Wingham Times, 1892-07-15, Page 6, P ttt 1)'d he Mealay�� A Mystery' Explaarle, her seat, glI seated. what, fur instctice ? * drulumer livid beet' telling' I�he half lase IrGln and, the Opell ORT olid, aloll; the fool -board at the side to wait for 'lands, the philosopher explained. The The entertain• 1 •o wned the fear. of oto lath, londl or talk boister- y, ' stories Gu 'the train to the witiliu� llearitiit, and after I raising her parasol, till nailed the cfon- plat that she as lie S1Zed 11 tlk�e frowzle of lois whi.s- was In motion, and ped with a slight jerk she had l,,er left klu,ut of all 1.1s detective I lie had settled down to , dnctor on tier' trot p I desired to have the car Stepp ed at the „•, d ,FtII,Y' 15, iBJr, story, price tweuty=five cents irokli ally ler, As it slowed, site stood = , - — train, boy a Man across the aisle got nest Dor and stepped to the side, shifting Read Before Meals- 'Up ruld'eanle Over to hill', down, up lice parasol from the right hand t0 the threw hPr off her balauce. The coil- Ud tlallt JMd pith; about yw'UT Excuse me, file Said as he 'Sat to some of left and grasping the vire' of the seat t hake yourself olid your own�the Emperor of Clliva, lead played but I have been listeniu; have .Te- I 1 with lit" Liu1 disenoagpd right. I loiter with the President of the United Wk with your Inatlth fillet' Hour esperieuces, and they Wait till the car stops, please, the doctor blew his whistle anll stsrted to tine previous one remains in the winded me of a few of my Omva. 1 outed ' d aonullUM s I ht expres- ex7 ptmencl• eating R» soon a Indeedl replied the drutnllter s{l.ably, She ;lanced up with a siis; ,S'ultan'a seated. what, fur instctice ? sion of fri�llt, and the conductor ran . soil the tilde cloth with bones, Ni ll, said he,I don't 1001: lilie a matt the world i do aloll; the fool -board at the side to wait for 'lands, the philosopher explained. The that has been all over assist her, but she did not oto lath, londl or talk boister- y, I l j\TO�t eXtlCtly, asseutPd the drummer, i him, Silo stepped down while the car when. the car stop- t the tattle• as lie S1Zed 11 tlk�e frowzle of lois whi.s- was In motion, and ped with a slight jerk she had l,,er left detail illi L118 SlandeTS you can d kers and fit of his clothes. �OOt On file 17aYerliell t. SIIB ltitd Kept -� lit Ci.1C table. TI]!it'R What ttlt'y all S0.., Sa1C1 file l'o'll of the arin and was about to re• .,,t talo genes up in your fingers ,tan quite undisturbed by the doubt I@aSP, it and put C10N11 the other foot, i11Pa'li }1'11111 filet''. implied. while facing to the rear, when the j elle ;t G c/'11 attention to ally little mis• ca And, I .oppose, Ile went on easily, threw hPr off her balauce. The coil- + play have occurred. if 1 should tel'. you 1 had dined with ductor ;rasped her arm rind prevented t hake yourself olid your own�the Emperor of Clliva, lead played her from faliiu Skirl smiled' her the chief topic of conversation•' loiter with the President of the United thanks and Walked away• The coo '}hake another mouthful, while States, had put on the cloves with the doctor blew his whistle anll stsrted to tine previous one remains in the Eaiser of Germany, had played Lase return til" platform,• near the track she uses her right hand s uukiud hall with the Czar of .Russia, had There's another, hu retnarl[ed to n 5'.n• IF;, t tb v hvl• fur $1 a dozen. You lcl�aly they're It reach across the table for any ridden horseback with that charuling and observant individual at the _ rel w ,i. bat wait - until it is passed to 44 i of Austria, had old lady, the Empress serene eIld of the nest sept. A �vomatl never w gSlt for it. Irlayt d the de,6oted to the Queen Re- off a car while facing 'the! ri;ht t, put your elbows on the table I Fent of Spain, had pickuicked dozens Geta I've never seen one. I way ; cholera morbus, canker, etc,. children tion about ; i f llat aLle to sit of tiutea with the Kion and Qucen of nc'coat wait till the car stops it's al thout. But tl.iuk of lining on they cost, rale. , Yanict•p--�t':Ill, tntstNr, that s what 1 own she'll A11C bill is —.1ST'UBLISIIED— Igq�p R 1tTDAX 9011NINO ON30 VX -TO -WO Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and iefreshing; to the taste, and acts Liver an(Nowels, cleanses the sys; tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. "tyrtlp Of F gs is th only remedy of. I'w;a 11 i:�d ever pro eluted, pleasing to the taste and, ac ceptable to the stomach, pprompt i its action aac1 truly beneficial in it effects, prepzsled Only froze I Ines healthy ar d agrecable substances, it many excellent dualities eommen d i co all and have ; plc it the UIQ$ pol)ular remedy ;;yrtlp of Figs : ; for sale in 7� hottlGu by a lcwdi i Clruagistt An.y r .li .ble dru;*�:e* "'-o may no have it on, hai,c -will tjrocure i j promptly for an, Ono SyZto wiahe to try it. -, '+ cul7 by tb If L t 's ► Zwyl� � 'U� —AT T1111— TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET N'YING1`IAN, ONTARIO. $ubscrintionprlco $1 Per year, in advance ADVERTISING RATES___ _ _ 1 ulq Space � 1 yt 1 0 mo_ I a n+o I giro Colwnr, 500. 00[IH 00 $20 00 50 00 t1alP +' 05 00 00 12 00 5 OQ nal rter " 20 00ll OQ 7 00 4oneInch 1 6 00>! QO (_— 2 00 100 Legul and oilror casual advel Re, per lino for First insertion, and Se. per Linn foreaeh pnbsoquOat. Insertion. Local notices 100. per lino for first insertion, ani l5e, pet lino for each subsequent insorticr.. No local netue vvn11 be charged less than 25c. Advortiseurcnts of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations. and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding S liecq 'nonpareil, $1 per month 1. Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding S lines, $1 for first month, 60c. per subsequent month These tcrms will be strictly adhered to Spocial rates for longer advertisements, or tot Ion <•or periods. 8 �Vortiseinents and local notICCB without Specht directions, will he Inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Transitory advertisements lnustbo paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must be in n the oihce by Wedliesday noon, in Order to appear that week S R• ELLIOTT y PaOPKIR'1'On AND PUhLISITYll ! ►l sk to be exons?d, It•,fly, hall boar^ell Ill G 1@ right ; if not it's all wrong. S o t t �TUt1'11 or look cross at th,4I louse irk Loustautinople Cttd a fiat, T. -Il ----- la 't her fault, the iudividttal re. �---------- it hurts your own digestion, as more of the same sort—I say if I Is that of those eating with You, should tell you all this, you'd think I mock"d' l "— was lying, wouldn't you, 1luh ! She had Bean Shopping• 1 No, 1L'8 tile fault of rile car,or the ` tat t ,,— lard uu-I Of course: I would assented the company, 1 ireall I had -been ahoppin„ p 1drummerfrankly. ;rated shopping, for an hour, and I Iluc ! . \Nell, don't think it, my friend, said "l! the gr ods from the shelves on with deep earuestuess,don't I 'I course. I"+y not saying a word the visitor, . p i; cot orations or auy- unt�r. The clerk's patience was think it, 1 pray you. Sny it right out. l about gt'as iti corp or my interruption. Gonalty,aud tbirl� of the like but 1 say its the fault I` of the -company. �ve you auylhinr else besi[IPs Ile Dot up and went back to his place, i a .she inquired, with a wave of I'd like to know how, the conductor I 50 leaVlDg the drummer to wonder if he said, sueoesLi ely' «'e do anything I ed ticcross the rejected stttffa. Ineaut to insinuate anythin; by su=h we can to help 'eu1• -PE RRY�Av�sY he replied curtly. conduct. That may be so, but the company j ave you any dark ribbon with a Tito only ],comedy. red live ill it l • ought to chauoe the direction of its ENTLEM N,—I leave used 13urdook lines or start a movement for the de- il, G. Blood Bitters for ley blood and for e began to get, les, and two bottles warns. pimpmade a complete velope►nent of ilulbidexterity, the phi'- l f m case. It is the only remedy I esu her remarked. J. r P lava you'_ ally politeness? she visited could find to held me. ju A VIGEn, Trenton, Ont. What l pettedly. Miss Ambidexterity—ability to use Muth +s, file responded choly. a A Broom Speculation, 'lands, the philosopher explained. The Fell,, I'd like to see solve of it, she A cls foot Yankee, crated upon a trouble is that most people can use the sarcastically. it to you, miss,he said, load of brooms, drove his tram up be I•lolit hand only ill i;raspiu0 anything, I s'can't ,how take l fore the -door of an establishmellt W►[ll confidence i11 the ellort—•women 'iilv, unless you agree to in where he expected to find a purahasen particularly. ill Chls country the cora i;6011 of it to justify me showing mping hit, he entered the Dafrom sea pass to the. right, and as it is safer to '11011 She wallird Out, hilt 6h0 n0Y0i store, and the following colloquy took allgilt from the side nearer the side- for It woman rted the clerk, —Detroit aFree plata : Yankee—Can't I sell you a load of walk, it is very natural to t'rasp the arm of the.sellt, or the 8s. brooms to day, misthr ? side of the rear p,latforro 1jf a close onelmess Among Thousands. Dealer—Not any- 'eel—sell 'em ler--No ; don't wan car„ before stepping duwn.J Now, if way, to fire left, Nor girl, She said.. Site must lead Yan take ; the, cars ran the other get off from tae other atvtal lite. But then 'vibe rilust know'' what it would be When she dog C11Pi1 I o 1' gottnou It Dealer—Don't want'em; a S women would side still would use their right hands. ;fie !)rooms, If a wolllau gets oil' now at the side Tried him. i' ilP to her ? asked tl1P wo• Yankee -111 tell you what I'll da. near the track she uses her right hand s uukiud If you'll take tiles lot, I'll let [item go is not pitched backward. You watch 5'.n• IF;, t tb v hvl• fur $1 a dozen. You lcl�aly they're e t - thrj next time. If women. were left. JOSEPHINE STREET, 111NOIIA1l, ON'rAR10 W. B. TOWLEll, NI,D.C.AE, Nlcnrber College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario- -Coroner for County of Iluron— Office 111)•8tairs, next to NIr ,)Iortoln's oflice, wing. bale, Out, OPPIOR HOU Its. .-0 to 12 a. III., I to 6 p. 1n., or at Residence, Diagonal Street, TR J. A. DLELDRUNf, lJ Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physioiaus and sumcons of Ontario. Office and Residence—Corner of Centre and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bothune. tY(NonA1I OST . VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Etc Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and farm property bou+:ht and sold. OFFICE—Boavor Block WINOIIAII, ONT 0 wonderful its wonderful polrer of KILLING EXTERNAkand INTERNAL PAIN. No wonder then that it is found on The Surgeon's Shelf . The Mother's Cupboard The Traveler's Valise, The Soldier's Knapsack The Sailor's Chest The Cowboy's Saddle The Farmer's'Stable The Pioneer's Cabin The Sportsman's Grip The Cyclist's Bundle ASK FOR THE NEW "BIG 25c. BOTTLES" 11., 110, I onP.SB LVt. U e- worth dU[tble t!;flt. a little furulhouse out in the colul- ! banded the present system would be brooms, as .I not. 5 with the I,eareSt IlelgItbUr fIVP Or 1Ne1!, 1 don't want any all right, but they are o told btit 1 don't wind making; a I neve thou -ht of that, the eonduc. miles away. Thiol; how lonely It you, trade with you to said. It has always Leen a trays- DELICATE ;(ust be. Yes, of course 'it's lonely; but elle Yankee --What sort of a trade,. D�alcr—«t'il, I'll take the whole tory to me. Do you think they'll cbauge l the MUR ,RAY. Is ger itardand. 011, yes; 110 can't get away very load at '+ 1 a dozen, and pay you one half philosopher asked l 1ANMAN'S I. t,Aq ca.h,vou to tfttce the other Wholell Ile oan't go to tl,e club l Iie'd I+act to nidi ill trade. Yaul;e,l—j`lo you t. lu't mister; you'll The company.; X10, nor the women, either. l--1 v;v PURE RICH LT `certainly not, 0' or ro to field one. charge in(- %nett nu tll•fired profit err Mothers and ntirees, SWEET "HARE miles And he doesn't have to stay away the other bnlf that I might COutP out 111 Who llave tllo clue of children should Rxtract of Wild LASTING PUNGENT In dinner to entertain a - country cos- at the sola'' end of tile,horn. l you that knew ar. Fowler's tht D,nit be coufidsutly depended Strawberry y W _ rel w ,i. 'net' 2 he'd hale to 00 lienler•--•Oh, no, promise • you shall have the goods just at what on to cure all summer com>7laiuts,diarncoea, dyscrtery, oramps,colic, ollolera iufantum, ill If he stayed away cholera morbus, canker, etc,. children thout. But tl.iuk of lining on they cost, rale. , Yanict•p--�t':Ill, tntstNr, that s what or adults. ��- �nprflrtwomen'w rel Jt �,y , U'f course. vast raide with to neighbors-- tl It 'p I tail square deolill', It's A hnroain.' ed t r unload [110 , A parb�dnd.stand t0 8 .e (�? f"i STILl;Vi`HVOLd3 THE FIRST PLAtt idly a hoose insight. Oan any. And, lie COIII111e11t brooms in a piles on the sidewalk. When r � rii;lltll. � IN POPULAR FAVOR. BrWARF OF IMITATIONS. m lie More lonely: the little woman be pot through he wanted into the D. L. Cmetl, Toronto,. Travelling Yds{• Agent, C. Y. U., says: Auti•TSan- I � - � N ,h said ! 0 y ep , t i stinger f 't r move' of Dandruff—its �" RAr.11RA . .... ore drutf iA a per ec Q chicly• .rat art', IlliAter ' 14 dozen, I action iR marvellOult-�••ill my' own' 'dials tt ilaA@.`f few appl'loiltiollS not only thornugbly re Living I ill this' bttyt t►r t;lle'tu%dat Of wh"rch 16AIC`(ldAte nl*#kalr' just �7 he'll moved 'ex"Iiiive Agrlfirnff ,tbOtimttl+itiolt, -.... but stopped failing of the hair. made it cluslantXs, with oluibs and theatres, in' to lite, k soft and liable %ud promoted a visiblb F-P.V '. growth, hardly It l+otll yatt kn0rv, No one . Dr,LIe:---des, that's t'IIt.1t, tllers8 p • t whitt'foot's do yoke N w... — ,.„ tilt tercel. ria one ravltct it trXone the nlOuey N lea A tailor's boas-�tlie dude.— e�+f. rar'rlls Na Ittlrrlixtar!5 of Ir! r llrlt for the other V. �"bti gee I York ljorald. > k jo1vUW Grvtrirscrkilog aaoutt,is'� Y"atlkl'�''-'��all, li dufrtta, I 41 tat t,f. 1. lVol .aaE ltri'ilfirlr, lv, nrirt l', t IV, to' Inuu's1m;l?�� to � `�It'e r01,tn rriGlfi ht tieetsta �6 ta�t�. . lr : �k�' ttiR�if,wtlt9i J. A. MURTON BARRISTER Sc wfnghan, Ontario N EYER Jr DICKINSON, H. W. C. MEYER. Q. C. I E, L. DICKINSON, B. A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., So Ifeitos for Blink of Hamilton, Couunispioners for taking affidavits for )Ianitoba, Farre, Tow•" ande Village property bought and sold. Nloucy ( cont. funds) loaned on nrortgagO security at 51 )let- Nloney invupon the bebt ested for prlyato portions, mortgage securities without any oxpeuse to the leader. LaodaI for sale is Manitoba and the North- west. — Oflico—lion's Block, It fughaul.. DENTISTRY.—J S. JERONIE, W1Ne+lAA1, Ia manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite plates of the best material Its .cheap as they can be got it' the 'Dominion. All Work warranted. Pafnletis extraction of teeth by the use of Electric' ity or Vegetable Vapor. TARR NOTICR.—I will extract teeth for 25 cents each. OFFICE: In the Beavers Block; bppositc thu Brunswick House. W m. H. Macdonald, L. D. "S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the queon's Hotel, Wingbam. Will visit Gorrie Ist and 3rd Mondays of -each month. CIIN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT tYINU1IAl1, ONTARte eDEANS, JR-, LICENSED AUCTIONVER FOR THE: COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended !n any part of the Co. Chargee' Illoderate. JOHN'CLJRItIE, WINGHAU, ONT., 1 LICUNSLD AUCTIONEL11 FOR 'rBE COUNTY OF iiUAON. All orders left at theTnlEs Oltice promptly attend+ I ed to Terms reasonable. JANIhBIII,NDERSON, LICRxsRI) AUCTIONnR114POR COUNTIRB HURON Al(D $RU01k. All sales attemlad to promptly and onthti Shorteek I Notice. Charges 110dernto Anil Satisfaction Guaranteed. All necessary arrangculents Call be lade at the TiMxs etilco ONT wtvallArl , BOLio T ac—It AwliiN to. L. D• t" sUnvliYORB ANI) Ctvit ' ENOINRRVIS 1,ISTOWrL AND WINGHAM. All order$ left at tiro office of 'the TOM$ will re. colvo prompt attol,tlnn PATERSON, — BAlLIkF 0YEiolltll IlIYf810x COURT, I9AreR OYMAtI• Rlm'", IptCRNSEB. ho 1vlNgtlA>VI ANT. a IIt MISSDSV WATSON, .�. UCTIoIq given oil Ilalo,otglAl -,' In �Vflfa' 'ry