Wingham Times, 1892-05-06, Page 1' The quality of our Carpets has been
growing with the quantity, Tho newest
designs aro hero ready for your inspec-
tion and your buying. They come to us
in direct importations from abroad and
from the makers at homes' Carpets , can
be ordered now and held until want-
ed ; cut and matched to your order.
The Lace Curtains, Curtain Netts and
tit 112uslins are going rapidly . and aro
giving satisfaction to the most exacting.
Gloves to match any costume—that's
the burden of our message to you to -day
—in Kid, Fish or Silk. •
Everybody wears Hose. We have got
a full range, every size, ribbed and plain,
and we want to tell you that we will
guarantee .every pair fast black, and if it
Is not so, we will return yunr money.
That means e s a great deal.
We do not forget yoti,. men. We've
got everything you want. Our Gent's
Furnishings were never so complete and
our ordered department is rushing,
Groceries, fresh and complete as ever.
Shop early. Secure prompt delivery.
This store closes at seven.
Direct Importers.
Tho Bean, April=21; 1892.
—Today is Ar or Day.
—Public Soli° 1 Board meeting on Tues.
dayveiling ilex
The sacram nt of the Lord's Supper
as dispensed in the Methodist church, on
S,nuday last.
--Boots and Sheet* at 'cost prices, at Sel-
lery & Temple's, John Martin's old stand.
—Now, citizens,o
'can up your back yards
n •.and paint up vnr fences ',Wonderful
what an improver ut it makes.
Mr T H Ross,, f this tow), has dispos-
d of over thirty Mtsssey-I arris Drill's,
Seeders and CultI ators, this spring. T H
is a. hustler, I '
3t -:-The Kingsto;olty Council has passe
° resolution th : t all Ingle tramps, no
physically ince,.acitated, seekiug shelter
for the night in` he police cells, '•shall per
form three hour work for the corporation'
How would this work iu Wingham? •
' —By the Tee: ater News of last week,
we uotite that . r tqwnsman. MO H Mc-
Herdy,sin pomp: uy with Mr It W;' MoKaie
zie, of Godericl , has purchased the hard-
ware business f Mr L A Brink,' of that
place. We 11 be sorry to lose Mr
McHar4y, as 1 is a good citizen.
Cash for good butter aud eggs at R A
Gr am's, Market Grocery..
—The Salivation A •my intend'hol'ding
a series of meeting, in the barracks,
Wingham,commenc g on Saturday next
and . continuing S nday :and Monde
,concluding with grand banquet dfi
Monday at 5.30 p . Major Baugh and
Ensign Woodgate, f London, will take
pa in somo•,.of.Ili se:serviees. ,
Messtt Seller & Temple, of M near-
dotine, have:gtureh ed the boot and shoo
business conduct for some time by 111r
.John 1i2art'n, an took possession on
Tuesday. Thes ' gentlemen announce
big >aar ins tot he next thirty days to
c1e44' #;,the sock. They appear to be
good Ogitiness en, and we hope they
L will rtdbcile to .make Winghatn thei
future ho44io.
—Good brick house to rent in the north
enol o . be town. Apply to
PI TE, Dean.
—Mr John Fors er happened with a
other serious acci exit while working in
Messrs McLean &j on's mill, on Satin.-
atur..doy last. A chase with which he was
working, in som way slipped, outting
his log severely Medical aid had to be
secured and a1 stitches were needed
to close the 0 t. Vo are pleased to say
he is getting alon all right and will soon
be able to rosum hie, work again.
—On Tuesday . last) Vlore Patterson,
beloved wife of, r W H Haines, of this
town, was called her eternal rest, in
bei 45th year, She had been ill only
about . a week, f inflammation of the
lung Sho icave a husband and several
chil en to moor her loss. They have
the ympathy of a l in thoir sad atliiotion.
The interment to • place on Thursday
afternoon in the ngham cemetery.
I .
WING}LtM, ONT., FI: IDAY, •1ti1 Y 6, 1892.
--Tho St Thomas
public of a well -dress
is offering to sell boo
prices, He -represon
for the Home Suppl,
D you waut any
is your chance, at
n of the Iced Flag.
papers warn the
d young man, who
s at extremely low
s himself as agent
Co, of Chicago, Ijlt!
foot wear at cdst?
Sollery & Temple's,
—Circulars offeri
terfoit money) are
from New York
beau received by p
and we would adv'
to consign them to
—We note from't
Horse Review, the
Slander 8031,9.28a, t
•$1,700,• This horse i
2.30. His sire, Slit
season in Wingham,
& W F Dunnage,
b green goods (coup-,•
ing seat out freely
late. Several have 4
ties in this vicinity,
e all receiving them
ho flames,
e last issue of Clarke's
le of Forbisimo, by
e'consideration being
capable of beating
der; is located this
n the stables of J H
=I have the largest and best selected
stock of Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets
that has ever been shown in town; away
down in price. Call and see them.
• W T Yawns,
The China House.
—We have had the }leasure of the per.
usal of a couple of Vie oria,•B 0, papers
sent to Mr W Lithgo by Mr John Ward,
We were also favored th a bit of "furze*
or "whin," gathered by Mr Ward in the
vicinity of Victoria, ar Ward is well sat-
isfied with his new• ho a in the Pacific
—Baby carriages jitst to hand, 10 per
cent off for spot cash, at S (4nACET's, ,
he Wingham saltworks are aimedown this week, on a eouut of not having
room to store any ere salt. For the -
year ending 81st D�Q'cember last, the
works had been rwu steadily except
for seven weeks, tlifin they were
closed down for repaiyt, aud the output
for the year was nearl° 40,000 barrels. It
is expected' that oper tions will be m.
menced again nixt w ek.
—For first-class alass tailoring
furnishings, try Webster & -Co,
Remember the place, ouly two doors north
of the old stand and Pbetween Ross' book-
sto and Halsted & Spott's bank,
At last meeting c court Ma 'tlaud, No
5, Canacliau Order of oresters,;'there was
a good attendance, enf a good dealof busi-
ness was transacted: Three 'oandidat
were initiated and ie followiug'offic s
elected for the ensuing term: Jas Irvine,
. 0 R; R Groves, V C*; John Kerr, R S;
Jos Risdou, T; D 111' Gordon, . F S; JJ
Kerr, Chap ; Wm eil, S W ; R Kittson,
J W; John Lockrid e, S B: T T Watson,
J B, .R Elliott aud o hn Neelands, Audi-
tov-On Sunday afters oon last, the Odd-
eliows of the town, accompanied by a
number of visiting b' ethren from Luck -
now and Teeswater, Ottended divine ser-
vice in the Congregational churn in
commemoration of th 73rd anniv ary
of the institution :of Oddfellovvs ipp"in.
America. The pastor )of. the church, Rev
W H Watson, deliver d an eloqut3nt.and
appropriate discourse, dlvelling itttsome
length on the princip of the Ordei,und
• pointing out the i ansa amount of
good they had been m-
plish in the past. We aMild to acro
hope,` to he able to
give our roaders.a syn psis of the sermon
in a future issue of t le Tarns.
—G T R trains for Toronto and east
leave Wingham at 6,30 a in and 11.10 a m
via W G & 13 Division, and at 6.45 a m
and 3,45 p m, via Clinton and Guelph.
Good connections by all trains.
Poatets are out' announcing the
Queen's birtlAay celebration in Wing=
ham, under :she attspkees of the Piro
Brigade, on• May 24th, As stated last
week, tho sports willcnsist of football
and lacrosse matches, foot raoing, jump-
ing, obstacle races, firemen's fight, 'Sic.
A grand procession will leave the town
hall at 10 o'eloek and proceed to the
Grand Trunk .Railway station,to meet
visiting clubs. The lacrosse and football
park, will tales place in the pa t, iu
the forenoon, and the games and sports
in the afternoon. The brass band will
head the procession and enliven the
proceedings during the day. A gold
watch, valued at 830, will bo given to the
person holding the 1 ucky ticket for ad- 1
mission to the gate. In talo evening, a
grand concert will be giver- in the town
•--W F Brocketahire has a lot of Oil
Paintings; also,a few Beautiful Artetypes,
which lie is selling very cheap. I have a
large stook el Moulding on hand, and I am
making Picture Frames to .order. Pho-
tography in all its branches from minis.
tures to life Rise. Call and see what I have
when in town. W 1'` 13nocxxxsninr:.
Beaver Block, Wingham.
—Dr Sinclaii•,spociall
hatn professionally on
—Mr Wm Diemen(
uteher shop on the w
phine street in a buil
,will visit Wing -
he lOth instant.
has opened a
at side of Jose-
-- _ i ng near Messrs 1
fairly good audience
thoul;1 i
and vegetable seeds,bv the ounce, pound .ed the .eleotriaflow o
or parcel, at • Chisholm's Conikr Drug I was perceptible. TI
Store. the front and then
The W 0 T Uui
of Rev Mr McQuar
rueetiug in the 1'r
.-_...,....-,.,,....+..,.»-.-.. . •--...,..,,.-..-..--=' ::' i^"rte'•
, through the courtesy
le, held their second
•byterian church, A
'reefed the lecturer,
building there lack.
cum tact, aud the effect
orchestra ailed up to
iegan such a twanging
aud scraping of cat suterior (the other word
is vulgar) as would have satisfied the soul
of Pae -ulna. Th orchestra
t, is pia Kres:
sing and bids fair o become famous. Mr -
Morton is to be co plimented upon their
rapid headway. A er opening exercises,
the lecturer was in reduced liy ltev Itir
Sellery iu a few well.chosen words.
While be'was spea ing strains of music
came through the fdoorway•,frorn the
basement (a choir .ractice) and the big
base viol got angry and burst its leading
string with a thu ., but we are happy to
be able to record at no lives were lost
and the big thumpi g fellow quieted dowu.
Miss .Phelps said ;
Before a doctor eau ,prescribe he must
diagnose. So in argum t, before a remedy
can be provided, we mut show its needs :
then, we give the reme y. In the yester-
days might was right • to - day this is being
reversed. The age a the thinker isupou
us, schools of though are of more moment.
today than ;schools , of war. History is
made up of great eveu\ts, and is marked by
them, not by kings or' teens. The '13th.
century ie noted, not.bepause of kings aud
rulers, but because o the obtaininQof
Magna Oharta. The ll th century for the
making of type and p' intitg. The 16th
century for Martin Luther and the great
Reformation, The lith century for the
May Flower and western advance. The
18th for the great era oaf progress in Frauce
when it was taught the t "The liberty of
the cit;zen ends where at of another is
infringedupou," So ha taught Adam
Smith and the schools of p litical economy.
The development of mat as been upward
John L Sullivan is not tl/e type of the de -
aired comiug man, be b longs to the left
over rubbish of last cdntnry. The 10th
century has been the sow a of many po-
litical Waterloos -1815 ften repeated.
There have been three togas to every
noted reform—contempt,' idicute, success;
so, in the development o;inau,three stages,
physical, mental, mors) . Every reform
that has come to bless; ankind, has come
by way of the ballot box. Aud we are
—A, complete assortment of garden l u such a lora,
—1r W H MMleeke will gi e. an evening
of dramatic recitals; in the own ball, on
Thursday, May 12th, under the auspice's
of Maitland Lodge, 1 0 OMr Meelte
is spoken of by the press a `a remarkable
d'elineatorof-character an a master of
dialects and a born huniori t. He visited
Wingham about eleven y }ars ago, and
was greeted with orowded7 houses both
evenings he was here. Ft tber particu-
lars can be gained from b' ls.
—The Northwest Transportation Coy's'
flue steamers, "Monarch" and "United
Empire" are now running regularly be.
tweon Sarnia and Sault Ste Marie, Port
Arthur, Fort William and Duluth, making
close connection for all points in Manitoba,
British Columbia, Pacific Coast, Western
States, ate. These Steamers are the high.
eat classed, most powerful and most com-
fortably equipped on the lakes. Passeu-
gers leaving Wingham by3.45 G T R after.
noon trail connect with boat leaving
Sarnia ,e evening, . For stateroom
resery ion, lowest.rates,.sailing dates and
ai ormation gall on G T I; Agent.
—Building ops tions are commencing'
this year earlier; ban usual. Mr B Will-
son is putting up large addition to his
house on Joseh inn street. Mr John
McDonogb is al#o building an addition
to his house onS 4 rancis street, and Mr R
Dreaver is dein likewise to his house
on Edward stir et. Besides 'these, im-
provements are- oticeable in other partB
of the town.
Plants (Fiowe s and Vegetables) -Early
Jersey Cabbage,yl earliest Dwarf Erfurt
Cauliflower Snowdrift an new Colossal
Stocke. Truffaut? Poeo,Flowered White
aud. Carmine' 9; rs' Vie., now ready for
sale. A few ha plants lauts for sale, Orders
may be left at Mr John Galbraith's store.
0 GnAII\ar,
Lower Wingham.
Mechani}'?s' Instituto.
The annual. moeiing of the members of
the Wingham M cbhanies' Institute was
held oh- onday evening last. The re-
ports of't a offikirs were read and, on
motion, were 'tl ,opted. The Secretary's
report showed thi there were 187 vol-
umes added to th 'ghrary during the
past year, and th� the are at
1,404 volumes inthe
librday. The report
also showed the 3,057 boos had been
issued during ta year, as follows: Bio-
graphy, 106; Fi tion, 1,849; History,102;
Miscellaneous, 2, 3; General Literature,
164; Poetry, 64; ligious Literature, 53;
Science, 114; Voge and..Travel, 359;
Reference, 13. Th, receipts during, the
year, including billance from pre us
year, Niere, $426.041Sand the disburse wits
r a balan ° o and
66. 6.lea n ce
r G3 0
were w w
, �g
of 859.98. There are on the tables in the
•reading room•sixkdaily papers, nineteen
weekly papas, sitz magazines and six
periodicals, 9Meets were elected for the
ensuing year, as follows: R Vanstone,
President; J A I orton, Secretary? R
McIndoo,Troasure ' • Dr Towlor,R Elliott,
Peter Fisher, Dr R Macdonald, A H
Musgrove, Directo • B Wilson and W
0 Staart, Auditors, There were on the
let of May 146 me era.
New Undertaking and Furniture Estab-
Mit RELrn HonasoN has opened his
Furniture and Undertaking establish-
ment in 'the old furniture store, nearly
opposite the Queen's Hotel, Wingham,
and has.:a full stock of Furniture,
•Mouldinj;!), and Undertaking goods on
hand. Call and inspect goods and get
prices. Picture Framing done promptly
and well,;: Special attention given to
fobbing and repairing, and guarantee all
work done. Having had long experience
in the furniture and undertaking bum -
Zees, I am sure I can give satisfaction
A splendid new hearse for hire.
Rami% HonosoN
brought to face the sal
world, of the home; we
must face it there ton,
on problem of the
ecoguize that we
he saloon knows
no country, but they are all oue iu inter-
ests. The saloons a2�`e all wrong. The
great per tentage of ctlme, pauperism aud
lunacy are due to theitn, and, they give to
lessen the evil, no he p, no mitigation of
sufferiug, Some yea a ago I was interest-
ed in a building the ,t was being pulled
down and went and itlquired the reasous
for it. I fouud the fou 'dation was wrong
it was of crumbling stone. So iu argument
we must have the fouu ation stones from
the very bed rock of od's truth. Up to
1840 there was to gra t movement, till in
Washington six meni formed it "Tipling
Society," A tempe ante lecturer came
along and oue of the ix went to hear him.
.His report was recei ed but ridiculed by
barkeepers. The si men were convinced,
however, and in one t onth they became a
stroug company of to totallers. A brief
record of the growth o temperance was
given, until the year 187 , when the wo.
men's movement in Oho began. Ilas a
license law ever been a�hiudrance to the
progress of sale and lauufacture of in-
toxicants? The trate hs grown under the
festering caro of liconsl. Look at New
York to -day, trying to et prostitution
licensed and regulated by 1 w and calling
fora special tax of ten s dollas�per aunum
from each house where theyare kept, to
build a home for fallen woven. The sa-
loon proposes to govern this country
Fersook's. Whets the Scott Act was iforce, slid the
Bit John matin Issas gone to the saloon respect it? Did they say, "Well,
United States on a rospecting -tour. there's a majority—we will` obey?"' Did
fif Heating, is they acknowledge majority v te? 4, Iiii.'
—Mrs 13 S1limin
visiting her dattghte, Mrs It J Swan. It is said of John Carling, ofi,oud ;04
---111iss Murray, of .,uoknaw, is the when there was voting goingon ant the
guest of blies 14 Tagg ,o Martin, this pulpits of the city fiver taking e,p4e
week.—Dr Win Ho Ines, wife and . matter, he sent word to tit minister'oi the.
family, are visiting t' a Dr's father's, church he attends' "t9'etho ist) not to have
Mr Thos Jolmes'. -- :ars Hebb Hill is anything to say. _ top the mouth
visiting relatives in T ,onto. ---Mr `Geo of the inan of God. Itis jijtst as easy to
Fowler, who has been (employed with cure typhoid patients byi scraping their
Mr Wth Holmes for ,the rst few tongues us totare druukennyssbylicensing
years, left for Detroit ns �,i':.wherti grog shops, Moral suaeic is gaol, but
he has secured a situ io I: not onough. P - y in • jail'.
found out prollibisiou dist prohibit. It
legal auablan, Ho canto out of jail
did good work iu�,lielands,butfound tib
auasiou was not o (nigh to arrest the tre
The lecturer then\graphically tra:
history of the eels !from its first 0
ante iu the log sob( 1 house in wild set
merits and showed hitt good awl only
had acme from th re. Then of the et
ing of the church rid its mission, tire:
the grog shop ad; its baneful, bliclr,
intiueuoe,couclu ively proving that it
lay in the "nail •e of the business." l
traffic is a contra t aud you are the c
tracttu;, portico, t the government, '
are masters of th,situation wlieasoe
you will. When 1 e in the Northe
and in the city of Winii' eg,a great tragi
occurred. ' It was Sabba h morning; evsl
thiug seemed peaceful; he breath of r.
•seemed to be all .around you. A. frit
came to call we to a errible scene.
went and found that ty
young man I
jumped from a two story window'. 't
was he? Some one's sq iu the eget.'
great hearted Westerner said who sit
beside me : "The mal who sold this Tr.
liquor is respousible.' But, I said, "3
are responsible by our vote." ho; i
friends, you are respo ,sible by your vow
in this town. There iak,1io infraotionof
liberties of man. It is n a question
what a man eats or drinks; itie a queati
of what he sells. Let as u sell bad mi
and then see what will ha pen, There ;ri
only two rights of law 1. Au absolt
right, only two enjoy d . it among. hat
Adam until Eve came n1y and Alexana
Selkirk on the lsla.nd f Juan Feruanm
till Friday came along; 2. Rights in e
society. This right hold \till other rill
are infringed upon. If t;e man behi;
the bar is doing good to ohiircb, home 4
friends, then, let him aloigie. ' If not, th
put him down if he pro to to be a curs
If the country were read for prohibitio
'then there
Youldbenoue d far i t. Byer
man would be a law unto simself and th
would be no violater f it. Law is
law breakers. It is the 'ty of every
man to understand how she ra governe
;lir Blake's speech at Ay mer, some ye&
ago, was spoken of and tae words qudte(
"The Liberal party are gready fora pr
hibitory law whenev r the country
ready for it," and Gri 's cartoon in r:
sponse thereto of Moses paling dawn ti
mountain with the tab es of the la
Israel in the valley and c ying out: "Ho
on, Moses, we are not ready for th
sot." If we had wait for the world
be ready for them wejj should be waiti
yet and never wo ild have had the
Then came crushing. facts from Ma"
and Kansas with r4; and to the gti
effects of Probibitio in these stat -
The lecturer resumed, o1 can dent
'stores churches, educe oval institutio
and can build tliom again, but wheny
destroy the citizen, yotcannotbuild hi
again. When at the %t1'urkish baths
Montreal, and going(,to lecture in 41
city, a woman who �1vorked there, o
morning asked me, " you the la
that is going to lect1 r& on the drip;
curse to -night ?" I sal `, yes. Site the
told me her story. Her l isbandhaildi
in delirium tremens and loft her
four'ohildren and 80 ceInts, and add
pathetically, "Tell thetiltiLhurry up an
save." On Decoration/lay, I went t
the cemotery'of an Am'brican city, whe
with the strains of roartial music, tlx
columns of maimed aid wounded in
marched in procession4th co
Hying. Waggon loads r .:. flowers
there to place oro' tittr 'cares of f
heroes. Tho orator t , ti :oceasiun
in graphic words and itkl4Mtni,og u
teranee the glory of th Iiaat alitt liodpe
honore,uit the fallen, Various fiowe
weraplaoed on the gr ves. There 1 sa
t daisy, the cans the rose i
he a sy, h pans.). ,oat
bearing its message to 4e human hear
Whatrdid• 3t ill mean ? 1. means that li
years ago the: Unittid States made a coin
proutiso tor slavery, arld those mon an
woolen had suffered foritheir folly. Th
blue and groy alike hitt suilbretl. W
talo, are burdened with, a. conipront
that, with tate saloons,00,000' men w
snifter for it and Nil osa women
children be plunged ii(hnpless wow
Entitled to the Beat
All are entitled to the best their mots
will bay, so every family should haus,
ouce,.-a bottle of the best family ranasit
Syrup of Figs, to cleanse tat system
costive or bilious. For salt is -74s,
by all leading druggists.
..t • \