The Wingham Times, 1893-03-31, Page 1)Sr Gs of ever.. ic. DS 3 that rkets 3very bures House. NTS 122c. 5S be. ro li.s11 o shy _IIT nal Olttaeti,ve ro 506,.p: r1�ea n white l'ilekg for Cash We are selling ui WINGxA. VOL. XXI NO. 1103. WINGI-IAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1803. '1 A YEAR IN ADV,Q This week we want particularly td draw your attention to our stock of House Fur- nishings. Spring house cleaning will soon be upon you with all its consequent worries and trials and the good man will be expect- ed to take a cold Junclein a corner or on the wood pile, maybe, and must not say a vrord about it, for ',The house is just telittle upside down, you know." "Strange where all the dirt comes from, anyway." This room wants a new carpet, that window e now pair of curtains or the hall a new oil- cloth. To help you it little out of your trouble, we can supply you with all of these. . Our carpets, lace curtains, curtain netts, .art meshes and oil cloths, are all here. We start lace curtains at 50 cents a pair and are value. We claim that we can give you better value in these goods than any other house in the trade, as we are the only Direct own through, compare l end be ah are prices and values. Car, Tats out and matched. Shop early and secure prompt delivery, Thin store closes at seven. esseeeter -A & HISCOCKS, Direct Dry Goods Importers. Tun in Duni, March 23, 1893. —Oysters at Jas. McKelvie's, 85 ots. to 40 cts. per quart. their 18it •—Goderich poop are advertising t town as a summer resort, —To -day being 'cod Friday, the Post Office willnot be —Mr. Wm. Taal tends taking up his —The regular mo Town Council will evening next, -The Ayr Advocat cation—the patronag sufficient to pay runng expenses: — Just received -5 boxes bitter oranges for marmalade; fresh maple syrup. Oysters 35 cents per quart. R. Hue,. —The Rev. W. S. Gffin, D, D., of Galt, preached Missionary sermons in the Mathos dist church on Sunday enc elf till 4 p. :r, near Belgeeva,- in- esidence in Wingbenn• hly meeting of the e held oil Monday has ceased publi- letvedb of not being Marriage Licenses Issued by Fn i xr PATERSOr . No 23, Vic- toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. LOCAL NEWS --Ladies' fine but at J. J. MCKhnxor's —Next Sunday b ing Easter there will be a great demand r eggs. --Walkerton has floating debt of 54,000 and the Telescope s. ggests that debenteeree• be issued fords po.y ent. - —For sale, cheap, tilhcl in good condition, a=medium sized iron safe. Apply to Dii. Tow1,>,n. -There has been a reat deal of sickness • n town; lately a mild ype of influenza be- ing very prevalent am ng the children. —The next Uniform Promotion Exam - 'nation for the County of Bruce will be held on Monday and osday, April 10th and llth. —"Clean up" should now be the watch- word of every citizen who has his own, his family's and his n igliboe's health and Comfort at heart. —Ladies, have ,your garments made by Miss M. Johuston, Gregory block, opposite the Queen's Hotel. Latest styles; Work, always first-class fit. on boots from $1 to $4 —Try Myers' Royal spice for horses and cattle at, Griffin's Grocery. —About now ft mors should look out for the seed grain Erse ndler. —There will b an Easter Song Service Sunday evening i the Methodist Church. —Rev, John L w, of Beigrave, and th Rev. H. MeQuar ie exchanged pulpits on Sunday last. —The sidewa -s that have long been hid by the beautiful are now making their ap- pearance. —Messrs. T. Mills, A. L. Hamilton, M. H. Mclndoo nd Miss A. Wallace have changes of adv tisements in this issue. —The asses or is now performing his duties, and eve young man entitled to manhood fra hise should see that his name is on th roll. ast to large midi- —The Dom. ion Parliament will pro, rogue this a ..ek, and Dr. Macdonald will - The snow has gone If very gradually return home cl resume his practice about his year, the only da ge done of any con- Easter. sequence, was that the op of the mill dein —The actio of the Board of Works in was carried off. , having the fir t:1 removed from the streets, last week, is be commended. The good work should e continued when necessary. Miss Mc ityre, teacher of the second epartment o the public school, is at pies- ent trying the urative qualities of Preston mineral baths for sciatica. Her many e will return fully recover - —For first-class tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, ouly two doors north of the old stand and between Ross' book, store and Patterson's jewellery shop. /On Saturday afte noon last, while M . Pringle's team. we the Park House, they down street, but wore damage was clone. —On another page i of the prize load of sa the World's Fair in consists of fifty log feet high when loade —Bunn Oe'r I have a limited qui n- —The Salvatio standing in fron of took fright and ran friends hope s topped before muoh ed. —Mr. Jos. Ris given a description inglltin, about loge that will be ab turned on Mond lhicago. Tho load mer positi n wit , and was thirty-six Son. M`" Ris on the sleigh.. shortly. —Cae1i' for good butter and eggs at R A --A. number of new b Graham's market grocery. ded to the Mechanics' I —Thursday, A diaday at the Mr. Haslam",, as taken up 1115 —A number the box social (Welling last, 4 tity of pgre, Rosedal Prices• s clean, Golden Giant, leper . opened a Prison d Granette Oats, for style. I poor men, whore pp R.W. . cost only ten ten R. W. HAsxzxos, Wi sham P. O. Out, , raise the necessary —O.ur young men hould.be arranging ,chance to et tin t for the organization lacrosse,` base ball, and cricket clubs, fo the 'season for these outdoor sports will on be, on us, The l Is just Thine' columns are o en to those who Wish but it ladie� to call meetings, etc. 1 —The regular qu •terly review service of the Methodist Sur ay School was very well attended on S nday afternoon last The service was nic y carried out. Th blackboard used refit the artist. —The following isf: Record: A. matched Brussels on June 291 "Walter G." and R. better known as the $300. 1 st 3rd, will be Cana- —Regular meeting o orld's Fair. No, 25, Canadian Ord f the 4th line of Morris, !night. esidence ii town, —The Grand Lodge f Winghamites attended land will be held i Friday le of April. la man 'on T y le n G i t � —A. good girl wanted; to do general house work. Apply to Mao. Jomx MCLuee. —The Turnberr Council, at its meeting on Monday last, d= ,ided to take no action in regard to assisti g to clean out the Low er Wingham pond Saturday nig was the last night ating at the.rin and there was an u usually large at endance. The rink has been very well pa . onized this winter. —The grand j y, at the Bruce assizes, this week, retur d no bill against Conduc- tor McCallum, fo being intoxicated while in performance . his duties, —Tho Colborn . Express pays : "Toron- to the Hog" is gd.bling up everything in the Province, the latest acquisition being the Grand Baste hip of the Orange body in the person of r. J. L. Hughes. on, who removed from year ago, to Detroit, re - y last to resume his for - Messrs. J. J. Homuth & ,n's family will return 0 Army in Toronto has te Home and Shelter for d and breakfast will Those who cannot e will be given a Arley wood yard, The Easter holi flys in : the public schools in cities, town end villages are un- til April 10th. In rur 1 sections there are but two days, Good Friday and Easter Monday. —Tho Ram's Horn If the devil ever feels proud of his wor , ht must be when a man is mean enough t starve his wife and children to death Wile helping to keep some saloon keeper fat. —the McCormick anufacturing Com- pany; 0f Ohioago, has ked the Harriston people what they woul do for the firm in case they located tier The Council are considering the matter. —G T R trains for. Toronto and east leave Wingham at 6,35<am and 11,20 a m. via W Cx & B Division, rind:. at 0.45 tt• m and 3,50 p m, via Clinton and Guelph. Good connectioins by all units. —"Sally Dow commenced in 1 Tzalzs, is one of well repay peru about ten or twel —The Hartle paper published a Messrs. Rutherfor bright newsy sheet that a good emetic in the person of formerly of Owen '.and. " our story, which was st week's issue of the et Harte's best. It will al; it will run through issues. Star is the name of a Hartney, Manitaba, by and Woodhill. It is a and the get-up shows 1 printer is at the helm Arthur M. Rutherford, mi Mr. 'Robt. Cass assels, of East Waw from the Ontario Vet onto, taking a high p fellow students. We eels •n, hie emcees. The Young Peep elitist. elenroh for 0 in session 1 Woodsto Wm. McGregor, Ales Alenc. Reify, Geo, Po Dock are inattendanc satiety of this place. —Messrs, Crossley geliste; who have bee for upwards of a mon there on Monday las nounced that over 10 evil ways, and turned ward. The evangeli labors in Berlin on S --Amongst thos close of the recent s Veterinary College, Cassels, East Waviaro vho graduated at the sion of the Ontario •onto, were Robert li ; Wm. Davidson, ks have been ad- stitute library. ourt of Maitland, of Force:ere, to,• the Sons of Sect - Guelph about 11,0 , son of Mr. Mark osh, has graduated inary College, Tor- ition amongst his Mr,.Ca - ongratuJates s Society, of the tarlo and Quebec, is this week. Rev. s. W, J. Chapman, k, jr. and Miss Po - as delagetes from the nd Hunter, the even - laboring in Toronto h, closed their labors Mr. Hunter an - 0 had forsaken their their faces Christ - s commence their day next. —On Sabbath, ing services of the were held, Rev. tor, preaching bot large audiences. preacher dwelt Q nal worship, as surroundings,its true soulvontac ing "Regenereti earnest disccu Christian life w of the Methodi musical portion ad led much to On Monday eve Service was hel eral of the frien caused a very a hours to pass neighborhood of in aid of church novated in a manner. The ante was exp damages wad m the improvemei contribute muc caused the re n unneeded) air grin in appear pleasing to the nished with an the church part its membership Altogether the cl ation, and we an crease of good wo Its Exeellen commend to public ap liquid fruit remedy S pleasing to the eye, and gently acting on the bowels, it cleans the thereby promoting the of all who use it. Qualtles oval the California up of Figs. It ' is to the taste and by kidneys, liver and ystem effectually, ealth and comfort —The High School 1'-ntranoe examina- tions in Ontario, will, th s year, commence ons for Primary chers' certificates atriculation, will the Senior Leav- tion examinations 13th. of residences will be ear. .Mr. John Rei- n Shuter street, and ill also erect a brick, is rather early in the building of the ons are that it wile in town and vicin- on June 28th, examinat and Junior Leaving te and for University Pass begirt on July 4th;'whil ing and Honer Matricul ern i Harriston; Thos. Peek vood, Goderich, and will commence on Jul ivTheWorld's Fair Elvin E. Shoebottom, ILucknow. —Quite a number ON throwing out big inducements, —Six hundred wo en aro expected in erected in town this ne1ot int it when it comes c n selling London on April 17 1 and 18tH, when the ton will erect a brick button shoes for 95 cents. E. H. Demi. annual convention o the Women's Foreign Mr. J. B. Cummings Missionary Societies of the Presbyterian on the same street. Church in Ontario t ill be held in St. An- the year to fere ca Brew's Church. season, but the indica be a pretty busy seaso 4 t' wanted at once to learn !r .The Misses Ma visiting friends at couple of months, r is great credit upon, ; Dr. J. R. Maud "batch." during th om the Clinton News- donald, who is visi race will be trotted at Dr. Horsey, will , between J. Sweets' !time in May. Beattie's "Sadie B." i —The Committ 'aisley mare. Stakes ' seeming of aclditi dustries for the tot ,: tion with several at Drina[ and be Merry. I town. Another fu Y can. do it if you buy your boots,shoes I peat, as well as an othing at E. H. DEVER's. I efforts of the cone { prosperity to the t —The members Anchor of Hope lodge, ! TIMES. I. 0. G. T., should of fail to be at lodge p,1RST UONG next Tuesday eveni g, as, we understand, a I WING:HAM.--- splendid programm is to be rendered and , •vices each S refreshments will .! lso be provided by the , Sabbath S lady members of th lodge. I Christie —Rev. J. B Moori evangelist, of Toronto, ' in Ch • c west will preach both mo ting and evening in the Pra er Meeti Baptist church sex Sabbath, also every I at 8.7 m. Seats 1 onald, who have been ratford for the past urned on Friday last. raid has been keeping r absence. Mrs. Mac - ng her daughter, Mrs. t return until some having in hand the in• • urin nal Manufacturing n, are in communlCa- arties about locating in niture factory is in pros- e foundry. May the ittee result iii greater we, is the wish of the .. CFirnoOII, n, Pastor. Ser- um , i m. and 7 p. m. Sc lady 1, t' t:' >:.le class at 2.30. or on Friday evenings y. All made welcome. every Wednesd•iy ee. Strangers, welcome, night during tlheewe at "8 p. m. Mr. Bros., the Gospel Si in the week to assi are invited. —The 33rd Battelle band, located at Seaforth, is about di tending. Why not have the Battalion b nd in Wingham, if Seaforth pedple do not care to continue it there? Will some on take the matter in heed? —T110 Canadian Pa ific Railway Com- pany Lias, on its overl nd route, supplied the porters of the steel ng cars with writ- ing pads appropriate y headed, so that paper for passengers desiring t do any writing on CanadaPaor er for the train can do so' wit out any inconveil- stories, and March rcC Once or expense. merit ' 'l.0t 10rl —The Executive C( mmittee of Demon- mere e thing of stration District No. , C O F., are busy I t�� h e making arrangement. for excursions to, transplt Cil h ulYmouth. "l�his'oxo>"Il Kincardine on July 3 t, Dominion Day.Its its hie:ex ell This is expected to be the grandest and & d S thw 1 * of most magnificent Inc out of Canadian +4� e,�liatl conies Foresters, and a glori us time at the lake POO, special ofia !la. r may bo looked for. 1 who ih, ty receivrg.Ca' by remitting J0 ceh Y7o 'icon Wear Pants R I those R. Tttlfgltt, (I If you do the proper place to get them is i wick. 'llo regular $ , at B. II, 1)ever's, made up in the latest Cents, style, from 52,30 up. • —The Gerrie Ga ing mention of o Vamp one Bros : junior member of dealers, Wingham, on Monday. This large business in 11 laying in heavy sto bie, so that their • ct large selection fro choice. ppreu Ices the dressmaking. Carter's (late Prof. ity. Moody's) teller system—only perfect sys- —The Union Christi tem of dress -cutting, taught to apprentices. held their regular guar Miss Hodgson has resumed business after Baptist church on T holida3 e and guarantees as before perfect p fits latest styles, and good work. Teach- was a large attendan ing tailor, system a specialty. Rev. W. H. Watson, o (excepting Saturday) I Sunday, April nd, Services morning Al. Whyte, of W';a.ite"An Easter Sortnon." Ev' ling subject : gers,is expected.y \. Introduction to Book of John." Cont- in the services. H11 munion after morni#g se vice. tto malos the follow - r townsmen, Messrs. r. Walter Varstoue, nstone Bre;' marble ade us a pleasant call rm is developing a s section. They are s of granite and mar- tomers may have e which to make a —An attemptvas t week, to make a prop damages for injuries the sidewalk in fron learned judge hel was not made out ade in Toronto last programme of vucal rty owner liable for music, addresses, et eaused by falling on pleasant evening was of his property The cut. that a prima facie case • nd dismissed the case. cling. Curliug is.over '•r the season. On Wed- nesday last, a nu bei of the members play ed off the match f ; r the Jubilee Medal, on the point game, t th the following result : A. Mitchell, 31; ` • Paterson, 28; 3. Nee - lands, 22; D. Sut erland, 18; Jas. Taylor, 15, and S. Kent, 1. The Bray silve silver cup liave Paterson's rink, c players : Robert S. Rent and F. I l—The Lncllno' -With gloomy face en •� hat askew, with hair unkempt, unpolished :hoe, with slouch, for the following Mg gait and actions quee , his necktie fast• recently boarded nod 'neath his ear, shuffles sulkily vroom was a stra anis looks as if there's s nothing wrong. sunburnt face an Wouldst thou know what means that bat- on his hair, while tared hat, that rusty, r ged, old cravat, the "hired girl" that shambling gait, the .taugledhair, that had no sooner to sullen aspect of 'despair Approach and right arm around whisper in his ear : "E ' astus, what's to one of her hands. nay, my dear ?" And hear old'Rast'te, them cried out "s grumbling say, "My wif' is cleaning hemsgroom gave no in11 Canoe -nate, to -day." %ed her head on ntalnsAititl poems • .Ji becomes more ev ent every year a titter in th. ontiibli' ;ons;'of great tinct much of the sicluie, prevalent in the stayed right the Record`y'pregents et it e,fi �•t�ry is attributable 1 the water. By both her hands importaitgii- that Iran irpsgfth1 study of the neat r it is found that voices Cried eu ominion during the in nine eases out of ten yphoid fever ori- waS fully two mi It monthly journal, ginates in families who water simply is pushed her away has trimly features a well into which imp re water cones. and said : st indispensable in This may be from the fa. it yard, and quite We are marrio is year the publisher generally stick is the cas For some years Another titter to now subscribers, the water in a well near to house may be 'We sparked fo: da for a whole year pure and Wholesome, 1 by-and-by, the violet and I'm s histamps to Mat-. soil between it and the rnyard will be- 100 miles to go a ahnptoti, New Bruns• come 00 impregnated W h pollution that every darned ro bscription price is 501 an unhealthy quality wi be imparted to it critter here who and disease willrosult fr m its nae. he can get out a cup and the Neelands both been won by F. mposed of the following fcLeod, D. Sutherland, terse u. Sentinel is responsible A newly married couple he train at Ripley. The ping young fellow with hands end bear's grease the bride inight have been the same farm. They n a seat then he put his* ler and began to caress A voice in the rear of eons 1" bet the bride - n. Pretty soon he mill - shoulder and there wee ar of tho car. The head , however, and. Josh got his paw. Three or bone utes before lie tenderly narese up, looked around arch 20th,' Congregati . H. Wee morningae In the.ni n the imports stinct from reedom,. and , with God. 1" was the te, e on the ml delivered. 1 t church asst f the eveniil be harmony 1 ing a Social 1 when addrol s and music; •eeable and I vay. Colles{ fty dollars funds. The :ry artietie sin portion ded on the st heavy th s are out of to the comfi val of several oxes, makil ace. The e, comfort bundance of ularly free on the int rclh is on II cipate sin from it Endeavor Society rly meeting in the osday last. There The . President, upied the chair. A and instrumental .,was rendered. A ent by those pres- 'Choice New Teas. Wholesale—Gordou McIntyre are in a condition to supply families or socfetse with new teas, at jobbers prices. Now is tile time to seeure your tette. soaais• Mrs. Chas. Sc milt, of visiting friends it , town Iasi Lucknow Senti el : Mr. lington Martin of inghahn the village on onday Dungannon. Clifford Express. Mrs. visiting friends in Vinghan Gerrie Vidette : Miss T mitt is absent in Ingham visit. Mrs. J. G. Tre in and of her family, wl. leave bee in town, left for t sir futuu —on Monday las Mr. H. P. Ciliaau and ley, Sundayed it ';•wn, the 3. Chapman. Mr. Robt. Mag ; ire enol left on Friday la :' , for thi Boissevain, Mani '.ba. Mr. W. J. Felki -r, who in town for some : me pas' for Winnipeg, Ma; ., whet suing- Mrs. D. Faume visiting friends i Miss McIntyre, friends in town th Mr. A• E • Brad\ Night, spent a few visiting his parent Mr. John Ward, year or'so in Vic hone thio week. —The New York Su On Sunday, March 1 Press, (New Yorke st will mark an epoch i ism. It consists o which the paper wh size, is encased, and precedented deman among all °hisses page of the Art CON a beautiful repro( masterpiece, "St. Simdeys in April i water color design by an eminent A reproductions of tea masterpieces. Art Cover will half -tone portra people and top Every copy of tb the Sunaey Pre art store at leas ent around. four years. She's my We are going to spoon of it, au' if times any thinks he can't stand it, ay Press is rep - over in seven colors. 1893, The Sunday •tea a feature that Ameeican journal - any Art Cover, in folded to the quarter has createa un - for the Bunday Press f people. The front lest Sunday showea ction of the German cilia," and for the four ill present all original ith an art calendar, in the original colors eriee,n artist, and two mous paintings, admit - The inside pages of the a and illustrations of s of the current week. Art Cover of any issue of would command in any town 11 week ays and I vho 1. An Old Friend, Mr. P. B. llannagan, formerly with J. Bt011111111 Co., tanners, Wingham, now of Remover, writes to C. E. sayieg: "Pleese send me by express two bottles find it the hest cough medicine I can get. We evoula not be withont it in our family. It will ceire any kind of cough or cold end givob immediate relief. I recommend it to all ney old 'VVinghtten friends and cannot speak too highly of it." Sineerely yours, Pot sale at 'Millions' Drug Store, at 50c. pet bottle. ord is in, teibel ry, g. hat II melee eady V hen 's cleat' contli e of ire, wl seat et' oeversa exottiu A Member et t OW ea "I have preseribed Consumption and ova powers Wore weak it good results." •