The Huron Expositor, 1973-07-26, Page 9Hot night for
Ladit'S Softball was sunder-
way on Tuesday's hot night with
Barb Osborne's team meeting
with Joan Hildebrand's. It was
a close perspiring game with
lots of flyballs being hit by both
teams, Joan Pinder hit a grand
slam bringing in four runs in the
second inning and pulling up the
sox for Barb's Seaforth Cream-
.ery team: Ruth •Anne, Dunlop,
from the same team attempted a
double play and hit umpire Rick
Fortune , on the back. Final in-
ning saw Barb's team ahead with
a score of 29 - 21. Perhaps the
new yellow ball hats that match
the Creamery sweaters helped
spark their enthusiasm into vic-
The late game under the lights
took place with Bonnie Bedard's
team challenging 346,rion Pull-
• man's. The Blue team appeared
to be .dizzied by their changes in
positions and lower number of
team players. They started to
come back to life lathe/thinning
when quick honie runs were hit by,.
Cheryl Seymour, Joan Steinbeck
and` Nora, Eckert but it was -too
late and Marion's team won 20
15 with an excellent game being
Pitched by Marg MacCaulay and
Short stopped by Carol Raeskie.
sports on
page 16
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Horses Mouth
(BY Ken)
The first race' at-the Goderich oval.on Wednesday
night was won by Victor H; Voloowned by Fred Fowler
of Londesboro with Frank MacDonald on the bike. This
was only the second start for this horse with the mile
in 2.12:2. _and the-pay oft was 20.30. Second In the
same race was Hollyrood Duchess owned by James A.. Chigholm of Goderich with John Duckworth on the
Strike. Fourth went to Lady's David owned by John
.Jewitt, Londesboro and Dennis •Jewitt, Clinton with
Dennis driving. Dream Camp owned and driven by
' Wayne Dupee was out of the money.
Secend in the second race was Scarlet Slipper owned
by Grant T. and Carl M, Fisher of Goderich with Carl
driving. Third was Jimmy the Butler owned by Robert
and H.O.Jerry of Goderich with Robert driving. Fifth
went to Lee Camp owned by Bruce Dupee, Clinton with
' Wayne on the bike. Rythm's Nancy owned and driven
by Frank MacDonald was out of the money. Flying
Apollo owned by John H. Buxton of Crediton and driven
by William Caldwell of Clinton was fourth, in the third
race. The fourth race went to Brian Success owned
by Gordon Bedard and Wilfred Denoinme of Goderich
with Del. Bedard driving. The time was 2.13:3
and the pay 'off was 5.70. Third was Sammy Seaway
with owner driver Mac Sewers of Londesboro on the
bike. Fifth was Virginia's Misty owned by Robert T.
McLean and driven by Randy McLean. Deep Run For-
mite owned by Mr. and Mrs. ,Wm.. 0. McLean and
driven by W.O.McLean was out of the money.
Third in the fifth race was' Jay Dee Riggs owned
by James D. Taylor Hensall and Art Abbott on the
bike. Fourth was Prince Shermanowned by Bert Mc-
Bride of Zurich with Jack Meriam driving. Harlo
Buchy owned by Harold and Lois Gibbings of Clinton
Was fifth, Frank MacDonald drove. Mighty Mikie
owned and driven by William Caldwell was out of the
money. Clever Larry owned by Wm. Laverty and Ron
Williamson of Seaforth won the sixth race with a
new life time mark Of 2.10:1. Ron Williamson was the
driver . Third went to Scotts Boy Owned by Edith
Samis of Goderich driven by John Duckworth., The
second horse was Crimson Josie owned and driven
by Briice Volland of Goderich. Deep Run Frisco
owned by Mr. and ,Mrs. Wm. 0. McLean with W.O.
McLean driving, was.out of the money.
Royal Royal Colleen Don. Beaton of Granton
won the seventh race but was set back to fifth for
interference in the first turn, Wayne Express
owned and driven by George Caldwell of Goderich was
fourth. While Judy Mathers, owned and driven by
Mac Sewers, was out of the money.
Second in the eighth race was Astra Blaze, owned
• by Ernest R. Brown and Harold W.Gibbings of Clinton,
Frank MacDonald drove, Fifth. was Timberina Hy
owned by Arnold D. Doak, Goderich with Jack Meriam
driving. Miss Direct Backer awned by Lorne E.
Tyndall, Clinton was fourth with Dennis Jewitt on the
A Mortgage Lifter was fifth in the ninth race.
Gordon Rapson, Clinton,is the owner an Norm Mc-
Night drove. krZA lb
The tenth race went' to -Glen Axworthy owned by
Brenda Fellows of Goderich and driven by Bill Cald-
well. Second was Sunday T. Wolf owned by Kenneth
Holmes of Seaforth with Hon w ill Lamson driving. Third
went to Johnny Pull owned by Bruce Dupee with' Wayne
on the bike. Fifth was Brenda Hope owned by Carl
and Grant Fisher of Goderich .with Carl on the bike.
Johnny Pull was claimed by his former owners out
of the tenth race.
At Elrhira Friday night in the seventh race,Shadow
Bars was out of the money while in the ninth race Miss
Belle Bars was fifth.
At the Glinton Raceway July 22 in the first race
Timely Pat owned by May and Walter Pepnerof Clinton
was fifth with Frank MacDonald on tne bike. Clay-
brook Milton was second in the third race with Doug.
McNall on the bike, the owner is Marcel Vanlanduyt
of Staffa,
Brenda Hope won the fourth race in 2.13, the
pay off was, $24.30. . In the fifth race Jay Dee
Riggs was fifth. In the seventh race Father Thistle
was second, this horse is owned by Walter Oster
of Belgrave with Dennis Jewitt driving. In the
eight race Royal Colleen was fifth with Dennis
Jewitt driving. In the 'ninth race Timberina Hy was
third -with Jack Meriam on the bike. Lamplighter
-owned by H. Stroud, Caledon East and driven by
Bennis Jewitt was fifth.
Bill German of Clinton claimed Janet Express
from Jack Gilmour out of the seventh race. Janet
Express won this rade with 61arence Young driving.
we were glad to see that neither the drivers or
the horses were seriously injured in the first quali-
fying race. The accident happened when a horse
driven by R. Hitchcock stuck its toes In and Bill
Leach who was driving right behind had no place
to go. Both carts were badly 'damaged.
1969 Epic V,aux
1970 Ford, 2-door, HT.
1970 Ford F100, Auto.
1969 Ford, 4-door, HT.
1969 Chevelle 4-door
1968 Dodge, 241r., HT.
• Action last ljonday evening
saw four surPrieee,
du:Arial , ball teams .Continue, to
Vickey for position in the stand •
,At the Optimist Re,n, 00000
the Firemen and TeaChara 104,,,00!'
to resolve third place When ,PW
teams played to a ten alt tie
leaving them deadlocked, The !-
game was a real battle, ,
The teachers' took an early lead
and then struggled when the Fire-
-men evened the score only to,
move ahead in the middle innings.
Then the Teachers counted 2 ;
runs In the bottom of the seventh ,
inning to even the ecOre..Seyeral
costly errors by both 'teams
allowed unearned- rtins Bon!.
Rulley received some relief help
from Bob Wilson for the Firemen
a 13-2 score.
NEU HIT 4Q -N) 1-40MFRs
While PetigAeagra.* dis-
tance for thele.acherS, The tie
resolves nothint0S09 Wit teams
have throe gaining, pnppInlni,iA
which to „.sett e their penittnnO. night While 44)" .4011)4- .0: for 5
The late encounter .attheitec;, theT ..malOntrootoxn, • jack
&rounds saw errprematte the Price . ,collected his12th straight.
difference, 'Adainstreet clinched . in sgrienderift four walks
first place and theLenpicham- along with the hits While .gon
pionship with a 15-9 vietory over Beuermann -Wm up &walks in
the. Texaco Butlers. Both squads suffering the less, •
started Pat and counted twice The win gave .114ainStreet the
in the first inning tq set the League title and left there. only
pace' for the game. The Main- three games from a perfect
street. team had two .big innings .season to equal the Turf Club's
as the Duffers committed costly effort of last season. •
errors in the second inning .to• At the LionS' Park the Turf
allow seven runs and the sixth Club all ,but clinched second place
frame to allow another 6 runs. ' as they whipped the Villagers by
The Duffers struggled blithe way a t0-1 count. The Turf took,
ough but fell short in their an early lead and never really
(fort to halt the nainstreet's bad a serious threat as they
scored almost at will. The
Villagers left men on base in
almost every inning when they
failed to come up with the big
hits. The win moved the Turf
six points up on the Teachers
and Firemen and assured them-
selves of at least a tie for
second place. The loss left the
Villagers tied with the Texaco
"nine for fifth spot as they will
play Wednesday night (last night)
to settle who's going to be left
in the league cellar.
W T L Pts.
MAINSTREET 12 0 0 24
TURF CLUB 8 0 4 16
TEACHERS • 4 • 1 7 9
FIREMEN 4 1 7 9 .
VILLAGE 3 1 8 7
TEXACO. 3 1 8 7
Action this Monday will see
the Teachers try to end Main-
streets win streak at the Lion's
Park. . At the Optimist Rec.
Grounds, the Turf Club takes on
the Texaco nine in the early game
while the. Firemen and Villagers
meet in the late encounter.
The exhibition game between
the -Hensall•squad and the Teiaco
nine last Thursday evening ended
much. the same as their first
encounter with Hensall on top of
Win atreak. Beth team s Collscted '
U Ste With, most :of them .tong.
b41,18,, pininnoro led :00
with a 'three• 'tor four 0,17 "Alp in top tOtnnt•
which *coop w
.12/4137.Yoling#Oris. /009/X0010"
*44 have' followed the flames,. ,
provided ti141POrt#A0P; .4hd
rooted Pr, the Poyet. The ikntleA,
sia•em of 01_0' parents' was *keY
• factor when our Atoms,. Mops,
.Pee !Wee#:1)110.3 ,00r
erf04, v4n11100.04, 0.4; re$:
‘*tetlyely.: games
Beetorth".,tu Str'st 0.1#1 04
IturnhOeceer PAW) in the three
ere they have produced are S1 40400.hs" '1 , •
credit to the community, 41,5 each 44
In the 11V0n.
team plays as: a unit, not caring League the three Seaforth teen*
who scores the goal, just as long are 'scheduled to meet the
as it is scored. Ivan Nielsen. Ain A11-Sitars in the MOM, MOO*
who began coaching later in the quite and Pee wee divisions:,
1972 season and who now is an These games are to take place
active coach, has also done more . on Thursday atierneon,
than his share in time and ef- in Goderichiiuring theirSummer
fort in producing '‘‘our champs." Festival Days.
1yers,canche •
Some parents reading will and parentsleave from
groan since they haie ha4itocan- S.P.H.S. on Thurs4ay at 1,139:
cel their summer vacations be- • p.m. „
cause their son or sons have Good luck boys, we're all *4d,
said-"I can't go or I'll miss the bind your
Minor , Soccer, which has ))i.40
a:. dormant. sport JS-'400ferth .lor•:
many' rertf. .began last year
through the effe#0 .040:SPOOP!'
citizens ."•.R9b00'WatSect;
and Pose McNally. Through their.
efforts in coaching soccer as it
should be, - that Ili f4eachtligtioc;r
ceef skills and promoting team.
play, 7, they have produced this
Year 'three Charepieneht0101MS5,
the -Seaforth Atoms, Mosquitos
and Peewees. The soccer play,
1967 Chev. Truck
1967 Comet .
1970 Ford, 4-door Sedan
1971 Ford Galaxie
1971 Cougar
Wednesday afternoon, July
/7th, saw a good entry at the
Seaforth greens for the annual
WeStinighenne Tournament.
Lorne Dale and Art' FlulaPen
teamed up to win 1st place with
3W plus 2/ agg. 52. In second
place was the London, entryskip-
ped by Bob McIntosh with 3W.
Plus 22 agg. 54. Third place
Went to Bill Brown and Elmer
Dennis, Seaforth, 3 W plus 15
agg. 40. Eldon.Smith, Atwood
was fourth with 2W plus 15 agg 52
while Reg. Robinson and Walter
Westbtook of Mitchell placed
fifth with 2W plus 14 egg, 54.
Rinks were present from Exeter,
Goderich, Mitchell, Waterloo, St.
Marys, London, Parkhill, Clin-
ton, Stratford and Atwood,.
Tuesday evening saw a good
turnout at our local jitney and
Helen Connell placed 1st for the
ladies with 2W plus 20 followed
closely by Elsie Dinsmore with
2W plus 19. For the men it
was J. Patterson 1st with 2W
plus 13 with Edgar Allen right
behind with 2W plus 12.
• Last week saw local rinks
participating in out of town tour-
naments at Teeswater and Strat-
ford. Wednesday some of our
ladies hope to go to' Goderich
ladies doubles while the men
will patronize Clinton men's
The second stage of Provin-
cial Playdowns was held inStrat-
ford on Tuesday. Our ladies
trebles entry Skipped by Jean
Lunn with Mae Habkirk (vice) and
Mabel Strong (lead) were tied
with a London entry after their
three games, and lost out by one
shot at the efiti-of .three extra
ends. The girls are to be com-
mended on the fine showing they
held against city entries.
In the singles competition
Brenda Finlayson represented
Seaforth and although Brenda lost
her three games 21-15; 21-17; 21-
.19, she gave a creditable show-
ing of herself against experienced
bowlers and showed that she may
well be a future - cOntender in
the Provincial playdowns.
Saturday afternoon at 1:30
p.m. will be mixed pairs furniture
tournament here in Seaforth. We
hope for a good entry both, local
and out of town.
By all reports 'we understand
the Legion members enjoyed
. their evening of lawn bowling on
Friday evening . We hope the
lawn bowling bug may have bitten
some of them and we welcome
any who are interested in lawn
Your repapterPtntsplacechlast4
fjtuesdays and Saturdays jitney
scores so willetr y and include
them at a later date.
St Columban
wins 3 -0
St. Columban defeated London
Portuguese 3-0 last Saturday in
Seaforth. It was a big win as
it moved the home team to 5th
The game started out cau-
tiously, neither team taking any
chances. But half way through
the 2nd ,half St. Columban began
to get through the London
defences Jim Henderson scored
St. Columban's first goal on a
point blank shot at the side of
the net.
St. Columban dominated the
second half pressuring the Portu-
guese defence constantly, Danny
Murray scored St. Columban's-
second goal by tipping in a re-
bound off a long shot from Larry
Kale which the London goalie
couldn't hang on to. Danny
Murray scored St. 'Columban's
third goal as he kicked a loose
ball into the net after Paul
O'Reilly failed to score, taking
the goalie out of position.
St. Columban's next game is
on Sunday, July 29th at SDHS
field when they play St. Thomas
The annual soccer dance 'is
being held Friday night, July 27th
in Brodhagen hall.
Ford - Mercury Dealer
PHONE 527.1140 • - SEAFORTIB1