
of deserting the same cause now, and we He referred to Mr. Calvin vo g ,
are very glad to have Mr. McCarthy on the government's trade policy and for
our side. We defended Quebec awn, we Mr. Laurier's motion; be was still a good
must defend Manitoba now, and we have ; Conservative. me,
McCarthy closed by
' st
man cau eat a cake and bare it. No •
referring. to his attitude
, mechanics la right to ask Quebec to help us. No
al men 303. 1 province can demand rights for itself and' school question, dual language bill and
separete schools in the Northwest. He
children 452,1
f s them to another. Our French- said he was not, as reported, an enemy of
Huron could shut up its jail and Canadian fellow-countrymn --------- - thelhFrench Canadians and man
Schdt H
tara*the officials a prole ged holiday but mon cense and courage. Like ourselves, lies. He never uttered a word against
sethe,esing the structure as a place of 1 the tightrope dancers, men who stand in them. He wanted peace, not to be
fact that the mulicipalities insist , they will, in the end, prefer statesmen to .
le eetinement for aged and infirm paupers.1 their boots to men who walk upon razors, have bad the honor of sitting in the
, bought at too great a price. He might
Cur -
at Goderich, but it t costs the tax- 1 tors who treat them as if they were
cabinet with Mr. Wallace and Mr. present there are no -prisoners in the l and speakers who tell the truth to ora-
Siers $6 a day to pay runniaa expenses grown babies. ! certain measures. He coneluded:-"If
ran if he would withdraw opposition to
Al. maintain the three 4aupers confined ! The eecond plank in Mr. McCarthy's . I neer sit in the cabinet board I will
Inethe building. It war Id certainly pay 1 platform is just as intelligible as the stand by the interests of the people of
ton, people of Huron, as it bas paid those ' first, to those who wish to understand: this Dominion though it separates me
Weatiddlesex, of Elginarof Waterloo and it, though any amount of dust can be' from the French-Canadians and the
Ver Ontario bounties, :to establish a raised about both. It is that protection 'gentlemen whom they control."
Tao of industry, and* the method of is not to be adopted as a principle,though i
1 . • indigents luld be far more it may be necessary for a time and for I T,owee Wingham.
Bdtineale than that will° now prevails'
in 1good and suMcient cause clearly shown. I The stone work of Mr. Reid's house
er-----------------4., t The Tight principle is free trade.modified . has been completed and the frame has
The following office•beareve were elected
in connection with Court Princess Alexan-
dra., Canadian Order of Foresters, in this ture, uiue congresses.
department of Sunday rest, will occupy , nosh will meet at the ceeecti acorn malmoos r, 0.,
3,4, otaioession o? Thursday. 25th May, 1303, at
1 weeks, extending into . October. ',IT/iamb: a. tn., for tne purpose of revising and
• ment roll Clt the present year,
Commencing Friday, October 13, will be c
• hearing appeals against assesstnet.ts, etc., and also
for the transaction of other municipal businesS.—
held four cungresse 1 -of the department of
1 of which all persons Interested arc h'reby required
to take notice,and govern themselves accordinoly.
public schools. .
Week of Oct. 15-Deptatreent o aeri
place :-C. R., A. Reid ; V. C. R., Jesse
Wilbee ; IL S., Walter Smith ; F. S., A.
Ecenig ; T., W. Blashill ; Chaplaie, S.
Plum; S. W., Chas. Ritchie; X. W., Walter
Wilbee ; S. B., N, F. Gerry; J. IL, Jos
Balle.ntyne. Physicians, W. Graham and
A. McKelvy. Delegate to High Court, W.
The following are the officers of the
Mechanics' Institute for the current year :
Rev John•Ross, B A, President: Rev Geo
F. Saltou, Vice-Presideut ; Alex Hunter,
Secretary. -Treasurer ; F S Scott, J T
Pepper, J Shaw, W H Kerr, W Brydon,
H Camerou, 3 It Smith and John McBain.
Directors Alex Strachan and A. iteid,
A.ulitors ; Miss Dolly Shaw, Librer an.
The lnetitute is in a flourishing condition
and there are 1700 books in the library,
During the year 1059 volumes were issued,
to members. The institute bas 65 mem-
The assessment of the village is 0311,-
t r
Wire ..... i only by revenue req
ante or national ii
tile% McCarthy at. Kingston. i conditions. We, however, have fostered i• Mr.
been raised.
_ Albert Green had a narrow escape
IrEtINCIPAY. GRA.:171 yariucts. Iprotection until it has become a virus in I 013 1100110Y laet in Button Sr ilessant's
the blood. It must be purged away, buti factory A pully block P off and
absoernoereeer sue -niers mcceuray's i we must clo that gradually, as too drastic
POSPriolki. medicines would weaken us unnecessar-
ily and almost kill us. The question then
is, shall we begin on the side of Britain,
ongston, May 6. - The D'Alton
qt"la" eihe hall
meeting this evening was our mother, who is as sound asa bell on
wattt successtrtli
iked to the doom wiity th raZ--of 71 the trade question, or on the side of the
Jea. ec
I 'United States, a foreign, country, which
is, to say the least, wobbly, as regards
n'tes of society', and oti the platform ;
tel 4. many ladies, The %vans in thel free trade? The mistake made by the
ity of the speakers ' were adornedinefarra party, a mistake that cost them
mottoes: -"Econoiny'atid retrench- a, general election, was, when it said, let
"Equal rights," "Tarlif tor the us begin with the United States. Mee
.,,,,not the elassee," "No oppression,"; ot honor and Alen ot sense nova see that
in ;to i we must begin with Britain. eVehave
t "Ad gueOn for head."
East Wawa,nosh. 1
Mr. P. W. Scott is having an exteusive I C RAND TRUNK RY.
addition erected to his dwelliug house.
PC for the erection. of a large barn
this 131.101L1381.. Will issue tickets from
Quarterly meeting of the Auburn circuit I APRIL 25th to OCTOBER 31st
Clerk's ollice, Wawomosh. May 1, 1891.
100, a decrease of $6,825 from Jas -yea ,
and the population is given at 1,149, a
decrease of 50.
Mr. John Coultes, sr., is making pre- w
was beld in 'Westfield church or, Sunday
Mr. John Bowler is able to be around FOR 17 75
Townsfolk, we understand, are jubilant
after a severe illness.
0,Ild good to return
over the great slaughter of standing timber'
made by the big wind storm. They must lear-ry
not forget, however, that Winghttni is nett, ' FOR $18.35.
the only wood market, and after the pre-
sent supply is exhausted, what will be the For full particulars apply to
good for one month from date of issue,
struck him above the teme.e, inflicting 1 Seaforth.
a deep out. As Betted last week,the Collegiate eleven
Mr. Geo. Green is adding another I
played the Galt Collegiate foot ball team
building to his premises here. on Saturday and succeeded iu bringing
Mrs. Potter has moved from the corner
home the "Hough" cup. The match was
into the house formerly occupied by Mr.
I hotly ,contested on both sides, but our boys
Monisein's family. ' roved too much for them and won by
Mr. Arthtxr Flack hes his new cottage
shingled end Sided in. He dope the
carpentering himself after hours.
Mr. Xing is improving the appearance
of hie property by putting apicket foe°
along thcefront of it. He bas had his
stock increased by the arrival of fine
Mr. Wm. Bone is havieg bis barn, Which J. NICOLL Agent,1 .
was unroofed by the wind, thoroughly m•
three tO one. The Galt team got the first
goal ia about a half an hour and then
Staforth scored two before the first balf.
time was up and one in the mond half.
The Seaforth team was as follows: Goal,
S. Dickson; Banks, 3. McKinley and W.
Elliot ; Half -hacks, 3. Jackson, T. Steven -
:- Gntlemen,-I have differed fast as possible. We Can ,Itt the same by yMfencingr' ohitG ei sth a finiemwpriroevifnetche,18 lot 60%hatnedn, J. iCvirtlagwsronrdl, 3E. °Jr.wCarlsto3n,
Captain, H.3.
ditk rstscuPs.r. nusives Anormas.
built the walls between ourselves and spring colt.
chefirminui Grant presided and spoke as her. Let us first knock tbem down as
ateg * Mr. McCarthy in the past and may tittie sty to our neighbors that we wish 1 Some boys captured a very large mud C.
a-na 31"ricgin •
sholbr from him in the future, but baye1 to bo friends, but that in trade it' takes' turtle at the iron bridge this vteek.
crawford. The boys are eepeetaig a busy
uturstys admired him and believed Waal two to make abargain,and that therefore' Our citizens were terribly Surprised on
bentroughbred tmaii who dptild he de- as they lower their wall we shall lower TuesdayIast, on hearing the news that
debited upon for couragi, henesty,1 ours. What is the great answer given to M. ItcOallhad died the evening. before,
\in tliwidiforwerdnees and ability. That this? WhY,that such a policy would hurt very suddenly. .
Mr. Robt. Jamiesou, of Fardwich, has
been awarded the contract of erecting a
'wooden bridge in this place, to replace the
one taken away by the recent freshet. The
contract price is 3675.
Mr. John Hooey shipped a couple of car
loads of horses to Winnipeg, this week.
They were a tine lot, heavy draughts and
Messrs. Martitt Adair have disposed
of their saw mill hero to Mr. James
Hammond, of Atwood.
season and are determined, if good playing
Will do it, to hold the cup. We wish theta; to=p
Tenders will be received by the under-
Ti'p till May 20th, 1893,
for the construction of a
Wm:01Am, May 11, 1803
Corrected ty P. Deans, Produce Dealer.
Flour per 100 lbe, . $ 1 75 to 2 00
Fail Whcat p1,3 bushel, 63 to 65
Spring 53 to 60
Oats, 30 to 30
Barley 30 to 34
Peas, 55 to 55
Butter, tub 16 to 16
do Dolls, 16 to 16
ego per doe. 0 to 0
Wood per cord, 1 15 10 200
itry per ton, 6 00 to 700
35 to 40
6 50 to 075
The 1.1. L. of the Methodist church on( 'NOTICE.
Ms:many evening returned the visit paid.
there by Obbari0 street church ietgue, of
wean here---t-by cautioned *goblet shin
Serie** if we are going to make a nation people amotp: WI 'who fancy that not only Nett Xi neardins Oh Menolty Milo . iTinstrit'heAatrotegtILItegedteirpozggPle credit to
1 It "eittr° lite °d" air Cir' lig'
prim* kind of men We must have in pub -1 our neighbore feelings: That *there are
Bertha aged eighteen, ceinesitl,prrt, t'amine,
alone, would ensure a rstilbsevrtrPlligho:s' er°.r MeittE!
C I May 1st isle
Iiut w-gobrassge but one thing there neuet be cans, Are spoiled children, and that they tad milokle by taking strycht its. goei evening's enttlrittinDlellt. f000
Alketada. Policies may change, tariffs the Preach -Canadians, but the Awed -
Brick Block of Slues
in the
Separate tenders will be received;
let. For the stone and brick
work and plastering.
2nd. For the carpenter work,
including the roofing.
3rd. For tinsunithing and
piping, dic.e.
4th. For the construction of
thc whole work.
Plans and specifications can be seen et
the residence of the undersigned. The
lowest or any tender not necessarily
Winghatn, Ont.
Whaghatet, April 27, 1898.
Wile ! axed 1
- for II
gaga STREFli
Precisely u
morning in th
Justice Street
bench, the -tw
Burke, appeal
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1892 :
Total nt
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