The Bayfield Bulletin, 1965-06-04, Page 3Mrs. Leon Duggan, Stratford, spent Sat- urday and Sunday at her cottage. 4:14-1. MacRae WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER 166 The Square Goderich FINE CHINA GIFTS REPAIRS Bayfield Barber & Beauty Shoppe Introducing ... MISS PAT EVANS Special Until June 19 Child's Permanents Reg. $5.00 for $4.00 ADULT PERMS. $5.50 - $7.50 - $10.00 and $12.00 Cut, Set and Styling Included For Appointment Phone 15 Bayfield 20-1-2-3-4b FURNITURE -- CANADIAN PINE CHINA -- GLASS Agnes Middleton 104 TRAFALGAR ST., GODERICH 1 Block North of Gooderham Playground — Phone 524-882) { • • fit clink; steep CHINA - GUNS - PINE FURNITURE REPAIRING and REFINISHING FURNITURE 45 Waterloo St. — GODERICH — Tel: 524-8717 GODERICH FRENCH DRY CLEANERS CLEANERS — PRESSERS — STWGE Phone 524-8452 35 West Street [Rocaff RIECK PHARMACY GODERICH DRUGS 14 The Square Dial 524-7241 A Complete Line of Groceries, Meats and Fresh Vegetables KERR'S MARKET LUNCH Main Si. -- BAYFIELD Mona 81 • — Wide Variety MEATS GIFTS Fresh Produce GROCERIES BAYFIELD PHONE 10 HOVEY'S GENERAL STORE • 01 .1411111111111 ;:t Si . . . PRIMITIVES . . . PINE FURNITURE . . . ART GLASS — CHINA — BRASS . . . LAMPS — JEWELLERY Xije Pine Room anttque,5 tot Nett qt.--0oberith Iflarp Jfi[singer --113bone 524.7775 The Little Inn IS OPEN for the Summer Season, commencing Friday, June 4th Banquets and Receptions may be arranged by appointment any day of the week. Simply Phone Bayfield 8 for your Reservation MEAL HOURS: Lunch-12.30 to 1.30 Diener-5.30 is 7.00 Sunday Dinners-1.00 p.m. & 5.30 to 7.00 BAYFIELD, ONTARIO, CANADA Telephone Bayfield 8 a U U U U 6 U U U U U U U U • 1 1 6 U U U 1 U U U U U U U U U U 1 U 1 U 1 • The Bayfield Bulletin•Thursaune 3,1965 Page be here;he is a member of Bayfield Lions' club and St. Andrew's United church and is now a civilian driver at the RCAF station, Clinton. Rev. Robert Carson and Mrs. Carson and Billy of Forest were at their cottage for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. C. Gu- est and David of Whit- by were at the cott- age this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jai,- her and Frank return- ed to St. Agathe on Sunday after being at their cottage for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Andrews, London, ment the weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hutchinson and family spent Friday to Sun- day at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs.J.B. Higgins recently sp- ent the weekend with the latter's cousin at "Singing Spruce Fare in Trenton,Mich. Mrs. Nelson Heard, a very enthusiastic gardener, who always has a beautiful array of flowers in her gar- den, last week dis- played two multiple tulips, one with three blooms, the other with four. Mr. J. Hughes, who had the misfortune to crack a heel while painting his cottage last week, returned from Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. D.J. Hughes and family & Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stevens, all of Det- roit, spent the week- end at the Hughes' cottage. Mr. and Mrs. David Ormond, Lucy, Stephen and Brian, returned to Lavonia Michigan on Monday after having visited with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Ormond. Mrs. Kantor spent the weekend at her cottage and was join- ed by her daughter & son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dick of Detroit. Mrs. W.R. Aberhart, Mrs. H.P. Furter, Mrs J.D. Crocker, Mrs. H. S. Heard of London spent Friday in the village. After lunch- eon at the Albion hotel they enjoyed an afternoon of bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moss and Mr. and Mrs. R. Cluff of London spent the weekend with Mrs. J. Cluff. Miss Jessie L. Met- calf is spending sev- eral days at her res- idence in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Lance and Justin of Troy, Michigan, were at the cottage for several days and were joined by their son and dau- ghter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lance of Royal Oak, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Pawlie and family of Strat- ford 'were at the cot- tage for the weekend. Dr. and Mrs. Chap- man recently returned from Florida to spend the summer at their home on Louisa St. Mr. and Mrs. G.F. Marskamp of East Lan- sing, Michigan, spent the weekend at the Jowett cottages. Mr. and Mts. J.R. Willock, Douglas, Cathie, Ainslie and their guest Charles Hackett of Toronto were at their cottage for the weekend. Mrs. Peter Renner of Wiarton came on Saturday to spend a few days with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Renner. Mr. and Mrs. George Kallio and their grand son Mark of Detroit spent the weekend at their cottage. Also at their lake- side cottages were Mr. and Mrs. George Fox, Birmingham,Mich. Mr. and Mrs. George Camtrick, Jeffery, John and Chris,also of Birmingham,Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Erb, Wendy, Leslie and John were at the cottage and had as their guests Nancy Duggan and Pamela Marlette, Birmingham, Mich. HOBBYISTS! The Kinsmen Club of Gode- rich are planning on holding a Hobby Show AUGUST 2 & 3 If you are interested in obtaining free display space please notify P. J. McCauley 38 WEST STREET Phone 524-6231 Sgt. Peterson Now "Mister" Will Reside Here Russell(*Petes) Peterson who recent- ly retired from the RCA? is now a perm- anent resident of Bay field. At the termination of his engagement he was a sergeant at the RCA? Station,Clinton. Since October,1940 when Mr. Peterson joined the RCAF he has served at many stations in Canada and overseas. After training at No.4 Bom- bing and Gunnery sch- ool at Fingal, he sp- ent three years in England with 427 Sqdn at Leeming, 'fork. After the war Mr. Peterson was dischar- ged but rejoined 11 months later, in Sept 1946. Since then he has been stationed at Trenton,'"Goose Bay, Camp Borden and in Quebec and also spent a further three years in England at Langar. Mr. Peterson and his family have lived in Bayfield for the past two years and it may take a While for the title of Sergeant to rub off. Mrs. Peterson, Jean, is a native of Toronto and they have one son Richard, aged 10. Mr. Peterson says that he and his fam- ily are very happy to Three Fifteen students who were selected to attend the RCAF's inaugural course in advanced electronics graduated at the Radar & Communications School, RCAF Station, Clinton May 21. Front, L.to R.-LAD W.L. Keating,LAC L.R. Stevens, CPL.A.A. Paillargeon, LAD C.W. Hines, CPL. R.L. Wellspring, LAC J.W. Coffin, LAC E.A. Rensby.(Rear, L.to R. LAC H.C. Boudreau, LAC N.H. Regan, LAD J.L. Torrie, LAC R.N. Laviene, LAC V.H. Johnston, LAD G.R. Guernsey, LAC W.P. Hunter and LAD T.D.Law. ( RCA! Photo) Social News (By Mrs. Audrey Bel!chamber, Social Editor, Phone Bayfield 38) U U THE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS LAURA SECORD CANDIES Enjoy the Cool Summertime Assortment CAMPBELL'S 168 The Square — GODERICH — 524-7532 Gleam! Traft 'Ailause LANADIAN HANDICRAFTS Goderich North on Mill Rd. off Hwy. 8 524-6290 EMILY CORY antiques 235 Huron Rd — GODERICH — Phone 524-8424 1 (Please Include Postal Zone If Any) • 1111111•111111•11111110111111111111111M1111111,111.11111111M1111111111111111111111011101111111111111111111011181111111111111•1111111.1111 • • .14 •• gi a subscription to The Bayfield Bulletin $4.00 per annum — $5.00 to U.S.A. NAME Street City or Town Province or State