Wingham Times, 1892-02-05, Page 3Newspapt► Jetfquette
It very frequently happens that
visitors to a printing office do thiigs
calculated to annoy some of the em.
ployes. For the benefit of those we
print a few rules :-
When you enter a printing ounce do
not handle the type in a ease if you
want to han,ile it, say so to the print
er, and lie will be glad to leave his
wore and empty the type upon the
editor's table, where yuu can sit in hie
eeasy ;lair and examine it at your,
leisure Never mind putting heel(
the type -the printer can do that
after you have finil,hed
Don't read the proef,sheets, clipp-
inge or manuscript. If you wish to
know what is going to appear in the
Witt issue of the paper, ask the editor
to read it aloud to you, He has plenty
of time, and will he grateful to you
for the chance to quit his work and
etitertaiu you.
11 you want to look over the cash
book, have the editor go and get it
for you. Your interest Will please
Never ask for a sample Dopy. Dis,
cover where they are kept and help
yourself t as many as you want.
Ahove ell things do not offend the
enitnr by tendering payment for them.
It flatters him to think you want Co
road it, sand it is cruet to end his sat-
isfying day by the mention of so
worldly a thine as [Honey. Besides,
he only unblishes it for the glory there
is in it.
Just help yourself to the exchanges.
If there are any.,still in their wrappers
take thea: out by all means. They
Curitairl later news than the .others.
Before going make sale pleasant re
•[nark to the editor about haw easy it
is to run a paper, and express your
$urpiese that be does not do it better.
You Would leave an aching void in his
heart ,hceuldjyou forget to do so.
11 you arn•lnterested in seeing how
things leek. in type (JJtaje the printer
set up pour'•[} t.n l iultite 'nicest type in
the office, and then talteit home with
you for a curiosity. Tho editor likes
. you to have xeinl,rue etc of flim. Other
people's forgetfuluess is the bane of
his existence.
Asjc the editor, if you are a" perfect
stranger to hitt, to supply you with a
duplicrfte key to his post office box, so
yon can get his papers regularly. If he
be a gontletnan,':p'r't will give yeu the
key without asking ; but some editors
are not gentlemen. -'the Type Fonud.
tattg.c,lod by an En0Tnv.
'] E n Sxns,—About a year ago 1 bad a
very bad attack of dyspepsia. For nearly
four mouths I neyer ate a meal without
sufferiug pain after. I had got so weak I
could scarcely walk, when one day I saw
au advertisement for B. 13. B. and thought
I would try a bottle. Four bottles cured
me oompletely, and I am now strong and
healthy. •.
Muskoka Falls, Ont.
Hoe 3iour Own now.
TiIR following which we clip from
an exchange, we commend to the con-
sideration of every boy and young
man who is commencing in life and
has not yet fixed habits or purposes.
In tact it would do every person good
to read it and practise it. Young
mel should cut it cut stud paste it in
their hats so as to have it oouveuient
for reference. In this age when wild
speculations of various kinds are so
rife, and when so many are in haste to
get rico without toil and at the ex.
pease at somebody else, the temptation
for toys and young to depart from the
good old wolf beaten roads to prosper•
ity---.honesty and industry -is very
teat, and they cannot be too often or
forcibly reminded of the great dan
af. making .such a departure.
tine nd young men, read and prae.
rife ya t will pay you, and in after
advice, II be glad you acted onour
Finish y `cork. Sew your seam.
Bret/ your rrYt Visit your pnt,
Write your eaii rill your plaatiece.
. 13ut whatever
pe. Unllnlshet]
lire, The gem
Bear your bur
yonr work, get it
work has Ifo market
muses who phut and eerernence great
things, but never Hurrah them, pollee
t,y starvation, It to a wiery and uu•
sympathetie world if the telly etury
you have to tell 1:3 what you intend to ,
do. Monist ity slug : Elie WUtken/
praise ss hen tris+ work art done Dur1't
be afraid to put brain and uhneeie and
extra time into your,k. `.the fare..
et its the old r=ung called to We tired
boy who hurriedly ttrto•peil hi, hoe
when lie heard the ifie ser h .t n, Hoe
out yuur row, uty boy.,. The imeeess,
ful ulau is the eiebteren hour luau
!'he n,.ui W1u, ulrtru»rs for sh"rr•er
11Uul'8 and higher wages_, lint( howeils
the wrongs of the Working -nun s poor
all the .lays ..t ins fife move., tree IS et
professional agitator the billet t:f
,unused 1H ilion ugIt work and ii•
at it it you tin not Spare• p"these►t,
ether people wilt soon ti, sten nett they,
e nnut spare 31111. YOU I' I11011a' 18 1111,1413'
tun large and tine hated to 'till Ettie-
lency 'tnd Industry reap tut• Wut Id n
reward It is not what yon do, but
how you do it. A New York cu(Ct
earns mere than the ,judges lot
the Supretne Court , a 111111 (dre4e-
malter in Paris has a grease► ►lir lnue
than ten of the best Freuuh physiehane
Find,your work and then -do it, . Do •
it thoroughly and the gifts of earth
and the largeness of tieay.•n seal! to;
HowioI .
The council elect met January 18th
111 the township hall, Corrie, pursuant
w statute, at 11 o'clacic a in, the clerk
presiding. Tee members were all
present and took the oath of office and
qualification, as follows, viz : Reeve._
John Keine, Esq. 1st Dep peeve ---
Samuel Johnston, Esq. 2nd Dep
Reeve -J. W Jacqu, s, Beg Coen
cillors-S W Ferguson, F q, Alex
C'iraiiani, Esq. The Reeve Irl the
cliair. Minutes of Iasi, Meeting read
and approved.. Moved by Mr Jacques,
seconded by Mr Ferguson, that the
ct.unci.l go into comtnittee of the whole,
with Mr Jobnstun is the chair, to
regulate the salaries, ate- Carried,
lite committee ruse and reported
progress as follows: Moved by Mr
1_'ergueou, seconded by Mr Graham,
that the clerk's salary be $200, and
the sum of $25 be allowed for •post•1ge
and stationery, said salary to inclitde
all perquisites that are accruing to the
clerk, such as school rolls, re,urning
and alt other such perquisites, except
regietiatiun of births, marriages an&
death, aud .Board of '.Health fees, fur
which he shall be. allowed, also for
%/eters' list court if any -Carried.
Moved by 11r Jacques, seconaed by
Sir Graham, that the Troasnrer's
salary be $90; Assessor's, $180; Col-
,t'ctor tor West Division $70 ; Clouse,
tor for East Division $60 ; Auditors,
$d each; Caretaker of. hall $10 -
Carried. Moved by Mr Graham,
'seuouded by Mr Jacques, that the re-
port of the committee be • adopted -
Carried. Moved by Mr Graham,
seconded by Mr Johnston, that the
Gorrie Vidette do the advertising and
printing required for this munieipality
the current- year for the same amount
as last year, viz: $85 - Carried.
Moved by Mr Jacques, seconded by
Mr Johnston, that Wm Dane be
Clerk ; James Perkins, Treasurer ;
George Padfield, Assessor ; W H
Clegg, Caretaker of hall, and that the
apppointment of collectors be lett over
uutil fall- Carried. Moved by Mr
Ferguson, seconded by Mr Graham,
that Tilos Goggins, Ohas Wilson and
John Spence, be the members of the
Board of Health along with the Reeve
and Clerk, Yeas and nays were celled
for Yeas, Graham, Ferguson and
Johnston. Nays, Jacques Motion
carried. Moved by. Mr Graham,
seconded by .11r Johnston,• that Jamnb
Fostyr be appointed Auditor. The
Reeve appuinted Wm MolCercher the'
other Auditor:- Moved by 11r Feri,(u -
sen, seconded by Mr Graham, that
the Iiowick Insurance Company get
the use of the Townebilt .Bali free for
their meetings the present year-
Carried Moved by Mr Graham,
seoceeded by Mr Ferguson, that the
Deputy Returning Officers and Poll
Dierks be paid, also all polling booths
for municipal elections -Carried. An.
counts passed: J T Wiggins, salary as
collector and postage, $62 50 ; Alex G
Campbell, gravt 1, $l 5U; 1Vm 1r tape,
for halfyeulvert 1•I and W blunders?,
$2 ; W J Baird repairing approach to
Uainilton's bridge, $2 , P Nash,
balance' on printing, $30 ; Was Dun-
lop, dog tart refunded, $1 ; Win Dane,
registartion, telegraphing, travelling
uxpences, etc, to (xod(irich on It. B1 by.
law, $11 ; Win Dane, postage and
-stA•tienery,$25. Moved by MrJacques,
seconded by Mr 1'erguson, that the
council do now Bdioutii to Meet 111'
Brown's hotel, Fordcvioh, on the third
Wednesday inFebruary next—Cart ied.
-W!w DAne, Clerk.
3 au may be able to find a choice cut
i a butcher shop, but you seldom Iliad
5iIte in the daily newspapers.
1 English Spavin Liulmeut remotes all hard, soft or
calloused.1.1101p8 anti ale i,iie slot ha sus, Itlood
Sputa, (;plies., R n Bono, tlwueuuy,StiBcs,Spe11 I ,
Sore and Swollen Throat, (loughs, etc. 134'5 S00 by
use 01 nue bottle. Warranted the most woneerful
:Uululsh Carut"•nr know.. Sold by A. L uandlton,
bridal parties probably go to Niagara
because a Owe plttl•e Veal Would 001 be
noticed there,
For influenza or "La Gripre" Wilson's
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry I5 a euro
and nate retnetL . There 18110 better hued..
cute for the cute of iutiueuzw. Bronchitis,
Coughs Colds Croup aud kindred diseases.
Get the genuine lu whose wrapper,
If the woman who hesitates is lost she
must be be a dangerous position when
out shopping.
AMUR Wu a)ol'llrne...ire you dttturueu at night
and broker at your rest by a ninit child suffering and
crying what pain of Cutting Teeth Y It so send at
once and get a bottle of 'rtJrs, Winslow's soothing
Syrup" for Children Teething. .its value is iue.d utf.
.stale. It swill ramp the poor little sutfor.:r
inuienfately. impend upon it, mothers; there is no
mistake about it. It cures Llysenturt and Merrhana,
regulates the'1{tomadl and Bowels, cures Wind Colic,
8011088 the (hum,reduces Inflammation, and gives
tone and energy to the whole system. "Airs. Win.
siow's Soothing byrup" for children teething is
pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of
' the oldest aud best emalo physicians and nurses in
the United States, and is for sale by all druggists
throughout the world. Price twenty-five Dents a
bottle, Be euro and ask for "Mas. WINSLOw'S
,Sooma'Ne Syxrp And take nn nther Bind
Diplomatic Phrase-Tommy-Pa,what
is a prevaricator ? Mr Figg He is a liar
who weighs more than yuu.
The kse,td Surgeon.
Of the Lubou Medical Company is now at
Torouto, Canada, aud may be consulted
either fu pernou or by letter on all chrome
Trains arrive and depart a follows';
0:35 a, m ...... ....For Toronto .........6:85 a. 111
2:00 m 1
2:00 p. m For Tceswater 2 p N•m
10:55, p. m'r 10:55 '
0-12,A. Lel" I,D TRUNK .E'7'
A. U. SIRATlIDlj, Ammm'r, Wisottent.
West,r.Uncut,, Coast, eo tc., viastin ho shortest andrtall
pdopnar routes. Baggage checked through to
destination. Lowest freight rates to all points
0:30 a.m.Toronto,Guelph,Paimerston, &e. 8:81 p.m.11:10 " •' „ " :20 "
3:45 pan.'," Clinton, 0
Palmerston, Mixed.,.... 1200:8250;m'
0:1085 a.m.
London, Oto 11 "
14 7;50110 p.m
Kincardine, &a .. 6:30 a.m.
. 11:10 '
1:10 pin
0:45 8.111
3:20 pan,
11:10 a.1n
1:40 pan
COMMiasIONER IN E. C. .1., I$TO.
Josephine Street ' Mrgh4r:, Cot
J. A. Ifatsrlif, J. W. Sterr,
Mount Forest. I id•toi:u
Deposits Received and Y'ti's,r ist
Money .Actvanoed to Pa rn,ef'r• -,11d
I3usinem Men,
Ou long or short time, on en -1:,1:;:.: ,, :e,:
or collateral security, hale aatr,s 1:1;:::;.1►
at a fair valuatiou. 5Tonely row:tit.1 e:,. lI
parts of C' nada at roasontlb•14 ciia ..::•• a •
Special Attention Given to 0,'t-
leoting Accounts and Notes,.
Agents in Canada- 'c'ho iticrahunta ke ens
oS Caxtaa?it•
Wilco hours -from S a• m. to 5 p. m.
_ 1 EllrOg
4 11,1111110
Caving purchased the Custom Business of Messrs
ticCormick & Co, wish to intimate that they have
opened out in the shop two doors south of T'A Mills
Store, Wingham.
Boots and Shoes made to order from the I'.ee
Stock on short notice. Repairing neatly and
promptly done.
, Tho patronage of the public solicited, ani all work
We Woolen[ Milish to 11Inn11 1 hr nnin4•bliuo weer, tu,dthat wea will itbi
seasonglee special attention to
ViTdiseases peculiar to may. Dieu, young old, i } 77 .• HAMILTON, CUr O-itl'•.:i t
or ease middle-aged,. who Lied theuiyelve uery AAVJ.A OF ~ ° a-•K•. .:. ... .,,,, .,,
to all its branches, and will .reep in etc •1:
Ones of fiat -class goods, such as
nus, weals and exhausted, wbo are broken
down from exeeke or overwork, resultiu4 in
Many of the followiug syetp10018: Mental
deprossiou, pretuature old age,loes of vital.
ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness
of sight, palpitation of the heart, 01018810118
look of euergy, pant in the ktaIl y8, head-,
ache, pimples cu the face or body, itching
or peculiar seusatrou about the scrotum,
wasting of the organs, dizzo,ess, specks be-,
fore the eyes, twitching ut the u.u•Oles.eye
and elsewhere, be:miutia-4, deposits
of the urine, loss of will pewee. 1emier,,ess
of the scalp and 5111118, weak ,ted 11 1,oby
muscles, desire to sleep,failure 1 , b8 rusted
by sleep: uousttparu,u, duhuens •1 &tem tug.
loss of voice, desire for solitude ew,rability
of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with
LEADEN meta, oily looking skin etc axe
all symptoms of nervous deullity Llttt lead
to iusantty aud death 11/1103.8 "1,•1e1 1'lle
spring or vital force having lost Its t, 0810111
every futon mu walls:, w c• rqueIt8e.
Those who throush abuse (soma ti d in
ignorance luny be permit • •, c•tired.
Send your address for b0.,:, c,.. ,u diseases
peculiar to man Books 1,:1 11 • sr., ted.
Heart disease, the svmptolrl, .;1 tkliich are
faint spells. purple hp, nutubi,,.• pl.11nLae
MOO. skiu beats hoe, flushes, mei' of blood
to the beat, dull pain in the hr,lrl with
beats strong. rapid and ire... ilia, the , ,
•secoudheartbeat quicker thtnillti•• .p:..:ti i ( UI't13S t, OBS,
about the breastbone, cCt. •1• v,•ily ; L/'BELLS, &e.
be cured No Cure, etuo: p,•.1ato t for i I{tarso clothlni Ll ofIGti III ltiurtc,
book. AddreAs M.'V LUI3ON.I11,:I• etton. 1
ell Ave. 'Toronto, Canada
Capital, $1,200,000. Rest, $600,000 °waeN,
President -Jong STOAWr.
Viee•Presidont-A. a, 11 sisAy, Flannels,
W000, A. B. LEE (Toronto).
Cashier -J. TURNBULL,
Savings Bann -Hours, 10 to 8 ; Saturdays, to
1. Deposits 0151 and upwards received and interest r sl......."', i Y f
allowed. - Iui r;
special DepoRlts also received at current
euros of interest. fi Stock acus
Drafts m, eat Britain a/5d the United States
6R Stocking tl
bought and sold cr LD., &C.,
B, WILI.aSOl!I, Aosta.
MEYER ter DICKINSON, (made from pure wool onlylue:.
) c. for emu, ore..
_ - Solicitors. 6 cite.ntfefor wool
Call and set' onr stack nI :
W H IPb,
BIiUS111d .
tc3lji ,•
":"5:e7::,;-;:‘ 4'" .I
Rklf"'+a'=t'LS,.. dF,il L „ I,r ..l,i akecrklJt
ora Irom a distance eall Pave the it t
home with them the same day.
S 'Highest market price in cash for Meroh.ara ,
IIARNESS, . double and single, light or heavy,
mad: to order in the latest styles and of the best
Trunks, 'Valises, held ;lags, &a In stork and wil
be sold as cheap as the cheapest.
Repairing neatly and promptly done on short notice,
Tt The patronage of the public solicited, and satis
raction in work and mat, Hal guaranteed.
x :.ssf. .s'L.,Cas,t,k^.sacT•_IIav,.:no+•a
• • maid f /..trt5.4'DERweek
rc pl rr.^" a:3 •r.. C ntain the ,• aim
F:rrga'er , e =..f are •a u,,:t Yr t al
dr'filL"r9,."• fn ".7rfe.ism :: a.• ..1,'.,.:i ,:seg ti,.
SHOP -One door north of Canadian Express Office.
M. A %I BLEIt.
coal I t Car lot's sold din ' et to
consume s.
No I r terincdllate profits,
W to for Prices. •
S ecial Attention Given to So•
cle es and Clubs.
'• ' • A,
r 4 er 6 a: ap, , 21
11110lr•a. , I7 Are 11 l a i CC: i' etato
rrr.?1+l°•gt►'tyf !,li'a:. I aolno 1 e - the
c;Y r" fatal
a p°1,.a .0'03 hot
rlc•To he ?n! MIA
,e nil
•;q 1 o;lr t o t ,'
yi M.::.0300 Lt a, 8, 1 a , ii 1
;0. 'n
:init.:, •
y 1r t o e tr'in a
Rh A
1) 11en11red 111011'«
oa l etee1iiil580:
ov user 1 off
Mze, P1ucl4e O010111,618
_ (t t ap
s t. e;uitN.ntlir i'inlplr•, 1,1•1•01.4.g
treAtni uta iron '-•.r ,.met 0.' 8 ltrap;
Y au:lr eti. r •I er i * yr 7, ..
tea! nesb,9t•C 110•1t • ;ii1u Y,,,su1::'.•..1,r.'
,,r h.RCI -/,,8 in Old to .010 113. stun'I I . d:otdt.
A,A.. u.1ou i•'tt:,;I Leese;oil. ittlprovCresttmnht l,!rn
the brat. day. .tow to r ides tl ,.11 •1. "h 'n
11EA1K Uvntreur,fetyt 011e:r4,1 Axa 1' r.:n Ow
Boot. Alen to: trey 1'010 3(i Stnwa and , Os:CLIA
Ccuatricr. WS -1W Ulcer. 11001:, ecp 1r would
and proofslnsil.•.1(sealee>frce, Address,
Went i1Lt:Cr1iL`Ail, Co., tUIJFlt'AJ.0, NY.T
INGI,1;:.1,• CO `1.,
Willa haat(
e Alt. , Scientific American
Agency for
TRAD 81A tiTs.
COPYRIC)11TS, etc.
For information and free Handbook write to
Oldest bureau for securing patents in Americo,.
Rverypatent taken out by ns is brought before
the public by a notice given free of charge in the
5neuti it Atilevirm
Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the
Iworld. Splendldl3 nlustratCd. No intelilgent
man should be onths.t it. Weekly. B3.0l a
year; $1.60 Six months. Address Mt1NN k O.,
PIISLTSRER5.881 Broadway. Nese York.
$1,000.00 FiEvilARD
Offered for any.1tachino that will do as great ranee of trsrk, and do .'
it as enaily a .] 0.0 well as can he done on the tarts V& tleal Petri
Sewing Machine. This offer has been before the, pnbite fur the past
ton years. It has 1.ot been claimed. proving th:yt (1t" Dhvt.: Cortical
Feed is the "[lest' on Earth." ,
ltrtonding purchasers will make a mistake if .they don't see thin
machine before buying. Guaranteed for ten yews[' 1:5 tum mnitufac•'
turers and myself.
The first Davis Sawing Menthe was made iu1866In Watertown,
N. Y. The new factory is located at Dayton Ohio, and is rho most
complete Seeing Machine factory in the United $totes, its monk
being 400 machines per day. it has over 4 notes of door space.
and everything in the implement line, from the best .talar!, nlwa's
in stook.
smite ita speclnl point to .seep always a full stock Maimed.
NEEDLES for all kinds of eewtng machines, also 01. last 011
and repairs.
N. If, Agoat for the AtasseyIlarris Co. Ltd, of'Toronto, lirantfot1l tlui W,wdstock.
, H . P "., a,.
' Winehatn, Ont
A Blessing to Every Household. •
TO sc remedies have otood Meted of fifty years oxnertence, and are llronounev.l the hist. Uri:.
Fatillty 1180.
main, PariL1
urli3 blood,l eorreet all disorders of the LIVER, STOtdAC11101.1Nity( AND BOW I• ; ;
invaluable yln all complaints incidental to fe/nta«les Anil 8515..
11 V..J.L.4 7 .J.i.LY.G.w[:.ti.1
Is thornily reusable reltrtity for had leps, sorra,ulcers, and oldwtt•rde. 1•'111 1111G if`11f9'. Is. s
TIIR04178, (010115, r•OLDfI, 1,011T, ItP'Et'1tIATIy;1', 11LADt't,A11 '4W1:I.I1,1.1 , ..0 18 :tlf t
81554513•'8. IT HAS 140 NUM.. Manufactured only et 78, Ne* baited, Late 510„ teal. -111 htrea•t. 2 n,
and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world.
t "1.>urhasere Altould look to tlio Label oft the telt.:• end festa. Ti the 11,1
'ton II:3 Oxford Street, London, they ate *delete.