Wingham Times, 1892-11-04, Page 6r '? Say i Don't get gay, now, I'm the e Q1 itilp al Uri C5 Inspector, and 1.'tn just testing your releplu'ne. E There's a good deal of guarantee Ill ll,9 I>, Syp7 yl I;DP� 4, '89?' business ill the store. keeping of to -day. It's las excessive.sTve, r too reluctant. �r Half the time they mean nothing, t T'rom a Woman's Stanalscln . \Vords--Only scat cls ()hC t harlie, did yon sae. the rtU%' This offer to refund the money, or v.? to pay a reword, is made under the a that you won't want your money itw 11 No,. I didn't. 1'n. starving, l�sllte. urry up dinner. Oh, it NVt.s awful, The horse sa'as Moping like clad. It was m r ex- esseaan's wagon and a tru Tell me au dingier, Nellie. 1nk whom you kuow,nlust have sourer w„ unary I can't speak the truth. I'm so he has faith back of �tl1e guarantee• The business wa uldu t stand a yea I u hash, and that you won't claim t lIa reward. Of course. So, whoever is honest in making it, and works --not on. hie own reputation alone, hut through the local dealer, thine But in. favoring you,J ut 1ble, heaven has doubly favorer', your wife, And it's twirls? _ No, Jumble, not exactly', You see -- Caesar, Doctor, youmystify me. Believe me of this anxiety, for pity's sake. Whitt is it ? Triplets. But, lay dear, the children -- What 1 the children ! Good heavens (7, they're nil right ; they were in the house, but they might have been :igllt in the middleof bell road— Will you ringfor Hannah `? without it. What is lacking in confidence. Back of that, what is lacking is that clear honesty which is above the "average practice." D. Pierre's medicines are guaranteed to accomplish what they are intended an do d their makers give the money Oh Charlie, 1 was so frigate. 1 d .1 to Doesn't it stripe you that a me terns which the makers have so much cos• fideuce in, is the medicine for yon 1 The U iaerushed. While I was being shaved, the dour opened and in walked a humble look- ing colored man about 25 years old, who was saluted by the•barber with a hello, Sam ! bow was yo' ! Jim, said' the other, after fidgeting about for a minute, .you to my sister Linda. I was, sah, was the reply. Yes,sab, me an' Linda was ingaged, and I was ggwine to become your brudder-law. Ltficla sent word. Did she ? Yes. Linda ,,ranted me to stop and tell yo suthin'. I hope de deal angel haiu't dun got Fick. Oh no. She's jes' dun got married to Bill Lee dis mawnin', an' she axed me to stop an' tell you. Wh.what I 'N'o'r sister Linda dun got married to dal nigger Bill Les shouted the barber, as he waved his l razor around my head - 3t Beats Jack Frost. Yes. She dun changed her mind 'bout you, She did, e1t 1 She did, eh I Boy, liar yo got a flatfooted, bfack•hided,'possum faced sister earned Linda 1 Great big ,;al wid turnip cull'd eyes and a motif as big as dot dotal 1 Sings like, a mewl and makes a traek in de mud like a elephant'? Has yo' got sich'a sister? Ir'eckon Eo. Worry well, sal. I Yo' return to dat sister an' give her my compliments, an' toll her I was married mo' dan two weeks ago, an' dat she ain't dun fooled me worf shucks! Good matv,nill' sah—call.agin 1 ran to the window and saw'the wagon tip over—Oh—oh—oh-la h— What on earth— Barry might have been riding in that very wagon 1 Ile often does. Bat lie wasn't it appears. No,, dear ; doesn't it seem like a special providence; but, ob, Harry, Some poor woman lost her— Was anybody killed, Nellie ? • Her trunk was throws out right in. front of our door, and the beautiful woman's clothes were scattered all over the pavement. Such lovely -- What became of the beautiful wo- man 1 Oh, Charlie, I'm so excited 1 don't know what I'm saying. Such Invely gowns and cloaks and— Wes the expressman hart, Nellie ? I'm sure 1 don't know whether he was or not, the stupid ! 'oine one came and took away the things. l just love a runaway, Charlie, don't you 1 Hannah's timely entrance With the dinner saved Uhftrlie from another ver sion of the affeir. back if the result isn't apparent,d HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTIMENT. ...'The most. efiectual (Jure for Gout arid Rilenrnati3LU.—•A frequent cause' of these votupleiuts is the iulfatnma• tory state of the blood, attended with bad digestion, lassitude, and great debility, %bowing the want of a proper circulation of the tluid, and that im- purity of the blood greatly aggravates these disorders. Holloway's Pills are of so purifying a nature -that a few doses taken in time are an aleetual preventive against gout and _ rhea ins F ttism, but anyone that has an attack o. either should use i'tIQWhty'B Oint- ment also, the powerful which, combined with the effects of the Pills, ensure a certain cure. The Ointment should be thoroughly rubbed into the they s affected beit en least sufficiently day, f e fomented with waren water to open the peer,•e to facilitate the intr..ductiou of the Ointment to the glands. (i)eiliainglpra Einit$ —18 PU13L181IED EVEILY FRIDAY UIQILNING --AT TILS -- TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHiNE STREETWily( HAM, QRTARIQ. Subseriptionpriee, $1 per year,in ad, v since ADVERTISING RATES: • Space 1 yr. I 0 mo 13 mo 1 ilio Ono Column 660 Q0 380 00 1 $20 00 $t0 00 URN 85 00 20 00 12 00 5 00. Quarter " 20 00 12 00 i 7 00 00 _I_ 00 8 00 i 2 .100 One Inch f G i Legal and other casual advertisements, So per lino for first insert on, and 8c. pct' lino for each subsequent insertion, Local notices 100. pea ,.no for first insertion, and. GO, per line for each subsequent Wunder., No local notice will be charged less than 250. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed Situations, and Bushtess Chances wanted, not exceeding 8 linea nonpareil, tO. per month Houses and Farms for Salo, not exceeding S lines, 61 for filet month, 500, per subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for to advertisements, or cot longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without specific directions, will ho inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Transitory advertisements must be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must be in the Wilco by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week 5. ELLIOTT Peen -mum AND PUlaasuse ONO Z,TirQ,K3IFS- Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; itis and acct leasant and refreshing to th.e taste, gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,. Liver and Bowels, cleanses theea. tem effectually, dispels colds, hid - aches and fevers and cures habituall constipation. SSyrup of Figs is only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, dto the taste and ESC.,ESC.,uced, pleasing ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy andagreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commendit to all and have made it the most popular remedy kno „n, syrup of Figs is f:." wale in 75c all leading t•: •a gists. bottles by Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will one o wocure it it promptly for any to try it. Manufactured only by the It Never Fails. Do you sea that gentleman `sitting opposite ? said oneautin in a cable car to hie next ieighl>nr. Yes. I can matte him pull his watch out of his pocket and constllt.the time,with out saying a word to him. You k..,nW him, perhaps, and have it - arranged that he shall do soon a cer:. talo signal from yon. No; t never saw him before ip my life. Well, then, 1 don't believe you can do it. IHave $5 to bitty I gall. I have five to say you can't. It's a het, is it? It is. The other man waited a few moments until the Glance of the man referred to fell on hirn,attd then, with much delib, ertitiui5, drew forth Itis; tvatcl: and look- ed at it. The man across 1130 aisle. Saw the movenieut,and instantly J1itted his own watch freut his vest. pocket. The man wilo had bat he wouldn't handed his $5. bill without a word, and as the other took it he remarked : It never tails, ' Look at your own'' watch and it's as catching as pawning. Try it yourse'lt or; sotriebocly. Racked With Rheumatism. Be.I' STItS,—For leu years I suffered DEAIL SIR.—We have used Hagyard's. Yellow Oit iu our family and know it is a sure cure for lumbago and frost bites. My wife was so bad with lumbago that she could not straighten herself,. and Yel- low Oil completely cured her. It has been a fortuue to us. OLIVEU ALLEN, Owen Sound, Ont The Telephone Inspector. Ile apparently was a visitor from the rural districts who was totolley unacquainted with ,city ways. Ile entered., says a Chicago paper one of the offices tit the city building and rinrlly nttrlteted the attention of a clerk, who rather gruffly enquired, well, what is it 1 What can I do for your Where's your telephone 1 asked the caller, taltine a survey of the room. Over there. ,thout haying another word the callai' nniked across the rootn, timidly took flowtl the receiver, placed it to his ear, and s:tond ftir a initnite as S411 US a statue, evidently listening arid wait't+ufur' the mysterious illat,rlllnent orThen n lie 't tobiro. t„ •,1} sowetlsin� ear-eftilly hung np the recei%etglanced nrnulld the room and noticed that the f:�cF',f avert' clerk was stretched out of its normal shape by a smile of. generous proportions. Again he re. mined to the'at'ae;lc. After listening as before, he tripped on the transmitter y,-Vi-ral times. Again he waited. Tllen he g1atto ee'l about lion, put his lips t:nt;e ;n the 'photo., and said quif•'iy--very quif•tly, Hello 1 this was too Tamil for the amused CRUFOR��IA �S SYRUP CO 3AN 3''1� 32,T....3G7, JAZ.,. DR. DIAODONALD, EJ JOSEPHINE STREET, Muril1 i, - �7i j • B. TOIVLER, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario Coroner for County of Huron— Office Up•etairs, next to Mr Morton's o1Hce, Wing - ham, Ont. orates IIoURs.-0 to 12 a. m., 1 to 6 p, m.. or at Residence, Diagonal Street. ONTARIO T 1.1 with rheumatism in sprlug•aud fall. 1 I have beeu confined to bed for tuoutlls at { a time, but since using 13 B 13, I have not suffered from it.at all. Ialso suffered from the dyspepsia, which bus not troub- led me since us:ug the 1313 13, and I there- fore thick it is it splendid medicine,- - Mite AME1JIA 1311F,NN, Hayeslaud, Out. The Fear of i:oatll' How to Propose. The fear of death is especi by any see. , A party of ladift'sand gentleman w ore ere attack of disease, especially colds or coughs• This aced not bo` where a.r.l Wood's I3: cam Pine Syruphi is keeuriv on 1 lnesslattendingtl>a declarati n of love hand for family use. This' orrfvallecl sremedy ceren coughs, colds, hoarseness, I asthma, bronchitis and all throat and bong I when one gentleman re l Pt Bowld thad t o it diseases. prise 2ve. and 50o. So by ever' he 'Deere d liqnselfdruggists. • in a collected and business like man- Breakiug at Gently. I t'er, " it all Doctor 1 • For eustauce, be continued, address- Is right, to .ing rt lady present, Mies Smith, I have *J. �'lpng the Doctor, At.night is always a trouble, and it is often an entirely unnecessary trouble if Perry Davis' 1 IL J. A. MELDRTJM, LJ Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Residence—Corner of Centre and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. tl'INOIIADt ONT • R. VANSTONE. BAILLUSTE1t, SOLICITOR, Etc., Etc private And Company funds to loan at.lowest rate '. interest. No commission charged. Mortgagee, town andiarm propert� bought and sold. OFFICE—Beaver Block WINGUADI, Orr • • is kept in the house. A few drops of this old remedy in a little sweet- ened water or milk', brings prompt. relief. Sold everywhere. Have you seen the New . BIG BOTTLE Old Price 25 Cents. J. A. MR '.1 BARRISTER &o , Wingham - Ontario MEYER �a DICKINSON, H. W. C. NIEYER- Q. C: I E. L. DICKINSON, 13. A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., So licitors for Bank of Hamilton, 'Commissioner's for taking affidavits for Manitoba, Farm, Townand Village property bought and sold. Money tet ovate e funds) loaned on mortgage security at 6/ p Money invested for private p010000, urea the best mortgage securities without any expense to the lender, Lauds for rale in Manitoba and the North-• west. Otfce—Rent's Bleck, i1 iughem. DENTISTRY.- J S. JEROME, Eiseman, �l Io manufacturing Celluloid Platee, Vulcanite riai • as cheap ass they lates of the got illthe Dominion. AU front warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric- ity or Vegetable Vapor. TARR NOTIct1.—I will extract teeth for 20 cents each. OFFICE: In the Beaver. Block, opposite the Brunswick House. SpI'-odid, hirable! Allow me been two years looking fur s1 wife. I congratulate you am its receipt of £400 a year,.whieh is• on the increase. Of ell the tadics of my ueynuihteutue, I admire you the most, I love you, and would gladly make you my wife. • \Vill you marry ' mel Is it a—a--btoy 1 The ptcture of his pop. Doctor, this is the happiest tnornent of my life. Its selfishness en toy part though—for Louisa yearned for a data tbter so fondly. y You flatter me by your preference, In that sires, Jumble, alio won't be • good hut.uoredly replied Miss S. to the disappointed, erir t' i' a of all present. I refer you to Did yon say it wits a bby. D�rctor ? p' my father. Thr picture not his pop sa,ld The guests were rtstoilude . 010 eke ,) S 1 1 t tit, d and after a hearty 1 In that case, itunble, fie I 1 uhnrns of laughter one of them kindly before, she won't be disappointed, fof vnituttemed to show the old roan how heaven has more than gratified her The couple we're married after. shortly to operate the new-fanpled talking desire'. A saloon gun Her micro he run witll- tn,,cllialt+. 1)o 1 understand you Doctor ?--is it oft trains up bovs than a nary -mill '[arcing up the receiver ,jet 116 you twins 1 without lea's, or floating gr(11 ill tt ithuU 100tvel it, Turn the little crank at the 'You said you wanted a boys did you whom,. '71 boys ( o(potion is, boys se ri 'its whish tinge the hell. Then take not"!or , tlnwit the'photlr,: place it to your ear, tu,,1 when the uslnteol rein aligwers, tell it;t•.- The old geutlennln slowly turned, aryl t:nsitlg lolly and steadfastly on his ♦„ lag frt.•nu remarked, is that same ori. sweet voice : 'or '.'frill, D10> f r And year wife wanted a girl 1 Yes, rector, Well then, n,y man, rest easily. Heaven has answeredthe prayer of otic neighbors 1 1 DELICATE iLRI�. G—.— bG"..�.�:G':Z..'1'l:.Y PURE SWEET LASTING t° LAYMAITS RICH I��`J RARE PUNGENT I-+ \%1%ni. ci�' =t tIt I B:( DENTIST.. OI"FI0E, - - PARSON'S BLOCKS Opposite' the Queen's Iiotcl, Wingham: Will visit Gorrie lst and 3ra Mondays of each month. - J CHN itrfOIIiB, • GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 11'Iool1AM, •OirMkta WAVE mt. HOLDS THE FIRST PLACE IN POPULARIBEWARE OF IMITATIONS. \Sv...fso.gS...rt.L.M..aemcminoe......oaa FRAGRANT First dude—How much did ytitl pityNERNtr for this can 1 Second dude —Threeh rrc �� A NS dollars. It's genuine bamboo. lint IuFA�w •--- l+ tit ro st obsttnatel cases shun a d crude ' h �etatki rwto r11[eve, fr NERVE BEANS are h new dip covertthat onto the worst eases of Nervous Debility,Lost Visor and Failing Manhood; restores the weakness of body or mind caused by over -work. or the errors or 01- atoms of youth. This Remedy 11 ab' ;,Ola. by Hilt• F. man ft DEANS, 35., tV111 lIAD1, '• ll LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended In any .part of the Co. Charges Moderate. JOEIN CTTIlItIL, \VINoIIAD1, ONT., --� - LTOENRED AUOTIONSEU 3011 THE COUNTY 05' ' launoN, A11 orders left at the TIMES owes promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable. JAMES HENDE1RSON, o LtotssSn AUcrmosnks. Pon ColtoTtEB IICnon »Js BRUcr, 311 sales attended to promptly and On the Shortest Notice Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Cunreeteed. 311 necessary arrangements can be made at the Talks' oifce Osh rills. GODFREY & MlcAutl, iii. B. Tor'ontd, Mombets College Phleleiants an is Surgeons. Ontario. • OstMtte w'Ilo 'sold it to you sur- TArsuTe � .l oe,or six or sill or sens b 101(1 o er •--1'11 eo ,,,t if t 1b of T n z1Pfl your very nicely. It's (�i� ,roam drtti Wr for pa ghl M ` Loth. bamboozler y 'Chen its twins/' w only imitation. ig ort, Isis iv A. I,. IHAMMit.TON i3it0R:tWR ¥oney to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted. REIASONABLId TtAT'FS Mmtoy advanced on Mortgages at'6 per.rentwit10 p,rnvileged of y paying ngtti the end of any yea:. N 1r. ROUT. Mslleti01. t3f1du1R •-i3eaV0r lideek, Wir>Dt1Da+st. Ont. ak\; nell, of Linden Vnllpy. Methods," 1lr E A Thompson 8. "Its Possibilities," MI Smith, Elizabethville, Mr Donnellheld that the bad great need of Endeavor because the place where youni li were tempted to spend their at the neighboring hotels. ' radius of A mite and a half t et least 50 young people produced, and that was sufi start a `society. Air E A i'hompson's pape Methods" was read by Mr l One advantage of the eountrl there were not 60 many to to keep the people from serv; found, it very effective in societies to have plenty ni Sociability was a strong bringing in many who belong to the church. should he wartnly welcon hand'shake. The paper on "The Possit Ooutltry Sooil-ty" was yea' Smith's' paster. The possibi • perhaps not as great as in towns, but still it could dc work for God. Where two week were too many the pi Endeavor meetings should The temperance committee much influence for good suasion and along the line tion. Many parts of the co cursed with cider. Old wor that could not be sold were ,into cider—nice Hider, indet worms and rut acted as a tea THE DENOMINATIONAL B Then turtle reports by (T"-- chairmen on the rallie the morning iu the church/ the delegates respectively b, Rev R .J Beattie, of Gu ttie Presbyterians had t: Andrew's and had a rine There had been expressed that.the chureh ahaul.l to interest in young people's si should'take a more careful of thong. \Vith this end committee had been appoil port on the subject at the t Presbyterian gathering. fi ing meeting it. resolution mously passed declaring Lb to taws church to :which the that they desired to woi spiritual welfare of old ant respectfully asked that the mittee vote Co adopt such tion as will enable the Christian Endeavor to ore the church, The speaker also felt by Romp that tendency to spread Ohris over too groat au area eoneertti'atiott might be 1111 This would also be effPctiv Baptists — Rev 0 0 Sarnia The speaker $al( grand meeting iu the Ti Baptist church, In his el organization called the Ye Baptist Society. At t meeting the relation of tl E Society wits dlscaste opinion expressed that W in tont great inter•de work of the 0 E Society, preserve their identity wi denotnination. Some 13a People's Societies in the raised funds for Sunday ;ionary work, (TOngregation al—Itev said the delegates had. basement of the First 0 Church. They had elm five hymns, a prayer and greetitlgs within an hour that nearly every- C church in the country Society and 'the uutloe hopeful. 1)isciplts—Mr A ills!, eton, saki the de legates 't ination had whet in the 1 Coiner Dundas and Deist The gathering assumed pray'et meeting. An atddi a t8'tttrl d mis'si'41'ltar; 01it 11 1