Wingham Times, 1892-07-01, Page 8of a eslt►ally fa ae ; as that geiltleint,n dtlughter of Mr `liompspn Batten, o! ( WANTED. PRRF'� SCOTT�j 11 '11Puntb'oreat, M$ICAI LEADER P�i�SYTfliAN CHU�i�'N aND�•+" 0.1 from tlsa first luair,tilitled that the lea• 1 I " �pRLVorest1."rRN n lu it Forest, on gives Privato r essounin 1'gcal�rainina, both in Staff t wiiliG thrt tlg11 'Ito foal, under the rope. June 22nd, by Rsv , r Williams, Mr Al- and Ton[q•Sol•I a Notation- open for ori a(tarrtents ' �1 �iA :The r1no'tgtii f the Tocawftte`` p�ibl1e d iighPQol of o 1s h amxlsan Stitt5 Ida, pn, of for Concerts Appl. aClrutclt meetings. Torras nrvderatQ, 1r„ CI�Q Q " ^ "N u %lk$ 11. uORRaw-S, $ school did "ot clltitu a goal y i , Mount forest. I SQQ.. Cord Hemlock. Bark ' 24shoterfit, w1ughanl, . IX, i�taTndoa's Dress. Goods ancli li„nrd the ,Nie .els and uitltlire s ti''• BAxNi�-uaArxxs' Pia - At rile resi- deuce of the bride a parents, on June Willingham Saw and flaring Mills. W4 move in the beat society and are pinion, p lath, by Rev D 'l3 11ioRae, Mr John A _ - propghlyaikapraciatedbyladiesRgtastp,� 11e aeettla i 2,itink the ttnl fres of Who undersignedhavQnotvoil hand alargo stogx p fashion critics, and stylish young should have ph used 1,1140, I would Bayne, of St Paul, Minnesota, to illisa Vllft►itatl at the 1Vitif,ham 'rt4nnery. A rule 1400Allister, OC Grey tow ship, i-� DTtY PINE, Iles, the dreaa halters also apprec'iood lie"t'says to his or t rettedHre yHwituP epo Jane, eldest of dao i of Mr,Jaiin Mo- * Q {) C+ O -R 1! TIL; OUI , ,next, its Igor busineaa to know g ADAMS -In Zee rtva er,on the 26th inst, TAMARACK, and isality when: she sees: it, did you visa wild know not a team from pxnothe y Florence Aunie, day rhter of Mr J HAItD1VOUr7 LUMBER ar Drestx Goods Cplinter last week, did gtalld{lig nNnr t oil, spld positively Will be paid on delivery, Drgseed oc andressedaxx and r>~. over the TOP(',- Adams, formerly of irighatn, aired 1.6 y NORTH SHORE k1HINGLr,',ta, Gu notice the pleased expression on the filet the hell w nt Cilo>,vrorith Vfnf;h ,Pnthel7tli lust, NO, 1 CEDAR SHINGLES,, Mee die the Custom and why shouldn,t The only "ullint tested" eye\vitnesseS years, 6 months gad 1 days. you, if you were standing near th goal, tylion tlis ball rgaret CranYn, age 4$ yearn. Ap eeling iJ cords or Pver, can STAVES, ley smile: wouldn't } , Partle HEADINGS, i Ru wanted for less was kicked, Wer. . two then who ha ylRovrx- In North Carolina, U S+ ort dellvwx h8 f in summer and balance in BARRELS, suyins just wht t y arse ou i partaken of so tn. ell "tan�ie leg„ the luno 2ud, Robert, thin son of filo late sinter, if' faired, and same pride will be WOOD, &o., hen you expecte, to pay, of co i np doullt they co Id not toll one tenni Wm Mooney, forinerl of Morris, aged paid, at rtcestbat defy competition, Parties intending "Bold, a dollar saved is a dollar trade, I n r. could tl:Py sed 4$ years. tQ build tvili find it to their interest to dive era call 1 from aliother ; lviPKBNsxs-ln Ilruss Is, on June2lst, A,ANG CQ. J ad here is the place and nowiathe.t time, whether rile ball t ent throu9ll or not. Donald 11cKonzie,• ft„ d e1 years, l.0 �'NGIIt>♦Iil TAN .1, _ul before platin their orders, m we aro ttended to # em, DPn't, tAi1tPLA1. sot`tQ be undersold. Content tvorlc attended to a gave a gPO�I many of th r menthe and 0 days. promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. i nx-ln_lliorrfs, on J ne 28th, B11za- Wingb' April 6th,1892. teaitate, come thio weak OU(I see what MgT,EAN & 'St7 re ale dein Qur stock of Cliallies De- To the Editor of the Tim E, • beth, beloved wife of M Edward Dear, week's issue of aged 75i years, 3 months arid'24 days. �'antd Prints: is at once the delight DEAR SIg.—In 1st •IW:� of ou r custocaers and the terror of our year paper, under ie 'head of Tees, -- • e di designs l item having ref- INGHAM: MA,Yt•I;ETS•�ED4 N7 sompetitors. Such a rang water, Y uoGi�ed W ®L erenCa to the reep t football snatch wmGl1Att,. so June, 1,.892 � ; Ras Never seen in T�` O.Rr CQ before. Corrected by P. Deans, produce Dealer, + On Can- between �+HeBwa r and `�+ing'haln Flour or lOQ 14s, $ 2 25 to 2 26 Blade .Clothing, Y T5 to 7G Boys' Ready'' y sprin p 76 to 76so to }o &wing laid in a full stock o ,. without Jilliiors. In the hr t race tt as s that Fall \heat arbushet, Lotiala iriathe saving of money Tweswatpr were tl► winners by 1 goal 27 to 28 FOU see these floods. .To friss saoh a to 0, Now the 1 iter of that,Artiele Barley ld thePeas, oto' 4 WIi11. Flannels, Blankets, 4hancevoulcl be a miaiortnne anlease do Mous a• knows Chia is not t ie cage, as tale ball . Butter, tub 12 ;poperyoli Come the better we.Ou p \vent OVPr elle Alpe 50vP,1'al gentlemen 1r�'gs per Ib..' 9 t0 8 TWGeC s, 51� eetings, Y _ �•� 1 56 to 1 75 Yarns, fou.. standing, near'tho Pal and. having no ti ypertoora, 7 90 to 7 50 positively 15 to 20 ' ,.A.re you interested in Parasols, Gloves niterest ill either labs, gay p - potatoes, I am in a. position to handle any quantity of siert', Embroideries and Gents Trea;if that a robe ball aTlieGnt pireetist a foot Ova l himself said at ,WOOL. ° till in •on Saturday night, at °t first tl at lie ti.id t t know-Wllether the NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ball tent, tliruu 1 or not, Then after i ' ^-- - Mc�N000'S. g Ill'thematter of Inglis &CQ., of theTpwn j Sit M' a littltz'coaxing b Gha reeswator boys of Wingham, in the County of Huron, u ' we offer you - �- hC decided it wag a goal. Then avaln Avoollen Manufacturers: Having cleared o.ut a number of linos ata PRLGE,, y • he••sa s Win iia ut 011 senior play Yvon that the above-named in What. do ou think y p Kottceisiterobyg specially PAIRS Li1.1�IEc' hID SHOPS Y 1 j� }t1 �lj �l� QFp era. Now any ersott who haw the solvents Have made an assignment tome, under the Ot &Lad s 7)an ;ole Kid at 1.2i; These ;Dods are all made on the lint chapter 124,: and amend- a, goods. We guarantee to Save match knows be at than that, provisions of R. s. o. It xf t Y' lugActs for the benefit of all their creditors. however the say' �* 18 t`a p0or' excuse A meeting of the Creditors at th4 said Insolvents most approved lasts and this serines e twill be heldatmy otnpo, in, the said Torvn of Wing - ill you from 75 cents to $1• per pair' on. these lines. is better than n ne,” and thus the ham, on,Monday, the 4th day of,luly. at o'clock tit AY, JULY '1, 15 2• �i`eeswater scribe tries to crawl Out of th.afternoon,lortl,uapioiutmentotilispectorsand S (� the bitrsry, of arroatlore for tno assposat of thq. DLi.1+.SS GOOD..--�Ve have received sL Repeat Order of those ' _ It. There is uo doullt but that tilei.estata twt) lines of double width suitinas-15 pieces --all shades and the All creditors are required to91e thui'r claims with ,sane price. A., r �+ W itlglialn playe had the best of tile' ere (as directed by thq statute) before the 1st day of r At EV4 .rr.game aed (toy ll thrP ryh °And. Could Y llaVe 'I argil diu'ttlbttGAfter the aiid 9stat ; having st rtaurrS ha BLACi Ute S.Ours aiL° decidedly high class sttxt an assort -scored several ,t wee easily had til -y to such claims as I Sion have notice off mudIs i ee warniu� their read• iznc�r>tt not generalPy kept—and within rile price of all.. only rushed on lie. gold- Thls WOt)- a°� par6 thereof, tdoany' persozi or persons ns whose c tree greats, who are dP•rtnl CbalttpiPn Of 7'eeswater'say8 t118 cleat, or claims shall not have IRTO f d Groleeries, Beans, Honey, Fal tliel'S' Park, a'�L4r. a*� uaty. The Goderich I boys „walked" t e ball from one foal J. A. DloaxpN l J AsRiplee t )~,'e pectfully your , trade confirm the to t.11ts other. L sten to hitt i ��',allied winvthaur i+„ o., ont. TAT d game is being Dated•25thJune, 1892.. G O the ball I it was lard enough for them -� - - os when it at - to net IIPMIr their Oil anyway let Rhone -�'— A __ _ _ . ..� - --- ^-` -- -- �• tyw sere from ^ RIPE STRAWBERRIES. --^ — usand trees \velli if from ouif to the ether. He 4 Also speaks of row gisin on, the grounds. a•. B. Wells has now for sale- any quan. YURNI'I'URE DELIVERED` FR,EE,. at 5 cents, Not+', 1 just 'C 1191de1' Nllpre that Can by I+�•lfonh. iter you inty Parlor and Bedroom stlltes,.Sideboard's, Lounges,D9attrassos, Chai're, Tables, customer tity of Ripe .Strawberries• 7+ iBY cheApt but wile n bought nrryuantities they twill be de3vered anti set ap in your: homes free, anywhere COniPa from, and t 18 fjniahed. �e had at iiia residence on Coatrestreo ttithrml0Milesof Wingham. 71 for $75 also says that 'nfihatn was treated io Dave Wingham, or at bf.s ,garden in 7.ower PORTRAIT ENLARGEMEL�`�S. in a respectft t anner when they Wingham. buy at visited TeostvatNr. 'The writer of that r hasc mgde arrangements vAth one of the best artists in the Demister ibr doing Portrait for Znla ch- know ; GraTden; piC ilio or otlaer'par'd.tm�,,.where` Ii,euts (rRry size) in Air,.Brush, fitdia Ink and water Colors. Itiefore;,'ivhrs your o, der to anyone for such arGiClEr knows bP.tt than that as he call at urN store, see san•ples and get prlces for the very best. c >t' was olie of the prin 'pal kickers against ; largo quantities are xequired w1' b4� stip 9', E' F'IiA1VIING.- lted ata xeatteecl:priee. f; PICTURE. the decisions of the feree,e'hioh were ;p Red black and h:tecurrantsy cilitiva^'� just and fair to Loth idea. Z+llaul{itis' , X111 st?os Ind sizes of Pieture and �l'rcath Frames made to order, Tots of \ibuiiiings to choose from.• ou, ;\Ix Editor, for tl a valuable Spaces ted raspb"orrice and othorfruit aid vego4 I UNDERTAKING. KING. your paper, t bles will by for sale when In aefson. 1 rem ill, DO not !buy imported stub when yOtl beendoingi*$ the paeall tI, yeareisrt'ton in this line, Ld'16 stili hero In witrrham prepared to° do as I bare ' f JusTICP• I cam got it "town at borne• and dalivered- ..,, .L t✓.. er.. a`,ty011r lkouse. Dial 1$,.1Rr" Undertaker aero' L urnituro Deal ngham, June 28, 1 9.L �. _ �lllil2iers Teff at my residonco !rill be �.'' _ ° CORKS., dist Conference , oundai�les. pimtmptly, ttend®cI to, .`-�- � �� e Toronto Confer nee, 141, J J Geo. P. tiVJ s. ��1%�. Hi � A B1 E Y -� 1 . n Q t7,bro'tgbt In he report of i renee Boundarte (lRwmittee,�Q ZETLA R PUMP WORKS. sofne radloak' suggestions. -- enw�etl •the o tlug Of the marsh to 'Airitateito the poop of Zetland and surrxst3altito aountr•/ that^I have eommeneed the cOni4i1 tx1iCL 3 ' jnto four. mattatacture oS all kfmds of ,� be conr8ttt;t\tr,' aefollows: WOODEN PUr E Y!ANST�'�"�'•9 YlPst to be Cont sed of.`tlie ritreal: ri07fifilF a ce \Vith the andsearr sr,pU r tlro„v an the shortest notion. of rilncai.&iziolAveboughtthebMarblo Business of DMl f '1wt�tson, formeily: carried' on by w Smyth. R the Na anee a Tamworth �y;M also be iglu rQ$iti0A1 tosupply Iron and Force parties necfnirinr work in their 11sneN'L n, aV downy nur+li.lrl ryrnn hip i5 tinsr�fcrpused. Wo will ise nonce, Tena the 1 pissing. and Pumps to order. ppttrclrasinM,. You itifl Strd our price I a 5riei attaneTavl to,. Prices reasonablot bdt the very. Ueet stecfc nbd by square dealine Trope to secure, liberaMshnre t,. the ptthe r patrgna{to. Rin T' riCtf6j ills tk63S t6 Ille' iVeSt- g h Watson, vxito hasboeu running the business for tine lrrst ilea,, will repraenlvus the rend. JOHN PBhc", OlYigOaedr 6Yf he preeenG Z alrlmrc+l, 3MuC Gthy iJb9>. r 4x11 an I ser+otir atocl: and pritees. to Confemnee , less rile 'VINSTOND, BR06. 4 ti d siricca xtnd `. . T T . Rra,.n. cel me dad jets Scl eve • CUL) on prei to whe He, orae 'the wife foil, "oua A oven, Soho _l leavE via V