Wingham Times, 1892-10-28, Page 3O,1 a Spanish 3.tailroad. 11. The slowness of the backwoods rail. oads of this ttouatry is a standing joke,but we doubt, if 'any of them oouid equal. the Spanish train described by an English traveller, 1lead been told about Spanish trains not being punctual. of Spanish clocks varying, and so forth, lout between -Barcelona and Valencia I found a had still some things to learn. Of course the train could not go till the station -master had finished his eofFeb, nor could the engine be got to move till the engineer bad fiuiehed his talk with . the landlady. The swash- buckler guard, armed with sword and carbine, had also affairs of his own, which may unexpectedly be permitted to control the Spanish pilgrim's prod, ress, But what is this '1 In open country,' miles tram any station, the tiaiu sad- denly pulls up. I had noticed a clean galloping across country, Well, Lie leas been thrown in an adjacent field. The villagers assisted him to rise. One held his horse. The :croup caught the engine driver's eye. He simply stop- ped the train out of sheer curiosity. ' Further, it will be scarcely believed that most of the pe 'ple got out and ran to join the gapilig group ; and e e actually stopped on this idle. errand for about twenty miuutes, to the great contempt, apparently, of all but half a dozen English, including myself, and two American iadies. Night came, but no rest tor ane, the first class carriage being liy that time not, only crowded but filthy The official tioliet collector was among us. Besides his uniform- he wore a hunting pouch, and had brought bis fowling piece.. After snippilig our tickett,ho smoked himself to sleep. As the day dawned he woke up and got talkative, He then cooly told the astonished travelers that, although bound to inspect tickets for another fifty miles, he should get out at the next station, have a little shooting on the Sierra Moror a and catch the return train about midday. The train soon stopped ; he wished us all a polite . good-bye, raising his official cap, got out with his gun and pouch, and we saw hint no more, 'Ventured openly to disapprove of his conduct. A Spanish gentleman shrugged his shoulders sympathetically but seemed astonished when we talked of reporting the inspector, as if Spain could not go on itt all if • this sort of foreign intervention were continued. It's sometimes said patent medicines are for the ignorant. The doctors foster this idea. '"The taeople," we're told, "are mostly ignorant when it comes to medical science." Suppose they are ! What a sick man needs is not knowledge, but a cure, and the medicine that cures is the medicine for the sick. Dr. Pierre's Golden Medical Discovery cures the. "do believes" and the "don't believes." There's ere's no hesitance about it,no "if" or "possibly.' It says—"I can cure you, only do as I direct." Perhaps it tails occasionally, The makers hear of it when it does, because they never keep the money when the medicine fails to do good. Suppose the doctors went on that principle. (We beg the doctor's par - den. It wouldn't do !) Choking, sneezing and every other ,i form of catarrh in the head, is radical- ly cured by Dr. Sage's Catarrh Reme- dy. Fifty cent"s, Sold by druggists everywhere. Methods for Amusing Babies. When my six months old girl begins to fret, and I have `no time to stop toy work and take her up 1 roll her cab up to the table, take the bird ' cage from its hook, and set it upon the table be. fore the tittle miss. This always proves a pleasure to bird and bitby,and gives me often an !lour or more to work or rest. When she begins, to tire . of birdie's company, 1 set the clock (mine is a small one) Upon the table beside the bird, and by the time baby has worn of the novelty of 018,1 Mtn ready to take her up. Seeds— You say be left no, money f Biggs—No. You see he lost his ealth getting wealthy, and then teat *11 iffaa Tho Penitent One. The judge had a pronounced bigam ist before him, You have five wives iiving,I believe? he said sternly, Six, your honor, corrected the pris- oner gloomily.. What did you leave theta for? Great Soatt,your.honor,yo.0 couldn't expect a man to live with all six of them, could yon 7 Well, llar•dly,but yon shooldn't have married them. What did you do that for ? To drown my sorrows, judge. This is after the first one. She drove rite to it, but the second, one gave me quite as much sorrow ; the third one three times as mucic and so it went, Until 1 lead six titres tts much as any roan ought to have. and I quit. It's a year since I saw any of them. And it will be sometime before you see any of them again, said the judge, Are you sure of that, , your Honor ? inquired the ltrisor.er, hopefully, Quite sure,for 1'tu going to sente:.ce you to ten years iu the penitentiary. And there's no rnarl'}ing or giving in niarriiage there, your honor ? None, An, your honor, that, is heaven on earth isn't it 1 Can't %ou make that a life sentence'! D. D. Coven, Toronto, Travelling Pass - anger Agent, 0 P R. says : Anti -Dan- druff is a perfect remover of Dandruff—its action is marvellous—in my own case a few applications not only thoroughly re, moved excessive dandruff accumulation, but stopped falling of the !fair, made it soft and pliable and promoted a visible growth. In Truth a Helpmate. The young physician was tired when he returned from his evening's calls, but as be settled back in his easy chair and his pretty little wife of only a month or two took a seat beside hire he asked affectionately : And has any little wife been Lonely i Oh, no, she said, animatedly, at least not very; I found something to busy myself with. . Indeed ! he said. What is it ? Oh, I'm organizing a class.. ' A lot of young girls and° married women are in it; and we're cxchangir experience and teaching each other how to cook. What do you do with'the thin; you wok? be,asicod; interestedly. Oh, we send them to the neighbors, ,just to show what we can do. There is one boarding house gets most of it. It's lots of fun. Dear little woman, Ire said, leaning over and kissing her. Always thoughtful of your busl,aud's practice. always anxious to extent) it, , Burns and Coaldss•—If you are so unfortunA;e as to injure yourself in this way, we eau suggest a remedy that will (we speak from experience) soon relieve you of all pain and quick- ly heal the wound; it costs but twenty five rents for the new trig bottle and is."sold by all Druggists -L.11 i for Perry Darin' PAIN KILLER. Stub End of Thought. Tears are becoming to some eyes. , Truth has More . enemies than friends. A. widow's weeds may blossom as the rose. Worsen under 20 and over 70 tell their age. The hest cooks are not :sweetest -tempered wives. Cntar would have been humble with- out his night kcy at 3 a. in. Sorrow adds beauty to the character when taken in broktn doses. Men and women in love imagine themselves in pretty much everything else that is unrestful. • The, than who blinks only of N'o, 1 forgets how many millions and million• there are between that and infinity, ailians Tabules t for sour stomach A candidate for oflis is tviiliner than a gal that wants to git married. Wliat do you propose ta take Pr your cold 1 said a lady to a sneezing gentleman. Oh, I'll sell it very cheap I won't higgle about the price at all, he replied.. _AraikAltilla 4111014w always the Madam de IiLor tospara was oonti>o:u. ally saying she was thirty years of age. It must he true, said Talleyrand;. I have heard It these twenty years,. Aorto= ro grafi ORS. --,Are you Aisturbed At night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with fairs of Cutting Teeth? II so send at once and gat . bottle of ".\Ji' .1Ylnsiow's Soothing Syrup"Itr�will�drelieve theme pool value incalcul- able.ff Immediately. Depend upon It, mothers; there is no misrako about It. I Dares Dysentery and Dlarrhaa, regulates the Stornach and Bowels, aures wind. Collo, scftous the hums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Win- slow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and to the proscription of one of the oldest and best onside physicians and nurses in the United States, and la for solo by all druggists throughout the world, Price twenty-five cants a battle. Be sure and ask for "alar, VI:eeLow's Soovlluro Brace 4nd take no other loud The surest proof that e loan isn't henpecked is the feet thea Ito keeps a pretty servant girl, Paso's Remedy for Catarrh Is the ry a w Best, Easiest CO Ps(3, and Cheapest. . aL as }tif Sold by druggists or sent by mull. SQc. E. T. Ilazrlthw.' arren, pa. THIS 1'1t1:PARATION' Acts directly on the stomach. And promotes the healthy action of the liver, WITHOUT PURGING. For Sale by All Druggists. And Wholesale by London Drug Co„ London, Ont. HAL TED & SCOTT Josephine Street - Wheihani, Ont, J. A. Hamra),J. J. W.. Scow, Mount Forest. Listowel. Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes • bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. ,, Special Attention Given to Col- ',acting .r.ceounts and Ncites. Agents In Canada—The lyiorchants" Bask of; Canada Office hours -From 9 a. m. to 5 p. m, A. E. SMITH, A gent. t;> "Backache means the kid- nays are in lira trouble. Dodd's c Kidney Pills give prompt relief." .f9 "76 per cent i? of disease is t•t first caused by °`. ,:-ordered kid- neys. id-.40 ney Might as wee! €itoi try to have a healthy olty without sewer. ago as good health when the ey kidneys are , cogged, they are •• ",t 1'r all dealers of smithy mitlt� so Twit C�+s,h�+ir <st i1i.1 ,�1t s^rww re, VILER 'TR/Mr/BEI cuRe s 1\ COLIC r�I C,` OMORBUS L. ` A CHOLER DYSENTER AI.DAI �OL �1 L+i IIIT cHILDRENor DULTS cTs price 3� EWARf of IMITATIONS HAVE YOU the scavengers of the system. "Delay is dangerous. Neg- lected kidney troubles result in Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and the most dan- gerous of all, Brights Disease, Diabetes and Dropsy." "The above diseases- cannot exist where Dodd's Kidney Pills aro used.' 'TRADE SALE I0.11. R. TI5111 TABI,;k... usA Ti+tvo sins arrive and depart es follows :,A:89a.In—... ierToronto.,.,,..,,,h: 2:00 p. m a 3:00 p. m..... ..... For T oesu•ator To General Merchants anti Boot and Shoe Stores, 10:5,1 p, ne +' In connection with my Leather Business full stock of SHOE DRESSING/ Ilathaway, Whitmore's, Zenon!, French Dressing, roy1heossf]Jqaeeesebti or dozen. hi French Blacking and Brays climax waterproof. 1.1".A.. 'M in Leather, horsehiden, l;ng11sh lllp, Porpoise, Cotton Button fasteners andlsetts,thecork soles, Stc. SHOE LE&THER, &c. Sbnon Ahna, bol and lei and Meatonla Ifip and Calf ; also native kip ad upper. Spanish and slaughter sole, WAU ,Ess LEATHER, Best brands on hand in oak and *hemlock. Specie stock for traces in oak, card will secure quotations or a call from my travel- ler. W. J. CHAPMAN, Tanner and Leather 1iietehaut, Wilin IAtr CI-X?/..A. bra, f47-114c .1V A. t . i3TfaATIlT, W1NPilAH. Through tickets to n Atuerieie Nwest, Pacific Coast, ®hottest and popular routes; Baggage checked through destination. Lowest freight rates to all points /taws "'^'-•*TIME TABLE,----W1X0(1, t.AlleiV5 Ar Wil*o.00::4466 aa .1nn .Toronto,huol h Palnerston, eo. 82 10'02 13O002 p'n•i, " " Clinton, " 11:20 am,..,,.,, Kincardine, fro ,, ..., 67:30 al1f .2776 pm ..,.,. Palmerston, ntlaed.....1074106pa, 30 p.m, Lend,oan, ac.... ......1.1:00 •, 11:20 a Scientific America Agency for; CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etc. Ver Information 861 free 1Y0as. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America, plvery Patent taken out by us is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge ih the Ndentific maim Largest circulation of any sofentific paper In the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. WeeklypU�N$1�73.olp a rear10 six months. Address M limit stime.301 i3 oadw y. New York. & COw, FOR THE BEST VALUE IN ORDTIRED CLOTHING, 00 TO HATS, S, LAPS, COLLARS, SHIRTS, CUFP3, dze. Cheap for KASH, ' L.J r� j~J it s ; t v s5Moves All intending purchasers of stoves for this winter will save money by buying from; D. SUTHERLAND. Having bought a very large variety of HEATING AND GOOK S T _, Q VD ! 0.,.S to Choose from Every stove guaranteed against breakage and to give complete satisfaction. fl. SUMMAND.