Wingham Times, 1892-11-25, Page 4Amor R T Texaa, with saloons and one hundred ct".,ottsnnal less people than Lenses has WC penitentiaries and three thousand. convicts. The haul:managers of Maine have just reported that of the -.- AND r66.1,000 people of that state 146,666 �r"i -t . have 550,278,452 deposited in the G4TLb ... I saviugu haulm, so that Prohibition can- l not have ruined business, A glance l at..local option in operation in Illinois TUp tt,q .gg,. u shows that the prohibition, town of T.U. aER■ q�. W. Y „ A '' Prillinan, with a poplllattoi: of eleven thousand, gets along admirably with a Opp. Brunswick House, polies force of but two constables in all• .:ipsit-rmistrp ll7 g] c^u111, - _ Ont )1)c 4 ri i tint , t cs RIDA� . NOVEMBER. 25, 1892, 4DITORIUL NO:ONS Ma. D. PORTER, M. P. P. for North uoe, bas gone to California for the efit of his health Ho, expects to rid the winter there. T is said that a bill to provide for t inspection of electric .light metres 1'be introduced at next se-ssiou of i Loruittiou Parliament. ovxiNOR ROYAL has called the rthwest Legislature to meet on cember 7th. Ex -Premier Hanitain •l then reorganize" his Government. eiW. W. MACDONALD, the Conservative sninee in Eastern A.ssiniboia, has tin elected by acclamation to succeed ti. Dewdney, late Minister of the Parlor, NEW YOBS city is to have a splendid one, library, upwards of two trillions Ia dollars of the estate of the late G alnel J.Tiitlen being devoted to that rid pose, strike abolition of Provincial subsidies w„tow being discussed in the press ''i clubs. This question will be a live tie in Canadiayn politics before many es. ' pin success of the ,Democrats in i recent elections in the • United ,rtes will, no doubt, result in the b ering of the duties on. rnanufae- 1ege.s. .No change will likely be made I i some time,so the different inter; sts req accommodate themselves to the trainable. a''T St, John, N B, in, the election thesd:sy last for the House of Com - las to fill the vacancy caused by the. istiation of 0 N Skinner, John A G*'sley, Ind'ep•,udeut Conservative, t t'ated the seraiiiht Conservative h uineee, George Robertson, by over eJ votes. Attorney general Blair's al ,trity in Queen's is said to exceed int Dalai& Farmer says: "Notwnl:- c aiding theefforts of the liquor -dealers b ice contrary, drunkenness has been gir,'st wiped out—many a former .v 'Orate drinker has quit the habit. ac3 above all, a host of young men Yetis, started on a soler lied Indus- s1°ins career, under three years' ha - '#ice of prohibition. The drink bill he two Dakotas dropped off seventy cent the very first year, and has ti growing materially less than ever e, and no one has been made the ai '1ireg thereby but the 'saloon -keepers, were and distillers." ' rr eat: Toronto gull given no uncertain d as to its position on the trade Ion: "Bef"re the people are years older the protectionists find confronting them, not an action, but an energy that will le them in the final struggle for w mastery. We,, purpose to aid in ging the war into Africa, and will sad our share toward matting the 'ythibers howl. 'Upon all sides are m signs of unrest, presaging a re. nary period, in which those Who carded the country's progress he aegis of the ogre protection Tee Toronto News, Independent 'Conservative, in connnon with all the other independent journals in, Canada, does not like the way the Government has dealt with the Edgar Caron charges. It says ; The manner iu which the Edgar Caron charges have been treat ed by the Government cannot be con- sidered setisfaetory. A disposition to shield a political ally is too obvious. 11 the charges are fats', the freest and most open iuvestigat.ion is the way to prove them; if true, no attempt should be made to screen the culprit. The fatal influence of party seems to have so permeated the politicians that they entitled to the purses owing to the, Ctorra<e• reason stilted above.—On Tuesday I Mr ion 0 Retort of the fir►n of evening of last week George Edward, ; Edgar Ltros,rnil1ers,of Ta► a,was visiting eldest son of 1tG Vincent, of "181friends in town last week. --Mrs J A town, died after an illness of a week.' `1'i;glius, wile has beau i•isijing; friends The cause of l.is decease was wow i fn town for some time past, lett for fever. Tie was a bright, prcrntsing• Califtnuia last week. --Mr and Mrs child and had always been very healthy. ',Archie McIntosh, of Liattivpel, were in 1:10 was nearly six yeat'a of u e, .Ila' town last week, shaking Bantle with funeral took plume au 'Thursday atter• , old friends. --•-The cider- milt of 'ibis noon. Mr and Mrs Vincent are deep- ince isgetting a great deal of .custom ly sy►npatliized n'ith, -ilio Sohaol i work to u at present,—Mr W S Been Hoard met, 00 Wednesday of lasthas had a furnace laced in his store week and chose a staff' of teachers for for the uoeoinodatfo of his sustainers, 1898, viz ; Principal, Mr.S A Cemer-, —Mrs Dr Freeborn, of Lion's Head, on, of Ottawa ; lst assistant, Miss I after visiting at - the Rev Mr Brownlee Braden; 2nd assistant, Mies Abraham; I for some time, left for her bonne last 1?rimary, Miss,Sproat, of Stratford,but week,—:Rev John hough. who was she being engaged in another place.,1 stattano 1 on the Gerrie circuit about Miss Cucper, of Gunton, was the next t eight years ago, was viuiting old circles and elle has accepted. There acquaintances in, this iteighborhootl last were about 180 applications for the week,—At atmlast regular meeting various positions, 94. of whicb H ere for of Court' Gerrie, No 57, 0 0 1+1, the principalship. The Board m s t ate following officers were installed for the p m and it was nearly 7 p , • ensuing term, ; C ?L, VI/ 0 Strong ; day morning when they got through. V C, Ed James; Chap, John Stewart; At 12.30 all the assistaut teachers bad R S, Jas Arinstron; F S, N Mc - been chosen, then biscuits and cheese were served. 'Then the most difficult part of the task came on, that of seleo- ing a principal, which took, nearly SIX hours. Ethel. "Dr Cale is dead" were the -dew sad words that startled the residents of Ethel and surrounding country on may be said to possess little or no Friday evening, llth luso. He had political conscience. ft passes come recently pasasd through a siege of prehension how men who, in their own typhoid fever, but bad recovered suffi- private life, hew to a hair's breadth, will, in anything of a political nature, strike wide end think .nothing of it. The ',ice is intensely American and be avoided. As far as the Edgar charges ciently to resume his practice. A cold contracted led to inflatn►uation of the bowels and despite all that medical at- tendants end the willing offices of relatives and friends, the grim. messen- ger soon claimed the patteut. The are concerned, the people will not be•daetor vas born at Stratford, Perth content until they are cleared up one 00, on • September 1858, and way or the other. Legal quibbling is received a liberal education. Her de 'd d to enter the medical p h 1'c l rofession • CORDON & MoI TY 3E. OUR FALC : :lit PLAY of handsome now fabrics will prove to be very interesting both to ladies and gentle Wren. an Dross and Mantle geode the stook is large aud varied embracing the very latest shades and designs, and for '. quality they aro unsurpassed, but any pen description of them would fail to givo an aocurato c'liscriptioh of their beauty and excellence ; we would there- fore cordially invite all intending purch- asers to gall and extarino those fashion- able and seasonable goods, get our prices. No matter how nice goods may look, we are anxious to sell them and a small amount over cost will secure them, this is not idle talk as anyone oan prove by seeing our geode and bearing our out prices --just arrived a large purchase of; boys' and men's ready made suits and overcoats, they are bargains, see tem --Do em --Do not risk your healtn by wearing bad shoes at this season, when you can get the very best Boots, Shoes and Rub - Laughlin '.Ureas, W J McLaughlin ; bars from us for so little money—We S W, F Davidson : J 1V, John Ardell; SB, John Wilson ; J B, W Doig ; P 011, J B Campbell ; Court Physician, Dr.Tnck.--Mrs Wm Greenolieed at her residence in his just, before midnight on Monday of 'Nast week, at the advanced ago of nearly 83 years. She was born and. married in England and carne with her husband to Canada in 1848, settling first near Braulpton, then moving to Peel township, andthen, 87 years ago, locating iilsHowick near Orange Hill, where they remain- ed until about 15`years ago when they retired from farming and took up their residence in Gorrie. She was an earnest Christian woman and her end was , a beautiful exemplification of faith Her 1usbaud, who is five years her senior in years, survives her, although in very fragile health. She leaves a liviir family of nine children, while oue son, Edward, preceded her not investigation. It is beneath the tis to the ,.rave some eleven years ago. and becawt tt tudetit of Trinity (7ni-�'Ibe funeral took place on' Thursday of diguity of aOahiuet Minister and a versity, Toronto, graduating in April, lyse week, the remains being enteired 1885. In May of the same year -he i,, the Methodist burying ground. sign of weakness in t,.great party. The public conscience just; now is in an uneasy state, and expediency as well as honesty dictate an undeviating cuur•se along the lines of truth and justice. located at Ethel and during the six years ke practiced . here he loot only worked up a lucrative an rapidly in- ;reasing practice, but made hosts of friends. Dr Cale was genial, obliging, wiling to lend a hand to every good I cause and to short exercised a mould Brussels. I ing influence in the neighborhood from The monthly horse fair will be held a moral .standpoint that might well on Thursday next, December 1st.—•be coveted by others. He was a The. Sunday evening services of Knox ' consistent member of the Episcopalian church will be held at 6.30 instead of church and was the leading spirit in o'clock as formerly —The eight having regular services established youths sutnmoned to appear on Moll-; here try that denourivation. Although dap afternoon of last week, before the : this is true he not only wished God magistrates for assaulting James . speed to other churches bat aided in Iinechtel, settled the case by each pay- ; urany ways the carrying on of veli- ing; $1 and costs. The names are not; gious Work and by voice aud act gave given here as this was the first offence evidence of his desire to see the for tee majority of sham and we hope I Master's cause advancing. In the the boys will never be found en_,ai;ed , establishment of the alechanics' Insti- in anything of the sort again. Less.: iute and new `Township Hall, and in y g p after eight t trcet roaming1 connection a ith benevolent societies, too bast mHaus of keeping g is out one of I of g rise, he took au active part and the pro trouble —Mr A Good, of this place, ' gress of these institutions was largely has taken a situation with the wall I duo to hid energy' and, zeal. He will known firm .of Stone & Wellington, I ba gi:•eatly missed in and around Ethel, nurseryweu,Toronta. He hes sixteen but he has left a charanter behind hire miles square of tete,tory in thi.locality : that is well worthy of emulation, par —Whsle in town last week the Cos- i titularly by the young. Tt a subject grove Concert Company were photo- , of this notion was grated in marriage graphed, collectively and individually. ; to Miss .Emily Ceveaey, of Mitehell,on by 11 J Strong, artist.—The Rev < H' August 18th, 1S86, and the young widow, and three little children now mourn the sudden deuease of husband aud father. The interment was made in ht Jaynes' cemetery, Toronto, on Monday afternoon, the remains being conveyed from here by the early train on Monday. An impressive service was field at the home of the deceased on Sabbath evening. Rev Mr Lee nocowpanied Mil Cale to' Toronto Bro Reid; •R S. Bro Smith: F S, Bro The people of this community sympa- Koenig•,, Treasurer, Bro Blaehill; S W, thise deeply ueito the bereaved. Bro Seel;. J W, Bro Cozier; S B, Bro Belg;rave' Kirkconnel, J 13, I3ro W Wilhee; Physicians, Bros McKelvey and Gra- Rev 5 Satiety will lecture on "Man hero.—Miss Lily I intlell is home from liness," in Belg;rave Methodist churtrb. London on a visit. --Mr W Edgar and on Mondry evening, December 5th. family, of Walton, have moved to Admission 15 cents, tickets for course, town.—Mr Neil 1tiebardsoii hes re- 25`ceuts. A. good intel1ectnttl feast. turned home from an' extended trip —The Congregationalists, of Wing- to Manitoba and Dakota —Mrs 1) A ham, are losing their • minister, He McKay,and son,of Grand 1'orks,North goes to Woodstock in about a month.. DIced, have been visiting Mr J 8 —Neither sleighing nor wheeling just former meeting were read and cola- ',inotinI by Tiles Hemphill, Seconded Smith, in town. --Mr lie,bt Armstrong; now, business dull till roads are better. finned.. The ooltee-tor s r bond as by Wni Lee, rile Council adjourned to left town Inst week on b millwr,ghting —Rev J H Dyke was in Ifnicardlne; presented and accepted. ,Cho treat'.. meet on the 15th of December. trip. His first place of work will lie last Sabbath. Mr J E Hunter sup- trey's report for September and J Clowax, Clerk, Trout Creek in the Algoma District - plied for hint here --Mr E 1.,ivinlatone October was read. it showed balance Renton, evangelist, has been conduct- inearevival services in the Methodistchurch, of this place, Burin, the past week.—The following officers were installed for the ensuipg term, in con- nection with Court Princess Alexan- dria. Canadian Order of Foresters, of this place, an Tuesday evening of best week; P 0 R, Bro Gerry; C R, Bro Platt; V 0 Tt Bro J Wilbee• Chap, Morris. Mr Geo McCall, 8th line;. is pre• paring to enlarge his. barn next spring andnhave stone stabling planed under-. heath,-1'ir LlOC'Yrill; 4th line, has had erected a very 'commorlious resi- deuce on his farm. The .carpenter work was under the charge of W K Oloakey. Next ..spring, Mr Youill will have it veneered with brick and completed with -all wodern improve meats. �- 11I-a-ssrs-. Rich .Armstrong;, Frazer Emhery ain 1 Prank lan'ledge,. who went to the 136uce • Ptfliusul some three weeks ago, have returned bringing with .theou • two deer apiece. They repuft having a, 'gci d' tittle, a1- thilsvgli the weather was 'not all that 'night be .lesiretl.—Tlie trustees of S S No 6, have re-engaged their present teacher, Mr Jas A 'Ruse, at a salary of $380 for 1893 —The made are becoming very bad .and wi,l soon be impassable. if they do. not freeze up very shortly.—The apple pickers have now finished their work for this year and .dtaVe ' gone to their respet tt> e homes. The principal I•,uyere in ibistownship were Sperling, bf Wiughein, Powell, of Blyth, Steep and Cantelou, of Odom, belly, of Brussels, and Peterson, of Colborne --Among those who had large; yields of apples this year were `Thos Miller', who bad 10 barrels, and`J R Bell, who had 160 barrels. ' These are both large yields considering the size of the orchards,— While writing. about apples we must not forget to mention the good tinge made in lacking apples by Messrs Shurrie,° Birch and Wright of Brussels, and Hurry C+itzaimtnonS, of Clinton. In eight Negri they packed 60 barrels, making two moves, one of three miles ,and the. other half a utile.—Mr Lew Williams, of Morris, left on Thursday last on a trip to Wales. He expects to return next March. West Wawanoah. The tiounctl met' in the Cuuncil room on Saturday, November 12th. Members all present. The minutes rof. give big values in pure fresh groceries and spices, prime teas are a speciality with us, try a sample pound of our cele-: brated "Ram Lids" and "Pure Russian Blend" bia' teas.—Gents Furnishings. and ordered suits and overcoats, always command our very best attention. GORDON & McINTYRE. • The Big Brown Anchor, Witneham., October 7th, 1892. Township Solicitor, $45, and services in connection with the Nulli suit $15, was ordered to be paid. Patrick Welch aeked compensation for the maintenance of the uhildren of the late William Ledley. The matter was left over until eilgnrry be trade into matters in, connection with the4estate. A large number of accounts were passed which will be published in connection with the financial state- ment. Ountcil adjourned to tin et aee',rding to statute, un December 15th, Beloty is given a • statenreilt showing the ninount raised for the different school sections ih the muni• cipality with the rate;. SECTION GENERAL SPECIAL!, RATE Union 1 8210.36 882,63 2'I.10 mills. 2 297.00 100.00 2 " Union 3 . 96.72 99 69 0 4 i h " " 5 67.09 " 0 32.81 " 8 262.08 3 231.90 Seper, 282.80 Union 15 82.68 " 7 82.48 " 13 210.02 4 398.68 Union 12 164.88 " 14 12.3.21 " 9 24 38 Lucknow 121.50 Oouuty rate for year is 2 4-10 mills, township rate 2 mills and special school, r'a'te 773•-100 mills per dcllar.. R. K. Minnaft, Clerk. George Smith, of this tow,nship', Sias rented his splendid farm to \Messrs Hubby Jz 13ase, who formerly resided in the sieiuity of Whitby, for a term of eeven years Mr Smith intends to locule with (tis family tri Dungannon in, the near future. Wroxeter.tiounctl met nn the evening of the 15th November. Mianbers present= Messrs Borders, Hemphill, Leo and Vogt. Tho Reeve in the chair: Min- utest of last meeting read and confirm- ed. A by-law was introduced and • read three times atppojntings the time and place for h.lding the municipal elections and 'fur the election of public school trustees. Oa. motion by Thos Hemphi 1, seconded by Wm Lee, the Clerk uses instructed to get the neces.. sary printing of ballots for or against a County Elouse of Refuge, when necessary. Ott motion by Thos Hetripliril; seconded by Win Lee, the Clerit `was instructed to ask tenders for tilling the front of data with stone or coarse gravel, at so much. per yard. The work to he cotainouced not later than 24th inst, and to be completed not later than December let next, acid to be paid for by the let of February, 1898. Thos H-uiphil1, on motion by Win Lee seconded by J 13 V'og;t,waunp- pointed to oversee the work, On 24.53 21-10 •e 13.03 17.10 " 86.11 2 4-10 •t 100.00 15-10 " 31-10 '` 62.24 2 6-10 " •' 30.21 31-21 88.33 4 1-3 " %100.00 19-10 "' 60.00 26-10 " 53.82 2410 " 12.00 ' 2 3-10 " 6' 1-2 '• Mr Ward Farrow, who recently went will soon have phis trill in running and receipts of $169 25 and aexpendi- `Vitrltootiurch• West, has secured a good situation order,—Mr Geo Walsh rete red home tore $101 86, leaviuti $61.89 due Mr \lowhrity, after a serious illness with the Standard Oil Company at from Newmarket last weelr.-•-14irs J Novereder account. An aeeaunt was I of tan Weeks; duration, is now abbe to, Winnipeg—Mrs W T Cluff and two Obit leares for leer home in Brandon, presented from Dr McKay, being for take some nomiehing food —Mr 111 ,T children left this piece last week for Fenton, Mioh, tejoir Rev Mr Clad".— There was a disputa over the result of the speeding in the ring at East Huron some up for summary judgment." Fall Fair, arising out of the fact that. ?Ail with prohibitionattd batons theraces were open to trotters and {:los Goebel entered the speedy pace thna>aatid more eagle than 1 end won hath the buggy race and tit loss but one pe'nittentiary and open 'raThe Oommltteo on :Are "lith 5"I at7 DIS ! titrAi 1Ared i t � 1 � ( nr`hei Man, this week, having spent the sum•• mer among relatives in this vicinity. —Miss Mary Parker, of Sunshine,,tvae the guest of Mrs Barkley last Sabbath ;medical attendance on the late James ! 111e1C'-w ie, teacher of the NVIntechurch 'Thompson. .No action was taken, the i school, Kinloss, has tesigntal and in. council considering that they ware not !tends going to Manitoba. responsible for the paytnent of thee; _ - • Mr Win Love had his hand badly claret. A comanunicetion from 111 C.; Turflbet:'ry, cut by a stroke font the band cutter's Carrterron, Esq. Township Solicitor, re, ". Mr Jas Johnston, formerly of the B knife, while feeding; a threshing Wan•' by law dispensing with MAW .p•iynien,, Hue, who Was boon in Manitoba during. shins at iltlr W 1 th's, on .Friilafy hest, , for s, Pep killed by dogs, rud"g read and tile past summer, rertnrfeed home fait -Mr Joelest 13e1 had like? .ttiiiff dace plestrg fiJ yy nit ftroe. tom. *wit t