Wingham Times, 1892-05-27, Page 7F
Just to *90A Baby,
B Orly ' Uonday. morning a timid 411; the 994a. —off— TV - 7-
1(no0liv,as heard at tele big, heavy door xcellt-lice is, after afl is a matter of Jill ALL L$ falls FOR THE 41 T VALn
In,, jail. 00111purison, Alloy of six at oil k_:R
of the Fulton COIIIItY, Q years, who list a '00d. arae
- I $1w0. '11UNd by druggists.
Jailer Miller opened the door and a 0011118,11 private school whole prizes 'IN
strong, maged man Came in, are given on all sorts of provocations,
There was A 11, but who as yet, I' QRD"IR HINT.
aggard look of sadness )ever eoriled a prize
oil the poor fellow, 1.4 _BD CLOT 11
a face. 0411110 llome�onetiftornoort and exhibitoli TRY IT 031VI C.E, .1-14
It was Jill) Wesson, the rilloonalline,, Proudly one of thesis rewards Of merit, 00 TO
who escatled from the Fulton County Grood I said his mother; but how did i
jail a week a,, arid IM Convinced that
QO to go home. f -
RU4 see you get it I
Ills Slott bady. I was first in natural hiator), said
the boy. k.P JL
PIA sorry, Mr. Miller, the poor E
Natural history, at, �our ;1�6 i ily in.
I hope M ow Abab - c
follow said in a broken voice, ci
you.and Capin Morrow don't Caro, l;IiIt did it happen ? LS -3 S 11, 1
I heard the baby 011, they asited me how Inal1r, legs a HATS, CAPS,
He brushed a tear away,and stopped horse iiad, Is the finest Wil Finish know,,. SHIRTS�l
a moment until his lips quit quivering And what did volt say
-So. and went on 0' 1 said five,
M I heard baby was sick, and I But a horse hasn't five legs, child Cheap for KASH,
tilon.glit about wife watellin, of it at J know it, but fill the other fellows
110mP, and Ijusli had to go. I was said siK I
terry, an" I wrote you I'd come an, I ,Having used Burdock Blood Bitters for P A N
W ]AE j S T E R,
done done buried the baby general debility, weakness} and lack of sp.
-come back, all' hope you ata
petite, tite, I found it L, safe cure," is the best ill the world.
mad, I-Im-my HOWARD, BOWMallmVille, ()Ill,. I
An autitioneer does as lie is bid, 4 16EL FRAME
Capt, Aliller did not—lie could not postman as he is directed. J. A. CLIME & 001 HOOSIER 318 GRAIN DRI
titter a word of reproach to the heart. Over 25,000 I-loosier Drills and Seeders with oux Positive Fox
broken fellow,, There was a touch of Tired, languid people- Who lack energy STONE BLOOK, Feed in Use in Canada,
0 and appetite should take Burdock Blood
liunlau nature about it that made the Bitters, the best tonic strengthener and
b1g,strong jailer feet more like weeping purifier extant,
than scolding. Thirty -lour pounds of raw sugar
11 in glad you have come back Jim 'take twenty-one refined.,
rte. --Atlanta Constitution, Itch, Alange and 'scratches of every kind, on
buinan or animals, cured in So minutes by We
ford `SSan1*aryT4otIon. Till$ llOVcr falls, Soldo
A Voice From Scotland. A. 1,. liamilton.
DnAlt '11118,-1 call llig011y recommend Is vour father a Christian 7 asked
Hagvard's Pectoral Balsam. It cured my the new minister.
daughter of a cough she had been troubled �
with since childhood. She is now twelve replied the
e boy, lie sins in the
years old, choir.
MRS. M, FAIRCHILD, SCOt.10,11d, Ont. ..... . . . .....
Ladies appreciate Anti-Daudruff from
the fact that it not only thoroughly removes
Diwdruff with three applications, but stop$ 00-A—P-17--ii 30-9:90P
.......... ......
When I went to spa, Said an old failing of the hair, restores fading hair to
its original color, uild t in till its branches, and will koop in stock a GUARANTEIM TFIE BEST IN TIIE WORLD, and the only drill tiatOn 0
yarntspinner down oil the wharves, I makes it soft and class of first-class goods, such as n b Ins antly regulatoll
pliable without leaving any indication run the desired depth Ill hard and Soft ground while moVing,
TYIE 110081BIt IS TBM ONLY DRILL that Sows all kinds of grain and Seeds oVeol), d 't
was very handy aloft, and onswered of a dressing being used—clear as orystat, Tweeds, depth desired fit all kinds of soil, till a
to the convenient name of Jack. clettti to use, it is it valuable toilet prepara- TlIE 1100SMIt Is T11H ONLY DR&L flint con inences to SON" the Instant the horse
only drill that; deposits
1#118 t;on. THE HOOSIER IS THE ONLY pasmvii: FORCE FEED, and is the r hmoves.
very handy that the officers were al Flannels, just the depth yonwantit in bard or soft soil. RRAILOWERTIRS the grain or
- You con tell more about a man's THE HOOSIER COMBINED DRILL with cultivator tooth is th
ways calling upas me. It was jack�. character by trading horses with him EA toffs!) Mont made with teeth oil independent draw bars that can be act and isthoonlY. p
3t ror bard and soft laud anu, lie the team I
Motion. Till; 1-foostan is lighter on the boeSO" than all J'QfbQr drill made. The pointe
do this, or Jack, dothat. Oil oun Hoostwn, that other drills do not have are worth more io the far,,, Oln 9 of V.-collence in
THE COMBINED HOOSIER can be changed from d Oil than anr drill Ill a e, .
once than you call by hParina him talk Blankets, till to $1,M[Or Or seeder to dr I n e tni than any dr
voyage from Ilavanna to Philadelphia rondo. Sendforotu newillustritted catalogue and testimonial sheet. if I less line
r) for a year, ill prayer meeting. Infringe our patents. DOware of purobasingdrilisth
the mates called oil Jack so much that cur' biliousness. Sheetings, NOXON BROS. -�LIFG. CO. (LTD.), INGERSOLL, ON
I was N1.111 llh,h worn out, i detormin- thralls. Tabilles 'The financial standing or this Company Is first-class, ther being rated ,it $245,0 0.
0 A conscientious Stocking Yarns 0 No collibine here.
ed to be Jack no mare, After arriving milkman never
in Philadelphia and remaining a few wears pumps, &c., &c.j JOHN LAMM, Agent,
(made from pure W001 0111Y) cheap for cash or exW111TECHUROB, ON
days, I went to tile shipping commis- Worth$10 a Bottle.
change for wool. Also, dealer in all kinds of Agrietiltilral Implements, Organs, Sewing Machine
sioner's office for a new job. He said Djua Sins,—I hime used Burdock Blood &c., all from the best MQrere in Canada.
Bitters for dyspepsia. and have foutid'it to Customers from a, distance can have their rolls
he wanted a man for a,eaptain who be the best medicine I ever used, I oduld home with them the same day.
Was then waiting it, the office, and-ro. not eat withont suffering frorh a, terrible
burning pain in the pit at my stomach. I
quested tile to sign my name. iWllinbest market price in cash forNlerchanfaole
used six bottles of B. D. 13. and am glad I wool. I
I cannot writs, I said. did so or I should have been in my grave
to day it completely cured me., Italie a IZ�GLYS'& 00'Y., V usiiit rx%ves
Then tell all,- your name, said lie, bo"ttte'every spring and would not be with-
AhazuerusVitzVan Dou zend orff, said out it if it cost $10"a bottle.--
I gravely. DAVID 1-1rDLry, Morley, Alb. HAVE YOU
What 2 Women Swallow flattery its. babies
Ahasuerus Vita Van Duezendorff.swallow 1111411
08—without any ided of
How in thunder do you spell it I 1 0 1 Q&
I till- trouble that may follow.
0 1 1 0
I don't know. ,
Tere, sir, said the commi i
An old physician, retired from practice, liming
turning to the Waiting captain, this had place in his hands by an East India missionary
the formula of a simple Vegetable remedy for the t
man ought to suit you for his con -
speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bron.
cliftis, Catarrh, Astfinin, and all throat and Lung
00 One, 0 fig
founded name, so a positive tive ri radical our ex.
crvoua obilit all all Nervous Complaints, after
That's all right, staid the captain. Whig tested its wonderful curativo powers in Go 10
thousandsof cases, he has felt it his duty toy it 0 k a che the scavengers 0
I'll take him. know" to Ills ell oring fellow$. Actuated by this ineans the kid- Of the system. 0
motive and a desire to relieve human Sufferhiv, 1 C917 e y s are in Delay is
I toll volt, I had peace and comfort lvill send free of chat -go, to all who desire it, - this trouble. Dodds
recipe, In German, French or' English, with full 0 Kidney Pills give dangerous, Neg-
on that voyage. Whenever the tuate• directions for preparing lected kidney
-ingand'using. Sent
ddressing with. stamp, nanism, this paper. W. A.
820 Pc,vers Block l3echester,. /0 per cent. in Bad Blood, W, Y
anything lie PrOn?Pt relief, troubles result M
wanted me, to do
start on my name, break out swearing, of disease is Dyspepsia, Liver
firtt caused b
A little Maine girl in whose family Complaint, and
and toll another man to d I
0 the work. (a disordered kid- - the most dan-
I think they suspected - something there ciltne and addition, i6marked, 0 neys, gerous of a//,
wrong about the name, but they never with asigh : Now we shall have to Might as well Brights Disease,
try to have a Diabetes and
Caught me, cub the pie in six pieces., healthy city Dropsy,"
ADVION TO AlOTHERS.—Are you distfirood at night without ' server- The above All intending purchasers' of stoves for this
and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering o*nd age,as good diseases cannot
A.Audebte,proprietor of the House of crying with path of Cutting Teeth? If so Send at a health when the exist where
Commons barber shop, Obt%wk, Says; A Ondo and gota, bottle of "Alra.WinslOW's Soothing 2 kidneys are Dodd's Kidne
S rup " for Children Teething. Its value Is inial ml- q "y winter will save money by buying from
number ofmy customers are using Anti. -III-. It Will 1-11-vO the poor little sufforar clogged, they (ire * Pills are used.
Dandrtiff, slid it gives the best of BMtiSfaC- Immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there Is no Sold byall dealers Oeactltby limilon. receipt
tion slid I consider it a success for the mistake about, It, It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, Of Price So cents. per box,or six for $2,
regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic,
Dr. L. A. Smith & CO, Torbrkto. Write or
purposes advertised. le' book called Xidner Ta�_,. P10,
softens tin Gunis, reduans Inflammation, and gives
tone and energy to the whole system, 11 AT&% Win- D. S UTHERLAND.
slow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething to
Male Vanity. ploasant, to the taste and is the prosoription of one of
the oldest and best oniale physicians and, nursoa In
It was at a ball and the subject un -
1 rho United States, and is for sale by ell druggists
der discussion was vanitthroug out tile world, "rico twenty-fivo cents a
y. A lady sure and ask for !lblas, Wiltstow's F Yoq 11aving bought a very large variety of
maintain°d that men were also given Sottrauio Syluup, ..rd talce np lithar kind
0ornewhab to vatlity. A little . b -)y, disputing with his
The men are ion times more vain sister, recently exclaimed, It's true, Not HEATING AND COOK
than the ladies, she remarked, for Ing says so ; and if ma says so, it
That's utterly impossiblelsaid sever- is so if it ain't solC C
mvff, V
al gentlemen. wer" H I S rT C3 �V� :E]
Always b6 respectable and deferen- epq
The subject fts changed, ant{ €1 low tial to your pftrOiltS and Superiors.
Whinutes later the lady remarkel The fifth Commandment has not been•
to choose from
The handsomest Man in the W6111 revoked.
hills It spot on Ills white vest, where bo I
Monthl3r Prison ter Bove and 01ris.
UP011 every gbotl0trifth within hearing The "Sunlight" soap Co., Tot -onto, offerthe fol• kvery ova guaranteed against breakage and
Pro of MINT! INI
glanced down With a 4aorod expression lowing I)rlzds every month till fuviihae notice, to THATAN ADViW
boys and girls und or 10, re8ldinq Ill the V11 c I I . i
Of 0011111tellanco at 1118 vest, Ontario, who send the, greatest number of "Sull- bc,
light" Wrappers - lot, $10; grid, $0; Sed. 1,43; All, WON CE C.669, to &I e CoMpletelsatisfaction.
$1; lith to 14th, a, Ilandsomo Ilook; and a pretty
picture to those who send not leas than 12 wraprrs.
lita-4,80(for Send, wrappers to I-Sunlightl' Heap Office, 48 cot
OtI1111408ed Munps and Blefillellos fropt Uses. 13lood q oronto. slot itter thftilt 2 th of 0 1 Inob . , 06VI
.spavin, 9glintli,11tinir nonb marked 11 outpe &Is Ive fuer 111111110. It
sore And wollon Throat, bmlitbo, oba. Save $60 by dress, A SUMPMAND.
AIISO of ono bottle. warrantil the. nloAt two
re . ftgd, And number 0 'wrappers, WhimetAl
Ndhilth Curdaytr knowt. Sold by A. L. ftiliviltori# riftlylog will a In, lighed it Toronto till oil first
at r P, I each month, CAN; Suppaqn,
winghaw, October stb, 1801.