The Wingham Times, 1893-05-05, Page 3W. C. T, U. COLUMN.
4(CONDIRinD s ' eu wxNextatt BRgtlernt
4t,V407 God and flow and Natio. Land,"
to th hop,tono Chao Yo an rgh titian Te,ip er
itUme Union moots every Monday at three o'clock
*harp, foronohour, in Aliso Uoughtort's mem. All
dadtes aro mads •weleoude.
Wo hold a monthly Gospel mooting est tido tact
Monday el every month, except when otherwise
'advertised, to v4i101 meeting wit invite 'the public
As the Editor has kindly given ua ,part of hill
space, for our,work, wo ask friends of eche comic to
-Gond Items ofsinterest on ell moral q11041ons of the
day to any of lour mailmer,.
Chicago Trauma : Twenty years
ago it was often true that a young man
who d►•auto beer, or wine, or even
whisky in moderation, might be
admitted to places of great trust and ,
responsibility. It is now scarcely
possible. The habit is simply fetid to
;moose. 1 do :not think there is al
singletbusiuess house in Chicago where!
• an entployee who drinks intoxioabts of,
any hind bee anything like an even
ohanctefor promotion. The taking of
a sin tle glass of beer may, toad often
does, mean losing the chance of a life►-
titne, +Brainy boys and young ,lien,
teetotalers from principle, are plefaty
enough to fill all the places in the ii;ne
toe promotion.
.Inebriety and Life Xnsuranele.
One of a series of lectures .oil also.,
• holie dricilceuness was delivered by
.Dr. "Nor']nan Kerr, in London, last
month. lie took strong ground, as
he always, does, in favor .,f total.:ab-
stinence, contending that even moder-
ate,indulgenee in alcohol:e beverages
aessens the duration of human life=and
renders the body more suecept,ble to
+diseaaer. Said the doctor: "Werlcnow
that ono prominent effect' of alcoholic
,poieoning, whether spread ever a
longer or shorter period of yeses, is
premature ageing, ]f there is one
,fact con:o«;rntiug alcohol letter eetalr.
dished than another, it is that it•opers
axils in ante -dating the day of our
.quoted the claims by death
.expected during 1891 in the SiSceptre
Life Insurance Oompauy teeIoulated
•by itllo institute of Actuaries .ldm.
;table) as compared with these that
aotttully occurred, which were;ete fele
inieneertal.Section.-Expected ,claiins,
11t6.; actual claims, 93 Rate .per
Temperenee Section,—Expected
.clouds, fill; actual claims, 30. Rate
.per cent., 40.18.
These,.figures prove, says the B ono
tarn; ivies, tbat even strictly tithed
+(dietetic .Use of intoxicating beverages
is prejaic iota! to Health, tends to:
saortcsn lule,.and considerably ineneeaees
the liabitt•t_v to disease. Beside:, at
lessens the ,recuperative power of the.
system in +recov'ering from sickw 'm:i i
We do not recall as instance among
the experieneee.of life assurance eons-,
paniea either lin ; this country or
'intent in which the ratio of mor-
tality was not less atnorig teetotallers
than those who habitually use Alco-
holic drinks.
Horne l3reeding.
Mr. Hendrie, of Ratnitton, a noted
horse dealer, says:
'The quantity of horses brought in
fol' sale and offered to me wore of a
class of which there are thousands
throughout the country, useless on a
farm and unsaleable by dealers,
1 mean this eross bred scrubs, meetly
. sired by a general purpose or half
Olyde stallion. This class of horses
are nor, heavy enough for dray work in
the cities, neither have they the breed
in;; to enable them to trot all day in
front of an express or delivery wagon..
Farmers meet know very well what
a demand there is for light harness
horses, carriage and saddle ; also that
this demand is increasing with rapid
strides—the United States and creat
Britain can purchase all Ontario can
raise of such. Fancy four half -bred
narrialse horses, bred, raised, broken
and purchased in Ontario, bringing in
the New York horse market in an.
auction sae over $7,000; another light
harness mare $3,000.
What folly to breed a light road
stallion on a heavy draught mare, 'cis
cross it pert bred Olyde mare with a
general purpoae stallion 1 In either
case the produce its a scrub, worth
frutit si7cty to eighty dollars at tire
years old, Is there any money hi fhb:1
No. Breed $otlr heavy draught mere
with your heavy draught Olyde or Shire
(stallion, If balfeOlydo mares of gen-
eral purpose mares are all you have,
breed thein to a thoroughbred stallion
and invariably 'the produce is useful
and saleable. .
This dealer considers it is Midi} time
fair associations, county fairs and
spring stallion shows strike ottt of
their oatalognes all prizes or premiums
for general purpose classes, This
breed is 'a ottrse to Ontario. The
stallion himself it; the result of a p
Cross, or if net he is the refuse of
heavy dr'liught class, where he„sho
properly belong, and in many ease
castrated he would not make a g
dray horse. His usually, stands at
low 4 lierviee fee that the tewptattett.le.
too mtuett for many fartners. They
use him because he is eimep, and the
results are seen over the Trevino() its
unsaleable, ]tondeseript horses, His
Presence It another bud effect
real good stallion, at aervice fee of $
un -
TH WJN (.' AM TIMES., MAY . ,t 18KL
oar lq'Qrawieb..
the ,
ttld .ha regular meeting of aowiek
IA ]f Court, Qanadian Order of 1.$'orestete,
oied wits helel in. Chair kelt ou Monday
so evening last, when the following slit -
cors were elected for the castling term
and will be inetalle,l tat the ,te+xt regu.
tar meeting ; 0. B.—J. T. Wiggins;
V, 0, R --John Wilsan; l+, S.--W.A.
Rdwnrda; R. S-.•1Vni, \Vattets;Treas,
__..a. ---Jas, Rowe; (ills!},-11'ri�,i Donaghy;
12 S. W.—J. Hellman; J. 1V,-t.d, HAM -
stock; S. 13,—Thos. Gibson,
Joho Donaghy.
iYt odera miracles.
A. singer for breath was distressed,
And the doctors all said sbo must rest,
But she tools se, set, 12.
For her weak lungs, yea+see,
:And 'law she can sing with the best.
An athlete gave out, on a run,
Anel he feared his career was quite done ;
G, M. D.pray observe,
Gave bask, his lost nerve,
And now lie can lift half ;a ton,
A writer, who wrote fora prize,
Bad headaches and pain In hie eyes;
G. M. D., Was the ryltell
That made him quite well,
And glory before him nem lies.
These are onlyy exartsplrs of the daily
triumphs of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi
sal Discovery, in restoring Ititaltlt, said
reviving wasted vitniity. Sold inoell
to $15, cannot live where the gene
purpose horse sire is used:, One ho
is worth $1200 (though 1 would c
aider hint deur et $50,) the other et
lion costs from $1,000 to $1,800, c
sequently the service fee of the tat
must be more,
A large number of sot,eal+lad trots
stallions, with common !leads, e
necks, light hone, with short and dro
in quarters, have in the last f
years been imported into Canada, th
only qualificattuus. being a long pe
geee with a 'contrnendatiou from th
owners that they could trot in a 2.
clip, This is the siretthat has do
snore tnisohief with tut than any oth
source, and some good old hors
breeding m
sections show wiry ateria
his baneful ineluence. The avera
farmer esnnot afford to breed to t
trotting sire with a view to get a t
ter, He has not the mare, the ea
tat or means to develop hits, and wit
wealthy horse lrreedere who have eve
facitity to suooess tail repeatedly
produce him it is little use fee us
try it.
The Ontario bred ihorse has a ;re
reputation for gantlenees, hardine
soundness and freedom from vice.
all these qui,1itteseie takes rams cvi
the best any ooealtry can of great importance, then, to hxee
up to a high standitrd anti not bee!
ward. The time dies 1; one hy, never
return any more, for the street c
hors,, at electricity is rapidly tacit
the place of horsepower in all the la
ger cities both in07aoiarla and the UC
it ed States.
A Plcaaun; Sense
Of health and strength renewed and of;ease
and comfort follows ,the use of Syrup of
Figs, as it acts in Harmony with nature to
effectually oleanse.tho system when costive
or bilious, For sa'ueiin 75c bottles by all
leading druggists.
What the Humam...Features Indicate
A dry eye means a hard heart.
.Brown eyes are itbe most kindly.
Voltaire had the typical foxy face.
A pouting lip indicates timidity,
Black eyes are the • most rash and
An open mouth tee; sure sign ofa an
empty head.
Very full cheeks indicate great
digestive organs,
A projecting undesllip shows malls-
aaity and avarice.
A double chain ie invariably a sigu 1
of a lover of the table. .
Pointed noses generally belong to
•tsseddlesomn people.
Blue eyes belongs to .people of an
enthusiastic turn of mind.
Large eyes in a smell face always
betoken trtaliaiousnese.
Narrow, thin nostrils indicate small
lungs and low vitality.
lower of language is indicated by
fulness beneath the eyes.
A. retreating chin is always bad ;it
shotes laok of resolution.
11 the forehead be shorter than the
nose, the sigp is of stupidity.
Oblique eyes are unfavorable ; they
show cunning and deceit,
An oblique mouth it; a bad sign, it'
indicates a crooked character.
Enlisll•speaking people helve the
best foreheads and eyebrows.
A steely blue eye is often the sign
of a merciless disposition.
Fine hair generally betokens
native good taste and'intel,igenee.
Large white -spreading nostrils show
ample lungs and good health.
Short, thick, early •h;tir is an indi-
cation of great natural strength.
Very tightly 'closed lips are usually
fdund inseeretivt, character.
Freckles, like red hair,. are an indi-
cation of an ardent temperament,
A long forehead, indicates Intel:
liggenee ; a short forehead, activity.
The ridge of the perfect nose she uld
he broad and almost straight.
Or Course 'Iron XAbad
The testitis nials�fregttetitly published in
his paper relating to Jetted's Sarsaparilla,
They are from reliable people, state simple
facts, and show beyond a doubt that
IIO01D'S CUBES. Why don't you try
this medicine 13e sure to get Hood's.
Constipation, 'and all troubles with the
digestive orgairs and the liver, are cured by
leoonrs 1''rrss, tlnegttalled as a dinner
A. circular It is been issueil sighted
by the most prominent dealers in sheep,
in New York state, in which they •say
that a difference of from twentyefive
cents to a dollar will be paid lees for
bucks than t'ur ewes and seatbers,with
a clifferei'r of two cents per pound
less o'r'e meet. Ottr fttrinPre ,1tould
note this and take their measure ac-
cordingly. it will pay them to do it.
tSsai3t1ed to the Best,
All are entitled to the best their :money
will buy, too every family should
have, at Duce, a bottle of the beat family
remedy, Syrup of tlt'igs, to olea,usethe sys.
tem when costrvo'or bilious, For Attie in
75o. bottles by ! leading druggists,
This is certtti'iili a baud -Co. tnottth
existence, remarked the dentist.
Up to date $498,243,930 55 team been
raised for the World's Fair.
What 1 asst looking for,saiti Bromine
just after he had repte•d a telegaltutie; is
the than who said talk is cheap.
Jagson says the man who doesn't
care About eeeia.t. life should Mott his
eyes when he eats limburger cheese.
It is no particular sspersiou un a
coal miller to say that his calliop is
low down.
This is the season 's hen the small
boy begins to think uhout the dslling'.
Jagson Days if most !men's oantaci-
ences should talk out loud they would
be sued for slander.
The ussertiou that a woman can't
keep a secret hi disproven by the away
a spinster holds 13€'r age.
The waif who bermes a tramp keeps
moving on in the world because to him
there is no place like home.
When a person considers himself as
one in It thousand he naturally reegards
the ethers as ciphers.
1LIow are you getting on at school
asked a parent of his indolent son. 1
got kept in again to -day. Wbat
about 1 About two hours ,ind a half.
Penelope A—You wouldn't marry a
girl for her money, wonld'you ? Jack
Dashing—No, but t couldn't let a girl
suffer merely because she was rich.
The fast mail trains are generally
popular, but the female trains are so
far behind that they are very unpopu-
it is stated at Niagara Pulls that a
new steel arch bridge is to he con-.
struated over the gorge near the old
suspension bridge.
'Young tress need the same care
that young stock does. Let either
altift for themselves and they will go
straight to the bad.
A viohurst to be successful must
keep up with the tinter. That is, he
should alwaya bave something new ou
the tering.
Uotrr hundred sop trate buildings
have been ereeted on the World's Fair
grounds, and about 850 acres under
O. J. ilfay, of St. Marys, was hauled
up the other day for hawking and
peddling tea around :Mitchell. He
could not be convicted. however, with.
in the meaning Of the law, and was
allowed to go free.
':Port Flgin has decidappeal
ter a peal
against the verdict of $500 and cost,
awarded by the Berlin assizes last
weslt to Miss+ by, for injuries sus-
tained from falling upon aside walk
In fort Lien last summer.
A .13wcturesque Route,
Avoid the heat and dust by travelling on
the Floating pahtuos of the Detroit d Clea e.
land Stearal Navigation Company. Two
new steelpeseengersteazuers have jest been
built for this Tipper Lake route, costing
}}!100,000 eaola and are guaranteed to be the
grandest, largost,safest and fastest steamers
ou the lakes; speed ee smiles per hour,
running time between Cleveland, Toledo
and Chicago less than G0 hours, Four
trips pert week between Toledo, Detroit,
Alpena, lefeekinee, Petoskey and Chioago.
Daily trips between Detroit and Cleveland;
during July and August double daily ser-
vice °will be maintained, ,giving a daylight
ride accrose lake Frie, Daily service be-
tween Cleveland and Frit in.11ay, First-
class stateroom accommodations and menu,
and exceedingly low Bound Trip Rates,
'The palatial equipntrrxt, the luxury of the
'tlppoiutri'tente shakos travelling on these
+steamers throughly enjoyable. Send for
iillustrated pamphtet. Address A. A.
Schantz, G. P. A., Detroit cSc Cleveland
Steam Nay. Co., Detroit, Mi.oh.
When we assert that
Kidney Pi is
Cure Backache, Dropsy,
Lumbago, Bright's Dis-
ease, Rheumatism and all
other firms of Kidney
Troubles, we are backed
by the testimony of all
who Have used them.
By nit dr ggists or mil on receipt of price.,
so cents. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co,, Toronto.
_V 'Cbl
Josepllille Street -
Blessing to Every F ousebol
Thew retnedlos have stood the tent .of flfty years experience, and aro pronounced the 1
lraintly 1iie.
T is
PKrift tho 41ood, cermet all dlsordera el the 1.111311, STONACIt Tl1t)NFy '
tnvitluatiie in all corhplainte Incidental to females of its *gee, d
Is the only reliable re uedy for bad Ie;;s, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR ltl:D::
TtIftoATS, COUGHS, (TO&DS, GOUT, KKEUMATIta11, (11.41.AGLA1t 511211,11401 Aa.
A1SEA31 y
olid told brx .IIAS NO Iv;t1UAL.. thArfuuaoudoo'iole7New Oxfod. 14°64 ()")4'41
tr Purliasers shnultl look to the Label on the hexon and Foto If the
not 53;1 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious;,
l�T_tea_,' r FI,R ae ..
sof Kincardine have bought the Martie Business 01 Air TT Watson, formerly rru'riud on !Ay v4r91
'Parties reguirilqviiirtc int heir line will do 'well by calliu un them er teeing one ofpc tr a
Pprenchasing. Yeti ,vitt find one pito.•, 14,'e aw� r ,fowl,, Our at'ei'Jsn n„sl,1p IstgtFtil i,alNCd. '""a iw
9,rttthe t er,1'best stock aa,d hr sgn,a'e donlirn hope to sei'nr e a Iiur,al i hares} Chos'liiihlli i'atroi,
'T Swatson, who has been running the Mishima for the exist year, MD represent uon the 1;011.d.
Call an I see our stock and prices.
Send along your orders to the OLD R;
ABLE HO jSE where you have dealt before
where your father used to deal
.. CO., � �t
Sole Manufacturers o3 the• only GENUIN°.
tllenc11e11I1, 11n1, L3 ?� ��
J, A.'se,( W. Scor,
e rest. ListR,'n•ts1.
Deposits Received and Interest
;Money Advanced. to Warmers and
Business Men,
On lime or short time, on endorsed notes
or collateral security, Sale notes bought
at a fair valuation. Money remitted to ail
parte of Catts.cht at reaaouable charges.
Special Attention Given to Cot -
heating .t.ccounts and Rotes.
gents in Canada- The r5erchwrls Erik
of Canada
Office IIours—Foout 9 a. 0). to 6 p. m.
Clnrnr 9TH Div, COURT, Co. BuaoN,
COMMISSIONER Ili H. C. ,7., 7tiro.
LARDINE is the Ch.arapion Gold Medal
of the Dominion and our Cylinder 0i1 w
wear longer,and give better satisfac-
tion than any other Oil.
A'elC." DUI: DEALER VO m tcO-A_-. InS,, 01
Sold by all leading d .:tors throughout
ZE i i.sA.t.`3 D b.C'3• t/iJ MILL
GEOffl E THOMlSON, Proprietor.
Lumber of all kinds,
First-class Shingles,
and Cedar Posts.
Oar Lead Orders a Specialty
\'OOD delivered to rimy part of
Oil pita!, ,;j;1,250,000. Best,$6
i't'esident—J0115 Sruatr.
1'ieo•Nresidont—A. G. HAMS.”.
Tons home, Ones. Guduntr, Otto Bose
Woos, A. E. Los (Toronto):..
Cashier—J. TURNBULL,
5a,Vints Bank—Hos is,10 to J; Satuid
1. Deposits of s1 and upwards received and
Special !deposits also received at
rated of interest.
:Drafty o,. Great Britain and the finite
bought and sold
PRITOrders by'mail promptly attitude to t B. WILLBOINT,
Box 126, Wisghasu P. O. Solicitors,
w.,w.cs, ,.Aman..a.9i180..0.Maz.S.v.:.,a......enat.R sm
Wrong action of tho
stomach and digestive
organs causes Dyspepsia
and kindred diseases,
such as SourStomach,tYaterbrash,Reart-
burn, Dizziness, Constipation,
Lost Appetite, all -gone .fooling at pit
of stomach and distress after eating. To
be dyspeptic is to bo miserable, hopeless,
languid and depressed in body and mind.
No ease, however, is so obstinate or severe
that B. B. B. cannot euro or relieve it.
1 was in misery from Dyspepsia but two
bottles of B.B.B. entirely freed me fromit.
Ursa L. A. Een1, .Hamilton, Ont.
B.B.B. Cures Dyspepsia.
No other remedy ex-
ercises on the entire system powerful ock
Blood Bitters. It purities, cleanses, tones
and strengthens.
various disorders may attack the liver.
The strong food taken during winter over-
loads the system, clogs the bowels and
produces biliousness, constipation, sick
headache, boils, pimples, bad. blood; skin
diseases, ate.
Burdock Blood Bitters nnloeks all the
slogged avenues of Cho system, carries off
MI foul humors and impuritios and cures
the above named diseases, Vitale at the
same time giving health and strength to
the entire system. to
C.B.B. FestSpringTonlc.
Dyspepsia, Constipation,
Biliousness ate causcsof
Bad Blood. Good Blood
cannot be made by any
ono suffering from those complaints, The
results of Bad Blood aro
Eruptions, Sores, Skin Diseases, Scrofula,
etc. Burdock Blood 33itters really cures
bad blood, drivingatray every vestige of It
from a common pimple to the worst
Scrofulous sore. xt as the kin4 that aura.
Mr. 13. M, Lockwood, of Lindsay, Ont;
had 53 bolls in one year het was entirely
cured by 13. B.B. q}
111.13.B. Cures 13ad Blood
How many persons know that 1-tipans Tabules, now so largely advertised a.nd used, i
, ,� X15 d, are Stri)pl,
favorite pl'eocripticin or their' family doctor prepared ill a, scientific manner and a form
ling, conveyance, ctlnvenlentA for
„ ;i , preservation and use ? In the great hospitals of the metropolitan cities, 'voile
wealthy find better carts than in their own lti tiriousbomes,theingredientsofTtipa,ns Tabules are admi
ed to thousands of rich and poor alike with beneficial effect. They ate the main dependence
�' � of the
GIB Went physicians in cases of derangements of the digestive organs, such as d s e sin con
y p p sir nation, till!
and other ills connected with the stomach, liver and bowels. For some years one of'therinci.- auto
in New York k City has used a formula, differing slightly from the common one, that hasbeen. feu
unusual efficacy, .fihrnitela comniendations of physicians its 'mission of healing !las been so wid
rapidly' extending' that it finally seemed desirable to prepare the prescription in a convenient fol' laid
make itativailab,le'to the wl.nle public at a ntocler+ate price, and to announce the facttil, 440
rllet'liufli fair seeming publicity—advertisement in the columns Cheland.
through the rat 'v,
1 of the newspapers of the Iand. TIIis lI .,,:
done. and now time it not tar (lista nt when every ftuoily of intelligence will be as certain to .�I
supply of Ripens Tabules It's a clocker fa eoolrlrrt,� stove. 'lire' are taredt it '
where, and any druggist or dealer xviii supply s n ,i to be found len salts a edit
them. A box, i'nlltat`tnrlt'� silt vials, is sold fpr 75 inlit�
gross package, containing' four hoxea, for $‘2. They will be sent by moil, !Cost »aid, to any address,.
eeipt of rice, by the Riparia Chemical Company, No.10, Simile tit., New York..