The Huron Expositor, 1972-02-17, Page 5nno ncioi ilitistrated HIST flURON- Ontario Oriflinally publisherl by H. .13eicien, 4 Co. in, The illustrated.,,,Atlas of Huron County iS one of 29' county atlases published in OA, , tario between 1875 and 1881, A remaricably accurate source of information for the stu,, dent of local history and genealoq. The At- las with its maps, biographies, portraits and pictures of landmarks has long since become a highly valued document of the past. -AVAILABLE NOW Bound in hard aver, size 18" x 14%, 105 pages. Price: $12:50. (50C mailing charge) The issue is limited to 1,000 numbered copies. Please order from: Mika Studio., 41 Dussek St., P.O. Box 536, 'Belleville, Ont. Tel. 613-962-4022 SEAFORTH IGA Open MI Day Wednesd _News of Walton •V oltori Meru burs -Attend Et P PioesbOeriot fitfr4Ptt stAFoRYki, 40474 . ,Eggc 111, 1972,4 4' (orresp nt Mrs.Allan Mc all .4' Among those that attended the 5th Huron-„Perth Presby- terial annual meeting in the Cen- tral United Church, Stratford, last Wednesday were, Mrs.- Campbell Wey, Mrs, Nelson Reid, Mrs.Wrn.Roe,Mrs,Martin Bean p. Mrs. Glen McNichol, Mrs.Walter Bewley, Mrs. Jack Boman, Mrs, John Burch and Mrs. Emrnerson Mitchell. TII theme for the meeting being to:day's challenge, "Be ye doers of the word, and • not hearers only". the treasurer's 'report, Then re- "'delved the collection which was dedicated, by Laura Dennis. Plans` were made fora service for the World Day of Prayer. The children then went to their classes under the leader- ship of Mrs. Merton Hackwell, Mrs; Win. Roe, Mrs. Ross Ben- nett, Mrs, Mac Sholdice and Deb- bie Wey. Walter Shortreecl Attended the Ontario,Eiberal Association Con- vention in Ottawa and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Gary Goodman and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Keys, leaforth were supper guests Fri- day ex.enilig with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Sholdice, • Murray • and Sandra. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell, Londesboro visited $unday with Mr., and Mrs. George McCall. Miss Julie Street of Listowel visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernmerson Mit- chell. Visiting Mr, and Mrs. Allan McCall and Mr. and Mr's. Tom Stevenson and Ronald, during the WEekedn were Mr, and Mrs. Jim McCall and Susan, Blyth; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Fischer, Brus- sels; Mrs. Stuart Stevenson. Mr, and Mrs. Bill Stevenson and Steven; Mrs: Pearl Stevenson, Sharon and Anna Lee Stevenson; Mr. and Mrs. Don Fischer 'all , of Grey Twp., Murray Blake, Brussels; Mrs. Sam Barr, Mrs. Bruce Cummins and Miss Linda Sears all of Termite. - Mr. and Mrs. Gordob Mc- Gavin are vacationing In Florida for a few weeks. A rink composed of Ronald Bennett, Herb Traviss, Don Mc- Donald, Stewart Humphries, Ken McDonald, Watson Reid, Stewart McCall and_ Bill Campbell participated in a curling bonspiel at thee Brussels arena recently. Mr. and Mrs. HarVey Craig, Walton, and Mr. and Mrs.Gordon El,liott, Seatorth, have been on a three-week vacation in Florida. The Walton Untied held a quilting bee last week at' the home of Mrs. Nelson Reid when many ladles of the village helped than co-operates, as theinstitute are sponsoring a euchre on Fri- day evening. Gtiests thg horne of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Sholdice were Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Kirkby, Mr, and Mrs. Don Nolan and Pamela, "lir. and !Ars., Joe Steffler, Mr. an d Mrs. Gerild Ryan, Mr. Mrs. Neil MiGavin and Mr. Murray Smith, 'Kevin and and Mrs.' and Eerie. Seaforth — HAROLD MALONEY — Two Cars — Waiting PrNE 527-1424 WALTON 2-4-H Girls The Walton 2 4-H Girls had tivir first meeting ,Satur- day on the new groject Sleep- wear at the home- of Mrs.Pat Nolan. Marie Nolan and Mary Anne Blake demonstrated mea-• surenlents. Officers are: President - Mary Anne Blake; Vice President - Patty McDon- ald; Secretary - Rotation; Press Secretary - Debbie Van Vleit. • GAERTNER - DENNIS Mr. and Mrs. Wm., Dennis of Stratford wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Geraldine Myrtle, to Helmut Mathias Gaertner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Halas of Simeoe. M. iss Dennis is a ,regptered nurse on emergency with St. Joseph Hospital, Hamilton. Mr. Gaertner is with the London City Police Force. The wedding will take place on Saturday, March 11th, 19'72 at 4 P.M. in Parkview United Church, Stratford. VISIT THE "YUM YUM TREE" W.I. • W.I. members attended 75th Anniversary' celebrations inh-or- onto on Saturday. Among those who helped Celebrate the founding of W.I. in Stoney Creek, Ontario, were Mrs. Wm. Humphries', Gerald Watson, Mrs. D n Ach- illes, Mrs. Jan Van liet Jr. and Mrs. Stewart Humph les. The event was held in the Ro al York Hotel, Toronto. FOR BUDGET PRICED FASHIONS LADIES' DRESSES Sized from '7,45, 8-20, 14 1/2 to 24Vi at .STEDMANS WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Read the 4dvertisements — It's a Profitai)le Pastime! District. Scout News INI$100 MISSION BAND • The February meeting of the Mission Band was held in the basement of the church Sunday morning with an attendance of 36. The Call to Worship was given by Laura Dennis followed by singing Hymn , 609 with Diane Godkin• as pianist. The secre- tary's report was given by Joyce McCallum and Pat McDonald gaile . cf.. w MA.. rorw•Wif nw iwwww's 570200 A" n • on A. ormon.f• 4.„ obable 1.14. Ike A•••• knn .0• M.' R. am.* ••••,....1 Ab.-7:7••••7•••••••.;:br:• ••••••*•••••••••7''''''''""''''''' 5. .1.04 rek• Intr ..r. W row rm..... Awn two, 6. i.e...., .4+ •.• /LA and First Seaforth Cubs met on Tuesday night with the - Mouse Howl. There were 25 boys pres- ent. David Ellis received his Blue Star while James Savauge and Paul Ellis received their Black Stars. These -are awards earned by the boys who have passed certain parts of their training. /1) We then played the "Crippled Game" led by one of our Junior leaders. Work period followed and we worked on the BlackStar, Tawny Star and the Blue Stat. The meeting was. closed with the Grand Howl. On Sunday, February 29th we are celebrating Lord Badep Pow- ell's birthday by attending the • church service in Noithside Uni- ted Church at 11 a.m. Lord Baden Powell was the founder of Scouting and his birth- day is celebrated eVery year at this time. On' February 22nd all • the boys may wear their cub - uniform to school in honour of Baden,Powell. ' • If you will allow your boy to attend church on the 20th of February, please tell him to be in uniform and at the church by' 10:45 a,m. and he will be met there by his leaders. • Remember, Cubs have changed their meeting night to every Tuesday at 7 p.m..,in.the - High School. MOWS 11••••••• IS•droy Lwow ="imiraorl.":: &tar Pt nitre," who"Vr 'ta."'Att: t=1 il.•*""tat 14.17 Arst Awe on.: .M7 moirs •Molol 1. own prom on ofolob llootono•SS.E0.Nooe. 81.. mem maw. on mi. how mconsoroo Mr..* o• Wedding A BEAUTIFUL PHILCO 19° PORTABLE OL.OUR T HELP YOU WIN A COLOUR T.V. SET! 40 SL"IC'E;11:0511 99, „147; ZAI: 4 ':!:1°V &Two brTo4 O000tit Mak liViaSJ f PLIAM TISSUE ab s IIEMOGIUT •*. I 19 INA" 1 AMC, TOMATO JUICI It. 39, POLLARD - it.-AIPPEL Marion Irene Kaippel,, Kitchener and Kenneth George Pollard ;-of Montreal, exchanged marriage vows in St. James' Evangelical Lutheran Church, Elmira, at 8 P.M. Friday, Feb. 4, 1972. 'The bride is the younger daughter of .Mr. and Mrs: John Kaippel of Elmira and the groom , is, tile 'eldest son of Mrs. George Pollard 'of Monkion-fOrtnerly of Brussels; and the late Goorge Pollard. The bride chose as her maid of honour, Mrs. Linda Snyder of Toronto and the best man, was Dr. Brian travisiof Kitchener. The couple will be residing in Montreal. PHIILCO 4M10 LUCKY PUCK WINNER'S WEEK OF JANUARY .24 PHILCO COLOUR TV WINNER Mrs. Maxine•Racine,716 Queen St,- ikrne:afcline, Ont ' • • 5100.00 WINNERS: George E. Parker, South Waterford Mrs. John Crocker, St Thomas Mr. Jack 19#;',C,o,r094.4 Mr Earl M. MO Owen Sound, Mrs. Jean Long, Mearcird 55.00 WINNER‘t boos illscoun6 ...St)tiat Marks Departure STANDARD AYLIDER BOSTON BROWN BEANS TOP VALU RE,CONSTITUTED APPLE JUICE HAPPY VALE PEAS their ap reciation and thanks and invited everyone to visit them in their new home, Lunch was . served by the 7,71( 0 PP 77(egrre0. 13 ,16' 5 ,4Y' A social evening was held on Friday evening in •No. 6 schoOl McKillop when a' pi,edentation Was made 'to Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd, who are leaving soon to take up residence in Seaforth. Progressive euchre was played with the prize for most games going to Russel Bolton. Ladies most games went to Mrs. Mac Hussey.' Lone hands for men to Gordon Pryce, lone hands for ladies Mrs. Gilbert Smith. Consolation prizes went to Ethel Dennis, and Mac Hussey. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd we're called to the platform. Stanley Hillen read the address and Mrs. Gilbert Smith made . the presentation of a tri-light floor lamp, on behalf of their friends ' and neighbours. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd expressed -‘ OIONUs Pf.CK LIQUID , JAVEX REWARD• A TEN DOLLAR REWARD Will Ike paid' for the return of bed sheets end linen' ac- cidently vatted with another washing et the leinidramat last Saturday. Par _details; Phone 527-1440 Evenings or Contact Dave Dee Vries at the IGA. GRANULATED me WWI.. Mr.. • Ruth T Mi... Wolam, Ablvarin• 'Mrs.▪ O. Arnsf1r... Ad•Gr Mrs, I, Goodwin. • Poto 41.1, Wand., , 4wAnn• Plonnmooma. f 'IVORY LIQUID DETERGENT Mer l• on. Donnie, A.14 labIlla•AbOten, Louie. . NM. 000000 040. Mawontotto.. Mr Tied lwestim, Joeb Man*, Mr Ales 0. Vilona..f.t, Mr. 0...• WM.154.0. Nom., biro. P. INIleari,A1••• PTIddlo. C.C... fmmG.M M.A. Gino, .•dbd ▪ ool000. O.o.on MeNunon, , Tom*, Mos.. bk.. IIMMon. Igo offf. • Cifinfir.W.WPP"' . Anew.. W.Mid Mrs. Mln. *Melt n 44. J. Oilman, ^WV him.D.cfooir •An Moif.. 4.4•M mr R. • 4,41 111.0 • TOP VALU EVAPORATED .MILK EXTRA EINE • WHITE SUGAR ... , ..41.41..•,,ill o.1. 1.,,..1..., +.1.... , , ... . . ... 1,1:1., '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' IA lbaNen":"170.w"..: '"•;.7.... - L A d ff.., w.f.' . fat "'14:41.1.0:::1::%%.•';:9i:`w . Ken /olio., b.., ...b.. Alan O. albs.. " ::;":":7:::; :: :7; ,.:;:';', il.:.:::.1.. : ' ' fd re :13.711;21 flo..1:•:. .a.. ... .1 Mr Andy Toulon... Adm.. C."'Idr*.‘.1,...."?:, 51.1.., • 14.1. ilubintrm ...W., bit .....1. /onto., bff n• . , , • • Gag... P.M., A IWW , '..11 • o:.,:::,111.1,,,..b.4.81...... mi, no m Colilleflb . A • N• N. ''''' gm 1.0 "'•:::":".;;;;;;;:,',..'"!:;:::: V .3100, Odonr.•• Mt La... W..,,fro, ... • .., ...... 655.11:7101.,,,..b........ tbann• 1.111., Ah..1,1•A• • 16'0 x bonus Arwood Netts damns bonus discard WITH !ECM RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY OP VALU FROZEN FROM CONCENTRATE 'ORANGE JUICE GERSOLL REGULAR PROCESSED CHEESE SPREAD, ST. WILLIAMS - JAM • TAT $Err .5.11F-ErY Pk-wet- / 77/ E. soece vrrieriinv - r»uExr WOMEN'S :Vinyl, Leather, LAST 7 DAYS to SHOES • $8 $7, reg. $10,reg. SNOBOOTS' to $19 Savage, to $25 CHILDREN'S $3, reg. WOMEN'SIHOES" $10 MEN'S SHOES $5 reg. -to $15 $10,reg. to $25 $15,reg. to $35' -Casuals, $2,reg-. to Dress Shoe's $5,reg. to $15 Dress Shoes $8,reg. to $20 Men's , SLIPPERS Women's Children's $3, reg. • to $6 $2,.. $3, reg. to 6.98 $2, reg. to $4.49 All Hancii3_ags Are 20% Off DON KEAST MAIN STREET IHMLITY SEAFORTH . FOOTWEAR •Lt.o...A.. MEXI(AN PINE RIPE • TOMATOES lbs. 79 Dozen 59c'' CANADA N0,1 MARSH CARROTS CANADA NO. I ' 2 a' 2 6C WAXED TURNIPS oi CANADA NO ONTARIO CELLO COOKING ONIONS • 1 , ;./.0. FRESH MINCED BEEF CANADA GRADE A FRESH FRYING . CHICKENS FRESH QUARTER CUT CHICKEN LEGS & 'BREASTS RED OR BLUE BRAND 'RIB STEAKS • 09. CAPLOO• FANCY DELICIOUS APPLES CALIFORNIA SUNKIST ORANGES 69C CANAO NO, 1 R.Ej. --- POTATOES 10 fb. Sag Lp. LB. LB. 79c1 I I !,C.O I SMOKED NAM .Li Eb h.41 A1 I Ortiloalt a05i'fbantalt•li lawns !LINK OR FARM. I SAUSAGE 'CANADA GRADE 'A' A I To. I ROASTING rh_I I BOLOGNA 3 I CHICKENS ' vir I I By the Piece ma•AAJ.,4-...k....— ANN—, COLEMAN'S Epkors Sliced I lb SWEET PICKLED CANATHAN /BACK BACON 89. CFI( r FISH STICKS WINTER CANDY CARNIVAL HUMPTV OUMPTY 4000 5f=1Si Hipps 0.117 ANO OF' BEEF QUARTER "Rialita4,-411 79c FRESH TURKEY BROILERS 49_ • 14 II M. ollo tb, GOLDEN 50100ET BONELESS ' 6 tig 11. trill lb elm. 7C 1i, CUT 0110 MIWMP013 HINDS OF BEEF TOR vALu VARIETY PACK., OR MINCED NAll AN on &WM( 411W011 POTATO 4••••• t• AA ARne 13 sm. Pbo. 2/68c 59c YORK FROZEN Beet, Chicken or Pat Pin 41$ 1 Turkey • •• ••••• SIDE BACON mOn.4 S PARCHMENT COLOURED A 188 MARGARINE . .511. TOP YALU CHOICE SLICED PINEAPPLE Crushed Cr Tidbit 2 ,•... TOP" VALLI SALAD DRESSING 49c E SMITH GARDEN COCKTAIL JUICE 0140G. SUDS, ,e•e Mfg 175gAD AAMOT 3 / 08C a1M PAM.' • LENTEN FISH SALE 9 **`"" * ' • • L. 99C „ 89, CHICKEN CUTLETS SMOKED COD FILLETS 'YORK FROZEN FANCY WES VEGETABLES 5 PEAS, CORN OR _ - - FRESH mom lb. 65c PERCJI4I.4„ETA, -FROZEN TOM COO. Illy Ow lb 29, '1,0P, YALU SLICED 73, TOP YALU WIENERS 2 1 .09 ROYAL L AN•Owl •ALMOn - 1c 5c* „ 65e SIDE BACON PRIMhOSE BEEF PATTI.ES 5 49 11 lb beg , 5 fEAN JUMBO . cassisso 4:: -----"--ctOven LEA, Roo A• ,outAxo RovilviTterw.. rime 5 00110411.11 tr..0.5= 9 GLAD PLASTIC GARBAGE I fin BAGS I "NFU 3uP0.104.4 ServiePd b..y Loeb la. A AO Non. mg 5.g McCAiN TROZEN ANCY PEAS CARROTS MONARCH SHORTENTIV37 4 NELLOGGS SPECIAL K bog 49C Oath 33. cyr eorE (meet ft() 3 / OR R11011.1. ' RAGO PLAIN,IOUSH CNA, WITH MEAT OR SURINAM ojpei SPADNETTI SAUCE ew. P. ,11111P VC DUNCAN 1-11NES easy mums ASSORTED VARIETIES A9 • at. *15 .9 WeSTON LIMON RAR CAKE • PREM 04111/411 DOWNEY FLAKE FROZEN 10 as Nbo eh, LEO 0 OR F9070/1 MATTERED • FRIED MUSHROOMS 35c LUNCHEON-Nita /eh MEAT tucks- RACY DILL. WAFER, YDS,' YUNI, SWEET MIXED HtOEIsR I NI ktt EL Es 3-90 • COW Rea ON OW OLAV n ALL TO.I.=1;AA1.1.4.41...34 01 RDAEAMflREq. DR RED 'FMOLO ANA A 535 ANTIden4.04.r1E 0.0 • Mfr EL DORADO 12 oz • 43c AFIA ,Ce Fut , PATED FROZEN APPLE 071 CHERRY PIE SARA LEE FROZEN BLUEBERRY PIE $ 1 6 AYLMER, CHOICE TOMATOES —*- INFANTS saos S M OR XL OOF 33c eag,oagogisrego;;,.. . ,,,,,,,....:7:::;:•: . NEW fOAMY AggdM.. No Mora Tab,. ( Plio. of 4 77c TODDLERS STRETCH TERRY WEAR ace to so $ 1 .77 - 1,10 (1. ay Mi. RIGMT TO UNIT MOW •1510.111 OPPACTIVItUMTIL 01051.141 MAT. comi, PO, Ws. • .. CUDNEY CHOICE FROZEN . SLICED STRAWBERRIES .• on. mom 3.5C Mt. CAIN FROZEN 2 / REGULAR OR CRINKt F 3 FRENCH PRIES...„... Se 411°417":71 se...ei•reee. KEG OF .EYS. P 65c 49c :roc. VALLI sort MARGARINK..39 ., SAVE ,NOW! Nhoo,04. Le-