The Huron Expositor, 1972-06-15, Page 13Seaforth Manor
,welcom,es the occasion of
National Nursing Home Week
• ,
to say, thank you' to the Community of Seaforth ,,
for the contributions a'nd help which individ-
uals and groups have made to the patients dur-,
ing the past year-.
We invite' the people of the Seaforth area to
visit our patients not only during National
Nursing Home week but throughout the year.
• Home Sales ',Lot Rentals'
All homes
Marlette Homes
• Overnight Camping
are on Display Now
• Swimming Pool
31 /2 miles north of
Goderich ovn hwy. no, 21
are self-contained, just move in and live. All
Areq co-unails
hold meeting
• irlitgi HURON EXPOSITOR, 10,r+,410,
Barbara Mary Charlotte
Staples, daughter of Mr . and
Mrs. Gordon Staples,R. R. #2,
Dublin, Ontario an Douglas
Eric Kittmer, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Eric Kittmer, R. R. #3,
Lakeside, Ontario were united
in marriage with a double-ring
ceremony at St. Columban
Roman Catholic Church on
May 26, 1972 at 7:30 p.m.
Rev. Fr. P. A. OoStveen was
the celebrant of the Nuptial Mass.
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, chose a gown of
peau de sole with square neck-
line bordered with lace eyelet
and pink satin ribbon and long
full sheer sleeves with lace
embroidery. Her finger-tip veil
was held in place by a flower
cluster headpiece. She carried
a white Bible with white and pink
carnations and white streamers.
Miss Wilma Staples, 'R.R. 2,
Dublin, Ont., sister of the bride,
was the maid of honor and Miss
Kathy Kittmer, R.R. 3, Lakeside,'
Ont., sister, of the groom was the
bridesmaid: They were gowned
alike in floor-length printed
georgette in shades of mauve and
coral and carried white Bibles
with white shasta daisies.
Mr. • Warren Graff, of
Stratford was the groomsman and
In the twilight 'hour of Friday,
May 26, 1972 in St. Ambrose
Church,Brussels,Ontario, Emma
Juliana, youngest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. B. Grobbink, Walton
and Ted Vander Wauden, son of
Mr. and Mrs. B. Vander Wauden,
Holland, were united in marriage.
Miss Rosemary Vanden Hengel
was soloist accompanied on the
organ by Jane Schoonderwoerd.
Given in marriage by' her
father, the bride was bea6liful
in a white floor-length peasant
style gown of cotton Swiss
lace, trimmed with, white lace
and orange, velvet ribbon. She
wore a Cathedral length veil
with matching headpiece and-.
carried a bouquet of orange tea
roses and white shasta daisies:
Matron of, honor, Marianna
Ryan, Walton, sister of the bride
and bridesmaid, Emily Denys,
London, were dressed in identi-
cal -peasant styled gceans of
orange gingham . They wore
wide brimmed hats and carried
bouquets of orange , white and
yellow daisies and carnations.
The three gowns were made by the
bride and her bridesmaid.
• Best man was Peter Baer,.
Forest, friend of the groom,
while Harry Grobbink, brother of
the bride, ushered the guests.
Following a reception --'at
Family Paradise Park, the couple
left for a trip to Northern Ontario.
Guests were present from
Holland, Toronto, Hamilton, Wal-
laceburg, Landoll, Parkhill, Sea-
forth and Brussels. -
The couple will reside in
+Mr. Gerald Staples, brother of
the bride, R.R. 2, Dublin and Mr
Barry Kittmer, cousin of the
groom, R.R. 3, Lakeside ushered
the guests.
Miss Lucille Ro,usseau, Strat-
ford, Ontario was the organigt
and accompaied the soloist Miss
Sharon Staplhs, Stratford, sister
of the bride.
The reception was held in the
Seaforth Community Centre. The
bride's mother received the
guests wearing a floor-length
gown of printed crepe with mauve
corsage. She was assisted by
the groom's mother dressed in a
floor-length printed crimplene
gown with yellow corsage.
For the wedding trip they
were motoring to points in Sask-
atchewan and Jasper Park, Al-
berta and the bride travelled in
a white and blue pant snit.
The couple will reside at
R.R.#3, Lakeside.
Prior to the wedding the bride
was feted at several showers. A
miscellaneous shower •,was
given in St. Columban School
Auditorium by neighbours; at the
home of the groom's grand-
motheraMrs. Elia Kittmer, R.R.
3, Lakeside ' and a surprise
shower sponsored by fellow em-
ployees of Brendon BeautySalon,
Mrs. G.M.Farrah and daught-
er, Christine of Grosse Pointe
Michigan, spent a few days visit-
ing their aunt, Miss Lillian
Claire Merner of Bayfield
called on friends in town on Fri-
Mayor Frank Sills aad Mrs.
Sills, Who fiva:ve been on a"-three
weeks trip to England, returned
honie last week.
Carl and Mrs. Weitzman of
Niagara Falls, U.S.A. were
Nestled Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Martin of town.
June 9th, 1918 A new German
assault launched on Allied pos-
June 15th 1918 Austrian offen-
sive begins I Italy.
June -23rd, 1918 Great Austrian
defeat takes place. a-
Thirtye two years ago thig month.
June lath, 1940 Prime Minister
Winston Churchill makes one of
his famous speeches. "The
Battle of Fance is over. I ex-
pect that the Battle of Britain
is about to begin. Upon this
battle depends the survival of
Christian civilization. Upon it
depends our British life, apd
the long continuity of our in-
stitutions and our Empire. The
whole fury and might of the
enemy must very soon be'turn-
ed on us. Hitler knows diet he
will have to break us in this
island or lose the war. Let us
therefore brace ourselves to
'our duties, and so bear our-
selves that, if the British Em-
pire and its Commonwealth
last for a thousand years, men
will still say, This was their
finest hour."
Thirty-one years ago this month.
June 8th, 1941 The British and
Free French attack Syria.,
Vichy French fight. back..
June 12th, 1941 The first RCAF
bombing attack was made on
June 13th, 1941 Cahada's Com-
modore L.W. Murray heads new
escort force based in • New-
foundland. Northwest Atlantic
assigned as 'Canada's respon-
June 15th, 1941 British troops
in Libyan offensive advance to-
wards Topruk.
June 22nd, 1941 G.ermany attacks
Russia from the Black Sea to
the Baltic. Italy, 'Romania and
Finland at war with Russia.
Prime Minister Churchill of
Britain promises aid to Russia.
By John D. Baker
Public Relations Officer ,
Branch 156
Significant Dates in History of
World War I and II,.
Fifty-four years ago this month.
Grey council at'tts June Meet-
ing accepted the tender of Sea-
forth Drainage and Construc-
tion Ltd.,of Seaforth for the
4agoristructin of the Poliar Muni-
cipal Drain, Branch No. 3.
The tender price was $1,970.00.
In other business council
gave a grant of $50 to the
Brussels Centennial Committee.-
-paid the membership fee of
$15.00 .
to the Huron County Road
le Superintendents Associatioire• - named Clifford Bray and
George Wesenberg toles in charge
of organizing a float for the
Brussels Centennial parade.
- agreed to proceed with the
reconstruction of Mill Street ,in
Ethel. •
H. Hughey, Mitchell, has been
awarded a contract for painting
Logan Township Hall and Garage'
at a cost of $974.00,
Huron Perth
(Continued from Page iT . ,
Seaforth he could not see renting
two buildings for that period of
time. To this Father Keane
ka replied that the board may be •
interested in renting some of the
space for overflow in the convent.
He said he would rather see a
portion used than leave it vacant.
Board vice-chairman, John
McCann of Ailsa Craig quest-
ioned storage facilities for sup,-
* plies at the convent, saying, that
with storage only in the cellar,
trucks could not back up to the
doorway. Father Keane felt
this would be no problem with
trucks able to get to the back
Mr. McCann said he felt it
* would be costly with the board
office not in the centre of the
area; but away at one end.
Joseph Looby of Dublin, who
said he was strongly opposed to a
' move to Stratford, spoke, of
another convent which would be
vacant soon and "It was built by
good C atholics toot"
After Father Keane left the
meeting-Chairman JaMes Morris
postponed any discussion on the
proposal to the end of the meet-
ing so as not to disturb' the
agenda, saying it was a real hot
w However, with the board •
meeting .continuing until al most
midnight, June 19 was set as a
date for hoidipg a special meet-
trig to discuss Father Keane's. (Continued from Page 1) ,
propogal. Permission was granted to
In other business a . report the Seaforth Agricultural Society
from-the school attendance coun- to close a portion of DukeSt. from
4, seller, William Innes of Strat- East William to Chalk St. from
6 petea ,on Sept, to 6 p.m. on ford, indicated he had investi-
gated 35 referrals since SepteM- Sept. 22 for the purpose of setting
ber 1971 and that he had' attended up a midway for the fall fair.
a convention for attendance offic- Approval was granted council
from the Department of Environ- ers. His expenses for the sik-
' month period amounted -to Ment to, use the present waste
$794.32. disposal site for the next three
months providing certain John Vintar, Superintendent
of Education, announced that ap-• requirements were met.
Council was asked to provide proval had been received from
a projett for the Auxable - Bay the Ministry of Education for
field SWEEP program. Council construction and alterations to
Holy Name School. in St. Makys suggested the remaining dead
and an addition to St. Aleyslus trees could be removed and that
School in Stratford. Approval thought should be given to further
must now be received from the projects.,
Ontario Municipal Board for this Williams ' Clerk Ernest '
work. reported concerning a brief he
The construction 'at Holy, had presented to the Transport
hearing held recently in Strat- Name School will 'include 'two
classrooms,• one kindergarten . ford.
room, library, general purpose.
room, change rooms and health
' room With' debenture allocation
.from the Ontario EducationCapi-
tal Aid _Corporation of $265,000.
The construction of St. Aloy-
sius School Will include library,
general purpose rooms,• change
room and health room With a
debenture allocation for
Following a committee of the
whole it was reported that a •
portable classroom is to be in-
stalled at Holy Name School at
St. Marys for September. This
will make it possible for kinder-
garten pupils to be accommodated
at ,the school., ..Formerly" the
kindergarten services for this
school were purchased from the
Perth County Board of Education
for the pupils at Downie Central
School and at St. "Marys Public
Michael Connolly, chairman
of personnel committee, reported
the following: Frank Jordan, 85
Grange Street, Stratford, appoin-
ted- custodian at St. Michael's
School, commencing June 19, to
replace George McInnes who is
retiring Jupe 30. That Frank
Ruskin R.R.1, Sebringville,
appointed custodian at St. Pat-
rick's School, Kinkora, com-
mencing June 19, to replace
George Reurink who has been
transferred to St. Joseph's School
in Stratford. That. the resig-
nation of Mrs. Delphina
Steminler, custodian at St.
Mar's School In Hessen be ef-
fentive .June 30 and that she be
replaced by Mrs. Marie Poissaet
of ILEA Listowel.
June 28th, 1941 The Russians
are forced back to the old-Rus-
sian-Polish frontier. Hitler
jubilant at the German succes-
ses In Rtissia:, •
Bingo last Friday night at-
tracted seventy-five players.
Prizes to the value of $314.00
were won._
Last Sunday, June 11th, was
Decoration Sunday, Legion mem-
bers decorated Veterans graves
•at Seaforth, Egmondville, liar-
epurhey, St. Columban and St.
James cemeteries. The oldest
member partic ipating' was Com-
rade Art Nicholson.
le-eater ,";
- ...... ..........
DIAL 527-0550 — SEAFORTH
. 52779240.: Expositor Action Ads
. „
.. ._
YOUR: , . - •'
Car Contribution
of $1 paid for
Note: Display the 1972 Lions
-1972 Park Car Sticker on' the lower
left"corner. of your windshield.
. ...
.,. .... .,
46 ONLY $1.00 EACH.,
titi GOOD DURING 1972
for as many visits as you wish
tiwn Available at Seaforth Banks,
many stores and at the Lions
While there continues to be no charge for oars entering Seaforth
Lions Park, it is hoped that drivers of each vehicle will-display a
Lions Park Car Sticker, In this way many of those hundreds of ar-
ea citizens who each 'summer enjoy the park facilities can have a
small part in Misting in the continued operation of the park.
The Seaforth Lions Park
After retie ving a petitioa for
and .,:vin g ha meetings with the
ratepayers ected Brodbagen
Street Lights, Logan Council at
the June meeting instructed the
Clerk to notify Ontario Rydr0
to instal 26 Mercury Vapor
lights and to order the lights
from McGraw-Edison. petitions
were received Informing Council
that Branch "C" of the North
East Drain and the North West
Drain were out of repair and
requesting that they be repaired
and improved, the Clerk was
instructed to notify James A.
Howes, O.L.S. to examine the
drain and report to Council.
The report of the North
Branch of the Ryan Drain having
been' served on Logan Township
by the Township of McKillep
was provisionally adopted and the
Clerk instructed to prepare a
by-law with Court of Revision to
be on July 3.
Permission was granted
Bothwell- Rotary - Sertoma
Clubs to sell sweepstake tickets
in Logan Township.
The Perth County Plowmen's
Association was given a grant of
$25.00 and General accounts
amounting to $14,575.37 and road
accounts totaling $8,475.86 were
ordered paid.
Resolutions adopted at the
June meeting of Hullett Town-
ship Council held in the Londes-
boro Community Hall on June 5
That we issue building per-
mits to M.Hullek - hog barn,
Don Buchanan, Gordon Deer --
Implement shed, Jim Prezcator -
piece on house, Ray Snell - ver-
andah on house, Don Watson -
Drive shed, P. Westerhout -
tool shed and barn.
That the Clerk pay bills prior
to Regular meetings if same are
due prior to meeting.
That we accept the tender of
Ray and W.E.Hillahan to supply a
Letourneau scraper at tender
price of $20.00 per hour.
.That we accept the tender of
Radford Const. to supply and de-
liver pit-run gravel for Develop-
ment Road #1087 --- approx-
imately 10,000 yards at tender
price of 32 cents .a yard.
That a by-law to impose.spec-
ial annual drainage rates upon
land in respect of which money is
borrowed under the Tile Drain-
age Act 1971 be passed, and rium- •
.bered 1972-1i.
Mr. Williams in his brief
to the standing- committee stated:
"I represent the Town of
Seaforth, a small community of
approximately 2,000 people, yet
we feel that the passenger and
general -transportation seritice
provided to our community to or
from any of the larger metropoli-
'tan areas in Ontario is neither
adequate nor convenient. This..
Inadequate service was protested
by the Town of Seaforth in abrief
presented to the Railway Trans-
portation Committee 'of the CTC'
ire March, 1970 at Owen Sound.
At . that time the hearings were
'being' held relative to an appli-
cation by the Canadian 'National
Railway for discontinuance -of
passenger service on the line
between Stratford and the Town of
Goderich by which the line also
served the Town of Seaforth. C .N.
claimed a 'loss in passenger re-
venue despite a profit in other
systems of the service. The in-
adequacy and inconvenience of
bus service was pointed out",
he stated.
When C.N. closed out the local
station and removed the station
agents a further deterioration in
`local service resulted. Because
phone calls to a KitchenerServoe
Centre now arb , required for
freight service, the amount of
freight coming into the com-
munity' and leaving it also has
.declined sharply.
In concluding he stated 'he
believed the convenience of
travelling by train even for short
distances, wield be preferred to
inconvenience involved in travel-
ling, by bus.
OOR AR • 3,9100krRig 4ATEK
• E!'asy brushing--
• Resists blistering:
• 14on-fading colors-stay
clean & bright.
House Paint
• For wood siding,
doors & trim.
• Covers most surfaces
in one coat.
• Long lasting durability & •
- excellent gloss retention,
Friday, June 16th, there will be
Bingo as usual at the Legion
Saturday, June 17th, there will
be a special Executlite meet-
ing at 8 p.m.
Saturday, June 17th, Installation
of Officers will be held at the
Legion Hall, an installation
team from the Exeter Branch
will be officiating.
The Ladies Auxiliary will be pro-
viding a Smorgasboard at the
social folloWing the installa-
Sunday, June 25th, Legion golfers
' are having• a two ball foursome.,
~~njamin MO
yam: gallons ot: I purchased
0 Moore's HOUSE PAINT 0 gals.
and received as a BONLIS—.--e--
CITY Otter expires
Coupon must accompany purchase—
Beginners and advanced
classes, starting
JUNE 20th
in shading; velvets and new
Adeas in paints for girls and
ladies. Morning or evening.
Mrs. Phyllis Mitchell,
887-6697 : Ph