The Huron Expositor, 1973-05-31, Page 4CANAIDAN IMPERIAL
A limited number of
nesse Mims tizbolietZgl
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Ws* Vag:" DigiV'el, 1e4dIr
ifenOin. 403-2611 BouL 2M.
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These weeds can turn your fieide into jungles Outfox is a
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Merchandise Coupon Value 7%
Lishrt Cool
f htsIn St. — Ws Ara Roady to Serve YOU. — Sseforth
For Comfort and Values
8 Main Street Seaforth
Yon and the Commerce. 103gether were both stronger.
There are many very good
reasons to save money. For a. house,
or a car. Sure, we could remind you
of these good reasons to save. But
we think it makes more sense to
show you how to manage your
money in the firstplace. Which is
precisely what otdr books art all
about. They'ye called Focus on
your Finances. And there are three,
One is Personal Financial
Planning. It shows yoti step-by -I ,
step budgeting in such areas as
food, clothing, transportation, and
Yellow ox te.1
nrl ower
The Jungle.
enchant, The Awls Mawr tram OW
R, SEA 4,2114, 9NT4, MAY 31, 17/3
lambs u rter
recreation.' Follow these steps, and
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wanted, maya house or a car.
And that's-where our other two
Focus on your Finances books
come in. Because these books can
help by showing you how to avoid
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might face when buying a house
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Ask for our valuable books at
your local Commerce branch,,
They're free. Along with something
On Special Savings
as of June' I.
'The heaviest unit ever to leave the plant a 450 HI, boiler began Its trip to Mattawa
• Forest products to Mattawa, Ontario recen '. Specially designed to handle wood waste, accord-
Ing to S. R. Smith of-Hebert Bell Industries Ltd. the 25 ton boiler will be a factor in a campaign
to preserve the ecology to, Northern Ontario by disposing of waste which previously had been
allowed 'to collect in the bush.
raises .$388 in McKillop drive • run like ponies," said Tracy.
and kept. runping away. "They
irignteueu • very of the children
March of Dimes campaign • • pet, called Tammy. '
Then , to the corral to see . . . . . . the sheep and lambs. They were • , •
• • • •
By June Bousser
When asked "What' is a
fattatir' in preparation for the
trip, the children said - "It is
place- with' lots of animals,"
.".it has lots of big machinery",
"%alarms have big fields with
fences all around."
The Kindergarten apse of
• Seaforth Public School saw all
these things when they visited the
farm of Don and Grace Watson,
A.R. 4, Clinton last Wednesday
More than half the class had
never been on a bus or visited
a farm before, so It was with
giggles and 'smiling faces that
twenty-seven .boys and girls
boarded the bus at 10:15 a.m.
They ,deirribed the bus as
with so many, green
seats", "lots of windows",
"space to walk down, call an
aisle", "bumpy" and e to
have someone to sit with".
Mr. Watson greeted them as
- they scrambled off the bus and
gathered round to meet and pet
the Watson's friendly dog, a whip- .
else that's'valuable..Sofind advice
on choosing the right-Commerce
Account to help you manage what
you save. Cominerce Savings
Accounts, Chequing-Savings
Accounts, Personal Chequing
Accounts; and for higher interest
savings ask about Term Deposits
and Growth Savings Certificates.
Do it today.
This year's MCKillop Town-
ship campaign for The Ability
Fund 'March of Dimes totals
$411.70, an increase over the
1972 total of $388.90. Co-
Chairmen"for the campaign were
Mrs. Edgar Elligsen,
Walton and Mrs... Mervin Dietz,
The 29 Cap ins and March-
ing Mothers who worked on 1973.
McKillop ("rive were Mrs:Gordon
Elliott, R.R.#5 and Mrs. Hugh.
McPherson; Mrs. Norman
Schade, 11.11.04 / walton; Mrs.
Ken Beattie, R.R.#4, walioni and
Mrs. Elgin Schade, R.R.#4, Wal-
toni Mrs. Walter Bewley, Walton
and "Mrs. liarveyCraig, Walton;
Mrs.Don Dennis, R.R.#1, Walton
and Miss Joy Lynn F ischer,
#4, Walton; Mrs. -Walter Mc-
Clure, R.R.#2 and Mrs.:Carolyn
Thompson, R.R.#2; Mrs. D.
McClure, R.R.#1 and mrs.Olive
Little, R.R.#1.
Mrs. Arthur Devereaux, R:R..
#4 and Mrs. JamesNash,R.R.#5,
Mrs. Clarence Maloney, R.R.#5,
Mrs. Wm. Albert, R.R.#4, Mrs.
Wm. Flanagan, Dublin, Mrs. L.
O'Reilly, R.R.#5, and Mrs.
Vincent Murray, R.R.#5; Mrs.
Kenneth Stewart, R:R.#5, • Mrs.
Grace Campbell, R.R.#1,Dublin
and Mrs. Joan Campbell, R.R.#1,
#4, Walton, Mrs. W. Benneweis,
R.R.#1,- Dublin, Mrs. Helen,
McLaughlin', R.R.#4, Walton and
Mrs. Rose Robinson, R.R,04,
Walton; Mrs. Martin Murray,
R.R:1, Dublin. The address of
tae canvasser is Seaforth unless
Otherwise indicated.
The'' charter was draped in
memory of Mrs. Margaret Tyn-
dall at Monday night's meeting
of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge with
Mrs, May Habkirk, noble grand,.
The following officerswere
elected by acclamation; Noble
Grand, Mrs.Everitt Smith; Vice
Grand - Mrs. Foster Bennett;
Recording Secretary- Mrs.Peter
Malcolm; Financial' secretary -
Mrs. Gordan PaPple; Treasurer-
mrs. aillianGrumniett; Trustee
mrs. Roy McGonigle.
These and all appointed of-
ficers are to be installed into
office in October by a team from
Clinton. ,
Several members indicated
they would attend the 40th anni-versary banquet and program
of Morning Star Lodge, Brus-
sels, on June & in Melville Pres- '
byterian Church.
An invitation was received
from. Stratford to attend a Rally
there on Noveffil5et 11, ;'•
Members of local IOOF, and
'Rebekah Lodges plan .,,to attend_
churth service in Egmondville
United Church on June 24, with
Decoration Day _services to be
held at the cemetery the same
Mrs. Adln Forbes is to •be
,social convener for June. Mrs.
Habkirk gave a. reading on
Schuyler Coalfax, who 'founded
the Rebekah Order 150 years ago.
elect •
A holstein cow and her' angus
calf were of great interest to
"the ifriaWen. Each child was
allowed to try milking the -cow.
But no one was able try get any
milk out, even Joanne who was
so sure she could!' .Mr. Watson
'squirted out some milk for them
to drink, 'but David Mc said it
wasn't clean milk because *it
had to be washed 'first. His
mother knows how ,to wash-milk
but he doesn't! "The calf licked
my hand!" laughed David G. When
' the calf was untied, it ran straight
to. its mother to drink. Jeff said,
"It drinks milk so it will get
. fat." •
-t.ew theFittria.4.
slaughter for' its meat. The
children "were -very upsetaand-
several asked why he couldn't
buy his meat in a store and not
kill the cow.
"That chicken just dropped
an eget" yelled Debbie and the
children ran to see the ten hens.
They counted six eggs ready to
be collected for Mrs. Watsonto
fry. '
Lighthine, the horse, was
But, Mr. Watson caught a lamb
for them to pet. Darren thought
the lamb's coat was \just like
a rug and Susan said, 'They've
all got black faces!" There'
were ten ewes and twenty lambs.
"I smell piggies;' Andrea
kept 'saying, and next, the class
was taken into the barn. So
many children frightened the
Hampshire boar, twe ittg - one
sows and sixty piglets. Mr.
Watson caught a piglet and en-
couraged • the children to
"straighten the piglet's curly
tail, and of , course, the piglet
squealed and squealed to the
delight of the children. When
shOwn the pig' feed, Robbie P.
• 'said, "It looks like cement!"
A 3029
.....444:••••••••••••4 Poh.444.50
brought out of' the barn into the
apple to him. Ligbtning was then
As he stopped, lay down and
around him, petting and crooning.
Tracey even offered her lunch
let loose to run through tpe field.
he's scratching his back!" The
children also saw 'many bolsteins
delightful morning was enough but
yard, and the. thildeen swarmed
rolled over, Kevin,:-kid, "Look,
and a jersey cow grazing in the
Mr. and Mrs. Watson made it
even more "enjoyable when they
Being host and hostess to a
• for' making this all pessible.
-passed out bags of pbo ehips
'learned much ,APout farm
to play with theM„and feed them,
animals and the Inn it would be
to all the children. They scam-
beeause of all the. aadMale and .
pered hack onto the bus waving
Brenda, David M.. and Michelle
the fun it. would be to play with
them and feed them.'
would' like to' live on a farm,
Grace, and Don Watson, again;
Ali the children except
They enjoyed their visit and
They 7"Wislaalto thank
News of Huromftew
The Huronview Auxiliary 'were hosts for the May
Birthday party on Wednesday afternoon. The President,
Mrs. Col'clotigh, inteoduced the program which was pro-
vided by members of the various Ipstitutes.
Mrs. Radford' of Clinton played several piano melodies
Aduring the. afternoon and accompanied Mary Taylor, Norman
iSPeir and Jerry Collins for some instrumental numbers.-
There were readings by Mrs. Shirray and Mrs. Clairmont,
a'plino solo by Mrs. Joyce pepper and mouth organ solos
by Bpb Turner and the program finished up with• a lively
sing song. Following the 'singing of "Happy Birthdayq,
gifts were presented to the twenty-three celebrants
atter which everyone enjoyed a social hour. Mr..lienry
Leishma.n thanked those assisting with the party on behalf
Of the residents.
The residents were entertained on Family Night with a
program from the Blyth area arranged by. Jim. Lawrie.
Everyone enjoyed the jokes by mri Lawrie in his rote as
master of ceremonies as well as several /Scottish numbers
complete with kilts. -A, group of young musicians from
• Birth, Annearhalen, Steve Walsh, Bill Burkholders and-Johd
4 Button played a medley of popular tunes with the Blyth
Citizens Band playing some old favourites. There was step
dancing by Karen Glousher,,square dancing by Kakenaroung,,
Christine Chalmers, Jean Surtsima, Charlene Campbell,.
Dennis KnOx, James Wharton, Johnny Good and Nelson
Caldwell /Mrs. Brown, pianist for the evening, accompanied
Mrs. Che yl Cronin for several vocal mphbers.
Mrs.. ary Taylor, a lifetime' resident of Blyth and
who. will sooti be celebrating her ninety-fifth birthday,.
expressed the appreciation of the residente for the program.
Invi dons be going out soon to: he senior
citizens of the County to visit us during Se• or Citizens
Mr. and _Mrs.: Marris Bos,
Steven, Sharon and Kenny spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Sanders, Jennifer and Jeffrey of.
• Mrs. George Mcllwain visited
on Sunday, with her father, Mr.
Walter Kingswell of Huronview.
Misses Donna Buchanan and
Joanne Hutt of Toronto vl.Weik,
weekendovg7ThTiagt ah Mr.
and Mrs. Don Buchanan, Paul,
Jim and Gary. •
Jim Thompson and Shlela
Baker of Winthrop visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Terence Hunter alif Colborne
Doug Burhanan spent Saturday
night with Gary Taylor of
Mr. and Mrs; Murray Scott,
Melanie, Meribeth and Jeffrey
of Belgrave,, were Sunday visi-
dors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dale
and Cheryl.,
Mr. _John Turner of Tucker-
smith visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Reg Lawson, John and
Elizabeth. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Hudson wood-
ruff of. St. Davids are visiting
this week with Mrs. W.L. Whyte,
Tom, Bill and Mr. Harold Whyte.
At the time of ''writing, Mrs.
San McClure is a patient in
hospital, We would like to wish
her a speedy recovery.
SPECIALIZE A77.1\ (r .
Did you know that Coo-
eatIoga College offers n
ttiwoollear sectretatnitail pro-
gram nit CLINT() N? ,
grade 12' ice=
wh good typeiting
end showthand inlay coin-
Otte dine Haan an
one yeeir! Send Ube ctlip
iing kV ClIlOW.
, •
i would like mione tam.
rakatibou rout We flititAtaie
programdiesigned for Nigh
ectlmoil gnaduettes or equity,
Seaforth Kindergarten se's
farm animals and ntiach'iriery
Mrs. Irene Grimoldby re-
turned home from visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. •Russell Fleming
of Seaforth
Charlene Taylor of Goderich
spent, the. weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Buchanan, Bill, Doug,
„Betty and Bob.
a' Mr. and Mrs. John Jewitt,
garol, Judy, Danny, Billy and
and Steven spent Sunday at Rock-
ton at the African Lions' Safari.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mann of
Clinton visited on Friday after-
noon with Mrs. Irene Grimoldby.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Larry Scott of
Parkhill, visited on Saturday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Preszcator, Billy, 'Debbie and
1972 -- 'Chev. V-8, Atitomatic, Radio.
1970 Chev. impala Custom, 2-dr., V-8
Automatic, Radio
1969 Chev.- Sedan,'p V-8, Automatic, Radio
1969 — Chev. Impala, 2-dr., HT., V-8, Auto.-
1969 -- Chevelle, V-8, Automatic, 2-dr.,
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1967 -- Ford 3/4-Ton Pick-up
All used vehiiles completely certified
toiept, of Motor Vehicle standards
......._ ................ , _...,......................................................._,._ ....,........,,,